Python _ast.Attribute() Examples
The following are 5
code examples of _ast.Attribute().
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Example #1
Source File: From equip with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def make_attribute(i, bytecode, context=None): arg = bytecode[i][3] attr_path = [] j = i while True: prev_op, prev_arg = bytecode[j][2], bytecode[j][3] if prev_op not in (LOAD_ATTR, STORE_ATTR, DELETE_ATTR): break attr_path.append(prev_arg) if j < 0: break j -= 1 # The parent of the ATTR can be whatever expression... i, name = Statement.make_expr(j, bytecode) attr = name while True: if not attr_path: break attr_name = attr_path.pop() attr = _ast.Attribute(attr, attr_name, context) return i, attr
Example #2
Source File: From yui with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def visit_attribute(self, node: _ast.Attribute): # value, attr, ctx value = self._run(node.value) t = type(value) try: if value in self.allowed_modules: if node.attr in self.allowed_modules[value]: return getattr(value, node.attr) raise BadSyntax(f'You can not access `{node.attr}` attribute') if value in self.allowed_class_properties: if node.attr in self.allowed_class_properties[value]: return getattr(value, node.attr) raise BadSyntax(f'You can not access `{node.attr}` attribute') except TypeError: pass if t in self.allowed_instance_properties: if node.attr in self.allowed_instance_properties[t]: return getattr(value, node.attr) raise BadSyntax(f'You can not access `{node.attr}` attribute') raise BadSyntax(f'You can not access attributes of {t}')
Example #3
Source File: From pymtl with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def visit_Name( self, node ): new_node = LocalVar( ) new_node._name = return ast.copy_location( new_node, node ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ReorderAST #------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Reorders an AST branch beginning with the indicated node. Intended # for inverting the order of Name/Attribute chains so that the Name # node comes first, followed by chains of Attribute/Subscript nodes. # # This visitor will also insert Self nodes to represent references to the # self variable, and remove Index nodes which seem to serve no useful # purpose.
Example #4
Source File: From pymtl with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def visit_Num( self, node ): # Name generation node._name = str( node.n ) self.stack.append( node ) #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Self #------------------------------------------------------------------------ # New AST Node for references to self. Based on Attribute node.
Example #5
Source File: From runa with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_rules(): with open(PARSER_FILE) as f: src = rules = collections.OrderedDict() for node in ast.parse(src).body: if not isinstance(node, _ast.FunctionDef): continue if not node.decorator_list: continue assert len(node.decorator_list) == 1 decorator = node.decorator_list[0] if not isinstance(decorator, _ast.Call): continue func = decorator.func if not isinstance(func, _ast.Attribute): continue assert func.attr == 'production' ln = decorator.args[0].s name, match = ln.split(' : ', 1) rules.setdefault(name, []).append(tuple(match.split())) return rules