Python PySide.QtGui.QFileDialog() Examples
The following are 15
code examples of PySide.QtGui.QFileDialog().
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Example #1
Source File: From flamingo with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def brdIn(): board=qg.QFileDialog().getOpenFileName() [0] try: radice=et.parse(board).getroot() el=[] pos=[] for ramo in radice.iter('element'): el.append(ramo) for e in el: x=float(e.attrib['x']) y=float(e.attrib['y']) if ('rot' in e.attrib) and (e.attrib['rot'].lstrip('R').isdigit()): rot=float(e.attrib['rot'].lstrip('R')) else: rot=0.0 pos.append([e.attrib['name'],[x,y,rot]]) dpos=dict(pos) for k in dpos.keys(): App.Console.PrintMessage(str(k)+'\t'+str(dpos[k])+'\n') return dpos except: App.Console.PrintMessage('no such file\n')
Example #2
Source File: From vfp2py with MIT License | 6 votes |
def getfile(file_ext='', text='', button_caption='', button_type=0, title=''): filter = { '': '', 'txt': 'File (*.txt)', 'dbf': 'Table/DBF (*.dbf)', }.get(file_ext, '*.' + file_ext) t = QtGui.QFileDialog() t.setFilter('All Files (*.*);;' + filter) t.selectFilter(filter or 'All Files (*.*);;') if text: (next(x for x in t.findChildren(QtGui.QLabel) if x.text() == 'File &name:')).setText(text) if button_caption: t.setLabelText(QtGui.QFileDialog.Accept, button_caption) if title: t.setWindowTitle(title) t.exec_() return t.selectedFiles()[0]
Example #3
Source File: From Satori with Artistic License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def download_button_clicked(self): directory = QtGui.QFileDialog().getExistingDirectory() if not directory or len(directory) == 0 or not os.path.exists(directory): return self.download_button.setVisible(False) self.download_progress.setVisible(True) filename = os.path.basename( self.full_filename = os.path.join(directory, filename) url = QtCore.QUrl( request = QtNetwork.QNetworkRequest(url) self.current_download = self.manager.get(request) self.current_download.setReadBufferSize(1048576) self.connect(self.current_download, QtCore.SIGNAL("downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)"), self.download_hook) self.current_download.downloadProgress.connect(self.download_hook) self.current_download.finished.connect(self.download_finished) self.current_download.readyRead.connect(self.download_ready_read) self.current_f = open(self.full_filename, 'wb') self.parent.exiting.connect(self.closing)
Example #4
Source File: From FreeCAD_assembly2 with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def Activated(self): selection = [s for s in FreeCADGui.Selection.getSelection() if s.Document == FreeCAD.ActiveDocument ] obj = selection[0] filename, filetype = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( QtGui.QApplication.activeWindow(), "Specify the filename for the fork of '%s'" % obj.Label[:obj.Label.find('_import')], os.path.dirname(FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.FileName), "FreeCAD Document (*.fcstd)" ) if filename == '': return if not os.path.exists(filename): debugPrint(2, 'copying %s -> %s' % (obj.sourceFile, filename)) shutil.copyfile(obj.sourceFile, filename) obj.sourceFile = filename else: QtGui.QMessageBox.critical( QtGui.QApplication.activeWindow(), "Bad filename", "Specify a new filename!")
Example #5
Source File: From flamingo with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def getFromFile(): '''Input polar coord. from .csv: returns a list of (x,y,0). The file must be ";" separated: column A = radius, column B = angle''' from PySide import QtGui fileIn=open(QtGui.QFileDialog().getOpenFileName()[0],'r') lines=fileIn.readlines() fileIn.close() xyCoord=[] for line in lines: polarCoord=line.split(';') xyCoord.append(polar2xy(float(polarCoord[0]),float(polarCoord[1])*math.pi/180)) return xyCoord
Example #6
Source File: From vfp2py with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getdir(dir='.', text='', caption='Select Text', flags=0, root_only=False): return QtGui.QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(parent=S['_screen'], caption=caption, dir=dir)
Example #7
Source File: From Satori with Artistic License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def select_folder_button_clicked(self): directory = QtGui.QFileDialog().getExistingDirectory() if not directory or len(directory) == 0 or not os.path.exists(directory): return file_list = list(filter(lambda x: os.path.isfile(x), map(lambda x: os.path.join(directory, x), os.listdir(directory)))) if len(file_list) > 0: self.check_sha_sums(file_list)
Example #8
Source File: From Satori with Artistic License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def select_file_button_clicked(self): file_path = QtGui.QFileDialog().getOpenFileName()[0] if not file_path or len(file_path) == 0 or not os.path.exists(file_path): return self.check_sha_sums([file_path])
Example #9
Source File: From FreeCAD_assembly2 with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def Activated(self): if FreeCADGui.ActiveDocument == None: FreeCAD.newDocument() view = FreeCADGui.activeDocument().activeView() #filename, filetype = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( # QtGui.QApplication.activeWindow(), # "Select FreeCAD document to import part from", # "",# "" is the default, os.path.dirname(FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.FileName), # "FreeCAD Document (*.fcstd)" # ) dialog = QtGui.QFileDialog( QtGui.QApplication.activeWindow(), "Select FreeCAD document to import part from" ) dialog.setNameFilter("Supported Formats (*.FCStd *.brep *.brp *.imp *.iges *.igs *.obj *.step *.stp);;All files (*.*)") if dialog.exec_(): filename = dialog.selectedFiles()[0] else: return importedObject = importPart( filename ) FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.recompute() if not importedObject.fixedPosition: #will be true for the first imported part PartMover( view, importedObject ) else: from PySide import QtCore self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() QtCore.QObject.connect(self.timer, QtCore.SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.GuiViewFit) self.timer.start( 200 ) #0.2 seconds
Example #10
Source File: From PySimulator with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def saveFigure(self): ''' Exports the current window to an image ''' if self.activePlotContainer and self.activePlot: rast = "Rasterized Images (*.png *.tiff *.bmp *.jpg *.jpeg *.gif)" pdf = "Portable Document Format (*.pdf)" svg = "Scalable Vector Graphics (*.svg *.html)" # (fileName, extension) = QtGui.QFileDialog().getSaveFileName(self, 'Save Plot as image', os.getcwd(), rast + ";;" + pdf + ";;" + svg) (fileName, extension) = QtGui.QFileDialog().getSaveFileName(self, 'Save Plot as Image', os.getcwd(), rast) if not fileName: return if extension == rast: gc = chaco.plot_graphics_context.PlotGraphicsContext((self.activePlotContainer.activeWidget.width(), self.activePlotContainer.activeWidget.height())) gc.render_component(self.activePlotContainer.activeWidget.component) print "Saved rasterized image to: ", fileName ''' elif extension == pdf: print "PDF rendering is currently in a unfinished state!" __import__("chaco.pdf_graphics_context", globals(), locals(), [], -1) gc = chaco.pdf_graphics_context.PdfPlotGraphicsContext(None, fileName, "A4") gc.render_component(self.activePlotContainer.activeWidget.component) print "Saved PDF to: ", fileName elif extension == svg: __import__("chaco.svg_graphics_context", globals(), locals(), [], -1) gc = chaco.svg_graphics_context.SVGGraphicsContext((self.activePlotContainer.activeWidget.width(), self.activePlotContainer.activeWidget.height())) gc.render_component(self.activePlotContainer.activeWidget.component) print "Saved SVG to: ", fileName ''' else: print "File extension error. Unable to save image." else: print "Error saving plot. Plot type unknown or invalid"
Example #11
Source File: From PySimulator with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _openFileMenu(self, loaderplugin): extensionStr = '' for ex in loaderplugin.modelExtension: extensionStr += u'*.' + ex + u';' if len(extensionStr) > 0: extensionStr = extensionStr[:-1] ''' Load a model ''' (fileName, trash) = QtGui.QFileDialog().getOpenFileName(self, 'Open Model', os.getcwd(), extensionStr) if fileName == '': return split = unicode.rsplit(fileName, '.', 1) if len(split) > 1: suffix = split[1] else: suffix = u'' modelName = None if suffix in [u'mo', u'moe']: if len(split[0]) > 0: split = unicode.rsplit(split[0], u'/', 1) defaultModelName = split[1] else: defaultModelName = u'' modelName, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog().getText(self, 'Modelica model', 'Full Modelica model name / ident, e.g. Modelica.Blocks.Examples.PID_Controller', text=defaultModelName) if not ok: return self.setEnabled(False) self._loadingFileInfo() self.openModelFile(loaderplugin, fileName, modelName) self.setEnabled(True)
Example #12
Source File: From PySimulator with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _openResultFileMenu(self): ''' Load a Result file ''' formats = 'All formats (' formats2 = '' for i, ext in enumerate(Plugins.SimulationResult.fileExtension): formats += ' *.' + ext formats2 += Plugins.SimulationResult.description[i] + ' (*.' + ext + ')' if i + 1 < len(Plugins.SimulationResult.fileExtension): formats2 += ';;' formats += ');;' + formats2 (fileNames, trash) = QtGui.QFileDialog().getOpenFileNames(self, 'Open Result File', os.getcwd(), formats) import locale for fileName in fileNames: self.openResultFile(unicode(fileName.encode(locale.getpreferredencoding()), locale.getpreferredencoding()).replace(u'\\', u'/'))
Example #13
Source File: From PySimulator with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _convertResultFileMenu(self): ''' Select a result file ''' (fileName, trash) = QtGui.QFileDialog().getOpenFileName(self, 'Select Result File', os.getcwd(), 'Dymola Result File (*.mat)') if fileName == '': return print("Convert " + fileName + " ...") mtsfFileName = Plugins.SimulationResult.Mtsf.Mtsf.convertFromDymolaMatFile(fileName) print(" done: " + mtsfFileName + "\n")
Example #14
Source File: From PySimulator with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _changeDirectoryMenu(self): ''' Select a working directory ''' dirName = QtGui.QFileDialog().getExistingDirectory(self, 'Select Working Directory', os.getcwd()) if dirName == '': return self._chDir(dirName)
Example #15
Source File: From PySimulator with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, modelName, modelFileName, config): SimulatorBase.Model.__init__(self, modelName, modelFileName, config) self.modelType = 'Modelica model in Wolfram' self.onlyResultFile = False self.integrationSettings.resultFileExtension = 'mat' self._availableIntegrationAlgorithms = ['DASSL', 'CVODES', 'Euler', 'RungeKutta', 'Heun'] self.integrationSettings.algorithmName = self._availableIntegrationAlgorithms[0] self._IntegrationAlgorithmHasFixedStepSize = [False, False, True, True, True] self._IntegrationAlgorithmCanProvideStepSizeResults = [False, False, True, True, True] if not config['Plugins']['Wolfram'].has_key('mathLinkPath'): config['Plugins']['Wolfram']['mathLinkPath'] = '' mathLinkPath = config['Plugins']['Wolfram']['mathLinkPath'] if mathLinkPath == '' or not os.path.exists(mathLinkPath): ''' Ask for MathLink executable ''' print "No MathLink executable (math.exe or MathKernel.exe) found to run Wolfram. Please select one ..." (mathLinkPath, trash) = QtGui.QFileDialog().getOpenFileName(None, 'Select MathLink executable file', os.getcwd(), 'Executable file (*.exe)') if mathLinkPath == '': print "failed. No MathLink executable (math.exe or MathKernel.exe) specified." return None else: config['Plugins']['Wolfram']['mathLinkPath'] = mathLinkPath config.write() #Creates a link to a Mathematica Kernel and stores information needed for communication self.mathLink = pythonica.Pythonica(path= "" + mathLinkPath + "" ) self.compileModel() self._initialResult = loadResultFileInit(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), + ".sim"))