Python typing.Hashable() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of typing.Hashable().
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Example #1
Source File: From bot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def schedule_task(self, task_id: t.Hashable, task_data: t.Any) -> None: """ Schedules a task. `task_data` is passed to the `Scheduler._scheduled_task()` coroutine. """ log.trace(f"{self.cog_name}: scheduling task #{task_id}...") if task_id in self._scheduled_tasks: log.debug( f"{self.cog_name}: did not schedule task #{task_id}; task was already scheduled." ) return task = asyncio.create_task(self._scheduled_task(task_data)) task.add_done_callback(partial(self._task_done_callback, task_id)) self._scheduled_tasks[task_id] = task log.debug(f"{self.cog_name}: scheduled task #{task_id} {id(task)}.")
Example #2
Source File: From ParadoxTrading with MIT License | 6 votes |
def addMarketEvent( self, _symbol: typing.Hashable, _data: DataStruct ) -> ReturnMarket: """ add new tick data into market register, and add event :param _symbol: :param _data: :return: """ for k in self.symbol_dict[_symbol]: # add event for each strategy if necessary for strategy in self.register_dict[k].strategy_set: self.engine.addEvent(MarketEvent(k, strategy, _symbol, _data)) logging.debug('Data({}) {}'.format(_symbol, _data.toDict())) return ReturnMarket(_symbol, _data)
Example #3
Source File: From edgePy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def find_as_list( self, database: str, collection: str, query: Dict[Hashable, Any] = None, projection: Dict[Hashable, Any] = None, ) -> Iterable: """ Do a find operation on a mongo collection, but return the data as a list Args: database: db name collection: collection name query: a dictionary providing the criteria for the find command projection: a dictionary that gives the projection - the fields to return. Returns: a list representation of the returned data. """ cursor = self.find_as_cursor( database=database, collection=collection, query=query, projection=projection ) return [c for c in cursor]
Example #4
Source File: From mixology with MIT License | 6 votes |
def incompatibilities_for( self, package, version ): # type: (Hashable, Any) -> List[Incompatibility] """ Returns the incompatibilities of a given package and version """ dependencies = self.dependencies_for(package, version) package_constraint = Constraint(package, Range(version, version, True, True)) incompatibilities = [] for dependency in dependencies: constraint = self.convert_dependency(dependency) if not isinstance(constraint, Constraint): constraint = Constraint(package, constraint) incompatibility = Incompatibility( [Term(package_constraint, True), Term(constraint, False)], cause=DependencyCause(), ) incompatibilities.append(incompatibility) return incompatibilities
Example #5
Source File: From edgePy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _sample_group_dict(groups_list: List[str], samples: np.array): """ Converts data in the form ['group1', 'group1', 'group2', 'group2'] to the form {'group1': ['sample1', 'sample2'], 'group2': ['sample3', 'sample4'} Args: groups_list: group names in a list, in the same order as samples. Returns: dictionary containing the sample types, each with a list of samples. """ d: Dict[Hashable, Any] = {} for idx, group in enumerate(groups_list): if group not in d: d[group] = [] d[group].append(samples[idx]) return d
Example #6
Source File: From mixology with MIT License | 6 votes |
def decide(self, package, version): # type: (Hashable, Any) -> None """ Adds an assignment of package as a decision and increments the decision level. """ # When we make a new decision after backtracking, count an additional # attempted solution. If we backtrack multiple times in a row, though, we # only want to count one, since we haven't actually started attempting a # new solution. if self._backtracking: self._attempted_solutions += 1 self._backtracking = False self._decisions[package] = version self._assign( Assignment.decision( package, version, self.decision_level, len(self._assignments) ) )
Example #7
Source File: From imitation with MIT License | 6 votes |
def finish_trajectory(self, key: Hashable = None) -> types.TrajectoryWithRew: """Complete the trajectory labelled with `key`. Args: key: key uniquely identifying which in-progress trajectory to remove. Returns: traj: list of completed trajectories popped from `self.partial_trajectories`. """ part_dicts = self.partial_trajectories[key] del self.partial_trajectories[key] out_dict_unstacked = collections.defaultdict(list) for part_dict in part_dicts: for key, array in part_dict.items(): out_dict_unstacked[key].append(array) out_dict_stacked = { key: np.stack(arr_list, axis=0) for key, arr_list in out_dict_unstacked.items() } traj = types.TrajectoryWithRew(**out_dict_stacked) assert traj.rews.shape[0] == traj.acts.shape[0] == traj.obs.shape[0] - 1 return traj
Example #8
Source File: From Cirq with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def uniform_undirected_graph_device( edges: Iterable[Iterable[ops.Qid]], edge_label: Optional[UndirectedGraphDeviceEdge] = None ) -> UndirectedGraphDevice: """An undirected graph device all of whose edges are the same. Args: edges: The edges. edge_label: The label to apply to all edges. Defaults to None. """ labelled_edges: Dict[Iterable[Hashable], Any] = { frozenset(edge): edge_label for edge in edges } device_graph = UndirectedHypergraph(labelled_edges=labelled_edges) return UndirectedGraphDevice(device_graph=device_graph)
Example #9
Source File: From pyblp with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__( self, simulation: 'Simulation', data_override: Dict[str, Array], delta: Array, costs: Array, start_time: float, end_time: float, iteration_stats: Dict[Hashable, SolverStats]) -> None: """Structure simulation results.""" self.simulation = simulation self.product_data = update_matrices( simulation.product_data, {k: (v, v.dtype) for k, v in data_override.items()} ) = delta self.costs = costs self.computation_time = end_time - start_time self.fp_converged = np.array( [iteration_stats[t].converged for t in simulation.unique_market_ids], dtype=np.bool ) self.fp_iterations = np.array( [iteration_stats[t].iterations for t in simulation.unique_market_ids], ) self.contraction_evaluations = np.array( [iteration_stats[t].evaluations for t in simulation.unique_market_ids], ) self._data_override = data_override
Example #10
Source File: From geofront with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, team_type: Type['Team'], identifier: Union[Hashable, str, int], # workaround mypy bug access_token=None) -> None: if not isinstance(team_type, type): raise TypeError('team_type must be a type, not ' + repr(team_type)) from .team import Team # noqa: F811 if not issubclass(team_type, Team): raise TypeError('team_type must be a subclass of {0.__module__}.' '{0.__qualname__}'.format(Team)) elif not callable(getattr(identifier, '__hash__')): raise TypeError('identifier must be hashable, not ' + repr(identifier)) self.team_type = cast(Type[Team], team_type) self.identifier = identifier # type: Union[Hashable, str, int] self.access_token = access_token
Example #11
Source File: From bot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def cancel_task(self, task_id: t.Hashable, ignore_missing: bool = False) -> None: """ Unschedule the task identified by `task_id`. If `ignore_missing` is True, a warning will not be sent if a task isn't found. """ log.trace(f"{self.cog_name}: cancelling task #{task_id}...") task = self._scheduled_tasks.get(task_id) if not task: if not ignore_missing: log.warning(f"{self.cog_name}: failed to unschedule {task_id} (no task found).") return del self._scheduled_tasks[task_id] task.cancel() log.debug(f"{self.cog_name}: unscheduled task #{task_id} {id(task)}.")
Example #12
Source File: From bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): # Keep track of the child cog's name so the logs are clear. self.cog_name = self.__class__.__name__ self._scheduled_tasks: t.Dict[t.Hashable, asyncio.Task] = {}
Example #13
Source File: From pyblp with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__( self, problem_results: ProblemResults, bootstrapped_sigma: Array, bootstrapped_pi: Array, bootstrapped_rho: Array, bootstrapped_beta: Array, bootstrapped_gamma: Array, bootstrapped_prices: Array, bootstrapped_shares: Array, bootstrapped_delta: Array, start_time: float, end_time: float, draws: int, iteration_stats: Mapping[Hashable, SolverStats]) -> None: """Structure bootstrapped problem results.""" super().__init__( problem_results.problem, problem_results._parameters, problem_results._moments, problem_results._iteration, problem_results._fp_type ) self.problem_results = problem_results self.bootstrapped_sigma = bootstrapped_sigma self.bootstrapped_pi = bootstrapped_pi self.bootstrapped_rho = bootstrapped_rho self.bootstrapped_beta = bootstrapped_beta self.bootstrapped_gamma = bootstrapped_gamma self.bootstrapped_prices = bootstrapped_prices self.bootstrapped_shares = bootstrapped_shares self.bootstrapped_delta = bootstrapped_delta self.computation_time = end_time - start_time self.draws = draws unique_market_ids = problem_results.problem.unique_market_ids self.fp_converged = np.array( [[iteration_stats[(d, t)].converged for d in range(self.draws)] for t in unique_market_ids], dtype=np.bool ) self.fp_iterations = np.array( [[iteration_stats[(d, t)].iterations for d in range(self.draws)] for t in unique_market_ids], ) self.contraction_evaluations = np.array( [[iteration_stats[(d, t)].evaluations for d in range(self.draws)] for t in unique_market_ids], )
Example #14
Source File: From pyblp with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _compute_demand_realization(self, data_override: Dict[str, Array], delta: Array) -> Tuple[Array, List[Error]]: """Compute a realization of the Jacobian of xi with respect to theta market-by-market. If necessary, revert problematic elements to their estimated values. """ errors: List[Error] = [] # check if the Jacobian does not need to be computed xi_jacobian = np.full((self.problem.N, self._parameters.P), np.nan, options.dtype) if self._parameters.P == 0: return xi_jacobian, errors def market_factory(s: Hashable) -> Tuple[ResultsMarket]: """Build a market with the data realization along with arguments used to compute the Jacobian.""" market_s = ResultsMarket( self.problem, s, self._parameters, self.sigma, self.pi, self.rho, self.beta, delta=delta, data_override=data_override ) return market_s, # compute the Jacobian market-by-market generator = generate_items( self.problem.unique_market_ids, market_factory, ResultsMarket.safely_compute_xi_by_theta_jacobian_realization ) for t, (xi_jacobian_t, errors_t) in generator: xi_jacobian[self.problem._product_market_indices[t]] = xi_jacobian_t errors.extend(errors_t) # replace invalid elements bad_jacobian_index = ~np.isfinite(xi_jacobian) if np.any(bad_jacobian_index): xi_jacobian[bad_jacobian_index] = self.xi_by_theta_jacobian[bad_jacobian_index] errors.append(exceptions.XiByThetaJacobianReversionError(bad_jacobian_index)) return xi_jacobian, errors
Example #15
Source File: From pyblp with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, economy_moments: EconomyMoments, t: Hashable) -> None: """Select only those micro moment instances that will be computed for this market.""" super().__init__([m for m in economy_moments.micro_moments if m.market_ids is None or t in m.market_ids])
Example #16
Source File: From pyblp with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, economy: 'Economy', micro_moments: Sequence[Moment]) -> None: """Validate and store information about a sequence of micro moment instances in the context of an economy.""" # validate the moments if not isinstance(micro_moments, raise TypeError("micro_moments must be a sequence of micro moment instances.") for moment in micro_moments: if not isinstance(moment, Moment): raise TypeError("micro_moments must consist only of micro moment instances.") try: moment._validate(economy) except Exception as exception: raise ValueError(f"The micro moment '{moment}' is invalid.") from exception # store basic moment information super().__init__(micro_moments) # identify moment indices that are relevant in each market along with the associated observed micro values self.market_indices: Dict[Hashable, Array] = {} self.market_values: Dict[Hashable, Array] = {} for t in economy.unique_market_ids: indices = [] values = [] for m, moment in enumerate(self.micro_moments): market_ids_m = economy.unique_market_ids if moment.market_ids is None else moment.market_ids if t in market_ids_m: indices.append(m) values.append(moment.values if moment.values.size == 1 else moment.values[market_ids_m == t]) self.market_indices[t] = np.array(indices, self.market_values[t] = np.array(values, options.dtype).flatten() # count the number of markets associated with moments self.market_counts = np.zeros(self.MM, self.pairwise_market_counts = np.zeros((self.MM, self.MM), for m, moment_m in enumerate(self.micro_moments): market_ids_m = set(economy.unique_market_ids if moment_m.market_ids is None else moment_m.market_ids) self.market_counts[m] = len(market_ids_m) for n, moment_n in enumerate(self.micro_moments): market_ids_n = set(economy.unique_market_ids if moment_n.market_ids is None else moment_n.market_ids) self.pairwise_market_counts[m, n] = len(market_ids_m & market_ids_n)
Example #17
Source File: From pyblp with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _compute_supply_realization( self, data_override: Dict[str, Array], delta: Array, tilde_costs: Array, xi_jacobian: Array) -> ( Tuple[Array, List[Error]]): """Compute a realization of the Jacobian of omega with respect to theta market-by-market. If necessary, revert problematic elements to their estimated values. """ errors: List[Error] = [] def market_factory(s: Hashable) -> Tuple[ResultsMarket, Array, Array]: """Build a market with the data realization along with arguments used to compute the Jacobians.""" market_s = ResultsMarket( self.problem, s, self._parameters, self.sigma, self.pi, self.rho, self.beta, delta=delta, data_override=data_override ) tilde_costs_s = tilde_costs[self.problem._product_market_indices[s]] xi_jacobian_s = xi_jacobian[self.problem._product_market_indices[s]] return market_s, tilde_costs_s, xi_jacobian_s # compute the Jacobian market-by-market omega_jacobian = np.full((self.problem.N, self._parameters.P), np.nan, options.dtype) generator = generate_items( self.problem.unique_market_ids, market_factory, ResultsMarket.safely_compute_omega_by_theta_jacobian_realization ) for t, (omega_jacobian_t, errors_t) in generator: omega_jacobian[self.problem._product_market_indices[t]] = omega_jacobian_t errors.extend(errors_t) # the Jacobian should be zero for any clipped marginal costs omega_jacobian[self.clipped_costs.flat] = 0 # replace invalid elements bad_jacobian_index = ~np.isfinite(omega_jacobian) if np.any(bad_jacobian_index): omega_jacobian[bad_jacobian_index] = self.omega_by_theta_jacobian[bad_jacobian_index] errors.append(exceptions.OmegaByThetaJacobianReversionError(bad_jacobian_index)) return omega_jacobian, errors
Example #18
Source File: From starfish with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _build_xarray_coords( spot_attributes: SpotAttributes, round_values: Sequence[int], channel_values: Sequence[int], ) -> Dict[Hashable, np.ndarray]: """build coordinates for intensity-table""" coordinates = { k: (Features.AXIS,[k].values) for k in} coordinates.update({ Features.AXIS: np.arange(len(, Axes.ROUND.value: np.array(round_values), Axes.CH.value: np.array(channel_values), }) return coordinates
Example #19
Source File: From starfish with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_physical_coord_ranges(self) -> Mapping[Hashable, xr.DataArray]: """ Returns the physical coordinate ranges the SpotResults cover. Needed information for calculating the physical coordinate values of decoded spots. """ return self.physical_coord_ranges
Example #20
Source File: From mixology with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _versions_for( self, package, constraint=None ): # type: (Hashable, Any) -> List[Hashable] if package not in self._packages: return [] versions = [] for version in self._packages[package].keys(): if not constraint or constraint.allows_any( Range(version, version, True, True) ): versions.append(version) return sorted(versions, reverse=True)
Example #21
Source File: From starfish with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__( self, imagestack_coords, log: Log, spot_attributes_list: Optional[ Sequence[Tuple[PerImageSliceSpotResults, Mapping[Axes, int]]]] = None, ): """ Construct a SpotFindingResults instance Parameters ----------- imagestack_coords : xr.CoordinateArray The physical coordinate ranges of the ImageStack spots were found in log : Log The provenance log information from the ImageStack spots were found in. spot_attributes_list : Optional[ Sequence[Tuple[PerImageSliceSpotResults, Mapping[Axes, int]]]] If spots were found using ImageStack.transform() the result is a list of tuples (PerImageSliceSpotResults, indices). Indices should be a mapping from axes to axis value. Instantiating SpotFindingResults with this list will convert the information to a dictionary. """ spot_attributes_list = spot_attributes_list or [] self._results: MutableMapping[Tuple, PerImageSliceSpotResults] = { tuple(indices[i] for i in AXES_ORDER): spots for spots, indices in spot_attributes_list } self.physical_coord_ranges: Mapping[Hashable, xr.DataArray] = { Axes.X.value: imagestack_coords[Coordinates.X.value], Axes.Y.value: imagestack_coords[Coordinates.Y.value], Axes.ZPLANE.value: imagestack_coords[Coordinates.Z.value]} self._log: Log = log
Example #22
Source File: From review-heatmap with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __delitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> None: del[key]
Example #23
Source File: From review-heatmap with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __setitem__(self, key: Hashable, value: Any) -> None:[key] = value
Example #24
Source File: From ezdxf with MIT License | 5 votes |
def groupby(self, dxfattrib: str = '', key: Callable[['DXFEntity'], Hashable] = None) \ -> Dict[Hashable, List['DXFEntity']]: """ Returns a dict of entity lists, where entities are grouped by a DXF attribute or a key function. Args: dxfattrib: grouping DXF attribute as string like ``'layer'`` key: key function, which accepts a DXFEntity as argument, returns grouping key of this entity or None for ignore this object. Reason for ignoring: a queried DXF attribute is not supported by this entity """ return groupby(self.entities, dxfattrib, key)
Example #25
Source File: From review-heatmap with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __getitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> Any: if key in return[key] if hasattr(self.__class__, "__missing__"): return self.__class__.__missing__(self, key) # type: ignore raise KeyError(key)
Example #26
Source File: From Cirq with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_center(graph: nx.Graph) -> Hashable: centralities = nx.betweenness_centrality(graph) return max(centralities, key=centralities.get)
Example #27
Source File: From review-heatmap with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __setitem__(self, key: Hashable, value: Any) -> None: if not self._loaded: raise ConfigNotLoadedError() super().__setitem__(key, value) if self._atomic: else: self._dirty = True # Fill out ConfigInterface abstract methods and properties
Example #28
Source File: From review-heatmap with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __getitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> Any: if not self._loaded: raise ConfigNotLoadedError() return super().__getitem__(key)
Example #29
Source File: From quantumflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, register: 'Register', key: Hashable) -> None: self.register = register self.key = key
Example #30
Source File: From quantumflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __getitem__(self, key: Hashable) -> 'Addr': return Addr(self, key)