Python scipy.constants.c() Examples
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code examples of scipy.constants.c().
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Example #1
Source File: From diffsims with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_electron_wavelength(accelerating_voltage): """Calculates the (relativistic) electron wavelength in Angstroms for a given accelerating voltage in kV. Parameters ---------- accelerating_voltage : float or 'inf' The accelerating voltage in kV. Values `numpy.inf` and 'inf' are also accepted. Returns ------- wavelength : float The relativistic electron wavelength in Angstroms. """ if accelerating_voltage in (np.inf, "inf"): return 0 E = accelerating_voltage * 1e3 wavelength = ( h / math.sqrt(2 * m_e * e * E * (1 + (e / (2 * m_e * c * c)) * E)) * 1e10 ) return wavelength
Example #2
Source File: From myScripts with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def plotSpectre(transitions, eneval, spectre): """ plot the UV-visible spectrum using matplotlib. Absissa are converted in nm. """ # lambda in nm lambdaval = [cst.h * cst.c / (val * cst.e) * 1.e9 for val in eneval] # plot gaussian spectra plt.plot(lambdaval, spectre, "r-", label = "spectre") # plot transitions plt.vlines([val[1] for val in transitions], \ 0., \ [val[2] for val in transitions], \ color = "blue", \ label = "transitions" ) plt.xlabel("lambda / nm") plt.ylabel("Arbitrary unit") plt.title("UV-visible spectra") plt.grid() plt.legend(fancybox = True, shadow = True)
Example #3
Source File: From typhon with MIT License | 6 votes |
def population(self, Mole, Temp): """Calculate population for each level at given temperature""" RoTemp = np.reshape(Temp*1., (Temp.size, 1)) Qr = self.weighti*np.exp(-(self.e_cm1*100*c*h)/(k*RoTemp)) # RoPr = Qr/Ntotal # This is for all transitions RoPr = Qr/(Qr.sum(axis=1).reshape(RoTemp.size, 1)) # only given trans. linet = [] for xx in range(self.nt): gdu, gdl = self.weighti[self.tran_tag[xx][1:].astype(int)] _up = int(self.tran_tag[xx][1]) _low = int(self.tran_tag[xx][2]) Aei =[_up, _low] line_const = (c*10**2)**2*Aei*(gdu/gdl)*1.e-6*1.e14 /\ (8.*np.pi*(self.freq_array[xx]*1.e9)**2) # Hz->MHz,cm^2 ->nm^2 # W = C.h*C.c*E_cm1[_low]*100. # energy level above ground state "This is the function of calculating H2O intensity" line = (1.-np.exp(-h*(self.freq_array[xx]*1.e9) / k/RoTemp))*line_const linet.append(line[:, 0]*RoPr[:, _low]) # line intensity non-LTE Ni_LTE = Mole.reshape((Mole.size, 1))*RoPr # *0.75 # orth para ratio Ite_pop = [[Ni_LTE[i].reshape((, 1))] for i in range(Mole.size)] return Ite_pop #import numba
Example #4
Source File: From python-meep-utils with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, where=None, resistivity=0., eps=0.): self.eps = 1. omega0 = 1e-20 ## arbitrary low frequency that makes Lorentz model behave as Drude model omega_p = 3640e12 ## plasma frequency of aluminium #sigmafactor = 1 self.pol = [ #{'omega': 1e6*c*1e-20, 'gamma': 1e6*c*0.037908, 'sigma': 7.6347e+41}, {'omega': omega0, 'gamma': 1e6*c*0.037908, 'sigma': 7.6347e+41 * 1e-20**2 * (1e6*c)**2 / omega0**2}, {'omega': 1e6*c*0.13066, 'gamma': 1e6*c*0.26858, 'sigma': 1941}, {'omega': 1e6*c*1.2453, 'gamma': 1e6*c*0.25165, 'sigma': 4.7065}, {'omega': 1e6*c*1.4583, 'gamma': 1e6*c*1.0897, 'sigma': 11.396}, {'omega': 1e6*c*2.8012, 'gamma': 1e6*c*2.7278, 'sigma': 0.55813}] #{'omega':1.39e9, 'gamma': 1.0e10, 'sigma':2.6e9}, #{'omega': omega0, 'gamma': 25e12, 'sigma': sigmafactor * omega_p**2 / omega0**2}, # (Lorentz) model for Al #{'omega': omega0, 'gamma': 1e12, 'sigma': sigmafactor * omega_p**2 / omega0**2}, # stable? model at THz #{'omega':1.39e9, 'gamma': 1e10, 'sigma':1e10}, # Original value, use sigmafactor=1 #] = "Aluminium" self.shortname = "Al" self.where = where #}}}
Example #5
Source File: From rampy with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_tlcorrection(self): # testing long correction function x_for_long = np.array([20.,21.,22.,23.,24.,25.]) y_for_long = np.array([1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0]) nu0 = 1.0/(514.532)*1e9 #laser wavenumber at 514.532 nu = 100.0*x_for_long # cm-1 to m-1 T = 23.0+273.15 # the temperature in K x_long,long_res,eselong = rp.tlcorrection(x_for_long, y_for_long,23.0,514.532,correction = 'long',normalisation='area') # using the function t0 = nu0**3.0*nu/((nu0-nu)**4) t1= 1.0 - np.exp(-h*c*nu/(k*T)) # c in m/s : t1 dimensionless long_calc= y_for_long*t0*t1 # pour les y long_calc = long_calc/np.trapz(long_calc,x_for_long) # area normalisation np.testing.assert_equal(long_res,long_calc) np.testing.assert_equal(x_for_long,x_long) x_long,long_res,eselong = rp.tlcorrection(x_for_long, y_for_long,23.0,514.532,correction = 'long',normalisation='no') # using the function t0 = nu0**3.0*nu/((nu0-nu)**4) t1= 1.0 - np.exp(-h*c*nu/(k*T)) # c in m/s : t1 dimensionless long_calc= y_for_long*t0*t1 # pour les y np.testing.assert_equal(long_res,long_calc) np.testing.assert_equal(x_for_long,x_long)
Example #6
Source File: From python-meep-utils with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, where=None, resistivity=0., eps=0.): #self.eps = 1. self.eps = 1. omega0 = 1e6*c*1e-20 ## arbitrary low frequency that makes Lorentz model behave as Drude model self.pol = [ {'omega': omega0, 'gamma': 1e6*c*0.042747, 'sigma': 4.0314e+39 * 1e-20**2 * (1e6*c)**2 / omega0**2}, {'omega':1e6*c*0.33472, 'gamma':1e6*c*0.19438, 'sigma':11.363}, ## sum of Lorentzians = 17.86 {'omega':1e6*c*0.66944, 'gamma':1e6*c*0.27826, 'sigma':1.1836}, {'omega':1e6*c*2.3947 , 'gamma':1e6*c*0.7017 , 'sigma': 0.65677}, {'omega':1e6*c*3.4714 , 'gamma':1e6*c*2.0115 , 'sigma': 2.6455}, {'omega':1e6*c*10.743 , 'gamma':1e6*c*1.7857 , 'sigma': 2.0148}, ] = "Gold (Drude-Lorentz)" self.shortname = "Au" self.where = where #}}}
Example #7
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 6 votes |
def Responsivity(wavelength, quantumEffic): """ Responsivity quantifies the amount of output seen per watt of radiant optical power input [1]. But, for this application it is interesting to define spectral responsivity that is the output per watt of monochromatic radiation. The model used here is based on Equations 7.114 in Dereniak's book. Args: | wavelength: spectral variable [m] | quantumEffic: spectral quantum efficiency Returns: | responsivity in [A/W] """ return (const.e * wavelength * quantumEffic) / (const.h * const.c) ################################################################################ #
Example #8
Source File: From python-meep-utils with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def shiftmp(freq, s11, shiftplanes):#{{{ """ Adjusts the reflection phase like if the monitor planes were not centered. For symmetric metamaterial cell, this function is not needed. The symmetry requires that the monitor planes in front of and behind the mm cell are centered. However, for an asymmetric metamaterial, the correct position has to be found. Otherwise the Fresnel inversion gives negative imaginary part of N and/or negative real part of Z, which is quite spooky for passive medium. Even such metamaterials, however, may be properly homogenized if we define the position of monitor planes as a function of frequency. We can assume that: 1) This optimum shift shall hold for all simulations with one or more unit cellnumber. 2) When the wave direction is reversed (to get s21, s22 parameters), the shift should be negated. These rules should enable us to homogenize any asymmetric non-chiral metamaterial. Note that this shifting is still an experimental technique and has to be tested out thoroughly. """ return np.array(s11) * np.exp(1j*np.array(shiftplanes)/(c/freq) * 2*pi * 2) #}}}
Example #9
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def gen_siemens_star(origin, radius, n): centres = np.linspace(0, 360, n+1)[:-1] step = (((360.0)/n)/4.0) patches = [] for c in centres: patches.append(Wedge(origin, radius, c-step, c+step)) return PatchCollection(patches, facecolors='k', edgecolors='none') ######################################################################################################
Example #10
Source File: From typhon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def Linewidth(Type, gct, Para): """#doppler width #Para[transient Freq[Hz], relative molecular mass[g/mol]]""" step1 = Para[0]/c*(2.*R*gct/(Para[1]*1.e-3))**0.5 step1 = Para[0]/c*(2.*R*gct*np.log(2.)/(Para[1]*1.e-3))**0.5 # HWHM return int(step1.max())
Example #11
Source File: From python-meep-utils with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def load_rt_old(filename, layer_thickness=None, plot_freq_min=None, plot_freq_max=None, truncate=True): #{{{ # TODO rename this to load_s_params """ Loads the reflection and transmission spectra and simulation settings Returns: * frequency axis * reflection s11 and transmission s12 as complex np arrays Compatible with the program used in our laboratory (PKGraph), uses polar notation for complex data: * parameters in header like: #param name,value * column identification like: #column Ydata * data columns in ascii separated by space Expects polar data with columns: frequency, s11 ampli, s11 phase, s12 ampli, s12 phase """ with open(filename+'.dat') as datafile: for line in datafile: if line[0:1] in "0123456789": break # end of file header value = line.replace(",", " ").split()[-1] # the value of the parameter will be separated by space or comma if ("layer_thickness" in line) and (layer_thickness == None): d = float(value) if ("plot_freq_min" in line) and (plot_freq_min == None): plot_freq_min = float(value) if ("plot_freq_max" in line) and (plot_freq_max == None): plot_freq_max = float(value) xlim = (plot_freq_min, plot_freq_max) (freq, s11amp, s11phase, s12amp, s12phase) = \ map(lambda a: np.array(a, ndmin=1), np.loadtxt(filename+".dat", unpack=True)) ## Limit the frequency range to what will be plotted (recommended) #TODO better: #truncated = np.logical_and(freq>minf, freq<maxf) #(a, b, c, freq) = map(lambda x: x[truncated], (a, b, c, freq)) if truncate: (d0,d1) = np.interp((plot_freq_min, plot_freq_max), freq, range(len(freq))) (freq, s11amp, s11phase, s12amp, s12phase) = \ map(lambda a: a[int(d0):int(d1)], (freq, s11amp, s11phase, s12amp, s12phase)) return freq, s11amp, s11phase, s12amp, s12phase, xlim, (d, plot_freq_min, plot_freq_min) #}}}
Example #12
Source File: From python-meep-utils with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, where=None, resistivity=0., eps=0.): self.eps = 1. omega0 = 1e6*c*1e-20 ## arbitrary low frequency that makes Lorentz model behave as Drude model self.pol = [ {'omega': omega0, 'gamma': 1e6*c* 0.038715 , 'sigma': 4.4625e+41 * 1e-20**2 * (1e6*c)**2 / omega0**2}, ## Drude term {'omega': 1e6*c*0.6581, 'gamma': 1e6*c*3.1343 , 'sigma':7.9247}, {'omega': 1e6*c*3.6142, 'gamma': 1e6*c*0.36456 , 'sigma':0.50133}, {'omega': 1e6*c*6.6017, 'gamma': 1e6*c*0.052426, 'sigma':0.013329}, {'omega': 1e6*c*7.3259, 'gamma': 1e6*c*0.7388 , 'sigma':0.82655}, {'omega': 1e6*c*16.365, 'gamma': 1e6*c*1.9511 , 'sigma':1.1133}, ] = "Silver (Drude-Lorentz)" self.shortname = "Ag" self.where = where #}}}
Example #13
Source File: From python-meep-utils with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, where=None, resistivity=0., eps=0.): self.eps = 1. omega0 = 1e6*c*1e-20 ## arbitrary low frequency that makes Lorentz model behave as Drude model self.pol = [ {'omega': omega0, 'gamma': 1e6*c*0.066137, 'sigma': 5.1166e+40 * 1e-20**2 * (1e6*c)**2 / omega0**2}, ## Drude term {'omega': 1e6*c*0.62669,'gamma': 1e6*c*1.8357, 'sigma': 79.136}, {'omega': 1e6*c*1.2461, 'gamma': 1e6*c*2.0309, 'sigma': 8.7496}, {'omega': 1e6*c*2.0236, 'gamma': 1e6*c*1.3413, 'sigma': 1.5787}, {'omega': 1e6*c*1.5671, 'gamma': 1e6*c*1.4211, 'sigma': 0.014077}, ], self.shortname = "Titanium", "Ti" self.where = where #}}} ## -- Obsoleted or experimental --
Example #14
Source File: From python-meep-utils with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, where=None, resistivity=0., eps=0.): #self.eps = 1. self.eps = 18.86 omega0 = 1e6*c*1e-20 ## arbitrary low frequency that makes Lorentz model behave as Drude model self.pol = [ {'omega': omega0, 'gamma': 1e6*c*0.042747, 'sigma': 4.0314e+41 * 1e-20**2 * (1e6*c)**2 / omega0**2}, ] = "Gold (Drude-Lorentz)" self.shortname = "Au" self.where = where #}}}
Example #15
Source File: From python-meep-utils with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, where=None, resistivity=0., eps=0.): #self.eps = 1. self.eps = 18.86 omega0 = 1e6*c*1e-20 ## arbitrary low frequency that makes Lorentz model behave as Drude model self.pol = [ {'omega': omega0, 'gamma': 0, 'sigma': 4.0314e+41 * 1e-20**2 * (1e6*c)**2 / omega0**2}, ] = "Gold (lossy Drude)" self.shortname = "Au" self.where = where #}}}
Example #16
Source File: From python-meep-utils with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def nz2rt(freq, N, Z, d):#{{{ """ Returns the complex reflection and transmission parameters for a metamaterial slab. Useful for reverse calculation of eps and mu (to check results) Accepts: * frequency array, * effective refractive index N, * effective impedance Z, * vacuum wave vector k and * thickness d of the layer. """ ## Direct derivation from infinite sum of internal reflections k = 2*pi * freq/c # the wave vector t1 = 2 / (1+Z) # transmission of front interface t2 = 2*Z / (Z+1) # transmission of back interface t1prime = Z*t1 r1=(Z-1)/(Z+1) # reflection of front interface r2=(1-Z)/(1+Z) # reflection of back interface s12 = t1*t2*np.exp(1j*k*N*d) / (1 + r1*r2*np.exp(2j*k*N*d)) s11 = r1 + t1prime*t1*r2*np.exp(2j*k*N*d)/(1+r1*r2*np.exp(2j*k*N*d)) return s11, s12 """ Note: these results may be also re-expressed using goniometric functions. Equations from Smith2002 or Cai-Shalaev, mathematically equivalent to those above (only Smith's s11 has negative sign convention). s12new = 1/(np.cos(N*k*d) - .5j*(Z+1/Z)*np.sin(N*k*d)) s11new = -s12new * .5j*(Z-1/Z)*np.sin(N*k*d) TODO: implement also for other surrounding media than vacuum. """ #}}} ## --- Preparation of data ------------------------------------ # {{{ ## Get reflection and transmission data, prepare its parameters
Example #17
Source File: From oopt-gnpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def freq2wavelength(value): """ Converts frequency units to wavelength units. >>> round(freq2wavelength(191.35e12) * 1e9, 3) 1566.723 >>> round(freq2wavelength(196.1e12) * 1e9, 3) 1528.773 """ return constants.c / value
Example #18
Source File: From ray-optics with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def planck(lam, T): """ Returns the spectral radiance of a black body at temperature T. Returns the spectral radiance, B(lam, T), in of a black body at temperature T (in K) at a wavelength lam (in nm), using Planck's law. """ lam_m = lam / 1.e9 fac = h*c/lam_m/k/T B = 2*h*c**2/lam_m**5 / (np.exp(fac) - 1) return B
Example #19
Source File: From flavio with MIT License | 5 votes |
def Zobs(name, m_h, m_t, alpha_s, Dalpha, m_Z): r"""Expansion formula for $Z$ partial widths according to eq. (28) of arXiv:1401.2447. """ L_H = log(m_h / 125.7) D_t = (m_t / 173.2)**2 - 1 D_alpha_s = alpha_s / 0.1184 - 1 D_alpha = Dalpha / 0.059 - 1 D_Z = m_Z / 91.1876 - 1 c = cdict[name] return (c[0] + c[1] * L_H + c[2] * D_t + c[3] * D_alpha_s + c[4] * D_alpha_s**2 + c[5] * D_alpha_s * D_t + c[6] * D_alpha + c[7] * D_Z) * units[name]
Example #20
Source File: From python-meep-utils with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def record(self, field=None): """ Useful for time-domain simulation only """ self.t.append(field.time()/c) self.waveform.append(self.average_field(field))
Example #21
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def Absorption(wavelength, Eg, tempDet, a0, a0p): """ Calculate the spectral absorption coefficient for a semiconductor material with given material values. The model used here is based on Equations 3.5, 3.6 in Dereniaks book. Args: | wavelength: spectral variable [m] | Eg: bandgap energy [Ev] | tempDet: detector's temperature in [K] | a0: absorption coefficient [m-1] (Dereniak Eq 3.5 & 3.6) | a0p: absorption coefficient in [m-1] (Dereniak Eq 3.5 & 3.6) Returns: | absorption: spectral absorption coefficient in [m-1] """ #frequency/wavelength expressed as energy in Ev E = const.h * const.c / (wavelength * const.e ) # the np.abs() in the following code is to prevent nan and inf values # the effect of the abs() is corrected further down when we select # only the appropriate values based on E >= Eg and E < Eg # Absorption coef - eq. 3.5- Dereniak a35 = (a0 * np.sqrt(np.abs(E - Eg))) + a0p # Absorption coef - eq. 3.6- Dereniak a36 = a0p * np.exp((- np.abs(E - Eg)) / (const.k * tempDet)) absorption = a35 * (E >= Eg) + a36 * (E < Eg) return absorption ################################################################################ #
Example #22
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def deeStarPeak(wavelength,temperature,eta,halfApexAngle): i = 0 for wlc in wavelength: wl = np.linspace(wlc/100, wlc, 1000).reshape(-1, 1) LbackLambda = ryplanck.planck(wl,temperature, type='ql')/np.pi Lback = np.trapz(LbackLambda.reshape(-1, 1),wl, axis=0)[0] Eback = Lback * np.pi * (np.sin(halfApexAngle)) ** 2 # funny construct is to prevent divide by zero tempvar = np.sqrt(eta/(Eback+(Eback==0))) * (Eback!=0) + 0 * (Eback==0) dstarwlc[i] = 1e-6 * wlc * tempvar/(const.h * const.c * np.sqrt(2)) #print(Eback) i = i + 1 return dstarwlc * 100. # to get cm units
Example #23
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def calcLuxEquivalent(wavelength,rad_min,rad_dynrange,units): """Calc the interpolation function between lux and photon rate radiance Assuming single wavelength colour, the specified wavelength value is used to calculate the lux equivalent lux image for the radiance input range. Args: | wavelength (np.array): wavelength vector | sysresp (np.array): system response spectral vector | rad_min (float): minimum photon rate radiance lookup table | rad_dynrange (float): maximum photon rate radiance in lookup table | units (string): input radiance units q/s or W Returns: | interpolation function Raises: | No exception is raised. Author: CJ Willers """ if 'q' in units: conversion = wavelength / (const.h * const.c) else: conversion = 1. Wm2tolux = 683 * 1.019 * np.exp(-285.51 * (wavelength*1e6 - 0.5591)**2) # convert from q/s to W rad_minW = rad_min / conversion rad_dynrangeW = rad_dynrange / conversion radW = np.linspace(0.99*rad_minW, 1.01*(rad_minW+rad_dynrangeW), 1000) lux = Wm2tolux * radW # convert from W back to q/s when setting up the function fintp = interpolate.interp1d((radW*wavelength / (const.h * const.c)).reshape(-1), lux.reshape(-1)) return fintp ################################################################ ################################################################ ##
Example #24
Source File: From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def getTransitionWavelength(self, n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2, s=0.5, s2=None): """ Calculated transition wavelength (in vacuum) in m. Returned values is given relative to the centre of gravity of the hyperfine-split states. Args: n1 (int): principal quantum number of the state **from** which we are going l1 (int): orbital angular momentum of the state **from** which we are going j1 (float): total angular momentum of the state **from** which we are going n2 (int): principal quantum number of the state **to** which we are going l2 (int): orbital angular momentum of the state **to** which we are going j2 (float): total angular momentum of the state **to** which we are going s (float): optional, spin of the intial state (for Alkali this is fixed to 0.5) s2 (float): optional, spin of the final state. If not set, defaults to same value as :obj:`s` Returns: float: transition wavelength (in m). If the returned value is negative, level from which we are going is **above** the level to which we are going. """ if s2 is None: s2 = s return (C_h * C_c) / ((self.getEnergy(n2, l2, j2, s=s2) - self.getEnergy(n1, l1, j1, s=s)) * C_e)
Example #25
Source File: From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def getRabiFrequency(self, n1, l1, j1, mj1, n2, l2, j2, q, laserPower, laserWaist, s=0.5): """ Returns a Rabi frequency for resonantly driven atom in a center of TEM00 mode of a driving field Args: n1,l1,j1,mj1 : state from which we are driving transition n2,l2,j2 : state to which we are driving transition q : laser polarization (-1,0,1 correspond to :math:`\\sigma^-`, :math:`\\pi` and :math:`\\sigma^+` respectively) laserPower : laser power in units of W laserWaist : laser :math:`1/e^2` waist (radius) in units of m s (float): optional, total spin angular momentum of state. By default 0.5 for Alkali atoms. Returns: float: Frequency in rad :math:`^{-1}`. If you want frequency in Hz, divide by returned value by :math:`2\\pi` """ maxIntensity = 2 * laserPower / (pi * laserWaist**2) electricField = sqrt(2. * maxIntensity / (C_c * epsilon_0)) return self.getRabiFrequency2(n1, l1, j1, mj1, n2, l2, j2, q, electricField, s=s)
Example #26
Source File: From Stone-Soup with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _snr_constant(self): temp = 290 # noise reference temperature (room temperature kelvin) # convert from dB noise_figure = 10 ** (self.receiver_noise / 10) loss = 10 ** (self.loss / 10) # calculate part of snr that is independent of: # rcs, transmitted power, gain and range return (const.c ** 2 * self.number_pulses * self.duty_cycle) / \ (64 * np.pi ** 3 * const.k * temp * self.band_width * noise_figure * self.frequency ** 2 * loss)
Example #27
Source File: From diffsims with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_points_in_sphere(reciprocal_lattice, reciprocal_radius): """Finds all reciprocal lattice points inside a given reciprocal sphere. Utilised within the DiffractionGenerator. Parameters ---------- reciprocal_lattice : diffpy.Structure.Lattice The reciprocal crystal lattice for the structure of interest. reciprocal_radius : float The radius of the sphere in reciprocal space (units of reciprocal Angstroms) within which reciprocal lattice points are returned. Returns ------- spot_indices : numpy.array Miller indices of reciprocal lattice points in sphere. spot_coords : numpy.array Cartesian coordinates of reciprocal lattice points in sphere. spot_distances : numpy.array Distance of reciprocal lattice points in sphere from the origin. """ a, b, c = reciprocal_lattice.a, reciprocal_lattice.b, reciprocal_lattice.c h_max = np.floor(reciprocal_radius / a) k_max = np.floor(reciprocal_radius / b) l_max = np.floor(reciprocal_radius / c) from itertools import product h_list = np.arange(-h_max, h_max + 1) # arange has a non-inclusive endpoint k_list = np.arange(-k_max, k_max + 1) l_list = np.arange(-l_max, l_max + 1) potential_points = np.asarray(list(product(h_list, k_list, l_list))) in_sphere = ( np.abs(reciprocal_lattice.dist(potential_points, [0, 0, 0])) < reciprocal_radius ) spot_indices = potential_points[in_sphere] spot_coords = reciprocal_lattice.cartesian(spot_indices) spot_distances = reciprocal_lattice.dist(spot_indices, [0, 0, 0]) return spot_indices, spot_coords, spot_distances
Example #28
Source File: From python-meep-utils with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def rotatedZ(self, r, angle): x,y,z,c,s = r.x(), r.y(), r.z(), np.cos(angle), np.sin(angle) return meep.vec(x*c+y*s, y*c-x*s, z) # }}} ## The band source is useful, but is not guaranteed to be compiled in:
Example #29
Source File: From typhon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def DopplerWind(Temp, FreqGrid, Para, wind_v, shift_direction='red'): u"""#doppler width #Para[transient Freq[Hz], relative molecular mass[g/mol]]""" # step1 = Para[0]/c*(2.*R*gct/(Para[1]*1.e-3))**0.5 # outy = np.exp(-(Freq-Para[0])**2/step1**2) / (step1*(np.pi**0.5)) #wind_v = speed[:,10] #Temp=temp[10] #FreqGrid = Fre_range_i[0] wind = wind_v.reshape(wind_v.size, 1) FreqGrid = FreqGrid.reshape(1, FreqGrid.size) deltav = Para[0]*wind/c if shift_direction.lower() == 'red': D_effect = (deltav) elif shift_direction.lower() == 'blue': D_effect = (-deltav) else: raise ValueError('Set shift direction to "red" or "blue".') # step1 = Para[0]/c*(2.*R*Temp*np.log(2.)/(Para[1]*1.e-3))**0.5 # HWHM # outy = np.exp(-np.log(2.)*(FreqGrid-Para[0])**2/step1**2) *\ # (np.log(2.)/np.pi)**0.5/step1 # outy_d = np.exp(-np.log(2.)*(FreqGrid+D_effect-Para[0])**2/step1**2) *\ # (np.log(2.)/np.pi)**0.5/step1 GD = np.sqrt(2*k*ac/Para[1]*Temp)/c*Para[0] step1 = GD outy_d = wofz((FreqGrid+D_effect-Para[0])/GD).real / np.sqrt(np.pi) / GD #plot(FreqGrid, outy) #plot(FreqGrid, outy_d[:,0]) return outy_d
Example #30
Source File: From typhon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def PopuSource(LowerPop, UpperPop, LowerDeg, UpperDeg, Freq_c): sij = (2.*h*Freq_c**3)/(c**2*(LowerPop*UpperDeg/UpperPop/LowerDeg-1.)) return sij