Python Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From s3tk with MIT License | 6 votes |
def reset_object(bucket_name, key, dry_run, acl): obj = s3().Object(bucket_name, key) str_key = unicode_key(key) try: obj_acl = obj.Acl() mode = determine_mode(obj_acl) if mode == acl: puts(str_key + ' ' +'ACL already ' + acl)) return 'ACL already ' + acl elif dry_run: puts(str_key + ' ' + colored.yellow('ACL to be updated to ' + acl)) return 'ACL to be updated to ' + acl else: obj_acl.put(ACL=acl) puts(str_key + ' ' +'ACL updated to ' + acl)) return 'ACL updated to ' + acl except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError) as e: puts(str_key + ' ' + return 'error'
Example #2
Source File: From s3tk with MIT License | 6 votes |
def delete_unencrypted_version(bucket_name, key, id, dry_run): object_version = s3().ObjectVersion(bucket_name, key, id) try: obj = object_version.get() if obj.get('ServerSideEncryption') or obj.get('SSECustomerAlgorithm'): puts(key + ' ' + id + ' ' +'encrypted')) return 'encrypted' else: if dry_run: puts(key + ' ' + id + ' ' +'to be deleted')) return 'to be deleted' else: puts(key + ' ' + id + ' ' +'deleted')) object_version.delete() return 'deleted' except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError) as e: puts(key + ' ' + id + ' ' + return 'error'
Example #3
Source File: From IPTV with MIT License | 6 votes |
def menu(): print "" print colored.yellow("################") print colored.yellow("##### IPTV #####") print colored.yellow("##### v" + cr.version + " ###") print colored.yellow("################") print "" print"Menu") print "0 - Exit" print "1 - Search for some Servers" print "2 - Look at the servers list" print "3 - Select language, default is Italian" print "4 - Brute force all server from the list" print "5 - Brute force random server from the list" print "6 - Brute force specific server from the list" print "7 - Provide a random server to attack" print ""
Example #4
Source File: From s3tk with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fix_check(klass, buckets, dry_run, fix_args={}): for bucket in fetch_buckets(buckets): check = klass(bucket) check.perform() if check.status == 'passed': message ='already ' + check.pass_message) elif check.status == 'denied': message ='access denied') else: if dry_run: message = colored.yellow('to be ' + check.pass_message) else: try: check.fix(fix_args) message ='just ' + check.pass_message) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: message = puts( + ' ' + message)
Example #5
Source File: From mech with MIT License | 5 votes |
def init_box(name, version, force=False, save=True, requests_kwargs={}): if not locate('.mech', '*.vmx'): name_version_box = add_box(name, name=name, version=version, force=force, save=save, requests_kwargs=requests_kwargs) if not name_version_box: puts_err("Cannot find a valid box with a VMX file in it")) sys.exit(1) name, version, box = name_version_box # box = locate(os.path.join(*filter(None, (HOME, 'boxes', name, version))), '*.box') puts_err("Extracting box '{}'...".format(name))) makedirs('.mech') if sys.platform == 'win32': cmd = tar_cmd('-xf', box, force_local=True) else: cmd = tar_cmd('-xf', box) if cmd: startupinfo = None if == "nt": startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.SW_HIDE | subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd='.mech', startupinfo=startupinfo) if proc.wait(): puts_err("Cannot extract box")) sys.exit(1) else: tar =, 'r') tar.extractall('.mech') if not save and box.startswith(tempfile.gettempdir()): os.unlink(box) vmx = get_vmx() update_vmx(vmx) return vmx
Example #6
Source File: From angr-platforms with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def action_pp(state): actions = state.actions.hardcopy for a in actions: if isinstance(a, SimActionExit): print(blue("[%#08x] ===> %s %s" % (a.ins_addr, a.exit_type, elif isinstance(a, SimActionData): print("[%#08x] %s %s: %s" % (a.ins_addr, a.action, str(a.tmp), elif isinstance(a, SimActionOperation): print(red("[%#08x] %s %s" % (a.ins_addr, a.op, ", ".join([str(e) for e in a.exprs]))))
Example #7
Source File: From blockade with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def cmd_events(opts): """Get the event log for a given blockade """ config = load_config(opts.config) b = get_blockade(config, opts) if opts.json: outf = None _write = puts if opts.output is not None: outf = open(opts.output, "w") _write = outf.write try: delim = "" logs = b.get_audit().read_logs(as_json=False) _write('{"events": [') _write(os.linesep) for l in logs: _write(delim + l) delim = "," + os.linesep _write(os.linesep) _write(']}') finally: if opts.output is not None: outf.close() else: puts(["EVENT", 10], ["TARGET", 16], ["STATUS", 8], ["TIME", 16], ["MESSAGE", 25]))) logs = b.get_audit().read_logs(as_json=True) for l in logs: puts(columns([l['event'], 10], [str([str(t) for t in l['targets']]), 16], [l['status'], 8], [str(l['timestamp']), 16], [l['message'], 25]))
Example #8
Source File: From blockade with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def print_containers(containers, to_json=False): containers = sorted(containers, key=lambda c: if to_json: d = [c.to_dict() for c in containers] puts(json.dumps(d, indent=2, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': '))) else: puts(["NODE", 15], ["CONTAINER ID", 15], ["STATUS", 7], ["IP", 15], ["NETWORK", 10], ["PARTITION", 10]))) def partition_label(c): if c.holy: return "H" elif c.partition: if c.neutral: return str(c.partition) + " [N]" else: return str(c.partition) elif c.neutral: return "N" else: return "" for container in containers: puts(columns([, 15], [container.container_id[:12], 15], [container.status, 7], [container.ip_address or "", 15], [container.network_state, 10], [partition_label(container), 10]))
Example #9
Source File: From VCF-kit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def download_genomes(genome_db): if os.path.isfile(genome_db): fileTime = os.path.getmtime(genome_db) else: fileTime = 0 if (time() - fileTime) > (3 * 30 * 24 * 60 * 60) or is_non_zero_file(genome_db) is False: with indent(2): puts('\nDownloading list of reference genomes\n')) r = requests.get("") genome_file = open(genome_db, "w") with genome_file as f: f.write(r.text.encode('utf-8').strip())
Example #10
Source File: From VCF-kit with MIT License | 5 votes |
def message(message, n_indent = 4, color = "blue"): with indent(n_indent): if color == "blue": puts_err('\n' + message + '\n')) elif color == "red": puts_err('\n' + message + '\n'))
Example #11
Source File: From mech with MIT License | 5 votes |
def add_box_file(name, version, filename, url=None, force=False, save=True): puts_err("Checking box '{}' integrity...".format(name))) if sys.platform == 'win32': cmd = tar_cmd('-tf', filename, '*.vmx', wildcards=True, fast_read=True, force_local=True) else: cmd = tar_cmd('-tf', filename, '*.vmx', wildcards=True, fast_read=True) if cmd: startupinfo = None if == "nt": startupinfo = subprocess.STARTUPINFO() startupinfo.dwFlags |= subprocess.SW_HIDE | subprocess.STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, startupinfo=startupinfo) valid_tar = not proc.wait() else: tar =, 'r') files = tar.getnames() valid_tar = False for i in files: if i.endswith('vmx'): valid_tar = True break if i.startswith('/') or i.startswith('..'): puts_err( "This box is comprised of filenames starting with '/' or '..' " "Exiting for the safety of your files." ))) sys.exit(1) if valid_tar: if save: boxname = os.path.basename(url if url else filename) box = os.path.join(*filter(None, (HOME, 'boxes', name, version, boxname))) path = os.path.dirname(box) makedirs(path) if not os.path.exists(box) or force: copyfile(filename, box) else: box = filename return name, version, box
Example #12
Source File: From mech with MIT License | 5 votes |
def reload(self, arguments): """ Restarts Mech machine, loads new Mechfile configuration. Usage: mech reload [options] [<instance>] Options: --provision Enable provisioning -h, --help Print this help """ instance_name = arguments['<instance>'] instance_name = self.activate(instance_name) vmrun = VMrun(self.vmx, user=self.user, password=self.password) puts_err("Reloading machine...")) started = vmrun.reset() if started is None: puts_err("VM not restarted")) else: time.sleep(3) puts_err("Getting IP address...")) lookup = self.get("enable_ip_lookup", False) ip = vmrun.getGuestIPAddress(lookup=lookup) if ip: if started: puts_err("VM started on {}".format(ip))) else: puts_err(colored.yellow("VM already was started on {}".format(ip))) else: if started: puts_err("VM started on an unknown IP address")) else: puts_err(colored.yellow("VM already was started on an unknown IP address"))
Example #13
Source File: From datacats with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def pretty_print(self): """ Print the error message to stdout with colors and borders """ print"-" * 40) print"datacats: problem was encountered:") print self.message print"-" * 40)
Example #14
Source File: From datacats with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, message, parent_exception=None): self.message = message if parent_exception and hasattr(parent_exception, 'user_description'): vals = { "original": self.message, "type_description": parent_exception.user_description, "message": str(parent_exception), } self.message = "".join([str("{original}\n\n")), "-" * 30, "\n{type_description}:\n", str(colored.yellow("{message}\n"))] ).format(**vals) super(DatacatsError, self).__init__(message)
Example #15
Source File: From mech with MIT License | 4 votes |
def build_mechfile(descriptor, name=None, version=None, requests_kwargs={}): mechfile = {} if descriptor is None: return mechfile if any(descriptor.startswith(s) for s in ('https://', 'http://', 'ftp://')): mechfile['url'] = descriptor if not name: name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(descriptor))[0] mechfile['box'] = name if version: mechfile['box_version'] = version return mechfile elif descriptor.startswith('file:') or os.path.isfile(re.sub(r'^file:(?://)?', '', descriptor)): descriptor = re.sub(r'^file:(?://)?', '', descriptor) try: with open(descriptor) as fp: catalog = json.loads(uncomment( except Exception: mechfile['file'] = descriptor if not name: name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(descriptor))[0] mechfile['box'] = name if version: mechfile['box_version'] = version return mechfile else: try: account, box, v = (descriptor.split(os.path.sep, 2) + ['', ''])[:3] if not account or not box: puts_err("Provided box name is not valid")) if v: version = v puts_err("Loading metadata for box '{}'{}".format(descriptor, " ({})".format(version) if version else ""))) url = '{}/boxes/{}'.format(account, box) r = requests.get(url, **requests_kwargs) r.raise_for_status() catalog = r.json() except (requests.HTTPError, ValueError) as exc: puts_err("Bad response from HashiCorp's Vagrant Cloud API: %s" % exc)) sys.exit(1) except requests.ConnectionError: puts_err("Couldn't connect to HashiCorp's Vagrant Cloud API")) sys.exit(1) return catalog_to_mechfile(catalog, name, version)
Example #16
Source File: From mech with MIT License | 4 votes |
def provision_shell(vm, inline, path, args=[]): tmp_path = vm.createTempfileInGuest() if tmp_path is None: return try: if path and os.path.isfile(path): puts_err("Configuring script {}...".format(path))) if vm.copyFileFromHostToGuest(path, tmp_path) is None: return else: if path: if any(path.startswith(s) for s in ('https://', 'http://', 'ftp://')): puts_err("Downloading {}...".format(path))) try: r = requests.get(path) r.raise_for_status() inline = except requests.HTTPError: return except requests.ConnectionError: return else: puts_err("Cannot open {}".format(path))) return if not inline: puts_err("No script to execute")) return puts_err("Configuring script...")) fp = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) try: fp.write(inline) fp.close() if vm.copyFileFromHostToGuest(, tmp_path) is None: return finally: os.unlink( puts_err("Configuring environment...")) if vm.runScriptInGuest('/bin/sh', "chmod +x '{}'".format(tmp_path)) is None: return puts_err("Executing program...")) return vm.runProgramInGuest(tmp_path, args) finally: vm.deleteFileInGuest(tmp_path, quiet=True)
Example #17
Source File: From mech with MIT License | 4 votes |
def resume(self, arguments): """ Resume a paused/suspended Mech machine. Usage: mech resume [options] [<instance>] Options: --provision Enable provisioning -h, --help Print this help """ instance_name = arguments['<instance>'] instance_name = self.activate(instance_name) utils.index_active_instance(instance_name) vmrun = VMrun(self.vmx, user=self.user, password=self.password) # Try to unpause if vmrun.unpause(quiet=True) is not None: time.sleep(1) puts_err("Getting IP address...")) lookup = self.get("enable_ip_lookup", False) ip = vmrun.getGuestIPAddress(lookup=lookup) if ip: puts_err("VM resumed on {}".format(ip))) else: puts_err("VM resumed on an unknown IP address")) # Otherwise try starting else: started = vmrun.start() if started is None: puts_err("VM not started")) else: time.sleep(3) puts_err("Getting IP address...")) lookup = self.get("enable_ip_lookup", False) ip = vmrun.getGuestIPAddress(lookup=lookup) puts_err("Sharing current folder...")) vmrun.enableSharedFolders() vmrun.addSharedFolder('mech', os.getcwd(), quiet=True) if ip: if started: puts_err("VM started on {}".format(ip))) else: puts_err(colored.yellow("VM already was started on {}".format(ip))) else: if started: puts_err("VM started on an unknown IP address")) else: puts_err(colored.yellow("VM already was started on an unknown IP address"))
Example #18
Source File: From VCF-kit with MIT License | 4 votes |
def main(): args = docopt(__doc__, argv=debug, options_first=True, version=__version__) argv = [args['<command>']] + args['<args>'] program_list = {"bwa": "bwa", "samtools": "samtools", "bcftools": "bcftools", "blast": "blastn", "muscle": "muscle"} if args["<command>"] == "setup": """ Use Homebrew to install programs! """ program_installed = program_list.keys() for install_name, program in program_list.items(): check_output(["brew", "tap", "homebrew/science"]) try: with indent(4): puts("Installing " + install_name)) check_output(["brew", "install", install_name]) program_installed.remove(install_name) except CalledProcessError: try: check_output(["which", program]) with indent(4): puts( + " previously installed")) program_installed.remove(install_name) except CalledProcessError: with indent(4): puts("Error installing " + install_name)) if len(program_installed) == 0: with indent(4): puts("Programs successfully installed!")) else: with indent(4): puts("Error: Not all programs successfully installed: " + ", ".join(program_installed))) elif args["<command>"] == "": print(__doc__) for prog in program_list.values(): try: check_output(["which", prog]) except CalledProcessError: with indent(4): puts( + " not installed. Use a package manager to install or try using 'vk setup'\n")) elif args['<command>'] in command_list: comm = ['python', getScriptPath() + '/' + args["<command>"] + ".py"] + argv exit(call(comm)) else: levs = [(x, lev(args['<command>'], x)) for x in command_list] closest = min(levs, key = lambda x: x[1])[0] command = args['<command>'] message("There is no command '{command}'. Did you mean 'vk {closest}'?".format(**locals()))
Example #19
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def display_balance_info(wallet_obj, verbose=False): if not USER_ONLINE: return mpub = wallet_obj.serialize_b58(private=False) wallet_name = get_blockcypher_walletname_from_mpub( mpub=mpub, subchain_indices=[0, 1], ) verbose_print('Wallet Name: %s' % wallet_name) verbose_print('API Key: %s' % BLOCKCYPHER_API_KEY) coin_symbol = coin_symbol_from_mkey(mpub) wallet_details = get_wallet_balance( wallet_name=wallet_name, api_key=BLOCKCYPHER_API_KEY, coin_symbol=coin_symbol, ) verbose_print(wallet_details) puts('-' * 70 + '\n') balance_str = 'Balance: %s' % ( format_crypto_units( input_quantity=wallet_details['final_balance'], input_type='satoshi', output_type=UNIT_CHOICE, coin_symbol=coin_symbol, print_cs=True, )) puts( if wallet_details['unconfirmed_balance']: balance_str += ' (%s%s of this is unconfirmed)' % ( '+' if wallet_details['unconfirmed_balance'] else '', # hack format_crypto_units( input_quantity=wallet_details['unconfirmed_balance'], input_type='satoshi', output_type=UNIT_CHOICE, print_cs=True, coin_symbol=coin_symbol, ), ) tx_string = 'Transactions: %s' % wallet_details['final_n_tx'] if wallet_details['unconfirmed_n_tx']: tx_string += ' (%s unconfirmed)' % wallet_details['unconfirmed_n_tx'] puts( + '\n')) puts('More info:') puts( puts() return wallet_details['final_balance']
Example #20
Source File: From mech with MIT License | 4 votes |
def up(self, arguments): """ Starts and provisions the mech environment. Usage: mech up [options] [<instance>] Options: --gui Start GUI --provision Enable provisioning --insecure Do not validate SSL certificates --cacert FILE CA certificate for SSL download --capath DIR CA certificate directory for SSL download --cert FILE A client SSL cert, if needed --checksum CHECKSUM Checksum for the box --checksum-type TYPE Checksum type (md5, sha1, sha256) --no-cache Do not save the downloaded box -h, --help Print this help """ gui = arguments['--gui'] save = not arguments['--no-cache'] requests_kwargs = utils.get_requests_kwargs(arguments) instance_name = arguments['<instance>'] instance_name = self.activate(instance_name) utils.index_active_instance(instance_name) vmx = utils.init_box(self.box_name, self.box_version, requests_kwargs=requests_kwargs, save=save) vmrun = VMrun(vmx, user=self.user, password=self.password) puts_err("Bringing machine up...")) started = vmrun.start(gui=gui) if started is None: puts_err("VM not started")) else: time.sleep(3) puts_err("Getting IP address...")) lookup = self.get("enable_ip_lookup", False) ip = vmrun.getGuestIPAddress(lookup=lookup) puts_err("Sharing current folder...")) vmrun.enableSharedFolders() vmrun.addSharedFolder('mech', os.getcwd(), quiet=True) if ip: if started: puts_err("VM started on {}".format(ip))) else: puts_err(colored.yellow("VM was already started on {}".format(ip))) else: if started: puts_err("VM started on an unknown IP address")) else: puts_err(colored.yellow("VM was already started on an unknown IP address"))
Example #21
Source File: From s3tk with MIT License | 4 votes |
def encrypt_object(bucket_name, key, dry_run, kms_key_id, customer_key): obj = s3().Object(bucket_name, key) str_key = unicode_key(key) try: if customer_key: obj.load(SSECustomerAlgorithm='AES256', SSECustomerKey=customer_key) encrypted = None if customer_key: encrypted = obj.sse_customer_algorithm is not None elif kms_key_id: encrypted = obj.server_side_encryption == 'aws:kms' else: encrypted = obj.server_side_encryption == 'AES256' if encrypted: puts(str_key + ' ' +'already encrypted')) return 'already encrypted' else: if dry_run: puts(str_key + ' ' + colored.yellow('to be encrypted')) return 'to be encrypted' else: copy_source = {'Bucket': bucket_name, 'Key': obj.key} # TODO support going from customer encryption to other forms if kms_key_id: obj.copy_from( CopySource=copy_source, ServerSideEncryption='aws:kms', SSEKMSKeyId=kms_key_id ) elif customer_key: obj.copy_from( CopySource=copy_source, SSECustomerAlgorithm='AES256', SSECustomerKey=customer_key ) else: obj.copy_from( CopySource=copy_source, ServerSideEncryption='AES256' ) puts(str_key + ' ' +'just encrypted')) return 'just encrypted' except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError) as e: puts(str_key + ' ' + return 'error'