Python os.environ.has_key() Examples
The following are 1
code examples of os.environ.has_key().
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Example #1
Source File: From rhsecapi with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def fpaste_it(inputdata, lang='text', author=None, password=None, private='no', expire=28, project=None, url=''): """Submit a new paste to fedora project pastebin.""" # Establish critical params params = { 'paste_data': inputdata, 'paste_lang': lang, 'api_submit': 'true', 'mode': 'json', 'paste_private': private, 'paste_expire': str(expire*24*60*60), } # Add optional params if password: params['paste_password'] = password if project: params['paste_project'] = project if author: # If author is too long, truncate if len(author) > 50: author = author[0:47] + "..." params['paste_user'] = author # Check size of what we're about to post and raise exception if too big # FIXME: Figure out how to do this in requests without wasteful call to urllib.urlencode() from urllib import urlencode p = urlencode(params) pasteSizeKiB = len(p)/1024.0 if pasteSizeKiB >= 512: raise ValueError("Fedora Pastebin client WARN: paste size ({0:.1f} KiB) too large (max size: 512 KiB)".format(pasteSizeKiB)) # Print status, then connect logger.log(25, "Fedora Pastebin client uploading {0:.1f} KiB...".format(pasteSizeKiB)) r =, params) r.raise_for_status() try: j = r.json() except: # If no json returned, we've hit some weird error from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile tmp = NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) print(r.content, file=tmp) tmp.flush() raise ValueError("Fedora Pastebin client ERROR: Didn't receive expected JSON response (saved to '{0}' for debugging)".format( # Error keys adapted from Jason Farrell's fpaste if j.has_key('error'): err = j['error'] if err == 'err_spamguard_php': raise ValueError("Fedora Pastebin server ERROR: Poster's IP rejected as malicious") elif err == 'err_spamguard_noflood': raise ValueError("Fedora Pastebin server ERROR: Poster's IP rejected as trying to flood") elif err == 'err_spamguard_stealth': raise ValueError("Fedora Pastebin server ERROR: Paste input triggered spam filter") elif err == 'err_spamguard_ipban': raise ValueError("Fedora Pastebin server ERROR: Poster's IP rejected as permanently banned") elif err == 'err_author_numeric': raise ValueError("Fedora Pastebin server ERROR: Poster's author should be alphanumeric") else: raise ValueError("Fedora Pastebin server ERROR: '{0}'".format(err)) # Put together URL with optional hash if requested pasteUrl = '{0}/{1}'.format(url, j['result']['id']) if 'yes' in private and j['result'].has_key('hash'): pasteUrl += '/{0}'.format(j['result']['hash']) return pasteUrl