Python ncclient.manager.connect() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of ncclient.manager.connect().
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Example #1
Source File: From sbx_iosxe with MIT License | 7 votes |
def test_ssh(self): """ Verify device reachable through SSH """ for dev in self.parent.parameters["dev"]: banner("Testing SSH Access to {}".format( ) # Retry loop, number of tries controlled by variable. for _ in range(MAX_RETRIES): try: dev.connect(alias="admin", via="admin", learn_hostname=True) except Exception as e: log.error("Attempt number {} to connect with SSH failed.".format(_ + 1)) log.error(e) else: break # If unable to connect, fail test else: self.failed( "Failed to establish SSH connection to '{}'".format( ) )
Example #2
Source File: From sbx_iosxe with MIT License | 6 votes |
def main(): """ Main method that retrieves the hostname from config via NETCONF. """ with manager.connect(host=HOST, port=PORT, username=USER, password=PASS, hostkey_verify=False, device_params={'name': 'default'}, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False) as m: # XML filter to issue with the get operation # IOS-XE pre-16.2 YANG model called urn:ios # IOS-XE 16.2 - 16.4 YANG model called # IOS-XE 16.5+ YANG model called hostname_filter = ''' <filter> <native xmlns=""> <hostname></hostname> </native> </filter> ''' result = m.get_config('running', hostname_filter) xml_doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(result.xml) hostname = xml_doc.getElementsByTagName("hostname") print(hostname[0].firstChild.nodeValue)
Example #3
Source File: From CloudEngine-Ansible with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, module): self._module = module if not HAS_NCCLIENT: self._module.fail_json(msg='Error: The ncclient library is required.') try: = manager.connect(host=module.params["host"], port=module.params["port"], username=module.params["username"], password=module.params["password"], unknown_host_cb=ce_unknown_host_cb, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False, hostkey_verify=False, device_params={'name': 'huawei'}, timeout=30) except AuthenticationError: self._module.fail_json(msg='Error: Authentication failed while connecting to device.') except Exception: err = get_exception() self._module.fail_json(msg='Error: %s' % str(err).replace("\r\n", "")) raise
Example #4
Source File: From netconf-yang-training with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def demo(host=nc_host, port=nc_port, user=nc_user, password=nc_password): with manager.connect(host=host, port=port, username=user, password=password, hostkey_verify=False, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False) as mgr: # Persist-id for the confirmed commit pid = "IQ,d4668" assert ':candidate' in mgr.server_capabilities assert ':validate' in mgr.server_capabilities with mgr.locked(target='candidate'): mgr.discard_changes() print("Editing config") mgr.edit_config(config=CONFIG, target="candidate") mgr.validate() mgr.commit(confirmed=True, timeout="10", persist=pid) print ("Running the tests (5s)") time.sleep(5) # Could cancel the commit during the timeout # res = mgr.cancel_commit(persist_id=pid) print("Committing") res = mgr.commit(confirmed=True) print(res)
Example #5
Source File: From sbx_nxos with MIT License | 6 votes |
def main(): """ Main method that prints netconf capabilities of remote device. """ serial_number = """ <System xmlns=""> <serial/> </System> """ for device in DEVICES: with manager.connect(host=device, port=PORT, username=USER, password=PASS, hostkey_verify=False, device_params={'name': 'nexus'}, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False) as m: # Collect the NETCONF response netconf_response = m.get(('subtree', serial_number)) # Parse the XML and print the data xml_data = netconf_response.data_ele serial = xml_data.find(".//{}serial").text print("The serial number for {} {} is {}".format(DEVICE_NAMES[device], device, serial))
Example #6
Source File: From netconf-yang-training with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def demo(host=nc_host, port=nc_port, user=nc_user, password=nc_password): with manager.connect(host=host, port=port, username=user, password=password, hostkey_verify=False, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False) as m: # Persist-id for the confirmed commit pid = "IQ,d4668" assert(":candidate" in m.server_capabilities) assert(":validate" in m.server_capabilities) with m.locked(target='candidate'): m.discard_changes() m.edit_config(config=config_snippet, target="candidate") m.validate() m.commit(confirmed=True, timeout="10", persist=pid) print "Running the tests" time.sleep(5) # Could cancel the commit during the timeout # res = m.cancel_commit(persist_id=pid) print "Committing" res = m.commit(confirmed=True) print res
Example #7
Source File: From yang-explorer with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def connect(self): """ Establish netconf session """ if self.handle is not None: return True try: # timeout is configurable as environment variable timeout = int(os.getenv("NCCLIENT_TIMEOUT", 90)) self.handle = manager.connect(, port=self.port, username=self.username, password=self.password, device_params=self.params, unknown_host_cb=self._unknown_host_cb, look_for_keys=False, timeout=timeout) except: logging.exception("Failed to create netconf session:") self.handle = None return False logging.debug("Connected: %s" % self.__str__()) return True
Example #8
Source File: From yang-explorer with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_capability(self): """ Returns device capabilities """ logging.debug('get_capability ..') reply = ET.Element('reply') if not self.connect(): reply.text = 'NetConf Session could not be established {%s}' % str(self) return reply self.disconnect() if self.handle.server_capabilities: caps = sorted(self.handle.server_capabilities) reply.text = '\n'.join((c for c in caps if c.startswith('urn:ietf:params:netconf:'))) reply.text += '\n\n' reply.text += '\n'.join((c for c in caps if not c.startswith('urn:ietf:params:netconf:')))'Received device capabilities ..') return reply
Example #9
Source File: From netconf-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): """Main method that retrieves the hostname from config via NETCONF (NXOS).""" with manager.connect(host=HOST, port=PORT, username=USER, password=PASS, hostkey_verify=False, device_params={'name': 'nexus'}, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False) as m: # XML filter to issue with the get operation hostname_filter = ''' <show xmlns=""> <hostname> </hostname> </show> ''' result = m.get(('subtree', hostname_filter)) # Pass the XML result as a string to the parseString function xml_doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(result.xml) hostname = xml_doc.getElementsByTagName("mod:hostname") print(hostname[0].firstChild.nodeValue)
Example #10
Source File: From sbx_nxos with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): """ Main method that adds loopback interface 99 to both the spine switches. """ loopback_add = """ <config> <System xmlns=""> <intf-items> <lb-items> <LbRtdIf-list> <id>lo99</id> <adminSt>up</up> <descr>Interface added via NETCONF</descr> </LbRtdIf-list> </lb-items> </intf-items> </System> </config>""" for device in DEVICES: with manager.connect(host=device, port=PORT, username=USER, password=PASS, hostkey_verify=False, device_params={'name': 'nexus'}, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False) as m: # Add the loopback interface print("\nNow adding Loopback99 device {} {}...\n".format(DEVICE_NAMES[device], device)) netconf_response = m.edit_config(target='running', config=loopback_add) # Parse the XML response print(netconf_response)
Example #11
Source File: From sbx_nxos with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): """ Main method that collects the BGP router-id from the spine switches using the native model """ add_prefix = """ <config> <System xmlns=""> <bgp-items> <inst-items> <dom-items> <Dom-list> <name>default</name> <af-items> <DomAf-list> <type>ipv4-ucast</type> <prefix-items> <AdvPrefix-list> <addr>{}</addr> </AdvPrefix-list> </prefix-items> </DomAf-list> </af-items> </Dom-list> </dom-items> </inst-items> </bgp-items> </System> </config>""" for device in DEVICES: with manager.connect(host=device, port=PORT, username=USER, password=PASS, hostkey_verify=False, device_params={'name': 'nexus'}, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False) as m: # Add the prefix to BGP print("\nNow adding prefix {} to device {} {}..\n".format(PREFIX[device], DEVICE_NAMES[device], device)) new_prefix = add_prefix.format(PREFIX[device]) netconf_response = m.edit_config(target='running', config=new_prefix) # Parse the XML response print(netconf_response)
Example #12
Source File: From Mastering-Python-Networking with MIT License | 5 votes |
def connect(host, port, user, password): connection = manager.connect(host=host, port=port, username=user, password=password, timeout=10, device_params={'name':'junos'}, hostkey_verify=False) return connection # execute show commands
Example #13
Source File: From Python-Network-Programming with MIT License | 5 votes |
def connect(host, port, user, password): connection = manager.connect(host=host, port=port, username=user, password=password, timeout=10, device_params={'name':'junos'}, hostkey_verify=False) return connection # execute show commands
Example #14
Source File: From fake-switches with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_client(self): return manager.connect( host="", port=self.conf["ssh"], username="root", password="root", hostkey_verify=False, device_params={'name': 'junos'} )
Example #15
Source File: From voltha with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _do_connect(self, timeout): try: self._session = manager.connect(host=self._ip, port=self._port, username=self._username, password=self._password, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False, hostkey_verify=False, timeout=timeout) except SSHError as e: # Log and rethrow exception so any errBack is called log.warn('SSHError-during-connect', e=e) raise e except Exception as e: # Log and rethrow exception so any errBack is called log.exception('Connect-failed: {}', e=e) raise e # If debug logging is enabled, decrease the level, DEBUG is a significant # performance hit during response XML decode if log.isEnabledFor('DEBUG'): log.setLevel('INFO') # TODO: ncclient also supports RaiseMode:NONE to limit exceptions. To set use: # # self._session.raise_mode = RaiseMode:NONE # # and the when you get a response back, you can check 'response.ok' to # see if it is 'True' if it is not, you can enumerate the 'response.errors' # list for more information return self._session
Example #16
Source File: From sbx_nxos with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): """ Main method that collects the ASN from the spine switches using the OpenConfig model """ get_oc_bgp = """ <bgp xmlns=""> <global> <state/> </global> </bgp> """ for device in DEVICES: with manager.connect(host=device, port=PORT, username=USER, password=PASS, hostkey_verify=False, device_params={'name': 'nexus'}, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False) as m: # Add the loopback interface netconf_response = m.get(('subtree', get_oc_bgp)) # Parse the XML response xml_data = netconf_response.data_ele asn = xml_data.find(".//{}as").text router_id = xml_data.find(".//{}router-id").text print("ASN number:{}, Router ID: {} for {} {}".format(asn, router_id, DEVICE_NAMES[device], device))
Example #17
Source File: From sbx_nxos with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): """ Main method that collects the ASN from the spine switches using the native model """ asn_filter = """ <System xmlns=""> <bgp-items> <inst-items> <asn/> </inst-items> </bgp-items> </System> """ for device in DEVICES: with manager.connect(host=device, port=PORT, username=USER, password=PASS, hostkey_verify=False, device_params={'name': 'nexus'}, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False) as m: # Add the loopback interface netconf_response = m.get(('subtree', asn_filter)) # Parse the XML response xml_data = netconf_response.data_ele asn = xml_data.find(".//{}asn").text print("The ASN number for {} {} is {}".format(DEVICE_NAMES[device], device, asn))
Example #18
Source File: From sbx_nxos with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): """ Main method that prints netconf capabilities of remote device. """ for device in DEVICES: with manager.connect(host=device, port=PORT, username=USER, password=PASS, hostkey_verify=False, device_params={'name': 'nexus'}, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False) as m: # print all NETCONF capabilities print('\n***Remote Devices Capabilities for device {} {}***\n'.format(DEVICE_NAMES[device], device)) for capability in m.server_capabilities: print(capability.split('?')[0])
Example #19
Source File: From netconf-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_vlan(host, port, user, password, interface, int_id, vlan, ip, mask, template, config): """Function to create a subinterface on CSR1000V.""" intfc = re.compile(r'^(\D+)(\d+)$') m = intfc.match(interface + int_id) if m is None: print("Invalid interface name. Valid example: ", BASE) sys.exit() # create the XML configuration issued via NETCONF create_xml_config(template, config, interface, int_id, vlan, ip, mask) # open the NETCONF session with manager.connect(host=host, port=port, username=user, password=password, hostkey_verify=False, device_params={'name': 'default'}, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False) as m: with open(config) as f: try: # issue the edit-config operation with the XML config rpc_reply = m.edit_config(target='running', except Exception as e: print("Encountered the following RPC error!") print(e) sys.exit() # validate the RPC Reply returns "ok" if rpc_reply.ok is not True: print("Encountered a problem when configuring the device!") sys.exit()
Example #20
Source File: From voltha with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def lock(self, source, lock_timeout): """ Lock the configuration system :return: (deferred) for RpcReply """'lock', source=source, timeout=lock_timeout) if not self._session or not self._session.connected: raise NotImplementedError('TODO: Support auto-connect if needed') return threads.deferToThread(self._do_lock, source, lock_timeout)
Example #21
Source File: From netconf-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_configured_interfaces(): """Main method that retrieves the interfaces from config via NETCONF.""" with manager.connect(host=HOST, port=PORT, username=USER, password=PASS, hostkey_verify=False, device_params={'name': 'default'}, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False) as m: with open(FILE) as f: return(m.get_config('running',
Example #22
Source File: From netconf-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): """Main method that prints NETCONF capabilities of remote device.""" with manager.connect(host=HOST, port=PORT, username=USER, password=PASS, hostkey_verify=False, device_params={'name': 'nexus'}, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False) as m: # print all NETCONF capabilities print('***Here are the Remote Devices Capabilities***') for capability in m.server_capabilities: print(capability)
Example #23
Source File: From Mastering-Python-Networking-Third-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
def connect(host, port, user, password): connection = manager.connect(host=host, port=port, username=user, password=password, timeout=10, device_params={'name':'junos'}, hostkey_verify=False) return connection # execute show commands
Example #24
Source File: From netman with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _connect(self): params = dict( host=self.switch_descriptor.hostname, username=self.switch_descriptor.username, password=self.switch_descriptor.password, hostkey_verify=False, device_params={'name': 'junos'}, timeout=self.timeout ) if self.switch_descriptor.port: params["port"] = self.switch_descriptor.port self.netconf = manager.connect(**params)
Example #25
Source File: From sbx_iosxe with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): """ Main method that prints netconf capabilities of remote device. """ with manager.connect(host=HOST, port=PORT, username=USER, password=PASS, hostkey_verify=False, device_params={'name': 'default'}, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False) as m: # print all NETCONF capabilities print('***Here are the Remote Devices Capabilities***') for capability in m.server_capabilities: print(capability.split('?')[0])
Example #26
Source File: From voltha with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def unlock(self, source): """ Get the requested data from the server :param source: RPC request :return: (deferred) for RpcReply """'unlock', source=source) if not self._session or not self._session.connected: raise NotImplementedError('TODO: Support auto-connect if needed') return threads.deferToThread(self._do_unlock, source)
Example #27
Source File: From sbx_iosxe with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_netconf(self): """ Verify device reachable through NETCONF """ for dev in self.parent.parameters["dev"]: if "netconf" in dev.connections: banner("Testing NETCONF Access to {}".format( ) # Retry loop for _ in range(MAX_RETRIES): try: with manager.connect( host = str(dev.connections.netconf.ip), port = str(dev.connections.netconf.port), username = dev.tacacs.username, password = dev.passwords.tacacs, hostkey_verify = False, look_for_keys=False ) as m:"NETCONF Connected is {}".format(m.connected)) # If unable to connect, fail test except Exception as e: log.error("Attempt number {} to connect with NETCONF failed.".format(_ + 1)) log.error(e) else: break # If unable to connect, fail test else: self.failed( "Failed to establish NETCONF connection to '{}'".format( ) )
Example #28
Source File: From HPN-Scripting with MIT License | 5 votes |
def connect(host, username, password): # Set-up NETCONF connection with manager.connect(host=host, port=830, username=username, password=password, hostkey_verify=False, allow_agent=False, look_for_keys=False ) as netconf_manager: data = netconf_manager.get_config(source='running') return data
Example #29
Source File: From Mastering-Python-Networking-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
def connect(host, port, user, password): connection = manager.connect(host=host, port=port, username=user, password=password, timeout=10, device_params={'name':'junos'}, hostkey_verify=False) return connection # execute show commands
Example #30
Source File: From netconf-examples with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): """Main method that prints netconf capabilities of remote device.""" with manager.connect(host=HOST, port=PORT, username=USER, password=PASS, hostkey_verify=False, device_params={'name': 'default'}, look_for_keys=False, allow_agent=False) as m: # print all NETCONF capabilities print('***Here are the Remote Devices Capabilities***') for capability in m.server_capabilities: print(capability)