Python testfixtures.TempDirectory() Examples
The following are 23
code examples of testfixtures.TempDirectory().
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Example #1
Source File: From pywbem with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 6 votes |
def test_ServerDefinitionFile_init(testcase, sd_file_data): # pylint: disable=unused-argument """ Test function for ServerDefinitionFile.__init__() """ with TempDirectory() as tmp_dir: # Create the server definition file fd_filename = 'tmp_server_definition_file.yml' sd_filepath = os.path.join(tmp_dir.path, fd_filename) if isinstance(sd_file_data, six.text_type): sd_file_data = sd_file_data.encode('utf-8') tmp_dir.write(fd_filename, sd_file_data) # The code to be tested ServerDefinitionFile(filepath=sd_filepath)
Example #2
Source File: From zipline-chinese with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def setUpClass(cls): cls.test_data_dir = TempDirectory() cls.db_path = cls.test_data_dir.getpath('adjustments.db') all_days = TradingEnvironment().trading_days cls.calendar_days = all_days[ all_days.slice_indexer(TEST_CALENDAR_START, TEST_CALENDAR_STOP) ] daily_bar_reader = MockDailyBarSpotReader() writer = SQLiteAdjustmentWriter(cls.db_path, cls.calendar_days, daily_bar_reader) writer.write(SPLITS, MERGERS, DIVIDENDS) cls.assets = TEST_QUERY_ASSETS cls.asset_info = EQUITY_INFO cls.bcolz_writer = SyntheticDailyBarWriter( cls.asset_info, cls.calendar_days, ) cls.bcolz_path = cls.test_data_dir.getpath('equity_pricing.bcolz') cls.bcolz_writer.write(cls.bcolz_path, cls.calendar_days, cls.assets)
Example #3
Source File: From allura with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_create(self): with TempDirectory() as tmpdir: rmtree(tmpdir.path) # needs to be non-existent for the script self.run_script(['-o', tmpdir.path]) tmpdir.check('sitemap-0.xml', 'sitemap.xml') xml_index = ET.parse(os.path.join(tmpdir.path, 'sitemap.xml')) ns = {'ns0': ''} locs = [loc.text for loc in xml_index.findall('ns0:sitemap/ns0:loc', ns)] assert_in('http://localhost/allura_sitemap/sitemap-0.xml', locs) xml_0 = ET.parse(os.path.join(tmpdir.path, 'sitemap-0.xml')) urls = [loc.text for loc in xml_0.findall('ns0:url/ns0:loc', ns)] assert_in('http://localhost/p/wiki/', urls) assert_in('http://localhost/p/test/sub1/', urls)
Example #4
Source File: From runway with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_copydir(): """Test copydir.""" example_file = b'example file content' with TempDirectory() as tmp_dir: dest_path = tmp_dir.makedir('dest') src_path = tmp_dir.makedir('src') tmp_dir.makedir(('src', 'lib')) tmp_dir.write(('src', 'example_file'), example_file) tmp_dir.write(('src', 'lib', 'example_file'), example_file) copydir(src_path, dest_path, '**') assert'src', 'example_file')) == example_file assert'src', 'lib', 'example_file')) == example_file assert'dest', 'example_file')) == example_file assert'dest', 'lib', 'example_file')) == example_file
Example #5
Source File: From zipline-chinese with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): self.dir_ = TempDirectory() self.dir_.create() self.dest = self.dir_.getpath('minute_bars') os.makedirs(self.dest) self.writer = BcolzMinuteBarWriter( TEST_CALENDAR_START, self.dest, self.market_opens, self.market_closes, US_EQUITIES_MINUTES_PER_DAY, ) self.reader = BcolzMinuteBarReader(self.dest)
Example #6
Source File: From pywbem with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 5 votes |
def tmp_dir(): with TempDirectory() as tmpdir: yield tmpdir # Used in place of log_capture decorator with pytest since the # test_fixtures log_capture decorator does not work with pytest
Example #7
Source File: From allura with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_is_empty(self): assert not self.repo.is_empty() with TempDirectory() as d: repo2 = SM.Repository( name='test', fs_path=d.path, url_path='/test/', tool='svn', status='creating') repo2.init() assert repo2.is_empty() repo2.refresh() ThreadLocalORMSession.flush_all() assert repo2.is_empty()
Example #8
Source File: From allura with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_is_empty(self): assert not self.repo.is_empty() with TempDirectory() as d: repo2 = GM.Repository( name='test', fs_path=d.path, url_path='/test/', tool='git', status='creating') repo2.init() assert repo2.is_empty() repo2.refresh() ThreadLocalORMSession.flush_all() assert repo2.is_empty()
Example #9
Source File: From professional-services with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _test_helper(self, *args, **kwargs): with testfixtures.TempDirectory() as d: for f in self.files: d.write(f, b'any') f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='r+t', suffix='.csv') mock_ret_val = ('image.csv', [self.bounding_box]*self.NUM_BOUNDING_BOXES) with mock.patch.object( annotation, 'read', return_value=mock_ret_val): dataset.gen_csv_from_annotations(d.path,, *args, **kwargs) reader = csv.reader(f) return reader
Example #10
Source File: From professional-services with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _test_helper(self, *args, **kwargs): with testfixtures.TempDirectory() as d: for image, label in zip(self.test_images, self.test_labels): d.write(os.path.join(label, image), b'any') f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='r+t', suffix='.csv') dataset.gen_csv_from_images(d.path,, *args, **kwargs) reader = csv.reader(f) return reader
Example #11
Source File: From runway with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_raise_not_implimented(self): """Test NotImplimentedError is raised when no requirements file.""" with TempDirectory() as tmp_dir: with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError): handle_requirements( package_root=tmp_dir.path, dest_path=tmp_dir.path, requirements={ 'requirements.txt': False, 'Pipfile': False, 'Pipfile.lock': False } )
Example #12
Source File: From runway with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_implicit_pipenv(self): """Test implicit use of pipenv.""" with TempDirectory() as tmp_dir: tmp_dir.write('Pipfile', self.PIPFILE.encode('utf-8')) req_path = handle_requirements(package_root=tmp_dir.path, dest_path=tmp_dir.path, requirements=find_requirements(tmp_dir.path)) assert req_path == os.path.join(tmp_dir.path, 'requirements.txt') assert'Pipfile.lock') assert'requirements.txt') == \ b'-i\n\n'
Example #13
Source File: From runway with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_default(self): """Test default action.""" expected = b'This is correct.' with TempDirectory() as tmp_dir: tmp_dir.write('Pipfile', self.PIPFILE.encode('utf-8')) tmp_dir.write('requirements.txt', expected) req_path = handle_requirements(package_root=tmp_dir.path, dest_path=tmp_dir.path, requirements=find_requirements(tmp_dir.path)) assert req_path == os.path.join(tmp_dir.path, 'requirements.txt') assert not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(tmp_dir.path, 'Pipfile.lock')) assert'requirements.txt') == expected
Example #14
Source File: From runway with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_with_docker_file(self): """Test with docker_file provided.""" client = make_fake_client() with TempDirectory() as tmp_dir: docker_file = tmp_dir.write('Dockerfile', b'') dockerized_pip(os.getcwd(), client=client, docker_file=docker_file) path=tmp_dir.path, dockerfile='Dockerfile', forcerm=True ) client.api.create_container.assert_called_with( detach=True, image=FAKE_IMAGE_ID, command=self.command, host_config=self.host_config ) client.api.inspect_container.assert_called_with(FAKE_CONTAINER_ID) client.api.start.assert_called_with(FAKE_CONTAINER_ID) client.api.logs.assert_called_with(FAKE_CONTAINER_ID, stderr=True, stdout=True, stream=True, tail=0)
Example #15
Source File: From runway with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_calculate_hash_different_ordering(self): """Test calculate hash different ordering.""" files1 = ALL_FILES files2 = random.sample(ALL_FILES, k=len(ALL_FILES)) with TempDirectory() as temp_dir1: root1 = temp_dir1.path for file_name in files1: temp_dir1.write(file_name, b"") with TempDirectory() as temp_dir2: root2 = temp_dir2.path for file_name in files2: temp_dir2.write(file_name, b"") hash1 = _calculate_hash(files1, root1) hash2 = _calculate_hash(files2, root2) self.assertEqual(hash1, hash2)
Example #16
Source File: From runway with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_calculate_hash_diff_filename_same_contents(self): """Test calculate hash diff filename same contents.""" files = ["file1.txt", "f2/file2.txt"] file1, file2 = files with TempDirectory() as temp_dir: root = temp_dir.path for file_name in files: temp_dir.write(file_name, b"data") hash1 = _calculate_hash([file1], root) hash2 = _calculate_hash([file2], root) self.assertNotEqual(hash1, hash2)
Example #17
Source File: From runway with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def temp_directory_with_files(cls, files=ALL_FILES): """Create a temp directory with files.""" temp_dict = TempDirectory() for file_ in files: temp_dict.write(file_, b'') return temp_dict
Example #18
Source File: From catalyst with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _test_minute_data(self, algo_class): start_session = pd.Timestamp('2002-1-2', tz='UTC') period_end = pd.Timestamp('2002-1-4', tz='UTC') equities = pd.DataFrame([{ 'start_date': start_session, 'end_date': period_end + timedelta(days=1), 'exchange': "TEST", }] * 2) equities['symbol'] = ['A', 'B'] with TempDirectory() as tempdir, \ tmp_trading_env(equities=equities, load=self.make_load_function()) as env: sim_params = SimulationParameters( start_session=start_session, end_session=period_end, capital_base=1.0e5, data_frequency='minute', trading_calendar=self.trading_calendar, ) data_portal = create_data_portal( env.asset_finder, tempdir, sim_params, equities.index, self.trading_calendar, ) algo = algo_class(sim_params=sim_params, env=env)
Example #19
Source File: From zipline-chinese with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def setUpClass(cls): cls.AAPL = 1 cls.MSFT = 2 cls.BRK_A = 3 cls.assets = [cls.AAPL, cls.MSFT, cls.BRK_A] asset_info = make_simple_equity_info( cls.assets, Timestamp('2014'), Timestamp('2015'), ['AAPL', 'MSFT', 'BRK_A'], ) cls.env = trading.TradingEnvironment() cls.env.write_data(equities_df=asset_info) cls.tempdir = tempdir = TempDirectory() tempdir.create() try: cls.raw_data, bar_reader = cls.create_bar_reader(tempdir) adj_reader = cls.create_adjustment_reader(tempdir) cls.pipeline_loader = USEquityPricingLoader( bar_reader, adj_reader ) except: cls.tempdir.cleanup() raise cls.dates = cls.raw_data[cls.AAPL].index.tz_localize('UTC') cls.AAPL_split_date = Timestamp("2014-06-09", tz='UTC')
Example #20
Source File: From zipline-chinese with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def setUpClass(cls): cls.first_asset_start = Timestamp('2015-04-01', tz='UTC') cls.env = TradingEnvironment() cls.trading_day = day = cls.env.trading_day cls.calendar = date_range('2015', '2015-08', tz='UTC', freq=day) cls.asset_info = make_rotating_equity_info( num_assets=6, first_start=cls.first_asset_start, frequency=day, periods_between_starts=4, asset_lifetime=8, ) cls.last_asset_end = cls.asset_info['end_date'].max() cls.all_asset_ids = cls.asset_info.index cls.env.write_data(equities_df=cls.asset_info) cls.finder = cls.env.asset_finder cls.temp_dir = TempDirectory() cls.temp_dir.create() try: cls.writer = SyntheticDailyBarWriter( asset_info=cls.asset_info[['start_date', 'end_date']], calendar=cls.calendar, ) table = cls.writer.write( cls.temp_dir.getpath('testdata.bcolz'), cls.calendar, cls.all_asset_ids, ) cls.pipeline_loader = USEquityPricingLoader( BcolzDailyBarReader(table), NullAdjustmentReader(), ) except: cls.temp_dir.cleanup() raise
Example #21
Source File: From zipline-chinese with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def setUp(self): self.asset_info = EQUITY_INFO self.writer = SyntheticDailyBarWriter( self.asset_info, self.trading_days, ) self.dir_ = TempDirectory() self.dir_.create() self.dest = self.dir_.getpath('daily_equity_pricing.bcolz')
Example #22
Source File: From pywbem with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 4 votes |
def test_ServerDefinitionFile_list_servers( testcase, sd_file_data, list_nickname, exp_sd_nick_list): """ Test function for ServerDefinitionFile.list_servers() """ with TempDirectory() as tmp_dir: # Create the server definition file fd_filename = 'tmp_server_definition_file.yml' sd_filepath = os.path.join(tmp_dir.path, fd_filename) if isinstance(sd_file_data, six.text_type): sd_file_data = sd_file_data.encode('utf-8') tmp_dir.write(fd_filename, sd_file_data) try: sdf = ServerDefinitionFile(filepath=sd_filepath) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except "Unexpected exception from ServerDefinitionFile(): {0}: {1}". format(exc.__class__.__name__, exc)) # The code to be tested sd_list = sdf.list_servers(list_nickname) # Ensure that exceptions raised in the remainder of this function # are not mistaken as expected exceptions assert testcase.exp_exc_types is None act_list_servers_len = len(sd_list) assert act_list_servers_len == len(exp_sd_nick_list), \ "Unexpected number of ServerDefinition objects returned from " \ "list_servers(): Expected nicks {0!r}, got nicks {1!r}". \ format(exp_sd_nick_list, [sd.nickname for sd in sd_list]) for i, sd in enumerate(sd_list): exp_sd_nick = exp_sd_nick_list[i] assert sd.nickname == exp_sd_nick, \ "Unexpected ServerDefinition object returned from " \ "list_servers() at position {0}: " \ "Expected nick {1!r}, got nick {2!r}". \ format(i, exp_sd_nick, sd.nickname)
Example #23
Source File: From pywbem with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 | 4 votes |
def test_ServerDefinitionFile_list_all_servers( testcase, sd_file_data, exp_sd_nick_list): # pylint: disable=invalid-name """ Test function for ServerDefinitionFile.list_all_servers() """ with TempDirectory() as tmp_dir: # Create the server definition file fd_filename = 'tmp_server_definition_file.yml' sd_filepath = os.path.join(tmp_dir.path, fd_filename) if isinstance(sd_file_data, six.text_type): sd_file_data = sd_file_data.encode('utf-8') tmp_dir.write(fd_filename, sd_file_data) try: sdf = ServerDefinitionFile(filepath=sd_filepath) except Exception as exc: # pylint: disable=broad-except "Unexpected exception from ServerDefinitionFile(): {0}: {1}". format(exc.__class__.__name__, exc)) # The code to be tested sd_list = sdf.list_all_servers() # Ensure that exceptions raised in the remainder of this function # are not mistaken as expected exceptions assert testcase.exp_exc_types is None act_list_servers_len = len(sd_list) assert act_list_servers_len == len(exp_sd_nick_list), \ "Unexpected number of ServerDefinition objects returned from " \ "list_all_servers(): Expected nicks {0!r}, got nicks {1!r}". \ format(exp_sd_nick_list, [sd.nickname for sd in sd_list]) for i, sd in enumerate(sd_list): exp_sd_nick = exp_sd_nick_list[i] assert sd.nickname == exp_sd_nick, \ "Unexpected ServerDefinition object returned from " \ "list_all_servers() at position {0}: " \ "Expected nick {1!r}, got nick {2!r}". \ format(i, exp_sd_nick, sd.nickname)