Python pyqtgraph.setConfigOptions() Examples
The following are 12
code examples of pyqtgraph.setConfigOptions().
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Example #1
Source File: From tf-pose with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def test_getArrayRegion(transpose=False): pr = pg.PolyLineROI([[0, 0], [27, 0], [0, 28]], closed=True) pr.setPos(1, 1) rois = [ (pg.ROI([1, 1], [27, 28], pen='y'), 'baseroi'), (pg.RectROI([1, 1], [27, 28], pen='y'), 'rectroi'), (pg.EllipseROI([1, 1], [27, 28], pen='y'), 'ellipseroi'), (pr, 'polylineroi'), ] for roi, name in rois: # For some ROIs, resize should not be used. testResize = not isinstance(roi, pg.PolyLineROI) origMode = pg.getConfigOption('imageAxisOrder') try: if transpose: pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder='row-major') check_getArrayRegion(roi, 'roi/'+name, testResize, transpose=True) else: pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder='col-major') check_getArrayRegion(roi, 'roi/'+name, testResize) finally: pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder=origMode)
Example #2
Source File: From simulator with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def plot_team(self): # these would contain list of x coordinates self.Monitors_rounds = [] self.WIPs_rounds = [] self.MPs_rounds = [] # these would contain list of yc coordinates self.Monitors_qty = [] self.WIPs_qty = [] self.MPs_qty = [] = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget()"Number of Peers in the Team"), 600) # Enable antialiasing for prettier plots # pg.setConfigOptions(antialias=True) self.p3 = # Adding plot to window like matplotlib subplot method self.p3.addLegend() # Create separate plots to handle regular,monitor and malicious peer it is much like matplotlib plot method self.lineWIPs = self.p3.plot(pen=(None), symbolBrush=(0, 0, 255), symbolPen='b', name='#WIP') self.lineMonitors = self.p3.plot(pen=(None), symbolBrush=(0, 255, 0), symbolPen='g', name='#Monitors Peers') self.lineMPs = self.p3.plot(pen=(None), symbolBrush=(255, 0, 0), symbolPen='r', name='Malicious Peers') total_peers = self.number_of_monitors + self.number_of_peers + self.number_of_malicious self.p3.setRange(xRange=[0, self.number_of_rounds], yRange=[0, total_peers])
Example #3
Source File: From soapy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_getArrayRegion(transpose=False): pr = pg.PolyLineROI([[0, 0], [27, 0], [0, 28]], closed=True) pr.setPos(1, 1) rois = [ (pg.ROI([1, 1], [27, 28], pen='y'), 'baseroi'), (pg.RectROI([1, 1], [27, 28], pen='y'), 'rectroi'), (pg.EllipseROI([1, 1], [27, 28], pen='y'), 'ellipseroi'), (pr, 'polylineroi'), ] for roi, name in rois: # For some ROIs, resize should not be used. testResize = not isinstance(roi, pg.PolyLineROI) origMode = pg.getConfigOption('imageAxisOrder') try: if transpose: pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder='row-major') check_getArrayRegion(roi, 'roi/'+name, testResize, transpose=True) else: pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder='col-major') check_getArrayRegion(roi, 'roi/'+name, testResize) finally: pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder=origMode)
Example #4
Source File: From tf-pose with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_ImageItem_axisorder(): # All image tests pass again using the opposite axis order origMode = pg.getConfigOption('imageAxisOrder') altMode = 'row-major' if origMode == 'col-major' else 'col-major' pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder=altMode) try: test_ImageItem(transpose=True) finally: pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder=origMode)
Example #5
Source File: From ocelot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): pg.setConfigOptions(antialias=True) self.twiss_plot = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget() # Switch to using white background and black foreground #pg.setConfigOption('background', 'w') #pg.setConfigOption('foreground', 'k') self.plot_disp_x = self.twiss_plot.addPlot(row=0, col=0) self.plot_disp_x.showGrid(x=True, y=True) self.plot_beta = self.twiss_plot.addPlot(row=1, col=0) self.plot_beta.showGrid(x=True, y=True) self.plot_lattice = self.twiss_plot.addPlot(row=3, col=0) self.plot_lattice.showGrid(x=False, y=False) #self.plot_lattice.hideAxis('left') self.plot_lattice.setMenuEnabled(enableMenu=False) self.plot_disp_x.setXLink(self.plot_lattice) self.plot_disp_x.addLegend() self.plot_beta.setXLink(self.plot_lattice) self.plot_beta.addLegend() color_blue = QtGui.QColor(0, 0, 255) color_red = QtGui.QColor(255, 0, 0) color_aqua = QtGui.QColor(0, 255, 255) pen_blue = pg.mkPen(color_blue, width=2) pen_red = pg.mkPen(color_red, width=2) pen_aqua = pg.mkPen(color_aqua, width=2) self.curv1 = self.plot_disp_x.plot(pen=pen_aqua, name='Dx') self.curv2 = self.plot_beta.plot(pen=pen_aqua, name='betaX') self.curv3 = self.plot_beta.plot(pen=pen_red, name='betaY')
Example #6
Source File: From simulator with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def draw_net(self): pg.setConfigOptions(antialias=True) self.w = pg.GraphicsWindow() # Create new window like matplotlib pyplot self.w.resize(800, 600) self.w.setWindowTitle('Overlay Network of the Team') self.v = self.w.addViewBox() # Add ViewBox that would contain all the graphics i.e graph structure self.v.setAspectLocked() self.G = Graph() # Child class of pg.GraphItem that would contain all the nodes and edges self.v.addItem(self.G) self.color_map = {'peer': (169, 188, 245, 255), 'monitor': ( 169, 245, 208, 255), 'malicious': (247, 129, 129, 255)}
Example #7
Source File: From digikala_history with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kargs): pg.GraphicsWindow.__init__(self, **kargs) self.setParent(parent) self.setWindowTitle('') # Enable antialiasing for prettier plots pg.setConfigOptions(antialias=True) self.p6 = self.addPlot(title="") self.curve = self.p6.plot(pen='r')
Example #8
Source File: From argos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def setPgConfigOptions(**kwargs): """ Sets the PyQtGraph config options and emits a log message """ for key, value in kwargs.items(): logger.debug("Setting PyQtGraph config option: {} = {}".format(key, value)) pg.setConfigOptions(**kwargs) # Sets some config options
Example #9
Source File: From scikit-ued with MIT License | 5 votes |
def rowmajor_axisorder(): """ Context manager that sets the PyQtGraph image axis order to row-major. The environment is reset to the initial value after context close. """ old_image_axis_order = pg.getConfigOption("imageAxisOrder") pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder="row-major") yield pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder=old_image_axis_order)
Example #10
Source File: From finplot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def create_plot(title='Finance Plot', rows=1, init_zoom_periods=1e10, maximize=True, yscale='linear'): global windows, last_ax pg.setConfigOptions(foreground=foreground, background=background) win = FinWindow(title) windows.append(win) if maximize: win.showMaximized() # normally first graph is of higher significance, so enlarge, top_graph_scale), 0, 0 ,0) axs = [] prev_ax = None for n in range(rows): ysc = yscale[n] if type(yscale) in (list,tuple) else yscale ysc = YScale(ysc, 1) v_zoom_scale = 0.97 viewbox = FinViewBox(win, init_steps=init_zoom_periods, yscale=ysc, v_zoom_scale=v_zoom_scale) ax = prev_ax = _add_timestamp_plot(win, prev_ax, viewbox=viewbox, index=n, yscale=ysc) _set_plot_x_axis_leader(ax) if n == 0: viewbox.setFocus() axs += [ax] win.proxy_mmove = pg.SignalProxy(win.scene().sigMouseMoved, rateLimit=144, slot=partial(_mouse_moved, win)) win._last_mouse_evs = None win._last_mouse_y = 0 last_ax = axs[0] if len(axs) == 1: return axs[0] return axs
Example #11
Source File: From soapy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_ImageItem_axisorder(): # All image tests pass again using the opposite axis order origMode = pg.getConfigOption('imageAxisOrder') altMode = 'row-major' if origMode == 'col-major' else 'col-major' pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder=altMode) try: test_ImageItem(transpose=True) finally: pg.setConfigOptions(imageAxisOrder=origMode)
Example #12
Source File: From pysdr with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self): super().__init__() # Set up layout grid = QGridLayout() self.setLayout(grid) pg.setConfigOptions(antialias=False) # True seems to work as well # Create pushbutton that resets the views self.button = QPushButton('Reset All Zooms', self) self.button.clicked.connect(self.handleButton) grid.addWidget(self.button, 0, 0) # create time plot self.time_plot = pg.PlotWidget(labels={'left': 'Amplitude', 'bottom': 'Time [microseconds]'}, enableMenu=False) self.time_plot.getPlotItem().getViewBox().setMouseMode(pg.ViewBox.RectMode) self.time_plot.setMouseEnabled(x=False, y=True) self.time_plot_curve_i = self.time_plot.plot([]) self.time_plot_curve_q = self.time_plot.plot([]) grid.addWidget(self.time_plot, 1, 0) # create fft plot self.fft_plot = pg.PlotWidget(labels={'left': 'PSD', 'bottom': 'Frequency [MHz]'}, enableMenu=False) self.fft_plot.getPlotItem().getViewBox().setMouseMode(pg.ViewBox.RectMode) self.fft_plot.setMouseEnabled(x=False, y=True) self.fft_plot_curve_fft = self.fft_plot.plot([]) grid.addWidget(self.fft_plot, 2, 0) # Create waterfall plot self.waterfall = pg.PlotWidget(labels={'left': 'Time [s]', 'bottom': 'Frequency [MHz]'}, enableMenu=False) self.waterfall.getPlotItem().getViewBox().translateBy(x=10.0) self.imageitem = pg.ImageItem() self.waterfall.addItem(self.imageitem) self.waterfall.setMouseEnabled(x=False, y=False) grid.addWidget(self.waterfall, 3, 0) self.setGeometry(300, 300, 300, 220) # window placement and size self.setWindowTitle('RTL-SDR Demo') # not blocking