Python sqlalchemy.ext.automap.automap_base() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of sqlalchemy.ext.automap.automap_base().
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Example #1
Source File: From CumulusCI with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 7 votes |
def _init_db(self): """Initialize the database and automapper.""" self.models = {} # initialize the DB engine self.engine = create_engine(self.options["database_url"]) # initialize DB metadata self.metadata = MetaData() self.metadata.bind = self.engine # Create the tables self._create_tables() # initialize the automap mapping self.base = automap_base(bind=self.engine, metadata=self.metadata) self.base.prepare(self.engine, reflect=True) # initialize session self.session = create_session(bind=self.engine, autocommit=False)
Example #2
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _is_many_to_many(automap_base, table): fk_constraints = [ const for const in table.constraints if isinstance(const, ForeignKeyConstraint) ] if len(fk_constraints) != 2: return None, None, None cols = sum( [ [fk.parent for fk in fk_constraint.elements] for fk_constraint in fk_constraints ], [], ) if set(cols) != set(table.c): return None, None, None return ( fk_constraints[0].elements[0].column.table, fk_constraints[1].elements[0].column.table, fk_constraints, )
Example #3
Source File: From android_universal with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _is_many_to_many(automap_base, table): fk_constraints = [const for const in table.constraints if isinstance(const, ForeignKeyConstraint)] if len(fk_constraints) != 2: return None, None, None cols = sum( [[fk.parent for fk in fk_constraint.elements] for fk_constraint in fk_constraints], []) if set(cols) != set(table.c): return None, None, None return ( fk_constraints[0].elements[0].column.table, fk_constraints[1].elements[0].column.table, fk_constraints )
Example #4
Source File: From moviegrabber with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _is_many_to_many(automap_base, table): fk_constraints = [const for const in table.constraints if isinstance(const, ForeignKeyConstraint)] if len(fk_constraints) != 2: return None, None, None cols = sum( [[fk.parent for fk in fk_constraint.elements] for fk_constraint in fk_constraints], []) if set(cols) != set(table.c): return None, None, None return ( fk_constraints[0].elements[0].column.table, fk_constraints[1].elements[0].column.table, fk_constraints )
Example #5
Source File: From jarvis with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _is_many_to_many(automap_base, table): fk_constraints = [const for const in table.constraints if isinstance(const, ForeignKeyConstraint)] if len(fk_constraints) != 2: return None, None, None cols = sum( [[fk.parent for fk in fk_constraint.elements] for fk_constraint in fk_constraints], []) if set(cols) != set(table.c): return None, None, None return ( fk_constraints[0].elements[0].column.table, fk_constraints[1].elements[0].column.table, fk_constraints )
Example #6
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_joined_inheritance_reflect(self): Base = automap_base() class Joined(Base): __tablename__ = "joined_base" type = Column(String) __mapper_args__ = { "polymorphic_identity": "u0", "polymorphic_on": type, } class SubJoined(Joined): __tablename__ = "joined_inh" __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "u1"} Base.prepare(engine=testing.db, reflect=True) assert SubJoined.__mapper__.inherits is Joined.__mapper__ assert not Joined.__mapper__.relationships assert not SubJoined.__mapper__.relationships
Example #7
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_single_inheritance_reflect(self): Base = automap_base() class Single(Base): __tablename__ = "single" type = Column(String) __mapper_args__ = { "polymorphic_identity": "u0", "polymorphic_on": type, } class SubUser1(Single): __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "u1"} class SubUser2(Single): __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": "u2"} Base.prepare(engine=testing.db, reflect=True) assert SubUser2.__mapper__.inherits is Single.__mapper__
Example #8
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_prepare_defaults_to_no_schema(self): """ The underlying reflect call accepts an optional schema argument. This is for determining which database schema to load. This test verifies that prepare passes a default None if no schema is provided. """ Base = automap_base(metadata=self.metadata) engine_mock = Mock() with patch.object(Base.metadata, "reflect") as reflect_mock: Base.prepare(engine_mock, reflect=True) reflect_mock.assert_called_once_with( engine_mock, schema=None, extend_existing=True, autoload_replace=False, )
Example #9
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_prepare_accepts_optional_schema_arg(self): """ The underlying reflect call accepts an optional schema argument. This is for determining which database schema to load. This test verifies that prepare can accept an optional schema argument and pass it to reflect. """ Base = automap_base(metadata=self.metadata) engine_mock = Mock() with patch.object(Base.metadata, "reflect") as reflect_mock: Base.prepare(engine_mock, reflect=True, schema="some_schema") reflect_mock.assert_called_once_with( engine_mock, schema="some_schema", extend_existing=True, autoload_replace=False, )
Example #10
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_exception_prepare_not_called(self): Base = automap_base(metadata=self.metadata) class User(Base): __tablename__ = "users" s = Session() assert_raises_message( orm_exc.UnmappedClassError, "Class test.ext.test_automap.User is a subclass of AutomapBase. " r"Mappings are not produced until the .prepare\(\) method is " "called on the class hierarchy.", s.query, User, )
Example #11
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_relationship_explicit_override_o2m(self): Base = automap_base(metadata=self.metadata) prop = relationship("addresses", collection_class=set) class User(Base): __tablename__ = "users" addresses_collection = prop Base.prepare() assert is prop Address = Base.classes.addresses a1 = Address(email_address="e1") u1 = User(name="u1", addresses_collection=set([a1])) assert a1.user is u1
Example #12
Source File: From stdm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _is_many_to_many(automap_base, table): fk_constraints = [const for const in table.constraints if isinstance(const, ForeignKeyConstraint)] if len(fk_constraints) != 2: return None, None, None cols = sum( [[fk.parent for fk in fk_constraint.elements] for fk_constraint in fk_constraints], []) #STDM association entities have 3 columns if len(table.c) > 3: return None, None, None return ( fk_constraints[0].elements[0].column.table, fk_constraints[1].elements[0].column.table, fk_constraints )
Example #13
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _is_many_to_many(automap_base, table): fk_constraints = [const for const in table.constraints if isinstance(const, ForeignKeyConstraint)] if len(fk_constraints) != 2: return None, None, None cols = sum( [[fk.parent for fk in fk_constraint.elements] for fk_constraint in fk_constraints], []) if set(cols) != set(table.c): return None, None, None return ( fk_constraints[0].elements[0].column.table, fk_constraints[1].elements[0].column.table, fk_constraints )
Example #14
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _is_many_to_many(automap_base, table): fk_constraints = [const for const in table.constraints if isinstance(const, ForeignKeyConstraint)] if len(fk_constraints) != 2: return None, None, None cols = sum( [[fk.parent for fk in fk_constraint.elements] for fk_constraint in fk_constraints], []) if set(cols) != set(table.c): return None, None, None return ( fk_constraints[0].elements[0].column.table, fk_constraints[1].elements[0].column.table, fk_constraints )
Example #15
Source File: From jbox with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _is_many_to_many(automap_base, table): fk_constraints = [const for const in table.constraints if isinstance(const, ForeignKeyConstraint)] if len(fk_constraints) != 2: return None, None, None cols = sum( [[fk.parent for fk in fk_constraint.elements] for fk_constraint in fk_constraints], []) if set(cols) != set(table.c): return None, None, None return ( fk_constraints[0].elements[0].column.table, fk_constraints[1].elements[0].column.table, fk_constraints )
Example #16
Source File: From planespotter with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _is_many_to_many(automap_base, table): fk_constraints = [const for const in table.constraints if isinstance(const, ForeignKeyConstraint)] if len(fk_constraints) != 2: return None, None, None cols = sum( [[fk.parent for fk in fk_constraint.elements] for fk_constraint in fk_constraints], []) if set(cols) != set(table.c): return None, None, None return ( fk_constraints[0].elements[0].column.table, fk_constraints[1].elements[0].column.table, fk_constraints )
Example #17
Source File: From SQLCell with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self): Base = automap_base() engine = create_engine("sqlite:///sqlcell.db") Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True) self.classes = Base.classes self.tables = Base.metadata.tables.keys() self.Sqlcell = Base.classes.sqlcell self.Engines = Base.classes.engines self.Hooks = Base.classes.hooks Session = sessionmaker(autoflush=False) Session.configure(bind=engine) self.session = Session() dbs = self.session.query(self.Engines).all() self.db_info = {} for row in dbs: engine = row.engine if row.db: self.db_info[row.db] = engine if row.alias: self.db_info[row.alias] = engine self.db_info[engine] = engine self.db_info[] = engine
Example #18
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_relationship_m2m(self): Base = automap_base(metadata=self.metadata) Base.prepare() Order, Item = Base.classes.orders, Base.classes["items"] o1 = Order() i1 = Item() o1.items_collection.append(i1) assert o1 in i1.orders_collection
Example #19
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def automap_base(declarative_base=None, **kw): r"""Produce a declarative automap base. This function produces a new base class that is a product of the :class:`.AutomapBase` class as well a declarative base produced by :func:`.declarative.declarative_base`. All parameters other than ``declarative_base`` are keyword arguments that are passed directly to the :func:`.declarative.declarative_base` function. :param declarative_base: an existing class produced by :func:`.declarative.declarative_base`. When this is passed, the function no longer invokes :func:`.declarative.declarative_base` itself, and all other keyword arguments are ignored. :param \**kw: keyword arguments are passed along to :func:`.declarative.declarative_base`. """ if declarative_base is None: Base = _declarative_base(**kw) else: Base = declarative_base return type( Base.__name__, (AutomapBase, Base,), {"__abstract__": True, "classes": util.Properties({})} )
Example #20
Source File: From android_universal with MIT License | 5 votes |
def automap_base(declarative_base=None, **kw): r"""Produce a declarative automap base. This function produces a new base class that is a product of the :class:`.AutomapBase` class as well a declarative base produced by :func:`.declarative.declarative_base`. All parameters other than ``declarative_base`` are keyword arguments that are passed directly to the :func:`.declarative.declarative_base` function. :param declarative_base: an existing class produced by :func:`.declarative.declarative_base`. When this is passed, the function no longer invokes :func:`.declarative.declarative_base` itself, and all other keyword arguments are ignored. :param \**kw: keyword arguments are passed along to :func:`.declarative.declarative_base`. """ if declarative_base is None: Base = _declarative_base(**kw) else: Base = declarative_base return type( Base.__name__, (AutomapBase, Base,), {"__abstract__": True, "classes": util.Properties({})} )
Example #21
Source File: From augur with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, jobs, broker, broker_host, broker_port, user, password, host, port, dbname): self.broker_host = broker_host self.broker_port = broker_port = broker DB_STR = 'postgresql://{}:{}@{}:{}/{}'.format( user, password, host, port, dbname ) dbschema='augur_data' self.db = s.create_engine(DB_STR, poolclass=s.pool.NullPool, connect_args={'options': '-csearch_path={}'.format(dbschema)}) helper_schema = 'augur_operations' self.helper_db = s.create_engine(DB_STR, poolclass = s.pool.NullPool, connect_args={'options': '-csearch_path={}'.format(helper_schema)}) helper_metadata = MetaData() helper_metadata.reflect(self.helper_db, only=['worker_job']) HelperBase = automap_base(metadata=helper_metadata) HelperBase.prepare() self.job_table = HelperBase.classes.worker_job.__table__ repoUrlSQL = s.sql.text(""" SELECT repo_git FROM repo """) rs = pd.read_sql(repoUrlSQL, self.db, params={}) all_repos = rs['repo_git'].values.tolist() # List of tasks that need periodic updates self.__updatable = self.prep_jobs(jobs) self.__processes = [] self.__updater()
Example #22
Source File: From Comparative-Annotation-Toolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def reflect_hints_db(db_path): """ Reflect the database schema of the hints database, automapping the existing tables The NullPool is used to avoid concurrency issues with luigi. Using this activates pooling, but since sqlite doesn't really support pooling, what effectively happens is just that it locks the database and the other connections wait. :param db_path: path to hints sqlite database :return: sqlalchemy.MetaData object, sqlalchemy.orm.Session object """ engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('sqlite:///{}'.format(db_path), poolclass=NullPool) metadata = sqlalchemy.MetaData() metadata.reflect(bind=engine) Base = automap_base(metadata=metadata) Base.prepare() speciesnames = Base.classes.speciesnames seqnames = Base.classes.seqnames hints = Base.classes.hints featuretypes = Base.classes.featuretypes Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() return speciesnames, seqnames, hints, featuretypes, session
Example #23
Source File: From moviegrabber with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def automap_base(declarative_base=None, **kw): """Produce a declarative automap base. This function produces a new base class that is a product of the :class:`.AutomapBase` class as well a declarative base produced by :func:`.declarative.declarative_base`. All parameters other than ``declarative_base`` are keyword arguments that are passed directly to the :func:`.declarative.declarative_base` function. :param declarative_base: an existing class produced by :func:`.declarative.declarative_base`. When this is passed, the function no longer invokes :func:`.declarative.declarative_base` itself, and all other keyword arguments are ignored. :param \**kw: keyword arguments are passed along to :func:`.declarative.declarative_base`. """ if declarative_base is None: Base = _declarative_base(**kw) else: Base = declarative_base return type( Base.__name__, (AutomapBase, Base,), {"__abstract__": True, "classes": util.Properties({})} )
Example #24
Source File: From jarvis with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def automap_base(declarative_base=None, **kw): r"""Produce a declarative automap base. This function produces a new base class that is a product of the :class:`.AutomapBase` class as well a declarative base produced by :func:`.declarative.declarative_base`. All parameters other than ``declarative_base`` are keyword arguments that are passed directly to the :func:`.declarative.declarative_base` function. :param declarative_base: an existing class produced by :func:`.declarative.declarative_base`. When this is passed, the function no longer invokes :func:`.declarative.declarative_base` itself, and all other keyword arguments are ignored. :param \**kw: keyword arguments are passed along to :func:`.declarative.declarative_base`. """ if declarative_base is None: Base = _declarative_base(**kw) else: Base = declarative_base return type( Base.__name__, (AutomapBase, Base,), {"__abstract__": True, "classes": util.Properties({})} )
Example #25
Source File: From fingerprint-securedrop with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Read current structure from database""" super().__init__(**kwargs) # Generate mappings from existing tables metadata = MetaData(schema='raw') metadata.reflect(self.engine) Base = automap_base(metadata=metadata) Base.prepare() # Our fundamental objects are: self.Onion = Base.classes.hs_history self.Example = Base.classes.frontpage_examples self.Cell = Base.classes.frontpage_traces self.Crawl = Base.classes.crawls
Example #26
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_conditional_relationship(self): Base = automap_base() def _gen_relationship(*arg, **kw): return None Base.prepare( engine=testing.db, reflect=True, generate_relationship=_gen_relationship, )
Example #27
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def automap_base(declarative_base=None, **kw): """Produce a declarative automap base. This function produces a new base class that is a product of the :class:`.AutomapBase` class as well a declarative base produced by :func:`.declarative.declarative_base`. All parameters other than ``declarative_base`` are keyword arguments that are passed directly to the :func:`.declarative.declarative_base` function. :param declarative_base: an existing class produced by :func:`.declarative.declarative_base`. When this is passed, the function no longer invokes :func:`.declarative.declarative_base` itself, and all other keyword arguments are ignored. :param \**kw: keyword arguments are passed along to :func:`.declarative.declarative_base`. """ if declarative_base is None: Base = _declarative_base(**kw) else: Base = declarative_base return type( Base.__name__, (AutomapBase, Base,), {"__abstract__": True, "classes": util.Properties({})} )
Example #28
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_o2m_relationship_cascade(self): Base = automap_base(metadata=self.metadata) Base.prepare() configure_mappers() b_rel = Base.classes.a.b_collection assert not assert not assert not assert c_rel = Base.classes.a.c_collection assert assert assert not assert d_rel = Base.classes.a.d_collection assert assert assert assert e_rel = Base.classes.a.e_collection assert not assert not assert assert
Example #29
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_relationship_pass_params(self): Base = automap_base(metadata=self.metadata) mock = Mock() def _gen_relationship( base, direction, return_fn, attrname, local_cls, referred_cls, **kw ): mock(base, direction, attrname) return generate_relationship( base, direction, return_fn, attrname, local_cls, referred_cls, **kw ) Base.prepare(generate_relationship=_gen_relationship) assert set(tuple(c[1]) for c in mock.mock_calls).issuperset( [ (Base, interfaces.MANYTOONE, "nodes"), (Base, interfaces.MANYTOMANY, "keywords_collection"), (Base, interfaces.MANYTOMANY, "items_collection"), (Base, interfaces.MANYTOONE, "users"), (Base, interfaces.ONETOMANY, "addresses_collection"), ] )
Example #30
Source File: From alchemyjsonschema with MIT License | 5 votes |
def db(): import os.path from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base from sqlalchemy import create_engine dbname = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), "reflection.db") engine = create_engine("sqlite:///{}".format(dbname)) Base = automap_base() Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True) return Base