Python statsmodels.tsa.stattools.adfuller() Examples
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code examples of statsmodels.tsa.stattools.adfuller().
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Example #1
Source File: From METU-BA4318-Spring2019 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def test_stationarity(timeseries): #Determing rolling statistics rolmean = pd.Series(timeseries).rolling(window=12).mean() rolstd = pd.Series(timeseries).rolling(window=12).std() #Plot rolling statistics: orig = plt.plot(timeseries, color='blue',label='Original') mean = plt.plot(rolmean, color='red', label='Rolling Mean') std = plt.plot(rolstd, color='black', label = 'Rolling Std') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.title('Rolling Mean & Standard Deviation') #Perform Dickey-Fuller test: print("Results of Dickey-Fuller Test:") array = np.asarray(timeseries, dtype='float') np.nan_to_num(array,copy=False) dftest = adfuller(array, autolag='AIC') dfoutput = pd.Series(dftest[0:4], index=['Test Statistic','p-value','#Lags Used','Number of Observations Used']) for key,value in dftest[4].items(): dfoutput['Critical Value (%s)'%key] = value print(dfoutput) # Load data
Example #2
Source File: From arauto with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def test_custom_difference(self, custom_transformation_size): self.d = custom_transformation_size[0] self.D = custom_transformation_size[1] self.transformed_time_series = self.original_timeseries.diff(self.d).diff(self.seasonality * self.D).dropna() self.dftest = adfuller(self.transformed_time_series, autolag='AIC') self.transformation_function = lambda x: x self.test_stationarity_code = ''' # Applying Augmented Dickey-Fuller test dftest = adfuller(df.diff({}).diff({}).dropna(), autolag='AIC') '''.format(self.d, self.D) self.label = 'Custom Difference' if self.dftest[0] < self.dftest[4]['1%'] else None return self.dftest, self.transformed_time_series, self.label, self.d, self.D, self.transformation_function, self.test_stationarity_code, self.seasonality
Example #3
Source File: From METU-BA4318-Spring2019 with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def test_stationarity(timeseries): #Determing rolling statistics rolmean = pd.Series(timeseries).rolling(window=12).mean() rolstd = pd.Series(timeseries).rolling(window=12).std() #Plot rolling statistics: orig = plt.plot(timeseries, color='blue',label='Original') mean = plt.plot(rolmean, color='red', label='Rolling Mean') std = plt.plot(rolstd, color='black', label = 'Rolling Std') plt.legend(loc='best') plt.title('Rolling Mean & Standard Deviation') #Perform Dickey-Fuller test: print("Results of Dickey-Fuller Test:") array = np.asarray(timeseries, dtype='float') np.nan_to_num(array,copy=False) dftest = adfuller(array, autolag='AIC') dfoutput = pd.Series(dftest[0:4], index=['Test Statistic','p-value','#Lags Used','Number of Observations Used']) for key,value in dftest[4].items(): dfoutput['Critical Value (%s)'%key] = value print(dfoutput) # Load data
Example #4
Source File: From arauto with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_seasonal_log_difference(self): ''' Run the Adfuller test on the original data with seasonal difference and log first difference Returns: dftest (tuple): a tuple containing the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test. Among other things, it contains the test statistics, the critical values, and p-values. Please refer to ( for further information transformed_time_series (pandas Series): the transformed time series if applied. label (str): if the adfuller result is statistical significant, a string is returned informing the transformation that was applied to the time series. This informations is only needed to inform on Matplotlib plots in test_stationarity function d (int): the amount of integrated terms used in this function/transformation. D (int): the amount of seasonal integrated terms used in this function/transformation. transformation_function (func): this module contains two distinct transformation functions: numpy.log and lambda x: x. This value informs what transformation function was used on the time series. If Logarithm was used, returns numpy.log, otherwise, returns a lambda function test_stationarity_code (str): the code that was used on this transformation. This is used in future to generate the code for the user on Arauto . seasonality (int): the amount of seasonality terms ''' self.transformed_time_series = np.log1p(self.original_timeseries).diff().diff(self.seasonality).dropna() self.dftest = adfuller(self.transformed_time_series, autolag='AIC') self.transformation_function = np.log1p self.test_stationarity_code = ''' # Applying Augmented Dickey-Fuller test df = np.log1p(df) dftest = adfuller(df.diff().diff({}).dropna(), autolag='AIC') '''.format(self.seasonality) self.label = 'Log Difference + Seasonal Difference' if self.dftest[0] < self.dftest[4]['1%'] else None self.d = 1 self.D = 1 return self.dftest, self.transformed_time_series, self.label, self.d, self.D, self.transformation_function, self.test_stationarity_code, self.seasonality
Example #5
Source File: From DevilYuan with MIT License | 5 votes |
def adfTest(s): """ ADF Test p值越大:随机漫步,可能是趋势 p值越小:均值回归 """ result = stattools.adfuller(s, 1) return result[1]
Example #6
Source File: From DevilYuan with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _adfTest(self, df): """ ADF Test p值越大:随机漫步,可能是趋势 p值越小:均值回归 """ df = df[-21:-1] result = stattools.adfuller(df['close'], 1) return result[1]
Example #7
Source File: From DevilYuan with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _adfTest(self, s): """ ADF Test p值越大:随机漫步,可能是趋势 p值越小:均值回归 """ result = stattools.adfuller(s, 1) return result[1]
Example #8
Source File: From pairstrade-fyp-2019 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_filename_without_ext(path): filename = os.path.basename(path) return os.path.splitext(filename)[0] # def compute_intercept_and_pvalue(p1, p2): # # log Y = intercept + log X + c # Y, X = pd.Series(np.log(p1)), pd.Series(np.log(p2)) # # returns (intercept, pvalue) # return (np.mean(Y - X), smts.adfuller(Y - X)[1])
Example #9
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def unitroot_adf(x, maxlag=None, trendorder=0, autolag='AIC', store=False): return adfuller(x, maxlag=maxlag, regression=trendorder, autolag=autolag, store=store, regresults=False) #TODO: I like the bunch pattern for this too.
Example #10
Source File: From Learn-Algorithmic-Trading---Fundamentals-of-Algorithmic-Trading with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_stationarity(timeseries): print('Results of Dickey-Fuller Test:') dftest = adfuller(timeseries[1:], autolag='AIC') dfoutput = pd.Series(dftest[0:4], index=['Test Statistic', 'p-value', '#Lags Used', 'Number of Observations Used']) print (dfoutput)
Example #11
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_adf_autolag(): #see issue #246 #this is mostly a unit test d2 = macrodata.load().data for k_trend, tr in enumerate(['nc', 'c', 'ct', 'ctt']): #[None:'nc', 0:'c', 1:'ct', 2:'ctt'] x = np.log(d2['realgdp']) xd = np.diff(x) #check exog adf3 = tsast.adfuller(x, maxlag=None, autolag='aic', regression=tr, store=True, regresults=True) st2 = adf3[-1] assert_equal(len(st2.autolag_results), 15 + 1) #+1 for lagged level for l, res in sorted(iteritems(st2.autolag_results))[:5]: lag = l-k_trend #assert correct design matrices in _autolag assert_equal(res.model.exog[-10:,k_trend], x[-11:-1]) assert_equal(res.model.exog[-1,k_trend+1:], xd[-lag:-1][::-1]) #min-ic lag of dfgls in Stata is also 2, or 9 for maic with notrend assert_equal(st2.usedlag, 2) #same result with lag fixed at usedlag of autolag adf2 = tsast.adfuller(x, maxlag=2, autolag=None, regression=tr) assert_almost_equal(adf3[:2], adf2[:2], decimal=12) tr = 'c' #check maxlag with autolag adf3 = tsast.adfuller(x, maxlag=5, autolag='aic', regression=tr, store=True, regresults=True) assert_equal(len(adf3[-1].autolag_results), 5 + 1) adf3 = tsast.adfuller(x, maxlag=0, autolag='aic', regression=tr, store=True, regresults=True) assert_equal(len(adf3[-1].autolag_results), 0 + 1)
Example #12
Source File: From arauto with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_seasonal_difference(self): ''' Run the Adfuller test on the original data with seasonal difference Returns: dftest (tuple): a tuple containing the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test. Among other things, it contains the test statistics, the critical values, and p-values. Please refer to ( for further information transformed_time_series (pandas Series): the transformed time series if applied. label (str): if the adfuller result is statistical significant, a string is returned informing the transformation that was applied to the time series. This informations is only needed to inform on Matplotlib plots in test_stationarity function d (int): the amount of integrated terms used in this function/transformation. D (int): the amount of seasonal integrated terms used in this function/transformation. transformation_function (func): this module contains two distinct transformation functions: numpy.log and lambda x: x. This value informs what transformation function was used on the time series. If Logarithm was used, returns numpy.log, otherwise, returns a lambda function test_stationarity_code (str): the code that was used on this transformation. This is used in future to generate the code for the user on Arauto . seasonality (int): the amount of seasonality terms ''' self.transformed_time_series = self.original_timeseries.diff(self.seasonality).dropna() self.dftest = adfuller(self.transformed_time_series, autolag='AIC') self.transformation_function = lambda x: x self.test_stationarity_code = ''' # Applying Augmented Dickey-Fuller test dftest = adfuller(df.diff({}).dropna(), autolag='AIC') '''.format(self.seasonality) self.label = 'Seasonality Difference' if self.dftest[0] < self.dftest[4]['1%'] else None self.d = 0 self.D = 1 return self.dftest, self.transformed_time_series, self.label, self.d, self.D, self.transformation_function, self.test_stationarity_code, self.seasonality
Example #13
Source File: From arauto with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_log_transformation(self): ''' Run the Adfuller test on the original data with log transformation Returns: dftest (tuple): a tuple containing the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test. Among other things, it contains the test statistics, the critical values, and p-values. Please refer to ( for further information transformed_time_series (pandas Series): the transformed time series if applied. label (str): if the adfuller result is statistical significant, a string is returned informing the transformation that was applied to the time series. This informations is only needed to inform on Matplotlib plots in test_stationarity function d (int): the amount of integrated terms used in this function/transformation. D (int): the amount of seasonal integrated terms used in this function/transformation. transformation_function (func): this module contains two distinct transformation functions: numpy.log and lambda x: x. This value informs what transformation function was used on the time series. If Logarithm was used, returns numpy.log, otherwise, returns a lambda function test_stationarity_code (str): the code that was used on this transformation. This is used in future to generate the code for the user on Arauto . seasonality (int): the amount of seasonality terms ''' self.transformed_time_series = np.log1p(self.original_timeseries) self.dftest = adfuller(self.transformed_time_series, autolag='AIC') self.transformation_function = np.log1p self.test_stationarity_code = ''' # Applying Augmented Dickey-Fuller test df = np.log1p(df) dftest = adfuller(np.log1p(df), autolag='AIC') ''' self.label = 'Log transformation' if self.dftest[0] < self.dftest[4]['1%'] else None self.d = 0 self.D = 0 return self.dftest, self.transformed_time_series, self.label, self.d, self.D, self.transformation_function, self.test_stationarity_code, self.seasonality
Example #14
Source File: From arauto with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_first_difference(self): ''' Run the Adfuller test on the original data with first difference Returns: dftest (tuple): a tuple containing the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test. Among other things, it contains the test statistics, the critical values, and p-values. Please refer to ( for further information transformed_time_series (pandas Series): the transformed time series if applied. label (str): if the adfuller result is statistical significant, a string is returned informing the transformation that was applied to the time series. This informations is only needed to inform on Matplotlib plots in test_stationarity function d (int): the amount of integrated terms used in this function/transformation. D (int): the amount of seasonal integrated terms used in this function/transformation. transformation_function (func): this module contains two distinct transformation functions: numpy.log and lambda x: x. This value informs what transformation function was used on the time series. If Logarithm was used, returns numpy.log, otherwise, returns a lambda function test_stationarity_code (str): the code that was used on this transformation. This is used in future to generate the code for the user on Arauto . seasonality (int): the amount of seasonality terms ''' self.transformed_time_series = self.original_timeseries.diff().dropna() self.dftest = adfuller(self.transformed_time_series, autolag='AIC') self.test_stationarity_code = ''' # Applying Augmented Dickey-Fuller test dftest = adfuller(df.diff().dropna(), autolag='AIC') ''' self.label = 'Difference' if self.dftest[0] < self.dftest[4]['1%'] else None self.d = 1 self.D = 0 return self.dftest, self.transformed_time_series, self.label, self.d, self.D, self.transformation_function, self.test_stationarity_code, self.seasonality
Example #15
Source File: From arauto with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_absolute_data(self): ''' Run the Adfuller test on the original data, without transformation Returns: dftest (tuple): a tuple containing the Augmented Dickey-Fuller test. Among other things, it contains the test statistics, the critical values, and p-values. Please refer to ( for further information transformed_time_series (pandas Series): the transformed time series if applied. For this function, it returns the original time series, since no transformations are applied. label (str): if the adfuller result is statistical significant, a string is returned informing the transformation that was applied to the time series. This informations is only needed to inform on Matplotlib plots in test_stationarity function d (int): the amount of integrated terms used in this function/transformation. For this function, no differencing is applied, since it returns the original time series D (int): the amount of seasonal integrated terms used in this function/transformation. For this function, no differencing is applied, since it returns the original time series transformation_function (func): this module contains two distinct transformation functions: numpy.log and lambda x: x. This value informs what transformation function was used on the time series. If Logarithm was used, returns numpy.log, otherwise, returns a lambda function test_stationarity_code (str): the code that was used on this transformation. This is used in future to generate the code for the user on Arauto . seasonality (int): the amount of seasonality terms ''' self.dftest = adfuller(self.original_timeseries, autolag='AIC') self.test_stationarity_code = ''' # Applying Augmented Dickey-Fuller test dftest = adfuller(df, autolag='AIC') ''' self.label = 'Absolute' if self.dftest[0] < self.dftest[4]['1%'] else None return self.dftest, self.transformed_time_series, self.label, self.d, self.D, self.transformation_function, self.test_stationarity_code, self.seasonality
Example #16
Source File: From DevilYuan with MIT License | 5 votes |
def adfTest(s): """ ADF Test p值越大:随机漫步,可能是趋势 p值越小:均值回归 """ result = stattools.adfuller(s, 1) return result[1]
Example #17
Source File: From DevilYuan with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _adfTest(self, df): """ ADF Test p值越大:随机漫步,可能是趋势 p值越小:均值回归 """ df = df[-21:-1] result = stattools.adfuller(df['close'], 1) return result[1]
Example #18
Source File: From DevilYuan with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _adfTest(self, s): """ ADF Test p值越大:随机漫步,可能是趋势 p值越小:均值回归 """ result = stattools.adfuller(s, 1) return result[1]
Example #19
Source File: From HN_SO_analysis with MIT License | 5 votes |
def diff_nonstationary(x, alpha): """Returns number of differentiations required to transform a non-stationary time series into a stationary one. If 0 (zero) is returned, there's no need to differentiate.""" """ PARAMETERS: 1) x - input time series 2) alpha - significance level """ i = 0 # no need to differentiate pvalue = adfuller(x, regression = ('ct' if stats.linregress( pd.Series(range(1, len(x)+1)), x ).pvalue<alpha else 'c') )[1] while pvalue>alpha: x = x.diff() pvalue = adfuller(x.dropna(), regression = 'c')[1] i += 1 if pvalue<=alpha: break return(int(i)) ### End of code
Example #20
Source File: From vnpy_crypto with MIT License | 5 votes |
def unitroot_adf(x, maxlag=None, trendorder=0, autolag='AIC', store=False): return adfuller(x, maxlag=maxlag, regression=trendorder, autolag=autolag, store=store, regresults=False) #TODO: I like the bunch pattern for this too.
Example #21
Source File: From finance_ml with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_opt_d(series, ds=None, lag=1, thres=1e-5, max_size=10000, p_thres=1e-2, autolag=None, verbose=1, **kwargs): """Find minimum value of degree of stationary differntial Params ------ series: pd.Series ds: array-like, default np.linspace(0, 1, 100) Search space of degree. lag: int, default 1 The lag scale when making differential like series.diff(lag) thres: float, default 1e-5 Threshold to determine fixed length window p_threds: float, default 1e-2 auto_lag: str, optional verbose: int, default 1 If 1 or 2, show the progress bar. 2 for notebook kwargs: paramters for ADF Returns ------- int, optimal degree """ if ds is None: ds = np.linspace(0, 1, 100) # Sort to ascending order ds = np.array(ds) sort_idx = np.argsort(ds) ds = ds[sort_idx] if verbose == 2: iter_ds = tqdm_notebook(ds) elif verbose == 1: iter_ds = tqdm(ds) else: iter_ds = ds opt_d = ds[-1] # Compute pval for each d for d in iter_ds: diff = frac_diff_FFD(series, d=d, thres=thres, max_size=max_size) pval = adfuller(diff.dropna().values, autolag=autolag, **kwargs)[1] if pval < p_thres: opt_d = d break return opt_d
Example #22
Source File: From pairstrade-fyp-2019 with MIT License | 4 votes |
def coint(df, intercept = True, sig_level = 0.01): """ Find pairs (of 2 time series) that passes the cointegration test. Parameters ---------- df: pandas dataframe each column is the time series of a certain stock intercept: boolean if True, OLS and ADF test are done manually if False, the coint() function from statsmodels.tsa.stattools, which does not include intercept term while doing OLS regression, is used. sig_level: if p_value of cointegration test is below this level, then we can reject the NULL hypothesis, which says that the two series are not cointegrated Return ------ A list of tuples of the form (name of stock 1, name of stock 2, p_value of cointegration test). """ cointegrated_pairs = [] stock_names = df.columns.values.tolist() N = len(stock_names) stock_pairs = list(itertools.combinations(stock_names, 2)) for pair in stock_pairs: stock_1, stock_2 = pair p_value = 0 if not intercept: p_value = smts.coint(df[stock_1].values.astype(float), df[stock_2].values.astype(float), trend='c')[1] else: Y = df[stock_1].values.astype(float) X = df[stock_2].values.astype(float) X = sm.add_constant(X) model = sm.OLS(Y, X) results = intercept, slope = results.params p_value = smts.adfuller(results.resid)[1] if p_value < sig_level and slope > 0: cointegrated_pairs.append(tuple([stock_1, stock_2, p_value])) return cointegrated_pairs