Python scipy.constants.h() Examples
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code examples of scipy.constants.h().
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Example #1
Source File: From diffsims with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_electron_wavelength(accelerating_voltage): """Calculates the (relativistic) electron wavelength in Angstroms for a given accelerating voltage in kV. Parameters ---------- accelerating_voltage : float or 'inf' The accelerating voltage in kV. Values `numpy.inf` and 'inf' are also accepted. Returns ------- wavelength : float The relativistic electron wavelength in Angstroms. """ if accelerating_voltage in (np.inf, "inf"): return 0 E = accelerating_voltage * 1e3 wavelength = ( h / math.sqrt(2 * m_e * e * E * (1 + (e / (2 * m_e * c * c)) * E)) * 1e10 ) return wavelength
Example #2
Source File: From myScripts with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def plotSpectre(transitions, eneval, spectre): """ plot the UV-visible spectrum using matplotlib. Absissa are converted in nm. """ # lambda in nm lambdaval = [cst.h * cst.c / (val * cst.e) * 1.e9 for val in eneval] # plot gaussian spectra plt.plot(lambdaval, spectre, "r-", label = "spectre") # plot transitions plt.vlines([val[1] for val in transitions], \ 0., \ [val[2] for val in transitions], \ color = "blue", \ label = "transitions" ) plt.xlabel("lambda / nm") plt.ylabel("Arbitrary unit") plt.title("UV-visible spectra") plt.grid() plt.legend(fancybox = True, shadow = True)
Example #3
Source File: From typhon with MIT License | 6 votes |
def population(self, Mole, Temp): """Calculate population for each level at given temperature""" RoTemp = np.reshape(Temp*1., (Temp.size, 1)) Qr = self.weighti*np.exp(-(self.e_cm1*100*c*h)/(k*RoTemp)) # RoPr = Qr/Ntotal # This is for all transitions RoPr = Qr/(Qr.sum(axis=1).reshape(RoTemp.size, 1)) # only given trans. linet = [] for xx in range(self.nt): gdu, gdl = self.weighti[self.tran_tag[xx][1:].astype(int)] _up = int(self.tran_tag[xx][1]) _low = int(self.tran_tag[xx][2]) Aei =[_up, _low] line_const = (c*10**2)**2*Aei*(gdu/gdl)*1.e-6*1.e14 /\ (8.*np.pi*(self.freq_array[xx]*1.e9)**2) # Hz->MHz,cm^2 ->nm^2 # W = C.h*C.c*E_cm1[_low]*100. # energy level above ground state "This is the function of calculating H2O intensity" line = (1.-np.exp(-h*(self.freq_array[xx]*1.e9) / k/RoTemp))*line_const linet.append(line[:, 0]*RoPr[:, _low]) # line intensity non-LTE Ni_LTE = Mole.reshape((Mole.size, 1))*RoPr # *0.75 # orth para ratio Ite_pop = [[Ni_LTE[i].reshape((, 1))] for i in range(Mole.size)] return Ite_pop #import numba
Example #4
Source File: From rampy with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_tlcorrection(self): # testing long correction function x_for_long = np.array([20.,21.,22.,23.,24.,25.]) y_for_long = np.array([1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0]) nu0 = 1.0/(514.532)*1e9 #laser wavenumber at 514.532 nu = 100.0*x_for_long # cm-1 to m-1 T = 23.0+273.15 # the temperature in K x_long,long_res,eselong = rp.tlcorrection(x_for_long, y_for_long,23.0,514.532,correction = 'long',normalisation='area') # using the function t0 = nu0**3.0*nu/((nu0-nu)**4) t1= 1.0 - np.exp(-h*c*nu/(k*T)) # c in m/s : t1 dimensionless long_calc= y_for_long*t0*t1 # pour les y long_calc = long_calc/np.trapz(long_calc,x_for_long) # area normalisation np.testing.assert_equal(long_res,long_calc) np.testing.assert_equal(x_for_long,x_long) x_long,long_res,eselong = rp.tlcorrection(x_for_long, y_for_long,23.0,514.532,correction = 'long',normalisation='no') # using the function t0 = nu0**3.0*nu/((nu0-nu)**4) t1= 1.0 - np.exp(-h*c*nu/(k*T)) # c in m/s : t1 dimensionless long_calc= y_for_long*t0*t1 # pour les y np.testing.assert_equal(long_res,long_calc) np.testing.assert_equal(x_for_long,x_long)
Example #5
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 6 votes |
def Responsivity(wavelength, quantumEffic): """ Responsivity quantifies the amount of output seen per watt of radiant optical power input [1]. But, for this application it is interesting to define spectral responsivity that is the output per watt of monochromatic radiation. The model used here is based on Equations 7.114 in Dereniak's book. Args: | wavelength: spectral variable [m] | quantumEffic: spectral quantum efficiency Returns: | responsivity in [A/W] """ return (const.e * wavelength * quantumEffic) / (const.h * const.c) ################################################################################ #
Example #6
Source File: From typhon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def Bv_T(Freq, T): # brbr = 1 # .e7*1.e-4 Bv_out = 2.*h*Freq**3/c**2/(np.exp(h*Freq/k/T)-1.) return Bv_out
Example #7
Source File: From diffsims with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_unique_families(hkls): """Returns unique families of Miller indices, which must be permutations of each other. Parameters ---------- hkls : list List of Miller indices ([h, k, l]) Returns ------- pretty_unique : dictionary A dict with unique hkl and multiplicity {hkl: multiplicity}. """ def is_perm(hkl1, hkl2): h1 = np.abs(hkl1) h2 = np.abs(hkl2) return all([i == j for i, j in zip(sorted(h1), sorted(h2))]) unique = collections.defaultdict(list) for hkl1 in hkls: found = False for hkl2 in unique.keys(): if is_perm(hkl1, hkl2): found = True unique[hkl2].append(hkl1) break if not found: unique[hkl1].append(hkl1) pretty_unique = {} for k, v in unique.items(): pretty_unique[sorted(v)[-1]] = len(v) return pretty_unique
Example #8
Source File: From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, atom1, state1, atom2, state2): self.atom1 = atom1 if (issubclass(type(self.atom1), DivalentAtom) and (len(state1) != 5 or (state1[4] != 0 and state1[4] != 1)) ): raise ValueError("For divalent atoms state specification has to " "include total spin angular momentum s as the last " "number in the state specification [n,l,j,m_j,s].") self.state1 = state1 # add exlicitly total spin of the state for Alkaline atoms if (len(self.state1) == 4): self.state1.append(0.5) self.atom2 = atom2 if (issubclass(type(self.atom2), DivalentAtom) and (len(state1) != 5 or (state1[4] != 0 and state1[4] != 1)) ): raise ValueError("For divalent atoms state specification has to " "include total spin angular momentum s as the last " "numbre in the state specification [n,l,j,m_j,s].") self.state2 = state2 # add exlicitly total spin of the state for Alkaline atoms if (len(self.state2) == 4): self.state2.append(0.5) self.pairStateEnergy = ( atom1.getEnergy(self.state1[0], self.state1[1], self.state1[2], s=self.state1[4]) + atom2.getEnergy(self.state2[0], self.state2[1], self.state2[2], s=self.state2[4]) ) * C_e / C_h * 1e-9
Example #9
Source File: From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def getRecoilEnergy(self): """ Recoil energy for atoms in given optical lattice Returns: float: recoil energy in units of J """ latticeConstant = self.trapWavenegth / 2 Er = C_h**2 / (8 * self.atom.mass * latticeConstant**2) return Er
Example #10
Source File: From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def getTransitionWavelength(self, n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2, s=0.5, s2=None): """ Calculated transition wavelength (in vacuum) in m. Returned values is given relative to the centre of gravity of the hyperfine-split states. Args: n1 (int): principal quantum number of the state **from** which we are going l1 (int): orbital angular momentum of the state **from** which we are going j1 (float): total angular momentum of the state **from** which we are going n2 (int): principal quantum number of the state **to** which we are going l2 (int): orbital angular momentum of the state **to** which we are going j2 (float): total angular momentum of the state **to** which we are going s (float): optional, spin of the intial state (for Alkali this is fixed to 0.5) s2 (float): optional, spin of the final state. If not set, defaults to same value as :obj:`s` Returns: float: transition wavelength (in m). If the returned value is negative, level from which we are going is **above** the level to which we are going. """ if s2 is None: s2 = s return (C_h * C_c) / ((self.getEnergy(n2, l2, j2, s=s2) - self.getEnergy(n1, l1, j1, s=s)) * C_e)
Example #11
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def calcLuxEquivalent(wavelength,rad_min,rad_dynrange,units): """Calc the interpolation function between lux and photon rate radiance Assuming single wavelength colour, the specified wavelength value is used to calculate the lux equivalent lux image for the radiance input range. Args: | wavelength (np.array): wavelength vector | sysresp (np.array): system response spectral vector | rad_min (float): minimum photon rate radiance lookup table | rad_dynrange (float): maximum photon rate radiance in lookup table | units (string): input radiance units q/s or W Returns: | interpolation function Raises: | No exception is raised. Author: CJ Willers """ if 'q' in units: conversion = wavelength / (const.h * const.c) else: conversion = 1. Wm2tolux = 683 * 1.019 * np.exp(-285.51 * (wavelength*1e6 - 0.5591)**2) # convert from q/s to W rad_minW = rad_min / conversion rad_dynrangeW = rad_dynrange / conversion radW = np.linspace(0.99*rad_minW, 1.01*(rad_minW+rad_dynrangeW), 1000) lux = Wm2tolux * radW # convert from W back to q/s when setting up the function fintp = interpolate.interp1d((radW*wavelength / (const.h * const.c)).reshape(-1), lux.reshape(-1)) return fintp ################################################################ ################################################################ ##
Example #12
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): """ Precalculate the Planck function constants. Reference: """ import scipy.optimize self.c1em = 2 * np.pi * const.h * const.c * const.c self.c1el = self.c1em * (1.0e6)**(5-1) # 5 for lambda power and -1 for density self.c1en = self.c1em * (100)**3 * 100 # 3 for wavenumber, 1 for density self.c1ef = 2 * np.pi * const.h / (const.c * const.c) self.c1qm = 2 * np.pi * const.c self.c1ql = self.c1qm * (1.0e6)**(4-1) # 5 for lambda power and -1 for density self.c1qn = self.c1qm * (100)**2 * 100 # 2 for wavenumber, 1 for density self.c1nf = 2 * np.pi / (const.c * const.c) self.c2m = const.h * const.c / const.k self.c2l = self.c2m * 1.0e6 # 1 for wavelength density self.c2n = self.c2m * 1.0e2 # 1 for cm-1 density self.c2f = const.h / const.k self.sigmae = const.sigma self.zeta3 = 1.2020569031595942853 self.sigmaq = 4 * np.pi * self.zeta3 * const.k ** 3 \ / (const.h ** 3 * const.c ** 2) self.a2 = scipy.optimize.brentq(, 1, 2, (2) ) self.a3 = scipy.optimize.brentq(, 2, 3, (3) ) self.a4 = scipy.optimize.brentq(, 3.5, 4, (4) ) self.a5 = scipy.optimize.brentq(, 4.5, 5, (5) ) self.wel = 1e6 * const.h * const.c /(const.k * self.a5) self.wql = 1e6 * const.h * const.c /(const.k * self.a4) self.wen = self.a3 * const.k /(100 * const.h * const.c ) self.wqn = self.a2 * const.k /(100 * const.h * const.c ) self.wef = self.a3 * const.k /(const.h ) self.wqf = self.a2 * const.k /(const.h )
Example #13
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def deeStarPeak(wavelength,temperature,eta,halfApexAngle): i = 0 for wlc in wavelength: wl = np.linspace(wlc/100, wlc, 1000).reshape(-1, 1) LbackLambda = ryplanck.planck(wl,temperature, type='ql')/np.pi Lback = np.trapz(LbackLambda.reshape(-1, 1),wl, axis=0)[0] Eback = Lback * np.pi * (np.sin(halfApexAngle)) ** 2 # funny construct is to prevent divide by zero tempvar = np.sqrt(eta/(Eback+(Eback==0))) * (Eback!=0) + 0 * (Eback==0) dstarwlc[i] = 1e-6 * wlc * tempvar/(const.h * const.c * np.sqrt(2)) #print(Eback) i = i + 1 return dstarwlc * 100. # to get cm units
Example #14
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def Absorption(wavelength, Eg, tempDet, a0, a0p): """ Calculate the spectral absorption coefficient for a semiconductor material with given material values. The model used here is based on Equations 3.5, 3.6 in Dereniaks book. Args: | wavelength: spectral variable [m] | Eg: bandgap energy [Ev] | tempDet: detector's temperature in [K] | a0: absorption coefficient [m-1] (Dereniak Eq 3.5 & 3.6) | a0p: absorption coefficient in [m-1] (Dereniak Eq 3.5 & 3.6) Returns: | absorption: spectral absorption coefficient in [m-1] """ #frequency/wavelength expressed as energy in Ev E = const.h * const.c / (wavelength * const.e ) # the np.abs() in the following code is to prevent nan and inf values # the effect of the abs() is corrected further down when we select # only the appropriate values based on E >= Eg and E < Eg # Absorption coef - eq. 3.5- Dereniak a35 = (a0 * np.sqrt(np.abs(E - Eg))) + a0p # Absorption coef - eq. 3.6- Dereniak a36 = a0p * np.exp((- np.abs(E - Eg)) / (const.k * tempDet)) absorption = a35 * (E >= Eg) + a36 * (E < Eg) return absorption ################################################################################ #
Example #15
Source File: From ray-optics with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def planck(lam, T): """ Returns the spectral radiance of a black body at temperature T. Returns the spectral radiance, B(lam, T), in of a black body at temperature T (in K) at a wavelength lam (in nm), using Planck's law. """ lam_m = lam / 1.e9 fac = h*c/lam_m/k/T B = 2*h*c**2/lam_m**5 / (np.exp(fac) - 1) return B
Example #16
Source File: From strawberryfields with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_twomode(self): """Test if function returns two-mode squeezing parameters that correctly reconstruct the input normal mode frequencies.""" w = -k * self.T / (0.5 * h * c * 100) * np.log(np.tanh(self.t)) assert np.allclose(w, self.w)
Example #17
Source File: From typhon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def calc_abscoeff(tran, itera, alt=None): _up, _low = Tran_tag[tran][1:].astype(int) _v0 = Freqi[_up, _low]*1.e9 _const = C.h*_v0/4./N.pi if alt is None: lowerPop = N.array(Ite_pop)[alt][itera][_low][0] upperPop = N.array(Ite_pop)[alt][itera][_up][0] else: lowerPop = N.array(Ite_pop)[:, itera, _low, 0] upperPop = N.array(Ite_pop)[:, itera, _up, 0] BLU = Blu[_up, _low] BUL = Bul[_up, _low] # AUL = Ai[_up, _low] return (lowerPop*BLU - upperPop*BUL)*_const
Example #18
Source File: From typhon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def basic(LowerPop, UpperPop, Blu, Bul, Freq): u""" calculate absorption coefficient.\n Freq should be Hz """ _const = h*Freq/4./np.pi return (LowerPop*Blu - UpperPop*Bul)*_const
Example #19
Source File: From typhon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def PopuSource(LowerPop, UpperPop, LowerDeg, UpperDeg, Freq_c): sij = (2.*h*Freq_c**3)/(c**2*(LowerPop*UpperDeg/UpperPop/LowerDeg-1.)) return sij
Example #20
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 4 votes |
def Isaturation(mobE, tauE, mobH, tauH, me, mh, na, nd, Eg, tDetec, areaDet): """ This function calculates the reverse saturation current, by Equation 7.22 in Dereniak's book Args: | mobE: electron mobility [m2/V.s] | tauE: electron lifetime [s] | mobH: hole mobility [m2/V.s] | tauH: hole lifetime [s] | me: electron effective mass [kg] | mh: hole effective mass [kg] | na: acceptor concentration [m-3] | nd: donor concentration [m-3] | Eg: energy bandgap in [Ev] | tDetec: detector's temperature in [K] | areaDet: detector's area [m2] Returns: | I0: reverse sat current [A] """ # diffusion length [m] Dereniak Eq7.19 Le=np.sqrt(const.k * tDetec * mobE * tauE / const.e) Lh=np.sqrt(const.k * tDetec * mobH * tauH / const.e) # intrinsic carrier concentration - Dereniak`s book eq. 7.1 - m-3 # Eg here in eV units, multiply with q ni = (np.sqrt(4 * (2 * np.pi * const.k * tDetec / const.h ** 2) ** 3 *\ np.exp( - (Eg * const.e) / (const.k * tDetec)) * (me * mh) ** 1.5)) # reverse saturation current - Dereniak eq. 7.22 - Ampère if na == 0 or tauE == 0: elec = 0 else: elec = Le / (na * tauE) if nd == 0 or tauH == 0: hole = 0 else: hole = Lh / ( nd * tauH ) I0 = areaDet * const.e * (ni ** 2) *( elec + hole ) return (I0,ni) ################################################################################ #
Example #21
Source File: From pyradi with MIT License | 4 votes |
def planck_integral(wavenum, temperature, radiant,niter=512): """Integrated Planck law spectral exitance by summation from wavenum to infty. Integral of spectral radiance from wavenum (cm-1) to infinity. follows Widger and Woodall, Bulletin of Am Met Soc, Vol. 57, No. 10, pp. 1217 Args: | wavenum (scalar): spectral limit. | temperature (scalar): Temperature in [K] | radiant (bool): output units required, W/m2 or q/(s.m2) Returns: | (scalar): exitance (not radiance) in units selected. | For radiant units will be [W/(m^2)]. | For not radiant units will be [q/(s.m^2)]. Raises: | No exception is raised, returns None on error. """ # compute powers of x, the dimensionless spectral coordinate c1 = const.h * const.c / const.k x = c1 * 100. * wavenum / temperature x2 = x * x x3 = x * x2 # decide how many terms of sum are needed iter = int(2.0 + 20.0 / x ) iter = iter if iter<niter else niter # add up terms of sum sum = 0. for n in range(1,iter): dn = 1.0 / n if radiant: sum += np.exp(-n * x) * (x3 + (3.0 * x2 + 6.0 * (x + dn) * dn) * dn) * dn else: sum += np.exp(-n * x) * (x2 + 2.0 * (x + dn) * dn) * dn if radiant: # in units of W/m2 c2 = 2.0 * const.h * const.c * const.c rtnval = c2 * (temperature/c1)**4. * sum else: # in units of photons/(s.m2) kTohc = const.k * temperature / (const.h * const.c) rtnval = 2.0 * const.c * kTohc**3. * sum # print('wn={} x={} T={} E={} n={}'.format(wavenum,x,temperature, rtnval/np.pi,iter)) return rtnval * np.pi ################################################################ ##
Example #22
Source File: From oopt-gnpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def noise_profile(self, df): """noise_profile(bw) computes amplifier ASE (W) in signal bandwidth (Hz) Noise is calculated at amplifier input :bw: signal bandwidth = baud rate in Hz :type bw: float :return: the asepower in W in the signal bandwidth bw for 96 channels :return type: numpy array of float ASE power using per channel gain profile inputs: NF_dB - Noise figure in dB, vector of length number of channels or spectral slices G_dB - Actual gain calculated for the EDFA, vector of length number of channels or spectral slices ffs - Center frequency grid of the channels or spectral slices in THz, vector of length number of channels or spectral slices dF - width of each channel or spectral slice in THz, vector of length number of channels or spectral slices OUTPUT: ase_dBm - ase in dBm per channel or spectral slice NOTE: The output is the total ASE in the channel or spectral slice. For 50GHz channels the ASE BW is effectively 0.4nm. To get to noise power in 0.1nm, subtract 6dB. ONSR is usually quoted as channel power divided by the ASE power in 0.1nm RBW, regardless of the width of the actual channel. This is a historical convention from the days when optical signals were much smaller (155Mbps, 2.5Gbps, ... 10Gbps) than the resolution of the OSAs that were used to measure spectral power which were set to 0.1nm resolution for convenience. Moving forward into flexible grid and high baud rate signals, it may be convenient to begin quoting power spectral density in the same BW for both signal and ASE, e.g. 12.5GHz.""" ase = h * df * self.channel_freq * db2lin( # W return ase # in W at amplifier input
Example #23
Source File: From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def getStateC3(self, n, l, j, coupledStatesList, s=0.5, debugOutput=False): r""" Van der Waals atom-surface interaction coefficient for a given state (:math:`C_3` in units of :math:`\mathrm{J}\cdot\mathrm{m}^3` ) Args: n (int): principal quantum number of the state l (int): orbital angular momentum of the state j (int): total angular momentum of state coupledStatesList (array): array of states that are strongly dipole-coupled to the initial state, whose contribution to :math:`C_3` will be take into account. Format `[[n1,l1,j1],...]` s (float, optional): total spin angular momentum for the considered state. Default value of 0.5 is correct for `AlkaliAtoms`, but it has to be explicitly specifiied for `DivalentAtom`. debugOutput (bool, optional): prints additional output information, False by default. Returns: float, float: :math:`C_3` (in units of :math:`{\rm J}\cdot {\rm m}^3` ), estimated error :math:`\delta C_3` """ if debugOutput: print("%s ->\tC3 contr. (kHz mum^3) \tlambda (mum)\tn" % (printStateString(n, l, j, s=s)) ) totalShift = 0 sumSqError = 0 for state in coupledStatesList: c3, err, refIndex = self.getC3contribution( n, l, j, state[0], state[1], state[2], s=s) if debugOutput: print( "-> %s\t%.3f +- %.3f \t%.3f\t\t%.3f\n" % (printStateString(state[0], state[1], state[2], s=s), c3/C_h*(1e6)**3*1e-3, err/C_h*(1e6)**3*1e-3, self.atom.getTransitionWavelength( n, l, j, state[0], state[1], state[2], s=s, s2=s) * 1e6, refIndex) ) totalShift += c3 sumSqError += err**2 error = np.sqrt(sumSqError) if debugOutput: print("= = = = = = \tTotal shift of %s\t= %.3f+-%.4f kHz mum^3\n" % (printStateString(n, l, j, s=s), totalShift/C_h * (1e6)**3 * 1e-3, error/C_h * (1e6)**3 * 1e-3)) return totalShift, error # in J m^3
Example #24
Source File: From strawberryfields with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def gbs_params( w: np.ndarray, wp: np.ndarray, Ud: np.ndarray, delta: np.ndarray, T: float = 0 ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: r"""Converts molecular information to GBS gate parameters. **Example usage:** >>> formic = data.Formic() >>> w = formic.w # ground state frequencies >>> wp = formic.wp # excited state frequencies >>> Ud = formic.Ud # Duschinsky matrix >>> delta = # displacement vector >>> T = 0 # temperature >>> p = gbs_params(w, wp, Ud, delta, T) Args: w (array): normal mode frequencies of the initial electronic state in units of :math:`\mbox{cm}^{-1}` wp (array): normal mode frequencies of the final electronic state in units of :math:`\mbox{cm}^{-1}` Ud (array): Duschinsky matrix delta (array): Displacement vector, with entries :math:`\delta_i=\sqrt{\omega'_i/\hbar}d_i`, and :math:`d_i` is the Duschinsky displacement T (float): temperature (Kelvin) Returns: tuple[array, array, array, array, array]: the two-mode squeezing parameters :math:`t`, the first interferometer unitary matrix :math:`U_{1}`, the squeezing parameters :math:`r`, the second interferometer unitary matrix :math:`U_{2}`, and the displacement parameters :math:`\alpha` """ if T < 0: raise ValueError("Temperature must be zero or positive") if T > 0: t = np.arctanh(np.exp(-0.5 * h * (w * c * 100) / (k * T))) else: t = np.zeros(len(w)) U2, s, U1 = np.linalg.svd(np.diag(wp ** 0.5) @ Ud @ np.diag(w ** -0.5)) alpha = delta / np.sqrt(2) return t, U1, np.log(s), U2, alpha
Example #25
Source File: From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def __isCoupled(self, n, l, j, nn, ll, jj, n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2, limit): if ((abs(self.__getEnergyDefect(n, l, j, nn, ll, jj, n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2) ) / C_h < limit) and not (n == n1 and nn == n2 and l == l1 and ll == l2 and j == j1 and jj == j2) and not ((abs(l1 - l) != 1 and( (abs(j - 0.5) < 0.1 and abs(j1 - 0.5) < 0.1) # j = 1/2 and j'=1/2 forbidden or (abs(j) < 0.1 and abs(j1 - 1) < 0.1) # j = 0 and j'=1 forbidden or (abs(j-1) < 0.1 and abs(j1) < 0.1) # j = 1 and j'=0 forbidden ) ) or (abs(l2 - ll) != 1 and( (abs(jj - 0.5) < 0.1 and abs(j2 - 0.5) < 0.1) # j = 1/2 and j'=1/2 forbidden or (abs(jj) < 0.1 and abs(j2 - 1) < 0.1) # j = 0 and j'=1 forbidden or (abs(jj-1) < 0.1 and abs(j2) < 0.1) # j = 1 and j'=0 forbidden ) ) ) and not(abs(j)<0.1 and abs(j1)<0.1) # j = 0 and j'=0 forbiden and not (abs(jj)<0.1 and abs(j2)<0.1) and not (abs(l)<0.1 and abs(l1)<0.1) # l = 0 and l' = 0 is forbiden and not (abs(ll)<0.1 and abs(l2)<0.1) ): # determine coupling dl = abs(l - l1) dj = abs(j - j1) c1 = 0 if dl == 1 and (dj < 1.1): c1 = 1 # dipole coupling elif (dl == 0 or dl == 2 or dl == 1)and (dj < 2.1) and \ (2 <= self.interactionsUpTo): c1 = 2 # quadrupole coupling else: return False dl = abs(ll - l2) dj = abs(jj - j2) c2 = 0 if dl == 1 and (dj < 1.1): c2 = 1 # dipole coupling elif (dl == 0 or dl == 2 or dl == 1) and (dj < 2.1) and \ (2 <= self.interactionsUpTo): c2 = 2 # quadrupole coupling else: return False return c1 + c2 else: return False
Example #26
Source File: From typhon with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, molecules_state_consts): self.filename = molecules_state_consts fn = open(molecules_state_consts + 'oH2O16.lev_7levels', 'rb') = fn.readlines() fn.close() = int([3]) # NUMBER OF ENERGY LEVELS self.e_cm1 = np.array([float([xx].split()[1]) for xx in range(5, 5 +]) self.weighti = np.array([float([xx].split()[2]) for xx in range(5, 5 +]) Ai = np.zeros((, Freqi = np.zeros((, E_Ki = np.zeros((, B_place = np.ones((,*-1. Tran_tag = [] Ai_tag = [] Nt = int([]) # int(9) for xx in range(, # Nt Number of transition ,24,twolevel ->16): """up: temp[1]-1, low: temp[2]-1""" temp = np.array([xx].split()).astype(np.float64) Tran_tag.append(temp[:3]-1) # for 1... -> 0.... Ai[int(temp[1]-1), int(temp[2])-1] = temp[3] Ai_tag.append(temp[3]) # Freqi[int(temp[1]-1), int(temp[2])-1] = temp[4] _deltaEcm1 = (self.e_cm1[int(temp[1])-1] - self.e_cm1[int(temp[2])-1]) Freqi[int(temp[1]-1), int(temp[2])-1] = (_deltaEcm1*c * 100.*1.e-9) # GHz E_Ki[int(temp[1]-1), int(temp[2])-1] = temp[5] B_place[int(temp[1]-1), int(temp[2])-1] = int(temp[0]-1) # induced B_place[int(temp[2])-1, int(temp[1]-1)] = int(temp[0]-1) # abs.ed. Tran_tag = np.array(Tran_tag)*1 Ai_tag = np.array(Ai_tag)*1. Nt = len(Tran_tag) # int(9) = Ai self.freqi = Freqi self.tran_tag = Tran_tag self.b_place = B_place self.ai_tag = Ai_tag self.nt = Nt Freq_array = np.array([]) for xx in range(Nt): _up = int(Tran_tag[xx][1]) _low = int(Tran_tag[xx][2]) Freq_array = np.hstack((Freq_array, Freqi[_up, _low])) self.freq_array = Freq_array Bul =*c**2/(2*h*(self.freqi*1.e9)**3) Blu = Bul*self.weighti.reshape((, 1))/self.weighti Bul[Bul != Bul] = 0 # [i,j]: i->j Blu[Blu != Blu] = 0 # [i,j]: j->i self.blu = Blu self.bul = Bul