Python Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From mech with MIT License | 6 votes |
def suspend(self, arguments): """ Suspends the machine. Usage: mech suspend [options] [<instance>] Options: -h, --help Print this help """ instance_name = arguments['<instance>'] instance_name = self.activate(instance_name) vmrun = VMrun(self.vmx, user=self.user, password=self.password) if vmrun.suspend() is None: puts_err("Not suspended", vmrun)) else: puts_err("Suspended", vmrun))
Example #2
Source File: From mech with MIT License | 6 votes |
def ip(self, arguments): """ Outputs ip of the Mech machine. Usage: mech ip [options] [<instance>] Options: -h, --help Print this help """ instance_name = arguments['<instance>'] instance_name = self.activate(instance_name) vmrun = VMrun(self.vmx, user=self.user, password=self.password) lookup = self.get("enable_ip_lookup", False) ip = vmrun.getGuestIPAddress(lookup=lookup) if ip: puts_err( else: puts_err("Unknown IP address"))
Example #3
Source File: From barq with MIT License | 6 votes |
def main_loop(): """ The command handler loop for the main menu. Commands will be sent to the processor and the prompt will be displayed. :return: None """ try: command = '' while command == '': try: readline.set_completer_delims(' \t\n;') readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") readline.set_completer(maincomplete) command = raw_input('barq '+color('main', 'green')+' > ') except Exception as e: exit() #command = prompt.query('aws sheller main> ', validators=[]) command = str(command) process_main_command(command) except KeyboardInterrupt as k: print(color("CTRL+C pressed. Exiting...", 'red')) exit()
Example #4
Source File: From VCF-kit with MIT License | 6 votes |
def resolve_reference_genome(loc): """ Resolve location of reference genome file. """ if loc is None: message("You must specify a genome:") output_genome_list() exit() if os.path.exists(loc): return loc else: if loc in get_genome_list(): reference_location = "{gd}/{loc}/{loc}.fa.gz".format(gd = get_genome_directory(), loc = loc) with indent(4): puts_err("\nUsing reference located at %s\n" % reference_location)) return reference_location else: with indent(4): exit(puts_err("\nGenome '%s' does not exist\n" % loc)))
Example #5
Source File: From kobo-predict with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def update(user, password, lang=None): langs = getlangs(lang) puts(u"Updating %s" % ', '.join(langs)) for loc in langs: with indent(2): puts(u"Downloading PO for %s" % loc) url = (u'' u'resource/django/l/%(lang)s/download/for_use/' % {'lang': loc}) try: tmp_po_file = download_with_login(url, TX_LOGIN_URL, login=user, password=password, ext='po', username_field='identification', password_field='password', form_id=1) po_file = os.path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'locale', loc, 'LC_MESSAGES', 'django.po') with indent(2): puts(u"Copying downloaded file to %s" % po_file) shutil.move(tmp_po_file, po_file) except Exception as e: puts("Unable to update %s " u"from Transifex: %r" % (loc, e))) puts("sucesssfuly retrieved %s" % loc)) compile_mo(langs)
Example #6
Source File: From VCF-kit with MIT License | 6 votes |
def seq_type(filename): """ Resolves sequence filetype using extension. """ filename, ext = os.path.splitext(filename.lower()) if ext in [".fasta", ".fa"]: extension = 'fasta' elif ext in [".fastq",".fq"]: extension = 'fastq' elif ext in [".ab1", '.abi']: extension = 'abi' else: raise Exception("Unknown sequence file type: " + filename) with indent(4): puts_err("\nReading sequences as %s\n" % extension.upper())) return extension
Example #7
Source File: From s3tk with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fix_check(klass, buckets, dry_run, fix_args={}): for bucket in fetch_buckets(buckets): check = klass(bucket) check.perform() if check.status == 'passed': message ='already ' + check.pass_message) elif check.status == 'denied': message ='access denied') else: if dry_run: message = colored.yellow('to be ' + check.pass_message) else: try: check.fix(fix_args) message ='just ' + check.pass_message) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: message = puts( + ' ' + message)
Example #8
Source File: From mech with MIT License | 6 votes |
def delete(self, arguments): """ Delete a snapshot taken previously with snapshot save. Usage: mech snapshot delete [options] <name> [<instance>] Options: -h, --help Print this help """ name = arguments['<name>'] instance_name = arguments['<instance>'] instance_name = self.activate(instance_name) vmrun = VMrun(self.vmx, user=self.user, password=self.password) if vmrun.deleteSnapshot(name) is None: puts_err("Cannot delete name")) else: puts_err("Snapshot {} deleted".format(name)))
Example #9
Source File: From s3tk with MIT License | 6 votes |
def scan_object(bucket_name, key): obj = s3().Object(bucket_name, key) str_key = unicode_key(key) try: mode = determine_mode(obj.Acl()) if mode == 'private': puts(str_key + ' ' + else: puts(str_key + ' ' + colored.yellow(mode)) return mode except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError) as e: puts(str_key + ' ' + return 'error'
Example #10
Source File: From s3tk with MIT License | 6 votes |
def reset_object(bucket_name, key, dry_run, acl): obj = s3().Object(bucket_name, key) str_key = unicode_key(key) try: obj_acl = obj.Acl() mode = determine_mode(obj_acl) if mode == acl: puts(str_key + ' ' +'ACL already ' + acl)) return 'ACL already ' + acl elif dry_run: puts(str_key + ' ' + colored.yellow('ACL to be updated to ' + acl)) return 'ACL to be updated to ' + acl else: obj_acl.put(ACL=acl) puts(str_key + ' ' +'ACL updated to ' + acl)) return 'ACL updated to ' + acl except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError) as e: puts(str_key + ' ' + return 'error'
Example #11
Source File: From community with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tag_computer(self, computername, description, computertag): print colored.yellow("[*] Finding "+computername) result = self.find_computer(computername) computerid = str(result[0]['id']) print"[+] "+computername+" ID="+computerid) data = {'description':description, 'computerTag': computertag} print colored.yellow("[*] Tagging "+computername) r = requests.put(self.computerurl+computerid, json.dumps(data), headers=self.authJson, verify=self.b9StrongCert) r.raise_for_status() result = r.json() print"[+] Tag Succeeded! ...waiting...\n") time.sleep(.07)
Example #12
Source File: From mech with MIT License | 5 votes |
def reload(self, arguments): """ Restarts Mech machine, loads new Mechfile configuration. Usage: mech reload [options] [<instance>] Options: --provision Enable provisioning -h, --help Print this help """ instance_name = arguments['<instance>'] instance_name = self.activate(instance_name) vmrun = VMrun(self.vmx, user=self.user, password=self.password) puts_err("Reloading machine...")) started = vmrun.reset() if started is None: puts_err("VM not restarted")) else: time.sleep(3) puts_err("Getting IP address...")) lookup = self.get("enable_ip_lookup", False) ip = vmrun.getGuestIPAddress(lookup=lookup) if ip: if started: puts_err("VM started on {}".format(ip))) else: puts_err(colored.yellow("VM already was started on {}".format(ip))) else: if started: puts_err("VM started on an unknown IP address")) else: puts_err(colored.yellow("VM already was started on an unknown IP address"))
Example #13
Source File: From neural-finance with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get(self): batch_size = 1 rolling_window_size = 5 # r = requests.get('http://localhost:5000/api/v1/neural_data') # Call neural_data # print(r) Neural_Data.get(Neural_Data) data = list(mongo.db.neural_data.find({}).sort('timestamp', -1).limit(5)) arr = create_rolling_window(data, rolling_window_size) X = np.array([arr]) X = np.reshape(X, (X.shape[0], 1, X.shape[1])) json_file = open('model.json', 'r') loaded_model_json = json_file.close() model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json) # load weights into new model model.load_weights("model.h5") print("Loaded model from disk") prediction = model.predict(X, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=1) prediction = prediction.tolist()[0][0] print("Make new prediction...And its {}".format(prediction))) prediction = round(prediction, 0) result = { 'price_growth': True } if prediction == 0: result["price_growth"] = False print('Price will fall') else: print('Price will growth') return jsonify(result)
Example #14
Source File: From flickr-cropping-dataset with MIT License | 5 votes |
def prepare_ranking(mturk, num_hits, num_assignment, qualification): num_images_per_hit = 10 mturk_rank_db = pickle.load( open('../mturk_rank_db.pkl', 'rb') ) crop_db = pickle.load( open('../cropping_results.pkl', 'rb') ) id_url_mapping = dict() for photo_id, url, username, x, y, w, h in crop_db: id_url_mapping[photo_id] = url indexes = [] for i in xrange(len(mturk_rank_db)): if mturk_rank_db[i]['hit_id'] == 'n/a': indexes.append(i) if len(indexes) == num_hits * num_images_per_hit: break import math num_hits = int( math.ceil(len(indexes) / float(num_images_per_hit)) ) # Create HITs for i in xrange(num_hits): print 'Pushing HIT #', i, '...' image_indexes = indexes[i*num_images_per_hit:(i+1)*num_images_per_hit] print image_indexes URLs = [mturk_rank_db[j]['url'] for j in image_indexes] # pre-compute source image display resolution src_url = id_url_mapping[mturk_rank_db[image_indexes[0]]['photo_id']] HITId = create_rank_hit(mturk, src_url, URLs, num_assignment, qualification) puts('\tID: {}'.format(HITId))) # save results for idx in xrange(len(image_indexes)): mturk_rank_db[image_indexes[idx]]['hit_id'] = HITId mturk_rank_db[image_indexes[idx]]['question_idx'] = idx mturk_rank_db[image_indexes[idx]]['num_assignment'] += num_assignment pickle.dump( mturk_rank_db, open('../mturk_rank_db.pkl', 'wb') )
Example #15
Source File: From flickr-cropping-dataset with MIT License | 5 votes |
def prepare_cropping(mturk, num_hits, num_assignment, qualification): num_images_per_hit = 10 mturk_crop_db = pickle.load( open('../mturk_crop_db.pkl', 'rb') ) indexes = [] for i in xrange(len(mturk_crop_db)): if mturk_crop_db[i]['hit_id'] == 'n/a' and mturk_crop_db[i]['disabled'] == False: indexes.append(i) if len(indexes) == num_hits * num_images_per_hit: break #print indexes import math num_hits = int( math.ceil(len(indexes) / float(num_images_per_hit)) ) # Create HITs for i in xrange(num_hits): print 'Pushing HIT #', i, '...' image_indexes = indexes[i*num_images_per_hit:(i+1)*num_images_per_hit] print image_indexes URLs = [mturk_crop_db[j]['url'] for j in image_indexes] HITId = create_crop_hit(mturk, URLs, num_assignment, qualification) puts('\tID: {}'.format(HITId))) # save results for idx in xrange(len(image_indexes)): mturk_crop_db[image_indexes[idx]]['hit_id'] = HITId mturk_crop_db[image_indexes[idx]]['question_idx'] = idx mturk_crop_db[image_indexes[idx]]['num_assignment'] += num_assignment pickle.dump( mturk_crop_db, open('../mturk_crop_db.pkl', 'wb') )
Example #16
Source File: From flickr-cropping-dataset with MIT License | 5 votes |
def approve_and_disable_all_hits(mtc): page_size = 50 hits = mtc.get_reviewable_hits(page_size=page_size) print "Total results to fetch %s " % hits.TotalNumResults print "Request hits page %i" % 1 total_pages = float(hits.TotalNumResults) / page_size int_total = int(total_pages) if total_pages-int_total > 0: total_pages = int_total + 1 else: total_pages = int_total pn = 1 while pn < total_pages: pn = pn + 1 print "Request hits page %i" % pn temp_hits = mtc.get_reviewable_hits(page_size=page_size, page_number=pn) hits.extend(temp_hits) for hit in hits: print "-------------------------------------------" puts("Processing HIT # {}:".format(hit.HITId))) assignments = mtc.get_assignments(hit.HITId) for assignment in assignments: print " Approved assignment!" mtc.approve_assignment(assignment.AssignmentId, feedback='Thank you for your time!') mtc.disable_hit(hit.HITId) puts("HIT # {} disabled!".format(hit.HITId)))
Example #17
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def print_keys_not_saved(): puts() puts('User private keys intentionally never saved.')) puts('Please do not lose your seed, bcwallet intentionally has no backup!')) puts()
Example #18
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def print_path_info(address, path, coin_symbol, wif=None): assert path, path assert coin_symbol, coin_symbol assert address, address if wif: address_formatted = '%s/%s' % (address, wif) else: address_formatted = address if USER_ONLINE: addr_balance = get_total_balance( address=address, coin_symbol=coin_symbol, ) with indent(2): puts('%s (%s) - %s' % ( path, address_formatted, format_crypto_units( input_quantity=addr_balance, input_type='satoshi', output_type=UNIT_CHOICE, coin_symbol=coin_symbol, print_cs=True, ), ))) else: with indent(2): puts('%s (%s)' % ( path, address_formatted, )))
Example #19
Source File: From pgrepup with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def fix(): # Shortcut to ask master password before output Configuration message decrypt(config().get('Source', 'password')) output_cli_message("Find Source cluster's databases with tables without primary key/unique index...", color='cyan') print db_conn = connect('Source') with indent(4, quote=' >'): for db in get_cluster_databases(db_conn): output_cli_message(db) s_db_conn = connect('Source', db_name=db) tables_without_unique = False with indent(4, quote=' '): for table in get_database_tables(s_db_conn): t_r = table_has_primary_key(s_db_conn, table['schema'], table['table']) if not t_r: tables_without_unique = True print output_cli_message("Found %s.%s without primary key" % (table['schema'], table['table'])) result = add_table_unique_index(s_db_conn, table['schema'], table['table']) print(output_cli_result('Added %s field' % get_unique_field_name()) if result else False, compensation=4 )) if not tables_without_unique: print(output_cli_result(True))
Example #20
Source File: From slack-machine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def show_valid(valid_str): puts("✓ {valid_str}"))
Example #21
Source File: From barq with MIT License | 5 votes |
def color(string, color=None): """ Change text color for the Linux terminal. (Taken from Empire: """ attr = [] # bold attr.append('1') if color: if color.lower() == "red": attr.append('31') elif color.lower() == "green": attr.append('32') elif color.lower() == "yellow": attr.append('33') elif color.lower() == "blue": attr.append('34') return '\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m' % (';'.join(attr), string) else: if string.strip().startswith("[!]"): attr.append('31') return '\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m' % (';'.join(attr), string) elif string.strip().startswith("[+]"): attr.append('32') return '\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m' % (';'.join(attr), string) elif string.strip().startswith("[..]"): attr.append('33') return '\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m' % (';'.join(attr), string) elif string.strip().startswith("[*]"): attr.append('34') return '\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m' % (';'.join(attr), string) else: return string
Example #22
Source File: From barq with MIT License | 5 votes |
def process_training_command(command): """ Process command in the training menu. :param command: The command to process. :return: None """ global menu_stack if command == 'help': training_help() elif command == 'where': puts("You are in training menu")) elif command == 'setprofile': set_aws_creds('training') elif command == 'start': start_training_mode('training') elif command == 'back': # handle_menu() menu_backward() elif command == 'showprofile': show_aws_creds('training') elif command == 'exit': exit() training_loop() """ pass elif command == 'setprofile': set_aws_creds('main') elif command == 'showprofile': show_aws_creds('main') elif command == 'dumpsecrets': find_all_creds('main') elif command == 'attacksurface': find_attacksurface('main') """
Example #23
Source File: From barq with MIT License | 5 votes |
def process_instances_command(command): """ Process command in the EC2 instances menu. :param command: The command to process. :return: None """ global menu_stack if command == 'help': instances_help() elif command == 'where': puts("You are in EC2 instances menu")) elif command == 'setprofile': set_aws_creds('ec2instances') elif command == 'showprofile': show_aws_creds('ec2instances') elif command == 'dumpsecrets': find_all_creds('ec2instances') elif command == 'attacksurface': find_attacksurface('ec2instances') elif command == 'showsecrets': show_cred_loot('ec2instances') elif command == 'securitygroups': get_security_groups('ec2instances') elif command == 'ec2attacks': ec2attacks('ec2instances') elif command == 'back': # handle_menu() menu_backward() elif command == 'list': get_ec2_instances('ec2instances') elif command == 'showsecrets': show_aws_creds('ec2instances') elif command == 'commandresults': check_command_invocations('ec2instances') elif command == 'instance': get_instance_details('ec2instances') elif command == 'exit': exit() instances_loop()
Example #24
Source File: From barq with MIT License | 5 votes |
def process_main_command(command): """ Process command in the main menu. :param command: The command to process. :return: None """ global menu_stack if command == 'help': main_help() elif command == 'where': puts('You are in the main menu')) elif command == 'back': puts('You are the at the top menu.')) elif command == 'exit': # cleanup tasks try: exit() except: pass elif command == 'setprofile': set_aws_creds('main') elif command == 'showprofile': show_aws_creds('main') elif command == 'dumpsecrets': find_all_creds('main') elif command == 'attacksurface': find_attacksurface('main') elif command == 'showsecrets': show_cred_loot('main') elif command == 'securitygroups': get_security_groups('main') elif command == 'training': # menu_stack.append('training') # handle_menu() menu_forward('training') elif command == 'ec2instances': menu_forward('ec2instances') main_loop()
Example #25
Source File: From barq with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_security_groups(caller): """ List security groups discovered. :param caller: calling menu to return to. :return: None """ global secgroups try: puts(color( '[*] Your collected security groups, if you want an updated list, invoke attacksurface:')) for group in secgroups['groups']: puts("Group ID: %s" % group.get('id', ''))) puts("Group description: %s" % group.get('description', ''))) puts('Group Ingress IP permissions:')) for p in group['ip_permissions']: ranges = '' for iprange in p.get('ranges', []): ranges = ranges + '%s,' % iprange['CidrIp'] if len(ranges) > 1 and ranges[-1] == ',': ranges = ranges[:-1] puts('From Port: %s, To Port: %s, Protocol: %s, IP Ranges: %s' % ( p.get('fromport', 'Any'), p.get('toport', 'Any'), p.get('protocol', 'All'), ranges))) puts('Group Egress IP permissions:')) for p in group['ip_permissions_egress']: ranges = '' for iprange in p.get('ranges', []): ranges = ranges + '%s,' % iprange['CidrIp'] if len(ranges) > 1 and ranges[-1] == ',': ranges = ranges[:-1] puts('From Port: %s, To Port: %s, Protocol: %s, IP Ranges: %s' % ( p.get('fromport', 'Any'), p.get('toport', 'Any'), p.get('protocol', 'All'), ranges))) puts(colored.magenta('=======================================')) except Exception as e: print(e) puts(color( '[!] You have no stored security groups. Run the command attacksurface to discover them')) go_to_menu(caller)
Example #26
Source File: From barq with MIT License | 5 votes |
def check_command_invocations(caller): """ Check stored results of previously executed attacks on EC2 instances. :param caller: calling menu :return: None """ global command_invocations if len(command_invocations['commands']) < 1: puts(color( '[!] You don\'t have any commands run yet against EC2 targets. Run ec2attacks to launch commands.')) go_to_menu(caller) for command in command_invocations['commands']: puts('command id: %s' % command.get('id'))) puts('command instance id: %s' % command.get('instanceid'))) puts('command state: %s' % command.get('state'))) puts('command platform: %s' % command.get('platform'))) puts('command region: %s' % command.get('region'))) try: puts('command error: %s' % command.get('error', 'No errors')[0:5000])) except: pass try: puts('command output: %s' % command.get('output', 'No output')[0:5000])) except: pass puts(colored.magenta('======================================='))
Example #27
Source File: From bubble-toolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def print_welcome(self): print("Welcome to KVM local Deploy for MCT")) hostname = self.conn.getHostname() print("Note: We're connected to " + hostname) print() # Get override or else the default
Example #28
Source File: From s3tk with MIT License | 5 votes |
def perform(check): check.perform() with indent(2): if check.status == 'passed': puts('✔ ' + + ' ' + unicode_key(check.pass_message))) elif check.status == 'failed': puts('✘ ' + + ' ' + check.fail_message)) else: puts('✘ ' + + ' access denied')) return check
Example #29
Source File: From s3tk with MIT License | 5 votes |
def print_dns_bucket(name, buckets, found_buckets): if not name in found_buckets: puts(name) with indent(2): if name in buckets: puts('owned')) else: puts('not owned')) puts() found_buckets.add(name)
Example #30
Source File: From stakkr with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _print_status_headers(): """Display messages for stakkr status (header)""" puts(columns( [('Container')), 16], ['IP'), 15], [('Url')), 32], [('Image')), 32], [('Docker ID')), 15], [('Docker Name')), 25] )) puts(columns( ['-'*16, 16], ['-'*15, 15], ['-'*32, 32], ['-'*32, 32], ['-'*15, 15], ['-'*25, 25] ))