Python markdown2.markdown() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of markdown2.markdown().
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Example #1
Source File: From FIR with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def rich_edit_static(context): files = [ "<link href=\"%s\" rel=\"stylesheet\"/>" % static( "simplemde/simplemde.min.css"), "<link href=\"%s\" rel=\"stylesheet\"/>" % static( "font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css"), "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"%s\"></script>" % static( "simplemde/marked.min.js"), "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"%s\"></script>" % static( "simplemde/simplemde.min.js"), "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"%s\"></script>" % static( "simplemde/inline-attachment.min.js"), "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"%s\"></script>" % static( "simplemde/codemirror.inline-attachment.js"), "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"%s\"></script>" % static( "simplemde/markdown.js") ] return mark_safe("\n".join(files))
Example #2
Source File: From chinese-support-redux with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def main(): """Covert GitHub mardown to AnkiWeb HTML.""" # permitted tags: img, a, b, i, code, ul, ol, li translate = [ (r'<h1>([^<]+)</h1>', r''), (r'<h2>([^<]+)</h2>', r'<b><i>\1</i></b>\n\n'), (r'<h3>([^<]+)</h3>', r'<b>\1</b>\n\n'), (r'<strong>([^<]+)</strong>', r'<b>\1</b>'), (r'<em>([^<]+)</em>', r'<i>\1</i>'), (r'<kbd>([^<]+)</kbd>', r'<code><b>\1</b></code>'), (r'</a></p>', r'</a></p>\n'), (r'<p>', r''), (r'</p>', r'\n\n'), (r'</(ol|ul)>(?!</(li|[ou]l)>)', r'</\1>\n'), ] with open('', encoding='utf-8') as f: html = ''.join(filter(None, markdown('\n'))) for a, b in translate: html = sub(a, b, html) with open('README.html', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(html.strip())
Example #3
Source File: From FIR with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def send(self, event, users, instance, paths): if not self._ensure_connection(): print("Cannot contact the XMPP server") return for user, templates in users.items(): jid = self._get_jid(user) if not self.enabled(event, user, paths) or jid is None: continue template = self._get_template(templates) if template is None: continue params = self.prepare(template, instance) message = xmpp.protocol.Message(jid, body=params['short_description'].encode('utf-8'), subject=params['subject'].encode('utf-8'), typ='chat') html = xmpp.Node('html', {'xmlns': ''}) text = u"<body xmlns=''>" + markdown2.markdown(params['short_description'], extras=["link-patterns"], link_patterns=link_registry.link_patterns( request), safe_mode=True) + u"</body>" html.addChild(node=xmpp.simplexml.XML2Node(text.encode('utf-8'))) message.addChild(node=html) self.client.send(message) self.client.disconnected()
Example #4
Source File: From recordexpungPDX with MIT License | 7 votes |
def to_pdf(title: str, markdown_source: str) -> bytes: html_style = MarkdownToPDF.css() html_body = markdown2.markdown(markdown_source) html = f""" <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>{title}</title> <style> {html_style} </style> </head> <body class="markdown-body"> {html_body} </body> </html> """ return pdfkit.from_string(html, False, options={"quiet": ""})
Example #5
Source File: From Preeminent with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_blog(id, request): blog = yield from Blog.find(id) # 通过id从数据库中拉去博客信息 # 从数据库拉取指定blog的全部评论,按时间降序排序,即最新的排在最前 comments = yield from Comment.findAll('blog_id=?', [id], orderBy='created_at desc') # 将每条评论都转化成html格式 for c in comments: c.html_content = text2html(c.content) # blog也是markdown格式,将其转化成html格式 blog.html_content = markdown2.markdown(blog.content) return { '__template__': 'blog.html', 'blog': blog, '__user__':request.__user__, 'comments': comments } # day10中定义 # 页面:注册页面
Example #6
Source File: From jd_analysis with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def record_result(self, result, color = 'default', font_size = 16, strong = False, type = 'word', br = True, default = False, new_line = False): self.full_result = '' if type == 'word' and default == False: if strong: result = '<strong style="color: %s; font-size: %spx;">%s</strong>' % (color, font_size, result) else: result = '<span style="color: %s; font-size: %spx;">%s</span>' % (color, font_size, result) elif type == 'image': result = markdown2.markdown(result) self.full_result += result if br: self.full_result += '<br>' if new_line: self.full_result += '\n' utils.push_redis(guid = self.guid, product_id = self.product_id, info = self.full_result, type = type) # 提取商品的基本信息
Example #7
Source File: From jd_analysis with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get(self, request, param): print('path:%s param:%s' % (request.path, param)) try: article = JDCommentAnalysis.objects.filter(Q(guid__iexact = param) | Q(product_id__iexact = param)).first() article.content = markdown2.markdown(text = article.content, extras = { 'tables': True, 'wiki-tables': True, 'fenced-code-blocks': True, }) context = { 'article': article } return render(request, 'full_result.html', context = context) except: return render(request, '404.html')
Example #8
Source File: From backtrader_plotting with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_metadata_div(strategy: bt.Strategy) -> str: md = "" md += _get_strategy(strategy) md += '* * *' md += _get_datas(strategy) md += '* * *' md += _get_observers(strategy) md += '* * *' md += _get_analyzers(strategy) md += '* * *' css_classes = {'table': 'metaDataTable'} html = markdown2.markdown(md, extras={ 'fenced-code-blocks': None, 'tables': None, 'html-classes': css_classes }) return html
Example #9
Source File: From TiLogCatcher with MIT License | 6 votes |
def generate_doc(config): docdir = os.path.join(cwd,'documentation') if not os.path.exists(docdir): warn("Couldn't find documentation file at: %s" % docdir) return None try: import markdown2 as markdown except ImportError: import markdown documentation = [] for file in os.listdir(docdir): if file in ignoreFiles or os.path.isdir(os.path.join(docdir, file)): continue md = open(os.path.join(docdir,file)).read() html = markdown.markdown(md) documentation.append({file:html}); return documentation
Example #10
Source File: From sample-platform with ISC License | 6 votes |
def get_html_issue_body(title, author, body, issue_number, url) -> Any: """ Curate a HTML formatted body for the issue mail. :param title: title of the issue :type title: str :param author: author of the issue :type author: str :param body: content of the issue :type body: str :param issue_number: issue number :type issue_number: int :param url: link to the issue :type url: str :return: email body in html format :rtype: str """ from run import app html_issue_body = markdown(body, extras=["target-blank-links", "task_list", "code-friendly"]) template = app.jinja_env.get_or_select_template("email/new_issue.txt") html_email_body = template.render(title=title, author=author, body=html_issue_body, url=url) return html_email_body
Example #11
Source File: From pyLanguagetool with MIT License | 6 votes |
def markdown2html(markdown): """ convert Markdown to HTML via ``markdown2`` Args: markdown (str): Markdown text Returns: str: HTML """ try: import markdown2 except ImportError: notinstalled("markdown2", "markdown", "HTML") sys.exit(4) return markdown2.markdown(markdown)
Example #12
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 6 votes |
def to_html(self, md = None, scroll_pos = -1, content_only = False): md = md or self.markup.text result = markdown(md, extras=self.extras) if not content_only: intro = Template(self.htmlIntro.safe_substitute(css = self.css)) (font_name, font_size) = self.font result = intro.safe_substitute( background_color = self.to_css_rgba(self.markup.background_color), text_color = self.to_css_rgba(self.markup.text_color), font_family = font_name, text_align = self.to_css_alignment(), font_size = str(font_size)+'px', init_postfix = self.init_postfix, link_prefix = self.link_prefix, debug_prefix = self.debug_prefix, scroll_pos = scroll_pos ) + result + self.htmlOutro return result
Example #13
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 6 votes |
def preferred_size(self, using='current', min_width=None, max_width=None, min_height=None, max_height=None): if using=='current': using = 'markdown' if self.editing else 'html' if using=='markdown': self.markup_ghost.text = self.markup.text view = self.markup_ghost else: view = self.web_ghost view.size_to_fit() if max_width and view.width > max_width: view.width = max_width view.size_to_fit() if max_width and view.width > max_width: view.width = max_width if min_width and view.width < min_width: view.width = min_width if max_height and view.height > max_height: view.height = max_height if min_height and view.height < min_height: view.height = min_height return (view.width, view.height)
Example #14
Source File: From pyLanguagetool with MIT License | 6 votes |
def ipynb2markdown(ipynb): """ Extract Markdown cells from iPython Notebook Args: ipynb (str): iPython notebook JSON file Returns: str: Markdown """ j = json.loads(ipynb) markdown = "" for cell in j["cells"]: if cell["cell_type"] == "markdown": markdown += "".join(cell["source"]) + "\n" return markdown
Example #15
Source File: From sample-platform with ISC License | 5 votes |
def test_italics_text(self): """ test conversion of markdown italics to html """ mkdown_test1 = "*I'm a emphasized text*" expected_test1 = "<p><em>I'm a emphasized text</em></p>\n" html_test1 = markdown(mkdown_test1) assert expected_test1 == html_test1, "wrong conversion for italics text"
Example #16
Source File: From sample-platform with ISC License | 5 votes |
def test_strong_text(self): """ test conversion of markdown bold to html """ mkdown_test1 = "**I'm a strong text**" expected_test1 = "<p><strong>I'm a strong text</strong></p>\n" html_test1 = markdown(mkdown_test1) assert expected_test1 == html_test1, "wrong conversion for bold text"
Example #17
Source File: From awesome-python3-webapp with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def api_get_blogs(): format = ctx.request.get('format', '') blogs, page = _get_blogs_by_page() if format=='html': for blog in blogs: blog.content = markdown2.markdown(blog.content,extras=["code-friendly","fenced-code-blocks"]) return dict(blogs=blogs, page=page)
Example #18
Source File: From sample-platform with ISC License | 5 votes |
def test_heading(self): """ test conversion of markdown heading to html """ mkdown_test1 = "# I'm a heading" expected_test1 = "<h1>I'm a heading</h1>\n" mkdown_test2 = "## I'm a heading" expected_test2 = "<h2>I'm a heading</h2>\n" html_test1 = markdown(mkdown_test1) html_test2 = markdown(mkdown_test2) assert expected_test1 == html_test1, "wrong conversion for heading 1" assert expected_test2 == html_test2, "wrong conversion for heading 2"
Example #19
Source File: From recordexpungPDX with MIT License | 5 votes |
def css(): response = requests.get( "" ) return response.text
Example #20
Source File: From slack-export-viewer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def render_text(self, message, process_markdown=True): message = message.replace("<!channel>", "@channel") message = message.replace("<!channel|@channel>", "@channel") message = message.replace("<!here>", "@here") message = message.replace("<!here|@here>", "@here") message = message.replace("<!everyone>", "@everyone") message = message.replace("<!everyone|@everyone>", "@everyone") message = self._slack_to_accepted_emoji(message) # Handle mentions of users, channels and bots (e.g "<@U0BM1CGQY|calvinchanubc> has joined the channel") message = self._MENTION_PAT.sub(self._sub_annotated_mention, message) # Handle links message = self._LINK_PAT.sub(self._sub_hyperlink, message) # Handle hashtags (that are meant to be hashtags and not headings) message = self._HASHTAG_PAT.sub(self._sub_hashtag, message) # Introduce unicode emoji message = emoji.emojize(message, use_aliases=True) if process_markdown: # Handle bold (convert * * to ** **) message = re.sub(r'\*', "**", message) message = markdown2.markdown( message, extras=[ "cuddled-lists", # This gives us <pre> and <code> tags for ```-fenced blocks "fenced-code-blocks", "pyshell" ] ).strip() # Special handling cases for lists message = message.replace("\n\n<ul>", "<ul>") message = message.replace("\n<li>", "<li>") return message
Example #21
Source File: From sample-platform with ISC License | 5 votes |
def test_link_text(self): """ test conversion of markdown hyperlinks to html """ mkdown_test1 = "[i'm a hyperlink](" expected_test1 = """<p><a href="">i'm a hyperlink</a></p>\n""" html_test1 = markdown(mkdown_test1) assert expected_test1 == html_test1, "wrong conversion for hyperlink text"
Example #22
Source File: From sample-platform with ISC License | 5 votes |
def test_list_text(self): """ test conversion of markdown list to html """ mkdown_test1 = "- i'm a list text" expected_test1 = "<ul>\n<li>i'm a list text</li>\n</ul>\n" html_test1 = markdown(mkdown_test1) assert expected_test1 == html_test1, "wrong conversion for list text"
Example #23
Source File: From sample-platform with ISC License | 5 votes |
def test_quote_text(self): """ test conversion of markdown quote text to html """ mkdown_test1 = "> i'm a quote" expected_test1 = "<blockquote>\n <p>i'm a quote</p>\n</blockquote>\n" html_test1 = markdown(mkdown_test1) assert expected_test1 == html_test1, "wrong conversion for quote text"
Example #24
Source File: From sample-platform with ISC License | 5 votes |
def test_extra_link_new_tab(self): """ test addition of target="_blank" attribute to anchor tags """ mkdown_test1 = "[I'll open in new tab](" expected_test1 = """<p><a target="_blank" href="">I'll open in new tab</a></p>\n""" html_test1 = markdown(mkdown_test1, extras=["target-blank-links"]) assert expected_test1 == html_test1, "no target attribute added to anchor tag"
Example #25
Source File: From sample-platform with ISC License | 5 votes |
def test_extra_task_list(self): """ test addition of target="_blank" attribute to anchor tags """ mkdown_test1 = "- [x] I'm a task" expected_test1 = ("""<ul>\n<li><input type="checkbox" class="task-list-item-checkbox" checked disabled> """ """I'm a task</li>\n</ul>\n""") html_test1 = markdown(mkdown_test1, extras=["task_list"]) assert expected_test1 == html_test1, "no target attribute added to anchor tag"
Example #26
Source File: From sample-platform with ISC License | 5 votes |
def test_extra_code_friendliness(self): """ test no conversion of markdown code style bold and italics to html """ mkdown_test1 = "__I'm not a strong text__" expected_test1 = "<p>__I'm not a strong text__</p>\n" mkdown_test2 = "_I'm not an italics text_" expected_test2 = "<p>_I'm not an italics text_</p>\n" html_test1 = markdown(mkdown_test1, extras=["code-friendly"]) html_test2 = markdown(mkdown_test2, extras=["code-friendly"]) assert expected_test1 == html_test1, "wrong conversion for code-style bold text" assert expected_test2 == html_test2, "wrong conversion for code-style italics text"
Example #27
Source File: From junction with MIT License | 5 votes |
def markdown_to_html(md): """ Convert given markdown to html. :param md: string :return: string - converted html """ return markdown(md)
Example #28
Source File: From mitoc-trips with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def markdown_filter(text): return mark_safe(markdown2.markdown(text, safe_mode="escape"))
Example #29
Source File: From pythonista-scripts with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): text = None label = 'Shared text' if appex.is_running_extension(): text = appex.get_text() if not text: try: import editor editor_file = editor.get_path() if editor_file: sel = console.alert('Editor or clipboard?', button1='Editor', button2='Clipboard') if sel == 1: editor_text = editor.get_text() sel_st, sel_end = editor.get_selection() label = os.path.basename(editor_file) if sel_end != sel_st: text = editor_text[sel_st:sel_end] elif editor_text: text = editor_text except ImportError: pass if not text: label = 'Clipboard' text = clipboard.get().strip() if text: converted = markdown(text) html = TEMPLATE.replace('{{CONTENT}}', converted) clip = console.alert('Replace clipboard?', button1='Yes', button2='No', hide_cancel_button=True) if clip ==1: clipboard.set(html) console.hud_alert('HTML copied to clipboard.') wv = MyWebView(name='Markdown - %s' % label) wv.load_html(html) wv.present('full_screen') else: console.hud_alert('No text found.') appex.finish()
Example #30
Source File: From community with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def item_description(self, item): desc = item['description'] if item['external_url']: desc += '\n\nExternal URL: [{url}]({url})'.format( url=item['external_url']) return markdown2.markdown(desc)