Python terminaltables.AsciiTable() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of terminaltables.AsciiTable().
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Example #1
Source File: From SpookFlare with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def do_info(self, line): print("\n \033[1m\033[94m[*]\033[0m Module Info\033[0m\n") print(''' This module is generate VBA macro loader payload with character substitution. The VBA macro reads real payload from spesific meta-data sections of file. Thus, a great advantage can be obtained against the security countermeasures in the target. Also payload will be triggered when user close the document. Working in this way is especially advantageous in analysis. Because run of macro code for when file opened is marked as malicious by the usage intensity. Using this module, the desired operating system commands can be executed on the target system.''') print("\n \033[1m\033[94m[*]\033[0m Module Options\033[0m") optionsValues = [ ["Parameter", "Required", "Value", "Description"], ["CMD", "Yes", vbaCmdFile, "The file containing the payload command to run"], ["FTYPE", "Yes", vbaFileType, "File type of payload. Accepted: word, excel, powerpoint"], ["META", "Yes", vbaMetaName, "The metadata name to read payload. Accepted: Comments and Company (case sensetive)"] ] optTable = AsciiTable(optionsValues) optTable.outer_border = False optTable.inner_column_border = False optTable.justify_columns[1] = "center" print("\n" + optTable.table + "\n")
Example #2
Source File: From paperspace-python with ISC License | 6 votes |
def make_details_table(obj): data = ( ("ID", obj["data"].get("handle")), ("Name", obj["data"]["templateHistory"]["params"].get("name")), ("Ports", obj["data"]["templateHistory"]["params"].get("ports")), ("Project ID", obj["data"]["templateHistory"]["params"].get("project_handle")), ("Tuning command", obj["data"]["templateHistory"]["params"].get("tuning_command")), ("Worker command", obj["data"]["templateHistory"]["params"].get("worker_command")), ("Worker container", obj["data"]["templateHistory"]["params"].get("worker_container")), ("Worker count", obj["data"]["templateHistory"]["params"].get("worker_count")), ("Worker machine type", obj["data"]["templateHistory"]["params"].get("worker_machine_type")), ("Worker use dockerfile", obj["data"]["templateHistory"]["params"].get("worker_use_dockerfile")), ("Workspace URL", obj["data"]["templateHistory"]["params"].get("workspaceUrl")), ) ascii_table = terminaltables.AsciiTable(data) table_string = ascii_table.table return table_string
Example #3
Source File: From pade with MIT License | 6 votes |
def on_time(self): super(ComportVerifyConnTimed, self).on_time() desconnect_agents = list() table = list([['agent', 'delta']]) for agent_name, date in self.agent.agents_conn_time.items(): now = delta = now - date table.append([agent_name, str(delta.total_seconds())]) if delta.total_seconds() > 20.0: desconnect_agents.append(agent_name) self.agent.agentInstance.table.pop(agent_name) display_message(, 'Agent {} disconnected.'.format(agent_name)) for agent_name in desconnect_agents: self.agent.agents_conn_time.pop(agent_name) if self.agent.debug: display_message(, 'Calculating response time of the agents...') table = AsciiTable(table) print(table.table)
Example #4
Source File: From SpookFlare with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def do_info(self, line): print("\n \033[1m\033[94m[*]\033[0m Module Info\033[0m\n") print(''' This module can be used to generate .EXE loaders and it is coded with C#. It support Meterpreter Reverse HTTP, Reverse HTTPS staged payloads. The payloads generated by this module has two parts. The first part is the real loader code generated with character substitution. The second part is to compile and run the first part at runtime.''') print("\n \033[1m\033[94m[*]\033[0m Module Options\033[0m") optionsValues = [ ["Parameter", "Required", "Value", "Description"], ["PROTO", "Yes", mpbProto, "Listener protocol. Accepted: http or https"], ["LHOST", "Yes", mpbLhost, "The local listener hostname or IP address"], ["LPORT", "Yes", mpbLport, "The local listener port."], ["ARCH", "Yes", mpbArch, "Architecture of target system. Accepted: x86 or x64"], ["SSIZE", "No", mpbSsize, "If you patched Metasploit insert your patch size"] ] optTable = AsciiTable(optionsValues) optTable.outer_border = False optTable.inner_column_border = False optTable.justify_columns[1] = "center" print("\n" + optTable.table + "\n")
Example #5
Source File: From bot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def listguilds(self, ctx): if not return await ctx.error('no') data = [ ['Name', 'ID', 'Members', 'Channels', 'Boosts', 'Shard', 'Public'] ] for guild in sorted(, key=lambda g: g.member_count, reverse=True): data.append([ shorten(,, format(guild.member_count, ',d'), len(guild.channels), guild.premium_subscription_count, guild.shard_id, 'PUBLIC' in guild.features ]) table = AsciiTable(data) header = table.table.split('\n')[:3] paginator = WrappedPaginator(prefix='```\n' + '\n'.join(header), suffix='```', max_size=1950) for ln in table.table.split('\n'): if ln not in header: paginator.add_line(ln) interface = PaginatorInterface(, paginator, return await interface.send_to(ctx)
Example #6
Source File: From Slackor with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def do_info(self, line): print("\n \033[1m\033[94m[*]\033[0m Module Info\033[0m\n") print(''' This module can be used to generate .EXE loaders and it is coded with C#. It support Meterpreter Reverse HTTP, Reverse HTTPS staged payloads. The payloads generated by this module has two parts. The first part is the real loader code generated with character substitution. The second part is to compile and run the first part at runtime.''') print("\n \033[1m\033[94m[*]\033[0m Module Options\033[0m") optionsValues = [ ["Parameter", "Required", "Value", "Description"], ["PROTO", "Yes", mpbProto, "Listener protocol. Accepted: http or https"], ["LHOST", "Yes", mpbLhost, "The local listener hostname or IP address"], ["LPORT", "Yes", mpbLport, "The local listener port."], ["ARCH", "Yes", mpbArch, "Architecture of target system. Accepted: x86 or x64"], ["SSIZE", "No", mpbSsize, "If you patched Metasploit insert your patch size"] ] optTable = AsciiTable(optionsValues) optTable.outer_border = False optTable.inner_column_border = False optTable.justify_columns[1] = "center" print("\n" + optTable.table + "\n")
Example #7
Source File: From SpookFlare with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def do_info(self, line): print("\n \033[1m\033[94m[*]\033[0m Module Info\033[0m\n") print(''' This module can be used to generate HTA downloader payload with character substitution, obfuscation and encoding. The module has HTML file output and generated HTML file do all things dynamically at the client-side. Thus, a great advantage can be obtained against the security countermeasures in the target. The logic of this module is derived from NCC Group's Demiguise project and added JavaScript encoder. Using this module, the desired operating system commands can be executed on the target system.''') print("\n \033[1m\033[94m[*]\033[0m Module Options\033[0m") optionsValues = [ ["Parameter", "Required", "Value", "Description"], ["FNAME", "Yes", htaDownloadName, "The file name that will appear when the payload is triggered. Ex: SpookFlare"], ["CMD", "Yes", htaCmdFile, "The file containing the payload command to run"] ] optTable = AsciiTable(optionsValues) optTable.outer_border = False optTable.inner_column_border = False optTable.justify_columns[1] = "center" print("\n" + optTable.table + "\n")
Example #8
Source File: From Slackor with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def do_info(self, line): print("\n \033[1m\033[94m[*]\033[0m Module Info\033[0m\n") print(''' This module can be used to generate HTA downloader payload with character substitution, obfuscation and encoding. The module has HTML file output and generated HTML file do all things dynamically at the client-side. Thus, a great advantage can be obtained against the security countermeasures in the target. The logic of this module is derived from NCC Group's Demiguise project and added JavaScript encoder. Using this module, the desired operating system commands can be executed on the target system.''') print("\n \033[1m\033[94m[*]\033[0m Module Options\033[0m") optionsValues = [ ["Parameter", "Required", "Value", "Description"], ["FNAME", "Yes", htaDownloadName, "The file name that will appear when the payload is triggered. Ex: SpookFlare"], ["CMD", "Yes", htaCmdFile, "The file containing the payload command to run"] ] optTable = AsciiTable(optionsValues) optTable.outer_border = False optTable.inner_column_border = False optTable.justify_columns[1] = "center" print("\n" + optTable.table + "\n")
Example #9
Source File: From Slackor with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def do_info(self, line): print("\n \033[1m\033[94m[*]\033[0m Module Info\033[0m\n") print(''' This module is generate VBA macro loader payload with character substitution. The VBA macro reads real payload from spesific meta-data sections of file. Thus, a great advantage can be obtained against the security countermeasures in the target. Also payload will be triggered when user close the document. Working in this way is especially advantageous in analysis. Because run of macro code for when file opened is marked as malicious by the usage intensity. Using this module, the desired operating system commands can be executed on the target system.''') print("\n \033[1m\033[94m[*]\033[0m Module Options\033[0m") optionsValues = [ ["Parameter", "Required", "Value", "Description"], ["CMD", "Yes", vbaCmdFile, "The file containing the payload command to run"], ["FTYPE", "Yes", vbaFileType, "File type of payload. Accepted: word, excel, powerpoint"], ["META", "Yes", vbaMetaName, "The metadata name to read payload. Accepted: Comments and Company (case sensetive)"] ] optTable = AsciiTable(optionsValues) optTable.outer_border = False optTable.inner_column_border = False optTable.justify_columns[1] = "center" print("\n" + optTable.table + "\n")
Example #10
Source File: From indico-plugins with MIT License | 6 votes |
def agents(): """Lists the currently active agents""" print 'The following LiveSync agents are active:' agent_list = LiveSyncAgent.find().order_by(LiveSyncAgent.backend_name, db.func.lower( table_data = [['ID', 'Name', 'Backend', 'Initial Export', 'Queue']] for agent in agent_list: initial = (cformat('%{green!}done%{reset}') if agent.initial_data_exported else cformat('%{yellow!}pending%{reset}')) if agent.backend is None: backend_title = cformat('%{red!}invalid backend ({})%{reset}').format(agent.backend_name) else: backend_title = agent.backend.title table_data.append([unicode(,, backend_title, initial, unicode(agent.queue.filter_by(processed=False).count())]) table = AsciiTable(table_data) table.justify_columns[4] = 'right' print table.table if not all(a.initial_data_exported for a in agent_list): print print "You need to perform the initial data export for some agents." print cformat("To do so, run " "%{yellow!}indico livesync initial_export %{reset}%{yellow}<agent_id>%{reset} for those agents.")
Example #11
Source File: From HoneyBot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def print_submission_status(): """ Prints a formatted table of submitted PCAPs """ table = [['Capture MD5', 'Capture Name', 'Capture Start', 'Capture End', 'Upload Start', 'Upload End', 'Size', 'Queued', 'Analysis Started', 'Analysis Completed', 'Malicious', 'Link']] table.extend(get_submissions_status()) print(terminaltables.AsciiTable(table).table)
Example #12
Source File: From terminaltables with MIT License | 6 votes |
def main(): """Main function.""" title = 'Jetta SportWagen' # AsciiTable. table_instance = AsciiTable(TABLE_DATA, title) table_instance.justify_columns[2] = 'right' print(table_instance.table) print() # SingleTable. table_instance = SingleTable(TABLE_DATA, title) table_instance.justify_columns[2] = 'right' print(table_instance.table) print() # DoubleTable. table_instance = DoubleTable(TABLE_DATA, title) table_instance.justify_columns[2] = 'right' print(table_instance.table) print()
Example #13
Source File: From indico-plugins with MIT License | 6 votes |
def rooms(status=None): """Lists all Vidyo rooms""" room_query = VCRoom.find(type='vidyo') table_data = [['ID', 'Name', 'Status', 'Vidyo ID', 'Extension']] if status: room_query = room_query.filter(VCRoom.status == VCRoomStatus.get(status)) for room in room_query: table_data.append([unicode(,,, unicode(['vidyo_id']), unicode(room.vidyo_extension.extension)]) table = AsciiTable(table_data) for col in (0, 3, 4): table.justify_columns[col] = 'right' print table.table
Example #14
Source File: From machina with MIT License | 6 votes |
def csv2table(filename, save_dir=None, output_filename='scores-table.txt'): with open(filename, newline='') as f: data = list(csv.reader(f)) table = terminaltables.AsciiTable(data) table.inner_row_border = False table.CHAR_H_INNER_HORIZONTAL = '-' table.CHAR_OUTER_TOP_LEFT = '' table.CHAR_OUTER_TOP_RIGHT = '' table.CHAR_OUTER_TOP_HORIZONTAL = '' table.CHAR_OUTER_TOP_INTERSECT = '' table.CHAR_OUTER_BOTTOM_LEFT = '|' table.CHAR_OUTER_BOTTOM_RIGHT = '|' table.CHAR_OUTER_BOTTOM_HORIZONTAL = ' ' table.CHAR_OUTER_BOTTOM_INTERSECT = '|' table.CHAR_H_OUTER_LEFT_INTERSECT = '|' table.CHAR_H_OUTER_RIGHT_INTERSECT = '|' output = table.table.lstrip().rstrip() if save_dir is None: save_dir = os.path.dirname(filename) with open(os.path.join(save_dir, output_filename), 'w') as f: f.write(output)
Example #15
Source File: From keep with MIT License | 6 votes |
def list_commands(ctx): table_data = [['Command', 'Description', 'Alias']] no_of_columns = len(table_data[0]) commands = read_commands() for cmd, fields in commands.items(): table_data.append(['$ ' + cmd, fields['desc'], fields['alias']]) table = AsciiTable(table_data) max_width = table.table_width//3 for i in range(len(table_data) - 1): for j in range(no_of_columns): data = table.table_data[i + 1][j] if len(data) > max_width: table.table_data[i + 1][j] = '\n'.join(wrap(data, max_width)) table.inner_row_border = True print(table.table)
Example #16
Source File: From singer-tools with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def print_summary(summary): print('The output is valid.') print('It contained {} messages for {} streams.'.format( summary.num_messages(), len(summary.streams))) print('') print('{:7} schema messages'.format(summary.num_schemas())) print('{:7} record messages'.format(summary.num_records())) print('{:7} state messages'.format(summary.num_states)) print('') print('Details by stream:') headers = [['stream', 'records', 'schemas']] rows = [[, s.num_records, s.num_schemas] for s in summary.streams.values()] data = headers + rows table = AsciiTable(data) print(table.table)
Example #17
Source File: From Slackor with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def do_info(self, line): print("\n \033[1m\033[94m[*]\033[0m Module Info\033[0m\n") print(''' This module can be used to generate PowerShell based loader (.PS1) and .EXE loader for blocked powershell.exe environments. It support Meterpreter Reverse HTTP, Reverse HTTPS staged payloads. The payload generated by this module has two output. The first output is PowerShell script and it can be used directly when available PowerShell access. The second output is C# code for PowerShell based loader code that will be used when powershell.exe is blocked. You can compile and run it, after that loader runs the PowerShell based loader code using System.Management.Automation.dll. This module also has the ability to process patched stages.''') print("\n \033[1m\033[94m[*]\033[0m Module Options\033[0m") optionsValues = [ ["Parameter", "Required", "Value", "Description"], ["PROTO", "Yes", mppProto, "Listener protocol. Accepted: http or https"], ["LHOST", "Yes", mppLhost, "The local listener hostname or IP address"], ["LPORT", "Yes", mppLport, "The local listener port."], ["ARCH", "Yes", mppArch, "Architecture of target system. Accepted: x86 or x64"], ["SSIZE", "No", mppSsize, "If you patched Metasploit insert your patch size"] ] optTable = AsciiTable(optionsValues) optTable.outer_border = False optTable.inner_column_border = False optTable.justify_columns[1] = "center" print("\n" + optTable.table + "\n")
Example #18
Source File: From kaggle-imaterialist with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_recall_summary(recalls, proposal_nums, iou_thrs, row_idxs=None, col_idxs=None): """Print recalls in a table. Args: recalls(ndarray): calculated from `bbox_recalls` proposal_nums(ndarray or list): top N proposals iou_thrs(ndarray or list): iou thresholds row_idxs(ndarray): which rows(proposal nums) to print col_idxs(ndarray): which cols(iou thresholds) to print """ proposal_nums = np.array(proposal_nums, dtype=np.int32) iou_thrs = np.array(iou_thrs) if row_idxs is None: row_idxs = np.arange(proposal_nums.size) if col_idxs is None: col_idxs = np.arange(iou_thrs.size) row_header = [''] + iou_thrs[col_idxs].tolist() table_data = [row_header] for i, num in enumerate(proposal_nums[row_idxs]): row = [ '{:.3f}'.format(val) for val in recalls[row_idxs[i], col_idxs].tolist() ] row.insert(0, num) table_data.append(row) table = AsciiTable(table_data) print(table.table)
Example #19
Source File: From libnl with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def print_table(data): """Print the table of detected SSIDs and their data to screen. Positional arguments: data -- list of dictionaries. """ table = AsciiTable([COLUMNS]) table.justify_columns[2] = 'right' table.justify_columns[3] = 'right' table.justify_columns[4] = 'right' table_data = list() for row_in in data: row_out = [ str(row_in.get('ssid', '')).replace('\0', ''), str(row_in.get('security', '')), str(row_in.get('channel', '')), str(row_in.get('frequency', '')), str(row_in.get('signal', '')), str(row_in.get('bssid', '')), ] if row_out[3]: row_out[3] += ' MHz' if row_out[4]: row_out[4] += ' dBm' table_data.append(row_out) sort_by_column = [c.lower() for c in COLUMNS].index(OPTIONS['--key'].lower()) table_data.sort(key=lambda c: c[sort_by_column], reverse=OPTIONS['--reverse']) table.table_data.extend(table_data) print(table.table)
Example #20
Source File: From Cascade-RPN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def print_recall_summary(recalls, proposal_nums, iou_thrs, row_idxs=None, col_idxs=None): """Print recalls in a table. Args: recalls(ndarray): calculated from `bbox_recalls` proposal_nums(ndarray or list): top N proposals iou_thrs(ndarray or list): iou thresholds row_idxs(ndarray): which rows(proposal nums) to print col_idxs(ndarray): which cols(iou thresholds) to print """ proposal_nums = np.array(proposal_nums, dtype=np.int32) iou_thrs = np.array(iou_thrs) if row_idxs is None: row_idxs = np.arange(proposal_nums.size) if col_idxs is None: col_idxs = np.arange(iou_thrs.size) row_header = [''] + iou_thrs[col_idxs].tolist() table_data = [row_header] for i, num in enumerate(proposal_nums[row_idxs]): row = [ '{:.3f}'.format(val) for val in recalls[row_idxs[i], col_idxs].tolist() ] row.insert(0, num) table_data.append(row) table = AsciiTable(table_data) print(table.table)
Example #21
Source File: From Slackor with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def do_list(self, line): optionsValues = [ ["ID", "Payload", "Description"], ["1", "meterpreter/binary", ".EXE Meterpreter Reverse HTTP and HTTPS loader"], ["2", "meterpreter/powershell", "PowerShell based Meterpreter Reverse HTTP and HTTPS loader"], ["3", "javascript/hta", ".HTA loader with .HTML extension for specific command"], ["4", "vba/macro", "Office Macro loader for specific command"] ] optTable = AsciiTable(optionsValues) optTable.outer_border = False optTable.inner_column_border = True print("\n" + optTable.table + "\n")
Example #22
Source File: From apicheck with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def list_apis(running_config: RunningConfig) -> APICheckException: """Save definition into database""" try: connection = await get_engine().connect() results = await connection.execute( apis: list = await results.fetchall() except Exception as e: raise APICheckException(f"Error accessing to database: {e}") # # Adding Title # apis.insert(0, ("ID", "API Name", "Version")) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Printing results # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- table_instance = AsciiTable(apis, "- API Info --") table_instance.justify_columns[0] = 'center' table_instance.justify_columns[1] = 'center' table_instance.justify_columns[2] = 'center' print() print(table_instance.table) print()
Example #23
Source File: From Libra_R-CNN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def print_recall_summary(recalls, proposal_nums, iou_thrs, row_idxs=None, col_idxs=None): """Print recalls in a table. Args: recalls(ndarray): calculated from `bbox_recalls` proposal_nums(ndarray or list): top N proposals iou_thrs(ndarray or list): iou thresholds row_idxs(ndarray): which rows(proposal nums) to print col_idxs(ndarray): which cols(iou thresholds) to print """ proposal_nums = np.array(proposal_nums, dtype=np.int32) iou_thrs = np.array(iou_thrs) if row_idxs is None: row_idxs = np.arange(proposal_nums.size) if col_idxs is None: col_idxs = np.arange(iou_thrs.size) row_header = [''] + iou_thrs[col_idxs].tolist() table_data = [row_header] for i, num in enumerate(proposal_nums[row_idxs]): row = [ '{:.3f}'.format(val) for val in recalls[row_idxs[i], col_idxs].tolist() ] row.insert(0, num) table_data.append(row) table = AsciiTable(table_data) print(table.table)
Example #24
Source File: From Feature-Selective-Anchor-Free-Module-for-Single-Shot-Object-Detection with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def print_recall_summary(recalls, proposal_nums, iou_thrs, row_idxs=None, col_idxs=None): """Print recalls in a table. Args: recalls(ndarray): calculated from `bbox_recalls` proposal_nums(ndarray or list): top N proposals iou_thrs(ndarray or list): iou thresholds row_idxs(ndarray): which rows(proposal nums) to print col_idxs(ndarray): which cols(iou thresholds) to print """ proposal_nums = np.array(proposal_nums, dtype=np.int32) iou_thrs = np.array(iou_thrs) if row_idxs is None: row_idxs = np.arange(proposal_nums.size) if col_idxs is None: col_idxs = np.arange(iou_thrs.size) row_header = [''] + iou_thrs[col_idxs].tolist() table_data = [row_header] for i, num in enumerate(proposal_nums[row_idxs]): row = [ '{:.3f}'.format(val) for val in recalls[row_idxs[i], col_idxs].tolist() ] row.insert(0, num) table_data.append(row) table = AsciiTable(table_data) print(table.table)
Example #25
Source File: From RDSNet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def print_recall_summary(recalls, proposal_nums, iou_thrs, row_idxs=None, col_idxs=None): """Print recalls in a table. Args: recalls(ndarray): calculated from `bbox_recalls` proposal_nums(ndarray or list): top N proposals iou_thrs(ndarray or list): iou thresholds row_idxs(ndarray): which rows(proposal nums) to print col_idxs(ndarray): which cols(iou thresholds) to print """ proposal_nums = np.array(proposal_nums, dtype=np.int32) iou_thrs = np.array(iou_thrs) if row_idxs is None: row_idxs = np.arange(proposal_nums.size) if col_idxs is None: col_idxs = np.arange(iou_thrs.size) row_header = [''] + iou_thrs[col_idxs].tolist() table_data = [row_header] for i, num in enumerate(proposal_nums[row_idxs]): row = [ '{:.3f}'.format(val) for val in recalls[row_idxs[i], col_idxs].tolist() ] row.insert(0, num) table_data.append(row) table = AsciiTable(table_data) print(table.table)
Example #26
Source File: From SpookFlare with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def do_info(self, line): print("\n \033[1m\033[94m[*]\033[0m Module Info\033[0m\n") print(''' This module can be used to generate PowerShell based loader (.PS1) and .EXE loader for blocked powershell.exe environments. It support Meterpreter Reverse HTTP, Reverse HTTPS staged payloads. The payload generated by this module has two output. The first output is PowerShell script and it can be used directly when available PowerShell access. The second output is C# code for PowerShell based loader code that will be used when powershell.exe is blocked. You can compile and run it, after that loader runs the PowerShell based loader code using System.Management.Automation.dll. This module also has the ability to process patched stages.''') print("\n \033[1m\033[94m[*]\033[0m Module Options\033[0m") optionsValues = [ ["Parameter", "Required", "Value", "Description"], ["PROTO", "Yes", mppProto, "Listener protocol. Accepted: http or https"], ["LHOST", "Yes", mppLhost, "The local listener hostname or IP address"], ["LPORT", "Yes", mppLport, "The local listener port."], ["ARCH", "Yes", mppArch, "Architecture of target system. Accepted: x86 or x64"], ["SSIZE", "No", mppSsize, "If you patched Metasploit insert your patch size"] ] optTable = AsciiTable(optionsValues) optTable.outer_border = False optTable.inner_column_border = False optTable.justify_columns[1] = "center" print("\n" + optTable.table + "\n")
Example #27
Source File: From SpookFlare with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def do_list(self, line): optionsValues = [ ["ID", "Payload", "Description"], ["1", "meterpreter/binary", ".EXE Meterpreter Reverse HTTP and HTTPS loader"], ["2", "meterpreter/powershell", "PowerShell based Meterpreter Reverse HTTP and HTTPS loader"], ["3", "javascript/hta", ".HTA loader with .HTML extension for specific command"], ["4", "vba/macro", "Office Macro loader for specific command"] ] optTable = AsciiTable(optionsValues) optTable.outer_border = False optTable.inner_column_border = True print("\n" + optTable.table + "\n")
Example #28
Source File: From CumulusCI with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def ascii_table(self): """Fallback for dumb terminals.""" self.plain = AsciiTable(self._table.table_data, self._title) self.plain.inner_column_border = False self.plain.inner_row_border = False return self.plain.table
Example #29
Source File: From CumulusCI with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def echo(self, plain=False): """Print this table's data using click.echo(). Automatically falls back to AsciiTable if there's an encoding error. """ if plain or os.environ.get("TERM") == "dumb": table = self.ascii_table() else: table = str(self) click.echo(table)
Example #30
Source File: From rssant with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def format_table(rows, *, header=None, border=True): """ >>> assert format_table([('a', 'b', 'c'), ('d', 'e', 'f')]) """ table_data = [] if header: table_data.append(list(header)) elif rows: table_data.append([f'#{i}' for i in range(len(rows[0]))]) table_data.extend(rows) table = AsciiTable(table_data) if not border: table.inner_column_border = False table.outer_border = False return table.table