Python scipy.constants.e() Examples
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code examples of scipy.constants.e().
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Example #1
Source File: From diffsims with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_interaction_constant(accelerating_voltage): """Calculates the interaction constant, sigma, for a given acelerating voltage. Parameters ---------- accelerating_voltage : float The accelerating voltage in V. Returns ------- sigma : float The relativistic electron wavelength in m. """ E = accelerating_voltage wavelength = get_electron_wavelength(accelerating_voltage) sigma = 2 * pi * (m_e + e * E) return sigma
Example #2
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 6 votes |
def eVtoJoule(EeV): """ Convert energy in eV to Joule. Args: | E: Energy in eV Returns: | EJ: Energy in J """ return EeV * const.e ################################################################################ #
Example #3
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 6 votes |
def JouleTeEv(EJ): """ Convert energy in Joule to eV. Args: | EJ: Energy in J Returns: | EeV: Energy in eV """ return EJ / const.e ################################################################################ #
Example #4
Source File: From diffsims with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_electron_wavelength(accelerating_voltage): """Calculates the (relativistic) electron wavelength in Angstroms for a given accelerating voltage in kV. Parameters ---------- accelerating_voltage : float or 'inf' The accelerating voltage in kV. Values `numpy.inf` and 'inf' are also accepted. Returns ------- wavelength : float The relativistic electron wavelength in Angstroms. """ if accelerating_voltage in (np.inf, "inf"): return 0 E = accelerating_voltage * 1e3 wavelength = ( h / math.sqrt(2 * m_e * e * E * (1 + (e / (2 * m_e * c * c)) * E)) * 1e10 ) return wavelength
Example #5
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 6 votes |
def Responsivity(wavelength, quantumEffic): """ Responsivity quantifies the amount of output seen per watt of radiant optical power input [1]. But, for this application it is interesting to define spectral responsivity that is the output per watt of monochromatic radiation. The model used here is based on Equations 7.114 in Dereniak's book. Args: | wavelength: spectral variable [m] | quantumEffic: spectral quantum efficiency Returns: | responsivity in [A/W] """ return (const.e * wavelength * quantumEffic) / (const.h * const.c) ################################################################################ #
Example #6
Source File: From myScripts with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def plotSpectre(transitions, eneval, spectre): """ plot the UV-visible spectrum using matplotlib. Absissa are converted in nm. """ # lambda in nm lambdaval = [cst.h * cst.c / (val * cst.e) * 1.e9 for val in eneval] # plot gaussian spectra plt.plot(lambdaval, spectre, "r-", label = "spectre") # plot transitions plt.vlines([val[1] for val in transitions], \ 0., \ [val[2] for val in transitions], \ color = "blue", \ label = "transitions" ) plt.xlabel("lambda / nm") plt.ylabel("Arbitrary unit") plt.title("UV-visible spectra") plt.grid() plt.legend(fancybox = True, shadow = True)
Example #7
Source File: From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _eFieldCouplingDivE(self, n1, l1, j1, mj1, n2, l2, j2, mj2, s=0.5): # eFied coupling devided with E (witout actuall multiplication to getE) # delta(mj1,mj2') delta(l1,l2+-1) if ((abs(mj1 - mj2) > 0.1) or (abs(l1 - l2) != 1)): return 0 # matrix element result = self.atom.getRadialMatrixElement(n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2, s=s) *\ physical_constants["Bohr radius"][0] * C_e sumPart = self.eFieldCouplingSaved.getAngular(l1, j1, mj1, l2, j2, mj2, s=s) return result * sumPart
Example #8
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def kTCnoiseGv(temptr, gv): """ Args: | temptr (scalar): temperature in K | gv (scalar): sense node gain V/e Returns: | n (scalar): noise as number of electrons Raises: | No exception is raised. """ return np.sqrt(const.k * temptr / (const.e * gv)) ############################################################ ## #def """ Args: | (): | (): | (): | (): | (): | (): | (): Returns: | n (scalar): noise as number of electrons Raises: | No exception is raised. """ ######################################################################################
Example #9
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def shotnoise(sensor_signal_in): r"""This routine adds photon shot noise to the signal of the photosensor that is in photons. The photon shot noise is due to the random arrival of photons and can be described by a Poisson process. Therefore, for each :math:`(i,j)`-th element of the matrix :math:`\Phi_{q}` that contains the number of collected photons, a photon shot noise is simulated as a Poisson process :math:`\mathcal{P}` with mean :math:`\Lambda`: :math:`\Phi_{ph.shot}=\mathcal{P}(\Lambda), \,\,\,\,\mbox{ where } \Lambda = \Phi_{q}.` We use the `ryutils.poissonarray` function that generates Poisson random numbers with mean :math:`\Lambda`. That is, the number of collected photons in :math:`(i,j)`-th pixel of the simulated photosensor in the matrix :math:`\Phi_{q}` is used as the mean :math:`\Lambda` for the generation of Poisson random numbers to simulate the photon shot noise. The input of the `ryutils.poissonarray` function will be the matrix :math:`\Phi_{q}` that contains the number of collected photons. The output will be the matrix :math:`\Phi_{ph.shot} \rightarrow \Phi_{q}`, i.e., the signal with added photon shot noise. The matrix :math:`\Phi_{ph.shot}` is recalculated each time the simulations are started, which corresponds to the temporal nature of the photon shot noise. Args: | sensor_signal_in (np.array[N,M]): photon irradiance in, in photons Returns: | sensor_signal_out (np.array[N,M]): photon signal out, in photons Raises: | No exception is raised. Author: Mikhail V. Konnik, revised/ported by CJ Willers Original source: """ # Since this is a shot noise, it must be random every time we apply it, unlike the Fixed Pattern Noise (PRNU or DSNU). # If seed is omitted or None, current system time is used return ryutils.poissonarray(sensor_signal_in, seedval=0) ######################################################################################################
Example #10
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def limitzero(a, thr=0.6): r"""Performs an asymetric clipping to prevent negative values. The lower-end values are clumped up towards the lower positive values, while upper-end values are not affected. This function is used to prevent negative random variables for wide sigma and low mean value, e.g., N(1,.5). If the random variables are passed through this function The resulting distribution is not normal any more, and has no known analytical form. A threshold value of around 0.6 was found to work well for N(1,small) up to N(1,.5). Before you use this function, first check the results using the code below in the main body of this file. Args: | a (np.array): an array of floats, Returns: | scaling factors. Raises: | No exception is raised. Author: CJ Willers """ ashape = a.shape a = a.flatten() a = np.where(a<thr, thr * np.exp(( a - thr) / (1 * thr)), 0) + np.where(a >= thr, a, 0) return a.reshape(ashape) ################################################################
Example #11
Source File: From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def getTransitionWavelength(self, n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2, s=0.5, s2=None): """ Calculated transition wavelength (in vacuum) in m. Returned values is given relative to the centre of gravity of the hyperfine-split states. Args: n1 (int): principal quantum number of the state **from** which we are going l1 (int): orbital angular momentum of the state **from** which we are going j1 (float): total angular momentum of the state **from** which we are going n2 (int): principal quantum number of the state **to** which we are going l2 (int): orbital angular momentum of the state **to** which we are going j2 (float): total angular momentum of the state **to** which we are going s (float): optional, spin of the intial state (for Alkali this is fixed to 0.5) s2 (float): optional, spin of the final state. If not set, defaults to same value as :obj:`s` Returns: float: transition wavelength (in m). If the returned value is negative, level from which we are going is **above** the level to which we are going. """ if s2 is None: s2 = s return (C_h * C_c) / ((self.getEnergy(n2, l2, j2, s=s2) - self.getEnergy(n1, l1, j1, s=s)) * C_e)
Example #12
Source File: From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def getTransitionFrequency(self, n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2, s=0.5, s2=None): """ Calculated transition frequency in Hz Returned values is given relative to the centre of gravity of the hyperfine-split states. Args: n1 (int): principal quantum number of the state **from** which we are going l1 (int): orbital angular momentum of the state **from** which we are going j1 (float): total angular momentum of the state **from** which we are going n2 (int): principal quantum number of the state **to** which we are going l2 (int): orbital angular momentum of the state **to** which we are going j2 (float): total angular momentum of the state **to** which we are going s (float): optional, spin of the intial state (for Alkali this is fixed to 0.5) s2 (float): optional, spin of the final state If not set, defaults to the same value as :obj:`s` Returns: float: transition frequency (in Hz). If the returned value is negative, level from which we are going is **above** the level to which we are going. """ if s2 is None: s2 = s return (self.getEnergy(n2, l2, j2, s=s2) - self.getEnergy(n1, l1, j1, s=s)) * C_e / C_h
Example #13
Source File: From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def getRabiFrequency2(self, n1, l1, j1, mj1, n2, l2, j2, q, electricFieldAmplitude, s=0.5): """ Returns a Rabi frequency for resonant excitation with a given electric field amplitude Args: n1,l1,j1,mj1 : state from which we are driving transition n2,l2,j2 : state to which we are driving transition q : laser polarization (-1,0,1 correspond to :math:`\\sigma^-`, :math:`\\pi` and :math:`\\sigma^+` respectively) electricFieldAmplitude : amplitude of electric field driving (V/m) s (float): optional, total spin angular momentum of state. By default 0.5 for Alkali atoms. Returns: float: Frequency in rad :math:`^{-1}`. If you want frequency in Hz, divide by returned value by :math:`2\\pi` """ mj2 = mj1 + q if abs(mj2) - 0.1 > j2: return 0 dipole = self.getDipoleMatrixElement(n1, l1, j1, mj1, n2, l2, j2, mj2, q, s=s) *\ C_e * physical_constants["Bohr radius"][0] freq = electricFieldAmplitude * abs(dipole) / hbar return freq
Example #14
Source File: From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def getC3term(self, n, l, j, n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2, s=0.5): """ C3 interaction term for the given two pair-states Calculates :math:`C_3` intaraction term for :math:`|n,l,j,n,l,j\\rangle \ \\leftrightarrow |n_1,l_1,j_1,n_2,l_2,j_2\\rangle` Args: n (int): principal quantum number l (int): orbital angular momenutum j (float): total angular momentum n1 (int): principal quantum number l1 (int): orbital angular momentum j1 (float): total angular momentum n2 (int): principal quantum number l2 (int): orbital angular momentum j2 (float): total angular momentum s (float): optional, total spin angular momentum of state. By default 0.5 for Alkali atoms. Returns: float: :math:`C_3 = \\frac{\\langle n,l,j |er\ |n_1,l_1,j_1\\rangle \ \\langle n,l,j |er|n_2,l_2,j_2\\rangle}{4\\pi\\varepsilon_0}` (:math:`h` Hz m :math:`{}^3`). """ d1 = self.getRadialMatrixElement(n, l, j, n1, l1, j1, s=s) d2 = self.getRadialMatrixElement(n, l, j, n2, l2, j2, s=s) d1d2 = 1 / (4.0 * pi * epsilon_0) * d1 * d2 * C_e**2 *\ (physical_constants["Bohr radius"][0])**2 return d1d2
Example #15
Source File: From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def getEnergyDefect(self, n, l, j, n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2, s=0.5): """ Energy defect for the given two pair-states (one of the state has two atoms in the same state) Energy difference between the states :math:`E(n_1,l_1,j_1,n_2,l_2,j_2) - E(n,l,j,n,l,j)` Args: n (int): principal quantum number l (int): orbital angular momenutum j (float): total angular momentum n1 (int): principal quantum number l1 (int): orbital angular momentum j1 (float): total angular momentum n2 (int): principal quantum number l2 (int): orbital angular momentum j2 (float): total angular momentum s (float): optional. Spin angular momentum (default 0.5 for Alkali) Returns: float: energy defect (SI units: J) """ return C_e * (self.getEnergy(n1, l1, j1, s=s) + self.getEnergy(n2, l2, j2, s=s) - 2 * self.getEnergy(n, l, j, s=s))
Example #16
Source File: From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __getEnergyDefect(self, n, l, j, nn, ll, jj, n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2): """ Energy defect between |n,l,j>x|nn,ll,jj> state and |n1,l1,j1>x|n1,l1,j1> state of atom1 and atom2 in respective spins states s1 and s2 Takes spin vales s1 and s2 as the one defined when defining calculation. Args: n (int): principal quantum number l (int): orbital angular momenutum j (float): total angular momentum nn (int): principal quantum number ll (int): orbital angular momenutum jj (float): total angular momentum n1 (int): principal quantum number l1 (int): orbital angular momentum j1 (float): total angular momentum n2 (int): principal quantum number l2 (int): orbital angular momentum j2 (float): total angular momentum Returns: float: energy defect (SI units: J) """ return C_e * (self.atom1.getEnergy(n1, l1, j1, s=self.s1) + self.atom2.getEnergy(n2, l2, j2, s=self.s2) - self.atom1.getEnergy(n, l, j, s=self.s1) - self.atom2.getEnergy(nn, ll, jj, s=self.s2))
Example #17
Source File: From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, atom1, state1, atom2, state2): self.atom1 = atom1 if (issubclass(type(self.atom1), DivalentAtom) and (len(state1) != 5 or (state1[4] != 0 and state1[4] != 1)) ): raise ValueError("For divalent atoms state specification has to " "include total spin angular momentum s as the last " "number in the state specification [n,l,j,m_j,s].") self.state1 = state1 # add exlicitly total spin of the state for Alkaline atoms if (len(self.state1) == 4): self.state1.append(0.5) self.atom2 = atom2 if (issubclass(type(self.atom2), DivalentAtom) and (len(state1) != 5 or (state1[4] != 0 and state1[4] != 1)) ): raise ValueError("For divalent atoms state specification has to " "include total spin angular momentum s as the last " "numbre in the state specification [n,l,j,m_j,s].") self.state2 = state2 # add exlicitly total spin of the state for Alkaline atoms if (len(self.state2) == 4): self.state2.append(0.5) self.pairStateEnergy = ( atom1.getEnergy(self.state1[0], self.state1[1], self.state1[2], s=self.state1[4]) + atom2.getEnergy(self.state2[0], self.state2[1], self.state2[2], s=self.state2[4]) ) * C_e / C_h * 1e-9
Example #18
Source File: From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def calcularRendimientos_parciales(self, A): """Calculate the separation efficiency per diameter""" entrada = self.kwargs["entrada"] rendimiento_parcial = [] for dp in entrada.solido.diametros: if dp <= 1e-6: q = dp*e*1e8 else: q = pi*epsilon_0*self.potencialCarga*dp**2 * \ (1+2*(self.epsilon-1.)/(self.epsilon+2.)) U = q*self.potencialDescarga/(3*pi*dp* rendimiento_parcial.append(Dimensionless(1-exp(-U*A/entrada.Q))) return rendimiento_parcial
Example #19
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def convert_to_electrons(strh5): r"""This routine converts photon rate irradiance to electron rate irradiance Args: | strh5 (hdf5 file): hdf5 file that defines all simulation parameters Returns: | in strh5: (hdf5 file) updated data fields Raises: | No exception is raised. Author: Mikhail V. Konnik, revised/ported by CJ Willers Original source: """ # Converting the signal from Photons to Electrons # Quantum Efficiency = Quantum Efficiency Interaction X Quantum Yield Gain. # diagram node 4 quantum efficiency stored in rystare/quantumEfficiency strh5['rystare/quantumEfficiency'][...] = strh5['rystare/photondetector/externalquantumeff'][()] * strh5['rystare/photondetector/quantumyield'][()] # number of electrons [e] generated in detector strh5['rystare/signal/electronRateIrradiance'][...] = strh5['rystare/signal/photonRateIrradianceNU'][()] * strh5['rystare/quantumEfficiency'][()] # diagram node 4 photon rate x mean value of the quantum efficiency stored in rystare/signal/electronRateIrradiance return strh5 ######################################################################################################
Example #20
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def multiply_integration_time(strh5): r"""This routine multiplies with integration time The input to the model of the photosensor is assumed to be a matrix :math:`E_{q}\in R^{N\times M}` that has been converted to electrons, corresponding to electron rate [e/s]. The electron rate is converted to electron count into the pixel by accounting for detector integration time: :math:`\Phi_{q} = \textrm{round} \left( E_{q} \cdot t_I \right),` where :math:`t_{I}` is integration (exposure) time. Args: | strh5 (hdf5 file): hdf5 file that defines all simulation parameters Returns: | in strh5: (hdf5 file) updated data fields Raises: | No exception is raised. Author: Mikhail V. Konnik, revised/ported by CJ Willers Original source: """ #the number of electrons accumulated during the integration time (rounded). strh5['rystare/signal/lightelectronsnoshotnoise'][...] = np.round(strh5['rystare/signal/electronRate'][()] * strh5['rystare/photondetector/integrationtime'][()]) return strh5 ######################################################################################################
Example #21
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def multiply_detector_area(strh5): r"""This routine multiplies detector area The input to the model of the photosensor is assumed to be a matrix :math:`E_{q}\in R^{N\times M}` that has been converted to electronrate irradiance, corresponding to electron rate [e/(m2.s)]. The electron rate irriance is converted to electron rate into the pixel by accounting for detector area: :math:`\Phi_{q} = \textrm{round} \left( E_{q} \cdot P_A \right),` where :math:`P_A` is the area of a pixel [m2]. Args: | strh5 (hdf5 file): hdf5 file that defines all simulation parameters Returns: | in strh5: (hdf5 file) updated data fields Raises: | No exception is raised. Author: Mikhail V. Konnik, revised/ported by CJ Willers Original source: """ # calculate radiant flux [W] from irradiance [W/m^2] and area strh5['rystare/signal/electronRate'][...] = strh5['rystare/detectorArea'][()] * strh5['rystare/signal/electronRateIrradiance'][()] return strh5 ######################################################################################################
Example #22
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def dplanck(spectral, temperature, type='el'): """Temperature derivative of Planck law exitance. Calculates the temperature derivative for Planck law spectral exitance from a surface at the stated temperature. dM/dT can be given in radiant or photon rate units, depending on user input in type. Temperature can be a scalar, a list or an array. Args: | spectral (scalar, np.array (N,) or (N,1)): spectral vector in [micrometer], [cm-1] or [Hz]. | temperature (scalar, list[M], np.array (M,), (M,1) or (1,M)): Temperature in [K] | type (string): | 'e' signifies Radiant values in [W/(m^2.K)]. | 'q' signifies photon rate values [quanta/(s.m^2.K)]. | 'l' signifies wavelength spectral vector [micrometer]. | 'n' signifies wavenumber spectral vector [cm-1]. | 'f' signifies frequency spectral vecor [Hz]. Returns: | (scalar, np.array[N,M]): spectral radiant exitance (not radiance) in units selected. | For type = 'el' units will be [W/(] | For type = 'qf' units will be [q/(s.m2.Hz.K)] | Other return types are similarly defined as above. | Returns None on error. Raises: | No exception is raised, returns None on error. """ if type in list(dplancktype.keys()): #select the appropriate fn as requested by user exitance = dplancktype[type](spectral, temperature) else: # return all zeros if illegal type exitance = - np.ones(spectral.shape) return exitance ################################################################ ##
Example #23
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def planck(spectral, temperature, type='el'): """Planck law spectral exitance. Calculates the Planck law spectral exitance from a surface at the stated temperature. Temperature can be a scalar, a list or an array. Exitance can be given in radiant or photon rate units, depending on user input in type. Args: | spectral (scalar, np.array (N,) or (N,1)): spectral vector. | temperature (scalar, list[M], np.array (M,), (M,1) or (1,M)): Temperature in [K] | type (string): | 'e' signifies Radiant values in [W/m^2.*]. | 'q' signifies photon rate values [quanta/(s.m^2.*)]. | 'l' signifies wavelength spectral vector [micrometer]. | 'n' signifies wavenumber spectral vector [cm-1]. | 'f' signifies frequency spectral vecor [Hz]. Returns: | (scalar, np.array[N,M]): spectral radiant exitance (not radiance) in units selected. | For type = 'el' units will be [W/(m^]. | For type = 'qf' units will be [q/(s.m^2.Hz)]. | Other return types are similarly defined as above. | Returns None on error. Raises: | No exception is raised, returns None on error. """ if type in list(plancktype.keys()): #select the appropriate fn as requested by user exitance = plancktype[type](spectral, temperature) else: # return all minus one if illegal type exitance = None return exitance ################################################################ ##
Example #24
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def stefanboltzman(temperature, type='e'): """Stefan-Boltzman wideband integrated exitance. Calculates the total Planck law exitance, integrated over all wavelengths, from a surface at the stated temperature. Exitance can be given in radiant or photon rate units, depending on user input in type. Args: | (scalar, list[M], np.array (M,), (M,1) or (1,M)): Temperature in [K] | type (string): 'e' for radiant or 'q' for photon rate exitance. Returns: | (float): integrated radiant exitance in [W/m^2] or [q/(s.m^2)]. | Returns a -1 if the type is not 'e' or 'q' Raises: | No exception is raised. """ #confirm that only vector is used, break with warning if so. if isinstance(temperature, np.ndarray): if len(temperature.flat) != max(temperature.shape): print('ryplanck.stefanboltzman: temperature must be of shape (M,), (M,1) or (1,M)') return -1 tempr = np.asarray(temperature).astype(float) #use dictionary to switch between options, lambda fn to calculate, default -1 rtnval = { 'e': lambda temp: pconst.sigmae * np.power(temp, 4) , 'q': lambda temp: pconst.sigmaq * np.power(temp, 3) }.get(type, lambda temp: -1)(tempr) return rtnval ################################################################ ## # dictionaries to allow case-like statements in generic planck functions, below.
Example #25
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def Absorption(wavelength, Eg, tempDet, a0, a0p): """ Calculate the spectral absorption coefficient for a semiconductor material with given material values. The model used here is based on Equations 3.5, 3.6 in Dereniaks book. Args: | wavelength: spectral variable [m] | Eg: bandgap energy [Ev] | tempDet: detector's temperature in [K] | a0: absorption coefficient [m-1] (Dereniak Eq 3.5 & 3.6) | a0p: absorption coefficient in [m-1] (Dereniak Eq 3.5 & 3.6) Returns: | absorption: spectral absorption coefficient in [m-1] """ #frequency/wavelength expressed as energy in Ev E = const.h * const.c / (wavelength * const.e ) # the np.abs() in the following code is to prevent nan and inf values # the effect of the abs() is corrected further down when we select # only the appropriate values based on E >= Eg and E < Eg # Absorption coef - eq. 3.5- Dereniak a35 = (a0 * np.sqrt(np.abs(E - Eg))) + a0p # Absorption coef - eq. 3.6- Dereniak a36 = a0p * np.exp((- np.abs(E - Eg)) / (const.k * tempDet)) absorption = a35 * (E >= Eg) + a36 * (E < Eg) return absorption ################################################################################ #
Example #26
Source File: From numdifftools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): self.n = 2 f = 1000000 # f is a scalar, it's the trap frequency self.w = 2 * pi * f self.C = (4 * pi * constants.epsilon_0) ** (-1) * constants.e ** 2 # C is a scalar, it's the I self.m = 39.96 * 1.66e-27
Example #27
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 4 votes |
def responsivity_FPN_light(strh5): r"""Multiploying the photon signal with the PRNU. The Photo Response Non-Uniformity (PRNU) is the spatial variation in pixel conversion gain (from photons to electrons). When viewing a uniform scene the pixel signals will differ because of the PRNU, mainly due to variations in the individual pixel's characteristics such as detector area and spectral response. These variations occur during the manufacture of the substrate and the detector device. The PRNU is signal-dependent (proportional to the input signal) and is fixed-pattern (time-invariant). For visual (silicon) sensors the PRNU factor is typically :math:`0.01\dots 0.05`\ , but for HgCdTe sensors it can be as large as :math:`0.02\dots 0.25`\ . It varies from sensor to sensor, even within the same manufacturing batch. The photo response non-uniformity (PRNU) is considered as a temporally-fixed light signal non-uniformity. The PRNU is modelled using a Gaussian distribution for each :math:`(i,j)`-th pixel of the matrix :math:`I_{e^-}`, as :math:`I_{PRNU.e^-}=I_{e^-}(1+\mathcal{N}(0,\sigma_{PRNU}^2))` where :math:`\sigma_{PRNU}` is the PRNU factor value. Args: | strh5 (hdf5 file): hdf5 file that defines all simulation parameters Returns: | in strh5: (hdf5 file) updated data fields Raises: | No exception is raised. Author: Mikhail V. Konnik, revised/ported by CJ Willers Original source: """ #the random generator seed is fixed with value from input np.random.seed(strh5['rystare/photondetector/lightPRNU/seed'][()]) #matrix for the PRNU normalisedVariation = FPN_models( strh5['rystare/imageSizePixels'][()][0], strh5['rystare/imageSizePixels'][()][1], 'pixel', strh5['rystare/photondetector/lightPRNU/model'][()], strh5['rystare/photondetector/lightPRNU/sigma'][()]) # diagram node 2 NU stored in 'rystare/photondetector/lightPRNU/value' #np.random.randn has mean=0, variance = 1, so we multiply with variance and add to mean strh5['rystare/photondetector/lightPRNU/value'][...] = (1 + normalisedVariation) # diagram node 3 photon rate multiplied with PRNU stored in 'rystare/signal/photonRateIrradianceNU' #apply the PRNU noise to the light signal of the photosensor. strh5['rystare/signal/photonRateIrradianceNU'][...] = strh5['rystare/signal/photonRateIrradiance'][()] * strh5['rystare/photondetector/lightPRNU/value'][()] return strh5 ######################################################################################################
Example #28
Source File: From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def _atomLightAtomCoupling(n, l, j, nn, ll, jj, n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2, atom1, atom2=None, s=0.5, s2=None): """ Calculates radial part of atom-light coupling This function might seem redundant, since similar function exist for each of the atoms. Function that is not connected to specific atomic species is provided in order to provides route to implement inter-species coupling. """ if atom2 is None: # if not explicitly inter-species, assume it's the same species atom2 = atom1 if s2 is None: s2 = s # determine coupling dl = abs(l - l1) dj = abs(j - j1) c1 = 0 if dl == 1 and (dj < 1.1): c1 = 1 # dipole couplings1 elif (dl == 0 or dl == 2 or dl == 1) and(dj < 2.1): c1 = 2 # quadrupole coupling else: return False dl = abs(ll - l2) dj = abs(jj - j2) c2 = 0 if dl == 1 and (dj < 1.1): c2 = 1 # dipole coupling elif (dl == 0 or dl == 2 or dl == 1) and(dj < 2.1): c2 = 2 # quadrupole coupling else: return False radial1 = atom1.getRadialCoupling(n, l, j, n1, l1, j1, s=s) radial2 = atom2.getRadialCoupling(nn, ll, jj, n2, l2, j2, s=s2) # TO-DO: check exponent of the Boht radius (from where it comes?!) coupling = C_e**2 / (4.0 * pi * epsilon_0) * radial1 * radial2 *\ (physical_constants["Bohr radius"][0])**(c1 + c2) return coupling # ================== Saving and loading calculations (START) ==================
Example #29
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 4 votes |
def printConstants(self): """Print Planck function constants. Args: | None Returns: | Print to stdout Raises: | No exception is raised. """ print('h = {:.14e} Js'.format(const.h)) print('c = {:.14e} m/s'.format(const.c)) print('k = {:.14e} J/K'.format(const.k)) print('q = {:.14e} C'.format(const.e)) print(' ') print('pi = {:.14e}'.format(const.pi)) print('e = {:.14e}'.format(np.exp(1))) print('zeta(3) = {:.14e}'.format(self.zeta3 )) print('a2 = {:.14e}, root of 2(1-exp(-x))-x'.format(self.a2 )) print('a3 = {:.14e}, root of 3(1-exp(-x))-x'.format(self.a3 )) print('a4 = {:.14e}, root of 4(1-exp(-x))-x'.format(self.a4 )) print('a5 = {:.14e}, root of 5(1-exp(-x))-x'.format(self.a5 )) print(' ') print('sigmae = {:.14e} W/(m^2 K^4)'.format(self.sigmae)) print('sigmaq = {:.14e} q/(s m^2 K^3)'.format(self.sigmaq)) print(' ') print('c1em = {:.14e} with wavelenth in m'.format(self.c1em)) print('c1qm = {:.14e} with wavelenth in m'.format(self.c1qm)) print('c2m = {:.14e} with wavelenth in m'.format(self.c2m)) print(' ') print('c1el = {:.14e} with wavelenth in $\mu$m'.format(self.c1el)) print('c1ql = {:.14e} with wavelenth in $\mu$m'.format(self.c1ql)) print('c2l = {:.14e} with wavelenth in $\mu$m'.format(self.c2l)) print(' ') print('c1en = {:.14e} with wavenumber in cm$^{{-1}}$'.format(self.c1en)) print('c1qn = {:.14e} with wavenumber in cm$^{{-1}}$'.format(self.c1qn)) print('c2n = {:.14e} with wavenumber in cm$^{{-1}}$'.format(self.c2n)) print(' ') print('c1ef = {:.14e} with frequency in Hz'.format(self.c1ef)) print('c1nf = {:.14e} with frequency in Hz'.format(self.c1nf)) print('c2f = {:.14e} with frequency in Hz'.format(self.c2f)) print(' ') print('wel = {:.14e} um.K Wien for radiant and wavelength'.format(self.wel)) print('wql = {:.14e} um.K Wien for photon rate and wavelength'.format(self.wql)) print('wen = {:.14e} cm-1/K Wien for radiant and wavenumber'.format(self.wen)) print('wqn = {:.14e} cm-1/K Wien for photon rate and wavenumber'.format(self.wqn)) print('wef = {:.14e} Hz/K Wien for radiant and frequency'.format(self.wef)) print('wqf = {:.14e} Hz/K Wien for photon rate and frequency'.format(self.wqf)) print(' ')
Example #30
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 4 votes |
def Noise(tempDet, IVbeta, Isat, iPhoto, vBias=0): """ This function calculates the noise power spectral density produced in the diode: shot noise and thermal noise. The assumption is that all noise sources are white noise PSD. Eq 5.143 plus thermal noise, see Eq 5.148 Args: | tempDet: detector's temperature [K] | IVbeta: detector nonideal factor [-] | Isat: reverse saturation current [A] | iPhoto: photo current [A] | vBias: bias voltage on the detector [V] Returns: | detector noise power spectral density [A/Hz1/2] | R0: dynamic resistance at zero bias. | Johnson noise only noise power spectral density [A/Hz1/2] | Shot noise only noise power spectral density [A/Hz1/2] """ R0 = IVbeta * const.k * tempDet / (Isat * const.e) # johnson noise iJohnson = 4 * const.k * tempDet / R0 # shot noise for thermal component Isat iShot1 = 2 * const.e * Isat # shot noise for thermal component Isat iShot2 = 2 * const.e * Isat *np.exp(const.e * vBias /(const.k * tempDet * IVbeta)) # shot noise for photocurrent iShot3 = 2 * const.e * iPhoto # total noise noise = np.sqrt(iJohnson + iShot1 + iShot2 + iShot3 ) return noise, R0, np.sqrt(iJohnson), np.sqrt(iShot1 + iShot2 + iShot3 ) ################################################################################ #