Python logbook.NOTICE Examples
The following are 5
code examples of logbook.NOTICE().
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Example #1
Source File: From python-for-entrepreneurs-course-demos with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __get_logbook_logging_level(level_str): # logbook levels: # CRITICAL = 15 # ERROR = 14 # WARNING = 13 # NOTICE = 12 # INFO = 11 # DEBUG = 10 # TRACE = 9 # NOTSET = 0 level_str = level_str.upper().strip() if level_str == 'CRITICAL': return logbook.CRITICAL elif level_str == 'ERROR': return logbook.ERROR elif level_str == 'WARNING': return logbook.WARNING elif level_str == 'NOTICE': return logbook.NOTICE elif level_str == 'INFO': return logbook.INFO elif level_str == 'DEBUG': return logbook.DEBUG elif level_str == 'TRACE': return logbook.TRACE elif level_str == 'NOTSET': return logbook.NOTSET else: raise ValueError("Unknown logbook log level: {}".format(level_str))
Example #2
Source File: From saltyrtc-server-python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_logging_level(verbosity: int) -> LogbookLevel: import logbook return LogbookLevel({ 1: logbook.CRITICAL, 2: logbook.ERROR, 3: logbook.WARNING, 4: logbook.NOTICE, 5: logbook.INFO, 6: logbook.DEBUG, 7: logbook.TRACE, }[verbosity])
Example #3
Source File: From cookiecutter-pyramid-talk-python-starter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __get_logbook_logging_level(level_str): # logbook levels: # CRITICAL = 15 # ERROR = 14 # WARNING = 13 # NOTICE = 12 # INFO = 11 # DEBUG = 10 # TRACE = 9 # NOTSET = 0 level_str = level_str.upper().strip() if level_str == 'CRITICAL': return logbook.CRITICAL elif level_str == 'ERROR': return logbook.ERROR elif level_str == 'WARNING': return logbook.WARNING elif level_str == 'NOTICE': return logbook.NOTICE elif level_str == 'INFO': return logbook.INFO elif level_str == 'DEBUG': return logbook.DEBUG elif level_str == 'TRACE': return logbook.TRACE elif level_str == 'NOTSET': return logbook.NOTSET else: raise ValueError("Unknown logbook log level: {}".format(level_str))
Example #4
Source File: From cookiecutter-course with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __get_logbook_logging_level(level_str): # logbook levels: # CRITICAL = 15 # ERROR = 14 # WARNING = 13 # NOTICE = 12 # INFO = 11 # DEBUG = 10 # TRACE = 9 # NOTSET = 0 level_str = level_str.upper().strip() if level_str == 'CRITICAL': return logbook.CRITICAL elif level_str == 'ERROR': return logbook.ERROR elif level_str == 'WARNING': return logbook.WARNING elif level_str == 'NOTICE': return logbook.NOTICE elif level_str == 'INFO': return logbook.INFO elif level_str == 'DEBUG': return logbook.DEBUG elif level_str == 'TRACE': return logbook.TRACE elif level_str == 'NOTSET': return logbook.NOTSET else: raise ValueError("Unknown logbook log level: {}".format(level_str))
Example #5
Source File: From ClusterRunner with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def configure_logging(log_level=None, log_file=None, simplified_console_logs=False): """ This should be called once as early as possible in app startup to configure logging handlers and formatting. :param log_level: The level at which to record log messages (DEBUG|INFO|NOTICE|WARNING|ERROR|CRITICAL) :type log_level: str :param log_file: The file to write logs to, or None to disable logging to a file :type log_file: str | None :param simplified_console_logs: Whether or not to use the simplified logging format and coloring :type simplified_console_logs: bool """ # Set datetimes in log messages to be local timezone instead of UTC logbook.set_datetime_format('local') # Redirect standard lib logging to capture third-party logs in our log files (e.g., tornado, requests) logging.root.setLevel(logging.WARNING) # don't include DEBUG/INFO/NOTICE-level logs from third parties logbook.compat.redirect_logging(set_root_logger_level=False) # Add a NullHandler to suppress all log messages lower than our desired log_level. (Otherwise they go to stderr.) NullHandler().push_application() log_level = log_level or Configuration['log_level'] format_string, log_colors = _LOG_FORMAT_STRING, _LOG_COLORS if simplified_console_logs: format_string, log_colors = _SIMPLIFIED_LOG_FORMAT_STRING, _SIMPLIFIED_LOG_COLORS # handler for stdout log_handler = _ColorizingStreamHandler( stream=sys.stdout, level=log_level, format_string=format_string, log_colors=log_colors, bubble=True, ) log_handler.push_application() # handler for log file if log_file: fs.create_dir(os.path.dirname(log_file)) previous_log_file_exists = os.path.exists(log_file) event_handler = _ColorizingRotatingFileHandler( filename=log_file, level=log_level, format_string=_LOG_FORMAT_STRING, log_colors=_LOG_COLORS, bubble=True, max_size=Configuration['max_log_file_size'], backup_count=Configuration['max_log_file_backups'], ) event_handler.push_application() if previous_log_file_exists: # Force application to create a new log file on startup. event_handler.perform_rollover(increment_logfile_counter=False) else: event_handler.log_application_summary()