Python skimage.morphology.binary_erosion() Examples

The following are 14 code examples of skimage.morphology.binary_erosion(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module skimage.morphology , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From napari with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_connected_component_shape(layer, event):
        cords = np.round(layer.coordinates).astype(int)
        val = layer.get_value()
        if val is None:
        if val != 0:
            data =
            binary = data == val
            if 'Shift' in event.modifiers:
                binary_new = binary_erosion(binary)
                data[binary] = 0
                data[binary_new] = val
                binary_new = binary_dilation(binary)
                data[binary_new] = val
            size = np.sum(binary_new)
   = data
            msg = f'clicked at {cords} on blob {val} which is now {size} pixels'
            msg = f'clicked at {cords} on background which is ignored'
        layer.status = msg
Example #2
Source File:    From bird-species-classification with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def compute_binary_mask_sprengel(spectrogram, threshold):
    """ Computes a binary mask for the spectrogram
    # Arguments
        spectrogram : a numpy array representation of a spectrogram (2-dim)
        threshold   : a threshold for times larger than the median
    # Returns
        binary_mask : the binary mask
    # normalize to [0, 1)
    norm_spectrogram = normalize(spectrogram)

    # median clipping
    binary_image = median_clipping(norm_spectrogram, threshold)

    # erosion
    binary_image = morphology.binary_erosion(binary_image, selem=np.ones((4, 4)))

    # dilation
    binary_image = morphology.binary_dilation(binary_image, selem=np.ones((4, 4)))

    # extract mask
    mask = np.array([np.max(col) for col in binary_image.T])
    mask = smooth_mask(mask)

    return mask 
Example #3
Source File:    From PReMVOS with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_pos_dst_transform(label_unmodified, img, instance, old_label=None, dt_method="edt"):
  label = np.where(label_unmodified == instance, 1, 0)

  # If an old label is available, then sample positive clicks on the difference between the two.
  if old_label is not None:
    # The difference should be taken only if there is atleast one object pixel in the difference.
    label = np.max(0, label - old_label) if np.any((label - old_label) == 1) else label

  # Leave a margin around the object boundary
  img_area = morphology.binary_erosion(label, morphology.diamond(D_MARGIN))
  img_area = img_area if len(np.where(img_area == 1)[0]) > 0 else np.copy(label)

  # Set of ground truth pixels.
  O = np.where(img_area == 1)
  # Randomly sample the number of positive clicks and negative clicks to use.
  num_clicks_pos = 0 if len(O) == 0 else random.sample(list(range(1, Npos + 1)), 1)
  # num_clicks_pos = random.sample(range(1, Npos + 1), 1)
  pts = get_sampled_locations(O, img_area, num_clicks_pos)
  u1 = get_distance_transform(pts, img_area, img=img, dt_method=dt_method)

  return u1, pts 
Example #4
Source File:    From 2018DSB with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def basin(label_mask, wall):
    h,w = np.shape(label_mask)
    y, x = np.mgrid[0:h, 0:w]
    struct = generate_binary_structure(2,2)
    shifty, shiftx = np.mgrid[0:3, 0:3]
    shifty = (shifty-1).flatten()
    shiftx = (shiftx-1).flatten()

    for i in range(4):
        obdr = label_mask^binary_dilation(label_mask, struct)
        ibdr = label_mask^binary_erosion(label_mask, struct)
        yob, xob = y[obdr], x[obdr]        
        ynb, xnb = yob.reshape(-1,1)+shifty, xob.reshape(-1,1)+shiftx
        wallnb = np.min(map_coords(wall, (ynb, xnb))*(map_coords(ibdr, (ynb, xnb))==1)+\
                        5*(map_coords(ibdr, (ynb, xnb))!=1),1)
        keep = (wall[yob,xob]>wallnb)&(wallnb<=4)
        label_mask[yob[keep], xob[keep]]=True
        if np.sum(keep)==0:
    return label_mask 
Example #5
Source File:    From pyeo with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def buffer_mask_in_place(mask_path, buffer_size):
    """Expands a mask in-place, overwriting the previous mask"""
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)"Buffering {} with buffer size {}".format(mask_path, buffer_size))
    mask = gdal.Open(mask_path, gdal.GA_Update)
    mask_array = mask.GetVirtualMemArray(eAccess=gdal.GA_Update)
    cache = morph.binary_erosion(mask_array.squeeze(), selem=morph.disk(buffer_size))
    np.copyto(mask_array, cache)
    mask_array = None
    mask = None 
Example #6
Source File:    From facade-segmentation with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _create_facade_mask(self):
        facade_mask = self.driving_layers.building() > 0.5
        facade_mask = binary_erosion(facade_mask, disk(10))  # Sky is noisy
        # Remove non-wall elements from the facade (we want just the wall)
        facade_mask[self.window_mask()] = 0
        facade_mask[self.facade_layers.door() > 0.5] = 0
        facade_mask[self.balcony_mask()] = 0
        # facade_mask[self.shop_mask()] = 0
        facade_mask[self.pillar_mask()] = 0
        facade_mask[self.facade_layers.molding() > 0.5] = 0
        return facade_mask 
Example #7
Source File:    From bird-species-classification with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def sprengel_binary_mask_from_wave_file(filepath):
    fs, x = utils.read_wave_file(filepath)
    Sxx = sp.wave_to_amplitude_spectrogram(x, fs)
    Sxx_log = sp.wave_to_log_amplitude_spectrogram(x, fs)

    # plot spectrogram
    fig = plt.figure(1)
    subplot_image(Sxx_log, 411, "Spectrogram")

    Sxx = pp.normalize(Sxx)
    binary_image = pp.median_clipping(Sxx, 3.0)

    subplot_image(binary_image + 0, 412, "Median Clipping")

    binary_image = morphology.binary_erosion(binary_image, selem=np.ones((4, 4)))

    subplot_image(binary_image + 0, 413, "Erosion")

    binary_image = morphology.binary_dilation(binary_image, selem=np.ones((4, 4)))

    subplot_image(binary_image + 0, 414, "Dilation")

    mask = np.array([np.max(col) for col in binary_image.T])
    mask = morphology.binary_dilation(mask, np.ones(4))
    mask = morphology.binary_dilation(mask, np.ones(4))

    # plot_vector(mask, "Mask")

    fig.set_size_inches(10, 12)
    fig.savefig(utils.get_basename_without_ext(filepath) + "_binary_mask.png", dpi=100) 
Example #8
Source File:    From FastSurfer with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def create_mask(aseg_data, dnum, enum):
    from skimage.morphology import binary_dilation, binary_erosion
    from skimage.measure import label
    print ("Creating dilated mask ...")

    # treat lateral orbital frontal and parsorbitalis special to avoid capturing too much of eye nerve
    lat_orb_front_mask = np.logical_or(aseg_data == 2012, aseg_data == 1012)
    parsorbitalis_mask = np.logical_or(aseg_data == 2019, aseg_data == 1019)
    frontal_mask = np.logical_or(lat_orb_front_mask, parsorbitalis_mask)
    print("Frontal region special treatment: ", format(np.sum(frontal_mask)))

    # reduce to binary
    datab = (aseg_data > 0)
    datab[frontal_mask] = 0
    # dilate and erode
    for x in range(dnum):
        datab = binary_dilation(datab, np.ones((3, 3, 3)))
    for x in range(enum):
        datab = binary_erosion(datab, np.ones((3, 3, 3)))

    # extract largest component
    labels = label(datab)
    assert (labels.max() != 0)  # assume at least 1 real connected component
    print("  Found {} connected component(s)!".format(labels.max()))

    if labels.max() > 1:
        print("  Selecting largest component!")
        datab = (labels == np.argmax(np.bincount(labels.flat)[1:]) + 1)

    # add frontal regions back to mask
    datab[frontal_mask] = 1

    # set mask
    aseg_data[~datab] = 0
    aseg_data[datab] = 1
    return aseg_data 
Example #9
Source File:    From open-solution-mapping-challenge with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_simple_eroded_mask(mask, selem_size, small_annotations_size):
    if mask.sum() > small_annotations_size**2:
        selem = rectangle(selem_size, selem_size)
        mask_eroded = binary_erosion(mask, selem=selem)
        mask_eroded = mask
    return mask_eroded 
Example #10
Source File:    From open-solution-mapping-challenge with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_simple_eroded_dilated_mask(mask, erode_selem_size, dilate_selem_size, small_annotations_size):
    if mask.sum() > small_annotations_size**2:
        selem = rectangle(erode_selem_size, erode_selem_size)
        mask_ = binary_erosion(mask, selem=selem)
        selem = rectangle(dilate_selem_size, dilate_selem_size)
        mask_ = binary_dilation(mask, selem=selem)
    return mask_ 
Example #11
Source File:    From BEAL with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def postprocessing(prediction, threshold=0.75, dataset='G'):
    if dataset[0] == 'D':
        prediction = prediction.numpy()
        prediction_copy = np.copy(prediction)
        disc_mask = prediction[1]
        cup_mask = prediction[0]
        disc_mask = (disc_mask > 0.5)  # return binary mask
        cup_mask = (cup_mask > 0.1)  # return binary mask
        disc_mask = disc_mask.astype(np.uint8)
        cup_mask = cup_mask.astype(np.uint8)
        for i in range(5):
            disc_mask = scipy.signal.medfilt2d(disc_mask, 7)
            cup_mask = scipy.signal.medfilt2d(cup_mask, 7)
        disc_mask = morphology.binary_erosion(disc_mask, morphology.diamond(7)).astype(np.uint8)  # return 0,1
        cup_mask = morphology.binary_erosion(cup_mask, morphology.diamond(7)).astype(np.uint8)  # return 0,1
        disc_mask = get_largest_fillhole(disc_mask).astype(np.uint8)  # return 0,1
        cup_mask = get_largest_fillhole(cup_mask).astype(np.uint8)
        prediction_copy[0] = cup_mask
        prediction_copy[1] = disc_mask
        return prediction_copy
        prediction = prediction.numpy()
        prediction = (prediction > threshold)  # return binary mask
        prediction = prediction.astype(np.uint8)
        prediction_copy = np.copy(prediction)
        disc_mask = prediction[1]
        cup_mask = prediction[0]
        for i in range(5):
            disc_mask = scipy.signal.medfilt2d(disc_mask, 7)
            cup_mask = scipy.signal.medfilt2d(cup_mask, 7)
        disc_mask = morphology.binary_erosion(disc_mask, morphology.diamond(7)).astype(np.uint8)  # return 0,1
        cup_mask = morphology.binary_erosion(cup_mask, morphology.diamond(7)).astype(np.uint8)  # return 0,1
        disc_mask = get_largest_fillhole(disc_mask).astype(np.uint8)  # return 0,1
        cup_mask = get_largest_fillhole(cup_mask).astype(np.uint8)
        prediction_copy[0] = cup_mask
        prediction_copy[1] = disc_mask
        return prediction_copy 
Example #12
Source File:    From kaggle_ndsb2017 with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_segmented_lungs(im, plot=False):
    # Step 1: Convert into a binary image.
    binary = im < -400
    # Step 2: Remove the blobs connected to the border of the image.
    cleared = clear_border(binary)
    # Step 3: Label the image.
    label_image = label(cleared)
    # Step 4: Keep the labels with 2 largest areas.
    areas = [r.area for r in regionprops(label_image)]
    if len(areas) > 2:
        for region in regionprops(label_image):
            if region.area < areas[-2]:
                for coordinates in region.coords:
                       label_image[coordinates[0], coordinates[1]] = 0
    binary = label_image > 0
    # Step 5: Erosion operation with a disk of radius 2. This operation is seperate the lung nodules attached to the blood vessels.
    selem = disk(2)
    binary = binary_erosion(binary, selem)
    # Step 6: Closure operation with a disk of radius 10. This operation is    to keep nodules attached to the lung wall.
    selem = disk(10) # CHANGE BACK TO 10
    binary = binary_closing(binary, selem)
    # Step 7: Fill in the small holes inside the binary mask of lungs.
    edges = roberts(binary)
    binary = ndi.binary_fill_holes(edges)
    # Step 8: Superimpose the binary mask on the input image.
    get_high_vals = binary == 0
    im[get_high_vals] = -2000
    return im, binary 
Example #13
Source File:    From luna16 with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def unet_candidates():
    cands = glob.glob("../data/predictions_epoch9_23_all/*.png")
    #df = pd.DataFrame(columns=['seriesuid','coordX','coordY','coordZ','class'])
    data = []
    imname = ""
    origin = []
    spacing = []
    nrimages = 0
    for name in tqdm(cands):

        #image = imread(name)
        image_t = imread(name)
        image_t = image_t.transpose()
        image_t[image_t<THRESHOLD] = 0
        image_t[image_t>0] = 1
        selem = morphology.disk(1)
        image_eroded = image_t
        image_eroded = morphology.binary_erosion(image_t,selem=selem)

        label_im, nb_labels = ndimage.label(image_eroded)
        imname3 = os.path.split(name)[1].replace('.png','')

        splitted = imname3.split("slice")
        slice = splitted[1]
        imname2 = splitted[0][:-1]
        centers = []
        for i in xrange(1,nb_labels+1):
            blob_i = np.where(label_im==i,1,0)
            mass = center_of_mass(blob_i)

        if imname2 != imname:
            if os.path.isfile("../data/1_1_1mm_512_x_512_annotation_masks/spacings/{0}.pickle".format(imname2)):
                with open("../data/1_1_1mm_512_x_512_annotation_masks/spacings/{0}.pickle".format(imname2), 'rb') as handle:
                    dic = pickle.load(handle)
                    origin = dic["origin"]
                    spacing = dic["spacing"]

            imname = imname2
            nrimages +=1

        for center in centers:
            coords = voxel_2_world([int(slice),center[1]+(512-324)*0.5,center[0]+(512-324)*0.5],origin,spacing)

        #if nrimages == 5:
        #    break

    df = pd.DataFrame(data,columns=CANDIDATES_COLUMNS)
Example #14
Source File:    From 2018DSB with MIT License 1 votes vote down vote up
def postprocess(preds, config):
    assert preds.shape[2]==5
    ldelta = delta(preds[:,:,1:])
    #ldelta = delta0(preds[:,:,5:])
    connected = np.all(ldelta>config.GRADIENT_THRES, 2)
    base = connected * (preds[:,:,0]>config.MASK_THRES)
    wall = np.sum(np.abs(preds[:,:,1:]),axis = -1)   
    base_label = label(base) 
    vals, counts = np.unique(base_label[base_label>0], return_counts=True)
    for val in vals[(counts<config.CLIP_AREA_LOW)]:
    vals = vals[(counts>=config.CLIP_AREA_LOW)]

    for val in vals:
        label_mask = base_label == val   
        if np.sum(label_mask)==0:
        label_mask = remove_small_holes(label_mask)
        label_mask = basin(label_mask, wall)
        label_mask = remove_small_holes(label_mask)

        label_bdr = label_mask^binary_erosion(label_mask)
        min_wall = np.min(wall[label_mask])
        ave_bdr_wall = np.mean(wall[label_bdr])
        if ave_bdr_wall < min_wall + config.WALL_DEPTH:
            label_mask = 0
        base_label[label_mask] = val

    vals, counts = np.unique(base_label[base_label>0], return_counts=True)
    for val in vals[(counts<config.CLIP_AREA_LOW)]:
    return base_label