Python elementtree.ElementTree.Element() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of elementtree.ElementTree.Element().
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Example #1
Source File: From InternationalizationScript-iOS with MIT License | 6 votes |
def skip_subject_body(self, type, token, start, end, line): # for now, just hand control back to the pythondoc scanner, # and let it skip over the subject body while looking for the # next marker. return self.look_for_pythondoc(type, token, start, end, line) ## # Parses a module. # <p> # This function creates a {@link #ModuleParser} instance, and uses it # to parse the given file. For details, see {@linkplain #ModuleParser # the <b>ModuleParser</b> documentation}. # # @param file Name of the module source file, or a file object. # @param prefix Optional name prefix. # @keyparam docstring If true, look for markup in docstrings. # @return An element tree containing the module description. # @defreturn Element. # @exception IOError If the file could not be found, or could not # be opened for reading.
Example #2
Source File: From pysunspec with MIT License | 6 votes |
def to_pics(self, parent, single_repeating=True): """ Adds the model and all elements within the model to the parent element. If *single_repeating* is True, only the first repeating block is added to the document. Parameters: parent : Element Tree element on which to place the model element. single_repeating : Flag to indicate whether to include a single or all repeating blocks within the model in the PICS document. """ attr = {pics.PICS_ATTR_ID: str(, pics.PICS_ATTR_LEN: str(self.len)} if self.index != 1: attr[pics.PICS_ATTR_INDEX] = str(self.index) e = ET.SubElement(parent, pics.PICS_MODEL, attrib=attr) for block in self.blocks: if single_repeating == False or block.index <= 1: block.to_pics(e)
Example #3
Source File: From pysunspec with MIT License | 6 votes |
def to_pics(self, parent): """Adds the point to the parent element. Parameters: parent : Element Tree element on which to place the point element. """ attr = {pics.PICS_ATTR_ID: str(} if self.value is None: attr[pics.PICS_ATTR_IMPLEMENTED] = str(pics.PICS_IMPLEMENTED_FALSE) else: if self.point_type.access != suns.SUNS_ACCESS_R: access = [key for key, value in pics.pics_access_types.items() if value == suns.SUNS_ACCESS_RW][0] attr[pics.PICS_ATTR_ACCESS] = str(access) e = ET.SubElement(parent, pics.PICS_POINT, attrib=attr) if self.value_base is not None: e.text = str(self.value_base).rstrip('\0')
Example #4
Source File: From InternationalizationScript-iOS with MIT License | 6 votes |
def getsummary(description): description = flatten(description) # extract the first sentence from the description m ="(?s)(.+?\.)\s", description + " ") if m: return return description # sorry ## # (Helper) Parses HTML descriptor text into an XHTML structure. # # @param parser Parser instance (provides a warning method). # @param text Text fragment. # @return An element tree containing XHTML data. # @defreturn Element.
Example #5
Source File: From pysunspec with MIT License | 6 votes |
def from_pics(self, element): """Sets the block contents based on an element tree model type element contained in a SunSpec PICS document. Parameters: element : Element Tree model element. """ for p in element.findall('*'): if p.tag != pics.PICS_POINT: raise SunSpecError("Unexpected '{}' element in '{}' element".format(p.tag, element.tag)) pid = p.attrib.get(pics.PICS_ATTR_ID) point = self.points.get(pid) if point is None: point = self.points_sf.get(pid) if point is not None: point.from_pics(p) # resolve scale factor values in points, must be done after all points in block are read for point in self.points_list: if point.sf_point is not None: point.value_sf = point.sf_point.value_base
Example #6
Source File: From pysunspec with MIT License | 6 votes |
def to_pics(self, parent, single_repeating=True): """Adds the device and all elements within the device to the parent element. If *single_repeating* is True, only the first repeating block for each model is added to the document. Parameters: parent : Element Tree element on which to place the device element. single_repeating : Flag to indicate whether to include a single or all repeating blocks within each model in the PICS document. """ attr = {pics.PICS_ATTR_VERSION: str(pics.PICS_VERSION)} e = ET.SubElement(parent, pics.PICS_DEVICE, attrib=attr) for model in self.models_list: model.to_pics(e, single_repeating=single_repeating)
Example #7
Source File: From pysunspec with MIT License | 6 votes |
def to_xml_str(self, pretty_print=False): attr = {} if self.version: attr[SDX_SUNSPEC_DATA_VERSION] = self.version self.root = ET.Element(SDX_SUNSPEC_DATA, attrib=attr) for d in self.device_data: d.to_xml(self.root) if pretty_print: util.indent(self.root) out = ET.tostring(self.root) if sys.version_info > (3,): temp = "" for i in out: temp += chr(i) out = temp return out
Example #8
Source File: From InternationalizationScript-iOS with MIT License | 6 votes |
def getsummary(description): description = flatten(description) # extract the first sentence from the description m ="(?s)(.+?\.)\s", description + " ") if m: return return description # sorry ## # (Helper) Parses HTML descriptor text into an XHTML structure. # # @param parser Parser instance (provides a warning method). # @param text Text fragment. # @return An element tree containing XHTML data. # @defreturn Element.
Example #9
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _harvest_tree(self, tree, version=1): """Populates object members from the data in the tree Element.""" qname, elements, attributes = self.__class__._get_rules(version) for element in tree: if elements and element.tag in elements: definition = elements[element.tag] # If this is a repeating element, make sure the member is set to a # list. if definition[2]: if getattr(self, definition[0]) is None: setattr(self, definition[0], []) getattr(self, definition[0]).append(_xml_element_from_tree(element, definition[1], version)) else: setattr(self, definition[0], _xml_element_from_tree(element, definition[1], version)) else: self._other_elements.append(_xml_element_from_tree(element, XmlElement, version)) for attrib, value in tree.attrib.items(): if attributes and attrib in attributes: setattr(self, attributes[attrib], value) else: self._other_attributes[attrib] = value if tree.text: self.text = tree.text
Example #10
Source File: From spitfire with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_kid_et(): """Kid template + cElementTree""" _table = cet.Element('table') for row in table: td = cet.SubElement(_table, 'tr') for c in row.values(): cet.SubElement(td, 'td').text=str(c) kid_tmpl2.table = _table kid_tmpl2.serialize(output='html')
Example #11
Source File: From faces with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def Element(tag, attrib=None, nsmap=None, nsdict=CNSD): if attrib is None: attrib = {} tag, attrib = fix_ns(tag, attrib, nsdict) if WhichElementTree == 'lxml': el = etree.Element(tag, attrib, nsmap=nsmap) else: el = _ElementInterfaceWrapper(tag, attrib) return el
Example #12
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def handle_basic_atts(self, node): if isinstance(node, nodes.Element) and node['ids']: self.pending_ids += node['ids']
Example #13
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def ToString(self): element_tree = self._TransferToElementTree(ElementTree.Element('')) return ElementTree.tostring(element_tree, encoding="UTF-8")
Example #14
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _ToElementTree(self): """ Note, this method is designed to be used only with classes that have a _tag and _namespace. It is placed in AtomBase for inheritance but should not be called on this class. """ new_tree = ElementTree.Element('{%s}%s' % (self.__class__._namespace, self.__class__._tag)) self._AddMembersToElementTree(new_tree) return new_tree
Example #15
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _ToElementTree(self): new_tree = ElementTree.Element('{%s}%s' % (self.__class__._namespace, self.column)) self._AddMembersToElementTree(new_tree) return new_tree
Example #16
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _BecomeChildElement(self, tree): new_child = ElementTree.Element('') tree.append(new_child) new_child.tag = '{%s}%s' % (self.__class__._namespace, self.column) self._AddMembersToElementTree(new_child)
Example #17
Source File: From spitfire with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_cet(): """cElementTree""" _table = cet.Element('table') for row in table: tr = cet.SubElement(_table, 'tr') for c in row.values(): cet.SubElement(tr, 'td').text=str(c) cet.tostring(_table)
Example #18
Source File: From spitfire with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_et(): """ElementTree""" _table = et.Element('table') for row in table: tr = et.SubElement(_table, 'tr') for c in row.values(): et.SubElement(tr, 'td').text=str(c) et.tostring(_table)
Example #19
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _BecomeChildElement(self, tree): """ Note: Only for use with classes that have a _tag and _namespace class member. It is in AtomBase so that it can be inherited but it should not be called on instances of AtomBase. """ new_child = ElementTree.Element('') tree.append(new_child) new_child.tag = '{%s}%s' % (self.__class__._namespace, self.__class__._tag) self._AddMembersToElementTree(new_child)
Example #20
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def add_doc_title(self): text = self.settings.title if text: self.title = text if not self.found_doc_title: el = Element('text:p', attrib = { 'text:style-name': self.rststyle('title'), }) el.text = text self.body_text_element.insert(0, el) el = self.find_first_text_p(self.body_text_element) if el is not None: self.attach_page_style(el)
Example #21
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_manifest(self): if WhichElementTree == 'lxml': root = Element('manifest:manifest', nsmap=MANIFEST_NAMESPACE_DICT, nsdict=MANIFEST_NAMESPACE_DICT, ) else: root = Element('manifest:manifest', attrib=MANIFEST_NAMESPACE_ATTRIB, nsdict=MANIFEST_NAMESPACE_DICT, ) doc = etree.ElementTree(root) SubElement(root, 'manifest:file-entry', attrib={ 'manifest:media-type': self.MIME_TYPE, 'manifest:full-path': '/', }, nsdict=MANNSD) SubElement(root, 'manifest:file-entry', attrib={ 'manifest:media-type': 'text/xml', 'manifest:full-path': 'content.xml', }, nsdict=MANNSD) SubElement(root, 'manifest:file-entry', attrib={ 'manifest:media-type': 'text/xml', 'manifest:full-path': 'styles.xml', }, nsdict=MANNSD) SubElement(root, 'manifest:file-entry', attrib={ 'manifest:media-type': 'text/xml', 'manifest:full-path': 'settings.xml', }, nsdict=MANNSD) SubElement(root, 'manifest:file-entry', attrib={ 'manifest:media-type': 'text/xml', 'manifest:full-path': 'meta.xml', }, nsdict=MANNSD) s1 = ToString(doc) doc = minidom.parseString(s1) s1 = doc.toprettyxml(' ') return s1
Example #22
Source File: From blackmamba with MIT License | 5 votes |
def Element(tag, attrib=None, nsmap=None, nsdict=CNSD): if attrib is None: attrib = {} tag, attrib = fix_ns(tag, attrib, nsdict) if WhichElementTree == 'lxml': el = etree.Element(tag, attrib, nsmap=nsmap) else: el = _ElementInterfaceWrapper(tag, attrib) return el
Example #23
Source File: From MARA_Framework with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def exportTopicTreeSpecXml(moduleName=None, rootTopic=None, bak='bak', moduleDoc=None): """ If rootTopic is None, then pub.getDefaultTopicTreeRoot() is assumed. """ if rootTopic is None: from .. import pub rootTopic = pub.getDefaultTopicTreeRoot() elif py2and3.isstring(rootTopic): from .. import pub rootTopic = pub.getTopic(rootTopic) tree = ET.Element('topicdefntree') if moduleDoc: mod_desc = ET.SubElement(tree, 'description') mod_desc.text = ' '.join(moduleDoc.split()) traverser = pub.TopicTreeTraverser(XmlVisitor(tree)) traverser.traverse(rootTopic) indent(tree) if moduleName: filename = '%s.xml' % moduleName if bak: pub._backupIfExists(filename, bak) fulltree= ET.ElementTree(tree) fulltree.write(filename, "utf-8", True) return ET.tostring(tree)
Example #24
Source File: From MARA_Framework with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_elem(elem): """Assume an ETree.Element object or a string representation. Return the ETree.Element object""" if not ET.iselement(elem): try: elem = ET.fromstring(elem) except: py2and3.print_("Value Error", elem) raise ValueError("Cannot convert to element") return elem
Example #25
Source File: From pysunspec with MIT License | 5 votes |
def from_smdx(self, element): """ Sets the block type attributes based on an element tree block type element contained in an SMDX model definition. Parameters: element : Element Tree block type element. """ btype = element.attrib.get(smdx.SMDX_ATTR_TYPE, smdx.SMDX_ATTR_TYPE_FIXED) if btype != smdx.SMDX_ATTR_TYPE_FIXED and btype != smdx.SMDX_ATTR_TYPE_REPEATING: raise SunSpecError('Invalid block type') self.type = smdx.smdx_block_types.get(btype) self.len = element.attrib.get(smdx.SMDX_ATTR_LEN) if self.len is None: raise SunSpecError('Block len error') = element.attrib.get(smdx.SMDX_ATTR_NAME) if is None: = self.type # process points for e in element.findall(smdx.SMDX_POINT): pt = PointType(block_type=self) pt.from_smdx(e) if self.points.get( is not None: ET.dump(e) raise SunSpecError('Duplicate point definition: %s' % ( self.points_list.append(pt) self.points[] = pt
Example #26
Source File: From pysunspec with MIT License | 5 votes |
def from_pics(self, element): """ Sets the model contents based on an element tree model type element contained in a SunSpec PICS document. Parameters: element : Element Tree model element. """ # update index if present self.index = element.attrib.get(pics.PICS_ATTR_INDEX, self.index) for b in element.findall('*'): if b.tag != pics.PICS_BLOCK: raise SunSpecError("Unexpected '{}' element in '{}' element".format(b.tag, element.tag)) block_type = pics.pics_block_types.get(b.attrib.get(pics.PICS_ATTR_TYPE, pics.PICS_TYPE_FIXED)) if block_type is None: raise SunSpecError('Unknown block type') if block_type == suns.SUNS_BLOCK_FIXED: if len(self.blocks) > 0: self.blocks[0].from_pics(b) elif block_type == suns.SUNS_BLOCK_REPEATING: block_index = b.attrib.get(pics.PICS_ATTR_INDEX) # if no index specified, apply to all repeating blocks if block_index is None: if len(self.blocks) > 1: for block in self.blocks[1:]: block.from_pics(b) else: block_index = int(block_index) if len(self.blocks) < block_index: raise SunSpecError('Block index out of range: %s' % (str(block_index))) self.blocks[block_index].from_pics(b) else: raise SunSpecError('Internal block type error')
Example #27
Source File: From pysunspec with MIT License | 5 votes |
def from_pics(self, element): """Sets the block contents based on an element tree model type element contained in a SunSpec PICS document. Parameters: element : Element Tree model element. """ impl = True impl_attr = element.attrib.get(pics.PICS_ATTR_IMPLEMENTED) if impl_attr: if impl_attr == pics.PICS_IMPLEMENTED_FALSE: impl = False value = None if impl: if element.text: value = self.point_type.to_value(element.text) self.impl = self.point_type.is_impl(value) else: self.impl = False if self.impl and value is not None: self.value_base = value
Example #28
Source File: From pysunspec with MIT License | 5 votes |
def to_xml(self, parent=None, no_data=False): attr = {} attr[MBMAP_ADDR] = str(self.base_addr) attr[MBMAP_FUNC] = func_name.get(self.func, MBMAP_FUNC_HOLDING) if self.ns is not None: attr[MBMAP_NS] = str(self.ns) if self.lid is not None: attr[MBMAP_LID] = str(self.lid) if self.mapid is not None: attr[MBMAP_MAPID] = str(self.mapid) if self.time is not None: attr[MBMAP_TIME] = str(self.time) if parent is None: element = ET.Element(MBMAP_ROOT, attrib=attr) else: element = ET.SubElement(parent, MBMAP_ROOT, attrib=attr) for regs in self.regs: e = ET.SubElement(element, MBMAP_REGS, attrib={MBMAP_REGS_OFFSET: str(regs.offset), MBMAP_REGS_LEN: str(regs.count)}) if no_data is False: s = '' if sys.version_info > (3,): # Iterating over python 3 bytes gives integers for d in s += '%02x' % d else: for d in s += '%02x' % ord(d) e.text = s return element
Example #29
Source File: From pysunspec with MIT License | 5 votes |
def to_xml(self, parent=None): attr = {} if self.version: attr[SDX_SUNSPEC_DATA_VERSION] = self.version if parent is None: self.root = ET.Element(SDX_SUNSPEC_DATA, attrib=attr) else: self.root = ET.SubElement(parent, SDX_SUNSPEC_DATA, attrib=attr) for d in self.device_data: d.to_xml(self.root)
Example #30
Source File: From InternationalizationScript-iOS with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, options=None): self.options = options or {} ## # Writes an element containing some text (plain or formatted). # # @param elem Element. # @param compact If true, try to minimize the amount of vertical # padding.