Python whois.whois() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of whois.whois().
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Example #1
Source File: From tulpar with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 8 votes |
def whoisSorgu(url,dosyaAdi): query = whois.whois(url) print "[+]Domain: ", query.domain print "[+]Update time: ", query.get('updated_date') print "[+]Expiration time: ", query.get('expiration_date') print "[+]Name server: ", query.get('name_servers') print "[+]Email: ", query.get('emails') rapor = open(dosyaAdi, "a") raporIcerik="" raporIcerik+="[+]Domain: "+query.domain+"\n" raporIcerik+="[+]Update time: "+str(query.get('updated_date'))+"\n" raporIcerik+="[+]Expiration time: "+str(query.get('expiration_date'))+"\n" raporIcerik+="[+]Name server: "+str(query.get('name_servers'))+"\n" raporIcerik+="[+]Email: "+str(query.get('emails'))+"\n" rapor.write(raporIcerik) rapor.close()
Example #2
Source File: From PhishingKitHunter with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def LogPattern_search(Line): global ResTimestamp global ResRequestEx global ResRefererEx try: # Group is [0]: timestamp, [1]: file request, [2]: referer ResRegEx = CompRegEx.match(Line).group(1, 2, 3) ResTimestamp = ResRegEx[0] ResRequestEx = ResRegEx[1] if ResRegEx[2] is not '-': ResRefererEx = ResRegEx[2] except: # Except direct connexion pass # Domain extraction (for whois) # TODO: find a way for whois request behind a HTTP proxy
Example #3
Source File: From netpwn with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def whois_lookup(): """Perform whois.""" try: print colored('Enter a URL to get whois data', 'green') domain = raw_input(colored('(netpwn: whois) > ', 'red')) target = [domain] targets = whois(target[0]) print colored('name: ' + targets['name'], 'green') print colored('city: ' + targets['city'], 'green') print colored('zipcode: ' + targets['zipcode'], 'green') print colored('country: ' + targets['country'], 'green') print colored('state: ' + targets['state'], 'green') print colored('registrar: ' + targets['registrar'], 'green') print colored('address : ' + targets['address'], 'green') print colored('org : ' + targets['org'], 'green') for domains in targets['domain_name']: print colored('DNS: ' + domains, 'green') for emails in targets['emails']: print colored('emails : ' + emails, 'green') except TypeError: print colored('Cannot retrieve information', 'red')
Example #4
Source File: From punter with The Unlicense | 6 votes |
def whois_ip(ip): # Default to not found cidr, ranges = "CIDR not found", "Range not found" # Get whois for IP. Returns a list with dictionary ip_dict = IPWhois(ip).lookup_rws() if ip_dict['nets'][0].get('cidr'): cidr = ip_dict['nets'][0].get('cidr') if ip_dict['nets'][0].get('range'): ranges = ip_dict['nets'][0].get('range') sleep(2) return cidr, ranges
Example #5
Source File: From TR-PhishingList with MIT License | 6 votes |
def check_whois(): for line in open(sys.argv[1], "r", encoding="utf8"): if line[0]== '#': pass else: try: w = whois.whois(line[:-1]) print(""" =============== Domain: {} ============== NameServer: {} \n Name: {} \n Organization: {} \n Register Date: {} \n Expiration Date: {} \n =========================================""".format(line[:-1], w.name_servers,, , w.creation_date, w.expiration_date)) except: print("WHOIS NOT FOUND: {}".format(line[:-1]))
Example #6
Source File: From ODIN with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self): """Everything that should be initiated with a new object goes here.""" try: self.whoxy_api_key = helpers.config_section_map("WhoXY")["api_key"] try: balance_endpoint = self.whoxy_balance_uri.format(self.whoxy_api_key) balance_json = requests.get(balance_endpoint,timeout=self.requests_timeout).json() live_whois_balance = balance_json['live_whois_balance'] reverse_whois_balance = balance_json['reverse_whois_balance'] if live_whois_balance < 50: click.secho("[*] You are low on WhoXY whois credits: {} credits".format(live_whois_balance),fg="yellow") if reverse_whois_balance < 50: click.secho("[*] You are low on WhoXY reverse whois credits: {} credits".format(reverse_whois_balance),fg="yellow") except requests.exceptions.Timeout: click.secho("\n[!] The connection to WhoXY timed out!",fg="red") except requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects: click.secho("\n[!] The connection to WhoXY encountered too many redirects!",fg="red") except requests.exceptions.RequestException as error: click.secho("\n[!] The connection to WhoXY encountered an error!",fg="red") click.secho("L.. Details: {}".format(error),fg="red") except Exception: self.whoxy_api_key = None click.secho("[!] Did not find a WhoXY API key.",fg="yellow")
Example #7
Source File: From doxbox with MIT License | 6 votes |
def dns(): description = """ Targets, whether it be a company or a person, may utilize domains in order to display web content. Domains, especially those that are not properly configured, give penetration testers great opportunity to gather sensitive information in the form of metadata, whether it be an address from a WHOIS lookup, or nameservers.""" form = forms.DNSForm() if flask.request.method == "POST": whois_data = whois.whois(flask.request.form["url"]) # Subdomain enumeration using _subdomain = subdomain_search(flask.request.form["url"]) subdomain = [y['domain'] for y in to_dict_from_json(_subdomain)] # Re-render with appopriate parameters return flask.render_template('dns.html', title="DNS Enumeration Module", user=user, description=description, form=form, whois=whois_data, subdomain=subdomain) else: return flask.render_template('dns.html', title="DNS Enumeration Module", user=user,description=description, form=form, whois=None, subdomain=None) # register filters
Example #8
Source File: From ODIN with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def run_whois(self,domain): """Perform a WHOIS lookup for the provided target domain. The WHOIS results are returned as a dictionary. This can fail, usually if the domain is protected by a WHOIS privacy service or the registrar has their own WHOIS service. Parameters: domain The domain to use for the WHOIS query """ try: who = whois.whois(domain) results = {} # Check if info was returned before proceeding because sometimes records are protected if who.registrar: results['domain_name'] = who.domain_name results['registrar'] = who.registrar results['expiration_date'] = who.expiration_date results['registrant'] = results['org'] = results['admin_email'] = who.emails[0] results['tech_email'] = who.emails[1] results['address'] = "{}, {}{}, {}, {}".format(who.address,,who.zipcode,who.state, results['dnssec'] = who.dnssec else: click.secho("[*] WHOIS record for {} came back empty. You might try looking at".format(domain),fg="yellow") return results except Exception as error: click.secho("[!] The WHOIS lookup for {} failed!".format(domain),fg="red") click.secho("L.. Details: {}".format(error),fg="red")
Example #9
Source File: From Shodita with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def check_domain_mongodb(dominio): global client, db if db.Shodita.find({"dominio": dominio, "bot": "Suneo-whois-libreborme"}).count() >= 1: return True else: return False
Example #10
Source File: From Shodita with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def insert_mongodb(w, lb, dominio): try: client = MongoClient() db = client.test date_Insert = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S") date_Update = "" cursor = db.Shodita.insert({"dominio":dominio, "bot":"Suneo-whois-libreborme", "whois":w,"libreborme":lb,"date_insert": date_Insert, "date_Update": date_Update}) print colores.azul + "[INFO] INSERT IN DB" + colores.normal except: print "[WARNING]ERROR INSERT MONGODB"
Example #11
Source File: From Shodita with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_target(): global client, db cursor = db.Shodita.find({"bot":"Suneo"}) for document in cursor: if check_domain_mongodb(document["dominio"]): print colores.verde + "[INFO] Domain: " + document["dominio"] + " already scanned" + colores.normal else: print "|" print colores.HEADER + "[NEW TARGET][INFO] Domain: " + colores.normal + document["dominio"] w = whois.whois(document['dominio']) name = print colores.verde + "|----[INFO] OWNER: " + colores.normal + name try: url = "" + str(name.replace(" ", "%20")) html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() data = json.loads(html) if data["objects"][0]["resource_uri"]: url = "" + data["objects"][0]["resource_uri"] html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() data = json.loads(html) lon_data = len(data["cargos_actuales"]) for x in range(0, lon_data): print colores.HEADER + "[URL TARGET] " + colores.normal + url print colores.verde + "[INFO] Target Name: " + colores.normal + data["name"] print colores.verde + "|----[INFO] Business: " + colores.normal + data["cargos_actuales"][x]["name"] print colores.verde + "|----[INFO] Date From: " + colores.normal + data["cargos_actuales"][x]["date_from"] print colores.verde + "|----[INFO] Title: " + colores.normal + data["cargos_actuales"][x]["title"] except: pass
Example #12
Source File: From ODIN with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def check_availability(self,domain): """Check whether or not the domain is registered. Parameters: domain The domain name to be checked """ try: who = whois.whois(domain) if who['status']: return True else: return False except: return False
Example #13
Source File: From Logstash with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): parser=argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-ip','--address',required=False,help='IP Address for the server to listen on. Default is',default='') parser.add_argument('-c','--cache_time',type=float,required=False,help='Number of hours to hold a whois record in the cache. Default is 1 hour. Set to 0 to save forever.',default=1) parser.add_argument('port',type=int,help='You must provide a TCP Port to bind to') parser.add_argument('-v','--verbose',action='count',required=False,help='Print verbose output to the server screen. -vv is more verbose.') parser.add_argument('-a','--alexa',required=False,help='Provide a local file path to an Alexa top-1m.csv') #args = parser.parse_args("-s 1 -vv 8081 english_lowercase.freq".split()) args = parser.parse_args() #Setup the server. server = ThreadedDomainStats((args.address, args.port), domain_api) if args.alexa: if not os.path.exists(args.alexa): print("Alexa file not found %s" % (args.alexa)) else: try: server.alexa = dict([(a,b) for b,a in re.findall(r"^(\d+),(.*)", open(args.alexa).read(), re.MULTILINE)]) except Exception as e: print("Unable to parse alexa file:%s" % (str(e))) server.verbose = args.verbose server.cache_time = args.cache_time #Schedule the first save interval unless save_interval was set to 0. if args.cache_time: server.timer = threading.Timer(60 *args.cache_time, server.clear_old_cache, args = ()) server.timer.start() #start the server print('Server is Ready. http://%s:%s/?cmd=measure&tgt=astring' % (args.address, args.port)) print('[?] - Remember: If you are going to call the api with wget, curl or something else from the bash prompt you need to escape the & with \& \n\n') while True: try: server.handle_request() except KeyboardInterrupt: break server.timer.cancel() server.safe_print("Web API Disabled...") server.safe_print("Control-C hit: Exiting server. Please wait..")
Example #14
Source File: From arissploit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def run(): # Run w = whois.whois(variables["target"][0]) print(w) return w
Example #15
Source File: From gasmask with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def WhoisQuery(value): whoisData = collections.OrderedDict() whoisData["name"] = ["-", "Name:"] whoisData["org"] = ["-", "Organization:"] whoisData["address"] = ["-", "Address:"] whoisData["city"] = ["-", "City:"] whoisData["zipcode"] = ["-", "Zip code:"] whoisData["country"] = ["-", "Country:"] whoisData["emails"] = ["-", "Emails:"] whoisData["registrar"] = ["-", "Registrar:"] whoisData["whois_server"] = ["-", "Whois Server:"] whoisData["updated_date"] = ["-", "Updated Date:"] whoisData["expiration_date"] = ["-", "Expiration Date:"] whoisData["creation_date"] = ["-", "Creation Date:"] whoisData["name_servers"] = ["-", "Name Servers:"] domain = whois.whois(value) for rec in whoisData: if domain[rec]: if isinstance(domain[rec], list): if rec == 'name_servers': whoisData[rec][0] = [] for val in domain[rec]: whoisData[rec][0].append(val + ":" + VerifyHostname(val)) else: whoisData[rec][0] = [] for val in domain[rec]: whoisData[rec][0].append(val) else: whoisData[rec][0] = str(domain[rec]) return whoisData
Example #16
Source File: From pureblood with MIT License | 5 votes |
def whois(self, w_url): try: whois_query = whois.whois(w_url) self.whois_result = whois_query return self.whois_result except: print("Could not find perform whois")
Example #17
Source File: From Whoisleak with MIT License | 5 votes |
def searching(url): search = whois.whois(url) return
Example #18
Source File: From bane with MIT License | 5 votes |
def who_is(u): u=u.replace('www.','') try: return whois.whois(u) except: pass return {}
Example #19
Source File: From king-phisher-plugins with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def signal_precheck(self, mailer_tab): email = str(self.application.config['mailer.source_email']) user, _, domain = email.partition('@') self.logger.debug("checking email domain: {0}".format(domain)) if not domain_has_mx_record(domain): response = gui_utilities.show_dialog_yes_no( 'Invalid Email Domain', self.application.get_active_window(), 'The source email domain does not exist. Continue?' ) if not response: return False text_insert = mailer_tab.tabs['send_messages'].text_insert text_insert("Checking the WHOIS record for domain '{0}'... ".format(domain)) try: info = whois.whois(domain) except Exception as error: text_insert("done, encountered exception: {0}.\n".format(error.__class__.__name__)) self.logger.error("whois lookup failed for domain: {0}".format(domain), exc_info=True) response = gui_utilities.show_dialog_info( 'Whois Lookup Failed', self.application.get_active_window(), 'The domain is valid, however the whois lookup failed. Continue?' ) return response if any(info.values()): text_insert('done, record found.\nWHOIS Record Overview:\n') text_insert(" Domain registered to: {0!r}\n".format( if info.name_servers: text_insert(" Name Servers: {0}\n".format(', '.join(info.name_servers))) if info.emails: text_insert(" Contact Email: {0}\n".format(info.emails)) else: text_insert('done, no record found.\n') return True
Example #20
Source File: From PhishingKitHunter with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def whois_enrich(ex_url): global domain_registrar global domain_creat_date global domain_expi_date global resolv_dns resolv_dns = 'NOK' try: domreq = whois.whois(ex_url) if domreq.registrar is not None: domain_registrar = domreq.registrar else: domain_registrar = 'Not found' if domreq.creation_date is not None: if type(domreq.creation_date) is list: # First occurence is UTC creation date domain_creat_date = str(domreq.creation_date[0]) else: domain_creat_date = domreq.creation_date else: domain_creat_date = 'None found' if domreq.expiration_date is not None: if type(domreq.expiration_date) is list: # First occurence is UTC expiration date domain_expi_date = str(domreq.expiration_date[0]) else: domain_expi_date = domreq.expiration_date else: domain_expi_date = 'None found' resolv_dns = 'OK' except Exception as e: print(e) pass # HTTP Get
Example #21
Source File: From omnibus with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fqdn(self): try: results = whois.whois(self.artifact['name']) self.artifact['data']['whois'] = results except: pass
Example #22
Source File: From omnibus with MIT License | 5 votes |
def ip(self): whois_data = IPWhois(self.artifact['name']) try: data = whois_data.lookup_whois() if data is not None: self.artifact['data']['whois'] = {} # collect ASN information self.artifact['data']['whois']['asn'] = data['asn'] self.artifact['data']['whois']['asn']['cidr'] = data['asn_cidr'] self.artifact['data']['whois']['asn']['description'] = data['asn_description'] self.artifact['data']['whois']['asn']['country'] = data['asn_country_code'] if 'nets' in data.keys() and len(data['nets']) > 0: net_data = data['nets'][0] self.artifact['data']['whois']['address'] = net_data['address'] self.artifact['data']['whois']['state'] = net_data['state'] self.artifact['data']['whois']['emails'] = net_data['emails'] except Exception as err: warning('Caught unhandled exception: %s' % str(err))
Example #23
Source File: From omnibus with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, artifact): self.artifact = artifact self.artifact['data']['whois'] = None
Example #24
Source File: From whois with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_ipv6(self): """ Verify ipv6 addresses. """ domain = '2607:f8b0:4006:802::200e' whois_results = whois(domain) if isinstance(whois_results['domain_name'], list): domain_names = [_.lower() for _ in whois_results['domain_name']] else: domain_names = [whois_results['domain_name'].lower()] self.assertIn('', domain_names) self.assertIn('', [_.lower() for _ in whois_results['name_servers']])
Example #25
Source File: From whois with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_ipv4(self): """ Verify ipv4 addresses. """ domain = '' whois_results = whois(domain) if isinstance(whois_results['domain_name'], list): domain_names = [_.lower() for _ in whois_results['domain_name']] else: domain_names = [whois_results['domain_name'].lower()] self.assertIn('', domain_names) self.assertIn('', [_.lower() for _ in whois_results['name_servers']])
Example #26
Source File: From whois with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_unicode_domain_and_tld(self): domain = 'россия.рф' whois(domain)
Example #27
Source File: From whois with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_simple_unicode_domain(self): domain = 'нарояци.com' whois(domain)
Example #28
Source File: From whois with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_simple_ascii_domain(self): domain = '' whois(domain)
Example #29
Source File: From datasploit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def whoisnew(domain): try: w = whois.whois(domain) return dict(w) except: return {}
Example #30
Source File: From punter with The Unlicense | 5 votes |
def whois_target(host): # Technically this is still passive recon # because you still aren't hitting target w = whois.whois(host) return w.text, w.emails, w