Python sqlalchemy.ext.automap.generate_relationship() Examples
The following are 11
code examples of sqlalchemy.ext.automap.generate_relationship().
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Example #1
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_relationship_pass_params(self): Base = automap_base(metadata=self.metadata) mock = Mock() def _gen_relationship( base, direction, return_fn, attrname, local_cls, referred_cls, **kw ): mock(base, direction, attrname) return generate_relationship( base, direction, return_fn, attrname, local_cls, referred_cls, **kw ) Base.prepare(generate_relationship=_gen_relationship) assert set(tuple(c[1]) for c in mock.mock_calls).issuperset( [ (Base, interfaces.MANYTOONE, "nodes"), (Base, interfaces.MANYTOMANY, "keywords_collection"), (Base, interfaces.MANYTOMANY, "items_collection"), (Base, interfaces.MANYTOONE, "users"), (Base, interfaces.ONETOMANY, "addresses_collection"), ] )
Example #2
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_conditional_relationship(self): Base = automap_base() def _gen_relationship(*arg, **kw): return None Base.prepare( engine=testing.db, reflect=True, generate_relationship=_gen_relationship, )
Example #3
Source File: From jbox with MIT License | 4 votes |
def generate_relationship( base, direction, return_fn, attrname, local_cls, referred_cls, **kw): """Generate a :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` on behalf of two mapped classes. An alternate implementation of this function can be specified using the :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.generate_relationship` parameter. The default implementation of this function is as follows:: if return_fn is backref: return return_fn(attrname, **kw) elif return_fn is relationship: return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn) :param base: the :class:`.AutomapBase` class doing the prepare. :param direction: indicate the "direction" of the relationship; this will be one of :data:`.ONETOMANY`, :data:`.MANYTOONE`, :data:`.MANYTOMANY`. :param return_fn: the function that is used by default to create the relationship. This will be either :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref`. The :func:`.backref` function's result will be used to produce a new :func:`.relationship` in a second step, so it is critical that user-defined implementations correctly differentiate between the two functions, if a custom relationship function is being used. :attrname: the attribute name to which this relationship is being assigned. If the value of :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` is the :func:`.backref` function, then this name is the name that is being assigned to the backref. :param local_cls: the "local" class to which this relationship or backref will be locally present. :param referred_cls: the "referred" class to which the relationship or backref refers to. :param \**kw: all additional keyword arguments are passed along to the function. :return: a :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` construct, as dictated by the :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` parameter. """ if return_fn is backref: return return_fn(attrname, **kw) elif return_fn is relationship: return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn)
Example #4
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def generate_relationship( base, direction, return_fn, attrname, local_cls, referred_cls, **kw): """Generate a :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` on behalf of two mapped classes. An alternate implementation of this function can be specified using the :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.generate_relationship` parameter. The default implementation of this function is as follows:: if return_fn is backref: return return_fn(attrname, **kw) elif return_fn is relationship: return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn) :param base: the :class:`.AutomapBase` class doing the prepare. :param direction: indicate the "direction" of the relationship; this will be one of :data:`.ONETOMANY`, :data:`.MANYTOONE`, :data:`.MANYTOMANY`. :param return_fn: the function that is used by default to create the relationship. This will be either :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref`. The :func:`.backref` function's result will be used to produce a new :func:`.relationship` in a second step, so it is critical that user-defined implementations correctly differentiate between the two functions, if a custom relationship function is being used. :attrname: the attribute name to which this relationship is being assigned. If the value of :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` is the :func:`.backref` function, then this name is the name that is being assigned to the backref. :param local_cls: the "local" class to which this relationship or backref will be locally present. :param referred_cls: the "referred" class to which the relationship or backref refers to. :param \**kw: all additional keyword arguments are passed along to the function. :return: a :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` construct, as dictated by the :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` parameter. """ if return_fn is backref: return return_fn(attrname, **kw) elif return_fn is relationship: return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn)
Example #5
Source File: From planespotter with MIT License | 4 votes |
def generate_relationship( base, direction, return_fn, attrname, local_cls, referred_cls, **kw): r"""Generate a :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` on behalf of two mapped classes. An alternate implementation of this function can be specified using the :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.generate_relationship` parameter. The default implementation of this function is as follows:: if return_fn is backref: return return_fn(attrname, **kw) elif return_fn is relationship: return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn) :param base: the :class:`.AutomapBase` class doing the prepare. :param direction: indicate the "direction" of the relationship; this will be one of :data:`.ONETOMANY`, :data:`.MANYTOONE`, :data:`.MANYTOMANY`. :param return_fn: the function that is used by default to create the relationship. This will be either :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref`. The :func:`.backref` function's result will be used to produce a new :func:`.relationship` in a second step, so it is critical that user-defined implementations correctly differentiate between the two functions, if a custom relationship function is being used. :param attrname: the attribute name to which this relationship is being assigned. If the value of :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` is the :func:`.backref` function, then this name is the name that is being assigned to the backref. :param local_cls: the "local" class to which this relationship or backref will be locally present. :param referred_cls: the "referred" class to which the relationship or backref refers to. :param \**kw: all additional keyword arguments are passed along to the function. :return: a :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` construct, as dictated by the :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` parameter. """ if return_fn is backref: return return_fn(attrname, **kw) elif return_fn is relationship: return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn)
Example #6
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def generate_relationship( base, direction, return_fn, attrname, local_cls, referred_cls, **kw): r"""Generate a :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` on behalf of two mapped classes. An alternate implementation of this function can be specified using the :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.generate_relationship` parameter. The default implementation of this function is as follows:: if return_fn is backref: return return_fn(attrname, **kw) elif return_fn is relationship: return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn) :param base: the :class:`.AutomapBase` class doing the prepare. :param direction: indicate the "direction" of the relationship; this will be one of :data:`.ONETOMANY`, :data:`.MANYTOONE`, :data:`.MANYTOMANY`. :param return_fn: the function that is used by default to create the relationship. This will be either :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref`. The :func:`.backref` function's result will be used to produce a new :func:`.relationship` in a second step, so it is critical that user-defined implementations correctly differentiate between the two functions, if a custom relationship function is being used. :param attrname: the attribute name to which this relationship is being assigned. If the value of :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` is the :func:`.backref` function, then this name is the name that is being assigned to the backref. :param local_cls: the "local" class to which this relationship or backref will be locally present. :param referred_cls: the "referred" class to which the relationship or backref refers to. :param \**kw: all additional keyword arguments are passed along to the function. :return: a :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` construct, as dictated by the :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` parameter. """ if return_fn is backref: return return_fn(attrname, **kw) elif return_fn is relationship: return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn)
Example #7
Source File: From stdm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def generate_relationship( base, direction, return_fn, attrname, local_cls, referred_cls, **kw): """Generate a :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` on behalf of two mapped classes. An alternate implementation of this function can be specified using the :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.generate_relationship` parameter. The default implementation of this function is as follows:: if return_fn is backref: return return_fn(attrname, **kw) elif return_fn is relationship: return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn) :param base: the :class:`.AutomapBase` class doing the prepare. :param direction: indicate the "direction" of the relationship; this will be one of :data:`.ONETOMANY`, :data:`.MANYTOONE`, :data:`.MANYTOONE`. :param return_fn: the function that is used by default to create the relationship. This will be either :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref`. The :func:`.backref` function's result will be used to produce a new :func:`.relationship` in a second step, so it is critical that user-defined implementations correctly differentiate between the two functions, if a custom relationship function is being used. :attrname: the attribute name to which this relationship is being assigned. If the value of :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` is the :func:`.backref` function, then this name is the name that is being assigned to the backref. :param local_cls: the "local" class to which this relationship or backref will be locally present. :param referred_cls: the "referred" class to which the relationship or backref refers to. :param \**kw: all additional keyword arguments are passed along to the function. :return: a :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` construct, as dictated by the :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` parameter. """ if return_fn is backref: return return_fn(attrname, **kw) elif return_fn is relationship: return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn)
Example #8
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def generate_relationship( base, direction, return_fn, attrname, local_cls, referred_cls, **kw ): r"""Generate a :func:`_orm.relationship` or :func:`.backref` on behalf of two mapped classes. An alternate implementation of this function can be specified using the :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.generate_relationship` parameter. The default implementation of this function is as follows:: if return_fn is backref: return return_fn(attrname, **kw) elif return_fn is relationship: return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn) :param base: the :class:`.AutomapBase` class doing the prepare. :param direction: indicate the "direction" of the relationship; this will be one of :data:`.ONETOMANY`, :data:`.MANYTOONE`, :data:`.MANYTOMANY`. :param return_fn: the function that is used by default to create the relationship. This will be either :func:`_orm.relationship` or :func:`.backref`. The :func:`.backref` function's result will be used to produce a new :func:`_orm.relationship` in a second step, so it is critical that user-defined implementations correctly differentiate between the two functions, if a custom relationship function is being used. :param attrname: the attribute name to which this relationship is being assigned. If the value of :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` is the :func:`.backref` function, then this name is the name that is being assigned to the backref. :param local_cls: the "local" class to which this relationship or backref will be locally present. :param referred_cls: the "referred" class to which the relationship or backref refers to. :param \**kw: all additional keyword arguments are passed along to the function. :return: a :func:`_orm.relationship` or :func:`.backref` construct, as dictated by the :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` parameter. """ if return_fn is backref: return return_fn(attrname, **kw) elif return_fn is relationship: return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn)
Example #9
Source File: From jarvis with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def generate_relationship( base, direction, return_fn, attrname, local_cls, referred_cls, **kw): r"""Generate a :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` on behalf of two mapped classes. An alternate implementation of this function can be specified using the :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.generate_relationship` parameter. The default implementation of this function is as follows:: if return_fn is backref: return return_fn(attrname, **kw) elif return_fn is relationship: return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn) :param base: the :class:`.AutomapBase` class doing the prepare. :param direction: indicate the "direction" of the relationship; this will be one of :data:`.ONETOMANY`, :data:`.MANYTOONE`, :data:`.MANYTOMANY`. :param return_fn: the function that is used by default to create the relationship. This will be either :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref`. The :func:`.backref` function's result will be used to produce a new :func:`.relationship` in a second step, so it is critical that user-defined implementations correctly differentiate between the two functions, if a custom relationship function is being used. :param attrname: the attribute name to which this relationship is being assigned. If the value of :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` is the :func:`.backref` function, then this name is the name that is being assigned to the backref. :param local_cls: the "local" class to which this relationship or backref will be locally present. :param referred_cls: the "referred" class to which the relationship or backref refers to. :param \**kw: all additional keyword arguments are passed along to the function. :return: a :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` construct, as dictated by the :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` parameter. """ if return_fn is backref: return return_fn(attrname, **kw) elif return_fn is relationship: return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn)
Example #10
Source File: From moviegrabber with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def generate_relationship(base, direction, return_fn, attrname, local_cls, referred_cls, **kw): """Generate a :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` on behalf of two mapped classes. An alternate implementation of this function can be specified using the :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.generate_relationship` parameter. The default implementation of this function is as follows:: if return_fn is backref: return return_fn(attrname, **kw) elif return_fn is relationship: return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn) :param base: the :class:`.AutomapBase` class doing the prepare. :param direction: indicate the "direction" of the relationship; this will be one of :data:`.ONETOMANY`, :data:`.MANYTOONE`, :data:`.MANYTOONE`. :param return_fn: the function that is used by default to create the relationship. This will be either :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref`. The :func:`.backref` function's result will be used to produce a new :func:`.relationship` in a second step, so it is critical that user-defined implementations correctly differentiate between the two functions, if a custom relationship function is being used. :attrname: the attribute name to which this relationship is being assigned. If the value of :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` is the :func:`.backref` function, then this name is the name that is being assigned to the backref. :param local_cls: the "local" class to which this relationship or backref will be locally present. :param referred_cls: the "referred" class to which the relationship or backref refers to. :param \**kw: all additional keyword arguments are passed along to the function. :return: a :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` construct, as dictated by the :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` parameter. """ if return_fn is backref: return return_fn(attrname, **kw) elif return_fn is relationship: return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn)
Example #11
Source File: From android_universal with MIT License | 4 votes |
def generate_relationship( base, direction, return_fn, attrname, local_cls, referred_cls, **kw): r"""Generate a :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` on behalf of two mapped classes. An alternate implementation of this function can be specified using the :paramref:`.AutomapBase.prepare.generate_relationship` parameter. The default implementation of this function is as follows:: if return_fn is backref: return return_fn(attrname, **kw) elif return_fn is relationship: return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn) :param base: the :class:`.AutomapBase` class doing the prepare. :param direction: indicate the "direction" of the relationship; this will be one of :data:`.ONETOMANY`, :data:`.MANYTOONE`, :data:`.MANYTOMANY`. :param return_fn: the function that is used by default to create the relationship. This will be either :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref`. The :func:`.backref` function's result will be used to produce a new :func:`.relationship` in a second step, so it is critical that user-defined implementations correctly differentiate between the two functions, if a custom relationship function is being used. :param attrname: the attribute name to which this relationship is being assigned. If the value of :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` is the :func:`.backref` function, then this name is the name that is being assigned to the backref. :param local_cls: the "local" class to which this relationship or backref will be locally present. :param referred_cls: the "referred" class to which the relationship or backref refers to. :param \**kw: all additional keyword arguments are passed along to the function. :return: a :func:`.relationship` or :func:`.backref` construct, as dictated by the :paramref:`.generate_relationship.return_fn` parameter. """ if return_fn is backref: return return_fn(attrname, **kw) elif return_fn is relationship: return return_fn(referred_cls, **kw) else: raise TypeError("Unknown relationship function: %s" % return_fn)