Python pyqtgraph.InfiniteLine() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of pyqtgraph.InfiniteLine().
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Example #1
Source File: From qgisSpaceSyntaxToolkit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, iface, plot): QObject.__init__(self) self.iface = iface self.plot = plot self.add_selection = False self.just_selected = False self.show_lines = True if has_pyqtgraph: self.plot.setClipToView(True) self.plot.enableAutoRange(enable=True) self.hist_selection = pg.PlotCurveItem() self.scatter_selection = [] self.scatter = pg.ScatterPlotItem() self.scatter_points = {} self.region = pg.LinearRegionItem() #self.selected_points = [] self.selected_points = pg.ScatterPlotItem() self.regress_line = pg.InfiniteLine() #self.roi = None #---- # Histogram functions
Example #2
Source File: From pymeasure with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, plot, pen=None): """ Initiates the crosshars onto a plot given the pen style. Example pen: pen=pg.mkPen(color='#AAAAAA', style=QtCore.Qt.DashLine) """ super().__init__() self.vertical = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False, pen=pen) self.horizontal = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=0, movable=False, pen=pen) plot.addItem(self.vertical, ignoreBounds=True) plot.addItem(self.horizontal, ignoreBounds=True) self.position = None self.proxy = pg.SignalProxy(plot.scene().sigMouseMoved, rateLimit=60, slot=self.mouseMoved) self.plot = plot
Example #3
Source File: From InplusTrader_Linux with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self,parent): """Constructor""" self.__view = parent super(Crosshair, self).__init__() self.__vLine = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False) self.__hLine = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=0, movable=False) self.__textPrice = pg.TextItem('price') self.__textDate = pg.TextItem('date') #mid 在y轴动态跟随最新价显示最新价和最新时间 self.__textLastPrice = pg.TextItem('lastTickPrice') view = self.__view view.addItem(self.__textDate, ignoreBounds=True) view.addItem(self.__textPrice, ignoreBounds=True) view.addItem(self.__vLine, ignoreBounds=True) view.addItem(self.__hLine, ignoreBounds=True) view.addItem(self.__textLastPrice, ignoreBounds=True) self.proxy = pg.SignalProxy(view.scene().sigMouseMoved, rateLimit=60, slot=self.__mouseMoved) #----------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #4
Source File: From Python-CTPAPI with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _init_line(self) -> None: """ Create line objects. """ self._v_lines: Dict[str, pg.InfiniteLine] = {} self._h_lines: Dict[str, pg.InfiniteLine] = {} self._views: Dict[str, pg.ViewBox] = {} pen = pg.mkPen(WHITE_COLOR) for plot_name, plot in self._plots.items(): v_line = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False, pen=pen) h_line = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=0, movable=False, pen=pen) view = plot.getViewBox() for line in [v_line, h_line]: line.setZValue(0) line.hide() view.addItem(line) self._v_lines[plot_name] = v_line self._h_lines[plot_name] = h_line self._views[plot_name] = view
Example #5
Source File: From kite with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, plot): pg.HistogramLUTWidget.__init__(self, image=plot.image) self._plot = plot self.prev_levels = None self.symmetric_colormap = True zero_marker = pg.InfiniteLine( pos=0, angle=0, pen='w', movable=False) zero_marker.setValue(0.) zero_marker.setZValue(1000) self.vb.addItem(zero_marker) self.axis.setLabel('Displacement / m') # self.plot.rotate(-90) # self.layout.rotate(90) # self.gradient.setOrientation('bottom') self.setSymColormap() self._plot.image.sigImageChanged.connect(self.imageChanged) self.sigLevelsChanged.connect(self.symmetricLevels) # self.isoCurveControl()
Example #6
Source File: From tf-pose with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_getViewWidget_deleted(): view = pg.PlotWidget() item = pg.InfiniteLine() view.addItem(item) assert item.getViewWidget() is view # Arrange to have Qt automatically delete the view widget obj = pg.QtGui.QWidget() view.setParent(obj) del obj gc.collect() assert not pg.Qt.isQObjectAlive(view) assert item.getViewWidget() is None #if __name__ == '__main__': #view = pg.PlotItem() #vref = weakref.ref(view) #item = pg.InfiniteLine() #view.addItem(item) #del view #gc.collect()
Example #7
Source File: From soapy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_getViewWidget_deleted(): view = pg.PlotWidget() item = pg.InfiniteLine() view.addItem(item) assert item.getViewWidget() is view # Arrange to have Qt automatically delete the view widget obj = pg.QtGui.QWidget() view.setParent(obj) del obj gc.collect() assert not pg.Qt.isQObjectAlive(view) assert item.getViewWidget() is None #if __name__ == '__main__': #view = pg.PlotItem() #vref = weakref.ref(view) #item = pg.InfiniteLine() #view.addItem(item) #del view #gc.collect()
Example #8
Source File: From finplot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, ax, color): = ax self.x = 0 self.y = 0 self.clamp_x = 0 self.clamp_y = 0 self.infos = [] pen = pg.mkPen(color=color, style=QtCore.Qt.CustomDashLine, dash=[7, 7]) self.vline = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False, pen=pen) self.hline = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=0, movable=False, pen=pen) self.xtext = pg.TextItem(color=color, anchor=(0,1)) self.ytext = pg.TextItem(color=color, anchor=(0,0)) self.vline.setZValue(50) self.hline.setZValue(50) self.xtext.setZValue(50) self.ytext.setZValue(50) ax.addItem(self.vline, ignoreBounds=True) ax.addItem(self.hline, ignoreBounds=True) ax.addItem(self.xtext, ignoreBounds=True) ax.addItem(self.ytext, ignoreBounds=True)
Example #9
Source File: From rapidtide with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def newViewWindow(view, xdim, ydim, left, top, impixpervoxx, impixpervoxy, imgsize, enableMouse=False): theviewbox = view.addViewBox(enableMouse=enableMouse, enableMenu=False, lockAspect=1.0) theviewbox.setAspectLocked() theviewbox.setRange(QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, imgsize, imgsize), padding=0., disableAutoRange=True) theviewbox.setBackgroundColor([50, 50, 50]) theviewfgwin = pg.ImageItem() theviewbox.addItem(theviewfgwin) theviewfgwin.setZValue(10) theviewfgwin.translate(left, top) theviewfgwin.scale(impixpervoxx, impixpervoxy) theviewbgwin = pg.ImageItem() theviewbox.addItem(theviewbgwin) theviewbgwin.setZValue(0) theviewbgwin.translate(left, top) theviewbgwin.scale(impixpervoxx, impixpervoxy) theviewvLine = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False, pen='g') theviewvLine.setZValue(20) theviewbox.addItem(theviewvLine) theviewhLine = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=0, movable=False, pen='g') theviewhLine.setZValue(20) theviewbox.addItem(theviewhLine) return theviewfgwin, theviewbgwin, theviewvLine, theviewhLine, theviewbox
Example #10
Source File: From qgisSpaceSyntaxToolkit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def drawScatterplot(self, xvalues, xmin, xmax, yvalues, ymin, ymax, slope, intercept, ids, symbols=None): # plot the chart if has_pyqtgraph: self.scatter = pg.ScatterPlotItem() self.plot.clear() # each point takes the colour of the map if symbols: points = [] for i, id in enumerate(ids): x = xvalues[i] y = yvalues[i] symb = symbols[i] points.append({'pos': (x,y), 'data': id, 'size': 3, 'pen': pg.mkPen(None), 'brush': symb}) self.scatter.addPoints(points) else: self.scatter.addPoints(x=xvalues, y=yvalues, data=ids, size=3, pen=pg.mkPen(None), brush=pg.mkBrush(235, 235, 235, 255)) # selection by direct click self.scatter.sigClicked.connect(self.changedScatterplotSelection) self.plot.addItem(self.scatter) # add the regression line self.regress_line = pg.InfiniteLine() self.regress_line.setAngle(atan(slope/1) * 180 / 3.1459) self.regress_line.setValue((0,intercept)) self.regress_line.setPen(color='b', width=1) if self.show_lines: self.plot.addItem(self.regress_line) # newfeature: add the selection tool #self.roi = pg.PolyLineROI([[xmin, ymin],[xmax, ymin],[xmax, ymax],[xmin, ymax]], closed=True) #self.roi.sigRegionChangeFinished.connect(self.changedScatterPlotSelection) #self.plot.addItem(self.roi) #self.plot.disableAutoRange('xy') # allow selection of items in chart and selecting them on the map
Example #11
Source File: From orange3-bioinformatics with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, parent=None, **kwargs): pg.PlotWidget.__init__(self, parent, **kwargs) self.getAxis("bottom").setLabel("Score") self.getAxis("left").setLabel("Counts") self.__data = None self.__histcurve = None self.__mode = Histogram.NoSelection self.__min = 0 self.__max = 0 def makeline(pos): pen = QPen(Qt.darkGray, 1) pen.setCosmetic(True) line = InfiniteLine(angle=90, pos=pos, pen=pen, movable=True) line.setCursor(Qt.SizeHorCursor) return line self.__cuthigh = makeline(self.__max) self.__cuthigh.sigPositionChanged.connect(self.__on_cuthigh_changed) self.__cuthigh.sigPositionChangeFinished.connect(self.selectionEdited) self.__cutlow = makeline(self.__min) self.__cutlow.sigPositionChanged.connect(self.__on_cutlow_changed) self.__cutlow.sigPositionChangeFinished.connect(self.selectionEdited) brush = pg.mkBrush((200, 200, 200, 180)) self.__taillow = pg.PlotCurveItem(fillLevel=0, brush=brush, pen=QPen(Qt.NoPen)) self.__taillow.setVisible(False) self.__tailhigh = pg.PlotCurveItem(fillLevel=0, brush=brush, pen=QPen(Qt.NoPen)) self.__tailhigh.setVisible(False)
Example #12
Source File: From soapy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_getViewWidget(): view = pg.PlotWidget() vref = weakref.ref(view) item = pg.InfiniteLine() view.addItem(item) assert item.getViewWidget() is view del view gc.collect() assert vref() is None assert item.getViewWidget() is None
Example #13
Source File: From soapy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_InfiniteLine(): # Test basic InfiniteLine API plt = pg.plot() plt.setXRange(-10, 10) plt.setYRange(-10, 10) plt.resize(600, 600) # seemingly arbitrary requirements; might need longer wait time for some platforms.. QtTest.QTest.qWaitForWindowShown(plt) QtTest.QTest.qWait(100) vline = plt.addLine(x=1) assert vline.angle == 90 br = vline.mapToView(QtGui.QPolygonF(vline.boundingRect())) assert br.containsPoint(pg.Point(1, 5), QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill) assert not br.containsPoint(pg.Point(5, 0), QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill) hline = plt.addLine(y=0) assert hline.angle == 0 assert hline.boundingRect().contains(pg.Point(5, 0)) assert not hline.boundingRect().contains(pg.Point(0, 5)) vline.setValue(2) assert vline.value() == 2 vline.setPos(pg.Point(4, -5)) assert vline.value() == 4 oline = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=30) plt.addItem(oline) oline.setPos(pg.Point(1, -1)) assert oline.angle == 30 assert oline.pos() == pg.Point(1, -1) assert oline.value() == [1, -1] # test bounding rect for oblique line br = oline.mapToScene(oline.boundingRect()) pos = oline.mapToScene(pg.Point(2, 0)) assert br.containsPoint(pos, QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill) px = pg.Point(-0.5, -1.0 / 3**0.5) assert br.containsPoint(pos + 5 * px, QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill) assert not br.containsPoint(pos + 7 * px, QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill)
Example #14
Source File: From wavePicker with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def getPickLineItem(self, channel, forceNew=False): ''' Function returns an pyqtgraph.InfiniteLine for plotting through Channel() ''' = channel if self.pickLineItem is not None and not forceNew: return self.pickLineItem self.pickLineItem = pg.InfiniteLine() pos = (self.time - / self.pickLineItem.setValue(pos) self.pickLineItem.setPen(color=self.phase.color, width=1) #self.pickLineItem.setMovable(True) #self.pickLineItem.setHoverPen(alpha=.3, width=10, color='w') return self.pickLineItem
Example #15
Source File: From argos with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, collector, parent=None): """ Constructor. See AbstractInspector constructor for parameters. """ super(PgLinePlot1d, self).__init__(collector, parent=parent) # The sliced array is kept in memory. This may be different per inspector, e.g. 3D # inspectors may decide that this uses to much memory. The slice is therefor not stored # in the collector. self.slicedArray = None self.graphicsLayoutWidget = pg.GraphicsLayoutWidget() self.contentsLayout.addWidget(self.graphicsLayoutWidget) self.titleLabel = self.graphicsLayoutWidget.addLabel('<plot title goes here>', 0, 0) self.plotItem = ArgosPgPlotItem() self.viewBox = self.plotItem.getViewBox() self.graphicsLayoutWidget.addItem(self.plotItem, 1, 0) # Probe probePen = pg.mkPen("#BFBFBF") probeShadowPen = pg.mkPen("#00000064", width=3) self.crossLineVerShadow = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False, pen=probeShadowPen) self.crossLineVertical = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False, pen=probePen) self.probeDataItem = pg.PlotDataItem(symbolPen=probePen) self.probeLabel = self.graphicsLayoutWidget.addLabel('', 2, 0, justify='left') # Configuration tree self._config = PgLinePlot1dCti(pgLinePlot1d=self, nodeName='1D line plot') # Connect signals # Based mouseMoved on from the PyQtGraph examples directory. # I did not use the SignalProxy because I did not see any difference. self.plotItem.scene().sigMouseMoved.connect(self.mouseMoved)
Example #16
Source File: From uiKLine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def initplotKline(self): """初始化K线子图以及指标子图""" self.pwKL = self.makePI('_'.join([self.windowId,'PlotKL'])) self.candle = CandlestickItem(self.listBar) self.pwKL.addItem(self.candle) self.KLINEOI_CLOSE = pg.PlotCurveItem(pen=({'color': "w", 'width': 1})) self.pwKL.addItem(self.KLINEOI_CLOSE) self.KLINEOI_CLOSE.hide() self.MA_SHORTOI = pg.PlotCurveItem(pen=({'color': "r", 'width': 1})) self.pwKL.addItem(self.MA_SHORTOI) self.MA_SHORTOI.hide() self.MA_LONGOI = pg.PlotCurveItem(pen=({'color': "r", 'width': 1,'dash':[3, 3, 3, 3]})) self.pwKL.addItem(self.MA_LONGOI) self.MA_LONGOI.hide() self.start_date_Line = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False,pen=({'color': [255, 255, 255, 100], 'width': 0.5})) self.pwKL.addItem(self.start_date_Line) self.end_date_Line = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90,movable=False,pen=({'color': [255, 255, 0, 100], 'width': 0.5})) self.pwKL.addItem(self.end_date_Line) self.pwKL.setMinimumHeight(350) self.pwKL.setXLink('_'.join([self.windowId,'PlotOI'])) self.pwKL.hideAxis('bottom') self.lay_KL.nextRow() self.lay_KL.addItem(self.pwKL) #----------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #17
Source File: From liblsl-Python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def pull_and_plot(self, plot_time, plt): # TODO: purge old markers strings, timestamps = self.inlet.pull_chunk(0) if timestamps: for string, ts in zip(strings, timestamps): plt.addItem(pg.InfiniteLine(ts, angle=90, movable=False, label=string[0]))
Example #18
Source File: From qgisSpaceSyntaxToolkit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def spaceline(self): if self._spaceline is None: self._spaceline = pg.InfiniteLine() self._spaceline.setPen(self.clock.pen) return self._spaceline
Example #19
Source File: From qspectrumanalyzer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def create_plot(self): """Create main spectrum plot""" self.posLabel = self.layout.addLabel(row=0, col=0, justify="right") self.plot = self.layout.addPlot(row=1, col=0) self.plot.showGrid(x=True, y=True) self.plot.setLabel("left", "Power", units="dB") self.plot.setLabel("bottom", "Frequency", units="Hz") self.plot.setLimits(xMin=0) self.plot.showButtons() #self.plot.setDownsampling(mode="peak") #self.plot.setClipToView(True) self.create_baseline_curve() self.create_persistence_curves() self.create_average_curve() self.create_peak_hold_min_curve() self.create_peak_hold_max_curve() self.create_main_curve() # Create crosshair self.vLine = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False) self.vLine.setZValue(1000) self.hLine = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=0, movable=False) self.vLine.setZValue(1000) self.plot.addItem(self.vLine, ignoreBounds=True) self.plot.addItem(self.hLine, ignoreBounds=True) self.mouseProxy = pg.SignalProxy(self.plot.scene().sigMouseMoved, rateLimit=60, slot=self.mouse_moved)
Example #20
Source File: From kite with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): pg.HistogramLUTWidget.__init__(self, image=None) self.plots = [] self.axis.setLabel('Displacement / m') zero_marker = pg.InfiniteLine( pos=0, angle=0, pen='w', movable=False) zero_marker.setValue(0.) zero_marker.setZValue(1000) self.vb.addItem(zero_marker) self.axis.setLabel('Displacement / m') self.setSymColormap()
Example #21
Source File: From kite with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def isoCurveControl(self): iso_ctrl = pg.InfiniteLine( pos=0, angle=0, pen='g', movable=True) iso_ctrl.setValue(0.) iso_ctrl.setZValue(1000) def isolineChange(): self._plot.iso.setLevel(iso_ctrl.value()) iso_ctrl.sigDragged.connect(isolineChange) self.vb.addItem(iso_ctrl)
Example #22
Source File: From kite with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pg.InfiniteLine.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.setCursor(QtCore.Qt.SizeVerCursor)
Example #23
Source File: From kite with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): pg.InfiniteLine.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) self.setCursor(QtCore.Qt.SizeVerCursor)
Example #24
Source File: From dunya-desktop with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def add_tonic(self, values): """ Adds tonic lines on the pitch plot. :param values: (list or numpy array) A sequence of tonic values in Hz. """ # label options for the tonic values on the tonic line label_opts = {'position': 0.1, 'color': (200, 200, 100), 'fill': (200, 200, 200, 50), 'movable': True} if not hasattr(self, 'tonic_lines'): self.tonic_lines = [] for value in values: # create infinite line t_line = pg.InfiniteLine(pos=value, movable=False, angle=0, label='Tonic=%.2f' % value, labelOpts=label_opts) # take tonic lines in a list to remove in the future self.tonic_lines.append(t_line) self.zoom_selection.addItem(t_line) # add item to zoom selection
Example #25
Source File: From tf-pose with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_InfiniteLine(): # Test basic InfiniteLine API plt = pg.plot() plt.setXRange(-10, 10) plt.setYRange(-10, 10) plt.resize(600, 600) # seemingly arbitrary requirements; might need longer wait time for some platforms.. QtTest.QTest.qWaitForWindowShown(plt) QtTest.QTest.qWait(100) vline = plt.addLine(x=1) assert vline.angle == 90 br = vline.mapToView(QtGui.QPolygonF(vline.boundingRect())) assert br.containsPoint(pg.Point(1, 5), QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill) assert not br.containsPoint(pg.Point(5, 0), QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill) hline = plt.addLine(y=0) assert hline.angle == 0 assert hline.boundingRect().contains(pg.Point(5, 0)) assert not hline.boundingRect().contains(pg.Point(0, 5)) vline.setValue(2) assert vline.value() == 2 vline.setPos(pg.Point(4, -5)) assert vline.value() == 4 oline = pg.InfiniteLine(angle=30) plt.addItem(oline) oline.setPos(pg.Point(1, -1)) assert oline.angle == 30 assert oline.pos() == pg.Point(1, -1) assert oline.value() == [1, -1] # test bounding rect for oblique line br = oline.mapToScene(oline.boundingRect()) pos = oline.mapToScene(pg.Point(2, 0)) assert br.containsPoint(pos, QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill) px = pg.Point(-0.5, -1.0 / 3**0.5) assert br.containsPoint(pos + 5 * px, QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill) assert not br.containsPoint(pos + 7 * px, QtCore.Qt.OddEvenFill)
Example #26
Source File: From tf-pose with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_getViewWidget(): view = pg.PlotWidget() vref = weakref.ref(view) item = pg.InfiniteLine() view.addItem(item) assert item.getViewWidget() is view del view gc.collect() assert vref() is None assert item.getViewWidget() is None
Example #27
Source File: From tf-pose with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def reset(self): self.i = 1 #class Spaceline(pg.InfiniteLine): #def __init__(self, sim, frame): #self.sim = sim #self.frame = frame #pg.InfiniteLine.__init__(self) #self.setPen(sim.clocks[frame].pen) #def stepTo(self, t): #self.setAngle(0) #pass
Example #28
Source File: From tf-pose with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def spaceline(self): if self._spaceline is None: self._spaceline = pg.InfiniteLine() self._spaceline.setPen(self.clock.pen) return self._spaceline
Example #29
Source File: From qgisSpaceSyntaxToolkit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def reset(self): self.i = 1 #class Spaceline(pg.InfiniteLine): #def __init__(self, sim, frame): #self.sim = sim #self.frame = frame #pg.InfiniteLine.__init__(self) #self.setPen(sim.clocks[frame].pen) #def stepTo(self, t): #self.setAngle(0) #pass
Example #30
Source File: From uiKLine with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __init__(self,parent,master): """Constructor""" self.__view = parent self.master = master super(Crosshair, self).__init__() self.xAxis = 0 self.yAxis = 0 self.datas = None self.yAxises = [0 for i in range(3)] self.leftX = [0 for i in range(3)] self.showHLine = [False for i in range(3)] self.textPrices = [pg.TextItem('',anchor=(1,1)) for i in range(3)] self.views = [parent.centralWidget.getItem(i+1,0) for i in range(3)] self.rects = [self.views[i].sceneBoundingRect() for i in range(3)] self.vLines = [pg.InfiniteLine(angle=90, movable=False) for i in range(3)] self.hLines = [pg.InfiniteLine(angle=0, movable=False) for i in range(3)] #mid 在y轴动态跟随最新价显示最新价和最新时间 self.__textDate = pg.TextItem('date',anchor=(1,1)) self.__textInfo = pg.TextItem('lastBarInfo') self.__textSig = pg.TextItem('lastSigInfo',anchor=(1,0)) self.__textSubSig = pg.TextItem('lastSubSigInfo',anchor=(1,0)) self.__textVolume = pg.TextItem('lastBarVolume',anchor=(1,0)) self.__textDate.setZValue(2) self.__textInfo.setZValue(2) self.__textSig.setZValue(2) self.__textSubSig.setZValue(2) self.__textVolume.setZValue(2) self.__textInfo.border = pg.mkPen(color=(230, 255, 0, 255), width=1.2) for i in range(3): self.textPrices[i].setZValue(2) self.vLines[i].setPos(0) self.hLines[i].setPos(0) self.vLines[i].setZValue(0) self.hLines[i].setZValue(0) self.views[i].addItem(self.vLines[i]) self.views[i].addItem(self.hLines[i]) self.views[i].addItem(self.textPrices[i]) self.views[0].addItem(self.__textInfo, ignoreBounds=True) self.views[0].addItem(self.__textSig, ignoreBounds=True) self.views[1].addItem(self.__textVolume, ignoreBounds=True) self.views[2].addItem(self.__textDate, ignoreBounds=True) self.views[2].addItem(self.__textSubSig, ignoreBounds=True) self.proxy = pg.SignalProxy(self.__view.scene().sigMouseMoved, rateLimit=360, slot=self.__mouseMoved) # 跨线程刷新界面支持 self.signal.connect(self.update) self.signalInfo.connect(self.plotInfo) #----------------------------------------------------------------------