Python pyqtgraph.AxisItem() Examples
The following are 14
code examples of pyqtgraph.AxisItem().
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Example #1
Source File: From chanlun with MIT License | 7 votes |
def generatePicture(self): ## pre-computing a QPicture object allows paint() to run much more quickly, ## rather than re-drawing the shapes every time. self.picture = QtGui.QPicture() p = QtGui.QPainter(self.picture) p.setPen(pg.mkPen(color='w', width=0.4)) # 0.4 means w*2 a = pg.AxisItem('bottom', pen=None, linkView=None, parent=None, maxTickLength=-5, showValues=True) a.setFixedWidth(1) a.setWidth(1) a.setLabel(show=True) a.setGrid(grid=True) labelStyle = {'color': '#FFF', 'font-size': '14pt'} a.setLabel('label text', units='V', **labelStyle) # w = ([1][0] -[0][0]) / 3. w = 0.2 for (t, open, close, min, max) in p.drawLine(QtCore.QPointF(t, min), QtCore.QPointF(t, max)) if open > close: p.setBrush(pg.mkBrush('g')) else: p.setBrush(pg.mkBrush('r')) p.drawRect(QtCore.QRectF(t-w, open, w*2, close-open)) pg.setConfigOption('leftButtonPan', False) p.end()
Example #2
Source File: From uiKLine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, xdict, *args, **kwargs): pg.AxisItem.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.minVal = 0 self.maxVal = 0 self.xdict = xdict self.x_values = np.asarray(xdict.keys()) self.x_strings = xdict.values() self.setPen(color=(255, 255, 255, 255), width=0.8) self.setStyle(tickFont = QFont("Roman times",10,QFont.Bold),autoExpandTextSpace=True) # 更新坐标映射表 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #3
Source File: From tf-pose with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def tickStrings(self, values, scale, spacing): strns = [] rng = max(values)-min(values) #if rng < 120: # return pg.AxisItem.tickStrings(self, values, scale, spacing) if rng < 3600*24: string = '%H:%M:%S' label1 = '%b %d -' label2 = ' %b %d, %Y' elif rng >= 3600*24 and rng < 3600*24*30: string = '%d' label1 = '%b - ' label2 = '%b, %Y' elif rng >= 3600*24*30 and rng < 3600*24*30*24: string = '%b' label1 = '%Y -' label2 = ' %Y' elif rng >=3600*24*30*24: string = '%Y' label1 = '' label2 = '' for x in values: try: strns.append(time.strftime(string, time.localtime(x))) except ValueError: ## Windows can't handle dates before 1970 strns.append('') try: label = time.strftime(label1, time.localtime(min(values)))+time.strftime(label2, time.localtime(max(values))) except ValueError: label = '' #self.setLabel(text=label) return strns
Example #4
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, xdict, *args, **kwargs): pg.AxisItem.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.minVal = 0 self.maxVal = 0 # 序列 <= > 时间 self.xdict = OrderedDict() self.xdict.update(xdict) # 时间 <=> 序列 self.tdict = OrderedDict([(v,k) for k,v in xdict.items()]) self.x_values = np.asarray(xdict.keys()) self.x_strings = list(xdict.values()) self.setPen(color=(255, 255, 255, 255), width=0.8) self.setStyle(tickFont = QtGui.QFont("Roman times",10,QtGui.QFont.Bold),autoExpandTextSpace=True)
Example #5
Source File: From uiKLine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, xdict, *args, **kwargs): pg.AxisItem.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.minVal = 0 self.maxVal = 0 self.xdict = xdict self.x_values = np.asarray(xdict.keys()) self.x_strings = xdict.values() self.setPen(color=(255, 255, 255, 255), width=0.8) self.setStyle(tickFont = QFont("Roman times",10,QFont.Bold),autoExpandTextSpace=True) # 更新坐标映射表 #----------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #6
Source File: From chanlun with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tickStrings(self, values, scale, spacing): strns = [] rng = max(values) - min(values) # if rng < 120: # return pg.AxisItem.tickStrings(self, values, scale, spacing) if rng < 3600 * 24: string = '%H:%M:%S' label1 = '%b %d -' label2 = ' %b %d, %Y' elif rng >= 3600 * 24 and rng < 3600 * 24 * 30: string = '%d' label1 = '%b - ' label2 = '%b, %Y' elif rng >= 3600 * 24 * 30 and rng < 3600 * 24 * 30 * 24: string = '%b' label1 = '%Y -' label2 = ' %Y' elif rng >= 3600 * 24 * 30 * 24: string = '%Y' label1 = '' label2 = '' for x in values: try: strns.append(time.strftime(string, time.localtime(x))) except ValueError: ## Windows can't handle dates before 1970 strns.append('') try: label = time.strftime(label1, time.localtime(min(values))) + time.strftime(label2, time.localtime(max(values))) except ValueError: label = '' # self.setLabel(text=label) return strns
Example #7
Source File: From chanlun with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, xdict, *args, **kwargs): pg.AxisItem.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.x_values = np.asarray(xdict.keys()) self.x_strings = xdict.values()
Example #8
Source File: From PyQt with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, xdict, *args, **kwargs): pg.AxisItem.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.xdict = xdict
Example #9
Source File: From equant with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, xdict, *args, **kwargs): pg.AxisItem.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.minVal = 0 self.maxVal = 0 self.xdict = xdict self.x_values = np.asarray(xdict.keys()) self.x_strings = xdict.values() self.setPen(color=(255, 255, 255, 255), width=0.8) self.setStyle(tickFont=QtGui.QFont("Roman times", 10, QtGui.QFont.Bold), autoExpandTextSpace=True) # 更新坐标映射表 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #10
Source File: From enamlx with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _refresh_multi_axis(self): """ If linked axis' are used, setup and link them """ d = self.declaration #: Create a separate viewbox self.viewbox = pg.ViewBox() #: If this is the first nested plot, use the parent right axis _plots = [c for c in self.parent().children() if isinstance(c,AbstractQtPlotItem)] i = _plots.index(self) if i==0: self.axis = self.widget.getAxis('right') self.widget.showAxis('right') else: self.axis = pg.AxisItem('right') self.axis.setZValue(-10000) #: Add new axis to scene self.widget.layout.addItem(self.axis,2,i+2) #: Link x axis to the parent axis self.viewbox.setXLink(self.widget.vb) #: Link y axis to the view self.axis.linkToView(self.viewbox) #: Set axis label self.axis.setLabel(d.label_right) #: Add Viewbox to parent scene self.parent().parent_widget().scene().addItem(self.viewbox)
Example #11
Source File: From qgisSpaceSyntaxToolkit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def tickStrings(self, values, scale, spacing): strns = [] rng = max(values)-min(values) #if rng < 120: # return pg.AxisItem.tickStrings(self, values, scale, spacing) if rng < 3600*24: string = '%H:%M:%S' label1 = '%b %d -' label2 = ' %b %d, %Y' elif rng >= 3600*24 and rng < 3600*24*30: string = '%d' label1 = '%b - ' label2 = '%b, %Y' elif rng >= 3600*24*30 and rng < 3600*24*30*24: string = '%b' label1 = '%Y -' label2 = ' %Y' elif rng >=3600*24*30*24: string = '%Y' label1 = '' label2 = '' for x in values: try: strns.append(time.strftime(string, time.localtime(x))) except ValueError: ## Windows can't handle dates before 1970 strns.append('') try: label = time.strftime(label1, time.localtime(min(values)))+time.strftime(label2, time.localtime(max(values))) except ValueError: label = '' #self.setLabel(text=label) return strns
Example #12
Source File: From dunya-desktop with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def add_1d_view(self): """ Adds a 1d view to TimeSeriesWidget where you can plot and add items on it. """ # To customize the plot axises, create new ones. x_axis = pg.AxisItem('bottom') # x-axis x_axis.enableAutoSIPrefix(enable=False) # Prevent automatic SI # prefix scaling on this axis. x_axis.setGrid(100) # the alpha value of grids on x-axis y_axis = pg.AxisItem('left') # x-axis y_axis.enableAutoSIPrefix(enable=False) # Prevent automatic SI # prefix scaling on this axis. axis_items = {'left': y_axis, 'bottom': x_axis} # add plot self.zoom_selection = self.centralWidget.addPlot(axisItems=axis_items) # disable the mouse events and menu events self.zoom_selection.setMouseEnabled(x=False, y=False) self.zoom_selection.setMenuEnabled(False) # initialize a cursor object. Height of cursor is 20000. self.vline = pg.ROI(pos=[0, 0], size=[0, 20000], angle=0, pen=CURSOR_PEN) self.zoom_selection.addItem(self.vline) # add item to plot area # add y-axis region self.right_axis = self.centralWidget.addPlot(row=0, col=1) # disable the mouse events and menu events self.right_axis.setMouseEnabled(x=False, y=False) self.right_axis.setMenuEnabled(False) self.right_axis.setMaximumWidth(125) # maximum width 125 self.right_axis.setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 40) # set 40 left margin self.right_axis.hideAxis(axis="left") # hide left-axis self.right_axis.hideAxis(axis="bottom") # hide botton-axis self.right_axis.setYRange(0, 20000, padding=0) # show right axis self.right_axis.setLabel(axis="right", text="Frequency (Hz)") # initialize a linear region item orientation = pg.LinearRegionItem.Horizontal # set the item horizontal self.region_yaxis = pg.LinearRegionItem(values=[0, 20000], brush=YAXIS_BRUSH, orientation=orientation, bounds=[0, 20000]) self.right_axis.addItem(self.region_yaxis) # add item to right axis # set region changed signal to set y axis range in the plot self.region_yaxis.sigRegionChangeFinished.connect( self.change_yaxis_range)
Example #13
Source File: From kite with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, sandbox, *args, **kwargs): pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.sandbox = sandbox self.plots = [ DisplacementPlot( sandbox, title='Scene Displacement', component=lambda m: m.reference.scene.displacement), DisplacementPlot( sandbox, title='Model Residual', component=lambda m: m.reference.difference)] self.plots[-1].addHintText() self._mov_sig = pg.SignalProxy( self.scene().sigMouseMoved, rateLimit=60, slot=self.mouseMoved) for ip, plt in enumerate(self.plots): row = ip / 2 col = ip % 2 + 1 self.addItem(plt, row=row, col=col) plt.showGrid(x=True, y=True) plt.hideAxis('bottom') plt.hideAxis('left') plt.vb.border = pg.mkPen(50, 50, 50) if ip != 0: plt.setXLink(self.plots[0]) plt.setYLink(self.plots[0]) def getAxis(plt, orientation, label): axis = pg.AxisItem( orientation=orientation, linkView=plt.vb) axis.setLabel(label, units='m') return axis plts = self.plots self.addItem(getAxis(plts[0], 'left', 'Northing'), row=0, col=0) self.addItem(getAxis(plts[1], 'left', 'Northing'), row=1, col=0) self.addItem(getAxis(plts[0], 'bottom', 'Easting'), row=2, col=1) self.addItem(getAxis(plts[1], 'bottom', 'Easting'), row=2, col=2)
Example #14
Source File: From enamlx with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _refresh_plot(self): import numpy as np import pyqtgraph as pg from pyqtgraph import opengl as gl self._create_grid() n = 51 x = self.declaration.x y = self.declaration.y for i in range(n): yi = np.array([y[i]]*100) d = (x**2 + yi**2)**0.5 z = 10 * np.cos(d) / (d+1) pts = np.vstack([x,yi,z]).transpose() plt = gl.GLLinePlotItem(pos=pts, color=pg.glColor((i,n*1.3)), width=(i+1)/10., antialias=True) self.widget.addItem(plt) # def set_data(self,data): # self.widget.plotItem.clear() # if self._views: # for view in self._views: # view.clear() # # views = [] # i = 0 # if self.declaration.multi_axis: # for i,plot in enumerate(data): # if i>3: # break # if 'pen' not in plot: # plot['pen'] = self._colors[i] # if i>0: # view = ViewBox() # views.append(view) # self.widget.plotItem.scene().addItem(view) # if i==1: # axis = self.widget.plotItem.getAxis('right') # elif i>1: # axis = AxisItem('right') # axis.setZValue(-10000) # self.widget.plotItem.layout.addItem(axis,2,3) # axis.linkToView(view) # view.setXLink(self.widget.plotItem) # view.addItem(PlotCurveItem(**plot)) # else: #view.setYLink(self.widget.plotItem) # self.widget.plot(**plot) # if i>0: # def syncViews(): # for v in views: # v.setGeometry(self.widget.plotItem.vb.sceneBoundingRect()) # v.linkedViewChanged(self.widget.plotItem.vb,v.XAxis) # syncViews() # self.widget.plotItem.vb.sigResized.connect(syncViews) # self._views = views