Python terminaltables.SingleTable() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of terminaltables.SingleTable().
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Example #1
Source File: From boss with MIT License | 7 votes |
def display_list(history): ''' Display build history. ''' if not history['builds']: remote_info('No builds have been deployed yet.') return remote_info('Showing recent builds') # Map build data into tabular format data = map(row_mapper_wrt(history['current']), history['builds']) # Prepend heading rows data.insert(0, [ ' ', 'ID', 'Commit', 'Branch', 'Created By', 'Timestamp' ]) table = SingleTable(data) print('') print(table.table)
Example #2
Source File: From boss with MIT License | 7 votes |
def display(id): ''' Display build information by build id. ''' history = load_history() build = get_build_info(history, id or history['current']) is_current = build['id'] == history['current'] timestamp = local_timestamp(build['timestamp']) table = SingleTable([ [green('Build ' + build['id'])], ['ID: ' + green(build['id'])], ['Commit: ' + green(build['commit'])], ['Branch: ' + green(build['branch'])], ['Stage: ' + green(build['stage'])], ['Created By: ' + green(build['createdBy'])], ['Path: ' + green(build['path'])], ['Current Build: ' + green('Yes' if is_current else 'No')], ['Timestamp: ' + green(timestamp)] ]) print(table.table)
Example #3
Source File: From sqliv with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def normalprint(data): """show vulnerable websites in table""" # [ # ["index", "url"], # ["1", ""] # ] title = " VULNERABLE URLS " table_data = [["index", "url", "db"]] # add into table_data by one by one for index, url in enumerate(data): table_data.append([index+1, url[0], url[1]]) table = SingleTable(table_data, title) print(table.table)
Example #4
Source File: From rpl-attacks with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def list(item_type, **kwargs): """ List all available items of a specified type. :param item_type: experiment/campaign/wsn-generation-algorithm :param kwargs: simulation keyword arguments (see the documentation for more information) """ data, title = [['Name']], None if item_type == 'experiments': title = 'Available experiments' data.extend([['- {}'.format(x).ljust(25)] for x in list_experiments()]) elif item_type == 'campaigns': title = 'Available campaigns' data.extend([['- {}'.format(x).ljust(25)] for x in list_campaigns()]) elif item_type == 'wsn-generation-algorithms': title = 'Available WSN generation algorithms' data.extend([['- {}'.format(x).ljust(25)] for x in list_wsn_gen_algorithms()]) if title is not None: table = SingleTable(data, title) print(table.table) # ***************************************** SETUP COMMANDS ****************************************
Example #5
Source File: From rpl-attacks with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def do_status(self, line): """ Display process pool status. """ self.clean_tasks() # this prevents from re-displaying the same status table once ENTER is pressed # (marker 'restart' is handled in emptyline() hereafter if line == 'restart' and self.__last_tasklist is not None and \ hash(repr(self.tasklist)) == self.__last_tasklist: return self.__last_tasklist = hash(repr(copy(self.tasklist))) if len(self.tasklist) == 0: data = [['No task currently running']] else: data = [['Task', 'Status', 'Result']] for task, info in sorted(self.tasklist.items(), key=lambda x: str(x[0])): data.append([str(task).ljust(15), info['status'].ljust(10), str(info['result']).ljust(40)]) table = SingleTable(data, 'Status of opened tasks') table.justify_columns = {0: 'center', 1: 'center', 2: 'center'} print(table.table)
Example #6
Source File: From CumulusCI with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, data, title=None, wrap_cols=None, bool_cols=None, dim_rows=None): """Constructor. Args: data: Required. List[List] of data to format, with the heading as 0-th member. title: String to use as the table's title. wrap_cols: List[str] of column names to wrap to max width. bool_cols: List[str] of columns containing booleans to stringify. dim_rows: List[int] of row indices to dim. """ self._data = data self._header = data[0] self._title = title self._table = SingleTable(self._data, self._title) if wrap_cols: self._table_wrapper(self._table, wrap_cols) if bool_cols: for name in bool_cols: self.stringify_boolean_col(col_name=name) if dim_rows: self._dim_row_list(dim_rows)
Example #7
Source File: From terminaltables with MIT License | 6 votes |
def main(): """Main function.""" Windows.enable(auto_colors=True, reset_atexit=True) # Does nothing if not on Windows. # Server timings. print(table_server_timings()) print() # Server status. print(table_server_status()) print() # Two A B C D tables. print(table_abcd()) print() # Instructions. table_instance = SingleTable([['Obey Obey Obey Obey']], 'Instructions') print(table_instance.table) print()
Example #8
Source File: From terminaltables with MIT License | 6 votes |
def table_abcd(): """Return table string to be printed. Two tables on one line.""" table_instance = SingleTable([['A', 'B'], ['C', 'D']]) # Get first table lines. table_instance.outer_border = False table_inner_borders = table_instance.table.splitlines() # Get second table lines. table_instance.outer_border = True table_instance.inner_heading_row_border = False table_instance.inner_column_border = False table_outer_borders = table_instance.table.splitlines() # Combine. smallest, largest = sorted([table_inner_borders, table_outer_borders], key=len) smallest += [''] * (len(largest) - len(smallest)) # Make both same size. combined = list() for i, row in enumerate(largest): combined.append(row.ljust(10) + ' ' + smallest[i]) return '\n'.join(combined)
Example #9
Source File: From linode-cli with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _table_output(self, header, data, columns, title, to): """ Pretty-prints data in a table """ content = [] if isinstance(columns[0], str): content=data else: for model in data: content.append([attr.render_value(model) for attr in columns]) if self.headers: content = [header]+content tab = SingleTable(content) if title is not None: tab.title=title if not self.headers: tab.inner_heading_row_border = False print(tab.table, file=to)
Example #10
Source File: From terminaltables with MIT License | 6 votes |
def main(): """Main function.""" title = 'Jetta SportWagen' # AsciiTable. table_instance = AsciiTable(TABLE_DATA, title) table_instance.justify_columns[2] = 'right' print(table_instance.table) print() # SingleTable. table_instance = SingleTable(TABLE_DATA, title) table_instance.justify_columns[2] = 'right' print(table_instance.table) print() # DoubleTable. table_instance = DoubleTable(TABLE_DATA, title) table_instance.justify_columns[2] = 'right' print(table_instance.table) print()
Example #11
Source File: From python-emv with MIT License | 6 votes |
def appdata(ctx, app_index): redact = ctx.obj["redact"] card = get_reader(ctx.obj["reader"]) apps = card.list_applications() app = apps[app_index] card.select_application(app[Tag.ADF_NAME]) click.secho( "Selected application %s (%s)" % ( render_element(Tag.APP_LABEL, app[Tag.APP_LABEL]), render_element(Tag.ADF_NAME, app[Tag.ADF_NAME]), ), bold=True, ) opts = card.get_processing_options() res = [["Key", "Value"]] for k, v in opts.items(): res.append((k, v)) table = SingleTable(res) table.title = "Processing Options" click.echo(table.table) app_data = card.get_application_data(opts["AFL"]) click.echo(as_table(app_data, title="Application Data", redact=redact))
Example #12
Source File: From python-emv with MIT License | 6 votes |
def listapps(ctx): card = get_reader(ctx.obj["reader"]) apps = card.list_applications() res = [["Index", "Label", "ADF"]] i = 0 for app in apps: res.append( [ i, render_element(Tag.APP_LABEL, app[Tag.APP_LABEL]), render_element(Tag.ADF_NAME, app[Tag.ADF_NAME]), ] ) i += 1 table = SingleTable(res) table.title = "Applications" click.echo(table.table)
Example #13
Source File: From sqliv with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def fullprint(data): """show vulnerable websites in table with server info""" # [ # ["index", "url", "db", server", "lang"], # ["1", "", "mysql", apache", "php/5.5xxx"] # ] title = " VULNERABLE URLS " table_data = [["index", "url", "db", "server", "lang"]] # add into table_data by one by one for index, each in enumerate(data): table_data.append([index+1, each[0], each[1], each[2][0:30], each[3][0:30]]) table = SingleTable(table_data, title) print(table.table)
Example #14
Source File: From sqliv with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def printserverinfo(data): """show vulnerable websites in table""" # [ # ["website", "server", "lang"], # [", "apache", "php/5.5xxxx"] # ] # check if table column and data columns are the same if not all(isinstance(item, list) for item in data): stderr("program err, data must be two dimentional array") return title = " DOMAINS " table_data = [["website", "server", "lang"]] + data table = SingleTable(table_data, title) print(table.table)
Example #15
Source File: From python-emv with MIT License | 6 votes |
def as_table(tlv, title=None, redact=False): res = [["Tag", "Name", "Value"]] if type(tlv) is not TLV: return "" for tag, value in tlv.items(): res.append( [ format_bytes(, or "", "\n".join(textwrap.wrap(render_element(tag, value, redact=redact), 80)), ] ) table = SingleTable(res) if title is not None: table.title = title return table.table
Example #16
Source File: From DeepLearningImplementations with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_table(TABLE_DATA): table_instance = SingleTable(TABLE_DATA, "") table_instance.justify_columns[2] = 'right' print(table_instance.table) print
Example #17
Source File: From linode-cli with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _borderless_table(data): """ Returns a terminaltables.SingleTable object with no borders and correct padding """ tab = SingleTable(data) tab.inner_heading_row_border = False tab.inner_column_border = False tab.outer_border = False tab.padding_left=0 tab.padding_right=2 return tab
Example #18
Source File: From RobinhoodShell with MIT License | 5 votes |
def do_w(self, arg): 'Show watchlist w \nAdd to watchlist w a <symbol> \nRemove from watchlist w r <symbols>' parts = re.split('\W+',arg.upper()) if len(parts) >= 2: if parts[0] == 'A': for p in parts[1:]: if p not in self.watchlist: self.watchlist.append(p.strip()) if parts[0] == 'R': self.watchlist = [r for r in self.watchlist if r not in parts[1:]] print("Done") else: watch_t_data=[] watch_table = SingleTable(watch_t_data,'Watch List') watch_table.inner_row_border = True watch_table.justify_columns = {0: 'center', 1: 'center', 2: 'center', 3:'center',4: 'center'} watch_t_data.append(["Symbol","Ask Price", "Open", "Today", "%"]) if len(self.watchlist) > 0: instruments = [self.get_instrument(s)['url'] for s in self.watchlist] raw_data = self.trader.get_stock_marketdata(instruments) quotes_data = {} for quote in raw_data: day_change = float(quote['last_trade_price']) - float(quote['previous_close']) day_change_pct = '{:05.2f}'.format(( day_change / float(quote['previous_close']) ) * 100) watch_t_data.append([ quote['symbol'], '{:05.2f}'.format(float(quote['last_trade_price'])), '{:05.2f}'.format(float(quote['previous_close'])), color_data(day_change), color_data(day_change_pct) ]) print((watch_table.table)) else: print("Watchlist empty!")
Example #19
Source File: From DeepLearningImplementations with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_table(TABLE_DATA): table_instance = SingleTable(TABLE_DATA, "") table_instance.justify_columns[2] = 'right' print(table_instance.table) print
Example #20
Source File: From RobinhoodShell with MIT License | 5 votes |
def do_o(self, arg): 'List open orders' open_orders = self.trader.get_open_orders() if open_orders: open_t_data=[] open_table = SingleTable(open_t_data,'open List') open_table.inner_row_border = True open_table.justify_columns = {0: 'center', 1: 'center', 2: 'center', 3:'center',4: 'center'} open_t_data.append( ["index", "symbol", "price", "quantity", "type", "id"]) index = 1 for order in open_orders: if order['trigger'] == 'stop': order_price = order['stop_price'] order_type = "stop loss" else: order_price = order['price'] order_type = order['side']+" "+order['type'] open_t_data.append([ index, self.get_symbol(order['instrument']), order_price, int(float(order['quantity'])), order_type, order['id'], ]) index += 1 print((open_table.table)) else: print("No Open Orders")
Example #21
Source File: From RobinhoodShell with MIT License | 5 votes |
def do_q(self, arg): 'Get detailed quote for stock: q <symbol(s)>' symbols = re.split('\W+',arg.upper()) if len(arg) == 0: print("Missing symbol(s)") else: instruments = [self.get_instrument(s)['url'] for s in symbols] raw_data = self.trader.get_stock_marketdata(instruments) quotes_data = {} quote_t_data=[] quote_table = SingleTable(quote_t_data,'Quote List') quote_table.inner_row_border = True quote_table.justify_columns = {0: 'center', 1: 'center', 2: 'center', 3:'center',4: 'center'} quote_t_data.append(["Symbol", "Current Price", "Open","Change", "Ask","Bid"]) for quote in raw_data: if not quote: continue day_change = float(quote['last_trade_price']) - float(quote['previous_close']) day_change_pct = ( day_change / float(quote['previous_close']) ) * 100 ask_price = '{:05.2f}'.format(float(quote['ask_price'])) ask_size = quote['ask_size'] bid_price = '{:05.2f}'.format(float(quote['bid_price'])) bid_size = quote['bid_size'] quote_t_data.append([ quote['symbol'], '{:05.2f}'.format(float(quote['last_trade_price'])), '{:05.2f}'.format(float(quote['previous_close'])), color_data(day_change)+' ('+color_data('{:05.2f}'.format(day_change_pct))+'%)', str(ask_price)+' x '+str(ask_size), str(bid_price)+' x '+str(bid_size) ]) print((quote_table.table))
Example #22
Source File: From DeepLearningImplementations with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_table(TABLE_DATA): table_instance = SingleTable(TABLE_DATA, "") table_instance.justify_columns[2] = 'right' print(table_instance.table) print
Example #23
Source File: From RobinhoodShell with MIT License | 5 votes |
def do_qq(self, arg): 'Get quote for stock q <symbol> or option q <symbol> <call/put> <strike> <(optional) YYYY-mm-dd>' arg = arg.strip().split() try: symbol = arg[0].upper() except: print("Please check arguments again. Format: ") print("Stock: q <symbol>") print("Option: q <symbol> <call/put> <strike> <(optional) YYYY-mm-dd>") type = strike = expiry = None if len(arg) > 1: try: type = arg[1] strike = arg[2] except Exception as e: print("Please check arguments again. Format: ") print("q <symbol> <call/put> <strike> <(optional) YYYY-mm-dd>") try: expiry = arg[3] except: expiry = None arg_dict = {'symbol': symbol, 'type': type, 'expiration_dates': expiry, 'strike_price': strike, 'state': 'active', 'tradability': 'tradable'}; quotes = self.trader.get_option_quote(arg_dict); qquote_t_data=[] qquote_table = SingleTable(qquote_t_data,'Quote List') qquote_table.inner_row_border = True qquote_table.justify_columns = {0: 'center', 1: 'center'} qquote_t_data.append(['expiry', 'price']) for row in quotes: qquote_t_data.append(row) print((qquote_table.table)) else: try: self.trader.print_quote(symbol) except: print("Error getting quote for:", symbol)
Example #24
Source File: From DeepLearningImplementations with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_table(TABLE_DATA): table_instance = SingleTable(TABLE_DATA, "") table_instance.justify_columns[2] = 'right' print(table_instance.table) print
Example #25
Source File: From evillimiter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _hosts_handler(self, args): """ Handles 'hosts' command-line argument Displays discovered hosts """ table_data = [[ '{}ID{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}IP address{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}MAC address{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}Hostname{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL), '{}Status{}'.format(IO.Style.BRIGHT, IO.Style.RESET_ALL) ]] with self.hosts_lock: for host in self.hosts: table_data.append([ '{}{}{}'.format(IO.Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, self._get_host_id(host, lock=False), IO.Style.RESET_ALL), host.ip, host.mac,, host.pretty_status() ]) table = SingleTable(table_data, 'Hosts') if not args.force and not table.ok: IO.error('table does not fit terminal. resize or decrease font size. you can also force the display (--force).') return IO.spacer() IO.print(table.table) IO.spacer()
Example #26
Source File: From Kathara with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def formatted_strings(): commands = [] for item in strings.items(): commands.append(list(item)) commands_table = SingleTable(commands) commands_table.inner_heading_row_border = False commands_table.outer_border = False commands_table.inner_column_border = False return commands_table.table
Example #27
Source File: From python-libmaas with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _render_pretty(self, data): rows = self._compute_rows(RenderTarget.pretty, data) rows.insert( 0, [column.title for column in self._flatten_columns(self.visible_columns)] ) return terminaltables.SingleTable(rows).table
Example #28
Source File: From python-libmaas with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _render_pretty(self, data): return self._render_table(RenderTarget.pretty, terminaltables.SingleTable, data)
Example #29
Source File: From homer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_paragraph_stats(self): """This method, along with print_article_stats(), can be called to present paragraph stats on a command line. Ideally first call print_article_stats() and then this method. It shows sentence, average words per sentence, longest sentence, and readability scores (Flesch reading ease and Dale Chall readability scores) of paragraphs. """ sentence_tag = Color('{blue}sentences{/blue}') word_tag = Color('{blue}words{/blue}') avg_word_tag = Color('{blue}Avg words per sentence{/blue}') long_tag = Color('{red}longest{/red}') table_data = [ [Color('{autocyan}Paragraph Stats{/autocyan}')], ['Paragraph #', ''] ] for item, para in enumerate(self.article.paragraphs): sentences = Color('{red}%s{/red}' % str(len(para))) if len(para) > 5 else str(len(para)) avg_words_per_sentence = Color( '{red}%s{/red}' % str(para.avg_words_per_sentence)) if para.avg_words_per_sentence > 25 else str( para.avg_words_per_sentence) table_data.append([item + 1, '{sentences} {sent_tag}. {words} {word_tag}. {avg_words} {avg_word_tag}. ' '"{longest_sent}..." is the {long_tag} sentence.'.format( sentences=sentences, sent_tag=sentence_tag, words=para.total_words, word_tag=word_tag, avg_words=avg_words_per_sentence, avg_word_tag=avg_word_tag, longest_sent=str(para.longest_sentence)[0:10], long_tag=long_tag )]) table_data.append(["", "Flesh Reading score={flesch_reading}, Dale Chall Readability= {dale_chall}".format( flesch_reading=para.get_flesch_reading_score(), dale_chall=para.get_dale_chall_reading_score() )]) table_instance = SingleTable(table_data) table_instance.inner_heading_row_border = True table_instance.inner_row_border = True table_instance.justify_columns = {0: 'center', 1: 'left'} print(table_instance.table)
Example #30
Source File: From homer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_article_stats(self): """This method is called to present overall article stats on a command line.""" table_data = [ [Color('{autocyan}Overall Stats{/autocyan}')], ['Reading time', str(self.article.reading_time) + ' mins'], ['Flesch Reading Ease', self.article.get_flesch_reading_score()], ['Dale Chall Readability Score', self.article.get_dale_chall_reading_score()], ['Paragraphs', self.article.total_paragraphs], ['Avg sentences per paragraph', self.article.avg_sentences_per_para], ['Total sentences in longest paragraph', self.article.len_of_longest_paragraph], ['Sentences', self.article.total_sentences], ['Avg words per sentence', self.article.avg_words_per_sentence], ['Longest sentence', "%s..." % str(self.article.longest_sentence)[0:30]], ['Words in longest sentence', self.article.len_of_longest_sentence], ['Words', self.article.total_words], ['"and" frequency"', self.article.get_and_frequency()], ['Compulsive Hedgers', len(self.article.get_compulsive_hedgers())], ['Intensifiers', len(self.article.get_intensifiers())], ['Vague words', len(self.article.get_vague_words())], ] table_instance = SingleTable(table_data) table_instance.inner_heading_row_border = True table_instance.inner_row_border = True table_instance.justify_columns = {0: 'left', 1: 'center'} print(table_instance.table) self.print_detail()