Python slacker.Slacker() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of slacker.Slacker().
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Example #1
Source File: From slack-cli with MIT License | 6 votes |
def init(user_token=None, team=None): """ This function must be called prior to any use of the Slack API. """ user_token = user_token loaded_token = token.load(team=team) must_save_token = False if user_token: if user_token != loaded_token: must_save_token = True else: user_token = loaded_token if not user_token: user_token = token.ask(team=team) must_save_token = True # Initialize slacker client globally Slacker.INSTANCE = slacker.Slacker(user_token) if must_save_token: save_token(user_token, team=team)
Example #2
Source File: From pyconjpbot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _send_password_on_dm(message, email, password): """ ユーザーのパスワード文字列を DM でコマンドを実行したユーザーに送信する :param email: ユーザーのメールアドレス :param password: 生成されたパスワード文字列 """ # ユーザーとのDMのチャンネルIDを取得 user = message._body['user'] slack = Slacker(settings.API_TOKEN) result = dm_channel = result.body['channel']['id'] msg = 'ユーザー `{}` のパスワードは `{}` です'.format(email, password) # DMチャンネルにメッセージを送信する message._client.rtm_send_message(dm_channel, msg)
Example #3
Source File: From opsbro with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __send_slack_check(self, check): token = self.__get_token() if not token: self.logger.error('[SLACK] token is not configured on the slack module. skipping slack messages.') return slack = Slacker(token) # title = '{date_num} {time_secs} [node:`%s`][addr:`%s`] Check `%s` is going %s' % (gossiper.display_name, gossiper.addr, check['name'], check['state']) content = check['output'] channel = self.get_parameter('channel') colors = {'ok': 'good', 'warning': 'warning', 'critical': 'danger'} node_name = '%s (%s)' % (, gossiper.addr) if gossiper.display_name: node_name = '%s [%s]' % (node_name, gossiper.display_name) attachment = {"pretext": ' ', "text": content, 'color': colors.get(check['state'], '#764FA5'), 'author_name': node_name, 'footer': 'Send by OpsBro on %s' % node_name, 'ts': int(time.time())} fields = [ {"title": "Node", "value": node_name, "short": True}, {"title": "Check", "value": check['name'], "short": True}, ] attachment['fields'] = fields attachments = [attachment] self.__do_send_message(slack, attachments, channel)
Example #4
Source File: From opsbro with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __send_slack_group(self, group, group_modification): token = self.__get_token() if not token: self.logger.error('[SLACK] token is not configured on the slack module. skipping slack messages.') return slack = Slacker(token) # title = '{date_num} {time_secs} [node:`%s`][addr:`%s`] Check `%s` is going %s' % (gossiper.display_name, gossiper.addr, check['name'], check['state']) content = 'The group %s was %s' % (group, group_modification) channel = self.get_parameter('channel') colors = {'remove': 'danger', 'add': 'good'} node_name = '%s (%s)' % (, gossiper.addr) if gossiper.display_name: node_name = '%s [%s]' % (node_name, gossiper.display_name) attachment = {"pretext": ' ', "text": content, 'color': colors.get(group_modification, '#764FA5'), 'author_name': node_name, 'footer': 'Send by OpsBro on %s' % node_name, 'ts': int(time.time())} fields = [ {"title": "Node", "value": node_name, "short": True}, {"title": "Group:%s" % group_modification, "value": group, "short": True}, ] attachment['fields'] = fields attachments = [attachment] self.__do_send_message(slack, attachments, channel)
Example #5
Source File: From opsbro with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __send_slack_compliance(self, compliance): token = self.__get_token() if not token: self.logger.error('[SLACK] token is not configured on the slack module. skipping slack messages.') return slack = Slacker(token) # title = '{date_num} {time_secs} [node:`%s`][addr:`%s`] Check `%s` is going %s' % (gossiper.display_name, gossiper.addr, check['name'], check['state']) content = 'The compliance %s changed from %s to %s' % (compliance.get_name(), compliance.get_state(), compliance.get_old_state()) channel = self.get_parameter('channel') state_color = COMPLIANCE_STATE_COLORS.get(compliance.get_state()) color = {'magenta': '#221220', 'green': 'good', 'cyan': '#cde6ff', 'red': 'danger', 'grey': '#cccccc'}.get(state_color, '#cccccc') node_name = '%s (%s)' % (, gossiper.addr) if gossiper.display_name: node_name = '%s [%s]' % (node_name, gossiper.display_name) attachment = {"pretext": ' ', "text": content, 'color': color, 'author_name': node_name, 'footer': 'Send by OpsBro on %s' % node_name, 'ts': int(time.time())} fields = [ {"title": "Node", "value": node_name, "short": True}, {"title": "Compliance:%s" % compliance.get_name(), "value": compliance.get_state(), "short": True}, ] attachment['fields'] = fields attachments = [attachment] self.__do_send_message(slack, attachments, channel)
Example #6
Source File: From slacker with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def list_slack(): """List channels & users in slack.""" try: token = os.environ['SLACK_TOKEN'] slack = Slacker(token) # Get channel list response = slack.channels.list() channels = response.body['channels'] for channel in channels: print(channel['id'], channel['name']) # if not channel['is_archived']: # slack.channels.join(channel['name']) print() # Get users list response = slack.users.list() users = response.body['members'] for user in users: if not user['deleted']: print(user['id'], user['name'], user['is_admin'], user[ 'is_owner']) print() except KeyError as ex: print('Environment variable %s not set.' % str(ex))
Example #7
Source File: From aws-iam-slack-notifer with MIT License | 6 votes |
def send_to_slack(message, attachment, channel, key): status = True print("sending slack message " + message) emoji = ":closed_lock_with_key:" if not channel.startswith('#'): channel = '#' + channel slack = Slacker(key) channel=channel, text=message, attachments=attachment, as_user="false", username="AWS IAM Notifier", icon_emoji=emoji) return status
Example #8
Source File: From CodeScraper with MIT License | 6 votes |
def postNewPoCFound(word, repos, channel): url = '' slack = Slacker(slackbot_settings.API_TOKEN) try: channel, 'New Code Found about `' + word + '` at _github_', as_user=True ) message = '' for r in repos: message += url + '/' + r + '/\n' channel, message, as_user=True ) except: print("Could not send slack notification.") print(traceback.format_exc())
Example #9
Source File: From CodeScraper with MIT License | 6 votes |
def postAnyData(word, channel): slack = Slacker(slackbot_settings.API_TOKEN) try: channel, word, as_user=True ) except: print("Could not send slack notification.") print(traceback.format_exc()) #if __name__ == '__main__': # slack = Slacker(slackbot_settings.API_TOKEN) # # 'bot_test', # 'Hello. I\'m Master', # as_user=True # )
Example #10
Source File: From devopsloft with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def putSlack(channel='sandbox', message='Hello World', event=None): try: sc = Slacker(loft_hvac.read_secret(path='secret/slack/apikey')) response = channel=channel, text=message, unfurl_links=True ) if response.body['ok']: print('success') else: print("Failed publishing to slack. Error: {0}" .format(response['error'])) except Exception as e: print(e)
Example #11
Source File: From slacker-cli with MIT License | 5 votes |
def post_message( token, channel, message, name, as_user, icon, as_slackbot, team, **kwargs ): if as_slackbot: post_message_as_slackbot(team, token, channel, message) else: slack = Slacker(token) channel, message, username=name, as_user=as_user, icon_emoji=icon, **kwargs )
Example #12
Source File: From slack-cli with MIT License | 5 votes |
def client(): return Slacker.instance()
Example #13
Source File: From backup-slack with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, token): self.slack = slacker.Slacker(token=token) # Check the token is valid try: self.slack.auth.test() except slacker.Error: raise AuthenticationError('Unable to authenticate API token.') self.usernames = self._fetch_user_mapping()
Example #14
Source File: From slack-auto-export with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, token, verbose=False): self.slack = slacker.Slacker(token) self.verbose = verbose
Example #15
Source File: From butterfield with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, token, daemons=None, **kwargs): self.slack = Slacker(token) self.uuid = hashlib.sha1(token.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() self.handlers = defaultdict(list) self.daemons = daemons or [] self.environment = None self.params = kwargs
Example #16
Source File: From slack_bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def upload_image(canvas_or_url, image_type, app=None, filename=None, tmp_dir=None, deleted=False): here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) if tmp_dir is None: tmp_dir = os.path.join(here, 'data') match = if match: imgstr = if filename is None: filename = os.path.join(tmp_dir, '{}.png'.format(imgstr[:20])) output = open(filename, 'wb') output.write(imgstr.decode('base64')) output.close() else: r = requests.get(canvas_or_url, stream=True) if filename is None: filename = canvas_or_url.rsplit('/', 1)[1] with open(filename, 'wb') as f: r.raw.decode_content = True shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) if image_type == 'thumb': image_type = 'thumb_360' if app is None: token = 'xoxp-4231087425-4231087427-4463321974-03a74ae' else: token = app.config.get('SLACK_CHAT_TOKEN') slack = Slacker(token) ret = slack.files.upload(filename) if deleted: os.remove(filename) try: return ret.body['file'][image_type] except KeyError: return ret.body['file']['url']
Example #17
Source File: From slacker-cli with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_im_id(token, username): slack = Slacker(token) members = slack.users.list().body["members"] user_id = get_item_id_by_name(members, username) ims =["ims"] return get_item_by_key_value(ims, key="user", value=user_id).get("id")
Example #18
Source File: From slacker-cli with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_channel_id(token, channel_name): slack = Slacker(token) channels = slack.channels.list().body["channels"] return get_item_id_by_name(channels, channel_name)
Example #19
Source File: From slacker-cli with MIT License | 5 votes |
def upload_file(token, channel_name, file_name): """ upload file to a channel """ slack = Slacker(token) slack.files.upload(file_name, channels=channel_name)
Example #20
Source File: From AutoTriageBot with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def postMessage(message: str, channel:, attachments: List=[]) -> Optional[Mapping]: """ Post a message to the specified slack channel """ if secrets.slackOauth: slack = Slacker(secrets.slackOauth) if channel: resp =, message, attachments=attachments) return resp.body return None
Example #21
Source File: From destalinator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, slackbot_injected=None, slacker_injected=None): self.slackbot = slackbot_injected or slackbot.Slackbot(self.config.slack_name, token=self.config.sb_token) set_up_slack_logger(self.slackbot) self.logger.debug("activated is %s", self.config.activated) self.slacker = slacker_injected or slacker.Slacker(self.config.slack_name, token=self.config.api_token) self.ds = destalinator.Destalinator(slacker=self.slacker, slackbot=self.slackbot, activated=self.config.activated)
Example #22
Source File: From destalinator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def mocked_slacker_object(channels_list=None, users_list=None, messages_list=None, emoji_list=None): slacker_obj = slacker.Slacker(get_config().slack_name, token='token', init=False) slacker_obj.get_all_channel_objects = mock.MagicMock(return_value=channels_list or []) slacker_obj.get_channels() slacker_obj.get_all_user_objects = mock.MagicMock(return_value=users_list or []) slacker_obj.get_users() slacker_obj.get_messages_in_time_range = mock.MagicMock(return_value=messages_list or []) slacker_obj.get_emojis = mock.MagicMock(return_value=emoji_list or []) return slacker_obj
Example #23
Source File: From gmail2slack with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, apikey): self.slack = Slacker(apikey)
Example #24
Source File: From slack-cli with MIT License | 5 votes |
def instance(cls): if cls.INSTANCE is None: # This is not supposed to happen raise ValueError("Slacker client token was not undefined") return cls.INSTANCE
Example #25
Source File: From slacker_log_handler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, api_key, channel, stack_trace=True, username='Python logger', icon_url=None, icon_emoji=None, fail_silent=False, ping_users=None, ping_level=None): Handler.__init__(self) self.formatter = NoStacktraceFormatter() self.stack_trace = stack_trace self.fail_silent = fail_silent self.slacker = slacker.Slacker(api_key) self.username = username self.icon_url = icon_url self.icon_emoji = icon_emoji if (icon_emoji or icon_url) else DEFAULT_EMOJI = channel if not'#') and not'@'): = '#' + self.ping_level = ping_level self.ping_users = [] if ping_users: user_list = self.slacker.users.list().body['members'] for ping_user in ping_users: ping_user = ping_user.lstrip('@') for user in user_list: if user['name'] == ping_user: self.ping_users.append(user['id']) break else: raise RuntimeError('User not found in Slack users list: %s' % ping_user)
Example #26
Source File: From slouch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, slack_token, config): """ Do not override this to perform implementation-specific setup; use :func:`prepare_bot` instead. No IO will be done until :func:`run_forever` is called (unless :func:`prepare_bot` is overridden to perform some). :param slack_token: a Slack api token. :param config: an arbitrary dictionary for implementation-specific configuration. The same object is stored as the `config` attribute and passed to prepare methods. """ #: the same config dictionary passed to init. self.config = config self._current_message_id = 0 #: a Logger (``logging.getLogger(__name__)``). self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # This doesn't perform IO. #: a `Slacker <>`__ instance created with `slack_token`. self.slack = Slacker(slack_token) #: the bot's Slack id. #: Not available until :func:`prepare_connection`. = None #: the bot's Slack name. #: Not available until :func:`prepare_connection`. = None #: the bot's Slack mention, equal to ``<@%s> %`` . #: Not available until :func:`prepare_connection`. self.my_mention = None #: a `WebSocketApp <>`__ instance. #: Not available until :func:`prepare_connection`. = None self.prepare_bot(self.config)
Example #27
Source File: From seqr with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def post_to_slack(channel, message): if not SLACK_TOKEN: return None slack = Slacker(SLACK_TOKEN) response = channel, message, as_user=False, icon_emoji=":beaker:", username="Beaker (engineering-minion)", ) return response.raw
Example #28
Source File: From slacker with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def post_slack(): """Post slack message.""" try: token = os.environ['SLACK_TOKEN'] slack = Slacker(token) obj ='#general', 'Hello fellow slackers!') print(obj.successful, obj.__dict__['body']['channel'], obj.__dict__[ 'body']['ts']) except KeyError as ex: print('Environment variable %s not set.' % str(ex))
Example #29
Source File: From slack-export with MIT License | 5 votes |
def doTestAuth(): testAuth = slack.auth.test().body teamName = testAuth['team'] currentUser = testAuth['user'] print(u"Successfully authenticated for team {0} and user {1} ".format(teamName, currentUser)) return testAuth # Since Slacker does not Cache.. populate some reused lists
Example #30
Source File: From openduty with MIT License | 5 votes |
def notify(self, notification): slack = Slacker(self.__config['apikey']) response =, notification.message, username="Openduty", icon_url="") if not response.error: print "Slack message sent" else: print "Failed to send Slack message"