Python qgis.core.QgsMessageLog.logMessage() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of qgis.core.QgsMessageLog.logMessage().
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Example #1
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def loadDatabase(self, idx): """ Loads the selected database """ try: if self.abstractDb is not None: self.closeDatabase() if self.serverAbstractDb is not None and idx > 0: if not self.instantiateAbstractDb: self.abstractDb = self.abstractDbFactory.createDbFactory(DsgEnums.DriverPostGIS) (host, port, user, password) = self.serverAbstractDb.getDatabaseParameters() dbName = self.connectionSelectorComboBox.itemText(idx).split(' (')[0] self.abstractDb.connectDatabaseWithParameters(host, port, dbName, user, password) self.abstractDb.checkAndOpenDb() self.dbChanged.emit(self.abstractDb) self.connectionChanged.emit() except Exception as e: self.closeDatabase() self.problemOccurred.emit('A problem occurred! Check log for details.')) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(':'.join(e.args), "DSGTools Plugin", Qgis.Critical)
Example #2
Source File: From qgis-cartodb with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def editConnectionDialog(self): # Modify existing connection. currentText = self.ui.connectionList.currentText() apiKey = self.settings.value('/CartoDBPlugin/%s/api' % currentText) multiuser = self.settings.value('/CartoDBPlugin/%s/multiuser' % currentText, False) QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Multiuser:' + str(multiuser) + ' - ' + str(bool(multiuser)), 'CartoDB Plugin', QgsMessageLog.INFO) conEdit = CartoDBNewConnectionDialog(currentText) conEdit.setWindowTitle(QApplication.translate('CartoDBPlugin', 'Edit CartoDB Connection')) conEdit.ui.userTX.setText(currentText) conEdit.ui.apiKeyTX.setText(apiKey) conEdit.ui.multiuserCH.setChecked(str(multiuser) in ['true', '1', 'True']) result = conEdit.exec_() if result == QDialog.Accepted: # Update connection list self.populateConnectionList()
Example #3
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def listClassesFromDatabase(self): ''' List all classes from database ''' self.classes = [] self.classesListWidget.clear() self.dbVersion = self.widget.getDBVersion() self.qmlPath = self.widget.getQmlPath() self.parentClassList = self.widget.abstractDb.getOrphanGeomTablesWithElements(loading = True) self.classes = [] try: self.classes = self.widget.abstractDb.listGeomClassesFromDatabase() except Exception as e:"CRITICAL!"),'A problem occurred! Check log for details.'), level=QgsMessageBar.CRITICAL) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(':'.join(e.args), 'DSGTools Plugin', Qgis.Critical) if self.onlyParentsCheckBox.isChecked() and not self.widget.isSpatialite: self.classesListWidget.addItems(self.parentClassList) else: self.classesListWidget.addItems(self.classes) self.classesListWidget.sortItems()
Example #4
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def getDbInfo(self): """ Gets database info. This info is used to create a profile model that will be adjusted by the user """ currentPath = os.path.dirname(__file__) if self.versionCombo.currentText() == '2.1.3': edgvPath = os.path.join(currentPath, '..', 'DbTools', 'SpatialiteTool', 'template', '213', 'seed_edgv213.sqlite') elif self.versionCombo.currentText() == 'FTer_2a_Ed': edgvPath = os.path.join(currentPath, '..', 'DbTools', 'SpatialiteTool', 'template', 'FTer_2a_Ed', 'seed_edgvfter_2a_ed.sqlite') self.abstractDb = self.abstractDbFactory.createDbFactory(DsgEnums.DriverSpatiaLite) if not self.abstractDb: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.warning(self,'Warning!'),'A problem occurred! Check log for details.')) return self.abstractDb.connectDatabase(edgvPath) try: self.abstractDb.checkAndOpenDb() except Exception as e: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(self,'Critical!'),'A problem occurred! Check log for details.')) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(':'.join(e.args), 'DSGTools Plugin', Qgis.Critical)
Example #5
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def loadDatabase(self, currentText): """ Loads the selected database """ try: if not self.currentDb(): # in case no datasource was selected return self.setAbstractDb() msg = self.validate() self.dbChanged.emit(self.abstractDb) self.connectionChanged.emit() # if msg: # raise Exception(msg) except Exception as e: self.problemOccurred.emit('A problem occurred! Check log for details.')) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(':'.join(e.args), "DSGTools Plugin", Qgis.Critical)
Example #6
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def validate(self): """ Verifies contents displayed on mapping table in order to infer its validity as datasource conversion map. :return: (bool) map validity status. """ # validate map msg = self.invalidatedReason() if msg: # if an invalidation reason was given, warn user and nothing else. msgBar = QgsMessageBar(self) # if window is resized, msgBar stays, not ideal, but works for now # maybe we should connect to some parent resizing signal or something... msgBar.resize(QSize(self.geometry().size().width(), msgBar.geometry().height())) msgBar.pushMessage('Warning!'), msg, level=Qgis.Warning, duration=5) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(msg, 'DSGTools Plugin', Qgis.Critical) return msg == ''
Example #7
Source File: From qgis-cartodb with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _updateGeometries(self, changedGeometries): for featureID, geom in changedGeometries.iteritems(): QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Update geometry for feature ID: ' + str(featureID), 'CartoDB Plugin', QgsMessageLog.INFO) request = QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid(featureID) try: sql = "UPDATE " + self._schema() + self.cartoTable + " SET the_geom = " feature = self.getFeatures(request).next() sql = sql + "ST_GeomFromText('" + geom.exportToWkt() + "', ST_SRID(the_geom)) WHERE cartodb_id = " + unicode(feature['cartodb_id']) sql = sql.encode('utf-8') res = self._updateSQL(sql, 'Some error ocurred updating geometry') if isinstance(res, dict) and res['total_rows'] == 1: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('Info', 'Geometry for cartodb_id ' + str(feature['cartodb_id']) + ' was updated from ' + str(self.cartoTable) + ' at CartoDB servers', level=self.iface.messageBar().INFO, duration=10) except StopIteration: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('Warning', 'Can\'t get feature with fid ' + str(featureID), level=self.iface.messageBar().WARNING, duration=10)
Example #8
Source File: From qgis-cartodb with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _deleteFeatures(self, deletedFeatureIds): provider = self.dataProvider() for featureID in deletedFeatureIds: QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Delete feature with feature ID: ' + str(featureID), 'CartoDB Plugin', QgsMessageLog.INFO) request = QgsFeatureRequest().setFilterFid(featureID) try: feature = provider.getFeatures(request).next() sql = "DELETE FROM " + self._schema() + self.cartoTable + " WHERE cartodb_id = " + unicode(feature['cartodb_id']) res = self._updateSQL(sql, 'Some error ocurred deleting feature') if isinstance(res, dict) and res['total_rows'] == 1: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('Info', 'Feature with cartodb_id ' + str(feature['cartodb_id']) + ' was deleted from ' + str(self.cartoTable) + ' at CartoDB servers', level=self.iface.messageBar().INFO, duration=10) except StopIteration: self.iface.messageBar().pushMessage('Warning', 'Can\'t get feature from dataprovider with fid ' + str(featureID), level=self.iface.messageBar().WARNING, duration=10) self._deletedFeatures = []
Example #9
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def loadLayer(self, inputParam, parentNode, uniqueLoad, stylePath, domLayerDict): """ Loads a layer :param lyrName: Layer nmae :param idSubgrupo: sub group id :param uniqueLoad: boolean to mark if the layer should only be loaded once :param stylePath: path to the styles used :param domLayerDict: domain dictionary :return: """ lyrName, schema, geomColumn, tableName, srid = self.getParams(inputParam) lyr = self.checkLoaded(tableName) if uniqueLoad and lyr: return lyr self.setDataSource('', '_'.join([schema,tableName]), geomColumn, '') vlayer = QgsVectorLayer(self.uri.uri(), tableName, self.provider) QgsProject.instance().addMapLayer(vlayer, addToLegend = False) crs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(int(srid), QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.EpsgCrsId) vlayer.setCrs(crs) vlayer = self.setDomainsAndRestrictionsWithQml(vlayer) vlayer = self.setMulti(vlayer,domLayerDict) if stylePath: fullPath = self.getStyle(stylePath, tableName) if fullPath: vlayer.loadNamedStyle(fullPath, True) parentNode.addLayer(vlayer) if not vlayer.isValid(): QgsMessageLog.logMessage(vlayer.error().summary(), "DSGTools Plugin", Qgis.Critical) vlayer = self.createMeasureColumn(vlayer) return vlayer
Example #10
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def loadDatabase(self, currentText): """ Loads the selected database. currentText: (str) text as shown on datasource combo box. """ try: if not self.currentDb(): # in case no datasource was selected return self.setAbstractDb() msg = self.validate() self.dbChanged.emit(self.abstractDb) self.connectionChanged.emit() # if msg: # raise Exception(msg) except Exception as e: self.problemOccurred.emit('A problem occurred! Check log for details.')) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(':'.join(e.args), "DSGTools Plugin", Qgis.Critical)
Example #11
Source File: From qgis-cartodb with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def addSQL(self): # Create and show the dialog dlg = CartoDBNewSQLDialog(self.toolbar) result = dlg.exec_() if result == 1 and dlg.currentUser is not None and dlg.currentApiKey is not None: sql = dlg.getQuery() progressMessageBar, progress = self.addLoadingMsg(1) QgsMessageLog.logMessage('SQL: ' + sql, 'CartoDB Plugin', QgsMessageLog.INFO) layer = CartoDBLayer(self.iface, 'SQLQuery', dlg.currentUser, dlg.currentApiKey, sql=sql, isSQL=True) QgsMapLayerRegistry.instance().addMapLayer(layer) self.layers.append(layer) progress.setValue(1) self.iface.mainWindow().statusBar().clearMessage() self.iface.messageBar().popWidget(progressMessageBar)
Example #12
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def loadDatabase(self, currentText): """ Loads the selected database """ try: if not self.currentDb(): # in case no datasource was selected self.closeDatabase() elif not self.instantiateAbstractDb: self.abstractDb = self.abstractDbFactory.createDbFactory(self.driver) self.abstractDb.connectDatabase(conn=currentText) self.abstractDb.checkAndOpenDb() self.dbChanged.emit(self.abstractDb) self.connectionChanged.emit() except Exception as e: self.closeDatabase() self.problemOccurred.emit('A problem occurred! Check log for details.')) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(':'.join(e.args), "DSGTools Plugin", Qgis.Critical)
Example #13
Source File: From dzetsaka with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def pushFeedback(message, feedback=None): isNum = isinstance(message, (float, int)) if feedback and feedback is not True: if feedback == 'gui': if not isNum: QgsMessageLog.logMessage(str(message)) else: if isNum: feedback.setProgress(message) else: feedback.setProgressText(message) else: if not isNum: print(str(message)) """ else: print(52*"=") print(((int(message/2)-3)*'-'+(str(message)+'%'))) print(52*"=") """
Example #14
Source File: From orstools-qgis-plugin with MIT License | 6 votes |
def log(message, level_in=0): """ Writes to QGIS inbuilt logger accessible through panel. :param message: logging message to write, error or URL. :type message: str :param level_in: integer representation of logging level. :type level_in: int """ if level_in == 0: level = Qgis.Info elif level_in == 1: level = Qgis.Warning elif level_in == 2: level = Qgis.Critical else: level = Qgis.Info QgsMessageLog.logMessage(message, PLUGIN_NAME.strip(), level)
Example #15
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def checkConditions(self): """ Check the conditions to see if the tool can be used """ if not self.widget.abstractDb: QMessageBox.critical(self,'Critical!'),'Please, select a database.')) return False try: version = self.widget.abstractDb.getDatabaseVersion() except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(self,'Critical!'),'Problem obtaining database version! Please, check log for details.')) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(':'.join(e.args), "DSGTools Plugin", Qgis.Critical) return False if 'version' not in list(self.reclassificationDict.keys()): QMessageBox.critical(self,'Critical!'),'File not formated propperly.')) return False if self.reclassificationDict['version'] != version: QMessageBox.critical(self,'Critical!'),'Database version does not match the field toolbox version.')) return False return True
Example #16
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def getDbsFromServer(self, name): """ Gets server databases name: server name """ gen = self.factory.createSqlGenerator(driver=DsgEnums.DriverPostGIS) (host, port, user, password) = self.getServerConfiguration(name) database = 'postgres' postgisDb = self.dbFactory.createDbFactory(DsgEnums.DriverPostGIS) postgisDb.connectDatabaseWithParameters(host, port, database, user, password) if not QgsMessageLog.logMessage(db.lastError().text(), "DSGTools Plugin", Qgis.Critical) QMessageBox.critical(self.iface.mainWindow(),'Critical'),'A problem occurred! Check log for details.')) query = QSqlQuery(gen.getDatabasesFromServer(), postgisDb.db) if not query.isActive(): QMessageBox.critical(self.iface.mainWindow(),'Critical'),"Problem executing query: ")+query.lastError().text()) dbList = [] while dbList.append(query.value(0)) postgisDb.closeDatabase() return self.browseServer(dbList, host, port, user, password)
Example #17
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def loadAssociatedFeatures(self): """ Loads all features associated to a complex """ self.treeWidget.clear() if self.complexCombo.currentIndex() == 0: return complex = self.complexCombo.currentText() associatedDict = dict() try: associatedDict = self.abstractDb.loadAssociatedFeatures(complex) except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(self.iface.mainWindow(),'Critical'),'A problem occurred! Check log for details.')) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(':'.join(e.args), 'DSGTools Plugin', Qgis.Critical) for name in list(associatedDict.keys()): for complex_uuid in list(associatedDict[name].keys()): self.addAssociatedFeature(complex, name, complex_uuid, None, None) for aggregated_class in associatedDict[name][complex_uuid]: for ogc_fid in associatedDict[name][complex_uuid][aggregated_class]: self.addAssociatedFeature(complex, name, complex_uuid, aggregated_class, ogc_fid)
Example #18
Source File: From qfieldsync with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, message, exception=None, long_message=None, tag="QFieldSync"): """ an Exception that automatically logs the error to the QgsMessageLog :param exception: :param message: a short message to be logged and used by str() :param long_message: a longer message only shown in the log """ # Call the base class constructor with the parameters it needs super(QFieldSyncError, self).__init__(message) self.message = message self.exception = exception self.long_message = long_message log_message = self.message if self.long_message is not None: log_message = "\nDetails:\n %s" % self.long_message if self.exception is not None: log_message = "\nException:\n %s" % self.long_message QgsMessageLog.logMessage(log_message, tag, Qgis.Critical)
Example #19
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def updateLayerOnDisassociate(self, layer, aggregated_class, link_column, id): """ Updates the layer upon disassociation from complex layer: layer that will be afected aggregated_class: aggregated class link_column: link column between complex and class id: feature id """ try: if self.abstractDb.isComplexClass(aggregated_class): self.abstractDb.disassociateComplexFromComplex(aggregated_class, link_column, id) else: #field index that will be set to NULL fieldIndex = [i for i in range(len(layer.dataProvider().fields())) if layer.dataProvider().fields()[i].name() == link_column] #attribute pair that will be changed attrs = {fieldIndex[0]:None} #actual update in the database layer.dataProvider().changeAttributeValues({int(id):attrs}) except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(self.iface.mainWindow(),"Critical!"), e.args[0]) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(':'.join(e.args), 'DSGTools Plugin', Qgis.Critical)
Example #20
Source File: From qgis-earthengine-plugin with MIT License | 6 votes |
def update_ee_image_layer(image, layer, shown=True, opacity=1.0): check_version() url = "type=xyz&url=" + get_ee_image_url(image) provider = layer.dataProvider() msg = 'Updating layer with provider %s' % (type(provider).__name__, ) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(msg, 'Earth Engine') provider.setDataSourceUri(url) provider.reloadData() layer.triggerRepaint() layer.reload() iface.mapCanvas().refresh() item = QgsProject.instance().layerTreeRoot().findLayer( if not (shown is None): item.setItemVisibilityChecked(shown)
Example #21
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def populateComboBox(self): """ Fills the complex combo box with complex classes """ #getting all complex tables self.complexCombo.clear() self.complexCombo.addItem("select a complex class")) complexClasses = [] try: complexClasses = self.abstractDb.listComplexClassesFromDatabase() except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(self.iface.mainWindow(),"Critical!"), ':'.join(e.args)) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(e.args[0], 'DSGTools Plugin', Qgis.Critical) self.complexCombo.addItems(complexClasses)
Example #22
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def testServer(self, name): ''' Tests if the server is online ''' abstractDb = self.abstractDbFactory.createDbFactory(DsgEnums.DriverPostGIS) if not abstractDb: QMessageBox.critical(self,'Critical!'),'A problem occurred! Check log for details.')) return False (host, port, user, password) = abstractDb.getServerConfiguration(name) abstractDb.connectDatabaseWithParameters(host, port, 'postgres', user, password) try: abstractDb.checkAndOpenDb() abstractDb.closeDatabase() return True except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(self,'Critical!'),'A problem occurred! Check log for details.')) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(':'.join(e.args), 'DSGTools Plugin', Qgis.Critical) abstractDb.closeDatabase() return False
Example #23
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def setCRS(self): """ Sets the CRS information """ try: self.epsg = self.abstractDb.findEPSG() if self.epsg == -1: self.problemOccurred.emit('Coordinate Reference System not set or invalid!')) else: = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem(self.epsg, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.EpsgCrsId) if self.isSpatialite: self.spatialiteCrsEdit.setText( self.spatialiteCrsEdit.setReadOnly(True) else: self.postGISCrsEdit.setText( self.postGISCrsEdit.setReadOnly(True) except Exception as e: self.problemOccurred.emit('A problem occurred! Check log for details.')) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(':'.join(e.args), "DSGTools Plugin", Qgis.Critical)
Example #24
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def logInternalError(self, exceptionDict): """ Logs all internal errors into QGIS' log """ msg = '' errorDbList = list(exceptionDict.keys()) if len(errorDbList)> 0: msg +='\nUsers with error:') msg+= ', '.join(errorDbList) msg+='\nError messages for each user were output in qgis log.') for errorDb in errorDbList: QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Error for user ')+ errorDb + ': ' +exceptionDict[errorDb], "DSGTools Plugin", Qgis.Critical) return msg
Example #25
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def logInternalError(self, exceptionDict): msg = '' errorDbList = list(exceptionDict.keys()) if len(errorDbList)> 0: msg +='\Profiles with error:') msg+= ', '.join(errorDbList) msg+='\nError messages for each profile were output in qgis log.') for errorDb in errorDbList: QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Error for profile ')+ errorDb + ': ' +exceptionDict[errorDb], "DSGTools Plugin", Qgis.Critical) return msg
Example #26
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def validatePage(self): #insert validation messages validatedDbParams = self.databaseParameterWidget.validate() if not validatedDbParams: return False validated = self.tabDbSelectorWidget.validate() if not validated: return False parameterDict = self.getParameters() dbDict, errorDict = self.createDatabases(parameterDict) creationMsg = '' if len(list(dbDict.keys())) > 0: creationMsg +='Database(s) {0} created successfully.').format(', '.join(list(dbDict.keys()))) errorFrameMsg = '' errorMsg = '' if len(list(errorDict.keys())) > 0: frameList = [] errorList = [] for key in list(errorDict.keys()): if'Invalid inomen parameter!') in errorDict[key]: frameList.append(key) else: errorList.append(key) QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Error on {0}: ').format(key)+errorDict[key], "DSGTools Plugin", Qgis.Critical) if len(frameList) > 0: errorFrameMsg +='Frame was not created on the following databases: {0}').format(', '.join(frameList)) if len(errorList) > 0: errorMsg +='Some errors occurred while trying to create database(s) {0}').format(', '.join(errorList)) logMsg = '' if errorFrameMsg != '' or errorMsg != '': logMsg +='Check log for more details.') msg = [i for i in (creationMsg, errorFrameMsg, errorMsg, logMsg) if i != ''] QMessageBox.warning(self,'Info!'),'Process finished.')+'\n'+'\n'.join(msg)) return True
Example #27
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def populateTreeDict(self): """ Makes a tree widget were the user can define profile properties """ try: geomTypeDict = self.abstractDb.getGeomTypeDict() geomDict = self.abstractDb.getGeomDict(geomTypeDict, insertCategory = True) except Exception as e: QMessageBox.critical(self,'Critical!'),'A problem occurred! Check log for details.')) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(':'.join(e.args), 'DSGTools Plugin', Qgis.Critical) return version = self.abstractDb.getDatabaseVersion() self.profile = dict() categories = dict() for layerName in list(geomDict.keys()): schema = geomDict[layerName]['schema'] category = geomDict[layerName]['category'] if schema not in list(categories.keys()): categories[schema] = dict() if category not in list(categories[schema].keys()): categories[schema][category] = dict() if layerName not in categories[schema][category]: categories[schema][category][layerName] = dict() categories[schema][category][layerName]['read'] = '0' categories[schema][category][layerName]['write'] = '0' self.profile['database'+'_'+version] = categories
Example #28
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def validatePage(self): #insert validation messages validatedDbParams = self.databaseParameterWidget.validate() if not validatedDbParams: return False validated = self.tabDbSelectorWidget.validate() if not validated: return False parameterDict = self.getParameters() dbDict, errorDict = self.createDatabases(parameterDict) creationMsg = '' if len(list(dbDict.keys())) > 0: creationMsg +='Database(s) {0} created successfully.').format(', '.join(list(dbDict.keys()))) errorMsg = '' if len(list(errorDict.keys())) > 0: frameList = [] errorList = [] for key in list(errorDict.keys()): errorList.append(key) QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Error on {0}: ').format(key)+errorDict[key], "DSGTools Plugin", Qgis.Critical) if len(errorList) > 0: errorMsg +='Some errors occurred while trying to create database(s) {0}').format(', '.join(errorList)) logMsg = '' if errorMsg != '': logMsg +='Check log for more details.') msg = [i for i in (creationMsg, errorMsg, logMsg) if i != ''] QMessageBox.warning(self,'Info!'),'Process finished.')+'\n'+'\n'.join(msg)) return True
Example #29
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def logInternalError(self, exceptionDict): """ exceptionDict = {configName: {dbName: errorText}} """ msg = '' configList = list(exceptionDict.keys()) if len(configList) > 0: msg +='\nConfig with error:') + ','.join(configList) msg+='\nError messages for each config and database were output in qgis log.') for config in configList: for dbName in list(exceptionDict[config].keys()): if exceptionDict[config][dbName] != dict(): QgsMessageLog.logMessage('Error for config ')+ config + ' in database ' +dbName+' : '+exceptionDict[config][dbName], "DSGTools Plugin", Qgis.Critical) return msg
Example #30
Source File: From DsgTools with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def populateTreeDict(self): """ Makes a tree widget were the user can define profile properties """ self.getDbInfo() tables = [] try: tables = self.abstractDb.getTablesFromDatabase() except Exception as e: QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(self,'Critical!'),'A problem occurred! Check log for details.')) QgsMessageLog.logMessage(':'.join(e.args), 'DSGTools Plugin', Qgis.Critical) self.profile = dict() categories = dict() for tableName in tables: #proceed only for edgv tables if tableName.split("_")[-1] == "p" or tableName.split("_")[-1] == "l" or tableName.split("_")[-1] == "a" or tableName.split("_")[0] == 'complexos' or tableName.split("_")[0] == 'dominios': layerName = tableName.split('_')[0]+'.'+'_'.join(tableName.split('_')[1::]) split = tableName.split('_') if len(split) < 2: continue schema = split[0] category = split[1] if schema not in list(categories.keys()): categories[schema] = dict() if category not in list(categories[schema].keys()): categories[schema][category] = dict() if layerName not in categories[schema][category]: categories[schema][category][layerName] = dict() categories[schema][category][layerName]['read'] = '0' categories[schema][category][layerName]['write'] = '0' self.profile['database'+'_'+self.versionCombo.currentText()] = categories