Python skimage.morphology.binary_closing() Examples
The following are 7
code examples of skimage.morphology.binary_closing().
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Example #1
Source File: From niworkflows with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def refine_aseg(aseg, ball_size=4): """ Refine the ``aseg.mgz`` mask of Freesurfer. First step to reconcile ANTs' and FreeSurfer's brain masks. Here, the ``aseg.mgz`` mask from FreeSurfer is refined in two steps, using binary morphological operations: 1. With a binary closing operation the sulci are included into the mask. This results in a smoother brain mask that does not exclude deep, wide sulci. 2. Fill any holes (typically, there could be a hole next to the pineal gland and the corpora quadrigemina if the great cerebral brain is segmented out). """ # Read aseg data bmask = aseg.copy() bmask[bmask > 0] = 1 bmask = bmask.astype(np.uint8) # Morphological operations selem = sim.ball(ball_size) newmask = sim.binary_closing(bmask, selem) newmask = binary_fill_holes(newmask.astype(np.uint8), selem).astype(np.uint8) return newmask.astype(np.uint8)
Example #2
Source File: From bird-species-classification with MIT License | 5 votes |
def compute_binary_mask_lasseck(spectrogram, threshold): # normalize to [0, 1) norm_spectrogram = normalize(spectrogram) # median clipping binary_image = median_clipping(norm_spectrogram, threshold) # closing binary image (dilation followed by erosion) binary_image = morphology.binary_closing(binary_image, selem=np.ones((4, 4))) # dialate binary image binary_image = morphology.binary_dilation(binary_image, selem=np.ones((4, 4))) # apply median filter binary_image = filters.median(binary_image, selem=np.ones((2, 2))) # remove small objects binary_image = morphology.remove_small_objects(binary_image, min_size=32, connectivity=1) mask = np.array([np.max(col) for col in binary_image.T]) mask = smooth_mask(mask) return mask # TODO: This method needs some real testing
Example #3
Source File: From open-solution-data-science-bowl-2018 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def clean_mask(m, c): # threshold m_thresh = threshold_otsu(m) c_thresh = threshold_otsu(c) m_b = m > m_thresh c_b = c > c_thresh # combine contours and masks and fill the cells m_ = np.where(m_b | c_b, 1, 0) m_ = ndi.binary_fill_holes(m_) # close what wasn't closed before area, radius = mean_blob_size(m_b) struct_size = int(1.25 * radius) struct_el = morph.disk(struct_size) m_padded = pad_mask(m_, pad=struct_size) m_padded = morph.binary_closing(m_padded, selem=struct_el) m_ = crop_mask(m_padded, crop=struct_size) # open to cut the real cells from the artifacts area, radius = mean_blob_size(m_b) struct_size = int(0.75 * radius) struct_el = morph.disk(struct_size) m_ = np.where(c_b & (~m_b), 0, m_) m_padded = pad_mask(m_, pad=struct_size) m_padded = morph.binary_opening(m_padded, selem=struct_el) m_ = crop_mask(m_padded, crop=struct_size) # join the connected cells with what we had at the beginning m_ = np.where(m_b | m_, 1, 0) m_ = ndi.binary_fill_holes(m_) # drop all the cells that weren't present at least in 25% of area in the initial mask m_ = drop_artifacts(m_, m_b, min_coverage=0.25) return m_
Example #4
Source File: From plantcv with MIT License | 5 votes |
def closing(gray_img, kernel=None): """Wrapper for scikit-image closing functions. Opening can remove small dark spots (i.e. pepper). Inputs: gray_img = input image (grayscale or binary) kernel = optional neighborhood, expressed as an array of 1s and 0s. If None, use cross-shaped structuring element. :param gray_img: ndarray :param kernel = ndarray :return filtered_img: ndarray """ params.device += 1 # Make sure the image is binary/grayscale if len(np.shape(gray_img)) != 2: fatal_error("Input image must be grayscale or binary") # If image is binary use the faster method if len(np.unique(gray_img)) == 2: bool_img = morphology.binary_closing(image=gray_img, selem=kernel) filtered_img = np.copy(bool_img.astype(np.uint8) * 255) # Otherwise use method appropriate for grayscale images else: filtered_img = morphology.closing(gray_img, kernel) if params.debug == 'print': print_image(filtered_img, os.path.join(params.debug_outdir, str(params.device) + '_opening' + '.png')) elif params.debug == 'plot': plot_image(filtered_img, cmap='gray') return filtered_img
Example #5
Source File: From kaggle_ndsb2017 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_segmented_lungs(im, plot=False): # Step 1: Convert into a binary image. binary = im < -400 # Step 2: Remove the blobs connected to the border of the image. cleared = clear_border(binary) # Step 3: Label the image. label_image = label(cleared) # Step 4: Keep the labels with 2 largest areas. areas = [r.area for r in regionprops(label_image)] areas.sort() if len(areas) > 2: for region in regionprops(label_image): if region.area < areas[-2]: for coordinates in region.coords: label_image[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]] = 0 binary = label_image > 0 # Step 5: Erosion operation with a disk of radius 2. This operation is seperate the lung nodules attached to the blood vessels. selem = disk(2) binary = binary_erosion(binary, selem) # Step 6: Closure operation with a disk of radius 10. This operation is to keep nodules attached to the lung wall. selem = disk(10) # CHANGE BACK TO 10 binary = binary_closing(binary, selem) # Step 7: Fill in the small holes inside the binary mask of lungs. edges = roberts(binary) binary = ndi.binary_fill_holes(edges) # Step 8: Superimpose the binary mask on the input image. get_high_vals = binary == 0 im[get_high_vals] = -2000 return im, binary
Example #6
Source File: From niworkflows with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def _run_interface(self, runtime): in_files = self.inputs.in_files if self.inputs.enhance_t2: in_files = [_enhance_t2_contrast(f, newpath=runtime.cwd) for f in in_files] masknii = compute_epi_mask( in_files, lower_cutoff=self.inputs.lower_cutoff, upper_cutoff=self.inputs.upper_cutoff, connected=self.inputs.connected, opening=self.inputs.opening, exclude_zeros=self.inputs.exclude_zeros, ensure_finite=self.inputs.ensure_finite, target_affine=self.inputs.target_affine, target_shape=self.inputs.target_shape, ) if self.inputs.closing: closed = sim.binary_closing( np.asanyarray(masknii.dataobj).astype(np.uint8), sim.ball(1) ).astype(np.uint8) masknii = masknii.__class__(closed, masknii.affine, masknii.header) if self.inputs.fill_holes: filled = binary_fill_holes( np.asanyarray(masknii.dataobj).astype(np.uint8), sim.ball(6) ).astype(np.uint8) masknii = masknii.__class__(filled, masknii.affine, masknii.header) if self.inputs.no_sanitize: in_file = self.inputs.in_files if isinstance(in_file, list): in_file = in_file[0] nii = nb.load(in_file) qform, code = nii.get_qform(coded=True) masknii.set_qform(qform, int(code)) sform, code = nii.get_sform(coded=True) masknii.set_sform(sform, int(code)) self._results["out_mask"] = fname_presuffix( self.inputs.in_files[0], suffix="_mask", newpath=runtime.cwd ) masknii.to_filename(self._results["out_mask"]) return runtime
Example #7
Source File: From pyImSegm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def segment_watershed(seg, centers, post_morph=False): """ perform watershed segmentation on input imsegm and optionally run some postprocessing using morphological operations :param ndarray seg: input image / segmentation :param [[int, int]] centers: position of centres / seeds :param bool post_morph: apply morphological postprocessing :return ndarray, [[int, int]]: resulting segmentation, updated centres """ logging.debug('segment: watershed...') seg_binary = (seg > 0) seg_binary = ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(seg_binary) # thr_area = int(0.05 * np.sum(seg_binary)) # seg_binary = morphology.remove_small_holes(seg_binary, min_size=thr_area) distance = ndimage.distance_transform_edt(seg_binary) markers = np.zeros_like(seg) for i, pos in enumerate(centers): markers[int(pos[0]), int(pos[1])] = i + 1 segm = morphology.watershed(-distance, markers, mask=seg_binary) # if morphological postprocessing was not selected, ends here if not post_morph: return segm, centers, None segm_clean = np.zeros_like(segm) for lb in range(1, np.max(segm) + 1): seg_lb = (segm == lb) # some morphology operartion for cleaning seg_lb = morphology.binary_closing(seg_lb, selem=morphology.disk(5)) seg_lb = ndimage.morphology.binary_fill_holes(seg_lb) # thr_area = int(0.15 * np.sum(seg_lb)) # seg_lb = morphology.remove_small_holes(seg_lb, min_size=thr_area) seg_lb = morphology.binary_opening(seg_lb, selem=morphology.disk(15)) segm_clean[seg_lb] = lb return segm_clean, centers, None