Python pyqtgraph.plot() Examples
The following are 16
code examples of pyqtgraph.plot().
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Example #1
Source File: From liblsl-Python with MIT License | 6 votes |
def update(): markerGen.update() markerIn.update() betaGen.update(task=markerIn.task) # Rate-limiting step. Will time.sleep as needed. signal, tvec = betaIn.update() if haspyqtgraph: plot = qwindow.getPlotItem() graphs = plot.listDataItems() if not graphs: # create graphs for i in range(signal.shape[1]): plot.plot(tvec, signal[:, i]) else: # update graphs for i in range(signal.shape[1]): graphs[i].setData(signal[:, i], x=tvec)
Example #2
Source File: From pyrpl with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def update_plot(self): self.cycle += 1 if self.cycle == 1: self.starttime = time.time() if self.cycle == self.cycles: self.endtime = time.time() if self.REDPITAYA: t = self.r.scope.times #y1 = self.r.scope.curve(ch=1, timeout=0) #y2 = self.r.scope.curve(ch=2, timeout=0) #self.r.scope.setup() y1 = self.r.scope._data_ch1_current y2 = self.r.scope._data_ch2_current else: t = self.t0 + (time.time()-self.starttime) phi = 2.0*np.pi*self.frequency*t y1 = np.sin(phi) y2 = np.cos(phi) if self.cycle == 1: self.c1 = self.plotWidget.plot(t, y1, pen='g') self.c2 = self.plotWidget.plot(t, y2, pen='r') else: self.c1.setData(t, y1) self.c2.setData(t, y2)
Example #3
Source File: From Calculator_pyqt with MIT License | 6 votes |
def clicked(self): l = float(self.edit1.text()) r = float(self.edit2.text()) s = float(self.edit3.text()) x = np.arange(l,r,s) print(x) s = calculator_class.var print("In Second") print(s) y = eval(s) pg.setConfigOption('background', 'w') # sets background white pg.setConfigOption('foreground', 'k') # sets axis color to black pw = pg.plot(x,y,pen = 'k') pw.setTitle('y = f(x)') pw.setLabel('bottom', 'x -->') # x-label pw.setLabel('left', 'y = f(x) -->') # y-label
Example #4
Source File: From tf-pose with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_CSVExporter(): tempfilename = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.csv').name print("using %s as a temporary file" % tempfilename) plt = pg.plot() y1 = [1,3,2,3,1,6,9,8,4,2] plt.plot(y=y1, name='myPlot') y2 = [3,4,6,1,2,4,2,3,5,3,5,1,3] x2 =, 1.0, len(y2)) plt.plot(x=x2, y=y2) y3 = [1,5,2,3,4,6,1,2,4,2,3,5,3] x3 =, 1.0, len(y3)+1) plt.plot(x=x3, y=y3, stepMode=True) ex = pg.exporters.CSVExporter(plt.plotItem) ex.export(fileName=tempfilename) r = csv.reader(open(tempfilename, 'r')) lines = [line for line in r] header = lines.pop(0) assert header == ['myPlot_x', 'myPlot_y', 'x0001', 'y0001', 'x0002', 'y0002'] i = 0 for vals in lines: vals = list(map(str.strip, vals)) assert (i >= len(y1) and vals[0] == '') or approxeq(float(vals[0]), i) assert (i >= len(y1) and vals[1] == '') or approxeq(float(vals[1]), y1[i]) assert (i >= len(x2) and vals[2] == '') or approxeq(float(vals[2]), x2[i]) assert (i >= len(y2) and vals[3] == '') or approxeq(float(vals[3]), y2[i]) assert (i >= len(x3) and vals[4] == '') or approxeq(float(vals[4]), x3[i]) assert (i >= len(y3) and vals[5] == '') or approxeq(float(vals[5]), y3[i]) i += 1 os.unlink(tempfilename)
Example #5
Source File: From tf-pose with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_InfiniteLine(): # Test basic InfiniteLine API plt = pg.plot() plt.setXRange(-10, 10) plt.setYRange(-10, 10) plt.resize(600, 600) # seemingly arbitrary requirements; might need longer wait time for some platforms.. QtTest.QTest.qWaitForWindowShown(plt) QtTest.QTest.qWait(100) vline = plt.addLine(x=1) assert vline.angle == 90 br = vline.mapToView(QtGui.QPolygonF(vline.boundingRect())) assert br.containsPoint(pg.Point(1, 5), QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill) assert not br.containsPoint(pg.Point(5, 0), QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill) hline = plt.addLine(y=0) assert hline.angle == 0 assert hline.boundingRect().contains(pg.Point(5, 0)) assert not hline.boundingRect().contains(pg.Point(0, 5)) vline.setValue(2) assert vline.value() == 2 vline.setPos(pg.Point(4, -5)) assert vline.value() == 4 oline = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=30) plt.addItem(oline) oline.setPos(pg.Point(1, -1)) assert oline.angle == 30 assert oline.pos() == pg.Point(1, -1) assert oline.value() == [1, -1] # test bounding rect for oblique line br = oline.mapToScene(oline.boundingRect()) pos = oline.mapToScene(pg.Point(2, 0)) assert br.containsPoint(pos, QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill) px = pg.Point(-0.5, -1.0 / 3**0.5) assert br.containsPoint(pos + 5 * px, QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill) assert not br.containsPoint(pos + 7 * px, QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill)
Example #6
Source File: From soapy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_CSVExporter(): tempfilename = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.csv').name print("using %s as a temporary file" % tempfilename) plt = pg.plot() y1 = [1,3,2,3,1,6,9,8,4,2] plt.plot(y=y1, name='myPlot') y2 = [3,4,6,1,2,4,2,3,5,3,5,1,3] x2 =, 1.0, len(y2)) plt.plot(x=x2, y=y2) y3 = [1,5,2,3,4,6,1,2,4,2,3,5,3] x3 =, 1.0, len(y3)+1) plt.plot(x=x3, y=y3, stepMode=True) ex = pg.exporters.CSVExporter(plt.plotItem) ex.export(fileName=tempfilename) r = csv.reader(open(tempfilename, 'r')) lines = [line for line in r] header = lines.pop(0) assert header == ['myPlot_x', 'myPlot_y', 'x0001', 'y0001', 'x0002', 'y0002'] i = 0 for vals in lines: vals = list(map(str.strip, vals)) assert (i >= len(y1) and vals[0] == '') or approxeq(float(vals[0]), i) assert (i >= len(y1) and vals[1] == '') or approxeq(float(vals[1]), y1[i]) assert (i >= len(x2) and vals[2] == '') or approxeq(float(vals[2]), x2[i]) assert (i >= len(y2) and vals[3] == '') or approxeq(float(vals[3]), y2[i]) assert (i >= len(x3) and vals[4] == '') or approxeq(float(vals[4]), x3[i]) assert (i >= len(y3) and vals[5] == '') or approxeq(float(vals[5]), y3[i]) i += 1 os.unlink(tempfilename)
Example #7
Source File: From soapy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_InfiniteLine(): # Test basic InfiniteLine API plt = pg.plot() plt.setXRange(-10, 10) plt.setYRange(-10, 10) plt.resize(600, 600) # seemingly arbitrary requirements; might need longer wait time for some platforms.. QtTest.QTest.qWaitForWindowShown(plt) QtTest.QTest.qWait(100) vline = plt.addLine(x=1) assert vline.angle == 90 br = vline.mapToView(QtGui.QPolygonF(vline.boundingRect())) assert br.containsPoint(pg.Point(1, 5), QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill) assert not br.containsPoint(pg.Point(5, 0), QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill) hline = plt.addLine(y=0) assert hline.angle == 0 assert hline.boundingRect().contains(pg.Point(5, 0)) assert not hline.boundingRect().contains(pg.Point(0, 5)) vline.setValue(2) assert vline.value() == 2 vline.setPos(pg.Point(4, -5)) assert vline.value() == 4 oline = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=30) plt.addItem(oline) oline.setPos(pg.Point(1, -1)) assert oline.angle == 30 assert oline.pos() == pg.Point(1, -1) assert oline.value() == [1, -1] # test bounding rect for oblique line br = oline.mapToScene(oline.boundingRect()) pos = oline.mapToScene(pg.Point(2, 0)) assert br.containsPoint(pos, QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill) px = pg.Point(-0.5, -1.0 / 3**0.5) assert br.containsPoint(pos + 5 * px, QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill) assert not br.containsPoint(pos + 7 * px, QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill)
Example #8
Source File: From liblsl-Python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def pull_and_plot(self, plot_time: float, plt: pg.PlotItem): """Pull data from the inlet and add it to the plot. :param plot_time: lowest timestamp that's still visible in the plot :param plt: the plot the data should be shown on """ # We don't know what to do with a generic inlet, so we skip it. pass
Example #9
Source File: From liblsl-Python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def pull_and_plot(self, plot_time, plt): # pull the data _, ts = self.inlet.pull_chunk(timeout=0.0, max_samples=self.buffer.shape[0], dest_obj=self.buffer) # ts will be empty if no samples were pulled, a list of timestamps otherwise if ts: ts = np.asarray(ts) y = self.buffer[0:ts.size, :] this_x = None old_offset = 0 new_offset = 0 for ch_ix in range(self.channel_count): # we don't pull an entire screen's worth of data, so we have to # trim the old data and append the new data to it old_x, old_y = self.curves[ch_ix].getData() # the timestamps are identical for all channels, so we need to do # this calculation only once if ch_ix == 0: # find the index of the first sample that's still visible, # i.e. newer than the left border of the plot old_offset = old_x.searchsorted(plot_time) # same for the new data, in case we pulled more data than # can be shown at once new_offset = ts.searchsorted(plot_time) # append new timestamps to the trimmed old timestamps this_x = np.hstack((old_x[old_offset:], ts[new_offset:])) # append new data to the trimmed old data this_y = np.hstack((old_y[old_offset:], y[new_offset:, ch_ix] - ch_ix)) # replace the old data self.curves[ch_ix].setData(this_x, this_y)
Example #10
Source File: From pyrpl with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def setup(self): self.t0 = np.linspace(0, self.duration, self.N) self.plotWidget = pg.plot(title="Realtime plotting benchmark") self.cycle = 0 self.starttime = time.time() # not yet the actual starttime, but needed for timeout if self.REDPITAYA: self.r.scope.setup(trigger_source='immediately', duration=self.duration) self.timer = QtCore.QTimer() self.timer.setInterval(1000*self.dt) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.update_plot) self.timer.start()
Example #11
Source File: From qgisSpaceSyntaxToolkit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_CSVExporter(): tempfilename = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.csv').name print("using %s as a temporary file" % tempfilename) plt = pg.plot() y1 = [1,3,2,3,1,6,9,8,4,2] plt.plot(y=y1, name='myPlot') y2 = [3,4,6,1,2,4,2,3,5,3,5,1,3] x2 =, 1.0, len(y2)) plt.plot(x=x2, y=y2) y3 = [1,5,2,3,4,6,1,2,4,2,3,5,3] x3 =, 1.0, len(y3)+1) plt.plot(x=x3, y=y3, stepMode=True) ex = pg.exporters.CSVExporter(plt.plotItem) ex.export(fileName=tempfilename) r = csv.reader(open(tempfilename, 'r')) lines = [line for line in r] header = lines.pop(0) assert header == ['myPlot_x', 'myPlot_y', 'x0001', 'y0001', 'x0002', 'y0002'] i = 0 for vals in lines: vals = list(map(str.strip, vals)) assert (i >= len(y1) and vals[0] == '') or approxeq(float(vals[0]), i) assert (i >= len(y1) and vals[1] == '') or approxeq(float(vals[1]), y1[i]) assert (i >= len(x2) and vals[2] == '') or approxeq(float(vals[2]), x2[i]) assert (i >= len(y2) and vals[3] == '') or approxeq(float(vals[3]), y2[i]) assert (i >= len(x3) and vals[4] == '') or approxeq(float(vals[4]), x3[i]) assert (i >= len(y3) and vals[5] == '') or approxeq(float(vals[5]), y3[i]) i += 1 os.unlink(tempfilename)
Example #12
Source File: From tf-pose with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def updateHDF5Plot(self): if self.hdf5 is None: self.setData([]) return vb = self.getViewBox() if vb is None: return # no ViewBox yet # Determine what data range must be read from HDF5 xrange = vb.viewRange()[0] start = max(0,int(xrange[0])-1) stop = min(len(self.hdf5), int(xrange[1]+2)) # Decide by how much we should downsample ds = int((stop-start) / self.limit) + 1 if ds == 1: # Small enough to display with no intervention. visible = self.hdf5[start:stop] scale = 1 else: # Here convert data into a down-sampled array suitable for visualizing. # Must do this piecewise to limit memory usage. samples = 1 + ((stop-start) // ds) visible = np.zeros(samples*2, dtype=self.hdf5.dtype) sourcePtr = start targetPtr = 0 # read data in chunks of ~1M samples chunkSize = (1000000//ds) * ds while sourcePtr < stop-1: chunk = self.hdf5[sourcePtr:min(stop,sourcePtr+chunkSize)] sourcePtr += len(chunk) # reshape chunk to be integral multiple of ds chunk = chunk[:(len(chunk)//ds) * ds].reshape(len(chunk)//ds, ds) # compute max and min chunkMax = chunk.max(axis=1) chunkMin = chunk.min(axis=1) # interleave min and max into plot data to preserve envelope shape visible[targetPtr:targetPtr+chunk.shape[0]*2:2] = chunkMin visible[1+targetPtr:1+targetPtr+chunk.shape[0]*2:2] = chunkMax targetPtr += chunk.shape[0]*2 visible = visible[:targetPtr] scale = ds * 0.5 self.setData(visible) # update the plot self.setPos(start, 0) # shift to match starting index self.resetTransform() self.scale(scale, 1) # scale to match downsampling
Example #13
Source File: From tf-pose with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def test_mouseInteraction(): plt = pg.plot() plt.scene().minDragTime = 0 # let us simulate mouse drags very quickly. vline = plt.addLine(x=0, movable=True) plt.addItem(vline) hline = plt.addLine(y=0, movable=True) hline2 = plt.addLine(y=-1, movable=False) plt.setXRange(-10, 10) plt.setYRange(-10, 10) # test horizontal drag pos = plt.plotItem.vb.mapViewToScene(pg.Point(0,5)).toPoint() pos2 = pos - QtCore.QPoint(200, 200) mouseMove(plt, pos) assert vline.mouseHovering is True and hline.mouseHovering is False mouseDrag(plt, pos, pos2, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) px = vline.pixelLength(pg.Point(1, 0), ortho=True) assert abs(vline.value() - plt.plotItem.vb.mapSceneToView(pos2).x()) <= px # test missed drag pos = plt.plotItem.vb.mapViewToScene(pg.Point(5,0)).toPoint() pos = pos + QtCore.QPoint(0, 6) pos2 = pos + QtCore.QPoint(-20, -20) mouseMove(plt, pos) assert vline.mouseHovering is False and hline.mouseHovering is False mouseDrag(plt, pos, pos2, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) assert hline.value() == 0 # test vertical drag pos = plt.plotItem.vb.mapViewToScene(pg.Point(5,0)).toPoint() pos2 = pos - QtCore.QPoint(50, 50) mouseMove(plt, pos) assert vline.mouseHovering is False and hline.mouseHovering is True mouseDrag(plt, pos, pos2, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) px = hline.pixelLength(pg.Point(1, 0), ortho=True) assert abs(hline.value() - plt.plotItem.vb.mapSceneToView(pos2).y()) <= px # test non-interactive line pos = plt.plotItem.vb.mapViewToScene(pg.Point(5,-1)).toPoint() pos2 = pos - QtCore.QPoint(50, 50) mouseMove(plt, pos) assert hline2.mouseHovering == False mouseDrag(plt, pos, pos2, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) assert hline2.value() == -1
Example #14
Source File: From soapy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def test_mouseInteraction(): plt = pg.plot() plt.scene().minDragTime = 0 # let us simulate mouse drags very quickly. vline = plt.addLine(x=0, movable=True) plt.addItem(vline) hline = plt.addLine(y=0, movable=True) hline2 = plt.addLine(y=-1, movable=False) plt.setXRange(-10, 10) plt.setYRange(-10, 10) # test horizontal drag pos = plt.plotItem.vb.mapViewToScene(pg.Point(0,5)).toPoint() pos2 = pos - QtCore.QPoint(200, 200) mouseMove(plt, pos) assert vline.mouseHovering is True and hline.mouseHovering is False mouseDrag(plt, pos, pos2, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) px = vline.pixelLength(pg.Point(1, 0), ortho=True) assert abs(vline.value() - plt.plotItem.vb.mapSceneToView(pos2).x()) <= px # test missed drag pos = plt.plotItem.vb.mapViewToScene(pg.Point(5,0)).toPoint() pos = pos + QtCore.QPoint(0, 6) pos2 = pos + QtCore.QPoint(-20, -20) mouseMove(plt, pos) assert vline.mouseHovering is False and hline.mouseHovering is False mouseDrag(plt, pos, pos2, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) assert hline.value() == 0 # test vertical drag pos = plt.plotItem.vb.mapViewToScene(pg.Point(5,0)).toPoint() pos2 = pos - QtCore.QPoint(50, 50) mouseMove(plt, pos) assert vline.mouseHovering is False and hline.mouseHovering is True mouseDrag(plt, pos, pos2, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) px = hline.pixelLength(pg.Point(1, 0), ortho=True) assert abs(hline.value() - plt.plotItem.vb.mapSceneToView(pos2).y()) <= px # test non-interactive line pos = plt.plotItem.vb.mapViewToScene(pg.Point(5,-1)).toPoint() pos2 = pos - QtCore.QPoint(50, 50) mouseMove(plt, pos) assert hline2.mouseHovering == False mouseDrag(plt, pos, pos2, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton) assert hline2.value() == -1
Example #15
Source File: From liblsl-Python with MIT License | 4 votes |
def main(): # firstly resolve all streams that could be shown inlets: List[Inlet] = [] print("looking for streams") streams = pylsl.resolve_streams() # Create the pyqtgraph window pw = pg.plot(title='LSL Plot') plt = pw.getPlotItem() plt.enableAutoRange(x=False, y=True) # iterate over found streams, creating specialized inlet objects that will # handle plotting the data for info in streams: if info.type() == 'Markers': if info.nominal_srate() != pylsl.IRREGULAR_RATE \ or info.channel_format() != pylsl.cf_string: print('Invalid marker stream ' + print('Adding marker inlet: ' + inlets.append(MarkerInlet(info)) elif info.nominal_srate() != pylsl.IRREGULAR_RATE \ and info.channel_format() != pylsl.cf_string: print('Adding data inlet: ' + inlets.append(DataInlet(info, plt)) else: print('Don\'t know what to do with stream ' + def scroll(): """Move the view so the data appears to scroll""" # We show data only up to a timepoint shortly before the current time # so new data doesn't suddenly appear in the middle of the plot fudge_factor = pull_interval * .002 plot_time = pylsl.local_clock() pw.setXRange(plot_time - plot_duration + fudge_factor, plot_time - fudge_factor) def update(): # Read data from the inlet. Use a timeout of 0.0 so we don't block GUI interaction. mintime = pylsl.local_clock() - plot_duration # call pull_and_plot for each inlet. # Special handling of inlet types (markers, continuous data) is done in # the different inlet classes. for inlet in inlets: inlet.pull_and_plot(mintime, plt) # create a timer that will move the view every update_interval ms update_timer = QtCore.QTimer() update_timer.timeout.connect(scroll) update_timer.start(update_interval) # create a timer that will pull and add new data occasionally pull_timer = QtCore.QTimer() pull_timer.timeout.connect(update) pull_timer.start(pull_interval) import sys # Start Qt event loop unless running in interactive mode or using pyside. if (sys.flags.interactive != 1) or not hasattr(QtCore, 'PYQT_VERSION'): QtGui.QApplication.instance().exec_()
Example #16
Source File: From qgisSpaceSyntaxToolkit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def updateHDF5Plot(self): if self.hdf5 is None: self.setData([]) return vb = self.getViewBox() if vb is None: return # no ViewBox yet # Determine what data range must be read from HDF5 xrange = vb.viewRange()[0] start = max(0,int(xrange[0])-1) stop = min(len(self.hdf5), int(xrange[1]+2)) # Decide by how much we should downsample ds = int((stop-start) / self.limit) + 1 if ds == 1: # Small enough to display with no intervention. visible = self.hdf5[start:stop] scale = 1 else: # Here convert data into a down-sampled array suitable for visualizing. # Must do this piecewise to limit memory usage. samples = 1 + ((stop-start) // ds) visible = np.zeros(samples*2, dtype=self.hdf5.dtype) sourcePtr = start targetPtr = 0 # read data in chunks of ~1M samples chunkSize = (1000000//ds) * ds while sourcePtr < stop-1: chunk = self.hdf5[sourcePtr:min(stop,sourcePtr+chunkSize)] sourcePtr += len(chunk) # reshape chunk to be integral multiple of ds chunk = chunk[:(len(chunk)//ds) * ds].reshape(len(chunk)//ds, ds) # compute max and min chunkMax = chunk.max(axis=1) chunkMin = chunk.min(axis=1) # interleave min and max into plot data to preserve envelope shape visible[targetPtr:targetPtr+chunk.shape[0]*2:2] = chunkMin visible[1+targetPtr:1+targetPtr+chunk.shape[0]*2:2] = chunkMax targetPtr += chunk.shape[0]*2 visible = visible[:targetPtr] scale = ds * 0.5 self.setData(visible) # update the plot self.setPos(start, 0) # shift to match starting index self.resetTransform() self.scale(scale, 1) # scale to match downsampling