Python clint.textui.colored.yellow() Examples
The following are 29
code examples of clint.textui.colored.yellow().
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Example #1
Source File: From IPTV with MIT License | 6 votes |
def menu(): print "" print colored.yellow("################") print colored.yellow("##### IPTV #####") print colored.yellow("##### v" + cr.version + " ###") print colored.yellow("################") print "" print"Menu") print "0 - Exit" print "1 - Search for some Servers" print "2 - Look at the servers list" print "3 - Select language, default is Italian" print "4 - Brute force all server from the list" print "5 - Brute force random server from the list" print "6 - Brute force specific server from the list" print "7 - Provide a random server to attack" print ""
Example #2
Source File: From kobo-predict with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def usage(exit=True, code=1): print(u"i18n wrapper script for formhub.\n") with indent(4): puts(colored.yellow(u",/ add --lang <lang>")) puts(u"Create required files for enabling translation " u"of language with code <lang>\n") puts(colored.yellow(u"./ refresh [--lang <lang>]")) puts(u"Update the PO file for <lang> based on code.\n" u"<lang> is optionnal as we only use EN and do " u"all translations in Transifex.\n") puts(colored.yellow(u"./ update --user <tx_user> " u"--password <tx_pass> [--lang <lang>]")) puts(u"Downloads new PO files for <lang> (or all) from Transifex " u"then compiles new MO files\n") puts(colored.yellow(u"./ compile [--lang <lang>]")) puts(u"Compiles all PO files for <lang> (or all) into MO files.\n" u"Not required unless you want to.\n") if exit: sys.exit(code)
Example #3
Source File: From s3tk with MIT License | 6 votes |
def fix_check(klass, buckets, dry_run, fix_args={}): for bucket in fetch_buckets(buckets): check = klass(bucket) check.perform() if check.status == 'passed': message ='already ' + check.pass_message) elif check.status == 'denied': message ='access denied') else: if dry_run: message = colored.yellow('to be ' + check.pass_message) else: try: check.fix(fix_args) message ='just ' + check.pass_message) except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e: message = puts( + ' ' + message)
Example #4
Source File: From s3tk with MIT License | 6 votes |
def scan_object(bucket_name, key): obj = s3().Object(bucket_name, key) str_key = unicode_key(key) try: mode = determine_mode(obj.Acl()) if mode == 'private': puts(str_key + ' ' + else: puts(str_key + ' ' + colored.yellow(mode)) return mode except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError) as e: puts(str_key + ' ' + return 'error'
Example #5
Source File: From s3tk with MIT License | 6 votes |
def reset_object(bucket_name, key, dry_run, acl): obj = s3().Object(bucket_name, key) str_key = unicode_key(key) try: obj_acl = obj.Acl() mode = determine_mode(obj_acl) if mode == acl: puts(str_key + ' ' +'ACL already ' + acl)) return 'ACL already ' + acl elif dry_run: puts(str_key + ' ' + colored.yellow('ACL to be updated to ' + acl)) return 'ACL to be updated to ' + acl else: obj_acl.put(ACL=acl) puts(str_key + ' ' +'ACL updated to ' + acl)) return 'ACL updated to ' + acl except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError) as e: puts(str_key + ' ' + return 'error'
Example #6
Source File: From stakkr with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_services_urls(self): """Once started, displays a message with a list of running containers.""" self.init_project() cts = docker.get_running_containers(self.project_name)[1] text = '' for _, ct_info in cts.items(): service_config = self.config['services'][ct_info['compose_name']] if ({'service_name', 'service_url'} <= set(service_config)) is False: continue url = self.get_url(service_config['service_url'], ct_info['compose_name']) name = colored.yellow(service_config['service_name']) text += ' - For {}'.format(name).ljust(55, ' ') + ' : ' + url + '\n' if 'service_extra_ports' in service_config: ports = ', '.join(map(str, service_config['service_extra_ports'])) text += ' '*4 + '(In your containers use the host ' text += '"{}" and port(s) {})\n'.format(ct_info['compose_name'], ports) return text
Example #7
Source File: From mech with MIT License | 6 votes |
def pause(self, arguments): """ Pauses the Mech machine. Usage: mech pause [options] [<instance>] Options: -h, --help Print this help """ instance_name = arguments['<instance>'] instance_name = self.activate(instance_name) vmrun = VMrun(self.vmx, user=self.user, password=self.password) if vmrun.pause() is None: puts_err("Not paused", vmrun)) else: puts_err(colored.yellow("Paused", vmrun))
Example #8
Source File: From stakkr with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_url(self, service_url: str, service: str): """Build URL to be displayed.""" proxy_conf = self.config['proxy'] # By default our URL is the IP url = docker.get_ct_item(service, 'ip') # If proxy enabled, display nice urls if bool(proxy_conf['enabled']): http_port = int(proxy_conf['http_port']) url = docker.get_ct_item(service, 'traefik_host').lower() url += '' if http_port == 80 else ':{}'.format(http_port) elif os_name() in ['Windows', 'Darwin']: puts(colored.yellow('[WARNING]') + ' Under Win and Mac, you need the proxy enabled') urls = [service_url.format(url) for url in url.split(',')] return ' / '.join(urls)
Example #9
Source File: From pgrepup with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def output_hint(hint): print(" " + colored.yellow("Hint: " + hint))
Example #10
Source File: From polytester with MIT License | 5 votes |
def handle_keyboard_exception(self): puts() puts(colored.yellow("Keyboard interrupt. Stopping tests.")) sys.exit(1)
Example #11
Source File: From slack-machine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def warn(warn_string): puts(colored.yellow(f"Warning: {warn_string}"))
Example #12
Source File: From community with MIT License | 5 votes |
def tag_computer(self, computername, description, computertag): print colored.yellow("[*] Finding "+computername) result = self.find_computer(computername) computerid = str(result[0]['id']) print"[+] "+computername+" ID="+computerid) data = {'description':description, 'computerTag': computertag} print colored.yellow("[*] Tagging "+computername) r = requests.put(self.computerurl+computerid, json.dumps(data), headers=self.authJson, verify=self.b9StrongCert) r.raise_for_status() result = r.json() print"[+] Tag Succeeded! ...waiting...\n") time.sleep(.07)
Example #13
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def debug_print(to_print): if type(to_print) is dict: to_print = json.dumps(to_print, cls=DateTimeEncoder, indent=2) puts(colored.yellow(str(to_print)))
Example #14
Source File: From mech with MIT License | 5 votes |
def reload(self, arguments): """ Restarts Mech machine, loads new Mechfile configuration. Usage: mech reload [options] [<instance>] Options: --provision Enable provisioning -h, --help Print this help """ instance_name = arguments['<instance>'] instance_name = self.activate(instance_name) vmrun = VMrun(self.vmx, user=self.user, password=self.password) puts_err("Reloading machine...")) started = vmrun.reset() if started is None: puts_err("VM not restarted")) else: time.sleep(3) puts_err("Getting IP address...")) lookup = self.get("enable_ip_lookup", False) ip = vmrun.getGuestIPAddress(lookup=lookup) if ip: if started: puts_err("VM started on {}".format(ip))) else: puts_err(colored.yellow("VM already was started on {}".format(ip))) else: if started: puts_err("VM started on an unknown IP address")) else: puts_err(colored.yellow("VM already was started on an unknown IP address"))
Example #15
Source File: From datacats with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, message, parent_exception=None): self.message = message if parent_exception and hasattr(parent_exception, 'user_description'): vals = { "original": self.message, "type_description": parent_exception.user_description, "message": str(parent_exception), } self.message = "".join([str("{original}\n\n")), "-" * 30, "\n{type_description}:\n", str(colored.yellow("{message}\n"))] ).format(**vals) super(DatacatsError, self).__init__(message)
Example #16
Source File: From orbital with MIT License | 5 votes |
def release(): """Bump version, tag, build, gen docs.""" if check_staged(): raise EnvironmentError('There are staged changes, abort.') if check_unstaged(): raise EnvironmentError('There are unstaged changes, abort.') bump() tag() build() doc_gen() puts(colored.yellow("Remember to upload documentation and package:")) with indent(2): puts(colored.cyan("shovel doc.upload")) puts(colored.cyan("shovel version.upload"))
Example #17
Source File: From stakkr with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _is_up(self, container: str): try: docker.check_cts_are_running(self.project_name) except SystemError: return if container is None: puts(colored.yellow('[INFO]') + ' stakkr is already started ...') sys.exit(0) # If single container : check if that specific one is running ct_name = docker.get_ct_item(container, 'name') if docker.container_running(ct_name): puts(colored.yellow('[INFO]') + ' service {} is already started ...'.format(container)) sys.exit(0)
Example #18
Source File: From stakkr with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def status(self): """Return a nice table with the list of started containers.""" self.init_project() try: docker.check_cts_are_running(self.project_name) except SystemError: puts(colored.yellow('[INFO]') + ' stakkr is currently stopped') sys.exit(0) _, cts = docker.get_running_containers(self.project_name) _print_status_headers() _print_status_body(cts)
Example #19
Source File: From s3tk with MIT License | 5 votes |
def update_policy(bucket, encryption=None, dry_run=False): bucket = s3().Bucket(bucket) policy = fetch_policy(bucket) if not policy: policy = OrderedDict([ ('Version', '2012-10-17'), ('Statement', []) ]) es = encryption_statement(bucket) es_index = next((i for i, s in enumerate(policy['Statement']) if statement_matches(s, es)), -1) if es_index != -1: if encryption: puts("No encryption change") print_policy(policy) elif encryption is False: puts("Removing encryption") policy['Statement'].pop(es_index) print_policy(policy) if not dry_run: if any(policy['Statement']): bucket.Policy().put(Policy=json.dumps(policy)) else: bucket.Policy().delete() else: if encryption: puts("Adding encryption") policy['Statement'].append(es) print_policy(policy) if not dry_run: bucket.Policy().put(Policy=json.dumps(policy)) elif encryption is False: puts(colored.yellow("No encryption change")) print_policy(policy)
Example #20
Source File: From s3tk with MIT License | 5 votes |
def list_policy(buckets, named=False): for bucket in fetch_buckets(buckets): puts( policy = fetch_policy(bucket) with indent(2): if policy is None: puts(colored.yellow('None')) else: if named: public = public_statement(bucket) no_object_acl = no_object_acl_statement(bucket) public_uploads = public_uploads_statement(bucket) no_uploads = no_uploads_statement(bucket) encryption = encryption_statement(bucket) for statement in policy['Statement']: if statement_matches(statement, public): named_statement = 'Public' elif statement_matches(statement, no_object_acl): named_statement = 'No object ACL' elif statement_matches(statement, public_uploads): named_statement = 'Public uploads' elif statement_matches(statement, no_uploads): named_statement = 'No uploads' elif statement_matches(statement, encryption): named_statement = 'Encryption' else: named_statement = 'Custom' puts(colored.yellow(named_statement)) else: puts(colored.yellow(json.dumps(policy, indent=4))) puts()
Example #21
Source File: From s3tk with MIT License | 5 votes |
def notice(message): puts(colored.yellow(message))
Example #22
Source File: From pgrepup with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def output_cli_result(result, compensation=0): if isinstance(result, bool): text ='OK') if result else'KO') else: text = colored.yellow(result) return '.' * (80 - this.current_position - len(text) - compensation) + text
Example #23
Source File: From datacats with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def install_all(environment, clean, verbose=False, quiet=False, packages=None): logs = check_connectivity() if logs.strip(): raise DatacatsError(logs) if clean: clean_pyc(environment, quiet) srcdirs = set() reqdirs = set() for d in listdir( fulld = + '/' + d if not isdir(fulld): continue if not exists(fulld + '/'): continue if packages and d not in packages: continue srcdirs.add(d) if (exists(fulld + '/requirements.txt') or exists(fulld + '/pip-requirements.txt')): reqdirs.add(d) try: if not packages or 'ckan' in packages: srcdirs.remove('ckan') reqdirs.remove('ckan') srcdirs = ['ckan'] + sorted(srcdirs) reqdirs = ['ckan'] + sorted(reqdirs) except KeyError: raise DatacatsError('ckan not found in environment directory') if clean: environment.clean_virtualenv() environment.install_extra() for s in srcdirs: if verbose: print colored.yellow('Installing ' + s + '\n') elif not quiet: print 'Installing ' + s environment.install_package_develop(s, sys.stdout if verbose and not quiet else None) if verbose and not quiet: print for s in reqdirs: if verbose: print colored.yellow('Installing ' + s + ' requirements' + '\n') elif not quiet: print 'Installing ' + s + ' requirements' environment.install_package_requirements(s, sys.stdout if verbose and not quiet else None) if verbose: print
Example #24
Source File: From mech with MIT License | 4 votes |
def up(self, arguments): """ Starts and provisions the mech environment. Usage: mech up [options] [<instance>] Options: --gui Start GUI --provision Enable provisioning --insecure Do not validate SSL certificates --cacert FILE CA certificate for SSL download --capath DIR CA certificate directory for SSL download --cert FILE A client SSL cert, if needed --checksum CHECKSUM Checksum for the box --checksum-type TYPE Checksum type (md5, sha1, sha256) --no-cache Do not save the downloaded box -h, --help Print this help """ gui = arguments['--gui'] save = not arguments['--no-cache'] requests_kwargs = utils.get_requests_kwargs(arguments) instance_name = arguments['<instance>'] instance_name = self.activate(instance_name) utils.index_active_instance(instance_name) vmx = utils.init_box(self.box_name, self.box_version, requests_kwargs=requests_kwargs, save=save) vmrun = VMrun(vmx, user=self.user, password=self.password) puts_err("Bringing machine up...")) started = vmrun.start(gui=gui) if started is None: puts_err("VM not started")) else: time.sleep(3) puts_err("Getting IP address...")) lookup = self.get("enable_ip_lookup", False) ip = vmrun.getGuestIPAddress(lookup=lookup) puts_err("Sharing current folder...")) vmrun.enableSharedFolders() vmrun.addSharedFolder('mech', os.getcwd(), quiet=True) if ip: if started: puts_err("VM started on {}".format(ip))) else: puts_err(colored.yellow("VM was already started on {}".format(ip))) else: if started: puts_err("VM started on an unknown IP address")) else: puts_err(colored.yellow("VM was already started on an unknown IP address"))
Example #25
Source File: From mech with MIT License | 4 votes |
def resume(self, arguments): """ Resume a paused/suspended Mech machine. Usage: mech resume [options] [<instance>] Options: --provision Enable provisioning -h, --help Print this help """ instance_name = arguments['<instance>'] instance_name = self.activate(instance_name) utils.index_active_instance(instance_name) vmrun = VMrun(self.vmx, user=self.user, password=self.password) # Try to unpause if vmrun.unpause(quiet=True) is not None: time.sleep(1) puts_err("Getting IP address...")) lookup = self.get("enable_ip_lookup", False) ip = vmrun.getGuestIPAddress(lookup=lookup) if ip: puts_err("VM resumed on {}".format(ip))) else: puts_err("VM resumed on an unknown IP address")) # Otherwise try starting else: started = vmrun.start() if started is None: puts_err("VM not started")) else: time.sleep(3) puts_err("Getting IP address...")) lookup = self.get("enable_ip_lookup", False) ip = vmrun.getGuestIPAddress(lookup=lookup) puts_err("Sharing current folder...")) vmrun.enableSharedFolders() vmrun.addSharedFolder('mech', os.getcwd(), quiet=True) if ip: if started: puts_err("VM started on {}".format(ip))) else: puts_err(colored.yellow("VM already was started on {}".format(ip))) else: if started: puts_err("VM started on an unknown IP address")) else: puts_err(colored.yellow("VM already was started on an unknown IP address"))
Example #26
Source File: From mech with MIT License | 4 votes |
def list(self, arguments): """ Lists all available boxes. Usage: mech list [options] Options: -h, --help Print this help """ print("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}".format( 'NAME'.rjust(20), 'ADDRESS'.rjust(15), 'BOX'.rjust(35), 'VERSION'.rjust(12), 'PATH', )) for instance_name, instance in utils.instances().items(): path = instance.get('path') if path and os.path.exists(path): self.activate(instance_name) mech_path = os.path.join(path, '.mech') if os.path.exists(mech_path): vmx = self.get_vmx(silent=True) if vmx: vmrun = VMrun(vmx, user=self.user, password=self.password) lookup = self.get("enable_ip_lookup", False) ip = vmrun.getGuestIPAddress(wait=False, quiet=True, lookup=lookup) else: ip ="invalid") if ip is None: ip = colored.yellow("poweroff") elif not ip: ip ="running") else: ip = else: ip = "" box_name = self.box_name or "" box_version = self.box_version or "" print("{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\t{}".format(, ip.rjust(15), box_name.rjust(35), box_version.rjust(12), path, ))
Example #27
Source File: From flickr-cropping-dataset with MIT License | 4 votes |
def batchProcess(imgPath, outPath, opts): # read eDN model(s) descFile = open(opts.descPath, 'r') desc = pickle.load(descFile) descFile.close() nFeatures = np.sum([d['desc'][-1][0][1]['initialize']['n_filters'] for d in desc if d != None]) # load SVM model and whitening parameters svm = load_model(opts.svmPath) f = open(opts.whitePath, 'r') whiteParams = np.asarray([map(float, line.split(' ')) for line in f]).T f.close() # assemble svm model svmModel = {} svmModel['svm'] = svm svmModel['whitenParams'] = whiteParams biasToCntr = (svm.get_nr_feature()-nFeatures) == 1 model = EDNSaliencyModel(desc, svmModel, biasToCntr) puts(colored.yellow("Collecting image filenames...")) todo_list = [ f for f in listdir(imgPath) if isfile(join(imgPath,f)) ] existing_list = [ f for f in listdir(outPath) if isfile(join(outPath,f)) ] #image_list.sort() puts("Done") for f in todo_list: if f not in existing_list: print '-------------------------------------------------------------' print 'processing', f print try: # read image img = misc.imread(join(imgPath,f)) # compute saliency map salMap = model.saliency(img, normalize=False) # normalize and save the saliency map to disk normSalMap = (255.0 / (salMap.max()-salMap.min()) * (salMap-salMap.min())).astype(np.uint8) misc.imsave(join(outPath,f), normSalMap) except Exception as e: puts('ERROR: {}'.format(e))) puts(colored.yellow('filename: {}'.format(f))) else: print '-------------------------------------------------------------' puts(colored.yellow('Saliency map already exists! ({})'.format(f))) print
Example #28
Source File: From s3tk with MIT License | 4 votes |
def encrypt_object(bucket_name, key, dry_run, kms_key_id, customer_key): obj = s3().Object(bucket_name, key) str_key = unicode_key(key) try: if customer_key: obj.load(SSECustomerAlgorithm='AES256', SSECustomerKey=customer_key) encrypted = None if customer_key: encrypted = obj.sse_customer_algorithm is not None elif kms_key_id: encrypted = obj.server_side_encryption == 'aws:kms' else: encrypted = obj.server_side_encryption == 'AES256' if encrypted: puts(str_key + ' ' +'already encrypted')) return 'already encrypted' else: if dry_run: puts(str_key + ' ' + colored.yellow('to be encrypted')) return 'to be encrypted' else: copy_source = {'Bucket': bucket_name, 'Key': obj.key} # TODO support going from customer encryption to other forms if kms_key_id: obj.copy_from( CopySource=copy_source, ServerSideEncryption='aws:kms', SSEKMSKeyId=kms_key_id ) elif customer_key: obj.copy_from( CopySource=copy_source, SSECustomerAlgorithm='AES256', SSECustomerKey=customer_key ) else: obj.copy_from( CopySource=copy_source, ServerSideEncryption='AES256' ) puts(str_key + ' ' +'just encrypted')) return 'just encrypted' except (botocore.exceptions.ClientError, botocore.exceptions.NoCredentialsError) as e: puts(str_key + ' ' + return 'error'
Example #29
Source File: From DeleteFB with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_webdriver(chrome_binary_path): """ Ensure a webdriver is available If Not, Download it. """ # Download it according to the current machine chrome_maj_version, chrome_webdriver = construct_driver_url(chrome_binary_path) driver_path = f"{cache_dir}/chromedriver{chrome_maj_version}" if exists(driver_path): return driver_path if not chrome_webdriver: raise UnknownOSException("Unknown Operating system platform") global total_size def show_progress(*res): global total_size pbar = None downloaded = 0 block_num, block_size, total_size = res if not pbar: pbar = progressbar.ProgressBar(maxval=total_size) pbar.start() downloaded += block_num * block_size if downloaded < total_size: pbar.update(downloaded) else: pbar.finish() puts(colored.yellow("Downloading Chrome Webdriver")) file_name = f"{cache_dir}/{chrome_webdriver.split('/')[-1]}" response = urlretrieve(chrome_webdriver, file_name, show_progress) if int(response[1].get("Content-Length")) == total_size: puts("Completed downloading the Chrome Driver.")) return extract_zip(file_name, chrome_maj_version) else: puts("An error Occurred While trying to download the driver.")) # remove the downloaded file and exit os.remove(file_name) sys.stderr.write(NO_CHROME_DRIVER) sys.exit(1)