Python collections.html() Examples
The following are 3
code examples of collections.html().
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Example #1
Source File: From metaknowledge with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _bibFormatter(s, maxLength): """Formats a string, list or number to make it good for a bib file by: * if too long splits up the string correctly * tries to use the best quoting characters * expands lists into ' and ' seperated values, as per spec for authors field Note, this does not escape characters. LaTeX may have issues with the output Max length splitting derived from """ if isinstance(s, list): s = ' and '.join((str(v) for v in s)) elif not isinstance(s, str): s = str(s) if len(s) > maxLength: s = s.replace('"', '') s = [s[i * maxLength: (i + 1) * maxLength] for i in range(len(s) // maxLength )] s = '"{}"'.format('" # "'.join(s)) elif '"' not in s: s = '"{}"'.format(s) else: s = s.replace('{', '\\{').replace('}', '\\}') s = '{{{}}}'.format(s) return s
Example #2
Source File: From appmetrics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _do_add(self, value): # No need for explicit lock - deques should be thread-safe: # self.deque.append(value)
Example #3
Source File: From metaknowledge with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def createCitation(self, multiCite = False): """Creates a citation string, using the same format as other WOS citations, for the [Record](./Record.html#metaknowledge.Record) by reading the relevant special tags (`'year'`, `'J9'`, `'volume'`, `'beginningPage'`, `'DOI'`) and using it to create a [Citation](./Citation.html#metaknowledge.citation.Citation) object. # Parameters _multiCite_ : `optional [bool]` > Default `False`, if `True` a tuple of Citations is returned with each having a different one of the records authors as the author # Returns `Citation` > A [Citation](./Citation.html#metaknowledge.citation.Citation) object containing a citation for the Record. """ #Need to put the import here to avoid circular import issues from .citation import Citation valsLst = [] if multiCite: auths = [] for auth in self.get("authorsShort", []): auths.append(auth.replace(',', '')) else: if self.get("authorsShort", False): valsLst.append(self['authorsShort'][0].replace(',', '')) if self.get("year", False): valsLst.append(str(self.get('year'))) if self.get("j9", False): valsLst.append(self.get('j9')) elif self.get("title", False): #No j9 means its probably book so using the books title/leaving blank valsLst.append(self.get('title', '')) if self.get("volume", False): valsLst.append('V' + str(self.get('volume'))) if self.get("beginningPage", False): valsLst.append('P' + str(self.get('beginningPage'))) if self.get("DOI", False): valsLst.append('DOI ' + self.get('DOI')) if multiCite and len(auths) > 0: return(tuple((Citation(', '.join([a] + valsLst)) for a in auths))) elif multiCite: return Citation(', '.join(valsLst)), else: return Citation(', '.join(valsLst))