Python telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove().
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Example #1
Source File: From DisAtBot with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def help(bot, update): """ Help function. This displays a set of commands available for the bot. """ user = update.message.from_user"User {} asked for help.".format(user.first_name)) update.message.reply_text(help_info[LANG], reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())
Example #2
Source File: From clist with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def send_message(self, msg, chat_id=None, reply_markup=None): if not isinstance(msg, dict): msg = {'text': msg} if not msg['text']: return if len(msg['text']) > self.MAX_LENGTH_MESSAGE: msg['text'] = msg['text'][:self.MAX_LENGTH_MESSAGE - 3] + '...' msg['chat_id'] = chat_id or self.from_id msg['disable_web_page_preview'] = True if reply_markup: msg['reply_markup'] = reply_markup if 'reply_markup' not in msg: msg['reply_markup'] = telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove() if reply_markup is False or getattr(self, 'chat_type', None) == 'channel': msg.pop('reply_markup', None) try: ret = self.sendMessage(parse_mode='Markdown', **msg) except Exception: self.logger.error('Exception send message = %s' % msg) ret = self.sendMessage(**msg) return ret
Example #3
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def paginate(bot, update, result): markup = ReplyKeyboardRemove() output = result.output time1 = result.time memory1 = result.memory message1 = result.message if time1 is not None: time1 = time1[0] if memory1 is not None: memory1 = memory1[0] if output is not None: output = output[0] else: output = "" if len(output) <= 2897: update.message.reply_text("Output:\n" + str(output) + "\n" + "Time: " + str(time1) + "\nMemory: " + str( memory1) + "\nMessage: " + str(message1), reply_markup=markup) else: with open("out.txt", "w") as text_file: text_file.write("Output:\n" + str(output) + "\n" + "Time: " + str(time1) + "\nMemory: " + str( memory1) + "\nMessage: " + str(message1)) bot.send_document(chat_id=update.message.chat_id, document=open('out.txt', 'rb'), reply_markup=markup) os.remove('out.txt') # FUNCTION TO CREATE XLSX FILES
Example #4
Source File: From UnivaqBot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def inevidenza(bot, update): """Defining function that prints 5 news from in evidenza""" news_to_string = "" for i, item in enumerate(utils.NEWS['univaq'][0:5]): news_to_string += (str(i + 1) + ' - <a href="{link}">{title}</a>\n\n').format(**item) news_to_string += ('<a href="">' 'Vedi le altre notizie</a> e attiva le notifiche con /newson per ' 'restare sempre aggiornato') bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, parse_mode='HTML', disable_web_page_preview=True, text=news_to_string, reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return ConversationHandler.END
Example #5
Source File: From lightnovel-crawler with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def handle_delete_cache(self, bot, update, user_data): app = user_data.get('app') user = update.message.from_user text = update.message.text if text.startswith('No'): if os.path.exists(app.output_path): shutil.rmtree(app.output_path, ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(app.output_path, exist_ok=True) # end if # end if # Get chapter range update.message.reply_text( '%d volumes and %d chapters found.' % ( len(app.crawler.volumes), len(app.crawler.chapters) ), reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove() ) return self.display_range_selection_help(bot, update) # end def
Example #6
Source File: From UnivaqBot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def discab_news(bot, update, section): """Defining function that prints 5 news from discab given section""" news_to_string = "" for i, item in enumerate(utils.NEWS[section]): news_to_string += (str(i + 1) + ' - <a href="{link}">{title}</a>\n\n').format(**item) news_to_string += ('<a href="">' 'Vedi le altre notizie</a> e attiva le notifiche con /newson per ' 'restare sempre aggiornato') bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, parse_mode='HTML', disable_web_page_preview=True, text=news_to_string, reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return ConversationHandler.END
Example #7
Source File: From lightnovel-crawler with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def destroy_app(self, bot, update, user_data): if user_data.get('job'): user_data.pop('job').schedule_removal() # end if if user_data.get('app'): app = user_data.pop('app') app.destroy() # remove output path #shutil.rmtree(app.output_path, ignore_errors=True) # end if update.message.reply_text( 'Session closed', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove() ) return ConversationHandler.END # end def
Example #8
Source File: From UnivaqBot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def send_to_developers(bot, update): """Function to send feedback to developers""" feedback_user = (('<b>{}</b>\n\n <i>{} {}, {}</i>') .format(update.message.text, update.message.from_user.first_name, update.message.from_user.last_name, update.message.chat_id)) for admin in os.environ['ADMIN'].split(' '): bot.sendMessage(admin, feedback_user, parse_mode='HTML') bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, 'Grazie per la collaborazione, ' 'il messaggio è stato inviato agli sviluppatori.', reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return ConversationHandler.END
Example #9
Source File: From lightnovel-crawler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def handle_crawler_to_search(self, bot, update, user_data): app = user_data.get('app') link = update.message.text if link: selected_crawlers = [] if link.isdigit(): selected_crawlers += [ app.crawler_links[int(link) - 1] ] else: selected_crawlers += [ x for i, x in enumerate(app.crawler_links) if '%d - %s' % (i + 1, urlparse(x).hostname) == link ] # end if if len(selected_crawlers) != 0: app.crawler_links = selected_crawlers # end if # end if update.message.reply_text( 'Searching for "%s" in %d sites. Please wait.' % ( app.user_input, len(app.crawler_links)), reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove(), ) update.message.reply_text( 'DO NOT type anything until I reply.\n' 'You can only send /cancel to stop this session.' ) app.search_novel() return self.show_novel_selection(bot, update, user_data) # end def
Example #10
Source File: From AmbroBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def cancel(bot, update): user = update.message.from_user"User %s canceled the conversation.", user.first_name) update.message.reply_text('Bye! I hope we can talk again some day.', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return ConversationHandler.END
Example #11
Source File: From django-telegram-bot with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def render(self): keyboard = super(KeyboardResponse, self).render() if keyboard: keyboard = ast.literal_eval(keyboard) keyboard = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard, resize_keyboard=True) else: keyboard = ReplyKeyboardRemove() return keyboard
Example #12
Source File: From django-telegram-bot with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def assertBotResponse(self, mock_send, command): args, kwargs = mock_send.call_args self.assertEqual(1, mock_send.call_count) self.assertEqual(kwargs['chat_id'], self.assertEqual(kwargs['parse_mode'], command['out']['parse_mode']) if not command['out']['reply_markup']: self.assertTrue(isinstance(kwargs['reply_markup'], ReplyKeyboardRemove)) else: self.assertInKeyboard(command['out']['reply_markup'], kwargs['reply_markup'].keyboard) if not PY3: kwargs['text'] = kwargs['text'].decode('utf-8') self.assertIn(command['out']['text'], kwargs['text'])
Example #13
Source File: From sticker-finder with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_broadcast(bot, update, session, chat, user): """Broadcast a message to all users.""" message = update.message.text.split(" ", 1)[1].strip() call_tg_func( bot, "send_message", [, message], {"parse_mode": "Markdown", "reply_markup": ReplyKeyboardRemove()}, )
Example #14
Source File: From calendar-telegram with MIT License | 5 votes |
def inline_handler(bot,update): selected,date = telegramcalendar.process_calendar_selection(bot, update) if selected: bot.send_message(, text="You selected %s" % (date.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")), reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())
Example #15
Source File: From Python-BlackJackBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def hide_cmd(bot, update): """Hides the keyboard in the specified chat.""" update.message.reply_text("\U0001F44D", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())
Example #16
Source File: From DisAtBot with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def set_lang(bot, update): """ First handler with received data to set language globally. """ # Set language: global LANG LANG = update.message.text user = update.message.from_user"Language set by {} to {}.".format(user.first_name, LANG)) update.message.reply_text(lang_selected[LANG], reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return MENU
Example #17
Source File: From lightnovel-crawler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_novel_info(self, bot, update, user_data): app = user_data.get('app') user = update.message.from_user update.message.reply_text(app.crawler.novel_url) # TODO: Implement login feature. Create login_info_dict of (email, password) # if app.can_do('login'): # app.login_data = login_info_dict.get(app.crawler.home_url) # # end if update.message.reply_text('Reading novel info...') app.get_novel_info() if os.path.exists(app.output_path): update.message.reply_text( 'Local cache found do you want to use it', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardMarkup([ ['Yes', 'No'] ], one_time_keyboard=True), ) return 'handle_delete_cache' else: os.makedirs(app.output_path, exist_ok=True) # Get chapter range update.message.reply_text( '%d volumes and %d chapters found.' % ( len(app.crawler.volumes), len(app.crawler.chapters) ), reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove() ) return self.display_range_selection_help(bot, update) # end if # end def
Example #18
Source File: From lightnovel-crawler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def handle_output_format(self, bot, update, job_queue, user_data): app = user_data.get('app') user = update.message.from_user text = update.message.text.strip().lower() app.output_formats = {} if text in available_formats: for x in available_formats: if x == text: app.output_formats[x] = True else: app.output_formats[x] = False # end if # end for elif text != 'all': update.message.reply_text('Sorry, I did not understand.') return # end if job = job_queue.run_once( self.process_download_request, 1, context=(update, user_data), name=str(, ) user_data['job'] = job update.message.reply_text( 'Your request has been received.' 'I will generate book in "%s" format' % text, reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove() ) return ConversationHandler.END # end def
Example #19
Source File: From NanoWalletBot with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def hide_keyboard(bot, chat_id, text): reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardRemove() try: bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=text, reply_markup=reply_markup) except: sleep(1) bot.sendMessage(chat_id=chat_id, text=text, reply_markup=reply_markup)
Example #20
Source File: From greed with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __graceful_stop(self, stop_trigger: StopSignal): """Handle the graceful stop of the thread.""" log.debug("Gracefully stopping the conversation") # If the session has expired... if stop_trigger.reason == "timeout": # Notify the user that the session has expired and remove the keyboard, self.loc.get('conversation_expired'), reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()) # If a restart has been requested... # Do nothing. # Close the database session # End the process sys.exit(0)
Example #21
Source File: From ultimate-poll-bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_broadcast(bot, update, session, user): """Send the broadcast message to the admin for test purposes.""" message = update.message.text.split(" ", 1)[1].strip() bot.send_message(, message, parse_mode="Markdown", reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove(), )
Example #22
Source File: From osmbot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def set_only_mention(self, message, user_id, chat_id, user): """ Manages the set only mention requests :param message: Str with the message (Yes or No) :param user_id: User id :param chat_id: Chat ud :param user: Dict with user configuration :return: None """ onlymentions = message == 'Yes' if self.get_group(): user.set_field(chat_id, 'onlymentions', onlymentions, group=self.get_group()) user.set_field(chat_id, 'mode', 'normal', group=self.get_group()) else: user.set_field(user_id, 'onlymentions', onlymentions, group=self.get_group()) user.set_field(user_id, 'mode', 'normal', group=self.get_group()) if not onlymentions: text = self._get_template('').render() self.telegram_api.sendMessage( chat_id, text, 'Markdown', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove()) else: template = self._get_template('') text = template.render(is_rtl=self.get_is_rtl()) self.telegram_api.sendMessage( chat_id, text, 'Markdown', reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())
Example #23
Source File: From osmbot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def set_language_command(self, message, user_id, chat_id, u): """ Answers the language command :param message: Message :param user_id: User identifier :param chat_id: Chat identifier :param u: User object :return: None """ if message in self.get_languages(): if self.get_group(): u.set_field(chat_id, 'lang', self.get_languages()[message], group=self.get_group()) u.set_field(chat_id, 'mode', 'normal', group=self.get_group()) else: u.set_field(user_id, 'lang', self.get_languages()[message], group=self.get_group()) u.set_field(user_id, 'mode', 'normal', group=self.get_group()) self.load_language(self.get_languages()[message]) template = self._get_template('') text = template.render(is_rtl=self.get_is_rtl()) k = ReplyKeyboardRemove() self.telegram_api.sendMessage( chat_id, text, 'Markdown', reply_markup=k) else: if self.get_group(): u.set_field(chat_id, 'mode', 'normal', group=True) else: u.set_field(user_id, 'mode', 'normal') temp = self._get_template('') text = temp.render() self.telegram_api.sendMessage(chat_id, text, 'Markdown')
Example #24
Source File: From UnivaqBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def discaboff(bot, update, section): """Defining the command to disable notification for discab""" if update.message.chat_id in utils.USERS[section]: utils.unsubscribe_user(update.message.chat_id, section) bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text='Notifiche Disattivate!', reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()) else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text='Per disattivare le notifiche dovresti prima attivarle.', reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return ConversationHandler.END
Example #25
Source File: From selfmailbot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def reset_email(bot, update: Update, user, render): = None user.is_confirmed = False update.message.reply_text(text=render('email_is_reset'), reply_markup=ReplyKeyboardRemove())
Example #26
Source File: From UnivaqBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def close(bot, update): """Defining Function for remove keyboard""" bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, 'Ho chiuso le news!', reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return ConversationHandler.END
Example #27
Source File: From UnivaqBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def disim(bot, update): """Defining the command to retrieve 5 news Now we store the last 10 news into the database, the comparison to send notifications is made between the last 5 pulled news from disim site and the news stored into the db. This decision was made to avoid repeated news, in fact, if some news(from first to fifth) is deleted the sixth(that now has become the fifth) news will be sent again even if it is already been sent in the past because it will appear in the pulled news and it is no more present into the database at the moment of the comparison. """ news_to_string = "" for i, item in enumerate(utils.NEWS['disim'][0:5]): suffix = '...' if len(item['description']) > 75 else '' news_to_string += (str(i + 1) + ' - <a href="{link}">{title}</a>\n' '\t<i>{description:.75}{}</i>\n\n').format(suffix, **item) news_to_string += ('<a href="">' 'Vedi le altre notizie</a> e attiva le notifiche con /newson per ' 'restare sempre aggiornato') bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, parse_mode='HTML', disable_web_page_preview=True, text=news_to_string, reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return ConversationHandler.END
Example #28
Source File: From UnivaqBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def disimon(bot, update): """Defining the command to enable notification for disim""" if update.message.chat_id not in utils.USERS['disim']: utils.subscribe_user(update.message.chat_id, 'disim') bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text='Notifiche Abilitate!', reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()) else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text='Le notifiche sono già abilitate!', reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return ConversationHandler.END
Example #29
Source File: From UnivaqBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def disimoff(bot, update): """Defining the command to disable notification for disim""" if update.message.chat_id in utils.USERS['disim']: utils.unsubscribe_user(update.message.chat_id, 'disim') bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text='Notifiche Disattivate!', reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()) else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text='Per disattivare le notifiche dovresti prima attivarle.', reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return ConversationHandler.END
Example #30
Source File: From UnivaqBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def univaqon(bot, update): """Defining the command to enable notification for univaq""" if update.message.chat_id not in utils.USERS['univaq']: utils.subscribe_user(update.message.chat_id, 'univaq') bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text='Notifiche Abilitate!', reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()) else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat_id, text='Le notifiche sono già abilitate!', reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()) return ConversationHandler.END