Python telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup().
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Example #1
Source File: From DisAtBot with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 8 votes |
def start(bot, update): """ Start function. Displayed whenever the /start command is called. This function sets the language of the bot. """ # Create buttons to slect language: keyboard = [['ES', 'EN']] # Create initial message: message = "Hey, I'm DisAtBot! / ¡Hey, soy DisAtBot! \n\n\ Please select a language to start. / Por favor selecciona un idioma \ para comenzar." reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True, resize_keyboard=True) update.message.reply_text(message, reply_markup=reply_markup) return SET_LANG
Example #2
Source File: From lightnovel-crawler with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def show_crawlers_to_search(self, bot, update, user_data): app = user_data.get('app') buttons = [] def make_button(i, url): return '%d - %s' % (i + 1, urlparse(url).hostname) # end def for i in range(1, len(app.crawler_links) + 1, 2): buttons += [[ make_button(i - 1, app.crawler_links[i - 1]), make_button(i, app.crawler_links[i]) if i < len( app.crawler_links) else '', ]] # end for update.message.reply_text( 'Choose where to search for your novel, \n' 'or send /skip to search everywhere.', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup(buttons, one_time_keyboard=True), ) return 'handle_crawler_to_search' # end def
Example #3
Source File: From DisAtBot with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 7 votes |
def menu(bot, update): """ Main menu function. This will display the options from the main menu. """ # Create buttons to slect language: keyboard = [[send_report[LANG], view_map[LANG]], [view_faq[LANG], view_about[LANG]]] reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True, resize_keyboard=True) user = update.message.from_user"Menu command requested by {}.".format(user.first_name)) update.message.reply_text(main_menu[LANG], reply_markup=reply_markup) return SET_STAT
Example #4
Source File: From greed with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __user_select(self) -> Union[db.User, CancelSignal]: """Select an user from the ones in the database.""" log.debug("Waiting for a user selection...") # Find all the users in the database users = self.session.query(db.User).order_by(db.User.user_id).all() # Create a list containing all the keyboard button strings keyboard_buttons = [[self.loc.get("menu_cancel")]] # Add to the list all the users for user in users: keyboard_buttons.append([user.identifiable_str()]) # Create the keyboard keyboard = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard_buttons, one_time_keyboard=True) # Keep asking until a result is returned while True: # Send the keyboard, self.loc.get("conversation_admin_select_user"), reply_markup=keyboard) # Wait for a reply reply = self.__wait_for_regex("user_([0-9]+)", cancellable=True) # Propagate CancelSignals if isinstance(reply, CancelSignal): return reply # Find the user in the database user = self.session.query(db.User).filter_by(user_id=int(reply)).one_or_none() # Ensure the user exists if not user:, self.loc.get("error_user_does_not_exist")) continue return user
Example #5
Source File: From osmbot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def settings_command(self, message, user_id, chat_id, u): """ Answers the settings command :param message: User message :param user_id: User identifier :param chat_id: Chat id :param u: Uers object :param group: Boolen to indicate if it's on a group :return: None """ if self.get_group(): text = self._get_template('').render() k = ReplyKeyboardMarkup([['Language'], [text]], one_time_keyboard=True) else: k = ReplyKeyboardMarkup([['Language']], one_time_keyboard=True) text = self._get_template('').render() self.telegram_api.sendMessage(chat_id, text, reply_markup=k) if self.get_group(): identifier = chat_id else: identifier = user_id u.set_field(identifier, 'mode', 'settings', group=self.get_group())
Example #6
Source File: From osmbot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def language_command(self, message, user_id, chat_id, user): """ Handles the Language command and sends the lis of languages :param message: the message sent by the user :param user_id: User id :param chat_id: Chat id :param user: Dict with user configuration :return: None """ languages = [[lang] for lang in sorted(self.get_languages().keys())] keyboard = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(languages, one_time_keyboard=True) text = self._get_template('').render() self.telegram_api.sendMessage(chat_id, text, reply_markup=keyboard) if self.get_group(): user.set_field(chat_id, 'mode', 'setlanguage', group=self.get_group()) else: user.set_field(user_id, 'mode', 'setlanguage', group=self.get_group())
Example #7
Source File: From BismillahBot with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def main(): global update_id bot = telegram.Bot(token=TOKEN) try: update_id = bot.get_updates()[0].update_id except IndexError: update_id = None interface = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup( [["Arabic", "Audio", "English", "Tafsir"], ["Previous", "Random", "Next"]], resize_keyboard=True) data = { "english": Quran("translation"), "tafsir": Quran("tafsir"), "index": make_index(), "interface": interface } data["default_query_results"] = get_default_query_results(data["english"]) while True: try: serve(bot, data) except NetworkError: sleep(1) except Unauthorized: # user has removed or blocked the bot update_id += 1 except TelegramError as e: if "Invalid server response" in str(e): sleep(3) else: raise e
Example #8
Source File: From greed with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __delete_product_menu(self): log.debug("Displaying __delete_product_menu") # Get the products list from the db products = self.session.query(db.Product).filter_by(deleted=False).all() # Create a list of product names product_names = [ for product in products] # Insert at the start of the list the Cancel button product_names.insert(0, self.loc.get("menu_cancel")) # Create a keyboard using the product names keyboard = [[telegram.KeyboardButton(product_name)] for product_name in product_names] # Send the previously created keyboard to the user (ensuring it can be clicked only 1 time), self.loc.get("conversation_admin_select_product_to_delete"), reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True)) # Wait for a reply from the user selection = self.__wait_for_specific_message(product_names, cancellable=True) if isinstance(selection, CancelSignal): # Exit the menu return else: # Find the selected product product = self.session.query(db.Product).filter_by(name=selection, deleted=False).one() # "Delete" the product by setting the deleted flag to true product.deleted = True self.session.commit() # Notify the user, self.loc.get("success_product_deleted"))
Example #9
Source File: From greed with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __add_credit_cc(self): """Add money to the wallet through a credit card payment.""" log.debug("Displaying __add_credit_cc") # Create a keyboard to be sent later presets = list(map(lambda s: s.strip(" "), configloader.config["Credit Card"]["payment_presets"].split('|'))) keyboard = [[telegram.KeyboardButton(str(utils.Price(preset, self.loc)))] for preset in presets] keyboard.append([telegram.KeyboardButton(self.loc.get("menu_cancel"))]) # Boolean variable to check if the user has cancelled the action cancelled = False # Loop used to continue asking if there's an error during the input while not cancelled: # Send the message and the keyboard, self.loc.get("payment_cc_amount"), reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True)) # Wait until a valid amount is sent selection = self.__wait_for_regex(r"([0-9]+(?:[.,][0-9]+)?|" + self.loc.get("menu_cancel") + r")", cancellable=True) # If the user cancelled the action if isinstance(selection, CancelSignal): # Exit the loop cancelled = True continue # Convert the amount to an integer value = utils.Price(selection, self.loc) # Ensure the amount is within the range if value > utils.Price(int(configloader.config["Credit Card"]["max_amount"]), self.loc):, self.loc.get("error_payment_amount_over_max", max_amount=utils.Price(configloader.config["Credit Card"]["max_amount"], self.loc))) continue elif value < utils.Price(int(configloader.config["Credit Card"]["min_amount"]), self.loc):, self.loc.get("error_payment_amount_under_min", min_amount=utils.Price(configloader.config["Credit Card"]["min_amount"], self.loc))) continue break # If the user cancelled the action... else: # Exit the function return # Issue the payment invoice self.__make_payment(amount=value)
Example #10
Source File: From lightnovel-crawler with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def range_selection_done(self, bot, update, user_data): app = user_data.get('app') update.message.reply_text( 'You have selected %d chapters to download' % len(app.chapters) ) if len(app.chapters) == 0: return self.display_range_selection_help(bot, update) # end if update.message.reply_text( 'Do you want to generate a single file or split the books into volumes?', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup([ ['Single file', 'Split by volumes'] ], one_time_keyboard=True), ) return 'handle_pack_by_volume' # end def
Example #11
Source File: From lightnovel-crawler with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def show_source_selection(self, bot, update, user_data): app = user_data.get('app') selected = user_data.get('selected') if len(selected['novels']) == 1: app.init_crawler(selected['novels'][0]['url']) return self.get_novel_info(bot, update, user_data) # end if update.message.reply_text( ('Choose a source to download "%s", ' % selected['title']) + 'or send /cancel to stop this session.', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup([ [ '%d. %s %s' % ( index + 1, novel['url'], novel['info'] if 'info' in novel else '' ) ] for index, novel in enumerate(selected['novels']) ], one_time_keyboard=True), ) return 'handle_select_source' # end def
Example #12
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def filer(bot, update, user_data): file_id = update.message.document.file_id if ComHandler.check_file_size(update): return ConversationHandler.END newFile = bot.get_file(file_id)'abcd.txt') with open('abcd.txt', 'r') as f: source = user_data['code'] = source custom_keyboard = [['#no test case', '#send a .txt file']] reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(custom_keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True, resize_keybord=True) update.message.reply_text( 'Please send test cases together as you would do in online ide\nIf you dont want to provide test cases select #no test case\n I you want to send test cases as .txt file select #send a .txt file', reply_markup=reply_markup) # REMOVING THE FILE AFTER PROCESS IS COMPLETE os.remove('abcd.txt') return TESTCASES # FUNCTION TO GET THE SOURCE CODE SENT BY USER
Example #13
Source File: From BotListBot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def send_next(bot, update, job_queue: JobQueue, args=None): uid = util.uid_from_update(update) num_rows = None if args: try: num_rows = int(args[0]) except: num_rows = None reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup( _crapPy_Tr0ll_kbmarkup(num_rows), one_time_keyboard=False, per_user=True ) text = "ɹoʇɐɹǝuǝb ǝɯɐuɹǝsn ɯɐɹbǝןǝʇ" util.send_md_message(bot, uid, text, reply_markup=reply_markup) if util.is_group_message(update): del_msg = bot.formatter.send_message(, "Have fun in private ;)\n/easteregg" ) update.effective_message.delete() job_queue.run_once( lambda *_: del_msg.delete(safe=True), 4, name="delete easteregg hint" )
Example #14
Source File: From BotListBot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def add_custom(bot, update, username): uid = util.uid_from_update(update) user = User.from_update(update) mid = util.mid_from_update(update) from components.basic import main_menu_buttons main_menu_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(main_menu_buttons(uid in settings.MODERATORS)) try: fav = Favorite.get(custom_bot=username) util.send_or_edit_md_message( bot, uid, mdformat.none_action( "{} is already a favorite of yours. /favorites".format(fav.custom_bot)), to_edit=mid, reply_markup=main_menu_markup) except Favorite.DoesNotExist: fav = Favorite(user=user, custom_bot=username, msg = bot.formatter.send_or_edit(uid,"{} added to your /favorites.".format(fav.custom_bot)), to_edit=mid) mid = msg.message_id util.wait(bot, update) send_favorites_list(bot, update, to_edit=mid) return ConversationHandler.END
Example #15
Source File: From Addarr with MIT License | 5 votes |
def choiceSerieMovie(update, context): if not checkId(update): if ( authentication(update, context) == "added" ): # To also stop the beginning command return ConversationHandler.END else: text = update.message.text context.user_data["title"] = text reply_keyboard = [[transcript["Movie"], transcript["Serie"]]] markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True) update.message.reply_text(transcript["What is this?"], reply_markup=markup) return READ_CHOICE
Example #16
Source File: From UnivaqBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def section_keyboard(bot, update): """ Command that shows keyboard of departments for: news, newson and newsoff """ keys = [['Univaq'], ['Disim'], ['Mesva'], ['Discab'], ['Chiudi']] bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, 'Scegli il dipartimento:', reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup( keys, one_time_keyboard=True)) return "department"
Example #17
Source File: From Addarr with MIT License | 5 votes |
def searchSerieMovie(update, context): title = context.user_data["title"] del context.user_data["title"] choice = update.message.text context.user_data["choice"] = choice context.user_data["position"] = 0 global service if choice == transcript["Serie"]: service = sonarr elif choice == transcript["Movie"]: service = radarr global output position = context.user_data["position"] output = service.giveTitles( reply_keyboard = [ [transcript[choice.lower()]["Add"], transcript["Next result"]], [transcript["New"], transcript["Stop"]], ] markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True) chat_id=update.effective_message.chat_id, text=transcript[choice.lower()]["This"], ) chat_id=update.effective_message.chat_id, photo=output[position]["poster"] ) text = output[position]["title"] + " (" + str(output[position]["year"]) + ")" chat_id=update.effective_message.chat_id, text=text, reply_markup=markup ) return GIVE_OPTION
Example #18
Source File: From Addarr with MIT License | 5 votes |
def nextOption(update, context): position = context.user_data["position"] + 1 context.user_data["position"] = position choice = context.user_data["choice"] if position < len(output): reply_keyboard = [ [transcript[choice.lower()]["Add"], transcript["Next result"]], [transcript["New"], transcript["Stop"]], ] markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(reply_keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True) chat_id=update.effective_message.chat_id, text=transcript[choice.lower()]["This"], ) chat_id=update.effective_message.chat_id, photo=output[position]["poster"] ) text = output[position]["title"] + " (" + str(output[position]["year"]) + ")" chat_id=update.effective_message.chat_id, text=text, reply_markup=markup ) return GIVE_OPTION else: chat_id=update.effective_message.chat_id, text=transcript["No results"], reply_markup=markup, ) return stop()
Example #19
Source File: From UnivaqBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def discab_keyboard(bot, update): """ Command that shows keyboard of sections for: discab_news, discabon and discaboff """ keys = [['News del Dipartimento'], ['Area Biotecnologie'], ['Area Medica'], ['Area Scienze Motorie'], ['Area Psicologia'], ['Chiudi']] bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, 'Scegli la sezione:', reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup( keys, one_time_keyboard=True)) return "discab"
Example #20
Source File: From dungeon_bot with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_reply_markup(self, user): action = "show" ply = persistence_controller.get_ply(user) if user and str( if ply.event: if str( in ply.event.custom_keyboard_status.keys(): if ply.event.custom_keyboard_status[str(] == "close" or ply.event.custom_keyboard_status[str(] == "never show": action = "close" else: if str( in DungeonBot.custom_keyboard_status.keys(): if DungeonBot.custom_keyboard_status[str(] == "close" or DungeonBot.custom_keyboard_status[str(] == "never show": action = "close" markup = None keyboard = None if action == "show": if ply.event: keyboard = ply.event.get_keyboard(user) else: keyboard = self.get_keyboard(user) if keyboard: markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) else: markup = ReplyKeyboardHide(True) return markup
Example #21
Source File: From helpdeskbot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def start(bot, update): """ Shows an welcome message and help info about the available commands. """ me = bot.get_me() # Welcome message msg = _("Hello!\n") msg += _("I'm {0} and I came here to help you.\n").format(me.first_name) msg += _("What would you like to do?\n\n") msg += _("/support - Opens a new support ticket\n") msg += _("/settings - Settings of your account\n\n") # Commands menu main_menu_keyboard = [[telegram.KeyboardButton('/support')], [telegram.KeyboardButton('/settings')]] reply_kb_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(main_menu_keyboard, resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True) # Send the message with menu bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=msg, reply_markup=reply_kb_markup)
Example #22
Source File: From helpdeskbot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def settings(bot, update): """ Configure the messages language using a custom keyboard. """ # Languages message msg = _("Please, choose a language:\n") msg += "en_US - English (US)\n" msg += "pt_BR - Português (Brasil)\n" # Languages menu languages_keyboard = [ [telegram.KeyboardButton('en_US - English (US)')], [telegram.KeyboardButton('pt_BR - Português (Brasil)')] ] reply_kb_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(languages_keyboard, resize_keyboard=True, one_time_keyboard=True) # Sends message with languages menu bot.send_message(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=msg, reply_markup=reply_kb_markup)
Example #23
Source File: From Lifeline_SilentNight with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def createCustomKeyboards(bot, update): custom_keyboard = [[ telegram.Emoji.THUMBS_UP_SIGN, telegram.Emoji.THUMBS_DOWN_SIGN ]] reply_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(custom_keyboard) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="Stay here, I'll be back.", reply_markup=reply_markup)
Example #24
Source File: From Lifeline_SilentNight with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def sendChoice(self, ques, choice1, choice2): custom_keyboard = [[ choice1 ], [ choice2 ]] reply_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(custom_keyboard), text=ques, parse_mode=telegram.ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=reply_markup) # ====================================================================
Example #25
Source File: From Lifeline_SilentNight with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def setLang(bot, update): custom_keyboard = [[ "English", "Deutsch", "Français"], ["Русский", "日本語", "中文" ]] reply_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(custom_keyboard) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text="Language:", reply_markup=reply_markup)
Example #26
Source File: From Lifeline_SilentNight with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def setAppleWatch(bot, update, lang): custom_keyboard = [[ STRINGS[lang]['dialog_notification_option_1'] ], [ STRINGS[lang]['dialog_notification_option_2'] ]] reply_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(custom_keyboard) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=STRINGS[lang]['dialog_notification_settings'], reply_markup=reply_markup)
Example #27
Source File: From Lifeline_SilentNight with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def setFastMode(bot, update, lang): custom_keyboard = [[ STRINGS[lang]['dialog_yes'] , STRINGS[lang]['dialog_no'] ]] reply_markup = telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(custom_keyboard) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, text=STRINGS[lang]['dialog_fast_confirmation'], reply_markup=reply_markup)
Example #28
Source File: From osmbot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def answer_command(self, chat_id, user): """ Answers the only answer command :param message: User message :param user_id: User identifier :param chat_id: Chat id :param user: User object :return: """ keyboard = ReplyKeyboardMarkup([['Yes'], ['No']], one_time_keyboard=True) text = self._get_template('').render() self.telegram_api.sendMessage(chat_id, text, reply_markup=keyboard) user.set_field(chat_id, 'mode', 'setonlymention', group=True)
Example #29
Source File: From UnivaqBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def univaq(bot, update): """ Command that shows keyboard of sections for: inevidenza, ultimissime, univaqon, univaqoff """ keys = [['In Evidenza'], ['Ultimissime'], ['Chiudi']] bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, 'Scegli la sezione:', reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup( keys, one_time_keyboard=True)) return "univaq"
Example #30
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def decode(bot, update, user_data): user_data['code'] = update.message.text custom_keyboard = [['#no test case', '#send a .txt file']] reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(custom_keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True, resize_keybord=True) update.message.reply_text( 'Please send test cases together as you would do in online ide\nIf you dont want to provide test cases select #no test case\n I you want to send test cases as .txt file select #send a .txt file', reply_markup=reply_markup) return TESTCASES # FUNCTION TO GET THE TEST CASES FROM THE USER