Python skimage.morphology.disk() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of skimage.morphology.disk().
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Example #1
Source File: From spinalcordtoolbox with MIT License | 7 votes |
def dilate(data, size, shape, dim=None): """ Dilate data using ball structuring element :param data: Image or numpy array: 2d or 3d array :param size: int: If shape={'square', 'cube'}: Corresponds to the length of an edge (size=1 has no effect). If shape={'disk', 'ball'}: Corresponds to the radius, not including the center element (size=0 has no effect). :param shape: {'square', 'cube', 'disk', 'ball'} :param dim: {0, 1, 2}: Dimension of the array which 2D structural element will be orthogonal to. For example, if you wish to apply a 2D disk kernel in the X-Y plane, leaving Z unaffected, parameters will be: shape=disk, dim=2. :return: numpy array: data dilated """ if isinstance(data, Image): im_out = data.copy() = dilate(, size, shape, dim) return im_out else: return dilation(data, selem=_get_selem(shape, size, dim), out=None)
Example #2
Source File: From insightocr with MIT License | 6 votes |
def addNoiseAndGray(surf): # imgdata = pygame.surfarray.array3d(surf) imgdata = imgdata.swapaxes(0, 1) # print('imgdata shape %s' % imgdata.shape) # shall be IMG_HEIGHT * IMG_WIDTH imgdata2 = noise_generator('s&p', imgdata) img2 = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(imgdata2)) #'/home/zhichyu/Downloads/2sp.jpg') grayscale2 = ImageOps.grayscale(img2) #'/home/zhichyu/Downloads/2bw2.jpg') # return grayscale2 array = np.asarray(np.uint8(grayscale2)) # print('array.shape %s' % array.shape) selem = disk(random.randint(0, 1)) eroded = erosion(array, selem) return eroded
Example #3
Source File: From Global_Convolutional_Network with MIT License | 6 votes |
def masked(img, gt, mask, alpha=1): """Returns image with GT lung field outlined with red, predicted lung field filled with blue.""" rows, cols = img.shape[:2] color_mask = np.zeros((rows, cols, 3)) boundary = morphology.dilation(gt, morphology.disk(3)) ^ gt color_mask[mask == 1] = [0, 0, 1] color_mask[boundary == 1] = [1, 0, 0] img_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(img) color_mask_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(color_mask) img_hsv[..., 0] = color_mask_hsv[..., 0] img_hsv[..., 1] = color_mask_hsv[..., 1] * alpha img_masked = color.hsv2rgb(img_hsv) return img_masked
Example #4
Source File: From tierpsy-tracker with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _get_blob_mask(ROI_image, thresh, thresh_block_size, is_light_background, analysis_type): # get binary image, if is_light_background: ## apply a median filter to reduce rough edges / sharpen the boundary btw worm and background ROI_image_th = cv2.medianBlur(ROI_image, 3) ROI_mask = ROI_image_th < thresh else: if analysis_type == "PHARYNX": # for fluorescent pharynx labeled images, refine the threshold with a local otsu ( # this compensates for local variations in brightness in high density regions, when many worms are close to each other ROI_rank_otsu = skf.rank.otsu(ROI_image, skm.disk(thresh_block_size)) ROI_mask = (ROI_image>ROI_rank_otsu) # as a local threshold introcudes artifacts at the edge of the mask, also use a global threshold to cut these out ROI_mask &= (ROI_image>=thresh) else: # this case applies for example to worms where the whole body is fluorecently labeled ROI_image_th = cv2.medianBlur(ROI_image, 3) ROI_mask = ROI_image_th >= thresh ROI_mask &= (ROI_image != 0) ROI_mask = ROI_mask.astype(np.uint8) return ROI_mask, thresh # returning thresh here seems redundant, as it isn't actually changed
Example #5
Source File: From Global_Convolutional_Network with MIT License | 6 votes |
def masked(img, gt, mask, alpha=1): """Returns image with GT lung field outlined with red, predicted lung field filled with blue.""" rows, cols = img.shape[:2] color_mask = np.zeros((rows, cols, 3)) boundary = morphology.dilation(gt, morphology.disk(3)) ^ gt color_mask[mask == 1] = [0, 0, 1] color_mask[boundary == 1] = [1, 0, 0] img_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(img) color_mask_hsv = color.rgb2hsv(color_mask) img_hsv[..., 0] = color_mask_hsv[..., 0] img_hsv[..., 1] = color_mask_hsv[..., 1] * alpha img_masked = color.hsv2rgb(img_hsv) return img_masked
Example #6
Source File: From tierpsy-tracker with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_dark_mask(full_data): #get darker objects that are unlikely to be worm if full_data.shape[0] < 2: #nothing to do here returning return np.zeros((full_data.shape[1], full_data.shape[2]), np.uint8) #this mask shoulnd't contain many worms img_h = cv2.medianBlur(np.max(full_data, axis=0), 5) #this mask is likely to contain a lot of worms img_l = cv2.medianBlur(np.min(full_data, axis=0), 5) #this is the difference (the tagged pixels should be mostly worms) img_del = img_h-img_l th_d = threshold_otsu(img_del) #this is the maximum of the minimum pixels of the worms... th = np.max(img_l[img_del>th_d]) #this is what a darkish mask should look like dark_mask = cv2.dilate((img_h<th).astype(np.uint8), disk(11)) return dark_mask
Example #7
Source File: From spinalcordtoolbox with MIT License | 6 votes |
def erode(data, size, shape, dim=None): """ Dilate data using ball structuring element :param data: Image or numpy array: 2d or 3d array :param size: int: If shape={'square', 'cube'}: Corresponds to the length of an edge (size=1 has no effect). If shape={'disk', 'ball'}: Corresponds to the radius, not including the center element (size=0 has no effect). :param shape: {'square', 'cube', 'disk', 'ball'} :param dim: {0, 1, 2}: Dimension of the array which 2D structural element will be orthogonal to. For example, if you wish to apply a 2D disk kernel in the X-Y plane, leaving Z unaffected, parameters will be: shape=disk, dim=2. :return: numpy array: data dilated """ if isinstance(data, Image): im_out = data.copy() = erode(, size, shape, dim) return im_out else: return erosion(data, selem=_get_selem(shape, size, dim), out=None)
Example #8
Source File: From pyxem with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_diffraction_test_image(self, dtype=np.float32): image_x, image_y = self.image_x, self.image_y cx, cy = image_x / 2, image_y / 2 image = np.zeros((image_y, image_x), dtype=np.float32) iterator = zip(self._x_list, self._y_list, self._intensity_list) for x, y, i in iterator: if self.diff_intensity_reduction is not False: dr = np.hypot(x - cx, y - cy) i = self._get_diff_intensity_reduction(dr, i) image[y, x] = i disk = morphology.disk(self.disk_r, dtype=dtype) image = convolve2d(image, disk, mode="same") if self.rotation != 0: image = rotate(image, self.rotation, reshape=False) if self.blur != 0: image = gaussian_filter(image, self.blur) if self._background_lorentz_width is not False: image += self._get_background_lorentz() if self.intensity_noise is not False: noise = np.random.random((image_y, image_x)) * self.intensity_noise image += noise return image
Example #9
Source File: From minian with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def local_max_roll(fm, k0, k1, diff): max_ls = [] for ksize in range(k0, k1): selem = disk(ksize) fm_max = local_max(fm, selem, diff) max_ls.append(fm_max) lmax = (np.stack(max_ls, axis=0).sum(axis=0) > 0).astype(np.uint8) nlab, max_lab = cv2.connectedComponents(lmax) max_res = np.zeros_like(lmax) for lb in range(1, nlab): area = max_lab == lb if np.sum(area) > 1: crds = tuple(int(np.median(c)) for c in np.where(area)) max_res[crds] = 1 else: max_res[np.where(area)] = 1 return max_res
Example #10
Source File: From super-resolution-videos with The Unlicense | 6 votes |
def dilation(x, radius=3): """ Return greyscale morphological dilation of an image, see `skimage.morphology.dilation <>`_. Parameters ----------- x : 2D array image. radius : int for the radius of mask. """ from skimage.morphology import disk, dilation mask = disk(radius) x = dilation(x, selem=mask) return x ## Sequence
Example #11
Source File: From LapSRN-tensorflow with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def dilation(x, radius=3): """ Return greyscale morphological dilation of an image, see `skimage.morphology.dilation <>`_. Parameters ----------- x : 2D array image. radius : int for the radius of mask. """ from skimage.morphology import disk, dilation mask = disk(radius) x = dilation(x, selem=mask) return x ## Sequence
Example #12
Source File: From HistoQC with BSD 3-Clause Clear License | 6 votes |
def finalProcessingSpur(s, params):"{s['filename']} - \tfinalProcessingSpur") disk_radius = int(params.get("disk_radius", "25")) selem = disk(disk_radius) mask = s["img_mask_use"] mask_opened = binary_opening(mask, selem) mask_spur = ~mask_opened & mask io.imsave(s["outdir"] + os.sep + s["filename"] + "_spur.png", img_as_ubyte(mask_spur)) prev_mask = s["img_mask_use"] s["img_mask_use"] = mask_opened s.addToPrintList("spur_pixels", printMaskHelper(params.get("mask_statistics", s["mask_statistics"]), prev_mask, s["img_mask_use"])) if len(s["img_mask_use"].nonzero()[0]) == 0: # add warning in case the final tissue is empty logging.warning( f"{s['filename']} - After BasicModule.finalProcessingSpur NO tissue remains detectable! Downstream modules likely to be incorrect/fail") s["warnings"].append( f"After BasicModule.finalProcessingSpur NO tissue remains detectable! Downstream modules likely to be incorrect/fail")
Example #13
Source File: From porespy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def ps_disk(radius): r""" Creates circular disk structuring element for morphological operations Parameters ---------- radius : float or int The desired radius of the structuring element Returns ------- strel : 2D-array A 2D numpy bool array of the structring element """ rad = int(np.ceil(radius)) other = np.ones((2 * rad + 1, 2 * rad + 1), dtype=bool) other[rad, rad] = False disk = spim.distance_transform_edt(other) < radius return disk
Example #14
Source File: From pyxem with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_correct_disk_x_y_and_radius_random(self): x, y, px, py = 56, 48, 4, 5 x, y = randint(45, 55, size=(py, px)), randint(45, 55, size=(py, px)) r = randint(20, 40, size=(py, px)) s = mdtd.generate_4d_data( probe_size_x=px, probe_size_y=py, image_size_x=120, image_size_y=100, disk_x=x, disk_y=y, disk_r=5, disk_I=20, ring_x=x, ring_y=y, ring_r=r, ring_I=5, blur=True, downscale=False, ) s_com = s.center_of_mass() s_r = s.radial_average(centre_x=s_com.inav[0].data, centre_y=s_com.inav[1].data) s_r = s_r.isig[15:] # Do not include the disk r -= 15 # Need to shift the radius, due to not including the disk assert ( == r).all()
Example #15
Source File: From geoseg with MIT License | 5 votes |
def pair_to_rgb(gen_img, tar_img, background='black', use_dilation=False, disk_value=2): """ args: gen_img: (ndarray) in [img_rows, img_cols], dytpe=unit8 tar_img: (ndarray) in [img_rows, img_cols], dytpe=unit8 background: (str) ['black', 'white'] return: rgb_img: red -> false positive; green -> true positive; blue -> false positive; """ # enhance outline border if use_dilation: gen_img = dilation(gen_img, disk(disk_value)) tar_img = dilation(tar_img, disk(disk_value)) if background == "black": # saving rgb results rgb_img = np.zeros((gen_img.shape[0], gen_img.shape[1], 3), np.uint8) # assign false negative as red channel rgb_img[:, :, 0][np.logical_and(gen_img == 255, tar_img == 0)] = 255 # assign true positive as green channel rgb_img[:, :, 1][np.logical_and(gen_img == 255, tar_img == 255)] = 255 # assign false positive as blue channel rgb_img[:, :, 2][np.logical_and(gen_img == 0, tar_img == 255)] = 255 else: # saving rgb results rgb_img = np.ones( (gen_img.shape[0], gen_img.shape[1], 3), np.uint8) * 255 # assign false negative as red channel rgb_img[:, :, 1][np.logical_and(gen_img == 255, tar_img == 0)] = 0 rgb_img[:, :, 2][np.logical_and(gen_img == 255, tar_img == 0)] = 0 # assign true positive as green channel rgb_img[:, :, 0][np.logical_and(gen_img == 255, tar_img == 255)] = 0 rgb_img[:, :, 2][np.logical_and(gen_img == 255, tar_img == 255)] = 0 # assign false positive as blue channel rgb_img[:, :, 0][np.logical_and(gen_img == 0, tar_img == 255)] = 0 rgb_img[:, :, 1][np.logical_and(gen_img == 0, tar_img == 255)] = 0 return rgb_img
Example #16
Source File: From porespy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def trim_small_clusters(im, size=1): r""" Remove isolated voxels or clusters smaller than a given size Parameters ---------- im : ND-array The binary image from which voxels are to be removed size : scalar The threshold size of clusters to trim. As clusters with this many voxels or fewer will be trimmed. The default is 1 so only single voxels are removed. Returns ------- im : ND-image A copy of ``im`` with clusters of voxels smaller than the given ``size`` removed. """ if im.dims == 2: strel = disk(1) elif im.ndims == 3: strel = ball(1) else: raise Exception('Only 2D or 3D images are accepted') filtered_array = np.copy(im) labels, N = spim.label(filtered_array, structure=strel) id_sizes = np.array(spim.sum(im, labels, range(N + 1))) area_mask = (id_sizes <= size) filtered_array[area_mask[labels]] = 0 return filtered_array
Example #17
Source File: From HistoQC with BSD 3-Clause Clear License | 5 votes |
def compute_median(img, params): median_disk_size = int(params.get("median_disk_size", 3)) return median(rgb2gray(img), selem=disk(median_disk_size))[:, :, None]
Example #18
Source File: From HistoQC with BSD 3-Clause Clear License | 5 votes |
def getIntensityThresholdOtsu(s, params):"{s['filename']} - \tLightDarkModule.getIntensityThresholdOtsu") name = "otsu" local = strtobool(params.get("local", "False")) radius = float(params.get("radius", 15)) selem = disk(radius) img = s.getImgThumb(s["image_work_size"]) img = color.rgb2gray(img) if local: thresh = rank.otsu(img, selem) name += "local" else: thresh = threshold_otsu(img) map = img < thresh s["img_mask_" + name] = map > 0 if strtobool(params.get("invert", "False")): s["img_mask_" + name] = ~s["img_mask_" + name] io.imsave(s["outdir"] + os.sep + s["filename"] + "_" + name + ".png", img_as_ubyte(s["img_mask_" + name])) prev_mask = s["img_mask_use"] s["img_mask_use"] = s["img_mask_use"] & s["img_mask_" + name] s.addToPrintList(name, printMaskHelper(params.get("mask_statistics", s["mask_statistics"]), prev_mask, s["img_mask_use"])) if len(s["img_mask_use"].nonzero()[0]) == 0: # add warning in case the final tissue is empty logging.warning(f"{s['filename']} - After LightDarkModule.getIntensityThresholdOtsu:{name} NO tissue remains " f"detectable! Downstream modules likely to be incorrect/fail") s["warnings"].append(f"After LightDarkModule.getIntensityThresholdOtsu:{name} NO tissue remains detectable! " f"Downstream modules likely to be incorrect/fail") return
Example #19
Source File: From super-resolution-videos with The Unlicense | 5 votes |
def binary_dilation(x, radius=3): """ Return fast binary morphological dilation of an image. see `skimage.morphology.binary_dilation <>`_. Parameters ----------- x : 2D array image. radius : int for the radius of mask. """ from skimage.morphology import disk, binary_dilation mask = disk(radius) x = binary_dilation(image, selem=mask) return x
Example #20
Source File: From pyxem with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_array_different_dimensions(self, nav_dims): shape = list(np.random.randint(2, 6, size=nav_dims)) shape.extend([50, 50]) chunks = [1] * nav_dims chunks.extend([25, 25]) dask_array = da.random.random(size=shape, chunks=chunks) binary_image = sm.disk(5) match_array_dask = dt._template_match_with_binary_image( dask_array, binary_image=binary_image ) assert len(dask_array.shape) == nav_dims + 2 assert dask_array.shape == match_array_dask.shape match_array = match_array_dask.compute() assert dask_array.shape == match_array.shape
Example #21
Source File: From porespy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_morphology_fft_dilate_2D(self): im =[:, :, 50] truth = spim.binary_dilation(im, structure=disk(3)) test =, strel=disk(3), mode='dilation') assert np.all(truth == test)
Example #22
Source File: From starfish with MIT License | 5 votes |
def watershed_mask( self, stain_thresh: Number, markers: BinaryMaskCollection, disk_size: Optional[int], ) -> BinaryMaskCollection: """Create a watershed mask that is the union of the spot intensities above stain_thresh and a marker image generated from nuclei Parameters ---------- stain_thresh : Number threshold to apply to the stain image markers : BinaryMaskCollection markers image generated from nuclei disk_size : Optional[int] if provided, execute a morphological opening operation over the thresholded stain image Returns ------- BinaryMaskCollection : watershed mask """ thresholded_stain = ThresholdBinarize(stain_thresh).run(self.stain) markers_and_stain = Merge.SimpleMerge().run([thresholded_stain, markers]) watershed_mask = Filter.Reduce( "logical_or", lambda shape: np.zeros(shape=shape, dtype=np.bool) ).run(markers_and_stain) if disk_size is not None: disk_img = disk(disk_size) watershed_mask = Filter.Map( "morphology.binary_open", disk_img, module=FunctionSource.skimage ).run(watershed_mask) return watershed_mask
Example #23
Source File: From starfish with MIT License | 5 votes |
def filter_nuclei(self, nuclei_thresh: float, disk_size: Optional[int]) -> BinaryMaskCollection: """Binarize the nuclei image using a thresholded binarizer and perform morphological binary opening. Parameters ---------- nuclei_thresh : float Threshold the nuclei image at this value disk_size : int if passed, execute a binary opening of the filtered image Returns ------- BinaryMaskCollection : mask collection with one mask, which is """ nuclei_binarized = ThresholdBinarize(nuclei_thresh).run(self.nuclei_mp_scaled) if disk_size is not None: disk_img = disk(disk_size) nuclei_binarized = Filter.Map( "morphology.binary_open", disk_img, module=FunctionSource.skimage ).run(nuclei_binarized) # should only produce one binary mask. assert len(nuclei_binarized) == 1 return nuclei_binarized
Example #24
Source File: From starfish with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _white_tophat(self, image: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray: if self.is_volume: structuring_element = ball(self.masking_radius) else: structuring_element = disk(self.masking_radius) return white_tophat(image, selem=structuring_element)
Example #25
Source File: From open-solution-data-science-bowl-2018 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_markers(m_b, c): # threshold c_thresh = threshold_otsu(c) c_b = c > c_thresh mk_ = np.where(c_b, 0, m_b) area, radius = mean_blob_size(m_b) struct_size = int(0.25 * radius) struct_el = morph.disk(struct_size) m_padded = pad_mask(mk_, pad=struct_size) m_padded = morph.erosion(m_padded, selem=struct_el) mk_ = crop_mask(m_padded, crop=struct_size) mk_, _ = ndi.label(mk_) return mk_
Example #26
Source File: From open-solution-data-science-bowl-2018 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def clean_mask(m, c): # threshold m_thresh = threshold_otsu(m) c_thresh = threshold_otsu(c) m_b = m > m_thresh c_b = c > c_thresh # combine contours and masks and fill the cells m_ = np.where(m_b | c_b, 1, 0) m_ = ndi.binary_fill_holes(m_) # close what wasn't closed before area, radius = mean_blob_size(m_b) struct_size = int(1.25 * radius) struct_el = morph.disk(struct_size) m_padded = pad_mask(m_, pad=struct_size) m_padded = morph.binary_closing(m_padded, selem=struct_el) m_ = crop_mask(m_padded, crop=struct_size) # open to cut the real cells from the artifacts area, radius = mean_blob_size(m_b) struct_size = int(0.75 * radius) struct_el = morph.disk(struct_size) m_ = np.where(c_b & (~m_b), 0, m_) m_padded = pad_mask(m_, pad=struct_size) m_padded = morph.binary_opening(m_padded, selem=struct_el) m_ = crop_mask(m_padded, crop=struct_size) # join the connected cells with what we had at the beginning m_ = np.where(m_b | m_, 1, 0) m_ = ndi.binary_fill_holes(m_) # drop all the cells that weren't present at least in 25% of area in the initial mask m_ = drop_artifacts(m_, m_b, min_coverage=0.25) return m_
Example #27
Source File: From pyxem with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_intensities(z, vectors, radius=1): """Basic intensity integration routine, takes the maximum value at the given vector positions with the number of pixels given by `radius`. Parameters ---------- vectors : DiffractionVectors Vectors to the locations of the spots to be integrated. radius: int, Number of pixels within which to find the largest maximum Returns ------- intensities : np.array List of extracted intensities """ i, j = np.array( if radius > 1: footprint = morphology.disk(radius) filtered = ndi.maximum_filter(z, footprint=footprint) intensities = filtered[j, i].reshape(-1, 1) # note that the indices are flipped else: intensities = z[j, i].reshape(-1, 1) # note that the indices are flipped return np.array(intensities)
Example #28
Source File: From pyxem with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_correct_disk_x_y_and_radius_random(self): x, y, px, py = 56, 48, 4, 5 x, y = randint(45, 55, size=(py, px)), randint(45, 55, size=(py, px)) r = randint(20, 40, size=(py, px)) s = mdtd.generate_4d_data( probe_size_x=px, probe_size_y=py, image_size_x=120, image_size_y=100, disk_x=x, disk_y=y, disk_r=5, disk_I=20, ring_x=x, ring_y=y, ring_r=r, ring_I=5, blur=True, downscale=False, ) dask_array = da.from_array(, chunks=(4, 4, 50, 50)) s = LazyDiffraction2D(dask_array) s_com = s.center_of_mass() s_r = s.radial_average(centre_x=s_com.inav[0].data, centre_y=s_com.inav[1].data) s_r = s_r.isig[15:] # Do not include the disk r -= 15 # Need to shift the radius, due to not including the disk assert ( == r).all()
Example #29
Source File: From pyxem with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_1d_dask_array_error(self): binary_image = sm.disk(5) dask_array = da.random.random(size=50, chunks=10) with pytest.raises(ValueError): dt._template_match_with_binary_image(dask_array, binary_image=binary_image)
Example #30
Source File: From 2019-CCF-BDCI-OCR-MCZJ-OCR-IdentificationIDElement with MIT License | 5 votes |
def make_boundaries(label, thickness=None): """ Input is an image label, output is a numpy array mask encoding the boundaries of the objects Extract pixels at the true boundary by dilation - erosion of label. Don't just pick the void label as it is not exclusive to the boundaries. """ assert(thickness is not None) import skimage.morphology as skm void = 255 mask = np.logical_and(label > 0, label != void)[0] selem = skm.disk(thickness) boundaries = np.logical_xor(skm.dilation(mask, selem), skm.erosion(mask, selem)) return boundaries