Python evdev.categorize() Examples
The following are 8
code examples of evdev.categorize().
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Example #1
Source File: From uchroma with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _evdev_callback(self, device): async for event in device.async_read_loop(): try: if not self._opened: return if event.type == evdev.ecodes.EV_KEY: ev = evdev.categorize(event) for callback in self._event_callbacks: await callback(ev) if not self._opened: return except (OSError, IOError) as err: self._logger.exception("Event device error", exc_info=err) break
Example #2
Source File: From btk with MIT License | 6 votes |
def RequestPasskey(self, device): print("RequestPasskey (%s)" % (device)) passkey = "" kb = ev.InputDevice(glob.glob('/dev/input/by-path/*event-kbd')[0]) print(kb) for event in kb.read_loop(): data = ev.categorize(event) if event.type != ev.ecodes.EV_KEY: continue elif data.keystate == 0: # ignore keyup continue key = ev.ecodes.KEY[event.code][4:] if key == 'ENTER': # we are done break elif key in ['1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','0']: passkey = passkey + key set_trusted(device) return int(passkey)
Example #3
Source File: From makerspace-auth with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def read_input(self): """Listens solely to the RFID keyboard and returns the scanned badge. Args: device: input device to listen to Returns: badge value as string """ rfid = "" capitalized = 0 device = self.f print("About to read_input") for event in device.read_loop(): # print("read_input event", event) data = evdev.categorize(event) if event.type == evdev.ecodes.EV_KEY and data.keystate == 1: if data.scancode == self.LSHIFT_SCANCODE: capitalized = 1 if data.keycode == "KEY_ENTER": break if data.scancode != self.LSHIFT_SCANCODE: if capitalized: rfid += self.capscancodes[data.scancode] capitalized ^= 1 else: rfid += self.scancodes[data.scancode] print("Badge read:", rfid) return rfid
Example #4
Source File: From fygimbal with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(self): for event in self.device.read_loop(): evc = evdev.categorize(event) if isinstance(evc, evdev.AbsEvent): self._pending[event.code] = event.value elif isinstance(evc, evdev.KeyEvent): self.onKey(evc) elif isinstance(evc, evdev.SynEvent): for axis, value in self._pending.items(): self.axes[axis][1][0] = value self._pendingValues = {}
Example #5
Source File: From foos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def reader_thread(self): # A mapping of file descriptors (integers) to InputDevice instances. devices = {dev.fd: dev for dev in self.devices} while True: r, w, x = select(devices, [], []) for fd in r: for event in devices[fd].read(): ce = evdev.categorize(event) if isinstance(ce, evdev.KeyEvent): self.handle_key(ce.keycode, ce.keystate) return
Example #6
Source File: From evdevremapkeys with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read_events(req_device): for device in list_devices(): # Look in all 3 identifiers + event number if req_device in device or \ req_device == device[0].replace("/dev/input/event", ""): found = evdev.InputDevice(device[0]) if 'found' not in locals(): print("Device not found. \n" "Please use --list-devices to view a list of available devices.") return print(found) print("To stop, press Ctrl-C") for event in found.read_loop(): try: if event.type == evdev.ecodes.EV_KEY: categorized = evdev.categorize(event) if categorized.keystate == 1: keycode = categorized.keycode if type(categorized.keycode) is str \ else " | ".join(categorized.keycode) print("Key pressed: %s (%s)" % (keycode, categorized.scancode)) except KeyError: if event.value: print("Unknown key (%s) has been pressed." % event.code) else: print("Unknown key (%s) has been released." % event.code)
Example #7
Source File: From pyLCI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def listen_for_events(dev): for event in dev.read_loop(): if event.type == ecodes.EV_KEY: print": "+str(categorize(event))
Example #8
Source File: From aws-builders-fair-projects with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def handle_event(device, myMQTTClient): async for event in device.async_read_loop(): for num, joystick in enumerate(joysticks): if joystick['device']==device: jsindex = num categorized = categorize(event) if event.type == ecodes.EV_KEY: logging.debug(f'button push {joysticks[jsindex]["color"]} {joysticks[jsindex]["path"]}: {categorized.keycode}, {categorized.keystate}')'move {joysticks[jsindex]["move"]} locked {joysticks[jsindex]["movelocked"]}') if (categorized.keycode[0] == KEY_JOYSTICK or categorized.keycode[0] == KEY_BTNA) and categorized.keystate == 1 and not ( joysticks[jsindex]['move'] == '') and not ( joysticks[jsindex]['movelocked'] == True): #submit move if there is one logging.debug(f'move submitted for {joysticks[jsindex]["color"]}, {joysticks[jsindex]["device"]}:{joysticks[jsindex]["move"]}') joysticks[jsindex]['movelocked']=True message = {} message['joystick']=joysticks[jsindex]['color'] message['move']=joysticks[jsindex]['move'] jsonmsg = json.dumps(message) topic = joysticks[jsindex]['movetopic'] myMQTTClient.publish(topic, jsonmsg, 0)'posted move {jsonmsg}') await setLightStatus(jsindex, MOVE_LOCKED) elif (categorized.keycode==KEY_THUMB or categorized.keycode==KEY_TL2 ) and categorized.keystate==1: #for debugging, clear move joysticks[jsindex]['move'] = '' joysticks[jsindex]['movelocked']=False await setLightStatus(jsindex, READY_FOR_MOVES)'{joysticks[jsindex]["color"]} {joysticks[jsindex]["path"]} unlocked')'{joysticks}') elif event.type == ecodes.EV_ABS and joysticks[jsindex]['movelocked']==False and ( event.value == ABS_LEFT or event.value==ABS_RIGHT): logging.debug(f'joystick move {joysticks[jsindex]["move"]} {joysticks[jsindex]["path"]} value: {event.value} {event}') if event.code == ABS_X: if event.value == ABS_RIGHT: joysticks[jsindex]['move'] = MOVE_RIGHT'{joysticks[jsindex]["color"]} {joysticks[jsindex]["path"]} right') elif event.value == ABS_LEFT: joysticks[jsindex]['move'] = MOVE_LEFT'{joysticks[jsindex]["color"]} {joysticks[jsindex]["path"]} left') elif event.code == ABS_Y: if event.value == ABS_UP: joysticks[jsindex]['move'] = MOVE_FORWARD'{joysticks[jsindex]["color"]} {joysticks[jsindex]["path"]} forward')