Python telegram.ext.ConversationHandler.END Examples
The following are 24
code examples of telegram.ext.ConversationHandler.END().
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Example #1
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 9 votes |
def polo(self, bot, update, user_data): msg = update.message.text.upper() conn = sqlite3.connect(self.mount_point + 'coders1.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT name FROM handles WHERE name=(?)", (msg,)) if c.fetchone(): keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton("Hackerearth", callback_data='HElist8'), InlineKeyboardButton("Hackerrank", callback_data='HRlist8')], [InlineKeyboardButton("Codechef", callback_data='CClist8'), InlineKeyboardButton("Spoj", callback_data='SPlist8')], [InlineKeyboardButton("Codeforces", callback_data='CFlist8'), InlineKeyboardButton("ALL", callback_data='ALLlist8')]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) update.message.reply_text('please select the judge or select all for showing all', reply_markup=reply_markup) user_data['name1'] = msg conn.close() return XOLO else: conn.close() update.message.reply_text("Sorry this name is not registered with me.") return ConversationHandler.END # FUNCTION TO SHOW THE KIND OF RANKLIST USER WANTS
Example #2
Source File: From CryptoKitties with MIT License | 6 votes |
def attribute_list(self,bot,update): try: with closing(self.conn.cursor()) as cur: uid = if str.lower(update.message.text) == "end": message = "Thanks for registering =)\n" message = "If you want to toggle 10 minute scans, please do a /alert" update.message.reply_text(message,parse_mode='HTML') return ConversationHandler.END else: cur.execute("""INSERT INTO Attribute VALUES(%s,%s)""",(uid,update.message.text,)) message= update.message.text message += " has been added as an attribute. Please enter the next attribute \n" message += "If you're done with adding your cattributes, please reply with end" update.message.reply_text(message,parse_mode='HTML') return ATTLIST except Exception as e: catcherror = traceback.format_exc() bot.sendMessage(chat_id=Tokens().error_channel(),text=catcherror,parse_mode='HTML')
Example #3
Source File: From CryptoKitties with MIT License | 6 votes |
def register(self, bot,update): try: with closing(self.conn.cursor()) as cur: uid = cur.execute("""SELECT telegram_id FROM User WHERE telegram_id = %s""",(uid,)) if cur.rowcount == 0: message = "Registering you in my database! \n" message += "Can I please have the generation index?\n" message += "This bot will search for the generation index less than or equals to the number you input\n" message += "If you feel threatened at any point of time, do a /cancel to abort this conversation." cur.execute("""INSERT INTO User VALUES(%s,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,'No')""",(uid,)) update.message.reply_text(message,parse_mode='HTML') return GENERATION else: message = "You are already registered in my database. To remove your details, do a /forget" update.message.reply_text(message,parse_mode='HTML') return ConversationHandler.END except Exception as e: catcherror = traceback.format_exc() bot.sendMessage(chat_id=Tokens().error_channel(),text=catcherror,parse_mode='HTML')
Example #4
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def broadcast_message(self, bot, update): message = update.message.text conn = sqlite3.connect(self.mount_point + 'coders1.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute('select id from handles union select id from subscribers') for row in c.fetchall(): try: bot.send_message(text=message, chat_id=row[0]) except: pass time.sleep(1) c.close() conn.close() return ConversationHandler.END # END OF ADMIN CONVERSATION HANDLER TO BROADCAST MESSAGE # START OF ADMIN CONVERSATION HANDLER TO REPLACE THE DATABASE
Example #5
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def code(bot, update, user_data): query = update.callback_query val = val = str(val).replace("so1", "") if val == "code": bot.edit_message_text( text="selected", chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) bot.send_message(chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text="please enter your code\n" "Please make sure that " "the first line is not a comment line", reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) return DECODE elif val == "file": bot.edit_message_text(text="please send your .txt file\nMaximum size 2mb", chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) return FILE else: return ConversationHandler.END # FUNCTION TO GET TESTCASE FILE
Example #6
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def filetest(self, bot, update, user_data): file_id = update.message.document.file_id if ComHandler.check_file_size(update): return ConversationHandler.END newFile = bot.get_file(file_id)'test.txt') with open('test.txt', 'rt') as f: source = s1 = (str(user_data['code'])).replace("«", "<<").replace("»", ">>") result ={'source': s1, 'lang': user_data['lang'], 'testcases': [source] }) Utility.paginate(bot, update, result) user_data.clear() os.remove('test.txt') return ConversationHandler.END
Example #7
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def filer(bot, update, user_data): file_id = update.message.document.file_id if ComHandler.check_file_size(update): return ConversationHandler.END newFile = bot.get_file(file_id)'abcd.txt') with open('abcd.txt', 'r') as f: source = user_data['code'] = source custom_keyboard = [['#no test case', '#send a .txt file']] reply_markup = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(custom_keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True, resize_keybord=True) update.message.reply_text( 'Please send test cases together as you would do in online ide\nIf you dont want to provide test cases select #no test case\n I you want to send test cases as .txt file select #send a .txt file', reply_markup=reply_markup) # REMOVING THE FILE AFTER PROCESS IS COMPLETE os.remove('abcd.txt') return TESTCASES # FUNCTION TO GET THE SOURCE CODE SENT BY USER
Example #8
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def qselcf(self, bot, update): query = update.callback_query val = if val == 'Acf1': strn = self.get_random_ques('A') elif val == 'Bcf1': strn = self.get_random_ques('B') elif val == 'Ccf1': strn = self.get_random_ques('C') elif val == 'Dcf1': strn = self.get_random_ques('D') elif val == 'Ecf1': strn = self.get_random_ques('E') elif val == 'Fcf1': strn = self.get_random_ques('F') elif val == 'OTHERScf1': strn = self.get_random_ques('OTHERS') val = str(val).replace("cf1", "") bot.edit_message_text( text="Random " + val + " question from codeforces\n\n" + strn, chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) return ConversationHandler.END # END OF CONVERSATION HANDLER FOR GETTING RANDOM QUESTION FROM CODEFORCES
Example #9
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def solo(self, bot, update): query = update.callback_query val = choices = ['HElist7', 'HRlist7', 'CClist7', 'SPlist7', 'CFlist7', 'ALLlist7'] if val not in choices: return ConversationHandler.END val = str(val).replace("list7", "") conn = sqlite3.connect(self.mount_point + 'coders1.db') c = conn.cursor() if val == "ALL": a = str( bot.edit_message_text(text='Sending please wait', chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) mysel = c.execute("SELECT name, HE, HR, SP, CC, CF FROM datas WHERE id=" + a) self.utility.xlsx_creator(mysel, 'me.xlsx') bot.send_document(chat_id=query.message.chat_id, document=open('me.xlsx', 'rb')) os.remove('me.xlsx') else: a = str( c.execute("SELECT " + val + " FROM datas WHERE id=" + a) for i in c.fetchall(): if i[0] is None or i[0] == "": bot.edit_message_text(text="NOT REGISTERED", chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) else: bot.edit_message_text(text="" + i[0], chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) conn.commit() conn.close() return ConversationHandler.END # FUNCTION TO GET THE RANKLIST MENU OF THE USER BY SEARCHING HIS NAME
Example #10
Source File: From CryptoKitties with MIT License | 5 votes |
def cancel(self,bot,update): try: with closing(self.conn.cursor()) as cur: uid = message = "And here I was, thinking we could be friends :(" update.message.reply_text(message,parse_mode='HTML') cur.execute("""DELETE FROM User WHERE telegram_id = %s""",(uid,)) cur.execute("""DELETE FROM Attribute WHERE telegram_id = %s""",(uid,)) return ConversationHandler.END except Exception as e: catcherror = traceback.format_exc() bot.sendMessage(chat_id=Tokens().error_channel(),text=catcherror,parse_mode='HTML')
Example #11
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getDb(self, bot, update): if self.not_admin(update): return ConversationHandler.END update.message.reply_text("send your sqlite database") return DB
Example #12
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def broadcast(self, bot, update): if self.not_admin(update): return ConversationHandler.END update.message.reply_text("Send your message") return BDC
Example #13
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def judge(bot, update, user_data): query = update.callback_query choices = ['HEreg1', 'HRreg1', 'CFreg1', 'CCreg1', 'SPreg1'] if not in choices: return ConversationHandler.END user_data['code'] = str("reg1", "") bot.edit_message_text(text='selected', chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) bot.send_message(chat_id=query.message.chat_id, text="please enter your handle",reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) return HANDLE
Example #14
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def holo(self, bot, update): query = update.callback_query val = choices = ['HElist6', 'HRlist6', 'CClist6', 'SPlist6', 'CFlist6', 'ALLlist6'] if val not in choices: return ConversationHandler.END val = str(val).replace("list6", "") if val == "ALL": try: bot.edit_message_text(text='I am sending you the details', chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) bot.send_document(chat_id=query.message.chat_id, document=open(self.mount_point + 'all.xlsx', 'rb')) except FileNotFoundError: bot.edit_message_text(text='Sorry no entry found', chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) return ConversationHandler.END else: try: bot.edit_message_text(text='I am sending you the details', chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) bot.send_document(chat_id=query.message.chat_id, document=open(self.mount_point + val + ".xlsx", 'rb')) except FileNotFoundError: bot.edit_message_text(text='Sorry no entry found', chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) return ConversationHandler.END return ConversationHandler.END
Example #15
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def xolo(self, bot, update, user_data): query = update.callback_query val = choices = ['HElist8', 'HRlist8', 'CClist8', 'SPlist8', 'CFlist8', 'ALLlist8'] if val not in choices: return ConversationHandler.END val = str(val).replace("list8", "") name1 = user_data['name1'] conn = sqlite3.connect(self.mount_point + 'coders1.db') c = conn.cursor() if val == "ALL": bot.edit_message_text(text='Sending please wait', chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) mysel = c.execute("SELECT name, HE, HR, SP, CC, CF FROM datas WHERE name=(?)", (name1,)) self.utility.xlsx_creator(mysel, 'det.xlsx') bot.send_document(chat_id=query.message.chat_id, document=open('det.xlsx', 'rb')) os.remove('det.xlsx') else: c.execute("SELECT " + val + " FROM datas WHERE name=(?)", (name1,)) for i in c.fetchall(): if i[0] is None or i[0] == "": bot.edit_message_text(text="Not Registered", chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) else: bot.edit_message_text(text="" + i[0], chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) user_data.clear() conn.close() return ConversationHandler.END # FUNCTION TO SHOW THE RANKLIST OF ALL THE PEOPLE
Example #16
Source File: From BotListBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def send_broadcast(bot, update, user_data): uid = try: bc = user_data['broadcast'] text = bc['text'] recipient = bc['target_chat_id'] mode = bc.get('mode', 'just_send') except AttributeError: bot.formatter.send_failure(uid, "Missing attributes for broadcast. Aborting...") return ConversationHandler.END mid = bc.get('reply_to_message_id') if mode == 'replying': msg = util.send_md_message(bot, recipient, text, reply_to_message_id=mid) elif mode == 'editing': msg = bot.formatter.send_or_edit(recipient, text, to_edit=mid) else: msg = util.send_md_message(bot, recipient, text) # Post actions buttons = [ InlineKeyboardButton(captions.PIN, callback_data=util.callback_for_action('pin_message', {'mid': msg.message_id})), InlineKeyboardButton('Add "Thank You" counter', callback_data=util.callback_for_action('add_thank_you', {'cid': recipient, 'mid': msg.message_id})), ] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(util.build_menu(buttons, 1)) mid = util.mid_from_update(update) action_taken = "edited" if mode == 'editing' else "broadcasted" bot.formatter.send_or_edit(uid, mdformat.success("Message {}.".format(action_taken)), mid, reply_markup=reply_markup)
Example #17
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def testcases(self, bot, update, user_data): markup = ReplyKeyboardRemove() s = update.message.text if s == "#send a .txt file": update.message.reply_text("Please send your testcases as a .txt file\nMaximum size 2mb", reply_markup=markup) return FILETEST # CONVERTING UNICODE CHARACTER TO DOUBLE GREATER THAN OR LESS THAN # WEIRD s1 = (str(user_data['code'])).replace("«", "<<").replace("»", ">>") if s == "#no test case": # USING COMPILER FUNCTION FROM script result ={'source': s1, 'lang': user_data['lang'] }) # GETTING OUTPUT FROM result CLASS in script Utility.paginate(bot, update, result) else: # AGAIN THE SAME DRILL result ={'source': s1, 'lang': user_data['lang'], 'testcases': [s] }) Utility.paginate(bot, update, result) user_data.clear() return ConversationHandler.END # FUNCTION FOR THE CASE WHERE USER HAD SELECTED OTHER
Example #18
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def receive_cf(self, bot, update): file_id = update.message.document.file_id newFile = bot.get_file(file_id) + 'codeforces.json') update.message.reply_text("saved") with open(self.mount_point + 'codeforces.json', 'r') as code_json: return ConversationHandler.END # END OF ADMIN CONVERSATION HANDLER TO REPLACE THE CODEFORCES JSON
Example #19
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getCf(self, bot, update): if not str(update.message.chat_id) in self.admin_list: update.message.reply_text("sorry you are not an admin") return ConversationHandler.END update.message.reply_text("send your json file") return self.CF
Example #20
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def cancel(bot, update, user_data): update.message.reply_text('Cancelled') user_data.clear() return ConversationHandler.END # FUNCTION FOR LOGGING ALL KINDS OF ERRORS
Example #21
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 4 votes |
def selection(self, bot, update): query = update.callback_query val = val = str(val).replace("sel1", "") if val == "all": keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton("Hackerearth", callback_data='HElist6'), InlineKeyboardButton("Hackerrank", callback_data='HRlist6')], [InlineKeyboardButton("Codechef", callback_data='CClist6'), InlineKeyboardButton("Spoj", callback_data='SPlist6')], [InlineKeyboardButton("Codeforces", callback_data='CFlist6'), InlineKeyboardButton("ALL", callback_data='ALLlist6')]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) bot.edit_message_text(text='please select the judge or select all for showing all', reply_markup=reply_markup, chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) return HOLO elif val == "mine": conn = sqlite3.connect(self.mount_point + 'coders1.db') c = conn.cursor() print(str( c.execute("SELECT id FROM datas WHERE id=" + str( if c.fetchone(): keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton("Hackerearth", callback_data='HElist7'), InlineKeyboardButton("Hackerrank", callback_data='HRlist7')], [InlineKeyboardButton("Codechef", callback_data='CClist7'), InlineKeyboardButton("Spoj", callback_data='SPlist7')], [InlineKeyboardButton("Codeforces", callback_data='CFlist7'), InlineKeyboardButton("ALL", callback_data='ALLlist7')]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) bot.edit_message_text(text='please select the judge or select all for showing all', reply_markup=reply_markup, chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) c.close() return SOLO else: conn.close() bot.edit_message_text( text='You are not registered to the bot. please register to it using /register command', chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) return ConversationHandler.END elif val == "getName": bot.edit_message_text(text='selected', chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) bot.send_message(text="please enter the name", chat_id=query.message.chat_id, reply_markup=ForceReply(True)) return POLO else: return ConversationHandler.END # FUNCTION TO GET THE USERS RANKLIST
Example #22
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 4 votes |
def handle(self, bot, update, user_data): user = str( handle1 = update.message.text name1 = user_data['name'] code1 = user_data['code'] rating_obj = ratings.Rating() all_data = rating_obj.getAllData(code1, handle1) if all_data is None: update.message.reply_text('wrong id') user_data.clear() return ConversationHandler.END conn = sqlite3.connect(self.mount_point + 'coders1.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO datas (id, name, " + code1 + ") VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (user, name1, all_data)) c.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO handles (id, name, " + code1 + ") VALUES (?, ?, ?)", (user, name1, handle1)) if c.rowcount == 0: c.execute("UPDATE datas SET " + code1 + " = (?) , name= (?) WHERE id = (?) ", (all_data, name1, user)) c.execute("UPDATE handles SET " + code1 + " = (?) , name= (?) WHERE id = (?) ", (handle1, name1, user)) if code1 == 'SP': c.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO priority (id) VALUES(?)", (user,)) else: rating = rating_obj.parse_rating(code1, all_data) c.execute("INSERT OR IGNORE INTO priority (id," + code1 + ") VALUES(?, ?)", (user, rating)) if c.rowcount == 0: c.execute("UPDATE priority SET " + code1 + " = (?) WHERE id = (?) ", (rating, user)) conn.commit() # BELOW LINES ARE USED TO CREATE XLSX FILES OF ALL SORTS OF RANKLIST # SO WHEN USER ASKS FOR RANKLIST THERE IS NO DELAY mysel = c.execute( "SELECT, datas.HE, datas.HR, datas.SP, datas.CF, datas.CC FROM datas INNER JOIN priority ON ORDER BY CAST(priority.CF AS FLOAT) DESC, CAST(priority.CC AS FLOAT) DESC, CAST(priority.HR AS FLOAT) DESC, CAST(priority.HE AS FLOAT) DESC") Utility.xlsx_creator(mysel, self.mount_point + 'all.xlsx') if code1 == 'SP': mysel = c.execute("SELECT name, " + code1 + " FROM datas") Utility.xlsx_creator(mysel, self.mount_point + code1 + ".xlsx") else: mysel = c.execute( "SELECT, datas." + code1 + " FROM datas INNER JOIN priority ON ORDER BY CAST(priority." + code1 + " AS FLOAT) DESC") Utility.xlsx_creator(mysel, self.mount_point + code1 + ".xlsx") conn.close() update.message.reply_text("Succesfully Registered") update.message.reply_text(name1 + " \n" + all_data) user_data.clear() return ConversationHandler.END
Example #23
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 4 votes |
def gfg2(bot, update, user_data): query = update.callback_query val = val = str(val).replace("gfg2", "") if val == "Advanced Data Structures": keyboard = [[InlineKeyboardButton("Advanced Lists", callback_data='Advanced Listsgfg3'), InlineKeyboardButton("Trie", callback_data='Triegfg3')], [InlineKeyboardButton("Suffix Array and Suffix Tree", callback_data='Suffix Array and Suffix Treegfg3'), InlineKeyboardButton("AVL Tree", callback_data='AVL Treegfg3')], [InlineKeyboardButton("Splay Tree", callback_data='Splay Treegfg3'), InlineKeyboardButton("B Tree", callback_data='B Treegfg3')], [InlineKeyboardButton("Segment Tree", callback_data='Segment Treegfg3'), InlineKeyboardButton("Red Black Tree", callback_data='Red Black Treegfg3')], [InlineKeyboardButton("K Dimensional Tree", callback_data='K Dimensional Treegfg3'), InlineKeyboardButton("Others", callback_data='Othersgfg3')]] reply_markup = InlineKeyboardMarkup(keyboard) bot.edit_message_text(text="Please select", reply_markup=reply_markup, chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) return GFG3 else: try: with open("geeks_for_geeks/"+user_data['gfg'], encoding='utf-8') as data_file: data = json.load(data_file) se = data[val] s = "" s1 = "" a = 0 for i in se: a = a + 1 if a <= 50: s = s + '<a href="' + se[i] + '">' + i + '</a>\n\n' else: s1 = s1 + '<a href="' + se[i] + '">' + i + '</a>\n\n' bot.edit_message_text(text=val + "\n\n" + s, chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) if len(s1) != 0: bot.send_message(text=val + "\n\n" + s1, chat_id=query.message.chat_id, parse_mode=ParseMode.HTML) except: return ConversationHandler.END user_data.clear() return ConversationHandler.END # FUNCTION TO SHOW SUBMENU 3
Example #24
Source File: From superCodingBot with MIT License | 4 votes |
def updasel(self, bot, update): query = update.callback_query val = val = str(val).replace("upd5", "") a = str( conn = sqlite3.connect(self.mount_point + 'coders1.db') c = conn.cursor() c.execute("SELECT id FROM handles WHERE id=(?)", (a,)) if not not_registered.NotRegistered.fetchone(c, query, bot): conn.close() return ConversationHandler.END if val == "ALL": # IF USER SELECTED ALL UPDATING ALL HIS VALUES c.execute('SELECT id, HE, HR, CC, SP, CF FROM handles WHERE id=(?)', (a,)) self.utility.update_function(c) bot.delete_message(chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) else: # ELSE ONLY UPDATING THE PARTICULAR ENTRY c.execute("SELECT " + val + " FROM handles WHERE id=(?)", (a,)) for row in c.fetchall(): if row[0] == "" or row[0] is None: bot.edit_message_text(text='You are not registered to the bot with' + val, chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) conn.close() return ConversationHandler.END else: print(row[0]) i = 0 while i < 5: ans = self.rating_obj.getAllData(val, str(row[0])) if ans is not None: break i = i + 1 c.execute("UPDATE datas SET " + val + " = (?) WHERE id = (?) ", (ans, a)) if not val == 'SP': rating = self.rating_obj.parse_rating(val, ans) c.execute("UPDATE priority SET " + val + " = (?) WHERE id = (?) ", (rating, a)) bot.edit_message_text(text="" + ans, chat_id=query.message.chat_id, message_id=query.message.message_id) # RECREATING ALL THE XLMX FILES if val == 'SP': mysel = c.execute("SELECT name, " + val + " FROM datas") self.utility.xlsx_creator(mysel, self.mount_point + val + ".xlsx") else: mysel = c.execute( "SELECT, datas." + val + " FROM datas INNER JOIN priority ON ORDER BY CAST(priority." + val + " AS FLOAT) DESC") self.utility.xlsx_creator(mysel, self.mount_point + val + ".xlsx") mysel = c.execute( "SELECT, datas.HE, datas.HR, datas.SP, datas.CF, datas.CC FROM datas INNER JOIN priority ON ORDER BY CAST(priority.CF AS FLOAT) DESC, CAST(priority.CC AS FLOAT) DESC, CAST(priority.HR AS FLOAT) DESC, CAST(priority.HE AS FLOAT) DESC") self.utility.xlsx_creator(mysel, self.mount_point + 'all.xlsx') bot.send_message(text='Successfully updated', chat_id=query.message.chat_id) conn.commit() conn.close() return ConversationHandler.END