Python Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From WerewolvesWechatBot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, game_controller): super().__init__(game_controller) self.username_to_user = {} # Map Wechat user name to WechatUser object self.send_msg_queue = queue.Queue() # Avoid sending messages too fast by buffering # Start listening Wechat messages itchat.auto_login() threading.Thread(target = # Send messages in another thread threading.Thread(target = self.send_messages_in_queue).start() # Accept new messages from players @itchat.msg_register(itchat.content.TEXT) def listen_wechat_message(message_info): username = message_info['User']['UserName'] # User name of the Wechat user text = message_info['Text'] # Content of the message self.got_message(username, text)
Example #2
Source File: From fishroom with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): if "wechat" not in config: return from .runner import run_threads bot, im2fish_bus, fish2im_bus = init() wxdebug() # The two threads and are all blocking, # so put all of them in run_threads run_threads([ (Wechat2FishroomThread, (bot, im2fish_bus, ), ), (Fishroom2WechatThread, (bot, fish2im_bus, ), ), (, (), ) ])
Example #3
Source File: From WeChatAssistant with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def wechat_login(self): try: itchat.auto_login(hotReload=True) except: q.put("您的微信未能正确登陆,可能是注册时间太短,微信禁止登陆网页版微信") chatroomsList =itchat.get_chatrooms() for chatroom in chatroomsList: group_list.append(chatroom["NickName"]) js.writejson('groupdata.json',group_list) self.ShowGroup() self.ShowFriends()
Example #4
Source File: From WechatHelper with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(self, keywords=None, replycontents=None): if keywords is not None: global KEYWORDS KEYWORDS = keywords if replycontents is not None: global RELAYCONTENTS RELAYCONTENTS = replycontents try: itchat.auto_login(hotReload=True) except: itchat.auto_login(hotReload=True, enableCmdQR=True)
Example #5
Source File: From WechatHelper with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(self): try: itchat.auto_login(hotReload=True) except: itchat.auto_login(hotReload=True, enableCmdQR=True)
Example #6
Source File: From anack with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def text_reply(msg): # msg.user.send('%s: %s' % (msg.type, msg.text)) #终于发出消息了 who = msg['ActualNickName'] #获取发送人的名称 content = msg['Text'] print(who,'call me') if content == 'logout' or content == 'quit' or content == 'exit': itchat.logout() return ### 发送内容有三种方式:给自己、给别人、给群聊(示例程序),测试成功 # if who == '尹超': # SendText2Friend('yc send') #给自己(文件助手) # SendTxet2ChatRoom('yc send','啊啊啊') #给指定群聊 # else: # SendText2Friend('ali send','阿狸') #给指定的人 # SendTxet2ChatRoom('ali send','啊啊啊') #给指定群聊 #------------------------------------------------- authority = ['尹超','徐抒田','李航','李繁','鹏','顾秋杨'] # if who in authority: #此处有bug,自己先发送的话who为空,必须别人先发信息 if 1: # print(content) result = ATDecoder(content) # print(result) if result != None: SendText2ChatRoom(result,'啊啊啊') #给指定群聊 # else: # print('no reply') #------------------------------------------------------------------- time.sleep(1) ######################################################################## #WechatLogin() #SendText2Friend('test') #SendText2Friend('test','阿狸') #SendTxet2ChatRoom('test','啊啊啊')
Example #7
Source File: From EverydayWechat with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(): """ 主运行入口 """ # 判断是否登录,如果没有登录则自动登录,返回 False 表示登录失败 print('开始登录...') if not is_online(auto_login=True): print('程序已退出...') return
Example #8
Source File: From TouchFish with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): self.user_count = 0 self.selfUser = None self.user_dict = {} self.current_user = None # 当前正在聊天的用户 self.room_dept = -1 # 用于记录好友和群聊的分界点id self.cmd = Cmd(self) # 初始化一个命令管理器, 此命令管理器管理所有的命令 itchat.auto_login(hotReload=True,enableCmdQR = 2,exitCallback=itchat.logout) #登录并记录登录状态 threading.Thread( # 线程启动run实现 self.loadUserList(itchat.get_friends(),'f') # 加载好友 self.loadUserList(itchat.get_chatrooms(),'r') # 加载群聊
Example #9
Source File: From TWchat with MIT License | 4 votes |
def start(): @itchat.msg_register([TEXT, MAP, CARD, NOTE, SHARING,PICTURE, RECORDING, ATTACHMENT, VIDEO,FRIENDS]) def recive_contact_msg(msg): contact_name = get_contact_name(msg) try: wechatMain.recive_message(msg,contact_name) notify('TWchat',"new message from: "+contact_name) except AttributeError: pass @itchat.msg_register(TEXT, isGroupChat=True) def recive_group_msg(msg): group_name = get_group_name(msg) try: wechatMain.recive_message(msg,group_name) notify('TWchat',"new message from: "+group_name) except AttributeError: pass return def on_contact_item_click(button,info): wechatMain.chatListBox.addNewChat(info[0],info[1]) wechatMain.set_current_chat(info[0],info[1]) wechatMain.chatListBox.show_chat() return def on_chat_item_click(button,info): wechatMain.set_current_chat(info[0],info[1]) return palette = [ ('left', 'black', 'light gray'), ('right', 'black', 'dark cyan'), ('button', 'dark green','black'), ('mybg', 'black','dark cyan'), ('tobg', 'dark blue','light gray'), ('edit', 'dark cyan','black'), ('bg', 'dark green', 'black'),] print (''' _____ _ _ _____ _ _ ___ _____ |_ _|| | | |/ __ \| | | | / _ \ |_ _| | | | | | || / \/| |_| |/ /_\ \ | | | | | |/\| || | | _ || _ | | | | | \ /\ /| \__/\| | | || | | | | | \_/ \/ \/ \____/\_| |_/\_| |_/ \_/ ''') wechatMain = wegui.WechatMain(palette) itchat.auto_login(enableCmdQR=2,hotReload=True) userInfo =itchat.web_init()['User'] owner_id = userInfo['UserName'] owner_name = userInfo['NickName'] contactlist= itchat.get_friends(update=True) chatlist = itchat.get_chatrooms() #contactlist = sorted(contactlist,key=lambda x:(x['RemarkPYInitial'],x['PYInitial'])) contactlist = sorted(contactlist,key=lambda x:(lazy_pinyin(get_name(x)))) wechatMain.initUserInfo(owner_id,owner_name,on_contact_item_click,on_chat_item_click,contactlist,chatlist) wechatMain.bind_itchat(itchat) wechatMain.createLoop()
Example #10
Source File: From EverydayWechat with MIT License | 4 votes |
def is_online(auto_login=False): """ 判断是否还在线。 :param auto_login: bool,当为 Ture 则自动重连(默认为 False)。 :return: bool,当返回为 True 时,在线;False 已断开连接。 """ def _online(): """ 通过获取好友信息,判断用户是否还在线。 :return: bool,当返回为 True 时,在线;False 已断开连接。 """ try: if itchat.search_friends(): return True except IndexError: return False return True if _online(): return True # 如果在线,则直接返回 True if not auto_login: # 不自动登录,则直接返回 False print('微信已离线..') return False # hotReload = not config.get('is_forced_switch', False) # 切换微信号,重新扫码。 hotReload = False # 2019年9月27日15:31:22 最近保存最近登录状态出错,所以先设置每次都得扫码登录 loginCallback = init_data exitCallback = exit_msg try: for _ in range(2): # 尝试登录 2 次。 if platform.system() in ('Windows', 'Darwin'): itchat.auto_login(hotReload=hotReload, loginCallback=loginCallback, exitCallback=exitCallback) else: # 命令行显示登录二维码。 itchat.auto_login(enableCmdQR=2, hotReload=hotReload, loginCallback=loginCallback, exitCallback=exitCallback) if _online(): print('登录成功') return True except Exception as exception: # 登录失败的错误处理。 sex = str(exception) if sex == "'User'": print('此微信号不能登录网页版微信,不能运行此项目。没有任何其它解决办法!可以换个号再试试。') else: print(sex) delete_cache() # 清理缓存数据 print('登录失败。') return False