Python scipy.constants.pi() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of scipy.constants.pi(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module scipy.constants , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From orbital with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __plot__(self, orbit, plotter, next_operation=None):
        radius = radius_from_altitude(self.apocenter_altitude, orbit.body)
        if orbit.apocenter_radius > radius:
            label = 'Lowered apocenter'
            label = 'Raised apocenter'

        with saved_state(orbit):
            if (next_operation is not None and
                    isinstance(next_operation, TimeOperation)):
                f2 = orbit.f
                if f2 == 0:
                    f2 = 2 * pi
                f2 = 2 * pi

        plotter._plot_orbit(orbit, f1=0, f2=f2, label=label) 
Example #2
Source File:    From orbital with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, axes=None, num_points=100):
        if axes:
            self.fig = axes.get_figure()
            self.fig = plt.figure()
            axes = self.fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
        self.axes = axes
        self.axes.set_xlabel("$x$ [km]")
        self.axes.set_ylabel("$y$ [km]")
        self.axes.set_zlabel("$z$ [km]")

        # These are used to fix aspect ratio of final plot.
        # See Plotter3D._force_aspect()
        self._coords_x = np.array(0)
        self._coords_y = np.array(0)
        self._coords_z = np.array(0)

        self.points_per_rad = num_points / (2 * pi) 
Example #3
Source File:    From orbital with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def from_state_vector(cls, r, v, body, ref_epoch=J2000):
        """Create orbit from given state vector."""
        elements = elements_from_state_vector(r, v,

        self = cls(
            M0=mean_anomaly_from_true(elements.e, elements.f),

        # Fix mean anomaly at epoch for new orbit and position.
        oldM0 = self.M0
        self.M0 = ou.mod(self.M - self.n * self.t, 2 * pi)
        assert self.M0 == oldM0

        return self 
Example #4
Source File:    From MPContribs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def entr_mixed(x, s, shift, delta_0, act_s1, fit_param_fe):
    Returns a fit function for entropies based on the arctan function and the dilute species model fit of SrFeOx
    (see docstring in Atanfit.entropy)
    :param x:               absolute delta
    :param s:               slope, measure for the preference of B species reduction over A species reduction
    :param shift:           constant entropy shift
    :param delta_0:         shift from absolute delta
    :return:                dS of solid solution at delta = x with delta_0
    efe = entr_fe(x + delta_0, fit_param_fe)
    return (
        ((act_s1 * efe) / pi) * ( - delta_0) * s) + pi / 2)
        + (1 - act_s1) * efe
        + shift
Example #5
Source File:    From orbital with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_set_apside_altitudes(self):
        set_apocenter = SetApocenterAltitudeTo(1000 * kilo)
            self.LEO.body.mean_radius + set_apocenter.apocenter_altitude)
        self.assertTrue(self.LEO.e > 0)

        set_pericenter = SetPericenterAltitudeTo(150 * kilo)
            self.LEO.body.mean_radius + set_pericenter.pericenter_altitude)
            self.LEO.body.mean_radius + set_apocenter.apocenter_altitude) 
Example #6
Source File:    From orbital with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __plot__(self, orbit, plotter, next_operation=None):
        if orbit.apocenter_radius > self.apocenter_radius:
            label = 'Lowered apocenter'
            label = 'Raised apocenter'

        with saved_state(orbit):
            if (next_operation is not None and
                    isinstance(next_operation, TimeOperation)):
                f2 = orbit.f
                if f2 == 0:
                    f2 = 2 * pi
                f2 = 2 * pi

        plotter._plot_orbit(orbit, f1=0, f2=f2, label=label) 
Example #7
Source File:    From orbital with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __plot__(self, orbit, plotter, next_operation=None):
        if orbit.pericenter_radius > self.pericenter_radius:
            label = 'Lowered pericenter'
            label = 'Raised pericenter'

        with saved_state(orbit):
            if (next_operation is not None and
                    isinstance(next_operation, TimeOperation)):
                f2 = orbit.f
                if almost_equal(f2, pi):
                    f2 = pi + 2 * pi
                f2 = pi + 2 * pi

        plotter._plot_orbit(orbit, f1=pi, f2=f2, label=label) 
Example #8
Source File:    From orbital with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __plot__(self, orbit, plotter, next_operation=None):
        radius = radius_from_altitude(self.pericenter_altitude, orbit.body)
        if orbit.pericenter_radius > radius:
            label = 'Lowered pericenter'
            label = 'Raised pericenter'

        with saved_state(orbit):
            if (next_operation is not None and
                    isinstance(next_operation, TimeOperation)):
                f2 = orbit.f
                if almost_equal(f2, pi):
                    f2 = pi + 2 * pi
                f2 = pi + 2 * pi

        plotter._plot_orbit(orbit, f1=0, f2=f2, label=label) 
Example #9
Source File:    From orbital with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __plot__(self, orbit, plotter, next_operation=None):
        if < 0:
            label = 'Lowered pericenter'
            label = 'Raised pericenter'

        with saved_state(orbit):
            if (next_operation is not None and
                    isinstance(next_operation, TimeOperation)):
                f2 = orbit.f
                if almost_equal(f2, pi):
                    f2 = pi + 2 * pi
                f2 = pi + 2 * pi

        plotter._plot_orbit(orbit, f1=0, f2=f2, label=label) 
Example #10
Source File:    From orbital with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def velocity_delta(self, orbit):
        with saved_state(orbit):
            if self.raise_pericenter:
                radius = orbit.apocenter_radius
                radius = orbit.pericenter_radius

            old_velocity = orbit.v

            a, e = elements_for_apsides(radius, radius)
            orbit.a = a
            orbit.e = e

            new_velocity = orbit.v

            return new_velocity - old_velocity 
Example #11
Source File:    From python-meep-utils with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def shiftmp(freq, s11, shiftplanes):#{{{
    """ Adjusts the reflection phase like if the monitor planes were not centered.

    For symmetric metamaterial cell, this function is not needed. The symmetry requires that
    the monitor planes in front of and behind the mm cell are centered.

    However, for an asymmetric metamaterial, the correct position has to be found. Otherwise
    the Fresnel inversion gives negative imaginary part of N and/or negative real part of Z, which
    is quite spooky for passive medium. 
    Even such metamaterials, however, may be properly homogenized if we define the 
    position of monitor planes as a function of frequency. We can assume that:
    1) This optimum shift shall hold for all simulations with one or more unit cellnumber.
    2) When the wave direction is reversed (to get s21, s22 parameters), the shift should be negated.
    These rules should enable us to homogenize any asymmetric non-chiral metamaterial. 

    Note that this shifting is still an experimental technique and has to be tested out thoroughly. 
    return np.array(s11) * np.exp(1j*np.array(shiftplanes)/(c/freq) * 2*pi * 2)
Example #12
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def PerdidaPresion(self):
        entrada = self.kwargs["entrada"]
        rhoS = entrada.solido.rho
        rhoG = entrada.Gas.rho
        QS = entrada.solido.caudal
        Q = entrada.caudalmasico

        if self.kwargs["modelo_DeltaP"] == 0:
            # Cinetic loss
            DeltaP = Pressure(self.kf/2.*rhoG*self.V**2)
        elif self.kwargs["modelo_DeltaP"] == 1:
            # Casal-Martinez-Benet
            DeltaP = Pressure(0.003*self.N*rhoG*self.V**2, "inH2O")
        elif self.kwargs["modelo_DeltaP"] == 2:
            # Leith-Licht
            DeltaP = Pressure(0.003*rhoG*16*(entrada.Q/self.num_ciclones)**2 /
                              self.De**2/self.Bc/self.Hc, "mmHg")
            # Sheferd, Lapple y Ter Linden
            Ae = self.Bc*self.Hc
            As = pi/4*self.De**2
            rhom = rhoG+QS/rhoG/(Q+QS/rhoG)*(rhoS-rhoG)
            DeltaP = Pressure(1.078*(Ae/As)**1.21*rhom*self.V**2, "mmH2O")
        return DeltaP 
Example #13
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def velocidad_f_presion(self):
        entrada = self.kwargs["entrada"]
        rhoS = entrada.solido.rho
        rhoG = entrada.Gas.rho
        dP = self.DeltaPAdmisible
        QS = entrada.solido.caudal
        Q = entrada.caudalmasico

        if self.kwargs["modelo_DeltaP"] == 0:
            velocidad = sqrt(dP*2/self.kf/rhoG)
        elif self.kwargs["modelo_DeltaP"] == 1:
            velocidad = sqrt(dP.inH2O/self.N/0.003/rhoG)
        elif self.kwargs["modelo_DeltaP"] == 2:
            velocidad = sqrt(dP*self.De**2*self.Bc*self.Hc/0.003/rhoG/16)
            Ae = self.Bc*self.Hc
            As = pi/4*self.De**2
            rhom = rhoG+QS/rhoG/(Q+QS/rhoG)*(rhoS-rhoG)
            velocidad = sqrt(dP.mmH2O/1.078/(Ae/As)**1.21/rhom)
        return velocidad 
Example #14
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _visco0(self, rho, T, fase=None):
        a = [17.67484, -2.78751, 311498.7, -48826500, 3938774000, -1.654629e11,
        Tr = T/0.29944
        y = 0.68321*(a[0] + a[1]*log10(Tr) + a[2]/Tr**2 + a[3]/Tr**3 +
                     a[4]/Tr**4 + a[5]/Tr**5 + a[6]/Tr**6)
        nt = 266.93*(T*self.M)**0.5/y
        om = rho/1673.0
        c = [1.03010, -0.99175, 2.47127, -3.11864, 1.57066]
        b = [0.48148, -1.18732, 2.80277, -5.41058, 7.04779, -3.76608]
        sum1 = sum([ci*om**i for i, ci in enumerate(c)])
        sum2 = sum([bi*om**i for i, bi in enumerate(b)])
        sigma = 3.05e-10*(sum1-sum2*log10(T/122.1))
        br = 2.0/3.0*pi*Avogadro*sigma**3
        brho = rho/self.M*1000*br
        d = [1, 0.27676, 0.014355, 2.6480, -1.9643, 0.89161]
        nd = sum([di*brho**i for i, di in enumerate(d)])
        return unidades.Viscosity(nd*nt/100, "muPas") 
Example #15
Source File:    From discretize with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _areaFzFull(self):
        area of z-faces prior to deflation
        if self.isSymmetric:
            return np.kron(
                    np.ones_like(self.vectorNz), pi*(
                        self.vectorNx**2 -
                        np.r_[0, self.vectorNx[:-1]]**2
        return np.kron(
            np.ones(self._ntNz), np.kron(
                0.5 * (self.vectorNx[1:]**2 - self.vectorNx[:-1]**2)
Example #16
Source File:    From diffsims with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_interaction_constant(accelerating_voltage):
    """Calculates the interaction constant, sigma, for a given
    acelerating voltage.

    accelerating_voltage : float
        The accelerating voltage in V.

    sigma : float
        The relativistic electron wavelength in m.

    E = accelerating_voltage
    wavelength = get_electron_wavelength(accelerating_voltage)
    sigma = 2 * pi * (m_e + e * E)

    return sigma 
Example #17
Source File:    From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _getRadialDipoleSemiClassical(self, n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2,

        # get the effective principal number of both states
        nu = np.sqrt( - self.scaledRydbergConstant
                     / self.getEnergy(n1, l1, j1, s=s))
        nu1 = np.sqrt( - self.scaledRydbergConstant
                      / self.getEnergy(n2, l2, j2, s=s))

        # get the parameters required to calculate the sum
        l_c = (l1 + l2 + 1.) / 2.
        nu_c = sqrt(nu * nu1)

        delta_nu = nu - nu1
        delta_l = l2 - l1

        # I am not sure if this correct

        gamma = (delta_l * l_c) / nu_c

        if delta_nu == 0:
            g0 = 1
            g1 = 0
            g2 = 0
            g3 = 0

            g0 = (1. / (3. * delta_nu)) * (
                angerj(delta_nu - 1., - delta_nu)
                - angerj(delta_nu + 1, - delta_nu))
            g1 = -(1. / (3. * delta_nu)) * (
                angerj(delta_nu - 1., - delta_nu)
                + angerj(delta_nu + 1, -delta_nu))
            g2 = g0 - np.sin(np.pi * delta_nu) / (np.pi * delta_nu)
            g3 = (delta_nu / 2.) * g0 + g1

        radial_ME = (3 / 2) * nu_c**2 * (1 - (l_c / nu_c)**(2))**0.5 * \
            (g0 + gamma * g1 + gamma**2 * g2 + gamma**3 * g3)
        return float(radial_ME) 
Example #18
Source File:    From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def getC3term(self, n, l, j, n1, l1, j1, n2, l2, j2, s=0.5):
            C3 interaction term for the given two pair-states

            Calculates :math:`C_3` intaraction term for
                :math:`|n,l,j,n,l,j\\rangle \
                 \\leftrightarrow |n_1,l_1,j_1,n_2,l_2,j_2\\rangle`

                n (int): principal quantum number
                l (int): orbital angular momenutum
                j (float): total angular momentum
                n1 (int): principal quantum number
                l1 (int): orbital angular momentum
                j1 (float): total angular momentum
                n2 (int): principal quantum number
                l2 (int): orbital angular momentum
                j2 (float): total angular momentum
                s (float): optional, total spin angular momentum of state.
                    By default 0.5 for Alkali atoms.

                float:  :math:`C_3 = \\frac{\\langle n,l,j |er\
                |n_1,l_1,j_1\\rangle \
                \\langle n,l,j |er|n_2,l_2,j_2\\rangle}{4\\pi\\varepsilon_0}`
                (:math:`h` Hz m :math:`{}^3`).
        d1 = self.getRadialMatrixElement(n, l, j, n1, l1, j1, s=s)
        d2 = self.getRadialMatrixElement(n, l, j, n2, l2, j2, s=s)
        d1d2 = 1 / (4.0 * pi * epsilon_0) * d1 * d2 * C_e**2 *\
            (physical_constants["Bohr radius"][0])**2
        return d1d2 
Example #19
Source File:    From ARC-Alkali-Rydberg-Calculator with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _BlochFunction(self, x, stateVector, q, k=1.):
        Bloch wavefunctions

            x (x): position (in units \2 pi/k, for default value of laser
                wavevector unit k=1, one full wavelength is 2\pi)
            stateVector: eigen vector obtained by diagonalisation of
                interaction Hamiltonian in a subspace given by the selected
            q (float): quasimomentum (in units of driving laser k)
            k (float): driving laser wavevector, define units for momentum and
                if k==1 (default value), reciprocal lattice momentum is 2,
                and the full range of quasimomentum is from -1 to +1;
                one full wavelength is the 2\pi.


        index = len(stateVector) // 2 + 2  # Align Bloch functions in phase
        angle = np.angle(stateVector[index])
        sign = np.exp(-1j*angle)
        temp = 0 + 0j
        for l in np.arange(-self.lLimit, self.lLimit + 1, 1):
            temp += sign * stateVector[l + self.lLimit] \
                * np.exp(1.j * (2. * k * l + q) * x)
        return temp 
Example #20
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _thermo0(self, rho, T, fase):
        # λ1 in Eq 3 is always 0

        GT = [-2.903423528e5, 4.680624952e5, -1.8954783215e5, -4.8262235392e3,
              2.243409372e4, -6.6206354818e3, 8.9937717078e2, -6.0559143718e1,
        lo = 0
        for i in range(-3, 6):
            lo += GT[i+3]*T**(i/3.)

        l2, lc = 0, 0
        if rho:
            tita = (rho-221)/221
            k = [-1.304503323e1, 1.8214616599e1, -9.903022496e3, 7.420521631e2,
                 -3.0083271933e-1, 9.6456068829e1, 1.350256962e4]
            l2 = exp(k[0]+k[3]/T) * (
                exp(rho.gcc**0.1*(k[1]+k[2]/T**1.5) +

            # Critical enhancement
            deltarho = (rho-221)/221
            deltaT = (T-282.34)/282.34

            xt = rho**2*fase.kappa*5.039/221**2
            B = abs(deltarho)/abs(deltaT)**1.19                         # Eq 11
            Gamma = xt*abs(deltaT)**1.19                                # Eq 12
            xi = 0.69/(B**2*5.039/Gamma/Boltzmann/282.34)**0.5          # Eq 14

            # Eq 19
            F = exp(-18.66*deltaT**2) * exp(-4.25*deltarho**4)

            # Eq 18
            c = (self.M/rho.gcc/Avogadro/Boltzmann/T)**0.5
            d = Boltzmann*T**2/6/pi/
            lc = c*d*fase.dpdT_rho**2*fase.kappa**0.5*F

        return unidades.ThermalConductivity(lo+l2+lc, "mWmK") 
Example #21
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def calcularRendimientos_parciales(self, A):
        """Calculate the separation efficiency per diameter"""
        entrada = self.kwargs["entrada"]
        rendimiento_parcial = []
        for dp in entrada.solido.diametros:
            if dp <= 1e-6:
                q = dp*e*1e8
                q = pi*epsilon_0*self.potencialCarga*dp**2 * \
            U = q*self.potencialDescarga/(3*pi*dp*
        return rendimiento_parcial 
Example #22
Source File:    From orbital with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def epoch(self, value):
        """Set epoch, adjusting current mean anomaly (from which
        other anomalies are calculated).
        t = (value - self.ref_epoch).sec
        self._M = self.M0 + self.n * t
        self._M = ou.mod(self._M, 2 * pi)
        self._t = t 
Example #23
Source File:    From orbital with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def t(self, value):
        """Set time since ref_epoch, adjusting current mean anomaly (from which
        other anomalies are calculated).
        self._M = self.M0 + self.n * value
        self._M = ou.mod(self._M, 2 * pi)
        self._t = value 
Example #24
Source File:    From python-meep-utils with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def nz2rt(freq, N, Z, d):#{{{
    """ Returns the complex reflection and transmission parameters for a metamaterial slab.

    Useful for reverse calculation of eps and mu (to check results)
    * frequency array,
    * effective refractive index N, 
    * effective impedance Z, 
    * vacuum wave vector k and 
    * thickness d of the layer.
    ## Direct derivation from infinite sum of internal reflections
    k = 2*pi * freq/c          # the wave vector
    t1 = 2 / (1+Z)              # transmission of front interface
    t2 = 2*Z / (Z+1)            # transmission of back interface
    t1prime = Z*t1       
    r1=(Z-1)/(Z+1)              # reflection of front interface
    r2=(1-Z)/(1+Z)              # reflection of back interface
    s12 = t1*t2*np.exp(1j*k*N*d) / (1 + r1*r2*np.exp(2j*k*N*d))
    s11 = r1 + t1prime*t1*r2*np.exp(2j*k*N*d)/(1+r1*r2*np.exp(2j*k*N*d))
    return s11, s12
    Note: these results may be also re-expressed using goniometric functions.
    Equations from Smith2002 or Cai-Shalaev, mathematically equivalent to those above 
    (only Smith's s11 has negative sign convention).
    s12new = 1/(np.cos(N*k*d) - .5j*(Z+1/Z)*np.sin(N*k*d)) 
    s11new = -s12new * .5j*(Z-1/Z)*np.sin(N*k*d)      

    TODO: implement also for other surrounding media than vacuum.

## --- Preparation of data ------------------------------------ # {{{
## Get reflection and transmission data, prepare its parameters 
Example #25
Source File:    From orbital with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def M(self, value):
        warnings.warn('Setting anomaly does not set time, use KeplerianElements'
                      '.propagate_anomaly_to() instead.', OrbitalWarning)
        self._M = ou.mod(value, 2 * pi) 
Example #26
Source File:    From orbital with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _plot_body(self, orbit):
        color = '#EBEBEB'
        if orbit.body.plot_color is not None:
            color = orbit.body.plot_color

        u = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100)
        v = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 50)
        cx = orbit.body.mean_radius * np.outer(np.cos(u), np.sin(v))
        cy = orbit.body.mean_radius * np.outer(np.sin(u), np.sin(v))
        cz = orbit.body.mean_radius * np.outer(np.ones(np.size(u)), np.cos(v))
        cx, cy, cz = cx / kilo, cy / kilo, cz / kilo
        self.axes.plot_surface(cx, cy, cz, rstride=5, cstride=5, color=color,
                               edgecolors='#ADADAD', shade=False) 
Example #27
Source File:    From python-meep-utils with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def naive_hilbert_transform(x, y, new_x): ## or, just a discrete convolution with the 1/t function
    old_x_grid, new_x_grid = np.meshgrid(x, new_x)
    sharpness = 5000         # with ideally dense sampled data, this should converge to infinity; reduce it to avoid ringing 
    return -1j * np.sum(y * np.arctan(1/(new_x_grid - old_x_grid)/sharpness)*sharpness, axis=1) / len(x) / (2*pi) 
Example #28
Source File:    From python-meep-utils with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def top_tick_function(p): return p/(cellsize/2/np.pi) / 100 
Example #29
Source File:    From orbital with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def eccentric_anomaly_from_true(e, f):
    """Convert true anomaly to eccentric anomaly."""
    E = atan2(sqrt(1 - e ** 2) * sin(f), e + cos(f))
    E = mod(E, 2 * pi)
    return E 
Example #30
Source File:    From discretize with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _edgeEyFull(self):
        full vector of y-edge lengths (prior to deflating)
        if self.isSymmetric:
            return 2*pi*self.gridN[:, 0]
        return np.kron(
            np.kron(self.hy, self.vectorNx)