Python clint.textui.colored.cyan() Examples
The following are 12
code examples of clint.textui.colored.cyan().
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Example #1
Source File: From sshmenu with MIT License | 6 votes |
def display_help(): # Clear screen and show the help text call(['clear']) puts(colored.cyan('Available commands (press any key to exit)')) puts(' enter - Connect to your selection') puts(' crtl+c | q - Quit sshmenu') puts(' k (up) - Move your selection up') puts(' j (down) - Move your selection down') puts(' h - Show help menu') puts(' c - Create new connection') puts(' d - Delete connection') puts(' e - Edit connection') puts(' + (plus) - Move connection up') puts(' - (minus) - Move connection down') # Hang until we get a keypress readchar.readkey()
Example #2
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def txn_preference_chooser(user_prompt=DEFAULT_PROMPT): puts('How quickly do you want this transaction to confirm? The higher the miner preference, the higher the transaction fee.') TXN_PREFERENCES = ( ('high', '1-2 blocks to confirm'), ('medium', '3-6 blocks to confirm'), ('low', '7+ blocks to confirm'), # ('zero', 'no fee, may not ever confirm (advanced users only)'), ) for cnt, pref_desc in enumerate(TXN_PREFERENCES): pref, desc = pref_desc with indent(2): puts(colored.cyan('%s (%s priority): %s' % (cnt+1, pref, desc))) choice_int = choice_prompt( user_prompt=user_prompt, acceptable_responses=range(1, len(TXN_PREFERENCES)+1), default_input='1', # high pref show_default=True, ) return TXN_PREFERENCES[int(choice_int)-1][0]
Example #3
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def offline_tx_chooser(wallet_obj): puts('What do you want to do?:') puts(colored.cyan('1: Generate transaction for offline signing')) puts(colored.cyan('2: Sign transaction offline')) puts(colored.cyan('3: Broadcast transaction previously signed offline')) puts(colored.cyan('\nb: Go Back\n')) choice = choice_prompt( user_prompt=DEFAULT_PROMPT, acceptable_responses=range(0, 3+1), quit_ok=True, default_input='1', show_default=True, ) verbose_print('Choice: %s' % choice) if choice is False: return elif choice == '1': return generate_offline_tx(wallet_obj=wallet_obj) elif choice == '2': return sign_tx_offline(wallet_obj=wallet_obj) elif choice == '3': return broadcast_signed_tx(wallet_obj=wallet_obj)
Example #4
Source File: From spi-flash-programmer with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | 5 votes |
def logDebug(text, type): if type == DEBUG_NORMAL: puts(colored.cyan(text)) else: # DEBUG_VERBOSE puts(colored.magenta(text))
Example #5
Source File: From orbital with MIT License | 5 votes |
def release(): """Bump version, tag, build, gen docs.""" if check_staged(): raise EnvironmentError('There are staged changes, abort.') if check_unstaged(): raise EnvironmentError('There are unstaged changes, abort.') bump() tag() build() doc_gen() puts(colored.yellow("Remember to upload documentation and package:")) with indent(2): puts(colored.cyan("shovel doc.upload")) puts(colored.cyan("shovel version.upload"))
Example #6
Source File: From sshmenu with MIT License | 5 votes |
def connection_create(): global config_name call(['clear']) puts(colored.cyan('Create new connection entry')) puts('') host = input('Hostname (user@machine): ') if host is '': puts('') puts('Nothing done') time.sleep(TRANSITION_DELAY_TIME) return friendly = input('Description []: ') command = input('Command [ssh]: ') options = input('Command Options []: ') # Set the defaults if our input was empty command = 'ssh' if command == '' else command options = [] if options == '' else options.split() # Append the new target to the config config = json.loads( config['targets'].append({'command': command, 'host': host, 'friendly': friendly, 'options': options}) # Save the new config resources.user.write(config_name, json.dumps(config, indent=4)) update_targets() puts('') puts('New connection added') time.sleep(TRANSITION_DELAY_TIME)
Example #7
Source File: From sshmenu with MIT License | 5 votes |
def connection_edit(selected_target): global targets, config_name call(['clear']) puts(colored.cyan('Editing connection %s' % targets[selected_target]['host'])) puts('') target = targets[selected_target] while True: host = input_prefill('Hostname: ', target['host']) if host is not '': break friendly = input_prefill('Description: ', target['friendly']) command = input_prefill('Command [ssh]: ', 'ssh' if not target.get('command') else target['command']) options = input_prefill('Options []: ', ' '.join(target['options'])) # Set the defaults if our input was empty command = 'ssh' if command == '' else command options = [] if options == '' else options.split() # Delete the old entry insert the edited one in its place config = json.loads( del config['targets'][selected_target] config['targets'].insert(selected_target, {'command': command, 'host': host, 'friendly': friendly, 'options': options}) resources.user.write(config_name, json.dumps(config, indent=4)) update_targets() puts('') puts('Changes saved') time.sleep(TRANSITION_DELAY_TIME)
Example #8
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def coin_symbol_chooser(user_prompt=DEFAULT_PROMPT, quit_ok=True): ACTIVE_COIN_SYMBOL_LIST = [x for x in COIN_SYMBOL_LIST if x != 'uro'] for cnt, coin_symbol_choice in enumerate(ACTIVE_COIN_SYMBOL_LIST): with indent(2): puts(colored.cyan('%s: %s' % ( cnt+1, COIN_SYMBOL_MAPPINGS[coin_symbol_choice]['display_name'], ))) if ACTIVE_COIN_SYMBOL_LIST[4] == 'bcy': default_input = 5 show_default = True else: default_input = None show_default = False coin_symbol_int = get_int( min_int=1, user_prompt=user_prompt, max_int=len(ACTIVE_COIN_SYMBOL_LIST), default_input=default_input, show_default=show_default, quit_ok=quit_ok, ) if not coin_symbol_int: return False else: return ACTIVE_COIN_SYMBOL_LIST[coin_symbol_int-1]
Example #9
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def dump_private_keys_or_addrs_chooser(wallet_obj): ''' Offline-enabled mechanism to dump everything ''' if wallet_obj.private_key: puts('Which private keys and addresses do you want?') else: puts('Which addresses do you want?') with indent(2): puts(colored.cyan('1: Active - have funds to spend')) puts(colored.cyan('2: Spent - no funds to spend (because they have been spent)')) puts(colored.cyan('3: Unused - no funds to spend (because the address has never been used)')) puts(colored.cyan('0: All (works offline) - regardless of whether they have funds to spend (super advanced users only)')) puts(colored.cyan('\nb: Go Back\n')) choice = choice_prompt( user_prompt=DEFAULT_PROMPT, acceptable_responses=[0, 1, 2, 3], default_input='1', show_default=True, quit_ok=True, ) if choice is False: return if choice == '1': return dump_selected_keys_or_addrs(wallet_obj=wallet_obj, zero_balance=False, used=True) elif choice == '2': return dump_selected_keys_or_addrs(wallet_obj=wallet_obj, zero_balance=True, used=True) elif choice == '3': return dump_selected_keys_or_addrs(wallet_obj=wallet_obj, zero_balance=None, used=False) elif choice == '0': return dump_all_keys_or_addrs(wallet_obj=wallet_obj)
Example #10
Source File: From bcwallet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def send_chooser(wallet_obj): puts('What do you want to do?:') if not USER_ONLINE: puts("(since you are NOT connected to BlockCypher, many choices are disabled)") with indent(2): puts(colored.cyan('1: Basic send (generate transaction, sign, & broadcast)')) puts(colored.cyan('2: Sweep funds into bcwallet from a private key you hold')) puts(colored.cyan('3: Offline transaction signing (more here)')) puts(colored.cyan('\nb: Go Back\n')) choice = choice_prompt( user_prompt=DEFAULT_PROMPT, acceptable_responses=range(0, 5+1), quit_ok=True, default_input='1', show_default=True, ) verbose_print('Choice: %s' % choice) if choice is False: return elif choice == '1': return send_funds(wallet_obj=wallet_obj) elif choice == '2': return sweep_funds_from_privkey(wallet_obj=wallet_obj) elif choice == '3': offline_tx_chooser(wallet_obj=wallet_obj)
Example #11
Source File: From slack-machine with MIT License | 5 votes |
def announce(string): puts(colored.cyan(string))
Example #12
Source File: From pgrepup with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def config(**kwargs): puts(colored.cyan("Create a new pgrepup config")) try: while True: conf_filename = prompt.query("Configuration filename", default=kwargs['c']) if os.path.isfile(os.path.expanduser(conf_filename)): if not prompt.yn("File %s exists " % conf_filename + "and it'll be overwritten by the new configuration. Are you sure?", default="n"): # warning. prompt.yn return true if the user's answer is the same of default value break else: break except KeyboardInterrupt: puts("\n") sys.exit(0) conf = create_config() puts(colored.cyan("Security")) conf.add_section("Security") if prompt.yn("Do you want to encrypt database credentials using a password?", default="y"): conf.set("Security", "encrypted_credentials", "y") encrypt('') puts("You'll be prompted for password every time pgrepup needs to connect to database") else: conf.set("Security", "encrypted_credentials", "n") conf.set( "Security", "tmp_folder", prompt.query("Folder where pgrepup store temporary dumps and pgpass file", "/tmp") ) conf.set( "Security", "app_owner", prompt.query("Postgresql username as application owner", "app_owner") ) puts(colored.cyan("Source Database configuration")) conf.add_section("Source") conf.set("Source", "host", prompt.query("Ip address or Dns name: ")) conf.set("Source", "port", prompt.query("Port: ")) conf.set("Source", "connect_database", prompt.query("Connect Database: ", default="template1")) conf.set("Source", "user", prompt.query("Username: ")) pwd = getpass.getpass() conf.set("Source", "password", encrypt(pwd)) puts(colored.cyan("Destination Database configuration")) conf.add_section("Destination") conf.set("Destination", "host", prompt.query("Ip address or Dns name: ")) conf.set("Destination", "port", prompt.query("Port: ")) conf.set("Destination", "connect_database", prompt.query("Connect Database: ", default="template1")) conf.set("Destination", "user", prompt.query("Username: ")) pwd = getpass.getpass() conf.set("Destination", "password", encrypt(pwd)) save_config(os.path.expanduser(conf_filename))