Python scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter1d() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter1d().
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Example #1
Source File: From pycoQC with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _compute_hist (data, x_scale="linear", smooth_sigma=2, nbins=200): # Count each categories in log or linear space min = np.nanmin(data) max = np.nanmax(data) if x_scale == "log": count_y, bins = np.histogram (a=data, bins=np.logspace (np.log10(min), np.log10(max)+0.1, nbins)) elif x_scale == "linear": count_y, bins = np.histogram (a=data, bins= np.linspace (min, max, nbins)) # Remove last bin from labels count_x = bins[1:] # Smooth results with a gaussian filter if smooth_sigma: count_y = gaussian_filter1d (count_y, sigma=smooth_sigma) # Convert to python list count_x = [float(i) for i in count_x] count_y = [float(i) for i in count_y] return (count_x, count_y)
Example #2
Source File: From 2D-Motion-Retargeting with MIT License | 6 votes |
def openpose2motion(json_dir, scale=1.0, smooth=True, max_frame=None): json_files = sorted(os.listdir(json_dir)) length = max_frame if max_frame is not None else len(json_files) // 8 * 8 json_files = json_files[:length] json_files = [os.path.join(json_dir, x) for x in json_files] motion = [] for path in json_files: with open(path) as f: jointDict = json.load(f) joint = np.array(jointDict['people'][0]['pose_keypoints_2d']).reshape((-1, 3))[:15, :2] if len(motion) > 0: joint[np.where(joint == 0)] = motion[-1][np.where(joint == 0)] motion.append(joint) for i in range(len(motion) - 1, 0, -1): motion[i - 1][np.where(motion[i - 1] == 0)] = motion[i][np.where(motion[i - 1] == 0)] motion = np.stack(motion, axis=2) if smooth: motion = gaussian_filter1d(motion, sigma=2, axis=-1) motion = motion * scale return motion
Example #3
Source File: From suite2p with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def load_zstack(self): name = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Open zstack", filter="*.tif" ) self.fname = name[0] try: self.zstack = imread(self.fname) self.zLy, self.zLx = self.zstack.shape[1:] self.Zedit.setValidator(QtGui.QIntValidator(0, self.zstack.shape[0])) self.zrange = [np.percentile(self.zstack,1), np.percentile(self.zstack,99)] self.computeZ.setEnabled(True) self.zloaded = True self.zbox.setEnabled(True) self.zbox.setChecked(True) if 'zcorr' in self.ops[0]: if self.zstack.shape[0]==self.ops[0]['zcorr'].shape[0]: zcorr = self.ops[0]['zcorr'] self.zmax = np.argmax(gaussian_filter1d(zcorr.T.copy(), 2, axis=1), axis=1) self.plot_zcorr() except Exception as e: print('ERROR: %s'%e)
Example #4
Source File: From qkit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def set_prefilter(self,gaussian = False, median = False, params = []): self._do_prefilter_data = False if gaussian or median: self._do_prefilter_data = True #print gaussian, median if median: self._prefilter = median_filter #print("median_filter") if params: self._prefilter_params = params[0] else: self._prefilter_params = 6 if gaussian: self._prefilter = gaussian_filter1d #print("gaussian_filter1d") if params: self._prefilter_params = params[0] else: self._prefilter_params = 6 # 0.4
Example #5
Source File: From rl_swiss with MIT License | 6 votes |
def find_firsts(curve): curve = gaussian_filter1d(curve, STD) # fig, ax = plt.subplots(1) # ax.plot(curve) # ax.plot(curve) # ax.set_ylim([0, 8000]) # plt.savefig('plots/junk_vis/test_smoothing.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) # plt.close() firsts = [] for target in TARGETS: idxs = np.sort(np.asarray(curve > target).nonzero()[0]) if idxs.size == 0: firsts.append(-1) else: firsts.append(idxs[0]) return firsts
Example #6
Source File: From qkit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def find_jumps2(self,ds,threshold=30000): self._prepare_find_jumps() ds = self._hf[ds] offset=ds[0] # first we remove a bit of noise #flt = gaussian_filter1d(ds,10) flt = median_filter(ds,size=10) #flt = ds # the sobel filter finds the "jumps" sb=sobel(flt) for i in sb: self.qps_jpn_hight.append(float(i)) for i in flt: self.qps_jpn_spec.append(float(i)) """ for i in xrange(flt.shape[0]-1): if(abs(sb[i])>threshold): offset -= sb[i] self.qps_jpn_spec.append(float(flt[i]-offset)) else: self.qps_jpn_spec.append(float(flt[i]-offset)) """ #for i in sb
Example #7
Source File: From qkit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def find_jumps(self,ds, threshold = 40000): self._prepare_find_jumps() ds = self._hf[ds] ds = gaussian_filter1d(ds,2) offset=ds[0] jpnh = 0 for i in xrange(ds.shape[0]-3): #i +=3 #df=(((ds[i+1]+ds[i+2]+ds[i+3])/3.)-ds[i]) #df=(ds[i] - ((ds[i-1]+ds[i-2]+ds[i-3])/3.)) df=((ds[i+1])-ds[i]) if (abs(df)>threshold): self.qps_jpn_nr.append(1.) offset = offset-df jpnh = df #print df, offset self.qps_jpn_hight.append(abs(float(jpnh))) self.qps_jpn_spec.append(float(ds[i]+offset)) jpnh = df else: self.qps_jpn_nr.append(0.) #self.qps_jpn_hight.append(float(jpnh)) self.qps_jpn_spec.append(float(ds[i]+offset))
Example #8
Source File: From pyImSegm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def compute_segm_object_shape(img_object, ray_step=5, interp_order=3, smooth_coef=0, shift_method='phase'): """ assuming single object in image and compute gravity centre and for this point compute Ray features and optionally: - interpolate missing values - smooth the Ray features :param ndarray img_object: binary segmentation of single object :param int ray_step: select the angular step for Ray features :param int interp_order: if None, no interpolation is performed :param float smooth_coef: smoothing the ray features :param str shift_method: use method for estimate shift maxima (phase or max) :return tuple(list(int), int): >>> img = np.zeros((100, 100)) >>> img[20:70, 30:80] = 1 >>> rays, shift = compute_segm_object_shape(img, ray_step=45) >>> rays # doctest: +ELLIPSIS [36.7..., 26.0..., 35.3..., 25.0..., 35.3..., 25.0..., 35.3..., 26.0...] """ centre = ndimage.measurements.center_of_mass(img_object) centre = [int(round(c)) for c in centre] ray_dist = compute_ray_features_segm_2d(img_object, centre, ray_step, 0, edge='down') if interp_order is not None and -1 in ray_dist: ray_dist = interpolate_ray_dist(ray_dist, interp_order) if smooth_coef > 0: ray_dist = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(ray_dist, smooth_coef) ray_dist, shift = shift_ray_features(ray_dist, shift_method) return ray_dist.tolist(), shift
Example #9
Source File: From suite2p with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def resample_frames(y, x, xt): ''' resample y (defined at x) at times xt ''' ts = x.size / xt.size y = gaussian_filter1d(y, np.ceil(ts/2), axis=0) f = interp1d(x,y,fill_value="extrapolate") yt = f(xt) return yt
Example #10
Source File: From suite2p with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def compute_z(self): ops, zcorr = registration.compute_zpos(self.zstack, self.ops[0]) self.zmax = np.argmax(gaussian_filter1d(zcorr.T.copy(), 2, axis=1), axis=1), ops) self.plot_zcorr()
Example #11
Source File: From ronin with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, seq_type, root_dir, data_list, cache_path=None, step_size=10, window_size=200, random_shift=0, transform=None, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.feature_dim = seq_type.feature_dim self.target_dim = seq_type.target_dim self.aux_dim = seq_type.aux_dim self.window_size = window_size self.step_size = step_size self.random_shift = random_shift self.transform = transform self.data_path = [osp.join(root_dir, data) for data in data_list] self.index_map = [] self.ts, self.orientations, self.gt_pos = [], [], [] self.features, self.targets, aux = load_cached_sequences( seq_type, root_dir, data_list, cache_path, interval=1, **kwargs) # Optionally smooth the sequence feat_sigma = kwargs.get('feature_sigma,', -1) targ_sigma = kwargs.get('target_sigma,', -1) if feat_sigma > 0: self.features = [gaussian_filter1d(feat, sigma=feat_sigma, axis=0) for feat in self.features] if targ_sigma > 0: self.targets = [gaussian_filter1d(targ, sigma=targ_sigma, axis=0) for targ in self.targets] for i in range(len(data_list)): self.ts.append(aux[i][:, 0]) self.orientations.append(aux[i][:, 1:5]) self.gt_pos.append(aux[i][:, -3:]) self.index_map += [[i, j] for j in range(window_size, self.targets[i].shape[0], step_size)] if kwargs.get('shuffle', True): random.shuffle(self.index_map)
Example #12
Source File: From pyImSegm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def transform_rays_model_sets_mean_cdf_mixture(list_rays, nb_components=5, slic_size=15): """ compute the mixture model and transform it into cumulative distribution :param list(list(int)) list_rays: list ray features (distances) :param int nb_components: number components in mixture model :param int slic_size: superpixel size :return tuple(any,list(list(int))): mixture model, list of stat/param of models >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> list_rays = [[9, 4, 9], [4, 9, 7], [9, 7, 11], [10, 8, 10], ... [9, 11, 8], [4, 8, 5], [8, 10, 6], [9, 7, 11]] >>> mm, mean_cdf = transform_rays_model_sets_mean_cdf_mixture(list_rays, 2) >>> len(mean_cdf) 2 """ rays = np.array(list_rays) # mm = mixture.GaussianMixture(n_components=nb_components, # covariance_type='diag') mm = mixture.BayesianGaussianMixture(n_components=nb_components, covariance_type='diag') logging.debug('Mixture model found % components with weights: %r', len(mm.weights_), mm.weights_) list_mean_cdf = [] # stds = mm.covariances_[:, np.eye(mm.means_.shape[1], dtype=bool)] # stds = mm.covariances_ # for covariance_type='diag' # diff_means = np.max(mm.means_, axis=0) - np.min(mm.means_, axis=0) for mean, covar in zip(mm.means_, mm.covariances_): std = np.sqrt(covar + 1) * 2 + slic_size mean = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(mean, 1) std = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(std, 1) max_dist = np.max(mean + 2 * std) cdist = compute_cumulative_distrib(np.array([mean]), np.array([std]), np.array([1]), max_dist) list_mean_cdf.append((mean.tolist(), cdist)) return mm, list_mean_cdf
Example #13
Source File: From pyImSegm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def transform_rays_model_sets_mean_cdf_kmeans(list_rays, nb_components=5): """ compute the mixture model and transform it into cumulative distribution :param list(list(int)) list_rays: list ray features (distances) :param int nb_components: number components in mixture model :return tuple(any,list(list(int))): mixture model, list of stat/param of models >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> list_rays = [[9, 4, 9], [4, 9, 7], [9, 7, 11], [10, 8, 10], ... [9, 11, 8], [4, 8, 5], [8, 10, 6], [9, 7, 11]] >>> mm, mean_cdf = transform_rays_model_sets_mean_cdf_kmeans(list_rays, 2) >>> len(mean_cdf) 2 """ rays = np.array(list_rays) kmeans = cluster.KMeans(nb_components) list_mean_cdf = [] means = kmeans.cluster_centers_ for lb, mean in enumerate(means): std = np.std(np.asarray(list_rays)[kmeans.labels_ == lb], axis=0) mean = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(mean, 1) std = ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(std, 1) std = (std + 1) * 5. max_dist = np.max(mean + 2 * std) cdist = compute_cumulative_distrib(np.array([mean]), np.array([std]), np.array([1]), max_dist) list_mean_cdf.append((mean.tolist(), cdist)) return kmeans, list_mean_cdf
Example #14
Source File: From pyImSegm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def transform_rays_model_cdf_spectral(list_rays, nb_components=5): """ compute the mixture model and transform it into cumulative distribution :param list(list(int)) list_rays: list ray features (distances) :param int nb_components: number components in mixture model :return tuple(any,list(list(int))): mixture model, list of stat/param of models >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> list_rays = [[9, 4, 9], [4, 9, 7], [9, 7, 11], [10, 8, 10], ... [9, 11, 8], [4, 8, 5], [8, 10, 6], [9, 7, 11]] >>> mm, cdist = transform_rays_model_cdf_spectral(list_rays) >>> np.round(cdist, 1).tolist() # doctest: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.6, 0.5, 0.2, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.9, 0.7, 0.5, 0.2, 0.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.0]] """ rays = np.array(list_rays) sc = cluster.SpectralClustering(nb_components) logging.debug('SpectralClustering found % components with counts: %r', len(np.unique(sc.labels_)), np.bincount(sc.labels_)) labels = sc.labels_ means = np.zeros((len(np.unique(labels)), rays.shape[1])) stds = np.zeros((len(means), rays.shape[1])) for i, lb in enumerate(np.unique(labels)): means[i, :] = np.mean(np.asarray(list_rays)[labels == lb], axis=0) means[i, :] = ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter1d(means[i, :], 1) stds[i, :] = np.std(np.asarray(list_rays)[labels == lb], axis=0) stds += 1 weights = np.bincount(sc.labels_) / float(len(sc.labels_)) # compute the fairest mean + sigma over all components and ray angles max_dist = np.max([[m[i] + c[i] for i in range(len(m))] for m, c in zip(means, stds)]) cdist = compute_cumulative_distrib(means, stds, weights, max_dist) return sc, cdist.tolist()
Example #15
Source File: From spm1d with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _smooth(self, y): return self.SCALE*gaussian_filter1d(y, self.SD, axis=1, mode='wrap')
Example #16
Source File: From RecNN with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def smooth_gauss(arr, var): return ndimage.gaussian_filter1d(arr, var)
Example #17
Source File: From mmvt with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def normalize_meg_data(meg_data, elec_data, from_t, to_t, sigma=0, norm_max=True): if sigma != 0: meg_data = gaussian_filter1d(meg_data, sigma) meg_data = meg_data[from_t:to_t] if norm_max: meg_data *= 1/max(meg_data) if not elec_data is None: meg_data -= meg_data[0] - elec_data[0] return meg_data
Example #18
Source File: From mmvt with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def normalize_elec_data(elec_data, from_t, to_t): elec_data = elec_data[from_t:to_t] elec_data = elec_data - min(elec_data) elec_data *= 1/max(elec_data) return elec_data # def smooth_meg_data(meg_data): # meg_data_all = {} # for sigma in [8, 10, 12]: # meg_data_all[sigma] = gaussian_filter1d(meg_data, sigma) # return meg_data_all # def check_electrodes(): # meg_data_all, elec_data_all = {}, {} # electrodes = ['LAT1', 'LAT2', 'LAT3', 'LAT4'] # vars = read_vars(events_id, None) # for cond, forward, evoked, epochs, data_cov, noise_cov, data_csd, noise_csd in vars: # for electrode in electrodes: # calc_electrode_fwd(MRI_SUBJECT, electrode, events_id, bipolar, overwrite_fwd=False) # forward = mne.read_forward_solution(get_cond_fname(FWD_X, cond, region=electrode)) #, surf_ori=True) # elec_data = load_electrode_msit_data(bipolar, electrode, BLENDER_SUB_FOL, positive=True, normalize_data=True) # meg_data = call_dics(forward, evoked, bipolar, noise_csd, data_csd, cond) # elec_data_norm, meg_data_norm = normalize_data(elec_data[cond], meg_data, from_t, to_t) # meg_data_norm = gaussian_filter1d(meg_data_norm, 10) # meg_data_all[electrode] = meg_data_norm # elec_data_all[electrode] = elec_data_norm # plot_activation_options(meg_data_all, elec_data_all, electrodes, 500, elec_opts=True)
Example #19
Source File: From mmvt with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def diff_rms(y, meg): # diffs_sum = sum(abs(np.diff(y) - np.diff(meg))) # diffs_sum = sum(abs(utils.diff_4pc(y) - utils.diff_4pc(meg))) # y = gaussian_filter1d(y, 3) diffs_sum = sum(abs(np.gradient(y) - np.gradient(meg))) rms = np.sum((y-meg)**2) max_abs = max(abs(y-meg)) if max_abs > 0.3: max_abs = np.inf if rms * 1/utils.max_min_diff(y) > 10: rms = np.inf return (diffs_sum + rms + max_abs) * 1/utils.max_min_diff(y)
Example #20
Source File: From ronin with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, seq_type, root_dir, data_list, cache_path=None, step_size=10, window_size=1000, random_shift=0, transform=None, **kwargs): super(HeadingDataset, self).__init__() self.seq_type = seq_type self.feature_dim = seq_type.feature_dim self.target_dim = seq_type.target_dim self.aux_dim = seq_type.aux_dim self.window_size = window_size self.step_size = step_size self.random_shift = random_shift self.transform = transform self.data_path = [osp.join(root_dir, data) for data in data_list] self.index_map = [] self.features, self.targets, self.velocities = load_cached_sequences( seq_type, root_dir, data_list, cache_path, **kwargs) # Optionally smooth the sequence feat_sigma = kwargs.get('feature_sigma,', -1) targ_sigma = kwargs.get('target_sigma,', -1) if feat_sigma > 0: self.features = [gaussian_filter1d(feat, sigma=feat_sigma, axis=0) for feat in self.features] if targ_sigma > 0: self.targets = [gaussian_filter1d(targ, sigma=targ_sigma, axis=0) for targ in self.targets] max_norm = kwargs.get('max_velocity_norm', 3.0) for i in range(len(data_list)): self.features[i] = self.features[i][:-1] self.targets[i] = self.targets[i][:-1] self.velocities[i] = self.velocities[i] velocity = np.linalg.norm(self.velocities[i], axis=1) # Remove outlier ground truth data bad_data = velocity > max_norm for j in range(window_size + random_shift, self.targets[i].shape[0], step_size): if not bad_data[j - window_size - random_shift:j + random_shift].any(): self.index_map.append([i, j]) if kwargs.get('shuffle', True): random.shuffle(self.index_map)
Example #21
Source File: From ibllib with MIT License | 5 votes |
def amplitude_cutoff(amplitudes, num_histogram_bins=500, histogram_smoothing_value=3): """ Calculate approximate fraction of spikes missing from a distribution of amplitudes Assumes the amplitude histogram is symmetric (not valid in the presence of drift) Inspired by metric described in Hill et al. (2011) J Neurosci 31: 8699-8705 Input: ------ amplitudes : numpy.ndarray Array of amplitudes (don't need to be in physical units) Output: ------- fraction_missing : float Fraction of missing spikes (0-0.5) If more than 50% of spikes are missing, an accurate estimate isn't possible """ h, b = np.histogram(amplitudes, num_histogram_bins, density=True) pdf = gaussian_filter1d(h, histogram_smoothing_value) support = b[:-1] peak_index = np.argmax(pdf) G = np.argmin(np.abs(pdf[peak_index:] - pdf[0])) + peak_index bin_size = np.mean(np.diff(support)) fraction_missing = np.sum(pdf[G:]) * bin_size fraction_missing = np.min([fraction_missing, 0.5]) return fraction_missing
Example #22
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_orders_gauss(): # Check order inputs to Gaussians arr = np.zeros((1,)) yield assert_equal, 0, sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, order=0) yield assert_equal, 0, sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, order=3) yield assert_raises, ValueError, sndi.gaussian_filter, arr, 1, -1 yield assert_raises, ValueError, sndi.gaussian_filter, arr, 1, 4 yield assert_equal, 0, sndi.gaussian_filter1d(arr, 1, axis=-1, order=0) yield assert_equal, 0, sndi.gaussian_filter1d(arr, 1, axis=-1, order=3) yield assert_raises, ValueError, sndi.gaussian_filter1d, arr, 1, -1, -1 yield assert_raises, ValueError, sndi.gaussian_filter1d, arr, 1, -1, 4
Example #23
Source File: From qkit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def split_traces(self,ds,threshold=30000): self._prepare_find_jumps() ds = self._hf[ds] # first we remove a bit of noise, size is the number of averages #flt = gaussian_filter1d(ds,10) flt = median_filter(ds,size=3) #flt = ds # the sobel filter finds the "jumps" sb=sobel(flt) for i in sb: self.qps_jpn_hight.append(float(i)) #for i in flt: self.qps_jpn_spec.append(float(i)) offset=ds[0] tr_num = 0 tr_name = "qps_tr_"+str(tr_num) tr_obj = self._hf.add_value_vector(tr_name, folder = 'analysis', x = self._x_co, unit = 'Hz') keepout = 4 for i,tr in enumerate(flt): keepout += 1 if abs(sb[i])>threshold and keepout>3: keepout = 0 # new trace tr_num +=1 tr_name = "qps_tr_"+str(tr_num) tr_obj = self._hf.add_value_vector(tr_name, folder = 'analysis', x = self._x_co, unit = 'Hz') print tr , i #tr_obj.append(float(tr)) else: if keepout>2: tr_obj.append(float(tr-offset))
Example #24
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_gaussian_truncate(): # Test that Gaussian filters can be truncated at different widths. # These tests only check that the result has the expected number # of nonzero elements. arr = np.zeros((100, 100), float) arr[50, 50] = 1 num_nonzeros_2 = (sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 5, truncate=2) > 0).sum() assert_equal(num_nonzeros_2, 21**2) num_nonzeros_5 = (sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 5, truncate=5) > 0).sum() assert_equal(num_nonzeros_5, 51**2) # Test truncate when sigma is a sequence. f = sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, [0.5, 2.5], truncate=3.5) fpos = f > 0 n0 = fpos.any(axis=0).sum() # n0 should be 2*int(2.5*3.5 + 0.5) + 1 assert_equal(n0, 19) n1 = fpos.any(axis=1).sum() # n1 should be 2*int(0.5*3.5 + 0.5) + 1 assert_equal(n1, 5) # Test gaussian_filter1d. x = np.zeros(51) x[25] = 1 f = sndi.gaussian_filter1d(x, sigma=2, truncate=3.5) n = (f > 0).sum() assert_equal(n, 15) # Test gaussian_laplace y = sndi.gaussian_laplace(x, sigma=2, truncate=3.5) nonzero_indices = np.where(y != 0)[0] n = nonzero_indices.ptp() + 1 assert_equal(n, 15) # Test gaussian_gradient_magnitude y = sndi.gaussian_gradient_magnitude(x, sigma=2, truncate=3.5) nonzero_indices = np.where(y != 0)[0] n = nonzero_indices.ptp() + 1 assert_equal(n, 15)
Example #25
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_multiple_modes_sequentially(): # Test that the filters with multiple mode cababilities for different # dimensions give the same result as applying the filters with # different modes sequentially arr = np.array([[1., 0., 0.], [1., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 0.]]) modes = ['reflect', 'wrap'] expected = sndi.gaussian_filter1d(arr, 1, axis=0, mode=modes[0]) expected = sndi.gaussian_filter1d(expected, 1, axis=1, mode=modes[1]) assert_equal(expected, sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, mode=modes)) expected = sndi.uniform_filter1d(arr, 5, axis=0, mode=modes[0]) expected = sndi.uniform_filter1d(expected, 5, axis=1, mode=modes[1]) assert_equal(expected, sndi.uniform_filter(arr, 5, mode=modes)) expected = sndi.maximum_filter1d(arr, size=5, axis=0, mode=modes[0]) expected = sndi.maximum_filter1d(expected, size=5, axis=1, mode=modes[1]) assert_equal(expected, sndi.maximum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=modes)) expected = sndi.minimum_filter1d(arr, size=5, axis=0, mode=modes[0]) expected = sndi.minimum_filter1d(expected, size=5, axis=1, mode=modes[1]) assert_equal(expected, sndi.minimum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=modes))
Example #26
Source File: From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_orders_gauss(): # Check order inputs to Gaussians arr = np.zeros((1,)) assert_equal(0, sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, order=0)) assert_equal(0, sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, order=3)) assert_raises(ValueError, sndi.gaussian_filter, arr, 1, -1) assert_equal(0, sndi.gaussian_filter1d(arr, 1, axis=-1, order=0)) assert_equal(0, sndi.gaussian_filter1d(arr, 1, axis=-1, order=3)) assert_raises(ValueError, sndi.gaussian_filter1d, arr, 1, -1, -1)
Example #27
Source File: From 2D-Motion-Retargeting with MIT License | 4 votes |
def handle2x(config, args): w1 = h1 = w2 = h2 = 512 # load trained model net = get_autoencoder(config) net.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.model_path)) net.eval() # mean/std pose mean_pose, std_pose = get_meanpose(config) # get input dataloder = get_dataloader('test', config) v1 = VIEW_ANGLES[args.view1] if args.view1 is not None else None v2 = VIEW_ANGLES[args.view2] if args.view2 is not None else None input1 = dataloder.dataset.preprocessing(args.path1, v1).unsqueeze(0) input2 = dataloder.dataset.preprocessing(args.path2, v2).unsqueeze(0) input1 = input2 = # transfer by network out12 = net.transfer(input1, input2) out21 = net.transfer(input2, input1) # postprocessing the outputs input1 = postprocess_motion2d(input1, mean_pose, std_pose, w1 // 2, h1 // 2) input2 = postprocess_motion2d(input2, mean_pose, std_pose, w2 // 2, h2 // 2) out12 = postprocess_motion2d(out12, mean_pose, std_pose, w2 // 2, h2 // 2) out21 = postprocess_motion2d(out21, mean_pose, std_pose, w1 // 2, h1 // 2) if not args.disable_smooth: out12 = gaussian_filter1d(out12, sigma=2, axis=-1) out21 = gaussian_filter1d(out21, sigma=2, axis=-1) if args.out_dir is not None: save_dir = args.out_dir ensure_dir(save_dir) color1 = hex2rgb(args.color1) color2 = hex2rgb(args.color2) np.savez(os.path.join(save_dir, 'results.npz'), input1=input1, input2=input2, out12=out12, out21=out21) if args.render_video: print("Generating videos...") motion2video(input1, h1, w1, os.path.join(save_dir, 'input1.mp4'), color1, args.transparency, fps=args.fps, save_frame=args.save_frame) motion2video(input2, h2, w2, os.path.join(save_dir,'input2.mp4'), color2, args.transparency, fps=args.fps, save_frame=args.save_frame) motion2video(out12, h2, w2, os.path.join(save_dir,'out12.mp4'), color2, args.transparency, fps=args.fps, save_frame=args.save_frame) motion2video(out21, h1, w1, os.path.join(save_dir,'out21.mp4'), color1, args.transparency, fps=args.fps, save_frame=args.save_frame) print("Done.")
Example #28
Source File: From 2D-Motion-Retargeting with MIT License | 4 votes |
def handle3x(config, args): # resize input h1, w1, scale1 = pad_to_height(config.img_size[0], args.img1_height, args.img1_width) h2, w2, scale2 = pad_to_height(config.img_size[0], args.img2_height, args.img2_width) h3, w3, scale3 = pad_to_height(config.img_size[0], args.img2_height, args.img3_width) # load trained model net = get_autoencoder(config) net.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.model_path)) net.eval() # mean/std pose mean_pose, std_pose = get_meanpose(config) # get input input1 = openpose2motion(args.vid1_json_dir, scale=scale1, max_frame=args.max_length) input2 = openpose2motion(args.vid2_json_dir, scale=scale2, max_frame=args.max_length) input3 = openpose2motion(args.vid3_json_dir, scale=scale3, max_frame=args.max_length) input1 = preprocess_motion2d(input1, mean_pose, std_pose) input2 = preprocess_motion2d(input2, mean_pose, std_pose) input3 = preprocess_motion2d(input3, mean_pose, std_pose) input1 = input2 = input3 = # transfer by network out = net.transfer_three(input1, input2, input3) # postprocessing the outputs input1 = postprocess_motion2d(input1, mean_pose, std_pose, w1 // 2, h1 // 2) input2 = postprocess_motion2d(input2, mean_pose, std_pose, w2 // 2, h2 // 2) input3 = postprocess_motion2d(input3, mean_pose, std_pose, w2 // 2, h2 // 2) out = postprocess_motion2d(out, mean_pose, std_pose, w2 // 2, h2 // 2) if not args.disable_smooth: out = gaussian_filter1d(out, sigma=2, axis=-1) if args.out_dir is not None: save_dir = args.out_dir ensure_dir(save_dir) color1 = hex2rgb(args.color1) color2 = hex2rgb(args.color2) color3 = hex2rgb(args.color3) np.savez(os.path.join(save_dir, 'results.npz'), input1=input1, input2=input2, input3=input3, out=out) if args.render_video: print("Generating videos...") motion2video(input1, h1, w1, os.path.join(save_dir,'input1.mp4'), color1, args.transparency, fps=args.fps, save_frame=args.save_frame) motion2video(input2, h2, w2, os.path.join(save_dir,'input2.mp4'), color2, args.transparency, fps=args.fps, save_frame=args.save_frame) motion2video(input3, h3, w3, os.path.join(save_dir,'input3.mp4'), color3, args.transparency, fps=args.fps, save_frame=args.save_frame) motion2video(out, h2, w2, os.path.join(save_dir,'out.mp4'), color2, args.transparency, fps=args.fps, save_frame=args.save_frame) print("Done.")
Example #29
Source File: From 2D-Motion-Retargeting with MIT License | 4 votes |
def handle2x(config, args): # resize input h1, w1, scale1 = pad_to_height(config.img_size[0], args.img1_height, args.img1_width) h2, w2, scale2 = pad_to_height(config.img_size[0], args.img2_height, args.img2_width) # load trained model net = get_autoencoder(config) net.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.model_path)) net.eval() # mean/std pose mean_pose, std_pose = get_meanpose(config) # get input input1 = openpose2motion(args.vid1_json_dir, scale=scale1, max_frame=args.max_length) input2 = openpose2motion(args.vid2_json_dir, scale=scale2, max_frame=args.max_length) input1 = preprocess_motion2d(input1, mean_pose, std_pose) input2 = preprocess_motion2d(input2, mean_pose, std_pose) input1 = input2 = # transfer by network out12 = net.transfer(input1, input2) out21 = net.transfer(input2, input1) # postprocessing the outputs input1 = postprocess_motion2d(input1, mean_pose, std_pose, w1 // 2, h1 // 2) input2 = postprocess_motion2d(input2, mean_pose, std_pose, w2 // 2, h2 // 2) out12 = postprocess_motion2d(out12, mean_pose, std_pose, w2 // 2, h2 // 2) out21 = postprocess_motion2d(out21, mean_pose, std_pose, w1 // 2, h1 // 2) if not args.disable_smooth: out12 = gaussian_filter1d(out12, sigma=2, axis=-1) out21 = gaussian_filter1d(out21, sigma=2, axis=-1) if args.out_dir is not None: save_dir = args.out_dir ensure_dir(save_dir) color1 = hex2rgb(args.color1) color2 = hex2rgb(args.color2) np.savez(os.path.join(save_dir, 'results.npz'), input1=input1, input2=input2, out12=out12, out21=out21) if args.render_video: print("Generating videos...") motion2video(input1, h1, w1, os.path.join(save_dir, 'input1.mp4'), color1, args.transparency, fps=args.fps, save_frame=args.save_frame) motion2video(input2, h2, w2, os.path.join(save_dir,'input2.mp4'), color2, args.transparency, fps=args.fps, save_frame=args.save_frame) motion2video(out12, h2, w2, os.path.join(save_dir,'out12.mp4'), color2, args.transparency, fps=args.fps, save_frame=args.save_frame) motion2video(out21, h1, w1, os.path.join(save_dir,'out21.mp4'), color1, args.transparency, fps=args.fps, save_frame=args.save_frame) print("Done.")
Example #30
Source File: From 2D-Motion-Retargeting with MIT License | 4 votes |
def handle3x(config, args): # resize input h1, w1, scale1 = pad_to_height(config.img_size[0], args.img1_height, args.img1_width) h2, w2, scale2 = pad_to_height(config.img_size[0], args.img2_height, args.img2_width) h3, w3, scale3 = pad_to_height(config.img_size[0], args.img2_height, args.img3_width) # load trained model net = get_autoencoder(config) net.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.model_path)) net.eval() # mean/std pose mean_pose, std_pose = get_meanpose(config) # get input input1 = openpose2motion(args.vid1_json_dir, scale=scale1, max_frame=args.max_length) input2 = openpose2motion(args.vid2_json_dir, scale=scale2, max_frame=args.max_length) input3 = openpose2motion(args.vid3_json_dir, scale=scale3, max_frame=args.max_length) input1 = preprocess_motion2d(input1, mean_pose, std_pose) input2 = preprocess_motion2d(input2, mean_pose, std_pose) input3 = preprocess_motion2d(input3, mean_pose, std_pose) input1 = input2 = input3 = # transfer by network out = net.transfer_three(input1, input2, input3) # postprocessing the outputs input1 = postprocess_motion2d(input1, mean_pose, std_pose, w1 // 2, h1 // 2) input2 = postprocess_motion2d(input2, mean_pose, std_pose, w2 // 2, h2 // 2) input3 = postprocess_motion2d(input3, mean_pose, std_pose, w2 // 2, h2 // 2) out = postprocess_motion2d(out, mean_pose, std_pose, w2 // 2, h2 // 2) if not args.disable_smooth: out = gaussian_filter1d(out, sigma=2, axis=-1) if args.out_dir is not None: save_dir = args.out_dir ensure_dir(save_dir) color1 = hex2rgb(args.color1) color2 = hex2rgb(args.color2) color3 = hex2rgb(args.color3) np.savez(os.path.join(save_dir, 'results.npz'), input1=input1, input2=input2, input3=input3, out=out) if args.render_video: print("Generating videos...") motion2video(input1, h1, w1, os.path.join(save_dir,'input1.mp4'), color1, args.transparency, fps=args.fps, save_frame=args.save_frame) motion2video(input2, h2, w2, os.path.join(save_dir,'input2.mp4'), color2, args.transparency, fps=args.fps, save_frame=args.save_frame) motion2video(input3, h3, w3, os.path.join(save_dir,'input3.mp4'), color3, args.transparency, fps=args.fps, save_frame=args.save_frame) motion2video(out, h2, w2, os.path.join(save_dir,'out.mp4'), color2, args.transparency, fps=args.fps, save_frame=args.save_frame) print("Done.")