Python subprocess32.check_call() Examples
The following are 15
code examples of subprocess32.check_call().
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Example #1
Source File: From instaclone with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _rmtree_fast(path, ignore_errors=False): """ Delete a file or directory. Uses rsync to delete directories, which is among the fastest ways possible to delete large numbers of files. Note it can remove some read-only files. """ if ignore_errors and not os.path.exists(path): return if os.path.isdir(path) and not os.path.islink(path): with temp_output_dir("empty.", always_clean=True) as empty_dir: popenargs = ["rsync", "-r", "--delete", empty_dir + '/', path] subprocess.check_call(popenargs) os.rmdir(path) else: os.unlink(path)
Example #2
Source File: From instaclone with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _autodetect_unzip_command(): unzip_cmd = None unzip_output = None try: unzip_output = subprocess.check_output(["unzip", "-v"]) unzip_cmd = "unzip -q $ARCHIVE" except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: pass # On MacOS Yosemite, unzip does not support Zip64, but ditto is available. # See: if not unzip_cmd or not unzip_output or unzip_output.find("ZIP64_SUPPORT") < 0: log.debug("did not find 'unzip' with Zip64 support; trying ditto") try: # ditto has no simple flag to check its version and exit with 0 status code. subprocess.check_call(["ditto", "-c", "/dev/null", tempfile.mktemp()]) unzip_cmd = "ditto -x -k $ARCHIVE ." except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: log.debug("did not find ditto") if not unzip_cmd: raise ArchiveError("Archive handling requires 'unzip' or 'ditto' in path") log.debug("unzip command: %s", unzip_cmd) return unzip_cmd
Example #3
Source File: From instaclone with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _upload_file(command_template, local_path, remote_loc): popenargs = shell_expand_to_popen(command_template, dict_merge(os.environ, {"REMOTE": remote_loc, "LOCAL": local_path}))"uploading: %s", " ".join(popenargs)) # TODO: Find a way to support force here (e.g. add or remove -f to s4cmd) subprocess.check_call(popenargs, stdout=SHELL_OUTPUT, stderr=SHELL_OUTPUT, stdin=DEV_NULL)
Example #4
Source File: From instaclone with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _download_file(command_template, remote_loc, local_path): with atomic_output_file(local_path, make_parents=True) as temp_target: popenargs = shell_expand_to_popen(command_template, dict_merge(os.environ, {"REMOTE": remote_loc, "LOCAL": temp_target}))"downloading: %s", " ".join(popenargs)) # TODO: Find a way to support force here. subprocess.check_call(popenargs, stdout=SHELL_OUTPUT, stderr=SHELL_OUTPUT, stdin=DEV_NULL)
Example #5
Source File: From instaclone with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _rsync_dir(source_dir, target_dir, chmod=None): """ Use rsync to clone source_dir to target_dir. Preserves the original owners and permissions. As an optimization, rsync also allows perms to be partly modified as files are synced. """ popenargs = ["rsync", "-a", "--delete"] if chmod: popenargs.append("--chmod=%s" % chmod) popenargs.append(source_dir.rstrip('/') + '/') popenargs.append(target_dir)"using rsync for faster copy") log.debug("rsync: %r" % popenargs) subprocess.check_call(popenargs)
Example #6
Source File: From instaclone with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def unzip_dir(source_archive, target_dir): popenargs = shell_expand_to_popen(_autodetect_unzip_command(), {"ARCHIVE": source_archive, "DIR": target_dir}) cd_to = target_dir log.debug("using cwd: %s", cd_to)"decompress: %s", " ".join(popenargs)) subprocess.check_call(popenargs, cwd=cd_to, stdout=SHELL_OUTPUT, stderr=SHELL_OUTPUT, stdin=DEV_NULL)
Example #7
Source File: From lain with MIT License | 5 votes |
def up_node1(): subproc.check_call(['vagrant', 'destroy', '-f', 'node1']) subproc.check_call(['vagrant', 'up', 'node1', '--no-provision']) yield "node1 is ready" print("Destroying node1...")['vagrant', 'destroy', '-f', 'node1']) print("Node1 is destroyed.")
Example #8
Source File: From lain with MIT License | 5 votes |
def up_node2(): subproc.check_call(['vagrant', 'destroy', '-f', 'node2']) subproc.check_call(['vagrant', 'up', 'node2']) yield "node2 is ready" print("Destroying node2...")['vagrant', 'destroy', '-f', 'node2']) print("Node2 is destroyed.")
Example #9
Source File: From lain with MIT License | 5 votes |
def up_node3(): subproc.check_call(['vagrant', 'destroy', '-f', 'node3']) subproc.check_call(['vagrant', 'up', 'node3']) yield "node3 is ready" print("Destroying node3...")['vagrant', 'destroy', '-f', 'node3']) print("Node3 is destroyed.")
Example #10
Source File: From lain with MIT License | 5 votes |
def bootstrap(up_node1): subproc.check_call([ 'vagrant', 'ssh', 'node1', '-c', 'sudo /vagrant/bootstrap --pypi-mirror -m -r --vip={}'. format( ])
Example #11
Source File: From lain with MIT License | 5 votes |
def prepare_demo_images(bootstrap): subproc.check_call([ 'vagrant', 'ssh', 'node1', '-c', 'sudo sh /vagrant/bootstrap_test/' ])
Example #12
Source File: From strif with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def chmod_native(path, mode_expression, recursive=False): """ This is ugly and will only work on POSIX, but the built-in Python os.chmod support is very minimal, and neither supports fast recursive chmod nor "+X" type expressions, both of which are slow for large trees. So just shell out. """ popenargs = ["chmod"] if recursive: popenargs.append("-R") popenargs.append(mode_expression) popenargs.append(path) subprocess.check_call(popenargs)
Example #13
Source File: From treadmill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def check_call(cmdline, environ=(), runas=None, **kwargs): """Runs command wrapping subprocess.check_call. :param cmdline: Command to run :type cmdline: ``list`` :param environ: *optional* Environ variable to set prior to running the command :type environ: ``dict`` :param runas: *optional* Run as user. :type runas: ``str`` """ _LOGGER.debug('check_call environ: %r, runas: %r, %r', environ, runas, cmdline) args = _alias_command(cmdline) if runas: s6_setguid = _resolve('s6_setuidgid') args = s6_setguid + [runas] + args # Setup a copy of the environ with the provided overrides cmd_environ = dict(os.environ.items()) cmd_environ.update(environ) try: rc = subprocess.check_call(args, close_fds=_CLOSE_FDS, env=cmd_environ, **kwargs) _LOGGER.debug('Finished, rc: %d', rc) return rc except CalledProcessError as exc: _LOGGER.error('Command failed: rc:%d', exc.returncode) raise
Example #14
Source File: From osm2vectortiles with MIT License | 5 votes |
def handle_message(tm2source, bucket, s3_url, body): msg = json.loads(body.decode('utf-8')) task_id = msg['id'] mbtiles_file = task_id + '.mbtiles' source = 'tmsource://' + os.path.abspath(tm2source) sink = 'mbtiles://' + os.path.abspath(mbtiles_file) tilelive_cmd = [] if msg['type'] == 'pyramid': tilelive_cmd = render_pyramid(msg, source, sink) elif msg['type'] == 'list': tilelive_cmd = render_list(msg, source, sink) else: raise ValueError("Message must be either of type pyramid or list") render_timeout = int(os.getenv('RENDER_TIMEOUT', 5 * 60)) _, render_time = timing(subprocess.check_call, tilelive_cmd, timeout=render_timeout) print('Render MBTiles: {}'.format(naturaltime(render_time))) _, optimize_time = timing(optimize_mbtiles, mbtiles_file) print('Optimize MBTiles: {}'.format(naturaltime(optimize_time))) _, upload_time = timing(upload_mbtiles, bucket, mbtiles_file) print('Upload MBTiles : {}'.format(naturaltime(upload_time))) download_link = s3_url(mbtiles_file) print('Uploaded {} to {}'.format( naturalsize(os.path.getsize(mbtiles_file)), download_link )) os.remove(mbtiles_file) return create_result_message(task_id, download_link, msg)
Example #15
Source File: From with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def actualSolve(self, lp): """Solve a well formulated lp problem""" if not self.executable(self.path): raise PulpSolverError("PuLP: cannot execute "+self.path) # TODO: should we use tempfile instead? if not self.keepFiles: pid = os.getpid() tmpLp = os.path.join(self.tmpDir, "%d-pulp.lp" % pid) tmpSol = os.path.join(self.tmpDir, "%d-pulp.sol" % pid) else: tmpLp = + "-pulp.lp" tmpSol = + "-pulp.sol" lp.writeLP(tmpLp) proc = [ 'scip', '-c', 'read "%s"' % tmpLp, '-c', 'optimize', '-c', 'write solution "%s"' % tmpSol, '-c', 'quit' ] proc.extend(self.options) if not self.msg: proc.append('-q') self.solution_time = clock() subprocess.check_call(proc, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr) self.solution_time += clock() if not os.path.exists(tmpSol): raise PulpSolverError("PuLP: Error while executing "+self.path) lp.status, values = self.readsol(tmpSol) # Make sure to add back in any 0-valued variables SCIP leaves out. finalVals = {} for v in lp.variables(): finalVals[] = values.get(, 0.0) lp.assignVarsVals(finalVals) if not self.keepFiles: for f in (tmpLp, tmpSol): try: os.remove(f) except: pass return lp.status