Python scapy.utils.RawPcapReader() Examples

The following are 1 code examples of scapy.utils.RawPcapReader(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module scapy.utils , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From ID2T with MIT License 3 votes vote down vote up
def order_test(self, attack_args, seed=None, cleanup=True, pcap=Lib.test_pcap,
                   flag_write_file=False, flag_recalculate_stats=False, flag_print_statistics=False,
                   attack_sub_dir=True, test_sub_dir=True):
        Checks if the result of an attack includes all packets in correct order.

        :param attack_args: A list of attacks with their attack parameters (as defined in Controller.process_attacks).
        :param seed: A random seed to keep random values static (care for count and order of random generation).
        :param cleanup: Clean up attack output after testing.
        :param pcap: The input pcap for the attack.
        :param flag_write_file: Writes the statistics to a file.
        :param flag_recalculate_stats: Forces the recalculation of statistics.
        :param flag_print_statistics: Prints the statistics on the terminal.
        :param attack_sub_dir: create sub-directory for each attack-class if True
        :param test_sub_dir: create sub-directory for each test-function/case if True

        controller = Ctrl.Controller(pcap_file_path=pcap, do_extra_tests=False, non_verbose=True)
        controller.load_pcap_statistics(flag_write_file, flag_recalculate_stats, flag_print_statistics,
                                        intervals=[], delete=True)
        controller.process_attacks(attack_args, [[seed]])

        caller_function = inspect.stack()[1].function

            path = controller.pcap_dest_path
            file = pcr.RawPcapReader(path)
            packet_a = file.read_packet()
            packet_b = file.read_packet()
            i = 0

            while packet_b is not None:

                time_a = [packet_a[1].sec, packet_a[1].usec]
                time_b = [packet_b[1].sec, packet_b[1].usec]

                if time_a[0] > time_b[0]:
          "Packet order incorrect at: " + str(i + 1) + "-" + str(i + 2) +
                              ". Current time: " + str(time_a) + " Next time: " + str(time_b))
                elif time_a[0] == time_b[0]:
                    if time_a[1] > time_b[1]:
              "Packet order incorrect at: " + str(i + 1) + "-" + str(i + 2) +
                                  ". Current time: " + str(time_a) + " Next time: " + str(time_b))

                packet_a = packet_b
                packet_b = file.read_packet()
                i += 1


        except self.failureException:
            Lib.rename_test_result_files(controller, caller_function, attack_sub_dir, test_sub_dir)

        if cleanup:
            Lib.rename_test_result_files(controller, caller_function, attack_sub_dir, test_sub_dir)