Python curses.KEY_RESIZE Examples
The following are 30
code examples of curses.KEY_RESIZE().
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Example #1
Source File: From keras-lambda with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testTerminalResize(self): ui = MockCursesUI( 40, 80, command_sequence=[string_to_codes("babble\n"), [curses.KEY_RESIZE, 100, 85], # Resize to [100, 85] self._EXIT]) ui.register_command_handler( "babble", self._babble, "babble some", prefix_aliases=["b"]) ui.run_ui() # The resize event should have caused a second screen output event. self.assertEqual(2, len(ui.unwrapped_outputs)) self.assertEqual(2, len(ui.wrapped_outputs)) self.assertEqual(2, len(ui.scroll_messages)) # The 1st and 2nd screen outputs should be identical (unwrapped). self.assertEqual(ui.unwrapped_outputs[0], ui.unwrapped_outputs[1]) # The 1st scroll info should contain scrolling, because the screen size # is less than the number of lines in the output. self.assertIn("Scroll (PgDn): 0.00%", ui.scroll_messages[0])
Example #2
Source File: From babi with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_key_debug(run): with run('--key-debug') as h: h.await_text(VERSION_STR, timeout=2) h.await_text('press q to quit')'a') h.await_text("'a' 'STRING'")'^X') h.await_text(r"'\x18' '^X'") with h.resize(width=20, height=20): h.await_text(f"{curses.KEY_RESIZE} 'KEY_RESIZE'")'q') h.await_exit()
Example #3
Source File: From babi with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _key_debug(stdscr: 'curses._CursesWindow', perf: Perf) -> int: screen = Screen(stdscr, ['<<key debug>>'], [0], perf) screen.file.buf = Buf(['']) while True: screen.status.update('press q to quit') screen.draw() screen.file.move_cursor(screen.stdscr, screen.margin) key = screen.get_char() screen.file.buf.insert(-1, f'{key.wch!r} {key.keyname.decode()!r}') screen.file.down(screen.margin) if key.wch == curses.KEY_RESIZE: screen.resize() if key.wch == 'q': return 0
Example #4
Source File: From flowcraft with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _curses_keybindings(self): c = self.screen.getch() # Provide scroll up/down with keys or mouse wheel if c == curses.KEY_UP: self._updown("up") elif c == curses.KEY_DOWN: self._updown("down") elif c == curses.KEY_LEFT: self._rightleft("left") elif c == curses.KEY_RIGHT: self._rightleft("right") # Trigger screen size update on resize elif c == curses.KEY_RESIZE: self.screen_lines = self.screen.getmaxyx()[0] # Exit interface when pressing q elif c == ord('q'): raise Exception
Example #5
Source File: From python-scripts with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def event_listener(scr, timeout): ''' Wait for curses events on screen ``scr`` at mot ``timeout`` ms return - 1 OK - 2 redraw - 0 error ''' try: scr.timeout(timeout) c = scr.getch() if c == -1: return 1 elif c == curses.KEY_MOUSE: return on_mouse() elif c == curses.KEY_RESIZE: return on_resize() else: return on_keyboard(scr, c) except _curses.error: return 0
Example #6
Source File: From python-scripts with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def event_listener(scr, timeout): ''' Wait for curses events on screen ``scr`` at mot ``timeout`` ms return - 1 OK - 2 redraw - 0 error ''' try: scr.timeout(timeout) c = scr.getch() if c == -1: return 1 elif c == curses.KEY_MOUSE: return on_mouse() elif c == curses.KEY_RESIZE: return on_resize() else: return on_keyboard(c) except _curses.error: return 0
Example #7
Source File: From ctop with MIT License | 6 votes |
def event_listener(scr, timeout): ''' Wait for curses events on screen ``scr`` at mot ``timeout`` ms return - 1 OK - 2 redraw - 0 error ''' try: scr.timeout(timeout) c = scr.getch() if c == -1: return 1 elif c == curses.KEY_MOUSE: return on_mouse() elif c == curses.KEY_RESIZE: return on_resize() else: return on_keyboard(c) except _curses.error: return 0
Example #8
Source File: From collection with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test1(): def main(scr): scr.border() while True: print('fuck') ch = scr.getch() if ch == ord('q'): break if ch == curses.KEY_RESIZE: y, x = scr.getmaxyx() print('resize %dx%d'%(x, y)) return 0 print('hello') nc.wrapper(main) print('end') return 0
Example #9
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def testTerminalResize(self): ui = MockCursesUI( 40, 80, command_sequence=[string_to_codes("babble\n"), [curses.KEY_RESIZE, 100, 85], # Resize to [100, 85] self._EXIT]) ui.register_command_handler( "babble", self._babble, "babble some", prefix_aliases=["b"]) ui.run_ui() # The resize event should have caused a second screen output event. self.assertEqual(2, len(ui.unwrapped_outputs)) self.assertEqual(2, len(ui.wrapped_outputs)) self.assertEqual(2, len(ui.scroll_messages)) # The 1st and 2nd screen outputs should be identical (unwrapped). self.assertEqual(ui.unwrapped_outputs[0], ui.unwrapped_outputs[1]) # The 1st scroll info should contain scrolling, because the screen size # is less than the number of lines in the output. self.assertIn("Scroll: 0.00%", ui.scroll_messages[0])
Example #10
Source File: From deep_image_model with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _screen_get_user_command(self): command = self._command_sequence[self._command_counter] self._command_key_counter = 0 for c in command: if c == curses.KEY_RESIZE: # Special case for simulating a terminal resize event in curses. self._height = command[1] self._width = command[2] self._on_textbox_keypress(c) self._command_counter += 1 return "" y = self._on_textbox_keypress(c) self._command_key_counter += 1 if y == curses_ui.CursesUI.CLI_TERMINATOR_KEY: break self._command_counter += 1 # Take into account pre-existing string automatically entered on textbox # creation. return self._curr_existing_command + codes_to_string(command)
Example #11
Source File: From wpm with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _get_key_py33(self): """Python 3.3+ implementation of get_key.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements try: # Curses in Python 3.3 handles unicode via get_wch key = self.window.get_wch() if isinstance(key, int): if key == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE: return "KEY_BACKSPACE" if key == curses.KEY_LEFT: return "KEY_LEFT" if key == curses.KEY_RIGHT: return "KEY_RIGHT" if key == curses.KEY_RESIZE: return "KEY_RESIZE" return None return key except curses.error: return None except KeyboardInterrupt: raise
Example #12
Source File: From rtv with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_terminal_text_input(terminal, stdscr, use_ascii): terminal.config['ascii'] = use_ascii stdscr.nlines = 1 # Text will be wrong because stdscr.inch() is not implemented # But we can at least tell if text was captured or not stdscr.getch.side_effect = [ord('h'), ord('i'), ord('!'), terminal.RETURN] assert isinstance(terminal.text_input(stdscr), six.text_type) stdscr.getch.side_effect = [ord('b'), ord('y'), ord('e'), terminal.ESCAPE] assert terminal.text_input(stdscr) is None stdscr.getch.side_effect = [ord('h'), curses.KEY_RESIZE, terminal.RETURN] assert terminal.text_input(stdscr, allow_resize=True) is not None stdscr.getch.side_effect = [ord('h'), curses.KEY_RESIZE, terminal.RETURN] assert terminal.text_input(stdscr, allow_resize=False) is None
Example #13
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def testTerminalResize(self): ui = MockCursesUI( 40, 80, command_sequence=[string_to_codes("babble\n"), [curses.KEY_RESIZE, 100, 85], # Resize to [100, 85] self._EXIT]) ui.register_command_handler( "babble", self._babble, "babble some", prefix_aliases=["b"]) ui.run_ui() # The resize event should have caused a second screen output event. self.assertEqual(2, len(ui.unwrapped_outputs)) self.assertEqual(2, len(ui.wrapped_outputs)) self.assertEqual(2, len(ui.scroll_messages)) # The 1st and 2nd screen outputs should be identical (unwrapped). self.assertEqual(ui.unwrapped_outputs[0], ui.unwrapped_outputs[1]) # The 1st scroll info should contain scrolling, because the screen size # is less than the number of lines in the output. self.assertIn("Scroll (PgDn): 0.00%", ui.scroll_messages[0])
Example #14
Source File: From OpenTrader with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def handle_keys(self): """Determine what method to call for each keypress. """ c = self.scr.getch() # Get a keystroke if c == curses.KEY_RESIZE: self.resize() return if 0 < c < 256: c = chr(c) # Digits are commands without a modifier try: found_digit = c.isdigit() except AttributeError: # Since .isdigit() doesn't exist if c > 256, we need to catch the # error for those keys. found_digit = False if found_digit and (len(self.modifier) > 0 or c not in self.keys): self.handle_modifier(c) elif c in self.keys: self.keys[c]() else: self.modifier = str()
Example #15
Source File: From wpm with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_key_py27(self): """Python 2.7 implementation of get_key.""" # pylint: disable=too-many-return-statements try: key = self.window.getkey() # Start of UTF-8 multi-byte character? if self.encoding == "utf-8" and ord(key[0]) & 0x80: multibyte = key[0] cont_bytes = ord(key[0]) << 1 while cont_bytes & 0x80: cont_bytes <<= 1 multibyte += self.window.getkey()[0] return multibyte.decode(self.encoding) if isinstance(key, int): if key == curses.KEY_BACKSPACE: return "KEY_BACKSPACE" if key == curses.KEY_LEFT: return "KEY_LEFT" if key == curses.KEY_RIGHT: return "KEY_RIGHT" if key == curses.KEY_RESIZE: return "KEY_RESIZE" return None return key.decode("ascii") except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except curses.error: return None
Example #16
Source File: From ci_edit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def executeCommandList(self, cmdList): for cmd, eventInfo in cmdList: self.doPreCommand() if cmd == curses.KEY_RESIZE: self.handleScreenResize(self.focusedWindow) continue self.focusedWindow.controller.doCommand(cmd, eventInfo) if cmd == curses.KEY_MOUSE: self.handleMouse(eventInfo) self.focusedWindow.controller.onChange()
Example #17
Source File: From ci_edit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def hackCursesFixes(): if sys.platform == u'darwin': def windowChangedHandler(signum, frame): curses.ungetch(curses.KEY_RESIZE) signal.signal(signal.SIGWINCH, windowChangedHandler) def wakeGetch(signum, frame): curses.ungetch(0) signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, wakeGetch)
Example #18
Source File: From babi with MIT License | 5 votes |
def resize(self, *, width, height): orig_width, orig_height = self.screen.width, self.screen.height self._ops.append(Resize(width, height)) self._ops.append(KeyPress(curses.KEY_RESIZE)) try: yield finally: self._ops.append(Resize(orig_width, orig_height)) self._ops.append(KeyPress(curses.KEY_RESIZE))
Example #19
Source File: From ci_edit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def resizeScreen(self, rows, cols): assert isinstance(rows, int) assert isinstance(cols, int) def setScreenSize(display, cmdIndex): self.cursesScreen.fakeDisplay.setScreenSize(rows, cols) return curses.KEY_RESIZE return setScreenSize
Example #20
Source File: From OpenTrader with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def setup_handlers(self): self.handlers = {'\n': self.close, curses.KEY_ENTER: self.close, 'q': self.close, curses.KEY_RESIZE: self.close, curses.KEY_DOWN: self.scroll_down, 'j': self.scroll_down, curses.KEY_UP: self.scroll_up, 'k': self.scroll_up, }
Example #21
Source File: From keras-lambda with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _screen_get_user_command(self): command = self._command_sequence[self._command_counter] self._command_key_counter = 0 for c in command: if c == curses.KEY_RESIZE: # Special case for simulating a terminal resize event in curses. self._height = command[1] self._width = command[2] self._on_textbox_keypress(c) self._command_counter += 1 return "" elif c == curses.KEY_MOUSE: mouse_x = command[1] mouse_y = command[2] self._command_counter += 1 self._textbox_curr_terminator = c return self._fetch_hyperlink_command(mouse_x, mouse_y) else: y = self._on_textbox_keypress(c) self._command_key_counter += 1 if y == curses_ui.CursesUI.CLI_TERMINATOR_KEY: break self._command_counter += 1 # Take into account pre-existing string automatically entered on textbox # creation. return self._curr_existing_command + codes_to_string(command)
Example #22
Source File: From asciimatics with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_event(self): """ Check for an event without waiting. """ # Spin through notifications until we find something we want. key = 0 while key != -1: # Get the next key key = self._screen.getch() if key == curses.KEY_RESIZE: # Handle screen resize self._re_sized = True elif key == curses.KEY_MOUSE: # Handle a mouse event _, x, y, _, bstate = curses.getmouse() buttons = 0 # Some Linux modes only report clicks, so check for any # button down or click events. if (bstate & curses.BUTTON1_PRESSED != 0 or bstate & curses.BUTTON1_CLICKED != 0): buttons |= MouseEvent.LEFT_CLICK if (bstate & curses.BUTTON3_PRESSED != 0 or bstate & curses.BUTTON3_CLICKED != 0): buttons |= MouseEvent.RIGHT_CLICK if bstate & curses.BUTTON1_DOUBLE_CLICKED != 0: buttons |= MouseEvent.DOUBLE_CLICK return MouseEvent(x, y, buttons) elif key != -1: # Handle any byte streams first logger.debug("Processing key: %x", key) if self._unicode_aware and key > 0: if key & 0xC0 == 0xC0: self._bytes_to_return = struct.pack(b"B", key) self._bytes_to_read = bin(key)[2:].index("0") - 1 logger.debug("Byte stream: %d bytes left", self._bytes_to_read) continue elif self._bytes_to_read > 0: self._bytes_to_return += struct.pack(b"B", key) self._bytes_to_read -= 1 if self._bytes_to_read > 0: continue else: key = ord(self._bytes_to_return.decode("utf-8")) # Handle a genuine key press. logger.debug("Returning key: %x", key) if key in self._KEY_MAP: return KeyboardEvent(self._KEY_MAP[key]) elif key != -1: return KeyboardEvent(key) return None
Example #23
Source File: From toot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def loop(self): while True: ch = self.window.getch() key = chr(ch).lower() if curses.ascii.isprint(ch) else None if key == 'q': break elif ch == curses.KEY_RESIZE: if self.resize_callback: self.resize_callback() self.full_redraw() self.hide()
Example #24
Source File: From EDCOP with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def set_up_handlers(self): self.complex_handlers = [] self.handlers = { curses.KEY_F1: self.h_display_help, "KEY_F(1)": self.h_display_help, "^O": self.h_display_help, "^L": self.h_display, curses.KEY_RESIZE: self._resize, }
Example #25
Source File: From with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): self.GOTO_PAGE = [ord('G')] self.GOTO = [ord('g')] self.NEXT_PAGE = [ord('j'), curses.KEY_DOWN, ord(' ')] self.PREV_PAGE = [ord('k'), curses.KEY_UP] self.GO_BACK = [ord('p')] self.NEXT_CHAP = [ord('l'), curses.KEY_RIGHT] self.PREV_CHAP = [ord('h'), curses.KEY_LEFT] self.BUFFER_CYCLE = [ord('b')] self.BUFFER_CYCLE_REV = [ord('B')] self.HINTS = [ord('f')] self.OPEN = [curses.KEY_ENTER, curses.KEY_RIGHT, 10] self.SHOW_TOC = [ord('t')] self.SHOW_META = [ord('M')] self.UPDATE_FROM_BIB = [ord('b')] self.SHOW_LINKS = [ord('f')] self.TOGGLE_TEXT_MODE = [ord('T')] self.ROTATE_CW = [ord('r')] self.ROTATE_CCW = [ord('R')] self.VISUAL_MODE = [ord('s')] self.SELECT = [ord('v')] self.YANK = [ord('y')] self.INSERT_NOTE = [ord('n')] self.APPEND_NOTE = [ord('a')] self.TOGGLE_AUTOCROP = [ord('c')] self.TOGGLE_ALPHA = [ord('A')] self.TOGGLE_INVERT = [ord('i')] self.TOGGLE_TINT = [ord('d')] self.SET_PAGE_LABEL = [ord('P')] self.SET_PAGE_ALT = [ord('I')] self.INC_FONT = [ord('=')] self.DEC_FONT = [ord('-')] self.OPEN_GUI = [ord('X')] self.REFRESH = [18, curses.KEY_RESIZE] # CTRL-R self.QUIT = [3, ord('q')] self.DEBUG = [ord('D')] # Kitty graphics functions
Example #26
Source File: From toot with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def loop(self): while True: ch = self.left.pad.getch() key = chr(ch).lower() if curses.ascii.isprint(ch) else None if key == 'q': return elif key == 'h': self.help_modal.loop() self.full_redraw() elif key == 'v': status = self.get_selected_status() if status:['url']) elif key == 'j' or ch == curses.KEY_DOWN: self.select_next() elif key == 'k' or ch == curses.KEY_UP: self.select_previous() elif key == 's': self.show_sensitive() elif key == 'b': self.toggle_reblog() elif key == 'f': self.toggle_favourite() elif key == 'c': self.compose() elif key == 'r': self.reply() elif ch == curses.KEY_RESIZE: self.on_resize()
Example #27
Source File: From HomePWN with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def set_up_handlers(self): self.complex_handlers = [] self.handlers = { curses.KEY_F1: self.h_display_help, "KEY_F(1)": self.h_display_help, "^O": self.h_display_help, "^L": self.h_display, curses.KEY_RESIZE: self._resize, }
Example #28
Source File: From TelegramTUI with MIT License | 5 votes |
def set_up_handlers(self): self.complex_handlers = [] self.handlers = { curses.KEY_F1: self.h_display_help, "KEY_F(1)": self.h_display_help, "^O": self.h_display_help, "^L": self.h_display, curses.KEY_RESIZE: self._resize, }
Example #29
Source File: From auto-alt-text-lambda-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _screen_get_user_command(self): command = self._command_sequence[self._command_counter] self._command_key_counter = 0 for c in command: if c == curses.KEY_RESIZE: # Special case for simulating a terminal resize event in curses. self._height = command[1] self._width = command[2] self._on_textbox_keypress(c) self._command_counter += 1 return "" elif c == curses.KEY_MOUSE: mouse_x = command[1] mouse_y = command[2] self._command_counter += 1 self._textbox_curr_terminator = c return self._fetch_hyperlink_command(mouse_x, mouse_y) else: y = self._on_textbox_keypress(c) self._command_key_counter += 1 if y == curses_ui.CursesUI.CLI_TERMINATOR_KEY: break self._command_counter += 1 # Take into account pre-existing string automatically entered on textbox # creation. return self._curr_existing_command + codes_to_string(command)
Example #30
Source File: From apple_bleee with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def set_up_handlers(self): self.complex_handlers = [] self.handlers = { curses.KEY_F1: self.h_display_help, "KEY_F(1)": self.h_display_help, "^O": self.h_display_help, "^L": self.h_display, curses.KEY_RESIZE: self._resize, }