Python editdistance.eval() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of editdistance.eval(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module editdistance , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From YaYaGen with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 7 votes vote down vote up
def __is_wrong_permission(self, permission):
        Return True if the permission contains a typo
        if permission not in YaraRule.PERMISSION_SET:
            if permission in YaraRule.WRONG_PERMISSION_DICT.keys():
                return True
            if permission in YaraRule.CACHE_NNSTD_PERMISSION_DICT:
                return False
            for standard_perm in YaraRule.PERMISSION_SET:
                distance = editdistance.eval(permission, standard_perm)
                if distance > 0 and distance <= 3:
                    YaraRule.WRONG_PERMISSION_DICT[permission] = standard_perm
                    return True
        return False 
Example #2
Source File:    From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def show_edit_distance(self, num):
        num_left = num
        mean_norm_ed = 0.0
        mean_ed = 0.0
        while num_left > 0:
            word_batch = next(self.text_img_gen)[0]
            num_proc = min(word_batch['the_input'].shape[0], num_left)
            decoded_res = decode_batch(self.test_func, word_batch['the_input'][0:num_proc])
            for j in range(num_proc):
                edit_dist = editdistance.eval(decoded_res[j], word_batch['source_str'][j])
                mean_ed += float(edit_dist)
                mean_norm_ed += float(edit_dist) / len(word_batch['source_str'][j])
            num_left -= num_proc
        mean_norm_ed = mean_norm_ed / num
        mean_ed = mean_ed / num
        print('\nOut of %d samples:  Mean edit distance: %.3f Mean normalized edit distance: %0.3f'
              % (num, mean_ed, mean_norm_ed)) 
Example #3
Source File:    From espnet with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def encode(self, x):
        """Encode acoustic features.

        :param ndarray x: input acoustic feature (T, D)
        :return: encoder outputs
        :rtype: torch.Tensor
        ilens = [x.shape[0]]

        # subsample frame
        x = x[:: self.subsample[0], :]
        p = next(self.parameters())
        h = torch.as_tensor(x, device=p.device, dtype=p.dtype)
        # make a utt list (1) to use the same interface for encoder
        hs = h.contiguous().unsqueeze(0)

        # 1. encoder
        hs, _, _ = self.enc(hs, ilens)
        return hs.squeeze(0) 
Example #4
Source File:    From espnet with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def enhance(self, xs):
        """Forward only in the frontend stage.

        :param ndarray xs: input acoustic feature (T, C, F)
        :return: enhaned feature
        :rtype: torch.Tensor
        if self.frontend is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Frontend does't exist")
        prev =
        ilens = np.fromiter((xx.shape[0] for xx in xs), dtype=np.int64)

        # subsample frame
        xs = [xx[:: self.subsample[0], :] for xx in xs]
        xs = [to_device(self, to_torch_tensor(xx).float()) for xx in xs]
        xs_pad = pad_list(xs, 0.0)
        enhanced, hlensm, mask = self.frontend(xs_pad, ilens)
        if prev:
        return enhanced.cpu().numpy(), mask.cpu().numpy(), ilens 
Example #5
Source File:    From neutralizing-bias with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def inference_metrics(model, src, tgt, config):
    """ decode and evaluate bleu """
    inputs, preds, top_k_preds, ground_truths, auxs, raw_srcs = decode_dataset(
        model, src, tgt, config, k=config['eval']['precision_recall_k'])

    eval_classifier = models.TextClassifier.from_pickle(

    metrics = get_metrics(
        raw_srcs, preds, ground_truths, 
        top_k_preds=top_k_preds, classifier=eval_classifier)

    inputs = [' '.join(seq) for seq in inputs]
    preds = [' '.join(seq) for seq in preds]
    ground_truths = [' '.join(seq) for seq in ground_truths]
    auxs = [' '.join(seq) for seq in auxs]

    return metrics, inputs, preds, ground_truths, auxs 
Example #6
Source File:    From pCVR with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def show_edit_distance(self, num):
        num_left = num
        mean_norm_ed = 0.0
        mean_ed = 0.0
        while num_left > 0:
            word_batch = next(self.text_img_gen)[0]
            num_proc = min(word_batch['the_input'].shape[0], num_left)
            decoded_res = decode_batch(self.test_func, word_batch['the_input'][0:num_proc])
            for j in range(0, num_proc):
                edit_dist = editdistance.eval(decoded_res[j], word_batch['source_str'][j])
                mean_ed += float(edit_dist)
                mean_norm_ed += float(edit_dist) / len(word_batch['source_str'][j])
            num_left -= num_proc
        mean_norm_ed = mean_norm_ed / num
        mean_ed = mean_ed / num
        print('\nOut of %d samples:  Mean edit distance: %.3f Mean normalized edit distance: %0.3f'
              % (num, mean_ed, mean_norm_ed)) 
Example #7
Source File:    From espnet with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def calculate_cer(self, seqs_hat, seqs_true):
        """Calculate sentence-level CER score.

        :param list seqs_hat: prediction
        :param list seqs_true: reference
        :return: average sentence-level CER score
        :rtype float
        char_eds, char_ref_lens = [], []
        for i, seq_hat_text in enumerate(seqs_hat):
            seq_true_text = seqs_true[i]
            hyp_chars = seq_hat_text.replace(" ", "")
            ref_chars = seq_true_text.replace(" ", "")
            char_eds.append(editdistance.eval(hyp_chars, ref_chars))
        return float(sum(char_eds)) / sum(char_ref_lens) 
Example #8
Source File:    From espnet with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def calculate_wer(self, seqs_hat, seqs_true):
        """Calculate sentence-level WER score.

        :param list seqs_hat: prediction
        :param list seqs_true: reference
        :return: average sentence-level WER score
        :rtype float
        word_eds, word_ref_lens = [], []
        for i, seq_hat_text in enumerate(seqs_hat):
            seq_true_text = seqs_true[i]
            hyp_words = seq_hat_text.split()
            ref_words = seq_true_text.split()
            word_eds.append(editdistance.eval(hyp_words, ref_words))
        return float(sum(word_eds)) / sum(word_ref_lens) 
Example #9
Source File:    From ancient-text-restoration with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def edit_distance_batch(hyp, tar, tar_len, eos_idx):
  cer = 0.
  bs = hyp.shape[0]

  for i in range(bs):
    # filter hyp for eos
    hyp_len = np.argmax(hyp[i] == eos_idx, axis=0)
    if hyp_len.size == 0:
      hyp_len = hyp[i].size

    # filter tar for eos
    eos_pos = np.argmax(tar[i] == eos_idx, axis=0)
    if eos_pos.size > 0:
      tar_len[i] = eos_pos

    cer += editdistance.eval(hyp[i, :hyp_len], tar[i, :tar_len[i]]) / float(tar_len[i])
  return np.float32(cer / bs) 
Example #10
Source File:    From ABXpy with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def edit_distance(x, y):
    """Levenshtein Distance

    The "feature" dimension is along the columns and the "time" dimension
    along the lines of arrays x and y
    # convert arrays to tuple, to evaluate w/ editdistance
    def totuple(a):
            return tuple(totuple(i) for i in a)
        except TypeError:
            return a

    if x.shape[0] > 0 and y.shape[0] > 0:
        # x and y are not empty
        d = editdistance.eval(totuple(x), totuple(y))
    elif x.shape[0] == y.shape[0]:
        # both x and y are empty
        d = 0
        # x or y is empty
        d = np.inf
    return d 
Example #11
Source File:    From ws-backend-community with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def compare_strings_by_edit_distance(first=None, second=None):
        Get the edit distance between the two strings passed to this method.
        :param first: The first string to compare.
        :param second: The second string to compare.
        :return: A number representing the edit distance between the two strings passed
        as arguments to this method.
        return editdistance.eval(first, second)

    # Class Methods

    # Public Methods

    # Protected Methods

    # Private Methods

    # Properties

    # Representation and Comparison 
Example #12
Source File:    From espnet with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def calculate_wer(self, seqs_hat, seqs_true):
        """Calculate sentence-level WER score for transducer model.

            seqs_hat (torch.Tensor): prediction (batch, seqlen)
            seqs_true (torch.Tensor): reference (batch, seqlen)

            (float): average sentence-level WER score

        word_eds, word_ref_lens = [], []

        for i, seq_hat_text in enumerate(seqs_hat):
            seq_true_text = seqs_true[i]
            hyp_words = seq_hat_text.split()
            ref_words = seq_true_text.split()

            word_eds.append(editdistance.eval(hyp_words, ref_words))

        return float(sum(word_eds)) / sum(word_ref_lens) 
Example #13
Source File:    From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def show_edit_distance(self, num):
        num_left = num
        mean_norm_ed = 0.0
        mean_ed = 0.0
        while num_left > 0:
            word_batch = next(self.text_img_gen)[0]
            num_proc = min(word_batch['the_input'].shape[0], num_left)
            decoded_res = decode_batch(self.test_func, word_batch['the_input'][0:num_proc])
            for j in range(num_proc):
                edit_dist = editdistance.eval(decoded_res[j], word_batch['source_str'][j])
                mean_ed += float(edit_dist)
                mean_norm_ed += float(edit_dist) / len(word_batch['source_str'][j])
            num_left -= num_proc
        mean_norm_ed = mean_norm_ed / num
        mean_ed = mean_ed / num
        print('\nOut of %d samples:  Mean edit distance: %.3f Mean normalized edit distance: %0.3f'
              % (num, mean_ed, mean_norm_ed)) 
Example #14
Source File:    From driverlessai-recipes with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def transform(self, X: dt.Frame):
        import editdistance
        output = []
        X = X.to_pandas()
        text1_arr = X.iloc[:, 0].values
        text2_arr = X.iloc[:, 1].values
        for ind, text1 in enumerate(text1_arr):
                text1 = str(text1).lower().split()
                text2 = text2_arr[ind]
                text2 = str(text2).lower().split()
                edit_distance = editdistance.eval(text1, text2)
        return np.array(output) 
Example #15
Source File:    From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def show_edit_distance(self, num):
        num_left = num
        mean_norm_ed = 0.0
        mean_ed = 0.0
        while num_left > 0:
            word_batch = next(self.text_img_gen)[0]
            num_proc = min(word_batch['the_input'].shape[0], num_left)
            decoded_res = decode_batch(self.test_func, word_batch['the_input'][0:num_proc])
            for j in range(num_proc):
                edit_dist = editdistance.eval(decoded_res[j], word_batch['source_str'][j])
                mean_ed += float(edit_dist)
                mean_norm_ed += float(edit_dist) / len(word_batch['source_str'][j])
            num_left -= num_proc
        mean_norm_ed = mean_norm_ed / num
        mean_ed = mean_ed / num
        print('\nOut of %d samples:  Mean edit distance: %.3f Mean normalized edit distance: %0.3f'
              % (num, mean_ed, mean_norm_ed)) 
Example #16
Source File:    From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def show_edit_distance(self, num):
        num_left = num
        mean_norm_ed = 0.0
        mean_ed = 0.0
        while num_left > 0:
            word_batch = next(self.text_img_gen)[0]
            num_proc = min(word_batch['the_input'].shape[0], num_left)
            decoded_res = decode_batch(self.test_func, word_batch['the_input'][0:num_proc])
            for j in range(num_proc):
                edit_dist = editdistance.eval(decoded_res[j], word_batch['source_str'][j])
                mean_ed += float(edit_dist)
                mean_norm_ed += float(edit_dist) / len(word_batch['source_str'][j])
            num_left -= num_proc
        mean_norm_ed = mean_norm_ed / num
        mean_ed = mean_ed / num
        print('\nOut of %d samples:  Mean edit distance: %.3f Mean normalized edit distance: %0.3f'
              % (num, mean_ed, mean_norm_ed)) 
Example #17
Source File:    From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def show_edit_distance(self, num):
        num_left = num
        mean_norm_ed = 0.0
        mean_ed = 0.0
        while num_left > 0:
            word_batch = next(self.text_img_gen)[0]
            num_proc = min(word_batch['the_input'].shape[0], num_left)
            decoded_res = decode_batch(self.test_func, word_batch['the_input'][0:num_proc])
            for j in range(num_proc):
                edit_dist = editdistance.eval(decoded_res[j], word_batch['source_str'][j])
                mean_ed += float(edit_dist)
                mean_norm_ed += float(edit_dist) / len(word_batch['source_str'][j])
            num_left -= num_proc
        mean_norm_ed = mean_norm_ed / num
        mean_ed = mean_ed / num
        print('\nOut of %d samples:  Mean edit distance: %.3f Mean normalized edit distance: %0.3f'
              % (num, mean_ed, mean_norm_ed)) 
Example #18
Source File:    From CTCDecoder with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _query(self, node, txt, tolerance):
		# handle empty root node
		if node is None:
			return []

		# distance between query and current node
		d = ed.eval(node[0], txt)

		# add current node to result if within tolerance
		res = []
		if d <= tolerance:

		# iterate over children
		for (edge, child) in node[1].items():
			if d - tolerance <= edge and edge <= d + tolerance:
				res += self._query(child, txt, tolerance)

		return res 
Example #19
Source File:    From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def show_edit_distance(self, num):
        num_left = num
        mean_norm_ed = 0.0
        mean_ed = 0.0
        while num_left > 0:
            word_batch = next(self.text_img_gen)[0]
            num_proc = min(word_batch['the_input'].shape[0], num_left)
            decoded_res = decode_batch(self.test_func, word_batch['the_input'][0:num_proc])
            for j in range(num_proc):
                edit_dist = editdistance.eval(decoded_res[j], word_batch['source_str'][j])
                mean_ed += float(edit_dist)
                mean_norm_ed += float(edit_dist) / len(word_batch['source_str'][j])
            num_left -= num_proc
        mean_norm_ed = mean_norm_ed / num
        mean_ed = mean_ed / num
        print('\nOut of %d samples:  Mean edit distance: %.3f Mean normalized edit distance: %0.3f'
              % (num, mean_ed, mean_norm_ed)) 
Example #20
Source File:    From crnn-pytorch with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def main(data_path, abc, seq_proj, backend, snapshot, input_size, gpu, visualize):
    os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = gpu
    cuda = True if gpu is not '' else False

    input_size = [int(x) for x in input_size.split('x')]
    transform = Compose([
        Resize(size=(input_size[0], input_size[1]))
    if data_path is not None:
        data = TextDataset(data_path=data_path, mode="test", transform=transform)
        data = TestDataset(transform=transform, abc=abc)
    seq_proj = [int(x) for x in seq_proj.split('x')]
    net = load_model(data.get_abc(), seq_proj, backend, snapshot, cuda).eval()
    acc, avg_ed = test(net, data, data.get_abc(), cuda, visualize)
    print("Accuracy: {}".format(acc))
    print("Edit distance: {}".format(avg_ed)) 
Example #21
Source File:    From Decoupled-attention-network with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def add_iter(self, output, out_length, label_length, labels):
        start = 0
        start_o = 0
        self.total_samples += label_length.size()[0]
        raw_prdts = output.topk(1)[1]
        prdt_texts, prdt_prob =, out_length)
        for i in range(0, len(prdt_texts)):
            if not self.case_sensitive:
                prdt_texts[i] = prdt_texts[i].lower()
                labels[i] = labels[i].lower()
            all_words = []
            for w in labels[i].split('|') + prdt_texts[i].split('|'):
                if w not in all_words:
            l_words = [all_words.index(_) for _ in labels[i].split('|')]
            p_words = [all_words.index(_) for _ in prdt_texts[i].split('|')]
            self.distance_C += ed.eval(labels[i], prdt_texts[i])
            self.distance_W += ed.eval(l_words, p_words)
            self.total_C += len(labels[i])
            self.total_W += len(l_words)
            self.correct = self.correct + 1 if labels[i] == prdt_texts[i] else self.correct 
Example #22
Source File:    From DeepLearning_Wavelet-LSTM with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def show_edit_distance(self, num):
        num_left = num
        mean_norm_ed = 0.0
        mean_ed = 0.0
        while num_left > 0:
            word_batch = next(self.text_img_gen)[0]
            num_proc = min(word_batch['the_input'].shape[0], num_left)
            decoded_res = decode_batch(self.test_func, word_batch['the_input'][0:num_proc])
            for j in range(num_proc):
                edit_dist = editdistance.eval(decoded_res[j], word_batch['source_str'][j])
                mean_ed += float(edit_dist)
                mean_norm_ed += float(edit_dist) / len(word_batch['source_str'][j])
            num_left -= num_proc
        mean_norm_ed = mean_norm_ed / num
        mean_ed = mean_ed / num
        print('\nOut of %d samples:  Mean edit distance: %.3f Mean normalized edit distance: %0.3f'
              % (num, mean_ed, mean_norm_ed)) 
Example #23
Source File:    From AfterQC with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def editDistance(s1, s2):
    # check if editdistance module loaded
        return editdistance.eval(s1, s2)
        return ed_ctypes.edit_distance(s1, len(s1), s2, len(s2))


    tbl = [([0] * n) for i in xrange(m)]
    for i in xrange(m):tbl[i][0]=i
    for j in xrange(n):tbl[0][j]=j
    for i in xrange(1, m):
        for j in xrange(1, n):
            cost = 0 if s1[i-1] == s2[j-1] else 1
            tbl[i][j] = min(tbl[i][j-1]+1, tbl[i-1][j]+1, tbl[i-1][j-1]+cost)

    return tbl[i][j] 
Example #24
Source File:    From gtos with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_frames(self, lemma):
        Given a lemma, find the most likely frames for the lemma.
        If no lemma is found or it should be a senseless node, return a single element list [lemma].
        if lemma in self.frequent_senseless_nodes or lemma not in self.lemma_frame_map:
            return [lemma]
            frames = list(self.lemma_frame_map[lemma])
                key=lambda frame: (
                    editdistance.eval(re.sub(r'-\d\d$', '', frame), lemma),
                    -int(frame[-2:]) if'-\d\d$', frame) else 0
            return frames 
Example #25
Source File:    From LSTM_morse with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def validate(model, loader):
    "validate NN"
    print('Validate NN')
    charErrorRate = float('inf')
    numCharErr = 0
    numCharTotal = 0
    numWordOK = 0
    numWordTotal = 0
    wordAccuracy = 0
    while loader.hasNext():
        iterInfo = loader.getIteratorInfo()
        print('Batch:', iterInfo[0],'/', iterInfo[1])
        batch = loader.getNext()
        (recognized, probability) = model.inferBatch(batch)
        print(recognized, probability)
        print('Ground truth -> Recognized')    
        for i in range(len(recognized)):
            numWordOK += 1 if batch.gtTexts[i] == recognized[i] else 0
            numWordTotal += 1
            dist = editdistance.eval(recognized[i], batch.gtTexts[i])
            numCharErr += dist
            numCharTotal += len(batch.gtTexts[i])
            print('[OK]' if dist==0 else '[ERR:%d]' % dist,'"' + batch.gtTexts[i] + '"', '->', '"' + recognized[i] + '"')
    # print validation result
        charErrorRate = numCharErr / numCharTotal
        wordAccuracy = numWordOK / numWordTotal
        print('Character error rate: {:4.1f}%. Word accuracy: {:4.1f}%.'.format(charErrorRate*100.0, wordAccuracy*100.0))
        print('numCharTotal:{} numWordTotal:{}'.format(numCharTotal,numWordTotal))
        print('numCharTotal:{} numWordTotal:{}'.format(numCharTotal,numWordTotal))
    return charErrorRate, wordAccuracy 
Example #26
Source File:    From neutralizing-bias with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_edit_distance(hypotheses, reference):
    ed = 0
    for hyp, ref in zip(hypotheses, reference):
        ed += editdistance.eval(hyp, ref)

    return ed * 1.0 / len(hypotheses) 
Example #27
Source File:    From SimpleHTR with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def validate(model, loader):
	"validate NN"
	print('Validate NN')
	numCharErr = 0
	numCharTotal = 0
	numWordOK = 0
	numWordTotal = 0
	while loader.hasNext():
		iterInfo = loader.getIteratorInfo()
		print('Batch:', iterInfo[0],'/', iterInfo[1])
		batch = loader.getNext()
		(recognized, _) = model.inferBatch(batch)
		print('Ground truth -> Recognized')	
		for i in range(len(recognized)):
			numWordOK += 1 if batch.gtTexts[i] == recognized[i] else 0
			numWordTotal += 1
			dist = editdistance.eval(recognized[i], batch.gtTexts[i])
			numCharErr += dist
			numCharTotal += len(batch.gtTexts[i])
			print('[OK]' if dist==0 else '[ERR:%d]' % dist,'"' + batch.gtTexts[i] + '"', '->', '"' + recognized[i] + '"')
	# print validation result
	charErrorRate = numCharErr / numCharTotal
	wordAccuracy = numWordOK / numWordTotal
	print('Character error rate: %f%%. Word accuracy: %f%%.' % (charErrorRate*100.0, wordAccuracy*100.0))
	return charErrorRate 
Example #28
Source File:    From LipNet with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_mean_character_error_rate(self, data):
        mean_individual_length = np.mean([len(pair[1]) for pair in data])
        return self.get_mean_tuples(data, mean_individual_length, editdistance.eval) 
Example #29
Source File:    From panphon with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def fast_levenshtein_distance_div_maxlen(self, source, target):
        """Levenshtein distance divided by maxlen

            source (unicode): source word
            target (unicode): target word

            int: minimum number of Levenshtein edits required to get from
                 `source` to `target` divided by the length of the longest
                 of these arguments
        maxlen = max(len(source), len(target))
        return int(editdistance.eval(source, target)) / maxlen 
Example #30
Source File:    From panphon with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def fast_levenshtein_distance(self, source, target):
        """Wrapper for the distance function in the Levenshtein module

            source (unicode): source word
            target (unicode): target word

            int: minimum number of Levenshtein edits required to get from
                 `source` to `target`
        return int(editdistance.eval(source, target))