Python skimage.segmentation.felzenszwalb() Examples
The following are 3
code examples of skimage.segmentation.felzenszwalb().
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Example #1
Source File: From graph-based-image-classification with MIT License | 6 votes |
def felzenszwalb(image, scale=SCALE, sigma=SIGMA, min_size=MIN_SIZE): """Computes Felsenszwalb's efficient graph based image segmentation. Args: image: The image. scale: Float indicating largeness of clusters (optional). sigma: Width of Gaussian kernel used in preprocessing (optional). min_size: Minimum component size. Enforced using postprocessing (optional). Returns: Integer mask indicating segment labels. """ image = tf.cast(image, tf.uint8) def _felzenszwalb(image): segmentation = skimage_felzenszwalb(image, scale, sigma, min_size) return segmentation.astype(np.int32) return tf.py_func(_felzenszwalb, [image], tf.int32, stateful=False, name='felzenszwalb')
Example #2
Source File: From spfeas with MIT License | 5 votes |
def segment_image(im, parameter_object): dims, rows, cols = im.shape image2segment = np.dstack((rescale_intensity(im[0], in_range=(parameter_object.image_min, parameter_object.image_max), out_range=(0, 255)), rescale_intensity(im[1], in_range=(parameter_object.image_min, parameter_object.image_max), out_range=(0, 255)), rescale_intensity(im[2], in_range=(parameter_object.image_min, parameter_object.image_max), out_range=(0, 255)))) felzer = felzenszwalb(np.uint8(image2segment), scale=50, sigma=.01, min_size=5, multichannel=True).reshape(rows, cols) props = regionprops(felzer) props = np.array([p.area for p in props], dtype='uint64') return fill_labels(np.uint64(felzer), props)
Example #3
Source File: From ACE with MIT License | 4 votes |
def create_patches(self, method='slic', discovery_images=None, param_dict=None): """Creates a set of image patches using superpixel methods. This method takes in the concept discovery images and transforms it to a dataset made of the patches of those images. Args: method: The superpixel method used for creating image patches. One of 'slic', 'watershed', 'quickshift', 'felzenszwalb'. discovery_images: Images used for creating patches. If None, the images in the target class folder are used. param_dict: Contains parameters of the superpixel method used in the form of {'param1':[a,b,...], 'param2':[z,y,x,...], ...}. For instance {'n_segments':[15,50,80], 'compactness':[10,10,10]} for slic method. """ if param_dict is None: param_dict = {} dataset, image_numbers, patches = [], [], [] if discovery_images is None: raw_imgs = self.load_concept_imgs( self.target_class, self.num_discovery_imgs) self.discovery_images = raw_imgs else: self.discovery_images = discovery_images if self.num_workers: pool = multiprocessing.Pool(self.num_workers) outputs = lambda img: self._return_superpixels(img, method, param_dict), self.discovery_images) for fn, sp_outputs in enumerate(outputs): image_superpixels, image_patches = sp_outputs for superpixel, patch in zip(image_superpixels, image_patches): dataset.append(superpixel) patches.append(patch) image_numbers.append(fn) else: for fn, img in enumerate(self.discovery_images): image_superpixels, image_patches = self._return_superpixels( img, method, param_dict) for superpixel, patch in zip(image_superpixels, image_patches): dataset.append(superpixel) patches.append(patch) image_numbers.append(fn) self.dataset, self.image_numbers, self.patches =\ np.array(dataset), np.array(image_numbers), np.array(patches)