Python skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects() Examples
The following are 22
code examples of skimage.morphology.remove_small_objects().
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Example #1
Source File: From HistoQC with BSD 3-Clause Clear License | 6 votes |
def removeSmallObjects(s, params):"{s['filename']} - \tremoveSmallObjects") min_size = int(params.get("min_size", 64)) img_reduced = morphology.remove_small_objects(s["img_mask_use"], min_size=min_size) img_small = np.invert(img_reduced) & s["img_mask_use"] io.imsave(s["outdir"] + os.sep + s["filename"] + "_small_remove.png", img_as_ubyte(img_small)) s["img_mask_small_filled"] = (img_small * 255) > 0 prev_mask = s["img_mask_use"] s["img_mask_use"] = img_reduced s.addToPrintList("percent_small_tissue_removed", printMaskHelper(params.get("mask_statistics", s["mask_statistics"]), prev_mask, s["img_mask_use"])) if len(s["img_mask_use"].nonzero()[0]) == 0: # add warning in case the final tissue is empty logging.warning(f"{s['filename']} - After MorphologyModule.removeSmallObjects: NO tissue " f"remains detectable! Downstream modules likely to be incorrect/fail") s["warnings"].append(f"After MorphologyModule.removeSmallObjects: NO tissue remains " f"detectable! Downstream modules likely to be incorrect/fail") return
Example #2
Source File: From HistoQC with BSD 3-Clause Clear License | 6 votes |
def finalProcessingArea(s, params):"{s['filename']} - \tfinalProcessingArea") area_thresh = int(params.get("area_threshold", "1000")) mask = s["img_mask_use"] mask_opened = remove_small_objects(mask, min_size=area_thresh) mask_removed_area = ~mask_opened & mask io.imsave(s["outdir"] + os.sep + s["filename"] + "_areathresh.png", img_as_ubyte(mask_removed_area)) prev_mask = s["img_mask_use"] s["img_mask_use"] = mask_opened > 0 s.addToPrintList("areaThresh", printMaskHelper(params.get("mask_statistics", s["mask_statistics"]), prev_mask, s["img_mask_use"])) if len(s["img_mask_use"].nonzero()[0]) == 0: # add warning in case the final tissue is empty logging.warning( f"{s['filename']} - After BasicModule.finalProcessingArea NO tissue remains detectable! Downstream modules likely to be incorrect/fail") s["warnings"].append( f"After BasicModule.finalProcessingArea NO tissue remains detectable! Downstream modules likely to be incorrect/fail")
Example #3
Source File: From MillionHeroAssistant with MIT License | 6 votes |
def auto_find_crop_area(source_file): """ 1. convert to gray picture 2. find pixel > 200 (white) and connect 3. if > image/4 4. find edge of question and answer :param source_file: :return: """ image = width, height = image.size[0], image.size[1] array_img = np.array(image) ot_img = (array_img > 200) obj_dtec_img = morphology.remove_small_objects(ot_img, min_size=width * height / 4, connectivity=1) if np.sum(obj_dtec_img) < 1000: return [] return [ np.where(obj_dtec_img * 1.0 > 0)[1].min() + 20, np.where(obj_dtec_img * 1.0 > 0)[0].min(), np.where(obj_dtec_img * 1.0 > 0)[1].max(), np.where(obj_dtec_img * 1.0 > 0)[0].max()]
Example #4
Source File: From MillionHeroAssistant with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_autocrop(self): from PIL import Image import numpy as np from skimage import morphology image ="screenshots/screenshot.png") width, height = image.size[0], image.size[1] array_img = np.array(image) ot_img = (array_img > 200) obj_dtec_img = morphology.remove_small_objects(ot_img, min_size=width * height / 4, connectivity=1) if np.sum(obj_dtec_img) < 1000: print("can't find question") print([ np.where(obj_dtec_img * 1.0 > 0)[1].min() + 20, np.where(obj_dtec_img * 1.0 > 0)[0].min(), np.where(obj_dtec_img * 1.0 > 0)[1].max(), np.where(obj_dtec_img * 1.0 > 0)[0].max()])
Example #5
Source File: From pyImSegm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def load_correct_segm(path_img): """ load segmentation and correct it with simple morphological operations :param str path_img: :return (ndarray, ndarray): """ assert os.path.isfile(path_img), 'missing: %s' % path_img logging.debug('loading image: %s', path_img) img = tl_data.io_imread(path_img) seg = (img > 0) seg = morphology.binary_opening(seg, selem=morphology.disk(25)) seg = morphology.remove_small_objects(seg) seg_lb = measure.label(seg) seg_lb[seg == 0] = 0 return seg, seg_lb
Example #6
Source File: From HistoQC with BSD 3-Clause Clear License | 5 votes |
def detectSmoothness(s, params):"{s['filename']} - \tBubbleRegionByRegion.detectSmoothness") thresh = float(params.get("threshold", ".01" )) kernel_size = int(params.get("kernel_size", "10")) min_object_size = int(params.get("min_object_size", "100")) img = s.getImgThumb(s["image_work_size"]) img = color.rgb2gray(img) avg = np.ones((kernel_size, kernel_size)) / (kernel_size**2) imf = scipy.signal.convolve2d(img, avg, mode="same") mask_flat = abs(imf - img) < thresh mask_flat = remove_small_objects(mask_flat, min_size=min_object_size) mask_flat = ~remove_small_objects(~mask_flat, min_size=min_object_size) prev_mask = s["img_mask_use"] s["img_mask_flat"] = mask_flat io.imsave(s["outdir"] + os.sep + s["filename"] + "_flat.png", img_as_ubyte(mask_flat & prev_mask)) s["img_mask_use"] = s["img_mask_use"] & ~s["img_mask_flat"] s.addToPrintList("flat_areas", printMaskHelper(params.get("mask_statistics", s["mask_statistics"]), prev_mask, s["img_mask_use"])) if len(s["img_mask_use"].nonzero()[0]) == 0: # add warning in case the final tissue is empty logging.warning(f"{s['filename']} - After BubbleRegionByRegion.detectSmoothness: NO tissue " f"remains detectable! Downstream modules likely to be incorrect/fail") s["warnings"].append(f"After BubbleRegionByRegion.detectSmoothness: NO tissue remains " f"detectable! Downstream modules likely to be incorrect/fail") return
Example #7
Source File: From plantcv with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fill(bin_img, size): """Identifies objects and fills objects that are less than size. Inputs: bin_img = Binary image data size = minimum object area size in pixels (integer) Returns: filtered_img = image with objects filled :param bin_img: numpy.ndarray :param size: int :return filtered_img: numpy.ndarray """ params.device += 1 # Make sure the image is binary if len(np.shape(bin_img)) != 2 or len(np.unique(bin_img)) != 2: fatal_error("Image is not binary") # Cast binary image to boolean bool_img = bin_img.astype(bool) # Find and fill contours bool_img = remove_small_objects(bool_img, size) # Cast boolean image to binary and make a copy of the binary image for returning filtered_img = np.copy(bool_img.astype(np.uint8) * 255) if params.debug == 'print': print_image(filtered_img, os.path.join(params.debug_outdir, str(params.device) + '_fill' + str(size) + '.png')) elif params.debug == 'plot': plot_image(filtered_img, cmap='gray') return filtered_img
Example #8
Source File: From MillionHeroAssistant with MIT License | 5 votes |
def parse_answer_area(source_file, text_area_file, compress_level, crop_area): """ crop the answer area :return: """ image = width, height = image.size[0], image.size[1] if not crop_area: image = image.convert("L") array_img = np.array(image) ot_img = (array_img > 225) obj_dtec_img = morphology.remove_small_objects(ot_img, min_size=width * height / 4, connectivity=1) if np.sum(obj_dtec_img) < 1000: return False region = image.crop(( np.where(obj_dtec_img * 1.0 > 0)[1].min() + 20, np.where(obj_dtec_img * 1.0 > 0)[0].min() + 215, np.where(obj_dtec_img * 1.0 > 0)[1].max(), np.where(obj_dtec_img * 1.0 > 0)[0].max())) else: if compress_level == 1: image = image.convert("L") elif compress_level == 2: image = image.convert("1") region = image.crop((width * crop_area[0], height * crop_area[1], width * crop_area[2], height * crop_area[3])) if enable_scale: region = region.resize((int(1080 / 3), int(1920 / 5)), Image.BILINEAR) return True
Example #9
Source File: From hover_net with MIT License | 5 votes |
def proc_np_dist(pred): """ Process Nuclei Prediction with Distance Map Args: pred: prediction output, assuming channel 0 contain probability map of nuclei channel 1 containing the regressed distance map """ blb_raw = pred[...,0] dst_raw = pred[...,1] blb = np.copy(blb_raw) blb[blb > 0.5] = 1 blb[blb <= 0.5] = 0 blb = measurements.label(blb)[0] blb = remove_small_objects(blb, min_size=10) blb[blb > 0] = 1 dst_raw[dst_raw < 0] = 0 dst = np.copy(dst_raw) dst = dst * blb dst[dst > 0.5] = 1 dst[dst <= 0.5] = 0 marker = dst.copy() marker = binary_fill_holes(marker) marker = measurements.label(marker)[0] marker = remove_small_objects(marker, min_size=10) proced_pred = watershed(-dst_raw, marker, mask=blb) return proced_pred ####
Example #10
Source File: From Global_Convolutional_Network with MIT License | 5 votes |
def remove_small_regions(img, size): """Morphologically removes small (less than size) connected regions of 0s or 1s.""" img = morphology.remove_small_objects(img, size) img = morphology.remove_small_holes(img, size) return img
Example #11
Source File: From open-solution-data-science-bowl-2018 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def drop_small(img, min_size): img = morph.remove_small_objects(img, min_size=min_size) return relabel(img)
Example #12
Source File: From open-solution-data-science-bowl-2018 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def drop_small_unlabeled(img, min_size): img = morph.remove_small_objects(img.astype(np.bool), min_size=min_size) return img.astype(np.uint8)
Example #13
Source File: From tissueloc with MIT License | 5 votes |
def remove_small_tissue(bw_img, min_size=10000): """ Remove small holes in tissue image Parameters ---------- bw_img : np.array 2D binary image. min_size: int Minimum tissue area. Returns ------- bw_remove: np.array Binary image with small tissue regions removed """ bw_remove = remove_small_objects(bw_img, min_size=min_size, connectivity=8) return bw_remove
Example #14
Source File: From DRFNS with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_rough_detection(self, img, bigsize=40.0, smallsize=4.0, thresh = 0): diff = self.difference_of_gaussian(-img, bigsize, smallsize) diff[diff>thresh] = 1 se = morphology.square(4) ero = morphology.erosion(diff, se) labimage = label(ero) #rec = morphology.reconstruction(ero, img, method='dilation').astype(np.dtype('uint8')) # connectivity=1 corresponds to 4-connectivity. morphology.remove_small_objects(labimage, min_size=600, connectivity=1, in_place=True) #res = np.zeros(img.shape) ero[labimage==0] = 0 ero = 1 - ero labimage = label(ero) morphology.remove_small_objects(labimage, min_size=400, connectivity=1, in_place=True) ero[labimage==0] = 0 res = 1 - ero res[res>0] = 255 #temp = 255 - temp #temp = morphology.remove_small_objects(temp, min_size=400, connectivity=1, in_place=True) #res = 255 - temp return res
Example #15
Source File: From bird-species-classification with MIT License | 5 votes |
def compute_binary_mask_lasseck(spectrogram, threshold): # normalize to [0, 1) norm_spectrogram = normalize(spectrogram) # median clipping binary_image = median_clipping(norm_spectrogram, threshold) # closing binary image (dilation followed by erosion) binary_image = morphology.binary_closing(binary_image, selem=np.ones((4, 4))) # dialate binary image binary_image = morphology.binary_dilation(binary_image, selem=np.ones((4, 4))) # apply median filter binary_image = filters.median(binary_image, selem=np.ones((2, 2))) # remove small objects binary_image = morphology.remove_small_objects(binary_image, min_size=32, connectivity=1) mask = np.array([np.max(col) for col in binary_image.T]) mask = smooth_mask(mask) return mask # TODO: This method needs some real testing
Example #16
Source File: From Diabetic-Retinopathy-Feature-Extraction-using-Fundus-Images with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def cleanSmallObjects(self): cleanImg = morphology.remove_small_objects(self.curImg, min_size=130, connectivity=100) self.curImg = cleanImg #cv2.imwrite('Final123.jpg',threshImg)
Example #17
Source File: From Global_Convolutional_Network with MIT License | 4 votes |
def remove_small_regions(img, size): """Morphologically removes small (less than size) connected regions of 0s or 1s.""" img = morphology.remove_small_objects(img, size) img = morphology.remove_small_holes(img, size) return img
Example #18
Source File: From CoastSat with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def create_cloud_mask(im_QA, satname, cloud_mask_issue): """ Creates a cloud mask using the information contained in the QA band. KV WRL 2018 Arguments: ----------- im_QA: np.array Image containing the QA band satname: string short name for the satellite: ```'L5', 'L7', 'L8' or 'S2'``` cloud_mask_issue: boolean True if there is an issue with the cloud mask and sand pixels are being erroneously masked on the images Returns: ----------- cloud_mask : np.array boolean array with True if a pixel is cloudy and False otherwise """ # convert QA bits (the bits allocated to cloud cover vary depending on the satellite mission) if satname == 'L8': cloud_values = [2800, 2804, 2808, 2812, 6896, 6900, 6904, 6908] elif satname == 'L7' or satname == 'L5' or satname == 'L4': cloud_values = [752, 756, 760, 764] elif satname == 'S2': cloud_values = [1024, 2048] # 1024 = dense cloud, 2048 = cirrus clouds # find which pixels have bits corresponding to cloud values cloud_mask = np.isin(im_QA, cloud_values) # remove cloud pixels that form very thin features. These are beach or swash pixels that are # erroneously identified as clouds by the CFMASK algorithm applied to the images by the USGS. if sum(sum(cloud_mask)) > 0 and sum(sum(~cloud_mask)) > 0: morphology.remove_small_objects(cloud_mask, min_size=10, connectivity=1, in_place=True) if cloud_mask_issue: elem = morphology.square(3) # use a square of width 3 pixels cloud_mask = morphology.binary_opening(cloud_mask,elem) # perform image opening # remove objects with less than 25 connected pixels morphology.remove_small_objects(cloud_mask, min_size=25, connectivity=1, in_place=True) return cloud_mask
Example #19
Source File: From HistoQC with BSD 3-Clause Clear License | 4 votes |
def roiWise(s, params): name = params.get("name", "classTask") print("\tpixelWise:\t", name, end="") level = int(params.get("level", 1)) win_size = int(params.get("win_size", 2048)) #the size of the ROI which will be iteratively considered osh = s["os_handle"] dim_base = osh.level_dimensions[0] dims = osh.level_dimensions[level] ratio_x = dim_base[0] / dims[0] #figure out the difference between desi ratio_y = dim_base[1] / dims[1] frangi_scale_range = (1, 6) frangi_scale_step = 2 frangi_beta1 = .5 frangi_beta2 = 100 frangi_black_ridges = True mask = [] for x in range(0, dim_base[0], round(win_size * ratio_x)): row_piece = [] print('.', end='', flush=True) for y in range(0, dim_base[1], round(win_size * ratio_y)): region = np.asarray(osh.read_region((x, y), 1, (win_size, win_size))) region = region[:, :, 0:3] # remove alpha channel g = rgb2gray(region) feat = frangi(g, frangi_scale_range, frangi_scale_step, frangi_beta1, frangi_beta2, frangi_black_ridges) feat = feat / 8.875854409275627e-08 region_mask = np.bitwise_and(g < .3, feat > 5) region_mask = remove_small_objects(region_mask, min_size=100, in_place=True) # region_std = region.std(axis=2) # region_gray = rgb2gray(region) # region_mask = np.bitwise_and(region_std < 20, region_gray < 100/255) # region_mask = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(region_mask, iterations=1) # region_mask = resize(region_mask , (region_mask.shape[0] / 2, region_mask.shape[1] / 2)) row_piece.append(region_mask) row_piece = np.concatenate(row_piece, axis=0) mask.append(row_piece) mask = np.concatenate(mask, axis=1) if params.get("area_threshold", "") != "": mask = remove_small_objects(mask, min_size=int(params.get("area_threshold", "")), in_place=True) s.addToPrintList(name, str(mask.mean())) #TODO, migrate to printMaskHelper, but currently don't see how this output affects final mask #s.addToPrintList(name, # printMaskHelper(params.get("mask_statistics", s["mask_statistics"]), prev_mask, s["img_mask_use"])) io.imsave(s["outdir"] + os.sep + s["filename"] + "_BubbleBounds.png", img_as_ubyte(mask)) #.astype(np.uint8) * 255) return
Example #20
Source File: From dsb2018_topcoders with MIT License | 3 votes |
def wsh(mask_img, threshold, border_img, seeds): img_copy = np.copy(mask_img) m = seeds * border_img# * dt img_copy[m <= threshold + 0.35] = 0 img_copy[m > threshold + 0.35] = 1 img_copy = img_copy.astype(np.bool) img_copy = remove_small_objects(img_copy, 10).astype(np.uint8) mask_img[mask_img <= threshold] = 0 mask_img[mask_img > threshold] = 1 mask_img = mask_img.astype(np.bool) mask_img = remove_small_holes(mask_img, 1000) mask_img = remove_small_objects(mask_img, 8).astype(np.uint8) # cv2.imwrite('t.png', (mask_img * 255).astype(np.uint8)) # cv2.imwrite('t2.png', (img_copy * 255).astype(np.uint8)) labeled_array = my_watershed(mask_img, mask_img, img_copy) return labeled_array
Example #21
Source File: From lung-segmentation-2d with MIT License | 2 votes |
def remove_small_regions(img, size): """Morphologically removes small (less than size) connected regions of 0s or 1s.""" img = morphology.remove_small_objects(img, size) img = morphology.remove_small_holes(img, size) return img
Example #22
Source File: From lung-segmentation-2d with MIT License | 1 votes |
def remove_small_regions(img, size): """Morphologically removes small (less than size) connected regions of 0s or 1s.""" img = morphology.remove_small_objects(img, size) img = morphology.remove_small_holes(img, size) return img