Python testfixtures.LogCapture() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of testfixtures.LogCapture().
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Example #1
Source File: From courseraprogramming with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_check_output_good_output_fractional_score_zero_point_oh(sys): with LogCapture() as logs: docker_mock = MagicMock() container = { "Id": "myimageId" } args = argparse.Namespace() args.timeout = 300 args.no_rm = False docker_mock.wait.return_value = 0 docker_mock.logs.side_effect = [ '', '{"fractionalScore":0.0, "feedback": "Helpful comment!"}' ] # Run the function under test grade.run_container(docker_mock, container, args) logs.check( ('root', 'INFO', 'Debug log:'), ('root', 'DEBUG', "About to remove container: {'Id': 'myimageId'}") ) assert not sys.exit.called, "sys.exit should not be called!"
Example #2
Source File: From courseraprogramming with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_check_output_bad_isCorrect(sys): with LogCapture() as logs: docker_mock = MagicMock() container = { "Id": "myimageId" } args = argparse.Namespace() args.timeout = 300 args.no_rm = False docker_mock.wait.return_value = 0 docker_mock.logs.side_effect = [ '', '{"isCorrect":"true-string-is-not-true","feedback":"You win!"}' ] # Run the function under test grade.run_container(docker_mock, container, args) logs.check( ('root', 'INFO', 'Debug log:'), ('root', 'ERROR', "Field 'isCorrect' is not a boolean value."), ('root', 'DEBUG', "About to remove container: {'Id': 'myimageId'}") ) sys.exit.assert_called_with(1)
Example #3
Source File: From courseraprogramming with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_check_output_fractional_score_boolean(sys): with LogCapture() as logs: docker_mock = MagicMock() container = { "Id": "myimageId" } args = argparse.Namespace() args.timeout = 300 args.no_rm = False docker_mock.wait.return_value = 0 docker_mock.logs.side_effect = [ '', '{"fractionalScore": false, "feedback": "wheeeee"}' ] # Run the function under test grade.run_container(docker_mock, container, args) logs.check( ('root', 'INFO', 'Debug log:'), ('root', 'ERROR', "Field 'fractionalScore' must be a decimal."), ('root', 'DEBUG', "About to remove container: {'Id': 'myimageId'}") ) sys.exit.assert_called_with(1)
Example #4
Source File: From courseraprogramming with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_check_output_fractional_score_too_low(sys): with LogCapture() as logs: docker_mock = MagicMock() container = { "Id": "myimageId" } args = argparse.Namespace() args.timeout = 300 args.no_rm = False docker_mock.wait.return_value = 0 docker_mock.logs.side_effect = [ '', '{"fractionalScore":-1.1, "feedback": "wheeeee"}' ] # Run the function under test grade.run_container(docker_mock, container, args) logs.check( ('root', 'INFO', 'Debug log:'), ('root', 'ERROR', "Field 'fractionalScore' must be >= 0."), ('root', 'DEBUG', "About to remove container: {'Id': 'myimageId'}") ) sys.exit.assert_called_with(1)
Example #5
Source File: From CumulusCI with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_no_feature_branch(self): self._mock_repo() self._mock_branch(self.branch) other_branch = self._get_expected_branch("not-a-feature-branch") self.mock_pulls() branches = [other_branch] branches = self._mock_branches(branches) with LogCapture() as log: task = self._create_task() task() log_lines = self._get_log_lines(log) expected = [ ("INFO", "Beginning task: MergeBranch"), ("INFO", ""), ("DEBUG", "Skipping branch master: is source branch"), ( "DEBUG", "Skipping branch not-a-feature-branch: does not match prefix feature/", ), ] self.assertEqual(expected, log_lines) self.assertEqual(4, len(responses.calls))
Example #6
Source File: From panoptes with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def setUp(self): self.my_dir, self.panoptes_test_conf_file = get_test_conf_file() self._panoptes_resource = PanoptesResource(resource_site="test", resource_class="test", resource_subclass="test", resource_type="test", resource_id="test", resource_endpoint="test", resource_creation_timestamp=_TIMESTAMP, resource_plugin="test") self._panoptes_context = PanoptesContext(self.panoptes_test_conf_file, key_value_store_class_list=[PanoptesTestKeyValueStore, PanoptesResourcesKeyValueStore, PanoptesPollingPluginKeyValueStore, PanoptesSecretsStore, PanoptesPollingPluginAgentKeyValueStore, PanoptesDiscoveryPluginAgentKeyValueStore, PanoptesDiscoveryPluginKeyValueStore], create_message_producer=False, async_message_producer=False, create_zookeeper_client=True) self._runner_class = PanoptesPluginWithEnrichmentRunner self._log_capture = LogCapture(attributes=TestPanoptesPluginRunner.extract)
Example #7
Source File: From panoptes with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def setUp(self): self.my_dir, self.panoptes_test_conf_file = get_test_conf_file() self._panoptes_resource = PanoptesResource(resource_site="test", resource_class="test", resource_subclass="test", resource_type="test", resource_id="test", resource_endpoint="test", resource_creation_timestamp=_TIMESTAMP, resource_plugin="test") self._panoptes_context = PanoptesContext(self.panoptes_test_conf_file, key_value_store_class_list=[PanoptesTestKeyValueStore, PanoptesResourcesKeyValueStore, PanoptesPollingPluginKeyValueStore, PanoptesSecretsStore, PanoptesPollingPluginAgentKeyValueStore, PanoptesDiscoveryPluginAgentKeyValueStore, PanoptesDiscoveryPluginKeyValueStore], create_message_producer=False, async_message_producer=False, create_zookeeper_client=True) self._runner_class = PanoptesPluginWithEnrichmentRunner self._log_capture = LogCapture(attributes=TestPanoptesPluginRunner.extract)
Example #8
Source File: From CumulusCI with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_feature_branch_no_diff(self): self._mock_repo() self._mock_branch(self.branch) self.mock_pulls() branch_name = "feature/a-test" branches = [] branches.append(self._get_expected_branch(branch_name)) branches = self._mock_branches(branches) self._mock_compare( base=branches[1]["name"], head=self.project_config.repo_commit ) with LogCapture() as log: task = self._create_task() task() log_lines = self._get_log_lines(log) expected = [ ("INFO", "Beginning task: MergeBranch"), ("INFO", ""), ("DEBUG", "Skipping branch master: is source branch"), ("INFO", "Skipping branch feature/a-test: no file diffs found"), ] self.assertEqual(expected, log_lines) self.assertEqual(5, len(responses.calls))
Example #9
Source File: From courseraprogramming with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_check_output_fractional_score_string(sys): with LogCapture() as logs: docker_mock = MagicMock() container = { "Id": "myimageId" } args = argparse.Namespace() args.timeout = 300 args.no_rm = False docker_mock.wait.return_value = 0 docker_mock.logs.side_effect = [ '', '{"fractionalScore": "0.3", "feedback": "wheeeee"}' ] # Run the function under test grade.run_container(docker_mock, container, args) logs.check( ('root', 'INFO', 'Debug log:'), ('root', 'ERROR', "Field 'fractionalScore' must be a decimal."), ('root', 'DEBUG', "About to remove container: {'Id': 'myimageId'}") ) sys.exit.assert_called_with(1)
Example #10
Source File: From courseraprogramming with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_check_output_missing_grade(sys): with LogCapture() as logs: docker_mock = MagicMock() container = { "Id": "myimageId" } args = argparse.Namespace() args.timeout = 300 args.no_rm = False docker_mock.wait.return_value = 0 docker_mock.logs.side_effect = [ '', '{"feedback": "wheeeee"}' ] # Run the function under test grade.run_container(docker_mock, container, args) logs.check( ('root', 'INFO', 'Debug log:'), ('root', 'ERROR', "Required field 'fractionalScore' is missing."), ('root', 'DEBUG', "About to remove container: {'Id': 'myimageId'}") ) sys.exit.assert_called_with(1)
Example #11
Source File: From courseraprogramming with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_check_output_malformed_output(sys): with LogCapture() as logs: docker_mock = MagicMock() container = { "Id": "myimageId" } args = argparse.Namespace() args.timeout = 300 args.no_rm = False docker_mock.wait.return_value = 0 docker_mock.logs.side_effect = [ '', '{"isCorrect":false, "not-feedback": "garbageeeeeeee' ] # Run the function under test grade.run_container(docker_mock, container, args) logs.check( ('root', 'INFO', 'Debug log:'), ('root', 'ERROR', "The output was not a valid JSON document."), ('root', 'DEBUG', "About to remove container: {'Id': 'myimageId'}") ) sys.exit.assert_called_with(1)
Example #12
Source File: From courseraprogramming with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_check_output_good_output_is_correct(sys): with LogCapture() as logs: docker_mock = MagicMock() container = { "Id": "myimageId" } args = argparse.Namespace() args.timeout = 300 args.no_rm = False docker_mock.wait.return_value = 0 docker_mock.logs.side_effect = [ '', '{"isCorrect":false, "feedback": "Helpful comment!"}' ] # Run the function under test grade.run_container(docker_mock, container, args) logs.check( ('root', 'INFO', 'Debug log:'), ('root', 'DEBUG', "About to remove container: {'Id': 'myimageId'}") ) assert not sys.exit.called, "sys.exit should not be called!"
Example #13
Source File: From courseraprogramming with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_check_output_good_output_fractional_score_one(sys): with LogCapture() as logs: docker_mock = MagicMock() container = { "Id": "myimageId" } args = argparse.Namespace() args.timeout = 300 args.no_rm = False docker_mock.wait.return_value = 0 docker_mock.logs.side_effect = [ '', '{"fractionalScore":1, "feedback": "Helpful comment!"}' ] # Run the function under test grade.run_container(docker_mock, container, args) logs.check( ('root', 'INFO', 'Debug log:'), ('root', 'DEBUG', "About to remove container: {'Id': 'myimageId'}") ) assert not sys.exit.called, "sys.exit should not be called!"
Example #14
Source File: From courseraprogramming with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_check_output_good_output_fractional_score_one_point_oh(sys): with LogCapture() as logs: docker_mock = MagicMock() container = { "Id": "myimageId" } args = argparse.Namespace() args.timeout = 300 args.no_rm = False docker_mock.wait.return_value = 0 docker_mock.logs.side_effect = [ '', '{"fractionalScore":1.0, "feedback": "Helpful comment!"}' ] # Run the function under test grade.run_container(docker_mock, container, args) logs.check( ('root', 'INFO', 'Debug log:'), ('root', 'DEBUG', "About to remove container: {'Id': 'myimageId'}") ) assert not sys.exit.called, "sys.exit should not be called!"
Example #15
Source File: From courseraprogramming with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_check_output_good_output_fractional_score_zero(sys): with LogCapture() as logs: docker_mock = MagicMock() container = { "Id": "myimageId" } args = argparse.Namespace() args.timeout = 300 args.no_rm = False docker_mock.wait.return_value = 0 docker_mock.logs.side_effect = [ '', '{"fractionalScore":0, "feedback": "Helpful comment!"}' ] # Run the function under test grade.run_container(docker_mock, container, args) logs.check( ('root', 'INFO', 'Debug log:'), ('root', 'DEBUG', "About to remove container: {'Id': 'myimageId'}") ) assert not sys.exit.called, "sys.exit should not be called!"
Example #16
Source File: From courseraprogramming with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_check_output_bad_return_code(sys): with LogCapture(): docker_mock = MagicMock() container = { "Id": "myimageId" } args = argparse.Namespace() args.timeout = 300 args.no_rm = False docker_mock.wait.return_value = 1 docker_mock.logs.side_effect = [ 'debug output', '{"isCorrect":true,"feedback":"You win!"}' ] # Run the function under test grade.run_container(docker_mock, container, args) sys.exit.assert_called_with(1)
Example #17
Source File: From github-snooze-button with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_bad_message_is_logged(self, config, trivial_message): responses.add(responses.POST, "") repo_listener = snooze.RepositoryListener( events=snooze.LISTEN_EVENTS, **config["tdsmith/test_repo"]) sqs = boto3.resource("sqs", region_name="us-west-2") sqs_queue = list(sqs.queues.all())[0] sqs_queue.send_message(MessageBody="this isn't a json message at all") with LogCapture() as l: repo_listener.poll() assert 'ERROR' in str(l) def my_callback(event, message): raise ValueError("I object!") sqs_queue.send_message(MessageBody=trivial_message) repo_listener.register_callback(my_callback) with LogCapture() as l: repo_listener.poll() assert 'I object!' in str(l)
Example #18
Source File: From opencraft with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_no_instances(self): """ Verify that the command correctly notifies the user that there are no instances for migration. """ try: with LogCapture() as captured_logs: call_command( 'migrate_ephemeral', stdout=StringIO(), ) # Verify the logs self.assertIn( 'Found "0" instances using ephemeral databases', [l[2] for l in captured_logs.actual()]) except FieldDoesNotExist: # Field already removed from database pass
Example #19
Source File: From opencraft with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_migrate(self, mock_spawn_appserver): """ Verify that the command correctly migrate an instance to use external databases. """ try: OpenEdXInstance.objects.create( sub_domain='test_migrate', use_ephemeral_databases=True, name='test_migrate instance') with LogCapture() as captured_logs: call_command( 'migrate_ephemeral', stdout=StringIO(), ) # Verify the logs actual = set(l[2] for l in captured_logs.actual()) expected = { 'Found "1" instances using ephemeral databases', 'Migrated and started provisioning a new app server for test_migrate instance', } self.assertTrue(expected <= actual) self.assertTrue(mock_spawn_appserver.called) except TypeError: # Field already removed from database pass
Example #20
Source File: From opencraft with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_default_arguments(self, mock_consul): """ Verify status is logged as expected with default arguments """ with LogCapture() as captured_logs: call_command('instance_redeploy', '--tag=test-tag', '--force') expected_logs = ((self.cmd_module, self.log_level, msg) for msg in ( '******* Status *******', 'Instances pending redeployment: 0', 'Redeployments in progress: 0', 'Failed to redeploy: 0', 'Successfully redeployed (done): 0', 'Batch size: 2', 'Batch frequency: 0:10:00', 'Number of upgrade attempts per instance: 1', '** Starting redeployment **', '******* Status *******', 'Instances pending redeployment: 0', 'Redeployments in progress: 0', 'Failed to redeploy: 0', 'Successfully redeployed (done): 0', '** Redeployment done **', )) captured_logs.check(*expected_logs)
Example #21
Source File: From course-discovery with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_create_with_api_exception(self): with mock.patch( # We are using get_course_key because it is called prior to trying to contact the # e-commerce service and still gives the effect of an api exception. '', side_effect=IntegrityError('Error') ): with LogCapture( as log_capture: response = self.create_course() self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) log_capture.check( (, 'ERROR', 'Failed to set data: Error', ) )
Example #22
Source File: From course-discovery with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_update_with_api_exception(self): """ Verify that if the serializer fails, error message is logged and update fails""" url = reverse('api:v1:person-detail', kwargs={'uuid': self.person.uuid}) data = self._update_person_data() with mock.patch.object(MarketingSitePeople, 'update_or_publish_person', return_value={}): with mock.patch( 'course_discovery.apps.api.v1.views.people.PersonViewSet.perform_update', side_effect=IntegrityError ): with LogCapture( as log_capture: response = self.client.patch(url, self._update_person_data(), format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) log_capture.check( (, 'ERROR', 'An error occurred while updating the person [{}]-[{}] in discovery.'.format( data['given_name'], data['family_name'] ) ) )
Example #23
Source File: From course-discovery with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_update_without_drupal_client_settings(self): """ Verify that if credentials are missing api will return the error. """ url = reverse('api:v1:person-detail', kwargs={'uuid': self.person.uuid}) self.partner.marketing_site_api_username = None data = self._update_person_data() with LogCapture( as log_capture: response = self.client.patch(url, data, format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) log_capture.check( (, 'ERROR', 'An error occurred while updating the person [{}]-[{}] on the marketing site.'.format( data['given_name'], data['family_name'] ) ) )
Example #24
Source File: From course-discovery with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_create_with_api_exception(self): """ Verify that after creating drupal page if serializer fail due to any error, message will be logged and drupal page will be deleted. """ data = self._person_data() with mock.patch.object(MarketingSitePeople, 'update_or_publish_person', return_value=self.expected_node): with mock.patch( 'course_discovery.apps.api.v1.views.people.PersonViewSet.perform_create', side_effect=IntegrityError ): with mock.patch.object(MarketingSitePeople, 'delete_person', return_value=None): with LogCapture( as log_capture: response =, self._person_data(), format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) log_capture.check( (, 'ERROR', 'An error occurred while adding the person [{}]-[{}] in discovery.'.format( data['given_name'], data['family_name'], ) ) ) self.assertFalse(self.person_exists(data))
Example #25
Source File: From course-discovery with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_create_without_drupal_client_settings(self): """ Verify that if credentials are missing api will return the error. """ self.partner.marketing_site_api_username = None data = self._person_data() with LogCapture( as log_capture: response =, self._person_data(), format='json') self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400) log_capture.check( (, 'ERROR', 'An error occurred while adding the person [{}]-[{}] to the marketing site.'.format( data['given_name'], data['family_name'] ) ) ) self.assertFalse(self.person_exists(data))
Example #26
Source File: From bumper with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_start_stop(): with LogCapture() as l: if os.path.exists("tests/tmp.db"): os.remove("tests/tmp.db") # Remove existing db b = bumper b.db = "tests/tmp.db" # Set db location for testing b.conf1_listen_address = "" b.conf1_listen_port = 444 asyncio.create_task(b.start()) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) l.check_present(("bumper", "INFO", "Starting Bumper")) l.clear() asyncio.create_task(b.shutdown()) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) l.check_present( ("bumper", "INFO", "Shutting down"), ("bumper", "INFO", "Shutdown complete") ) assert b.shutting_down == True
Example #27
Source File: From bumper with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_start_stop_debug(): with LogCapture() as l: if os.path.exists("tests/tmp.db"): os.remove("tests/tmp.db") # Remove existing db b = bumper b.db = "tests/tmp.db" # Set db location for testing b.bumper_listen = "" b.bumper_debug = True asyncio.create_task(b.start()) await asyncio.sleep(0.1) asyncio.create_task(b.shutdown()) l.check_present(("bumper", "INFO", "Starting Bumper")) l.clear() await asyncio.sleep(0.1) l.check_present( ("bumper", "INFO", "Shutting down"), ("bumper", "INFO", "Shutdown complete") ) assert b.shutting_down == True
Example #28
Source File: From bumper with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_confserver_exceptions(): with LogCapture() as l: conf_server = bumper.ConfServer(("", 8007), usessl=True) conf_server.confserver_app() = web.TCPSite #bind permission = mock.Mock(side_effect=OSError(1, "error while attempting to bind on address ('', 8007): permission denied")) await conf_server.start_server() #asyncio Cancel = web.TCPSite = mock.Mock(side_effect=asyncio.CancelledError) await conf_server.start_server() #general exception = web.TCPSite = mock.Mock(side_effect=Exception(1, "general")) await conf_server.start_server() l.check_present( ("confserver", "ERROR", "error while attempting to bind on address ('', 8007): permission denied") )
Example #29
Source File: From pyaptly with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def do_publish_create_republish(config): """Test if creating republishes works.""" with testfixtures.LogCapture() as l: do_publish_create(config) found = False for rec in l.records: if rec.levelname == "CRITICAL": if "has been deferred" in rec.msg: found = True assert found args = [ '-c', config, 'publish', 'create', ] main(args) state = SystemStateReader() assert 'fakerepo01-stable main' in state.publishes
Example #30
Source File: From electricitymap-contrib with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_fetch_production_no_solar(self): response_text = resource_string("parsers.test.mocks", "hops.json") self.adapter.register_uri("GET", "", content=response_text) response_text = resource_string("parsers.test.mocks", "hrote_dates.json") self.adapter.register_uri("GET", "", content=response_text) response_text = resource_string("parsers.test.mocks", "hrote_no_solar_on_that_hour.json") self.adapter.register_uri("GET", "" "21.5.2020.json", content=response_text) with LogCapture() as log: data = HOPS.fetch_production('HR', self.session) self.assertTrue(('parsers.HOPS', 'WARNING', 'No value for Solar power production on ' '2020-05-21 18:00:00+02:00') in log.actual()) self.assertIsNotNone(data) data = data[0] self.assertEqual(data['zoneKey'], 'HR') self.assertEqual(data['source'], '') self.assertIsNotNone(data['datetime']) self.assertIsNotNone(data['production']) self.assertEqual(data['production']['wind'], 504.0) self.assertEqual(data['production']['solar'], None) self.assertEqual(data['production']['unknown'], 1494.0)