Python slacker.Error() Examples
The following are 13
code examples of slacker.Error().
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Example #1
Source File: From pyconjpbot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _react(message, emojis): """ 指定された emoji を reaction で返す """ if isinstance(emojis, str): # tuple に変換する emojis = (emojis, ) for emoji in emojis: try: message.react(emoji) except Error as error: # 同じリアクションをすると例外が発生するので、無視する if error.args[0] == 'already_reacted': pass else: raise
Example #2
Source File: From aioslacker with MIT License | 6 votes |
def post(self, data): if not self.url: raise slacker.Error('URL for incoming webhook is undefined') _request = self.session.request( 'POST', self.url, data=data, timeout=None, ) _response = None try: with async_timeout.timeout(self.timeout, loop=self.loop): _response = yield from _request _response.raise_for_status() _json = yield from _response.json() finally: if _response is not None: yield from _response.release() return _json
Example #3
Source File: From slack-cleaner with MIT License | 6 votes |
def remove_files(time_range, user_id=None, types=None, channel_id=None): # Setup time range for query oldest = time_range.start_ts latest = time_range.end_ts page = 1 if user_id == -1: user_id = None has_more = True while has_more: res = slack.files.list(user=user_id, ts_from=oldest, ts_to=latest, channel=channel_id, types=types, page=page).body if not res['ok']: logger.error('Error occurred on Slack\'s API:') pp.pprint(res) sys.exit(1) files = res['files'] current_page = res['paging']['page'] total_pages = res['paging']['pages'] has_more = current_page < total_pages page = current_page + 1 for f in files: if not should_delete_item(f): continue # Delete user file delete_file(f) if args.rate_limit: time.sleep(args.rate_limit)
Example #4
Source File: From em-slack-tableflip with MIT License | 6 votes |
def validate_token(token): """Validate token and retrieves info from Slack API.""" # Set auth object auth = Auth(token) try: # Make request result = auth.test() except Error as err: report_event(str(err), { 'token': token }) abort(400) # Check for errors if not result.successful: report_event('token_invalid', { 'token': token, 'result': result.__dict__ }) abort(400) # Return user info return result.body
Example #5
Source File: From foremast with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def post_slack_message(message=None, channel=None, username=None, icon_emoji=None): """Format the message and post to the appropriate slack channel. Args: message (str): Message to post to slack channel (str): Desired channel. Must start with # """ LOG.debug('Slack Channel: %s\nSlack Message: %s', channel, message) slack = slacker.Slacker(SLACK_TOKEN) try:, text=message, username=username, icon_emoji=icon_emoji)'Message posted to %s', channel) except slacker.Error:"error posted message to %s", channel)
Example #6
Source File: From slacker_log_handler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def emit(self, record): message = self.build_msg(record) if self.ping_users and record.levelno >= self.ping_level: for user in self.ping_users: message = '<@%s> %s' % (user, message) if self.stack_trace: trace = self.build_trace(record, fallback=message) attachments = json.dumps([trace]) else: attachments = None try: text=message,, username=self.username, icon_url=self.icon_url, icon_emoji=self.icon_emoji, attachments=attachments, ) except slacker.Error as e: if self.fail_silent: pass else: raise e
Example #7
Source File: From slack-cli with MIT License | 5 votes |
def save_token(user_token, team=None): # Always test token before saving try: client().api.test() except slacker.Error: raise errors.SlackCliError("Invalid Slack token: '{}'".format(user_token)) # Get team try: team = team or client()["team"]["domain"] except slacker.Error as e: message = e.args[0] if e.args[0] == "missing_scope": message = ( "Missing scope on token {}. This token requires the 'team:read' scope." ).format(user_token) raise errors.SlackCliError(message) # Save token try:, team) except errors.ConfigSaveError as e: sys.stderr.write("❌ ") sys.stderr.write(e.args[0]) sys.stderr.write("\n") sys.stderr.write( "⚠️ Could not save token to disk. You will have to configure the Slack" " token again next time you run slack-cli.\n" )
Example #8
Source File: From backup-slack with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, token): self.slack = slacker.Slacker(token=token) # Check the token is valid try: self.slack.auth.test() except slacker.Error: raise AuthenticationError('Unable to authenticate API token.') self.usernames = self._fetch_user_mapping()
Example #9
Source File: From slack-cleaner with MIT License | 5 votes |
def clean_replies(channel_id, thread_ts, time_range, user_id=None, bot=False): def list_f(latest, oldest): try: return slack.conversations.replies(channel_id, thread_ts, latest=latest, oldest=oldest, limit=1000) except Error as e: if str(e) == 'thread_not_found': # make it as if there are no more messages return dict(ok=True, messages=[]) raise e _clean_messages_impl(list_f, channel_id, time_range, user_id, bot, thread_ts)
Example #10
Source File: From em-slack-tableflip with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_token(code, scope='user'): """Request a token from the Slack API.""" # Set OAuth access object oauth = OAuth() # Setup return URL return_url = '{0}_url'.format(scope) try: # Attempt to make request result = oauth.access( client_id=PROJECT_INFO['client_id'], client_secret=PROJECT_INFO['client_secret'], redirect_uri=PROJECT_INFO[return_url], code=code ) except Error as err: report_event('oauth_error', { 'code': code, 'return_url': return_url, 'error': str(err) }) abort(400) if not result.successful: report_event('oauth_unsuccessful', { 'code': code, 'return_url': return_url, 'result': result.__dict__ }) abort(400) # Return token return result.body['access_token']
Example #11
Source File: From em-slack-tableflip with MIT License | 5 votes |
def is_valid_token(token): """Check that the user has a valid token.""" # Set auth object auth = Auth(token) try: # Make request result = auth.test() except Error as err: # Check for auth errors stf.report_event(str(err), { 'token': token }) return False # Check for further errors if not result.successful: stf.report_event('token_invalid', { 'token': token, 'result': result.__dict__ }) return False # Return successful return True
Example #12
Source File: From em-slack-tableflip with MIT License | 5 votes |
def send_flip(token, table, args): """Post the flip as the authenticated user in Slack.""" # Set up chat object chat = Chat(token) try: # Attempt to post message chat.post_message( args['channel_id'], table, username=args['user_id'], as_user=True ) except Error as err: stf.report_event(str(err), { 'token': token, 'table': table, 'args': args }) # Report if we got any errors return '{app} encountered an error: {error}'.format( app=stf.PROJECT_INFO['name_full'], error=str(err) ) # Return without errors return None
Example #13
Source File: From aioslacker with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __request(self, method, api, **kwargs): method = self.methods[method] kwargs.setdefault('params', {}) kwargs.setdefault('timeout', None) if self.token: kwargs['params']['token'] = self.token kwargs['params'] = urlencode(kwargs['params'], doseq=True) if method == 'POST': files = kwargs.pop('files', None) if files is not None: data = kwargs.pop('data', {}) _data = aiohttp.FormData() for k, v in files.items(): _data.add_field(k, open(, 'rb')) for k, v in data.items(): if v is not None: _data.add_field(k, str(v)) kwargs['data'] = _data _url = slacker.API_BASE_URL.format(api=api) _request = self.session.request(method, _url, **kwargs) _response = None try: with async_timeout.timeout(self.timeout, loop=self.loop): _response = yield from _request _response.raise_for_status() text = yield from _response.text() finally: if _response is not None: yield from _response.release() response = Response(text) if not response.successful: raise Error(response.error) return response