Python gym.envs.classic_control.rendering.Transform() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of gym.envs.classic_control.rendering.Transform().
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Example #1
Source File: From machina with MIT License | 6 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(500, 500) self.viewer.set_bounds(-2.2, 2.2, -2.2, 2.2) rod = rendering.make_capsule(1, .2) rod.set_color(.8, .3, .3) self.pole_transform = rendering.Transform() rod.add_attr(self.pole_transform) self.viewer.add_geom(rod) axle = rendering.make_circle(.05) axle.set_color(0, 0, 0) self.viewer.add_geom(axle) fname = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "assets/clockwise.png") self.img = rendering.Image(fname, 1., 1.) self.imgtrans = rendering.Transform() self.img.add_attr(self.imgtrans) self.viewer.add_onetime(self.img) self.pole_transform.set_rotation(self.state[0] + np.pi/2) if self.last_u: self.imgtrans.scale = (-self.last_u/2, np.abs(self.last_u)/2) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array=mode == 'rgb_array')
Example #2
Source File: From DRL_DeliveryDuel with MIT License | 6 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(500,500) self.viewer.set_bounds(-2.2,2.2,-2.2,2.2) rod = rendering.make_capsule(1, .2) rod.set_color(.8, .3, .3) self.pole_transform = rendering.Transform() rod.add_attr(self.pole_transform) self.viewer.add_geom(rod) axle = rendering.make_circle(.05) axle.set_color(0,0,0) self.viewer.add_geom(axle) fname = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "assets/clockwise.png") self.img = rendering.Image(fname, 1., 1.) self.imgtrans = rendering.Transform() self.img.add_attr(self.imgtrans) self.viewer.add_onetime(self.img) self.pole_transform.set_rotation(self.state[0] + np.pi/2) if self.last_u: self.imgtrans.scale = (-self.last_u/2, np.abs(self.last_u)/2) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #3
Source File: From Hierarchical-Actor-Critic-HAC-PyTorch with MIT License | 6 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(500,500) self.viewer.set_bounds(-2.2,2.2,-2.2,2.2) rod = rendering.make_capsule(1, .2) rod.set_color(.8, .3, .3) self.pole_transform = rendering.Transform() rod.add_attr(self.pole_transform) self.viewer.add_geom(rod) axle = rendering.make_circle(.05) axle.set_color(0,0,0) self.viewer.add_geom(axle) fname = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "assets/clockwise.png") self.img = rendering.Image(fname, 1., 1.) self.imgtrans = rendering.Transform() self.img.add_attr(self.imgtrans) self.viewer.add_onetime(self.img) self.pole_transform.set_rotation(self.state[0] + np.pi/2) if self.last_u: self.imgtrans.scale = (-self.last_u/2, np.abs(self.last_u)/2) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #4
Source File: From DQN-DDPG_Stock_Trading with MIT License | 6 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(500,500) self.viewer.set_bounds(-2.2,2.2,-2.2,2.2) rod = rendering.make_capsule(1, .2) rod.set_color(.8, .3, .3) self.pole_transform = rendering.Transform() rod.add_attr(self.pole_transform) self.viewer.add_geom(rod) axle = rendering.make_circle(.05) axle.set_color(0,0,0) self.viewer.add_geom(axle) fname = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "assets/clockwise.png") self.img = rendering.Image(fname, 1., 1.) self.imgtrans = rendering.Transform() self.img.add_attr(self.imgtrans) self.viewer.add_onetime(self.img) self.pole_transform.set_rotation(self.state[0] + np.pi/2) if self.last_u: self.imgtrans.scale = (-self.last_u/2, np.abs(self.last_u)/2) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #5
Source File: From ia-course with MIT License | 6 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(500,500) self.viewer.set_bounds(-2.2,2.2,-2.2,2.2) rod = rendering.make_capsule(1, .2) rod.set_color(.8, .3, .3) self.pole_transform = rendering.Transform() rod.add_attr(self.pole_transform) self.viewer.add_geom(rod) axle = rendering.make_circle(.05) axle.set_color(0,0,0) self.viewer.add_geom(axle) fname = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "assets/clockwise.png") self.img = rendering.Image(fname, 1., 1.) self.imgtrans = rendering.Transform() self.img.add_attr(self.imgtrans) self.viewer.add_onetime(self.img) self.pole_transform.set_rotation(self.state[0] + np.pi/2) if self.last_u: self.imgtrans.scale = (-self.last_u/2, np.abs(self.last_u)/2) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #6
Source File: From autodrome with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _render_human(self): if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(600, 600) self.viewer.set_bounds(-220, +220, -220, +220) truck = rendering.make_capsule(8, 4) truck.set_color(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) self.truck_transform = rendering.Transform() truck.add_attr(self.truck_transform) self.viewer.add_geom(truck) for node in['nodes'].values(): circle = rendering.make_circle(2) circle.set_color(0.6, 0.6, 0.6) dot_transform = rendering.Transform((node['position']['x'], -node['position']['z'])) circle.add_attr(dot_transform) self.viewer.add_geom(circle) position, orientation =, self.truck_transform.set_rotation(orientation.heading * math.pi * 2 - math.pi / 2) self.truck_transform.set_translation(position.x, -position.z) return self.viewer.render()
Example #7
Source File: From DQN-DDPG_Stock_Trading with MIT License | 5 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering s = self.state if self.viewer is None: self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(500,500) bound = self.LINK_LENGTH_1 + self.LINK_LENGTH_2 + 0.2 # 2.2 for default self.viewer.set_bounds(-bound,bound,-bound,bound) if s is None: return None p1 = [-self.LINK_LENGTH_1 * cos(s[0]), self.LINK_LENGTH_1 * sin(s[0])] p2 = [p1[0] - self.LINK_LENGTH_2 * cos(s[0] + s[1]), p1[1] + self.LINK_LENGTH_2 * sin(s[0] + s[1])] xys = np.array([[0,0], p1, p2])[:,::-1] thetas = [s[0]- pi/2, s[0]+s[1]-pi/2] link_lengths = [self.LINK_LENGTH_1, self.LINK_LENGTH_2] self.viewer.draw_line((-2.2, 1), (2.2, 1)) for ((x,y),th,llen) in zip(xys, thetas, link_lengths): l,r,t,b = 0, llen, .1, -.1 jtransform = rendering.Transform(rotation=th, translation=(x,y)) link = self.viewer.draw_polygon([(l,b), (l,t), (r,t), (r,b)]) link.add_attr(jtransform) link.set_color(0,.8, .8) circ = self.viewer.draw_circle(.1) circ.set_color(.8, .8, 0) circ.add_attr(jtransform) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #8
Source File: From memory-augmented-self-play with MIT License | 5 votes |
def display(self, mode='human'): from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering s = self.state if self.viewer is None: self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(500, 500) self.viewer.set_bounds(-2.2, 2.2, -2.2, 2.2) if s is None: return None p1 = [-self.LINK_LENGTH_1 * np.cos(s[0]), self.LINK_LENGTH_1 * np.sin(s[0])] p2 = [p1[0] - self.LINK_LENGTH_2 * np.cos(s[0] + s[1]), p1[1] + self.LINK_LENGTH_2 * np.sin(s[0] + s[1])] xys = np.array([[0, 0], p1, p2])[:, ::-1] thetas = [s[0] - np.pi / 2, s[0] + s[1] - np.pi / 2] self.viewer.draw_line((-2.2, 1), (2.2, 1)) for ((x, y), th) in zip(xys, thetas): l, r, t, b = 0, 1, .1, -.1 jtransform = rendering.Transform(rotation=th, translation=(x, y)) link = self.viewer.draw_polygon([(l, b), (l, t), (r, t), (r, b)]) link.add_attr(jtransform) link.set_color(0, .8, .8) circ = self.viewer.draw_circle(.1) circ.set_color(.8, .8, 0) circ.add_attr(jtransform) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array=mode == 'rgb_array')
Example #9
Source File: From DQN-DDPG_Stock_Trading with MIT License | 5 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering if self.viewer is None: self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(VIEWPORT_W, VIEWPORT_H) self.viewer.set_bounds(0, VIEWPORT_W/SCALE, 0, VIEWPORT_H/SCALE) for obj in self.particles: obj.ttl -= 0.15 obj.color1 = (max(0.2,0.2+obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl)) obj.color2 = (max(0.2,0.2+obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl)) self._clean_particles(False) for p in self.sky_polys: self.viewer.draw_polygon(p, color=(0,0,0)) for obj in self.particles + self.drawlist: for f in obj.fixtures: trans = f.body.transform if type(f.shape) is circleShape: t = rendering.Transform(translation=trans*f.shape.pos) self.viewer.draw_circle(f.shape.radius, 20, color=obj.color1).add_attr(t) self.viewer.draw_circle(f.shape.radius, 20, color=obj.color2, filled=False, linewidth=2).add_attr(t) else: path = [trans*v for v in f.shape.vertices] self.viewer.draw_polygon(path, color=obj.color1) path.append(path[0]) self.viewer.draw_polyline(path, color=obj.color2, linewidth=2) for x in [self.helipad_x1, self.helipad_x2]: flagy1 = self.helipad_y flagy2 = flagy1 + 50/SCALE self.viewer.draw_polyline( [(x, flagy1), (x, flagy2)], color=(1,1,1) ) self.viewer.draw_polygon( [(x, flagy2), (x, flagy2-10/SCALE), (x+25/SCALE, flagy2-5/SCALE)], color=(0.8,0.8,0) ) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #10
Source File: From ia-course with MIT License | 5 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering s = self.state if self.viewer is None: self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(500,500) self.viewer.set_bounds(-2.2,2.2,-2.2,2.2) if s is None: return None p1 = [-self.LINK_LENGTH_1 * np.cos(s[0]), self.LINK_LENGTH_1 * np.sin(s[0])] p2 = [p1[0] - self.LINK_LENGTH_2 * np.cos(s[0] + s[1]), p1[1] + self.LINK_LENGTH_2 * np.sin(s[0] + s[1])] xys = np.array([[0,0], p1, p2])[:,::-1] thetas = [s[0]-np.pi/2, s[0]+s[1]-np.pi/2] self.viewer.draw_line((-2.2, 1), (2.2, 1)) for ((x,y),th) in zip(xys, thetas): l,r,t,b = 0, 1, .1, -.1 jtransform = rendering.Transform(rotation=th, translation=(x,y)) link = self.viewer.draw_polygon([(l,b), (l,t), (r,t), (r,b)]) link.add_attr(jtransform) link.set_color(0,.8, .8) circ = self.viewer.draw_circle(.1) circ.set_color(.8, .8, 0) circ.add_attr(jtransform) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #11
Source File: From ia-course with MIT License | 5 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering if self.viewer is None: self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(VIEWPORT_W, VIEWPORT_H) self.viewer.set_bounds(0, VIEWPORT_W/SCALE, 0, VIEWPORT_H/SCALE) for obj in self.particles: obj.ttl -= 0.15 obj.color1 = (max(0.2,0.2+obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl)) obj.color2 = (max(0.2,0.2+obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl)) self._clean_particles(False) for p in self.sky_polys: self.viewer.draw_polygon(p, color=(0,0,0)) for obj in self.particles + self.drawlist: for f in obj.fixtures: trans = f.body.transform if type(f.shape) is circleShape: t = rendering.Transform(translation=trans*f.shape.pos) self.viewer.draw_circle(f.shape.radius, 20, color=obj.color1).add_attr(t) self.viewer.draw_circle(f.shape.radius, 20, color=obj.color2, filled=False, linewidth=2).add_attr(t) else: path = [trans*v for v in f.shape.vertices] self.viewer.draw_polygon(path, color=obj.color1) path.append(path[0]) self.viewer.draw_polyline(path, color=obj.color2, linewidth=2) for x in [self.helipad_x1, self.helipad_x2]: flagy1 = self.helipad_y flagy2 = flagy1 + 50/SCALE self.viewer.draw_polyline( [(x, flagy1), (x, flagy2)], color=(1,1,1) ) self.viewer.draw_polygon( [(x, flagy2), (x, flagy2-10/SCALE), (x+25/SCALE, flagy2-5/SCALE)], color=(0.8,0.8,0) ) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #12
Source File: From DRL_DeliveryDuel with MIT License | 5 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering s = self.state if self.viewer is None: self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(500,500) self.viewer.set_bounds(-2.2,2.2,-2.2,2.2) if s is None: return None p1 = [-self.LINK_LENGTH_1 * np.cos(s[0]), self.LINK_LENGTH_1 * np.sin(s[0])] p2 = [p1[0] - self.LINK_LENGTH_2 * np.cos(s[0] + s[1]), p1[1] + self.LINK_LENGTH_2 * np.sin(s[0] + s[1])] xys = np.array([[0,0], p1, p2])[:,::-1] thetas = [s[0]-np.pi/2, s[0]+s[1]-np.pi/2] self.viewer.draw_line((-2.2, 1), (2.2, 1)) for ((x,y),th) in zip(xys, thetas): l,r,t,b = 0, 1, .1, -.1 jtransform = rendering.Transform(rotation=th, translation=(x,y)) link = self.viewer.draw_polygon([(l,b), (l,t), (r,t), (r,b)]) link.add_attr(jtransform) link.set_color(0,.8, .8) circ = self.viewer.draw_circle(.1) circ.set_color(.8, .8, 0) circ.add_attr(jtransform) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #13
Source File: From DRL_DeliveryDuel with MIT License | 5 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering if self.viewer is None: self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(VIEWPORT_W, VIEWPORT_H) self.viewer.set_bounds(0, VIEWPORT_W/SCALE, 0, VIEWPORT_H/SCALE) for obj in self.particles: obj.ttl -= 0.15 obj.color1 = (max(0.2,0.2+obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl)) obj.color2 = (max(0.2,0.2+obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl)) self._clean_particles(False) for p in self.sky_polys: self.viewer.draw_polygon(p, color=(0,0,0)) for obj in self.particles + self.drawlist: for f in obj.fixtures: trans = f.body.transform if type(f.shape) is circleShape: t = rendering.Transform(translation=trans*f.shape.pos) self.viewer.draw_circle(f.shape.radius, 20, color=obj.color1).add_attr(t) self.viewer.draw_circle(f.shape.radius, 20, color=obj.color2, filled=False, linewidth=2).add_attr(t) else: path = [trans*v for v in f.shape.vertices] self.viewer.draw_polygon(path, color=obj.color1) path.append(path[0]) self.viewer.draw_polyline(path, color=obj.color2, linewidth=2) for x in [self.helipad_x1, self.helipad_x2]: flagy1 = self.helipad_y flagy2 = flagy1 + 50/SCALE self.viewer.draw_polyline( [(x, flagy1), (x, flagy2)], color=(1,1,1) ) self.viewer.draw_polygon( [(x, flagy2), (x, flagy2-10/SCALE), (x+25/SCALE, flagy2-5/SCALE)], color=(0.8,0.8,0) ) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #14
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def render(self, mode="human"): screen_width = 600 screen_height = 400 world_width = self.x_threshold * 2 scale = screen_width / world_width carty = 100 # TOP OF CART polewidth = 10.0 polelen = scale * 1.0 cartwidth = 50.0 cartheight = 30.0 if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(screen_width, screen_height) l, r, t, b = (-cartwidth / 2, cartwidth / 2, cartheight / 2, -cartheight / 2) axleoffset = cartheight / 4.0 cart = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l, b), (l, t), (r, t), (r, b)]) self.carttrans = rendering.Transform() cart.add_attr(self.carttrans) self.viewer.add_geom(cart) l, r, t, b = (-polewidth / 2, polewidth / 2, polelen - polewidth / 2, -polewidth / 2) pole = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l, b), (l, t), (r, t), (r, b)]) pole.set_color(.8, .6, .4) self.poletrans = rendering.Transform(translation=(0, axleoffset)) pole.add_attr(self.poletrans) pole.add_attr(self.carttrans) self.viewer.add_geom(pole) self.axle = rendering.make_circle(polewidth / 2) self.axle.add_attr(self.poletrans) self.axle.add_attr(self.carttrans) self.axle.set_color(.5, .5, .8) self.viewer.add_geom(self.axle) self.track = rendering.Line((0, carty), (screen_width, carty)) self.track.set_color(0, 0, 0) self.viewer.add_geom(self.track) if self.state is None: return None x = self.state cartx = x[0] * scale + screen_width / 2.0 # MIDDLE OF CART self.carttrans.set_translation(cartx, carty) self.poletrans.set_rotation(-x[2]) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array=mode == "rgb_array")
Example #15
Source File: From berkeleydeeprlcourse-homework-pytorch with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _render(self, mode='human', close=False): if close: if self.viewer is not None: self.viewer.close() self.viewer = None return from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering if self.viewer is None: self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(VIEWPORT_W, VIEWPORT_H) self.viewer.set_bounds(0, VIEWPORT_W/SCALE, 0, VIEWPORT_H/SCALE) for obj in self.particles: obj.ttl -= 0.15 obj.color1 = (max(0.2,0.2+obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl)) obj.color2 = (max(0.2,0.2+obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl)) self._clean_particles(False) for p in self.sky_polys: self.viewer.draw_polygon(p, color=(0,0,0)) for obj in self.particles + self.drawlist: for f in obj.fixtures: trans = f.body.transform if type(f.shape) is circleShape: t = rendering.Transform(translation=trans*f.shape.pos) self.viewer.draw_circle(f.shape.radius, 20, color=obj.color1).add_attr(t) self.viewer.draw_circle(f.shape.radius, 20, color=obj.color2, filled=False, linewidth=2).add_attr(t) else: path = [trans*v for v in f.shape.vertices] self.viewer.draw_polygon(path, color=obj.color1) path.append(path[0]) self.viewer.draw_polyline(path, color=obj.color2, linewidth=2) for x in [self.helipad_x1, self.helipad_x2]: flagy1 = self.helipad_y flagy2 = flagy1 + 50/SCALE self.viewer.draw_polyline( [(x, flagy1), (x, flagy2)], color=(1,1,1) ) self.viewer.draw_polygon( [(x, flagy2), (x, flagy2-10/SCALE), (x+25/SCALE, flagy2-5/SCALE)], color=(0.8,0.8,0) ) clock_prog = self.curr_step / MAX_NUM_STEPS self.viewer.draw_polyline( [(0, 0.05*VIEWPORT_H/SCALE), (clock_prog*VIEWPORT_W/SCALE, 0.05*VIEWPORT_H/SCALE)], color=(255,0,0), linewidth=5 ) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #16
Source File: From DQN-DDPG_Stock_Trading with MIT License | 4 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): screen_width = 600 screen_height = 400 world_width = self.max_position - self.min_position scale = screen_width/world_width carwidth=40 carheight=20 if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(screen_width, screen_height) xs = np.linspace(self.min_position, self.max_position, 100) ys = self._height(xs) xys = list(zip((xs-self.min_position)*scale, ys*scale)) self.track = rendering.make_polyline(xys) self.track.set_linewidth(4) self.viewer.add_geom(self.track) clearance = 10 l,r,t,b = -carwidth/2, carwidth/2, carheight, 0 car = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l,b), (l,t), (r,t), (r,b)]) car.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(0, clearance))) self.cartrans = rendering.Transform() car.add_attr(self.cartrans) self.viewer.add_geom(car) frontwheel = rendering.make_circle(carheight/2.5) frontwheel.set_color(.5, .5, .5) frontwheel.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(carwidth/4,clearance))) frontwheel.add_attr(self.cartrans) self.viewer.add_geom(frontwheel) backwheel = rendering.make_circle(carheight/2.5) backwheel.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(-carwidth/4,clearance))) backwheel.add_attr(self.cartrans) backwheel.set_color(.5, .5, .5) self.viewer.add_geom(backwheel) flagx = (self.goal_position-self.min_position)*scale flagy1 = self._height(self.goal_position)*scale flagy2 = flagy1 + 50 flagpole = rendering.Line((flagx, flagy1), (flagx, flagy2)) self.viewer.add_geom(flagpole) flag = rendering.FilledPolygon([(flagx, flagy2), (flagx, flagy2-10), (flagx+25, flagy2-5)]) flag.set_color(.8,.8,0) self.viewer.add_geom(flag) pos = self.state[0] self.cartrans.set_translation((pos-self.min_position)*scale, self._height(pos)*scale) self.cartrans.set_rotation(math.cos(3 * pos)) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #17
Source File: From berkeleydeeprlcourse-homework-pytorch with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _render(self, mode='human', close=False): if close: if self.viewer is not None: self.viewer.close() self.viewer = None return from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering if self.viewer is None: self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(VIEWPORT_W, VIEWPORT_H) self.viewer.set_bounds(0, VIEWPORT_W/SCALE, 0, VIEWPORT_H/SCALE) for obj in self.particles: obj.ttl -= 0.15 obj.color1 = (max(0.2,0.2+obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl)) obj.color2 = (max(0.2,0.2+obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl)) self._clean_particles(False) for p in self.sky_polys: self.viewer.draw_polygon(p, color=(0,0,0)) for obj in self.particles + self.drawlist: for f in obj.fixtures: trans = f.body.transform if type(f.shape) is circleShape: t = rendering.Transform(translation=trans*f.shape.pos) self.viewer.draw_circle(f.shape.radius, 20, color=obj.color1).add_attr(t) self.viewer.draw_circle(f.shape.radius, 20, color=obj.color2, filled=False, linewidth=2).add_attr(t) else: path = [trans*v for v in f.shape.vertices] self.viewer.draw_polygon(path, color=obj.color1) path.append(path[0]) self.viewer.draw_polyline(path, color=obj.color2, linewidth=2) for x in [self.helipad_x1, self.helipad_x2]: flagy1 = self.helipad_y flagy2 = flagy1 + 50/SCALE self.viewer.draw_polyline( [(x, flagy1), (x, flagy2)], color=(1,1,1) ) self.viewer.draw_polygon( [(x, flagy2), (x, flagy2-10/SCALE), (x+25/SCALE, flagy2-5/SCALE)], color=(0.8,0.8,0) ) clock_prog = self.curr_step / MAX_NUM_STEPS self.viewer.draw_polyline( [(0, 0.05*VIEWPORT_H/SCALE), (clock_prog*VIEWPORT_W/SCALE, 0.05*VIEWPORT_H/SCALE)], color=(255,0,0), linewidth=5 ) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #18
Source File: From DQN-DDPG_Stock_Trading with MIT License | 4 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): screen_width = 600 screen_height = 400 world_width = self.max_position - self.min_position scale = screen_width/world_width carwidth=40 carheight=20 if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(screen_width, screen_height) xs = np.linspace(self.min_position, self.max_position, 100) ys = self._height(xs) xys = list(zip((xs-self.min_position)*scale, ys*scale)) self.track = rendering.make_polyline(xys) self.track.set_linewidth(4) self.viewer.add_geom(self.track) clearance = 10 l,r,t,b = -carwidth/2, carwidth/2, carheight, 0 car = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l,b), (l,t), (r,t), (r,b)]) car.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(0, clearance))) self.cartrans = rendering.Transform() car.add_attr(self.cartrans) self.viewer.add_geom(car) frontwheel = rendering.make_circle(carheight/2.5) frontwheel.set_color(.5, .5, .5) frontwheel.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(carwidth/4,clearance))) frontwheel.add_attr(self.cartrans) self.viewer.add_geom(frontwheel) backwheel = rendering.make_circle(carheight/2.5) backwheel.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(-carwidth/4,clearance))) backwheel.add_attr(self.cartrans) backwheel.set_color(.5, .5, .5) self.viewer.add_geom(backwheel) flagx = (self.goal_position-self.min_position)*scale flagy1 = self._height(self.goal_position)*scale flagy2 = flagy1 + 50 flagpole = rendering.Line((flagx, flagy1), (flagx, flagy2)) self.viewer.add_geom(flagpole) flag = rendering.FilledPolygon([(flagx, flagy2), (flagx, flagy2-10), (flagx+25, flagy2-5)]) flag.set_color(.8,.8,0) self.viewer.add_geom(flag) pos = self.state[0] self.cartrans.set_translation((pos-self.min_position)*scale, self._height(pos)*scale) self.cartrans.set_rotation(math.cos(3 * pos)) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #19
Source File: From meta-critic-networks with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _render(self, mode='human', close=False): if close: if self.viewer is not None: self.viewer.close() self.viewer = None return screen_width = 600 screen_height = 400 world_width = self.x_threshold*2 scale = screen_width/world_width carty = 100 # TOP OF CART polewidth = 10.0 polelen = scale * self.length cartwidth = 50.0 cartheight = 30.0 if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(screen_width, screen_height) l,r,t,b = -cartwidth/2, cartwidth/2, cartheight/2, -cartheight/2 axleoffset =cartheight/4.0 cart = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l,b), (l,t), (r,t), (r,b)]) self.carttrans = rendering.Transform() cart.add_attr(self.carttrans) self.viewer.add_geom(cart) l,r,t,b = -polewidth/2,polewidth/2,polelen-polewidth/2,-polewidth/2 pole = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l,b), (l,t), (r,t), (r,b)]) pole.set_color(.8,.6,.4) self.poletrans = rendering.Transform(translation=(0, axleoffset)) pole.add_attr(self.poletrans) pole.add_attr(self.carttrans) self.viewer.add_geom(pole) self.axle = rendering.make_circle(polewidth/2) self.axle.add_attr(self.poletrans) self.axle.add_attr(self.carttrans) self.axle.set_color(.5,.5,.8) self.viewer.add_geom(self.axle) self.track = rendering.Line((0,carty), (screen_width,carty)) self.track.set_color(0,0,0) self.viewer.add_geom(self.track) if self.state is None: return None x = self.state cartx = x[0]*scale+screen_width/2.0 # MIDDLE OF CART self.carttrans.set_translation(cartx, carty) self.poletrans.set_rotation(-x[2]) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #20
Source File: From DQN-DDPG_Stock_Trading with MIT License | 4 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering if self.viewer is None: self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(VIEWPORT_W, VIEWPORT_H) self.viewer.set_bounds(self.scroll, VIEWPORT_W/SCALE + self.scroll, 0, VIEWPORT_H/SCALE) self.viewer.draw_polygon( [ (self.scroll, 0), (self.scroll+VIEWPORT_W/SCALE, 0), (self.scroll+VIEWPORT_W/SCALE, VIEWPORT_H/SCALE), (self.scroll, VIEWPORT_H/SCALE), ], color=(0.9, 0.9, 1.0) ) for poly,x1,x2 in self.cloud_poly: if x2 < self.scroll/2: continue if x1 > self.scroll/2 + VIEWPORT_W/SCALE: continue self.viewer.draw_polygon( [(p[0]+self.scroll/2, p[1]) for p in poly], color=(1,1,1)) for poly, color in self.terrain_poly: if poly[1][0] < self.scroll: continue if poly[0][0] > self.scroll + VIEWPORT_W/SCALE: continue self.viewer.draw_polygon(poly, color=color) self.lidar_render = (self.lidar_render+1) % 100 i = self.lidar_render if i < 2*len(self.lidar): l = self.lidar[i] if i < len(self.lidar) else self.lidar[len(self.lidar)-i-1] self.viewer.draw_polyline( [l.p1, l.p2], color=(1,0,0), linewidth=1 ) for obj in self.drawlist: for f in obj.fixtures: trans = f.body.transform if type(f.shape) is circleShape: t = rendering.Transform(translation=trans*f.shape.pos) self.viewer.draw_circle(f.shape.radius, 30, color=obj.color1).add_attr(t) self.viewer.draw_circle(f.shape.radius, 30, color=obj.color2, filled=False, linewidth=2).add_attr(t) else: path = [trans*v for v in f.shape.vertices] self.viewer.draw_polygon(path, color=obj.color1) path.append(path[0]) self.viewer.draw_polyline(path, color=obj.color2, linewidth=2) flagy1 = TERRAIN_HEIGHT flagy2 = flagy1 + 50/SCALE x = TERRAIN_STEP*3 self.viewer.draw_polyline( [(x, flagy1), (x, flagy2)], color=(0,0,0), linewidth=2 ) f = [(x, flagy2), (x, flagy2-10/SCALE), (x+25/SCALE, flagy2-5/SCALE)] self.viewer.draw_polygon(f, color=(0.9,0.2,0) ) self.viewer.draw_polyline(f + [f[0]], color=(0,0,0), linewidth=2 ) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #21
Source File: From Hierarchical-Actor-Critic-HAC-PyTorch with MIT License | 4 votes |
def render_goal(self, goal, end_goal, mode='human'): if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(500,500) self.viewer.set_bounds(-2.2,2.2,-2.2,2.2) rod = rendering.make_capsule(1, .2) rod.set_color(.8, .3, .3) self.pole_transform = rendering.Transform() rod.add_attr(self.pole_transform) self.viewer.add_geom(rod) ################ goal ################ rod1 = rendering.make_goal_circ(1, .1) rod1.set_color(.8, .8, .3) self.pole_transform1 = rendering.Transform() rod1.add_attr(self.pole_transform1) self.viewer.add_geom(rod1) ###################################### ############## End Goal ############## rod2 = rendering.make_goal_circ(1, .1) rod2.set_color(.3, .3, .8) self.pole_transform2 = rendering.Transform() rod2.add_attr(self.pole_transform2) self.viewer.add_geom(rod2) ###################################### axle = rendering.make_circle(.05) axle.set_color(0,0,0) self.viewer.add_geom(axle) fname = path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "assets/clockwise.png") self.img = rendering.Image(fname, 1., 1.) self.imgtrans = rendering.Transform() self.img.add_attr(self.imgtrans) # self.viewer.add_onetime(self.img) self.pole_transform.set_rotation(self.state[0] + np.pi/2) self.pole_transform1.set_rotation(goal[0] + np.pi/2) self.pole_transform2.set_rotation(end_goal[0] + np.pi/2) if self.last_u: self.imgtrans.scale = (-self.last_u/2, np.abs(self.last_u)/2) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #22
Source File: From teachDeepRL with MIT License | 4 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): #self.scroll = 1 from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering if self.viewer is None: self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(self.VIEWPORT_W, self.VIEWPORT_H) self.viewer.set_bounds(self.scroll, self.VIEWPORT_W/self.SCALE + self.scroll, 0, self.VIEWPORT_H/self.SCALE) self.viewer.draw_polygon( [ (self.scroll, 0), (self.scroll+self.VIEWPORT_W/self.SCALE, 0), (self.scroll+self.VIEWPORT_W/self.SCALE, self.VIEWPORT_H/self.SCALE), (self.scroll, self.VIEWPORT_H/self.SCALE), ], color=(0.9, 0.9, 1.0) ) for poly,x1,x2 in self.cloud_poly: if x2 < self.scroll/2: continue if x1 > self.scroll/2 + self.VIEWPORT_W/self.SCALE: continue self.viewer.draw_polygon( [(p[0]+self.scroll/2, p[1]) for p in poly], color=(1,1,1)) for poly, color in self.terrain_poly: if poly[1][0] < self.scroll: continue if poly[0][0] > self.scroll + self.VIEWPORT_W/self.SCALE: continue self.viewer.draw_polygon(poly, color=color) for i in range(len(self.lidar)): l = self.lidar[i] self.viewer.draw_polyline( [l.p1, l.p2], color=(1,0,0), linewidth=1 ) for obj in self.drawlist: for f in obj.fixtures: trans = f.body.transform if type(f.shape) is circleShape: t = rendering.Transform(translation=trans*f.shape.pos) self.viewer.draw_circle(f.shape.radius, 30, color=obj.color1).add_attr(t) self.viewer.draw_circle(f.shape.radius, 30, color=obj.color2, filled=False, linewidth=2).add_attr(t) else: path = [trans*v for v in f.shape.vertices] self.viewer.draw_polygon(path, color=obj.color1) path.append(path[0]) self.viewer.draw_polyline(path, color=obj.color2, linewidth=2) flagy1 = self.TERRAIN_HEIGHT flagy2 = flagy1 + 50/self.SCALE x = self.TERRAIN_STEP*3 self.viewer.draw_polyline( [(x, flagy1), (x, flagy2)], color=(0,0,0), linewidth=2 ) f = [(x, flagy2), (x, flagy2-10/self.SCALE), (x+25/self.SCALE, flagy2-5/self.SCALE)] self.viewer.draw_polygon(f, color=(0.9,0.2,0) ) self.viewer.draw_polyline(f + [f[0]], color=(0,0,0), linewidth=2 ) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #23
Source File: From Hierarchical-Actor-Critic-HAC-PyTorch with MIT License | 4 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): screen_width = 600 screen_height = 400 world_width = self.max_position - self.min_position scale = screen_width/world_width carwidth=40 carheight=20 if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(screen_width, screen_height) xs = np.linspace(self.min_position, self.max_position, 100) ys = self._height(xs) xys = list(zip((xs-self.min_position)*scale, ys*scale)) self.track = rendering.make_polyline(xys) self.track.set_linewidth(4) self.viewer.add_geom(self.track) clearance = 10 l,r,t,b = -carwidth/2, carwidth/2, carheight, 0 car = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l,b), (l,t), (r,t), (r,b)]) car.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(0, clearance))) self.cartrans = rendering.Transform() car.add_attr(self.cartrans) self.viewer.add_geom(car) frontwheel = rendering.make_circle(carheight/2.5) frontwheel.set_color(.5, .5, .5) frontwheel.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(carwidth/4,clearance))) frontwheel.add_attr(self.cartrans) self.viewer.add_geom(frontwheel) backwheel = rendering.make_circle(carheight/2.5) backwheel.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(-carwidth/4,clearance))) backwheel.add_attr(self.cartrans) backwheel.set_color(.5, .5, .5) self.viewer.add_geom(backwheel) flagx = (self.goal_position-self.min_position)*scale flagy1 = self._height(self.goal_position)*scale flagy2 = flagy1 + 50 flagpole = rendering.Line((flagx, flagy1), (flagx, flagy2)) self.viewer.add_geom(flagpole) flag = rendering.FilledPolygon([(flagx, flagy2), (flagx, flagy2-10), (flagx+25, flagy2-5)]) flag.set_color(.8,.8,0) self.viewer.add_geom(flag) pos = self.state[0] self.cartrans.set_translation((pos-self.min_position)*scale, self._height(pos)*scale) self.cartrans.set_rotation(math.cos(3 * pos)) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #24
Source File: From memory-augmented-self-play with MIT License | 4 votes |
def display(self, mode='human'): screen_width = 600 screen_height = 400 world_width = self.x_threshold * 2 scale = screen_width / world_width carty = 100 # TOP OF CART polewidth = 10.0 polelen = scale * 1.0 cartwidth = 50.0 cartheight = 30.0 if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(screen_width, screen_height) l, r, t, b = -cartwidth / 2, cartwidth / 2, cartheight / 2, -cartheight / 2 axleoffset = cartheight / 4.0 cart = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l, b), (l, t), (r, t), (r, b)]) self.carttrans = rendering.Transform() cart.add_attr(self.carttrans) self.viewer.add_geom(cart) l, r, t, b = -polewidth / 2, polewidth / 2, polelen - polewidth / 2, -polewidth / 2 pole = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l, b), (l, t), (r, t), (r, b)]) pole.set_color(.8, .6, .4) self.poletrans = rendering.Transform(translation=(0, axleoffset)) pole.add_attr(self.poletrans) pole.add_attr(self.carttrans) self.viewer.add_geom(pole) self.axle = rendering.make_circle(polewidth / 2) self.axle.add_attr(self.poletrans) self.axle.add_attr(self.carttrans) self.axle.set_color(.5, .5, .8) self.viewer.add_geom(self.axle) self.track = rendering.Line((0, carty), (screen_width, carty)) self.track.set_color(0, 0, 0) self.viewer.add_geom(self.track) if self.state is None: return None x = self.state cartx = x[0] * scale + screen_width / 2.0 # MIDDLE OF CART self.carttrans.set_translation(cartx, carty) self.poletrans.set_rotation(-x[2]) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array=mode == 'rgb_array')
Example #25
Source File: From memory-augmented-self-play with MIT License | 4 votes |
def display(self, mode='human'): screen_width = 600 screen_height = 400 world_width = self.max_position - self.min_position scale = screen_width / world_width carwidth = 40 carheight = 20 if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(screen_width, screen_height) xs = np.linspace(self.min_position, self.max_position, 100) ys = self._height(xs) xys = list(zip((xs - self.min_position) * scale, ys * scale)) self.track = rendering.make_polyline(xys) self.track.set_linewidth(4) self.viewer.add_geom(self.track) clearance = 10 l, r, t, b = -carwidth / 2, carwidth / 2, carheight, 0 car = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l, b), (l, t), (r, t), (r, b)]) car.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(0, clearance))) self.cartrans = rendering.Transform() car.add_attr(self.cartrans) self.viewer.add_geom(car) frontwheel = rendering.make_circle(carheight / 2.5) frontwheel.set_color(.5, .5, .5) frontwheel.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(carwidth / 4, clearance))) frontwheel.add_attr(self.cartrans) self.viewer.add_geom(frontwheel) backwheel = rendering.make_circle(carheight / 2.5) backwheel.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(-carwidth / 4, clearance))) backwheel.add_attr(self.cartrans) backwheel.set_color(.5, .5, .5) self.viewer.add_geom(backwheel) flagx = (self.goal_position - self.min_position) * scale flagy1 = self._height(self.goal_position) * scale flagy2 = flagy1 + 50 flagpole = rendering.Line((flagx, flagy1), (flagx, flagy2)) self.viewer.add_geom(flagpole) flag = rendering.FilledPolygon([(flagx, flagy2), (flagx, flagy2 - 10), (flagx + 25, flagy2 - 5)]) flag.set_color(.8, .8, 0) self.viewer.add_geom(flag) pos = self.state[0] self.cartrans.set_translation((pos - self.min_position) * scale, self._height(pos) * scale) self.cartrans.set_rotation(math.cos(3 * pos)) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array=mode == 'rgb_array')
Example #26
Source File: From ray with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def render(self, mode="human"): screen_width = 600 screen_height = 400 world_width = self.x_threshold * 2 scale = screen_width / world_width carty = 100 # TOP OF CART polewidth = 10.0 polelen = scale * 1.0 cartwidth = 50.0 cartheight = 30.0 if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(screen_width, screen_height) l, r, t, b = (-cartwidth / 2, cartwidth / 2, cartheight / 2, -cartheight / 2) axleoffset = cartheight / 4.0 cart = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l, b), (l, t), (r, t), (r, b)]) self.carttrans = rendering.Transform() cart.add_attr(self.carttrans) self.viewer.add_geom(cart) l, r, t, b = (-polewidth / 2, polewidth / 2, polelen - polewidth / 2, -polewidth / 2) pole = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l, b), (l, t), (r, t), (r, b)]) pole.set_color(.8, .6, .4) self.poletrans = rendering.Transform(translation=(0, axleoffset)) pole.add_attr(self.poletrans) pole.add_attr(self.carttrans) self.viewer.add_geom(pole) self.axle = rendering.make_circle(polewidth / 2) self.axle.add_attr(self.poletrans) self.axle.add_attr(self.carttrans) self.axle.set_color(.5, .5, .8) self.viewer.add_geom(self.axle) self.track = rendering.Line((0, carty), (screen_width, carty)) self.track.set_color(0, 0, 0) self.viewer.add_geom(self.track) if self.state is None: return None x = self.state cartx = x[0] * scale + screen_width / 2.0 # MIDDLE OF CART self.carttrans.set_translation(cartx, carty) self.poletrans.set_rotation(-x[2]) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array=mode == "rgb_array")
Example #27
Source File: From cs294-112_hws with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _render(self, mode='human', close=False): if close: if self.viewer is not None: self.viewer.close() self.viewer = None return from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering if self.viewer is None: self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(VIEWPORT_W, VIEWPORT_H) self.viewer.set_bounds(0, VIEWPORT_W/SCALE, 0, VIEWPORT_H/SCALE) for obj in self.particles: obj.ttl -= 0.15 obj.color1 = (max(0.2,0.2+obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl)) obj.color2 = (max(0.2,0.2+obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl), max(0.2,0.5*obj.ttl)) self._clean_particles(False) for p in self.sky_polys: self.viewer.draw_polygon(p, color=(0,0,0)) for obj in self.particles + self.drawlist: for f in obj.fixtures: trans = f.body.transform if type(f.shape) is circleShape: t = rendering.Transform(translation=trans*f.shape.pos) self.viewer.draw_circle(f.shape.radius, 20, color=obj.color1).add_attr(t) self.viewer.draw_circle(f.shape.radius, 20, color=obj.color2, filled=False, linewidth=2).add_attr(t) else: path = [trans*v for v in f.shape.vertices] self.viewer.draw_polygon(path, color=obj.color1) path.append(path[0]) self.viewer.draw_polyline(path, color=obj.color2, linewidth=2) for x in [self.helipad_x1, self.helipad_x2]: flagy1 = self.helipad_y flagy2 = flagy1 + 50/SCALE self.viewer.draw_polyline( [(x, flagy1), (x, flagy2)], color=(1,1,1) ) self.viewer.draw_polygon( [(x, flagy2), (x, flagy2-10/SCALE), (x+25/SCALE, flagy2-5/SCALE)], color=(0.8,0.8,0) ) clock_prog = self.curr_step / MAX_NUM_STEPS self.viewer.draw_polyline( [(0, 0.05*VIEWPORT_H/SCALE), (clock_prog*VIEWPORT_W/SCALE, 0.05*VIEWPORT_H/SCALE)], color=(255,0,0), linewidth=5 ) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #28
Source File: From ia-course with MIT License | 4 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): screen_width = 600 screen_height = 400 world_width = self.max_position - self.min_position scale = screen_width/world_width carwidth=40 carheight=20 if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(screen_width, screen_height) xs = np.linspace(self.min_position, self.max_position, 100) ys = self._height(xs) xys = list(zip((xs-self.min_position)*scale, ys*scale)) self.track = rendering.make_polyline(xys) self.track.set_linewidth(4) self.viewer.add_geom(self.track) clearance = 10 l,r,t,b = -carwidth/2, carwidth/2, carheight, 0 car = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l,b), (l,t), (r,t), (r,b)]) car.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(0, clearance))) self.cartrans = rendering.Transform() car.add_attr(self.cartrans) self.viewer.add_geom(car) frontwheel = rendering.make_circle(carheight/2.5) frontwheel.set_color(.5, .5, .5) frontwheel.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(carwidth/4,clearance))) frontwheel.add_attr(self.cartrans) self.viewer.add_geom(frontwheel) backwheel = rendering.make_circle(carheight/2.5) backwheel.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(-carwidth/4,clearance))) backwheel.add_attr(self.cartrans) backwheel.set_color(.5, .5, .5) self.viewer.add_geom(backwheel) flagx = (self.goal_position-self.min_position)*scale flagy1 = self._height(self.goal_position)*scale flagy2 = flagy1 + 50 flagpole = rendering.Line((flagx, flagy1), (flagx, flagy2)) self.viewer.add_geom(flagpole) flag = rendering.FilledPolygon([(flagx, flagy2), (flagx, flagy2-10), (flagx+25, flagy2-5)]) flag.set_color(.8,.8,0) self.viewer.add_geom(flag) pos = self.state[0] self.cartrans.set_translation((pos-self.min_position)*scale, self._height(pos)*scale) self.cartrans.set_rotation(math.cos(3 * pos)) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #29
Source File: From ia-course with MIT License | 4 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): screen_width = 600 screen_height = 400 world_width = self.max_position - self.min_position scale = screen_width/world_width carwidth=40 carheight=20 if self.viewer is None: from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(screen_width, screen_height) xs = np.linspace(self.min_position, self.max_position, 100) ys = self._height(xs) xys = list(zip((xs-self.min_position)*scale, ys*scale)) self.track = rendering.make_polyline(xys) self.track.set_linewidth(4) self.viewer.add_geom(self.track) clearance = 10 l,r,t,b = -carwidth/2, carwidth/2, carheight, 0 car = rendering.FilledPolygon([(l,b), (l,t), (r,t), (r,b)]) car.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(0, clearance))) self.cartrans = rendering.Transform() car.add_attr(self.cartrans) self.viewer.add_geom(car) frontwheel = rendering.make_circle(carheight/2.5) frontwheel.set_color(.5, .5, .5) frontwheel.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(carwidth/4,clearance))) frontwheel.add_attr(self.cartrans) self.viewer.add_geom(frontwheel) backwheel = rendering.make_circle(carheight/2.5) backwheel.add_attr(rendering.Transform(translation=(-carwidth/4,clearance))) backwheel.add_attr(self.cartrans) backwheel.set_color(.5, .5, .5) self.viewer.add_geom(backwheel) flagx = (self.goal_position-self.min_position)*scale flagy1 = self._height(self.goal_position)*scale flagy2 = flagy1 + 50 flagpole = rendering.Line((flagx, flagy1), (flagx, flagy2)) self.viewer.add_geom(flagpole) flag = rendering.FilledPolygon([(flagx, flagy2), (flagx, flagy2-10), (flagx+25, flagy2-5)]) flag.set_color(.8,.8,0) self.viewer.add_geom(flag) pos = self.state[0] self.cartrans.set_translation((pos-self.min_position)*scale, self._height(pos)*scale) self.cartrans.set_rotation(math.cos(3 * pos)) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')
Example #30
Source File: From ia-course with MIT License | 4 votes |
def render(self, mode='human'): from gym.envs.classic_control import rendering if self.viewer is None: self.viewer = rendering.Viewer(VIEWPORT_W, VIEWPORT_H) self.viewer.set_bounds(self.scroll, VIEWPORT_W/SCALE + self.scroll, 0, VIEWPORT_H/SCALE) self.viewer.draw_polygon( [ (self.scroll, 0), (self.scroll+VIEWPORT_W/SCALE, 0), (self.scroll+VIEWPORT_W/SCALE, VIEWPORT_H/SCALE), (self.scroll, VIEWPORT_H/SCALE), ], color=(0.9, 0.9, 1.0) ) for poly,x1,x2 in self.cloud_poly: if x2 < self.scroll/2: continue if x1 > self.scroll/2 + VIEWPORT_W/SCALE: continue self.viewer.draw_polygon( [(p[0]+self.scroll/2, p[1]) for p in poly], color=(1,1,1)) for poly, color in self.terrain_poly: if poly[1][0] < self.scroll: continue if poly[0][0] > self.scroll + VIEWPORT_W/SCALE: continue self.viewer.draw_polygon(poly, color=color) self.lidar_render = (self.lidar_render+1) % 100 i = self.lidar_render if i < 2*len(self.lidar): l = self.lidar[i] if i < len(self.lidar) else self.lidar[len(self.lidar)-i-1] self.viewer.draw_polyline( [l.p1, l.p2], color=(1,0,0), linewidth=1 ) for obj in self.drawlist: for f in obj.fixtures: trans = f.body.transform if type(f.shape) is circleShape: t = rendering.Transform(translation=trans*f.shape.pos) self.viewer.draw_circle(f.shape.radius, 30, color=obj.color1).add_attr(t) self.viewer.draw_circle(f.shape.radius, 30, color=obj.color2, filled=False, linewidth=2).add_attr(t) else: path = [trans*v for v in f.shape.vertices] self.viewer.draw_polygon(path, color=obj.color1) path.append(path[0]) self.viewer.draw_polyline(path, color=obj.color2, linewidth=2) flagy1 = TERRAIN_HEIGHT flagy2 = flagy1 + 50/SCALE x = TERRAIN_STEP*3 self.viewer.draw_polyline( [(x, flagy1), (x, flagy2)], color=(0,0,0), linewidth=2 ) f = [(x, flagy2), (x, flagy2-10/SCALE), (x+25/SCALE, flagy2-5/SCALE)] self.viewer.draw_polygon(f, color=(0.9,0.2,0) ) self.viewer.draw_polyline(f + [f[0]], color=(0,0,0), linewidth=2 ) return self.viewer.render(return_rgb_array = mode=='rgb_array')