Python joblib.Parallel() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of joblib.Parallel().
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Example #1
Source File: From nmp_qc with MIT License | 8 votes |
def get_graph_stats(graph_obj_handle, prop='degrees'): # if prop == 'degrees': num_cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count() inputs = [int(i*len(graph_obj_handle)/num_cores) for i in range(num_cores)] + [len(graph_obj_handle)] res = Parallel(n_jobs=num_cores)(delayed(get_values)(graph_obj_handle, inputs[i], inputs[i+1], prop) for i in range(num_cores)) stat_dict = {} if 'degrees' in prop: stat_dict['degrees'] = list(set([d for core_res in res for file_res in core_res for d in file_res['degrees']])) if 'edge_labels' in prop: stat_dict['edge_labels'] = list(set([d for core_res in res for file_res in core_res for d in file_res['edge_labels']])) if 'target_mean' in prop or 'target_std' in prop: param = np.array([file_res['params'] for core_res in res for file_res in core_res]) if 'target_mean' in prop: stat_dict['target_mean'] = np.mean(param, axis=0) if 'target_std' in prop: stat_dict['target_std'] = np.std(param, axis=0) return stat_dict
Example #2
Source File: From ssbio with MIT License | 6 votes |
def build_strain_specific_models(self, joblib=False, cores=1, force_rerun=False): """Wrapper function for _build_strain_specific_model""" if len(self.df_orthology_matrix) == 0: raise RuntimeError('Empty orthology matrix, please calculate first!') ref_functional_genes = [ for g in self.reference_gempro.functional_genes]'Building strain specific models...') if joblib: result = DictList(Parallel(n_jobs=cores)(delayed(self._build_strain_specific_model)(s, ref_functional_genes, self.df_orthology_matrix, force_rerun=force_rerun) for s in self.strain_ids)) # if sc: # strains_rdd = sc.parallelize(self.strain_ids) # result = else: result = [] for s in tqdm(self.strain_ids): result.append(self._build_strain_specific_model(s, ref_functional_genes, self.df_orthology_matrix, force_rerun=force_rerun)) for strain_id, gp_noseqs_path in result: self.strain_infodict[strain_id]['gp_noseqs_path'] = gp_noseqs_path
Example #3
Source File: From End-to-end-ASR-Pytorch with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, path, split, tokenizer, bucket_size, ascending=False): # Setup self.path = path self.bucket_size = bucket_size # List all wave files file_list = [] for s in split: split_list = list(Path(join(path, s)).rglob("*.flac")) assert len(split_list) > 0, "No data found @ {}".format(join(path,s)) file_list += split_list # Read text text = Parallel(n_jobs=READ_FILE_THREADS)( delayed(read_text)(str(f)) for f in file_list) #text = Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(tokenizer.encode)(txt) for txt in text) text = [tokenizer.encode(txt) for txt in text] # Sort dataset by text length #file_len = Parallel(n_jobs=READ_FILE_THREADS)(delayed(getsize)(f) for f in file_list) self.file_list, self.text = zip(*[(f_name, txt) for f_name, txt in sorted(zip(file_list, text), reverse=not ascending, key=lambda x:len(x[1]))])
Example #4
Source File: From nistats with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def prefer_parallel_execution(functions_to_be_called): # pragma: no cover try: import joblib import multiprocessing except ImportError: print('Joblib not installed, switching to serial execution') [run_function(fn) for fn in functions_to_be_called] else: try: import tqdm except ImportError: inputs = functions_to_be_called else: inputs = tqdm.tqdm(functions_to_be_called) n_jobs = multiprocessing.cpu_count() print('Parallelizing execution using Joblib') joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)( joblib.delayed(run_function)(fn) for fn in inputs)
Example #5
Source File: From DeepLab_v3 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def next_minibatch(self): image_filenames_minibatch = self.image_filenames[self.current_index: self.current_index + self.minibatch_size] label_filenames_minibatch = self.label_filenames[self.current_index: self.current_index + self.minibatch_size] self.current_index += self.minibatch_size if self.current_index >= self.dataset_size: self.current_index = 0 # Multithread image processing # Reference: results = Parallel(n_jobs=self.num_jobs)(delayed(self.process_func)(image_filename, label_filename) for image_filename, label_filename in zip(image_filenames_minibatch, label_filenames_minibatch)) images, labels = zip(*results) images = np.asarray(images) labels = np.asarray(labels) return images, labels
Example #6
Source File: From DETAD with MIT License | 6 votes |
def wrapper_compute_average_precision(self): """Computes average precision for each class in the subset. """ ap = np.zeros((len(self.tiou_thresholds), len(self.activity_index))) recall = np.zeros((len(self.tiou_thresholds), len(self.activity_index))) precision = np.zeros((len(self.tiou_thresholds), len(self.activity_index))) matched_gt_id = np.zeros((len(self.tiou_thresholds), len(self.prediction))) results = Parallel(n_jobs=len(self.activity_index))( delayed(compute_average_precision_detection)( ground_truth=self.ground_truth.loc[self.ground_truth['label'] == cidx].reset_index(drop=True), prediction=self.prediction.loc[self.prediction['label'] == cidx].reset_index(drop=True), tiou_thresholds=self.tiou_thresholds, normalize_ap=self.normalize_ap, average_num_instance_per_class=self.average_num_instance_per_class, minimum_normalized_precision_threshold_for_detection=self.minimum_normalized_precision_threshold_for_detection, ) for cidx in self.activity_index.values()) for i, cidx in enumerate(self.activity_index.values()): ap[:,cidx], matched_this_cls_gt_id, this_cls_prediction_ids, recall[:,cidx], precision[:,cidx] = results[i] matched_gt_id[:,this_cls_prediction_ids] = matched_this_cls_gt_id return ap, matched_gt_id, recall, precision
Example #7
Source File: From s3tk with MIT License | 6 votes |
def parallelize(bucket, only, _except, fn, args=(), versions=False): bucket = s3().Bucket(bucket) # use prefix for performance prefix = None if only: # get the first prefix before wildcard prefix = '/'.join(only.split('*')[0].split('/')[:-1]) if prefix: prefix = prefix + '/' if versions: object_versions = bucket.object_versions.filter(Prefix=prefix) if prefix else bucket.object_versions.all() # delete markers have no size return Parallel(n_jobs=24)(delayed(fn)(, ov.object_key,, *args) for ov in object_versions if object_matches(ov.object_key, only, _except) and not ov.is_latest and ov.size is not None) else: objects = bucket.objects.filter(Prefix=prefix) if prefix else bucket.objects.all() if only and not '*' in only: objects = [s3().Object(bucket, only)] return Parallel(n_jobs=24)(delayed(fn)(, os.key, *args) for os in objects if object_matches(os.key, only, _except))
Example #8
Source File: From DETAD with MIT License | 6 votes |
def wrapper_analyze_fp_error_types(self): self.fp_error_types_legned = {'True Positive': 0, 'Double Detection Err': 1, 'Wrong Label Err': 2, 'Localization Err': 3, 'Confusion Err': 4, 'Background Err': 5} self.fp_error_types_inverse_legned = dict([(v, k) for k, v in self.fp_error_types_legned.iteritems()]) fp_error_types = Parallel(n_jobs=len(self.tiou_thresholds))( delayed(analyze_fp_error_types)( prediction=self.prediction, ground_truth=self.ground_truth, tiou_thr=tiou_thr, matched_gt_id_col_name=matched_gt_id_col_name, min_tiou_thr=self.min_tiou_thr, fp_error_types_legned=self.fp_error_types_legned, ) for tiou_thr, matched_gt_id_col_name in zip(self.tiou_thresholds, self.matched_gt_id_cols)) return fp_error_types
Example #9
Source File: From dynamic-training-with-apache-mxnet-on-aws with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def build_save_containers(platforms, registry, load_cache) -> int: """ Entry point to build and upload all built dockerimages in parallel :param platforms: List of platforms :param registry: Docker registry name :param load_cache: Load cache before building :return: 1 if error occurred, 0 otherwise """ from joblib import Parallel, delayed if len(platforms) == 0: return 0 platform_results = Parallel(n_jobs=len(platforms), backend="multiprocessing")( delayed(_build_save_container)(platform, registry, load_cache) for platform in platforms) is_error = False for platform_result in platform_results: if platform_result is not None: logging.error('Failed to generate %s', platform_result) is_error = True return 1 if is_error else 0
Example #10
Source File: From AutoSmart with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def recognize_binary_col(self,data,cat_cols): def func(ss): ss = ss.unique() if len(ss) == 3: if pd.isna(ss).sum() == 1: return True if len(ss) == 2: return True return False binary_cols = [] res = Parallel(n_jobs=CONSTANT.JOBS,require='sharedmem')(delayed(func)(data[col]) for col in cat_cols) for col,is_binary in zip(cat_cols,res): if is_binary: binary_cols.append(col) return binary_cols
Example #11
Source File: From content_wmf with MIT License | 6 votes |
def recompute_factors_batched(Y, S, lambda_reg, W=None, X=None, dtype='float32', batch_size=10000, n_jobs=4): m = S.shape[0] # m = number of users f = Y.shape[1] # f = number of factors YTY =, Y) # precompute this YTYpR = YTY + lambda_reg * np.eye(f) if W is not None: WX = lambda_reg * ( else: WX = None X_new = np.zeros((m, f), dtype=dtype) num_batches = int(np.ceil(m / float(batch_size))) res = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(solve_batch)(b, S, Y, WX, YTYpR, batch_size, m, f, dtype) for b in xrange(num_batches)) X_new = np.concatenate(res, axis=0) return X_new
Example #12
Source File: From tridesclous with MIT License | 6 votes |
def transform(self, waveforms): #~ print('ici', waveforms.shape, self.ind_peak) features = waveforms[:, self.ind_peak, : ].copy() return features #~ Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(count_match_spikes)(sorting1.get_unit_spike_train(u1), #~ s2_spiketrains, delta_frames) for #~ i1, u1 in enumerate(unit1_ids)) #~ def get_pca_one_channel(wf_chan, chan, thresh, n_left, n_components_by_channel, params): #~ print(chan) #~ pca = sklearn.decomposition.IncrementalPCA(n_components=n_components_by_channel, **params) #~ wf_chan = waveforms[:,:,chan] #~ print(wf_chan.shape) #~ print(wf_chan[:, -n_left].shape) #~ keep = np.any((wf_chan>thresh) | (wf_chan<-thresh)) #~ keep = (wf_chan[:, -n_left]>thresh) | (wf_chan[:, -n_left]<-thresh) #~ if keep.sum() >=n_components_by_channel: #~[keep, :]) #~ return pca #~ else: #~ return None
Example #13
Source File: From pyhawkes with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _joblib_resample_A_given_W(self, data): """ Resample A given W. This must be immediately followed by an update of z | A, W. This version uses joblib to parallelize over columns of A. :return: """ # Use the module trick to avoid copying globals import pyhawkes.internals.parallel_adjacency_resampling as par par.model = self.model = data par.lambda_irs = [par._compute_weighted_impulses_at_events(d) for d in data] if len(data) == 0: self.A = np.random.rand(self.K, self.K) < return # We can naively parallelize over receiving neurons, k2 # To avoid serializing and copying the data object, we # manually extract the required arrays Sk, Fk, etc. A_cols = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, backend="multiprocessing")( delayed(par._ct_resample_column_of_A)(k2) for k2 in range(self.K)) self.A = np.array(A_cols).T
Example #14
Source File: From pyhawkes with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _joblib_resample_A_given_W(self, data): """ Resample A given W. This must be immediately followed by an update of z | A, W. This version uses joblib to parallelize over columns of A. :return: """ # Use the module trick to avoid copying globals import pyhawkes.internals.parallel_adjacency_resampling as par par.model = self.model = data par.K = self.model.K if len(data) == 0: self.A = np.random.rand(self.K, self.K) < return # We can naively parallelize over receiving neurons, k2 # To avoid serializing and copying the data object, we # manually extract the required arrays Sk, Fk, etc. A_cols = Parallel(n_jobs=-1, backend="multiprocessing")( delayed(par._resample_column_of_A)(k2)for k2 in range(self.K)) self.A = np.array(A_cols).T
Example #15
Source File: From mabwiser with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _parallel_predict(self, contexts: np.ndarray, is_predict: bool): # Total number of contexts to predict n_contexts = len(contexts) # Partition contexts by job n_jobs, n_contexts, starts = self._partition_contexts(n_contexts) total_contexts = sum(n_contexts) # Get seed value for each context seeds = self.rng.randint(np.iinfo(np.int32).max, size=total_contexts) # Perform parallel predictions predictions = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs, backend=self.backend)( delayed(self._predict_contexts)( contexts[starts[i]:starts[i + 1]], is_predict, seeds[starts[i]:starts[i + 1]], starts[i]) for i in range(n_jobs)) # Reduce predictions = list(chain.from_iterable(t for t in predictions)) return predictions if len(predictions) > 1 else predictions[0]
Example #16
Source File: From AutoSmart with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def fit(self,X): def func(ss): length = len(ss.unique()) if length <= 1: return True else: return False df = todo_cols = X.cat_cols + X.multi_cat_cols + X.num_cols + X.time_cols + X.binary_cols res = Parallel(n_jobs=CONSTANT.JOBS,require='sharedmem')(delayed(func)(df[col]) for col in todo_cols) drop_cols = [] for col,unique in zip(todo_cols,res): if unique: drop_cols.append(col) self.drop_cols = drop_cols
Example #17
Source File: From AutoSmart with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def fit(self,X): def func(ss): length = len(ss.unique()) if length >= len(ss)-10: return True else: return False df = todo_cols = X.cat_cols res = Parallel(n_jobs=CONSTANT.JOBS,require='sharedmem')(delayed(func)(df[col]) for col in todo_cols) drop_cols = [] for col,all_diff in zip(todo_cols,res): if all_diff: drop_cols.append(col) self.drop_cols = drop_cols
Example #18
Source File: From GraphEmbedding with MIT License | 6 votes |
def simulate_walks(self, num_walks, walk_length, stay_prob=0.3, workers=1, verbose=0): layers_adj = pd.read_pickle(self.temp_path+'layers_adj.pkl') layers_alias = pd.read_pickle(self.temp_path+'layers_alias.pkl') layers_accept = pd.read_pickle(self.temp_path+'layers_accept.pkl') gamma = pd.read_pickle(self.temp_path+'gamma.pkl') walks = [] initialLayer = 0 nodes = self.idx # list(self.g.nodes()) results = Parallel(n_jobs=workers, verbose=verbose, )( delayed(self._simulate_walks)(nodes, num, walk_length, stay_prob, layers_adj, layers_accept, layers_alias, gamma) for num in partition_num(num_walks, workers)) walks = list(itertools.chain(*results)) return walks
Example #19
Source File: From AutoSmart with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def transform(self,X): df = col2type = {} col2groupby = {} todo_cols = X.cat_cols todo_cols = todo_cols[:300] if not todo_cols: return new_cols = [] for col in todo_cols: new_col = col+'_CatCount' new_col = FeatContext.gen_feat_name(namespace,self.__class__.__name__,new_col,CONSTANT.NUMERICAL_TYPE) col2type[new_col] = CONSTANT.NUMERICAL_TYPE new_cols.append(new_col) col2groupby[new_col] = col def func(series): col = col_count = series.value_counts() new_col = col+'_CatCount' new_col = FeatContext.gen_feat_name(namespace,self.__class__.__name__,new_col,CONSTANT.NUMERICAL_TYPE) ss = downcast( return ss res = Parallel(n_jobs=CONSTANT.JOBS,require='sharedmem')(delayed(func)(df[col]) for col in todo_cols) if res: tmp = pd.concat(res,axis=1) tmp.columns = new_cols if df.shape[0] <= 2000000: df = pd.concat([df,tmp],axis=1) else: for col in tmp.columns: df[col] = tmp[col] X.update_data(df,col2type,col2groupby,col2source_cat=col2groupby)
Example #20
Source File: From sepconv with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _extract_patches(tuples, max_per_frame=1, trials_per_tuple=100, flow_threshold=25.0, jumpcut_threshold=np.inf, workers=0): """ Spawns the specified number of workers running _extract_patches_worker(). Call this with workers=0 to run on the current thread. """ tick_t = timer() print('===> Extracting patches...') if workers != 0: parallel = Parallel(n_jobs=workers, backend='threading', verbose=5) tuples_per_job = len(tuples) // workers + 1 result = parallel( delayed(_extract_patches_worker)(tuples[i:i + tuples_per_job], max_per_frame, trials_per_tuple, flow_threshold, jumpcut_threshold) for i in range(0, len(tuples), tuples_per_job)) patches = sum(result, []) else: patches = _extract_patches_worker(tuples, max_per_frame, trials_per_tuple, flow_threshold, jumpcut_threshold) tock_t = timer() print("Done. Took ~{}s".format(round(tock_t - tick_t))) return patches ############################################### CACHE ###############################################
Example #21
Source File: From 3d-vehicle-tracking with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def run_app(self): """ Entry function of calling parallel tracker on sequences """ self.seq_gt_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(self.args.path), 'gt.json') self.seq_pd_name = self.args.out_path + '_pd.json' if isinstance(self.label_paths, str): label_paths = pickle.load(open(self.label_paths, 'rb')) else: label_paths = self.label_paths n_seq = len(label_paths) print('* Number of sequence: {}'.format(n_seq)) assert n_seq > 0, "Number of sequence is 0!" print('=> Building gt & hypo...') result = Parallel(n_jobs=self.args.n_jobs)( delayed(self.run_parallel)(seq_path, i_s) for i_s, seq_path in enumerate(tqdm( label_paths, disable=not self.args.verbose)) ) self.seq_gt_list = [n[0] for n in result] self.seq_hypo_list = [n[1] for n in result] if not os.path.isfile(self.seq_gt_name): with open(self.seq_gt_name, 'w') as f: print("Writing to {}".format(self.seq_gt_name)) json.dump(self.seq_gt_list, f) with open(self.seq_pd_name, 'w') as f: print("Writing to {}".format(self.seq_pd_name)) json.dump(self.seq_hypo_list, f)
Example #22
Source File: From sepconv with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _cache_patches(cache_dir, patches, workers=0): """ Spawns the specified number of workers running _cache_patches_worker(). Call this with workers=0 to run on the current thread. """ if exists(cache_dir): rmdir(cache_dir) makedirs(cache_dir) tick_t = timer() print('===> Caching patches...') if workers != 0: parallel = Parallel(n_jobs=workers, backend='threading', verbose=5) patches_per_job = len(patches) // workers + 1 parallel(delayed(_cache_patches_worker)(cache_dir, patches[i:i + patches_per_job]) for i in range(0, len(patches), patches_per_job)) else: _cache_patches_worker(cache_dir, patches) tock_t = timer() print("Done. Took ~{}s".format(round(tock_t - tick_t))) ################################################ MAIN ###############################################
Example #23
Source File: From dirty_cat with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def transform(self, X): """ Transform X using specified encoding scheme. Parameters ---------- X : array-like, shape (n_samples, ) or (n_samples, 1) The string data to encode. Returns ------- array, shape (n_samples, n_components) Transformed input. """ X = np.asarray(X) assert X.ndim == 1 or (X.ndim == 2 and X.shape[1] == 1), f"ERROR:\ shape {X.shape} of input array is not supported." if X.ndim == 2: X = X[:, 0] # Check if first item has str or np.str_ type assert isinstance(X[0], str), "ERROR: Input data is not string." X_out = np.zeros((len(X), self.n_components)) # TODO Parallel run here for i, x in enumerate(X): if x not in self.hash_dict: self.hash_dict[x] = self.get_hash(x) for i, x in enumerate(X): X_out[i, :] = self.hash_dict[x] return X_out
Example #24
Source File: From dynamic-training-with-apache-mxnet-on-aws with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def write_data_csv(fname, frames, preproc): """Write data to csv file""" fdata = open(fname, "w") dr = Parallel()(delayed(get_data)(lst,preproc) for lst in frames) data,result = zip(*dr) for entry in data: fdata.write(','.join(entry)+'\r\n') print("All finished, %d slices in total" % len(data)) fdata.close() result = np.ravel(result) return result
Example #25
Source File: From AutoSmart with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def fit(self,X): def func(ss): cats = pd.Categorical(ss).categories return cats df = todo_cols = X.binary_cols res = Parallel(n_jobs=CONSTANT.JOBS,require='sharedmem')(delayed(func)(df[col]) for col in todo_cols) for col,cats in zip(todo_cols,res): self.col2cats[col] = cats
Example #26
Source File: From GraphEmbedding with MIT License | 5 votes |
def simulate_walks(self, num_walks, walk_length, workers=1, verbose=0): G = self.G nodes = list(G.nodes()) results = Parallel(n_jobs=workers, verbose=verbose, )( delayed(self._simulate_walks)(nodes, num, walk_length) for num in partition_num(num_walks, workers)) walks = list(itertools.chain(*results)) return walks
Example #27
Source File: From audfprint with MIT License | 5 votes |
def do_cmd_multiproc(cmd, analyzer, hash_tab, filename_iter, matcher, outdir, type, report, skip_existing=False, strip_prefix=None, ncores=1): """ Run the actual command, using multiple processors """ if cmd == 'precompute': # precompute fingerprints with joblib msgslist = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=ncores)( joblib.delayed(file_precompute)(analyzer, file, outdir, type, skip_existing, strip_prefix=strip_prefix) for file in filename_iter ) # Collapse into a single list of messages for msgs in msgslist: report(msgs) elif cmd == 'match': # Running queries in parallel msgslist = joblib.Parallel(n_jobs=ncores)( # Would use matcher.file_match_to_msgs(), but you # can't use joblib on an instance method joblib.delayed(matcher_file_match_to_msgs)(matcher, analyzer, hash_tab, filename) for filename in filename_iter ) for msgs in msgslist: report(msgs) elif cmd == 'new' or cmd == 'add': # We add by forking multiple parallel threads each running # analyzers over different subsets of the file list multiproc_add(analyzer, hash_tab, filename_iter, report, ncores) else: # This is not a multiproc command raise ValueError("unrecognized multiproc command: " + cmd) # Command to separate out setting of analyzer parameters
Example #28
Source File: From lighter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def parse_services(filenames, canaryGroup=None, profiles=[]): # return [parse_service(filename) for filename in filenames] return Parallel(n_jobs=8, backend="threading")(delayed(parse_service)(filename, canaryGroup, profiles) for filename in filenames) if filenames else []
Example #29
Source File: From stable-baselines with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _run(self): start = True with Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_workers, batch_size="auto", backend=self.backend) as parallel: while start or self.infinite_loop: start = False if self.shuffle: np.random.shuffle(self.indices) for minibatch_idx in range(self.n_minibatches): self.start_idx = minibatch_idx * self.batch_size obs = self.observations[self._minibatch_indices] if self.load_images: if self.n_workers <= 1: obs = [self._make_batch_element(image_path) for image_path in obs] else: obs = parallel(delayed(self._make_batch_element)(image_path) for image_path in obs) obs = np.concatenate(obs, axis=0) actions = self.actions[self._minibatch_indices] self.queue.put((obs, actions)) # Free memory del obs self.queue.put(None)
Example #30
Source File: From comparable-text-miner with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def main(argv): source_corpus_file = sys.argv[1] target_corpus_file = sys.argv[2] source_language = sys.argv[3] target_language = sys.argv[4] output_path = sys.argv[5] if not output_path.endswith('/'): output_path = output_path + '/' tp.check_dir(output_path) # if directory does not exist, then create 'aligning %s and %s wikipeida documents using interlanguage links', source_language, target_language) source_docs = tp.split_wikipedia_docs_into_array(source_corpus_file) 'source corpus is loaded') target_docs = tp.split_wikipedia_docs_into_array(target_corpus_file) 'target corpus is loaded ... start aligning ...') aligned_corpus = Parallel(n_jobs=3,verbose=100)(delayed(tp.aligning_doc_by_interlanguage_links)(d, target_docs, source_language, target_language, output_path) for d in source_docs) source_out = open(output_path + source_language + '.wiki.txt', 'w') target_out = open(output_path + target_language + '.wiki.txt', 'w') for doc_pair in aligned_corpus: if doc_pair[0]: # if not None text_out = doc_pair[0] print>>source_out, text_out.encode('utf-8') text_out = doc_pair[1] print>>target_out, text_out.encode('utf-8') ##################################################################